WORSHIP SERVICE FOR March 7, 2021 You will have to press READ MORE to see the link

The service starts at about 7 minutes and 45 seconds into the video.

March 7, 2021—Worship 9:30 am
Lent 3
Deep in the changing sky: Called to deep wisdom

FOCUS:  In the patterns and glory of God’s creation, in God’s commandments and promises, and in the person of Jesus, we are called to obtain deep wisdom. God’s wisdom undermines our assumptions and takes us deeper than our efforts can lead us.

Prelude—Dawn Yoder Harms

Christ Candle Lighting—Jim Robb

Welcome and prayer—Jim Robb

Hymn—Morning Has Broken—VT 495                                                    

Scripture Reading—Psalm 19:1-4, 6-14                                                                                        

                                John 2:13-22                                                                                                  

Children’s Conversation—Megan Kohlman

Sermon—Source of Wisdom—Nathan Koontz

Hymn—God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens—VT 529

Prayers of God’s people—Jim Robb

Hymn—Come and Seek the Ways of Wisdom—VT 196

Benediction—Nathan Koontz

Postlude—Dawn Yoder Harms

Worship leader—Jim Robb

Musicians—Sara Dick, Esther Koontz, Matt Schloneger, Erich Boschmann, John Mark Koontz

Ushers—Cliff Dick, Dale Schrag

Audio visual—Ken Lamp

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Dawn Yoder Harms

Lent Visuals—Our Lenten Banners illustrate a progression created around the motif of the crown of thorns.  The series is about the contrasts, emotion, and movement of the Lenten season.  The artist, Anne Friesen Birky, lives in Denver, CO with her family and is the daughter of Duane and Elizabeth Friesen.

Thank you to Susie Swartley for hanging the banners and to Carol Buller for the centerpiece.