March 13, 2022 Worship Service

March 13, 2022
From Fear to Compassion
Seeking God’s Ways

Prelude—A Suite of Passion (Wilbur Held)—1. Jesus, I Will Ponder Now—2. In the Cross of Christ I Glory—3. O Darkest WoeKaren Schlabaugh, organ

Introit–What Wondrous Love Is This (arr. Douglas Wagner)Chancel Bells; Verlene Garber, director

Christ Candle Lighting—Todd Schlosser

Call to Worship

Leader:  Together we seek the way of God.

People:  As disappointment oppresses and violence threatens,

Leader:  We come to ask: Whom shall we fear?

People:  We come to be reminded of God’s power and to be led more deeply into God’s love.

Leader:  We long to gather under the wings of Christ, as a mother hen,

All:  and to learn the holy way of compassion.

Lenten Prayer of Confession

Leader:  Holy One, we seek you while you may be found.

People:  We call upon you while you are near.

Leader:  Have mercy on us, O God, for our thoughts are not your thoughts and our ways are not your ways.

People:  Forgive us for living out of fear.  Help us to live out of compassion.

Leader:  As we walk with Christ on the Lenten journey, let us see your way more clearly

All:  and follow your way more faithfully.

*Hymn—I Sought the Lord—VT 161

Children’s Conversation—Glen Ediger

Worship Music—When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (arr. Kastner & McChesney)Chancel Bells

Kin-dom Report—Elizabeth Schmidt

Scripture Reading—Luke 13:31-35—Bill Swartley 

Sermon—Looking Into Fear, Seeing Compassion—Nathan Koontz

*Hymn—Mothering God, You Gave Me Birth—VT 426

Prayers of God’s People

*Hymn—The Lord Is My Light—VT 437

BenedictionNathan Koontz

Postlude—What Wondrous Love Is This (Manz)—Karen Schlabaugh

* You are invited to stand

VT = Voices Together

Audio visual—Francis Toews

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Todd Schlosser