October 23, 2022 9:30 am
Prelude–Will Wiebe-Friesen–Two settings of I Sing the Mighty Power of God arr. by Innes and by La Plante
Christ Candle Lighting–Lois Preheim
Welcome and Prayer
*Hymn–Sing the Mighty Power of God–VT 182
Kin-dom Report–BCMC Task Group for Decolonization–Valetta Seymour
Children’s Conversation–Carol Flickinger
Scripture Reading–Joel 2:23-32; Luke 18:9-14–Roger Juhnke
Sermon–Open Minds and Humble Hearts–Todd Schlosser
*Hymn–God of the Bible–VT 420
Prayers of God’s People–Lois Preheim
*Hymn–Move in our Midst–VT 827
Benediction–Todd Schlosser
Postlude–Psalm XIX by. B. Marcello–Will Wiebe-Friesen
VT = Voices Together
* You are invited to stand
Audio visual—Ben Lichti
Pastors— Nathan Koontz, Todd Schlosser