Category Archives: Announcements

Announcements for April 16-23, 2023

April 16, 2023 -Second Sunday of Easter

Based on CDC Guidelines Harvey County is still in green status indicating
low risk for COVID. You are invited to choose whether you wear a mask or social distance.  Both are optional.

To livestream the worship service:
On Sunday morning, around 9:20, go to BCMC’s webpage at and click the green button labeled LIVE STREAM on the right side of the screen, which will take you to the worship service. If you get a message in the black box that the video is unavailable, click the gray box belows that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.   Anytime after the service concludes, you can watch a recording of the service at your convenience by clicking the same green LIVE STREAM button.  Again, you will probably have to go to the gray box that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.  That will transfer you to the BCMC YouTube Channel.  You will have to click on the tab “Videos” to see all of the BCMC videos. Click the red button to see the bulletin/order of service. 
OR – click on this link for this Sunday:

April 16, 2023
Second Sunday of Easter
Prelude—Crown Him with Many Crowns (arr. J. Westenkuehler)— Will Wiebe-Friesen
Christ Candle Lighting—George Leary
Welcome and Prayer
*Hymn—Now the Green Blade Rises—VT 353
Children’s Conversation—Tim Hodge
Anthem—Oh for a Thousand Tongues to Sing—Chancel Bells—Verlene Garber, Director; Mike Claassen, Trumpet; Will Wiebe-Friesen, Piano
Kin-dom Report—Ada Schmidt-Tieszen
*Hymn—Be Not Afraid—VT 356
Scripture Reading—John 20:19-31—Miriam Nofsinger
Sermon—Life In Jesus’ Name—Nathan Koontz
*Hymn of Response—The Risen Christ—VT 345
Prayers of God’s People

*Hymn—I Know That My Redeemer Lives (v. 1-5)—VT 347
Postlude—Jesus is a Rock in a Weary Land (Arnold)—Chancel Bells

* You are invited to stand
VT—Voices Together
Keyboard- Will Wiebe-Friesen
Audio visual— Francis Toews                                                                                                                                                       
YouTube Link:

This Week at BCMC:  April 16—23, 2023
Sun, Apr. 16, 2023—Second Sunday of Easter
9:30 am    Worship   YouTube Link for this Sunday is:
The church nursery is staffed during worship and Sunday School
10:30 am  Faith Formation—Intergenerational class meets in  Fellowship Hall;   High School – Room 24    Adult Classes:  Agape Class meets in the nursery; Bible Study (Rm 14); Catacombs (Rm B5) Topic for Sunday: “Mennonite Contribution to the Dutch Golden Age” by Lauren Friesen;  Fellowship (B7); Fine Arts (Rm 22); Issues and Christianity (Rm 23); Open Circle (Room 21)  Seekers (Rm 28)
4:30—6:30 p.m.  Faith Exploration Class in Room 28

Mon., Apr. 17, 2023
11 am   Staff meeting in Room 14
6 pm     Search Committee meeting in Room 14
Tue., Apr. 18, 2023
7 pm    Women’s Fellowship meeting in the Fellowship Hall
Wed., Apr. 19, 2023
7 pm    Senior High Youth Group
7:30 pm   Chancel Choir Rehearsal in the Sanctuary
Thurs., Apr. 20,  2023
4 pm     Witness Commission meeting in Room 14
6:30 pm  Chancel Bell rehearsal in Room B7
7 pm     Bethel College Women’s Association meeting in Fellowship Hall
Sun., Apr. 23, 2023—Creation Care Sunday
 9:30 am   Worship with sermon by Elizabeth Schmidt; music by Chancel Choir
10:30 am  Faith Formation
BCMC Women’s Fellowship meets Tuesday, April 18, in Fellowship Hall at 7 p.m. to enjoy a ‘piano duo’ followed by tea, sandwiches, scones, and shortbread. Use the south-east door.
BCMC Offering for April 9, 2023:  General Fund  $22,941.37; Wed. Supper $357; Caring Fund $2,034.06; Living Stones $200; Flower Fund $20; Kitchen Fund $22.
Roger  Neufeld Smith will return to Newton Wednesday morning, Apr. 19. Roger checks his phone messages and texts daily while in Topeka, so feel free to contact him via phone or email.
The church’s telephone issues have been resolved; 316-283-3667 is working.
Pastor Nathan Koontz will be on vacation from April 18-22. 


The Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus (KMMC) performs today, Sun., Apr. 16, 7 p.m. at the Richert Auditorium, Tabor College, Hillsboro, KS.   Their next performance will be Sun., Apr. 23, 7 p.m. at Memorial Hall, Bethel College, North Newton.   The KMMC is a large, all-volunteer male choir. In recent seasons membership has topped 300.  Their motto is “we sing that others may live.”   Offerings taken at KMMC concerts are donated to the Mennonite Central Committee.

Many Thanks!
Thanks to the youth group and the Proutys for leading and hosting the Easter Sunrise Service last Sunday. It was a beautiful service to match the beautiful morning.  Thanks to Judy Harder and the children and youth who made up Judy’s Company for wonderful reenactments of both the Palm Sunday Parade and the Easter morning meeting of disciples after the women’s visit to the tomb. Those reenactments help us realize what it must have been like for the disciples and what it could be like for us to follow Jesus today. 
Thanks to all of the musicians who made our Easter Sunday service so gloriously joyful!

Offertory at BCMC
As a way of acknowledging our offertory during our Sunday morning worship, starting this second Sunday of Easter, the ushers will bring up the offertory trays to the communion table during the Hymn of Response.  Then, as we have already been doing, the worship leader will give thanks for the offering during the Prayers of God’s People.   The offering trays are located in the back of the sanctuary on the tables near the ushers.  You are invited to place your offering into the tray as you enter the sanctuary.  If you happen to forget, offering trays will also be present at the end of the service in the same location.  Thank you for your monetary contributions and all the many other ways that you contribute to the life and ministries of BCMC.  

With 25% of the year gone, we have raised about 20% of the church’s budget.  Our deficit for the year is about $18,000; March deficit was about $1700, so we are moving in the right direction.  Our challenge for April is to break even or to have a surplus.  Thank you for your effort!  —Finance Committee

The next congregational meeting will be Sun., May 7, 10:45 a.m. during the Sunday School hour. Meeting will be in the sanctuary and made available live on YouTube only while the meeting is in progress; it will not be recorded.  Votes from remote viewers can be texted to a number available in the May 7 bulletin and announced at the beginning of the meeting.  Agenda items include approval of new commission, committee, and board members; updates from the Search Committee and Credence Report Task Group; and reports from several task groups and staff. 

Prayer RequestPlease remember in prayer Bernice Esau.  Bernice Esau is receiving care at Newton Medical Center after a fall.  

From the Board:
Congregational Meeting
The next congregational meeting will take place on Sunday, May 7, at 10:45 during the Sunday School hour.  The meeting will be held in the sanctuary and made available live on YouTube only while the meeting is in progress; it will not be recorded.  Votes from remote viewers can be texted to a number available in the May 7 bulletin and announced at the beginning of the meeting.  Agenda items will include approval of new commission, committee, and board members; updates from the Search Committee and Credence Report Task Group; and reports from several task groups and staff. 

Progress with Pastoral Search
At its April 6 meeting, the BCMC Board approved the Congregational Information Form completed by the Search Committee and the job description for the new pastoral position.  The Search Committee is now sending these two documents to Western District Conference for official announcement and advertisement of our open pastoral position.   
The job description is for a full-time Co-Pastor.  The overview from the job description follows:

Primary areas of emphasis will be worship, facilitating the teamwork of pastors and staff, work with board and commissions/committees, and participating with other pastors and staff in the caregiving team.  Within the context of a flexible pastoral and staff team, additional emphases can be determined by the pastoral team in conversation with the church board, Staff Congregation Relations Committee, and other groups as appropriate.  Depending upon the gifts and interests of the candidate, the following areas of emphasis may be included:  pastoral care  or other caregiving within the congregation, youth ministry, spiritual and faith formation, and community work for social justice.  This position is accountable to the BCMC Church Board.  The Staff Congregation Relations Committee will provide support, counsel, and feedback.

The following offered input or feedback concerning the job description: the Staff Congregation Relations Committee, Search Committee, board, pastors, Kathy Neufeld Dunn (Western District Conference staff), and several experienced congregation members.  Both Search Committee and Board appreciated the congregational input from the congregational priorities survey.  Thanks to all who participated in this process; we ask for the congregation’s ongoing support.

Women’s Fellowship
BCMC Women’s Fellowship meets Tuesday, April 18, in Fellowship Hall at 7:00 pm to enjoy a ‘piano duo’ followed by tea, sandwiches, scones, and shortbread. Use the south-east door.

Vacation Bible School
BCMC will be hosting the community Vacation Bible School this year.  VBS will be held May 30-June 2 with a joint worship service on the Bethel College Lawn at 10:00 am on June 4.  A QR code and link for Registration will be available starting April 30.  We are looking for volunteers!  If you feel called to volunteer for the week please fill out the bulletin insert (which will be in the bulletin this coming Sunday) and put it in either Jill Robb or Mary Ellen Hodge’s box, or send either of us an email.  Youth older than 5th grade who would like to volunteer will be paired with an adult. We would love to plug you in!

The BCMC Camp Mennoscah Retreat is just around the corner! This year’s retreat will be the weekend of April 29 & 30, and will feature many of the favorites of retreats past! We will gather this year again with Halstead First Mennonite for a couple of days playing in the sand, worshipping, and in fellowship at Camp Mennoscah – located on the Ninnescah river near Murdock, KS. People can come out on Saturday (after 1), Sunday (anytime, but worship will likely be around 9:30 AM), or both – and meals will be served! We’ll have a hayrack ride, pop popcorn, and have some great experiences for all ages! If you’re interested in participating, please use the following link to sign up: if you have any questions about the retreat or schedule, please reach out to Adam Robb at or via phone at 620-747-0185. No worship will take place in the BCMC Sanctuary on Sunday, April 30, so we hope to see you there!

The Library Theme till the end of May is Women’s History. The Committee has pulled a few of the books available from our collection and is displaying them in back of the library desk or against the south wall in the children’s section. Come check us out and be on the look out for a reading contest arriving in May!!

Life Enrichment for April 20—Krehbiel Auditorium
9:30 a.m.  “Celebrating 25 Years of Sand Creek Trail at Bethel College,” Sand Creek Trail Committee members
10:50 a.m. “Substantive Subjects, Sports Surprises, and Silly Shenanigans:
The History and Traditions of Bethel College,” Dale Schrag, retired Bethel College director of church relations, North Newton

Bethel College Announcements:
· Sun., Apr. 16 – KIPCOR Film Series presents Thirst for Justice, 2 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium. Documentary looks at three citizen groups fighting for clean water, in the Navajo Nation, Flint, MI., and Standing Rock. Audience talkback follows the film. Free and open to the public, with freewill offering taken to support KIPCOR and the film series.
· Sun., Apr. 16 – Senior recital by Bethel College student Julianna Schrag, voice, 4 p.m., Administration Building Chapel
· Sun., Apr. 16 – Junior recital by Bethel College student Phillip Balzer, piano, 7 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium.
· Mon., Apr. 17 – Rachel Stroer, president of The Land Institute, Salina, speaks on “Leading a Global Movement for Diverse Perennial Grain Futures,” 7 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium.  Stroer will also speak in convocation at 11 a.m. (Krehbiel Auditorium) and at 2 p.m. in the Conservation Biology class (Krehbiel Science Center #121). Sponsored by the Bethel College Women’s Association and supported by BCWA’s Carolyn Schultz Lecture Endowment.
· Sun., Apr. 23 – Junior recital by Bethel College student Josie Epp, piano, 4       p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium
· Weds., Apr. 26 – Bethel College Wind Ensemble concert, directed by Joel Boettger, 7 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium
· Sun., Apr. 30 – Masterworks concert at Bethel College, 4 p.m. (NOTE TIME CHANGE), featuring the Bethel College Oratorio Chorus, orchestra and soloists, performing Mozart Krönungsmesse (“Coronation Mass”) and Beethoven Fantasia, Op. 80 (“Choral Fantasy”); Memorial Hall

 Hesston College Announcements

April 20 – Music Department Recitals

The Performing Arts department at Hesston College will present student recitals on April 20 at noon. This recital will feature vocal students Hadassa Friesen Pauls, Luke Huyard, Anna-Joy Jones, Jesse Kanagy, Daniel Miller and Desirae Rodriguez. Join in person at Hesston Mennonite Church or watch the live stream at

April 20 to 21 – Flora Kansas Spring Native Plant Days

Come find plants at affordable prices and enjoy supporting the mission of Dyck Arboretum. Hundreds of varieties of plants will be available, many locally grown. Knowledgeable staff and volunteers will be on hand to answer questions and give suggestions. April 20 will be open to members only and the 21st will be open to everyone. Learn more at

April 27 to 30 – Theatre for Young Audiences: Tomato Plant Girl

Theatre lovers of all ages will love Tomato Plant Girl. It is a powerful exploration of friendship between Little Girl, Bossy Best Friend and the messy Tomato Plant Girl. This production will delight young audiences with its physical action and playful, high-energy conflict. Highlighting the issues of bullying and acceptance of others, this play challenges the character of Little Girl to bravely discover the power of making up her own rules and leading with kindness. Learn more at

All Western District Conference women are invited to join a virtual event sponsored by Western District Women in Mission Tues., Apr. 25. Jenny Gehman, spiritual director, retreat speaker, and writer, will present “Holy Host: the Hospitality of God.” Join in person or virtually.  In-person gathering will be at First Mennonite Church, Newton, beginning with a salad potluck at 6 p.m.,  followed by Jenny joining virtually from Pennsylvania at 6:45 p.m. There is no cost to this event, but please register by April 23 by emailing so you can receive a Zoom link if joining virtually.  Please email your RSVP if attending in person and bring a salad to share.  More information, contact Wendy Schrag at 316-841-5245. 

Everence® will hold an informative Social Security and retirement income workshop Thurs., Apr. 20, 6:30 p.m., an in-person workshop at the Everence office, 3179 N. Main St. Suite 1B, North Newton, about Social Security strategies, including when to begin taking benefits, risks that can impact your retirement savings plus strategies to help your income last throughout retirement.  Information will be presented by staff from the Everence offices in Central Kansas.  To register contact Everence at or 316-283-3800, or 877-467-7294.

Youth ages 12 to 17 are invited to be a Junior Volunteer at Kidron Bethel Village in North Newton or Schowalter Villa in Hesston June 1 through July 28. Junior Volunteers help facilitate activities with residents in health care and/or assisted living, including playing games, reading, going on walks and more. An application is required and must be submitted by May 10. Spaces are limited. Proof of complete COVID-19 vaccination series required. For application, contact 620-327-4821 or

Bethel College senior Taylor Dashney has organized a donation drive to benefit the International Rescue Committee (IRC), which works to restore health, safety, education, economic wellbeing and power to people devastated by conflict and disaster (see for more information or to make a financial contribution). Taylor is looking for NEW kitchenware, bathroom items and other small necessities (socks, towels, laundry supplies). These can be dropped at Thresher Shop in Schultz Student Center on the Bethel campus Mon.-Fri., Apr. 17-21, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., or email Taylor

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements 

Camp Mennoscah has been offered a gift of $100,000 dollars.. The money comes to Camp as a matching gift. We have been invited to raise money that will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $100,000.
In response to this generous gift, Camp Mennoscah has launched the M&M Project! M&M stands for Mission and Maintenance. We know you will want to be in on this opportunity to continue our Mission at Camp – to be a place where all can renew themselves, their relationships, and their connection with God through Jesus Christ. Here’s how that can happen!
We are planning two major ways for people to give to the M&M project. First, we would ask churches who are supporters of Camp Mennoscah to put together a fundraising event this year that would specifically benefit the M&M Project. And, the second way Camp Mennoscah would like to raise money for the M&M project is through monthly pledges. We would like to see 100 “giving units” give $1000 each by the end of 2023.  A “giving unit” – we’ll call them “Fire Keepers” – could be any individual or group who would pledge money to make sure this generous gift is honored by matching the funds.
For more information, check out the Camp Mennoscah Website, or contact Tammy at the addresses below
Tammy Duvanel Unruh
Development Director, Camp Mennoscah
316-207-3472 or
Camp Mennoscah
PO Box 65    Murdock, KS  67114620-297-3290


Camp Mennoscah is looking for counselors for the 2023 summer youth camps.  Click here to fill out the informational survey!  Counselors must be at least 17 years old and 5 years older than the campers.  Weekly program directors will contact people, as needed. If you have questions, contact Camp Mennoscah at or call 620-297-3290.

Other events and happenings:

  • Nurses needed for the weeks of June 18-23, Junior I Camp, and July 9-14, Junior High II Camp.  As a nurse, you are a vital part of camp life.  Your work to keep everyone healthy and well means campers and staff are ready to play and learn during their time at camp.  Nurses must be a registered nurse (RN).  A head cook(s) is needed for PreJunior II, June 25-29.  The head cook is in charge of leading kitchen staff in the preparation of meals and snacks that keep campers energetic, smiling, and ready to enjoy the full camp days.  Camp Mennoscah can provide a menu, if wanted, and will order groceries and get kitchen staff.  Head cooks and nurses receive either a stipend or a camper discount up to full camp fees.  Contact us at or 620-297-3290. 
  • Do you drink coffee that comes in a large tin can?  Camp Mennoscah is looking for lids that fit on a #10 can for a sorting and storage project.  We’ll take just the lids or the lids and cans.  Contact us at or call 620-297-3290.
  • Kitchen helpers and volunteers are needed for the weeks of June 25-29, July 9-14, and July 16-21.  You keep camp running by helping prepare meals in the kitchen and working on maintenance projects or custodial tasks.  Your work creates an enjoyable environment for campers to have fun and learn about God.  Contact Camp Mennoscah at or 620-297-3290 to sign up!
  • Some families have asked how this summer will look.  Summer youth camps will be very similar to pre-2020 with cabin use.  If we do not have enough counselors, as happened in 2022, we would likely use a tent to allow more campers to attend.  A nurse is still working on some of the protocols, but quarantine or close contact groups will not be used.  Based on the final protocol/guidelines, general illness may mean the camper would go home sooner than in past years.  Camp Mennoscah does not expect to test for COVID.  Parents/Guardians would be responsible for any testing. 
  • Scholarship funds for campers are needed.  If Camp Mennoscah gives the same amount in scholarships as last year, the account will be depleted.  Donations to the Scholarship Fund are most welcome.  Gifts can be made online or sent to Camp Mennoscah, PO Box 65, Murdock, KS, 67111 with “Scholarship Fund” in the memo.  Share the gift of faith formation and friends with others!
  • Click to register Summer youth camp registration is open and Camp Mennoscah is receiving registrations.  The summer theme is FruitFULL Faith.  Get ready to learn and sing about the Fruit of the Spirit this summer–it’s not a coconut!

For Mennonite World Conference press here
For Anabaptist Disabilities Network press here
For Anabaptist Disabilities Network Opening Doors: Lessons Learned Blog press here
For Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond press here

Anabaptism at 500 and the Anabaptist Community Bible
The five hundredth anniversary of Anabaptism in 2025 gives the church a unique opportunity to celebrate and dream. To celebrate all the ways God has been faithful, and to dream about how we can mend what’s been broken. Join this special event Saturday, April 29 at 7pm at Whitestone Mennonite Church in Hesston, KS. John D. Roth, project director, and Mitch Stutzman, director of development and partner engagement will talk about the Anabaptism at 500 project and share the vision behind the Anabaptist Community Bible. The event will include an update on the status of the project and a time for questions and conversation.

Mennonite Church USA Announcements

The Mennonite Church USA Executive Board and MC USA’s Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference signed an amicus brief in support of Apache Stronghold and the protection of Oak Flat, a sacred site of Native American religious exercise in the Tonto National Forest in Arizona. Read more here:

Interested in volunteering at MennoCon23, Kansas City, Mo., July 3-6? Mennonite Church USA is seeking volunteers for special events, children’s and junior youth programming, and more! Fill out a form here:

Menno SnapshotsWhen Sue Park-Hur, director of racial/ethnic engagement for Mennonite Church USA, was invited by MennoMedia’s Leader magazine to write about intercultural churches, she knew right away that this should be in a conversational format with other Mennonite leaders who are committed to living out the vision of the church becoming intercultural. Sue invited Iris de León-Hartshorn, associate executive director of operations for Mennonite Church USA, and Tina Schlabach, moderator of Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference and co-pastor of Shalom Mennonite Fellowship in Tucson, Arizona, for a lively conversation. Read more here:

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for Martine Audéoud, who is currently teaching a 10-day seminar for doctoral students in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast). Pray for her and her students as they contextualize the biblical message to the African context and present their academic work to God as an act of worship.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for WDC congregations seeking faithful ways to care for God’s creation and practice environmental stewardship.

Announcements for April 9-16, 2023

April 9, 2023 – Easter Sunday – Fully Alive in Christ

Based on CDC Guidelines Harvey County is still in green status indicating
low risk for COVID. You are invited to choose whether you wear a mask or social distance.  Both are optional.

To livestream the worship service:
On Sunday morning, around 9:20, go to BCMC’s webpage at and click the green button labeled LIVE STREAM on the right side of the screen, which will take you to the worship service. If you get a message in the black box that the video is unavailable, click the gray box belows that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.   Anytime after the service concludes, you can watch a recording of the service at your convenience by clicking the same green LIVE STREAM button.  Again, you will probably have to go to the gray box that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.  That will transfer you to the BCMC YouTube Channel.  You will have to click on the tab “Videos” to see all of the BCMC videos. Click the red button to see the bulletin/order of service. 
OR – click on this link for this Sunday:

April 9, 2023
Prelude— Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain (arr. Fedak); Were You There? (arr. Bish) 
Christ the Lord is Risen Today (arr. Payne)—Will Wiebe-Friesen
Anthem—The Lord Is Risen Indeed! (Billings)—Chancel Choir; Riley King, director; Will Wiebe-Friesen, accompanist
Easter Declaration and Response— Leader: Christ is risen!
People: Christ is risen indeed!
Christ Candle Lighting—Nathan Koontz
Anthem—Praise to the Lord, the Almighty—(VT 88) (Congregation sing in unison on verse 4)
Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me adore Him!
All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before Him!
Let the Amen Sound from His people again;
Gladly for aye we adore Him.
Easter Prayer—Nathan Koontz
*Hymn—This Joyful Eastertide—VT 352
Easter Morning
Was It a Morning Like This? — Bethany Schrag
“Later that same day….”— Judy Harder and Company
Be Not Afraid (VT 356)
              (Congregation join 3rdand 4th time through)
*Hymn—Thine is the Glory—(last verse in unison)—VT 355
Scripture Reading—Matthew 28:1-10—Abby, Naomi and Jennifer Koontz
Sermon—Where We Live—Roger Neufeld Smith
*Hymn—Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Sing—VT 359
Prayers of God’s People
*Hymn—Christ the Lord is Risen Today—VT 346—(Congregation sing parts verses 1-3; unison verse 4)
*Benediction—VT 1052
Postlude— In Thee is Gladness (arr. Portman)—Will Wiebe-Friesen
* You are invited to stand
VT = Voices Together
Keyboard- Will Wiebe-Friesen
Audio visual— Ben Lichti
Was It a Morning Like This?—lyrics and music by Jim Croegaert

This Week at BCMC:  April 9—16, 2023
Sun, Apr. 9, 2023—Easter Sunday—Fully Alive in Christ
10 am    Worship   YouTube Link for this Sunday is:
The church nursery is staffed during worship and Sunday School—There is no Sunday school this Easter Sunday
Mon., Apr. 10, 2023
9 am     Women’s Fellowship Executive Board meeting in Fellowship Hall
11 am   Staff meeting in Room 14
7:15 pm     Community Playschool Board meeting in Fellowship Hall
Wed., Apr. 12, 2023
6 pm    Indigenous Justice Group meeting in Room 14
7 pm    Senior High Youth Group
7:30 pm   Chancel Choir Rehearsal in the Sanctuary
Thurs., Apr. 13,  2023
4 pm        Creation Care Committee meeting in Room 21
6:30 pm  Chancel Bell rehearsal in Room B7
7 pm        Finance Committee meeting in Room 14
Sun., Apr. 16, 2023
 9:30 am   Worship with sermon by Nathan Koontz; music by Chancel Bells

Women’s Fellowship Executive Board meets April 10 at 9:00 am in Fellowship Hall.
The Deacon Commission invites you to donate to our Caring Fund budget, which has been depleted due to needs in our community. A fishbowl will be available for you in the back of the sanctuary. Thank you for your continued  support.  –  The Deacon Commission
BCMC Offering for April 2, 2023
:  General Fund  $6,308.34; Wed. Supper $253; Caring Fund $730; Library Reserve Fund $10; Living Stones $183.34; Flower Fund $20.
Roger’s Whereabouts – Roger will be in Newton until Monday at noon (tomorrow).  He will return to Newton on Wednesday morning, April 19. Roger checks his phone messages and texts daily while he is in Topeka, so feel free to contact him via phone or email.
The church is having telephone issues.  The church’s main number—316-283-3667 will not send or receive calls.  We are working to get this issue resolved.  In the meantime, you can reach the church by phone by using the number316-283-3668.  You can also email the church office.
 The Library Theme till the end of May is Women’s History. The Committee has pulled a few of the books available from our collection and is displaying them in back of the library desk or against the south wall in the children’s section. Come check us out and be on the look out for a reading contest arriving in May!!

The annual meeting of the Community Playschool Corporation will be Mon., Apr. 10, 7:15 p.m.  in the BCMC Fellowship Hall. Interested members of the congregations supporting Community Playschool are invited to attend. Entrance to the building will be at the south side of the church and make your way to the lower level of the church by stairs or elevator. 

The BCMC Camp Mennoscah Retreat is just around the corner! This year’s retreat will be the weekend of April 29 & 30, and will feature many of the favorites of retreats past! We will gather this year again with Halstead First Mennonite for a couple of days playing in the sand, worshipping, and in fellowship at Camp Mennoscah – located on the Ninnescah river near Murdock, KS. People can come out on Saturday (after 1), Sunday (anytime, but worship will likely be around 9:30 AM), or both – and meals will be served! We’ll have a hayrack ride, pop popcorn, and have some great experiences for all ages! If you’re interested in participating, please use the following link to sign up: And if you have any questions about the retreat or schedule, please reach out to Adam Robb at or via phone at 620-747-0185. No worship will take place in the BCMC Sanctuary on Sunday, April 30, so we hope to see you there!

Singers wanted: Bethel College’s annual Masterworks concert will be Sunday, April 30, with choir and orchestra under the direction of Dr. Henry Waters performing Beethoven “Choral Fantasy” and Mozart “Coronation Mass.” The community is invited to participate. Practices begin Tuesday, April 4, 6-8 p.m. in the choir room in Luyken Fine Arts Center on the Bethel campus, and take place the other Tuesdays in April (11, 18, 25), with a four-hour rehearsal Sat., April 29 (3-7 p.m.; dinner provided), and performance at 4 p.m. on Sunday, with a call time of 3 p.m. Scores and rehearsal tracks will be provided. Sign up using this form: or come to the first rehearsal on April 4.

Life Enrichment for April 13—Krehbiel Auditorium
9:30 “My Walk Through the Holy Land: Where Jesus Lived While on Earth,  Father Andrew Bergkamp, pastor, St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Newton
10:50 “Connections Between Mennonites and the Stutthof Concentration Camp,” Mark Jantzen, Ph.D., Bethel College professor of history
Bethel College Announcements:
· Thurs., April 13 – Closing reception for Ian Huebert and “Printing the Plains,” 6-8 p.m., Regier Gallery in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel College. Exhibit closes Fri., April 14. Gallery hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays.
· Sat., Apr. 15 – Joint junior recital by Bethel College students Angelika Donaldson, voice, and Eli Regier, saxophone, 7 p.m., Ad Building Chapel 
· Sun., Apr. 16 – KIPCOR Film Series presents Thirst for Justice, 2 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium. Documentary looks at three citizen groups fighting for clean water, in the Navajo Nation, Flint, MI., and Standing Rock. Audience talkback follows the film. Free and open to the public, with freewill offering taken to support KIPCOR and the film series.
· Sun., Apr. 16 – Senior recital by Bethel College student Julianna Schrag, voice, 4 p.m., Administration Building Chapel
· Sun., Apr. 16 – Junior recital by Bethel College student Phillip Balzer, piano, 7 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium.
· Mon., Apr. 17 – Rachel Stroer, president of The Land Institute, Salina, speaks on “Leading a Global Movement for Diverse Perennial Grain Futures,” 7 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium.  Stroer will also speak in convocation at 11 a.m. (Krehbiel Auditorium) and at 2 p.m. in the Conservation Biology class (Krehbiel Science Center #121). Sponsored by the Bethel College Women’s Association and supported by BCWA’s Carolyn Schultz Lecture Endowment.
· Sun., April 30 – Masterworks concert at Bethel College, 4 p.m. (NOTE TIME CHANGE), featuring the Bethel College Oratorio Chorus, orchestra and soloists, performing Mozart Krönungsmesse (“Coronation Mass”) and Beethoven Fantasia, Op. 80 (“Choral Fantasy”); Memorial Hall

All Western District Conference women are invited to join a virtual event sponsored by Western District Women in Mission Tues., Apr. 25. Jenny Gehman, spiritual director, retreat speaker, and writer, will present “Holy Host: the Hospitality of God.” Join us in person or virtually. Our in-person gathering will be at First Mennonite Church in Newton, beginning with a salad potluck at 6 p.m.,  followed by Jenny joining virtually from Pennsylvania at 6:45 p.m. There is no cost to this event, but please register by April 23 by emailing so you can receive a Zoom link if joining virtually. Please email your RSVP if attending in person and bring a salad to share. Church groups can consider gathering together to watch the Zoom. For more information, contact Wendy Schrag at 316-841-5245. 

Everence® April workshop: Social Security and retirement income
Everence® will hold an informative Social Security and retirement income workshop on Thursday, April 20, starting at 6:30 p.m. Specifics will include, Social Security strategies, including when to begin taking benefits, risks that can impact your retirement savings plus strategies to help your income last throughout retirement. There will also be plenty of time for questions. The in-person workshop will take place at the Everence office: 3179 N. Main St. Suite 1B, North Newton.  Information will be presented by staff from the Everence offices in Central Kansas.
To register contact Everence at 316-283-3800, 877-467-7294 or
Securities offered through Concourse Financial Group Securities, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. Investments and other products are not NCUA or otherwise federally insured, may involve loss of principal and have no credit union guarantee. 
Products and services offered through Everence Trust Company and other Everence entities are independent of and are not guaran­teed or endorsed by Concourse Financial Group Securities, or its affiliates.

An April Dialogue
For Roots of Justice Stolen Land Stolen People Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery press here


For Mennonite Central Committee In Touch press here
Creation Care Network – Oak Flat Decision press here

Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond press here
Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!
For Mennonite Men press here
For Mennonite Education Agency A Journey of Many Steps press here

Camp Mennoscah Announcements

Camp Mennoscah is preparing for summer heat with portable A/C units in the Retreat Center, since the HVAC system is not working.  On April 22, beginning at 8:30am, volunteers are needed to help installing the A/C units.  There are 26 units that need to be installed, so many hands are needed!  Camp will provide lunch.  Bring a water bottle and meet at the Retreat Center.  If you let us know you are coming, we can be better prepared for lunch.  Call or text 316-293-7313.  

Other events and happenings:

  • Nurses needed for the weeks of June 18-23, Junior I Camp, and July 9-14, Junior High II Camp.  As a nurse, you are a vital part of camp life.  Your work to keep everyone healthy and well means campers and staff are ready to play and learn during their time at camp.  Nurses must be a registered nurse (RN).  Head cooks needed for PreJunior I, June 11-15, and PreJunior II, June 25-29.  The head cook is in charge of leading kitchen staff in the preparation of meals and snacks that keep campers energetic, smiling, and ready to enjoy the full camp days.  Camp Mennoscah can provide a menu, if wanted, and will order groceries and get kitchen staff.  Head cooks and nurses receive either a stipend or a camper discount up to full camp fees.  Contact us at or 620-297-3290. 
  • Do you drink coffee that comes in a large tin can?  Camp Mennoscah is looking for lids that fit on a #10 can for a sorting and storage project.  We’ll take just the lids or the lids and cans.  Contact us at or call 620-297-3290.
  • Kitchen helpers and volunteers are needed for the majority of camp weeks.  You keep camp running by helping prepare meals in the kitchen and working on maintenance projects or custodial tasks.  Your work creates an enjoyable environment for campers to have fun and learn about God.  Contact Camp Mennoscah at or 620-297-3290 to sign up!
  • Some families have asked how this summer will look.  Summer youth camps will be very similar to pre-2020 with cabin use.  If we do not have enough counselors, as happened in 2022, we would likely use a tent to allow more campers to attend.  A nurse is still working on some of the protocols, but quarantine or close contact groups will not be used.  Based on the final protocol/guidelines, general illness may mean the camper would go home sooner than in past years.  Camp Mennoscah does not expect to test for COVID.  Parents/Guardians would be responsible for any testing. 
  • Scholarship funds for campers are needed.  If Camp Mennoscah gives the same amount in scholarships as last year, the account will be depleted.  Donations to the Scholarship Fund are most welcome.  Gifts can be made online or sent to Camp Mennoscah, PO Box 65, Murdock, KS, 67111 with “Scholarship Fund” in the memo.  Share the gift of faith formation and friends with others!
  • Click to register Summer youth camp registration is open and Camp Mennoscah is receiving registrations.  The summer theme is FruitFULL Faith.  Get ready to learn and sing about the Fruit of the Spirit this summer–it’s not a coconut!

Mennonite Church USA Announcements

The Mennonite Church USA Executive Board addressed agenda items for the upcoming 2023 Delegate Assembly and affirmed several key relationships during its online Zoom meeting on Jan. 27 and 28, 2023. Learn more here:

Online registration is open for MennoCon23, Mennonite Church USA’s leading faith formation event, in Kansas City (Missouri) Convention Center, July 3-6, 2023. Registration is also open for the Youth & Young Adult Climate Summit, July 7, and the Delegate Assembly, July 7-8. Register here:

Menno Snapshots
Is it time for a retreat? This is a question that Marlene Kropf, spiritual director and retreat leader, asks herself more often these days, especially in a post-COVID-19 world. Read more of her thoughts here:

Shannon W. Dycus, vice president for student affairs and dean of students at Eastern Mennonite University in Virginia, attended Mennonite Church USA’s Hope for the Future Conference for Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) at the beginning of February. Read Shannon’s litany based on her experience:

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Celebrate Easter by sharing the good news of Jesus’ victory over the grip of evil in our world. Join Mennonite Mission Network’s personnel and partners throughout the United States and in 49 countries around the world in proclaiming this message to those whom you encounter today and every day.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Give thanks for WDC congregations as they embody the good news of new life in Christ!

Announcements for April 2-9, 2023

Palm Sunday
April 2, 2023 – Lent 6: Called to Worship


Based on CDC Guidelines Harvey County is still in green status indicating
low risk for COVID. You are invited to choose whether you wear a mask or social distance.  Both are optional.

To livestream the worship service:
On Sunday morning, around 9:20, go to BCMC’s webpage at and click the green button labeled LIVE STREAM on the right side of the screen, which will take you to the worship service. If you get a message in the black box that the video is unavailable, click the gray box belows that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.   Anytime after the service concludes, you can watch a recording of the service at your convenience by clicking the same green LIVE STREAM button.  Again, you will probably have to go to the gray box that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.  That will transfer you to the BCMC YouTube Channel.  You will have to click on the tab “Videos” to see all of the BCMC videos. Click the red button to see the bulletin/order of service. 
OR – click on this link for this Sunday:

April 2, 2023
Palm Sunday

Prelude—Andante Religioso (Thome); The Palms (Jean-Baptiste Faure)—Matt & Rebecca Schloneger
Land Acknowledgement and Reflection—Doug Penner
Christ Candle Lighting—Dianne Epp
Call to Worship
Leader: This is the day the Lord has made.
People: Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Leader: Let us rejoice in all our Lord has done,
All: for it is marvelous in our eyes. Hosanna!
We bless the One who comes in the name of the Lord!
Welcome and Prayer
*Hymn—All Glory, Laud, and Honor—VT 315
Palm Sunday Parade with Judy Harder and Company— VT 314—Congregation sing refrain two times as directed
*Hymn—Christ, on the Night He Was Betrayed—VT 491
Scripture Reading (With intro) Isaiah 50:4-9a; Matthew 21:1-11—Brad & Lincoln Kohlman
Meditation—Joy in the Mourning—Jill Robb
*Hymn—Glory to God in the Highest—VT 99
Congregation sings the refrain; Matt Schloneger sings the verses
Prayers of God’s People
*Hymn—Hosanna, Loud Hosanna–VT 313
Leader: Love God, you who are God’s holy people,
All: for God’s love endures forever.
Leader: Praise God, and give thanks,
All: for God’s love endures forever.
Leader: Expect God, and welcome God’s grace,
All: for God’s love endures forever.
Postlude—Matt & Rebecca Schloneger
* You are invited to stand
VT = Voices Together
Keyboard- Verlene Garber
Audio visual— Ken Lamp 
YouTube Link:

On Palm Sunday
We welcome Jill Robb for providing the meditation, and welcome Judy Harder and Company for the Palm Sunday parade and reenactment!

The Deacon Commission invites you to donate to our Caring Fund budget, which has been depleted due to needs in our community. A fishbowl will be available for you in the back of the sanctuary. Thank you for your continued support.  –  The Deacon Commission

Maundy Thursday
The Maundy Thursday service will be next Thursday, April 6 at 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary.  Communion will be served.
The Maundy Thursday Communion Service will use bread and juice, and not the prepackaged elements.  

There will be a Sunrise Service by the Senior High School Youth Group on Easter Sunday at 7 a.m. at the Prouty Home, 332 N. Hoover Road, Newton.  Please bring a dish to share for the breakfast potluck to follow.
The worship service on Easter Sunday,  April 9, will begin at 10 a.m.  There will be no Sunday school. 

Salina, Manhattan, Southern Hills, and Peace (Lawrence) Mennonite churches in Kansas will host a Good Friday worship service on April 7 at 7:00 p.m. on Zoom. All are welcome to join us. Contact the Southern Hills office for the Zoom link: .

Last Wednesday night supper of the season , 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.  Menu: Ham loaf, macaroni and cheese, peas, lemon dessert. Please bring your own table service.   Not doing so adds significant effort for the cleanup crew.  – Hospitality Commission  Please sign up for the April 5 supper by emailing, even if you have signed up for all suppers in advance, in order for the Wednesday night supper cooks to get an accurate number for how much to cook for this last supper of the season.

This Week at BCMC:  April 2—9, 2023
Sun, Apr. 2, 2023—Lent 6: Called to Worship—Palm Sunday
9:30 am    Worship   YouTube Link for this Sunday is:
The church nursery is staffed during worship and Sunday School
10:30 am  Faith Formation—Intergenerational class meets in  Fellowship Hall;   High School – Room 24    Adult Classes:  Agape Class meets in the nursery; Bible Study (Rm 14); Catacombs (Rm B5);  Fellowship (B7); Fine Arts (Rm 22); Issues and Christianity (Rm 23); Open Circle (Room 21)  Seekers (Rm 28)—”Process Theology” with Duane Friesen. All are welcome. 
2:30 pm    Mennonite Men’s Chorus rehearsal in the sanctuary
Mon., Apr. 3, 2023
10 am   Staff meeting in Room 14
7 pm     Facilities Committee meeting in Fellowship Hall
Tue., Apr. 4, 2023
4 pm     VBS meeting in Fellowship Hall
Wed., Apr. 5, 2023
6 pm    Wednesday night meal in Fellowship Hall
7 pm    Senior High Youth Group
7:30 pm   Chancel Choir Rehearsal in the Sanctuary
Thurs., Apr. 6,  2023—Maundy Thursday
4 pm         Staff Congregation Relations Committee meeting in Room 14
6:30 pm   Maundy Thursday service in the Sanctuary
7:30 pm   Church Board meeting in Room 14
No Chancel Bell rehearsal this evening
Sun, Apr. 9, 2023—Easter Sunday—Fully Alive in Christ
7 am      Sunrise Service by the Senior High School Youth Group
10 am    (Note the change in time from 9:30 am to 10 am) Worship with sermon by Roger Neufeld Smith; music by Chancel Choir

The Library Theme till the end of May is Women’s History. The Committee has pulled a few of the books available from our collection and is displaying them in back of the library desk or against the south wall in the children’s section. Come check us out and be on the look out for a reading contest arriving in May!!

April 14 and 15, the dates of the Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale (KMRS) are rapidly approaching.  A new activity, assembling hygiene kits,  will be in the Pride of Kansas Building April 14 from 6 p.m.-8 p.m.,  (this is a corrected date from previous bulletin announcement) and supplies are needed for these kits.  A kit contains one adult toothbrush in the package, one bar of soap in the package, one good quality nail clipper, a hand towel of bright color, medium weight (16×26), and one wide toothed comb.  If you would like to donate any of these supplies, please bring them to the baked goods sign up table at the back of the church Mar. 19 or Mar. 26. We have sign up sheets for pies, zwieback, and other baked goods.  Stop by and sign up!  Thank you!  – BCMC KMRS Team:  Steven and Elaine Schurr, Bill and Esther Eash, Dale and Margo Schrag

Pastor Roger Neufeld Smith will be back in Newton on Wed., Apr. 5. Roger checks his phone daily while he is in Topeka, so feel free to contact him by phone or email when he’s not in Newton. 

The annual meeting of the Community Playschool Corporation will be held Mon., April 10,  7:15 p.m.  in the Bethel College Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall. Interested members of the congregations supporting Community Playschool are invited to attend. Entrance to the building will be at the south side of the church and make your way to the lower level of the church by stairs or elevator. 

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!

All Western District Conference women are invited to join a virtual event sponsored by Western District Women in Mission Tues., Apr. 25. Jenny Gehman, spiritual director, retreat speaker, and writer, will present “Holy Host: the Hospitality of God.” Join us in person or virtually. Our in-person gathering will be at First Mennonite Church in Newton, beginning with a salad potluck at 6 p.m.,  followed by Jenny joining virtually from Pennsylvania at 6:45 p.m. There is no cost to this event, but please register by April 23 by emailing so you can receive a Zoom link if joining virtually. Please email your RSVP if attending in person and bring a salad to share. Church groups can consider gathering together to watch the Zoom. For more information, contact Wendy Schrag at 316-841-5245. 

Life Enrichment for April 6—Krehbiel Auditorium
9:30 “Starting Crust & Cumb Company Was a Slice of Humble Pie,” Sharon Entz, owner/operator of Crust & Crumb, Newton
10:35 “Art Influenced by Nature—Environmental Exposure,” Glen Ediger
11:30  “10,900 Miles of Coastline: A Newfoundland Sampler,” Weldon Schloneger, former teacher, retired pastor and avid photographer

Bethel College Announcements:
· Weds., Apr. 5 – Bethel College Chamber Orchestra concert, directed by Kristopher Hilding, 7 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium
· Thurs., Apr. 6 – Junior recital by Isaac Tice, voice, 7 p.m., Administration Building Chapel
· Sat., Apr. 15 – Joint junior recital by Bethel College students Angelika Donaldson, voice, and Eli Regier, saxophone, 7 p.m., Ad Building Chapel 
· Sun., Apr. 16 – KIPCOR Film Series presents Thirst for Justice, 2 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium. Documentary looks at three citizen groups fighting for clean water, in the Navajo Nation, Flint, MI., and Standing Rock. Audience talkback follows the film. Free and open to the public, with freewill offering taken to support KIPCOR and the film series.
· Sun., Apr. 16 – Senior recital by Bethel College student Julianna Schrag, voice, 4 p.m., Administration Building Chapel
· Sun., Apr. 16 – Junior recital by Bethel College student Phillip Balzer, piano, 7 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium.
· Mon., Apr. 17 – Rachel Stroer, president of The Land Institute, Salina, speaks on “Leading a Global Movement for Diverse Perennial Grain Futures,” 7 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium.  Stroer will also speak in convocation at 11 a.m. (Krehbiel Auditorium) and at 2 p.m. in the Conservation Biology class (Krehbiel Science Center #121). Sponsored by the Bethel College Women’s Association and supported by BCWA’s Carolyn Schultz Lecture Endowment.
· Now in the Regier Gallery in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel College – “Printing the Plains: Relief Prints by Ian Huebert,” through Fri., April 14. Gallery hours are Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Sun. 2-4 p.m.
· SAVE THE DATE: Sun., Apr. 30 – Masterworks concert at Bethel College,
    featuring the Bethel College Oratorio Chorus, orchestra and soloists

Hesston College Announcement

April 2 – Sunflower Performing Arts: pax duo

Join the Sunflower Performing Arts on Sunday, April 2 at 3 p.m. to hear pax duo. Exceptional percussionists Micah Detwiler and Tristan Swihart will bring a multi-media percussion concert integrating acoustic percussion and lighting design. The concert will be held at Hesston Mennonite Church. Find more information and purchase tickets at

Camp Mennoscah Announcements

The “Better” price discount for summer youth camps ends April 1!  Campers registered for summer youth camps are eligible for the $10 discount until April 1.  Registration and full payment must be received by April 1.  Installment plans are not eligible for the discount.  If you have any questions, please contact or give us a call at 620-297-3290. We would be happy to help! 

Other events and happenings:

  • Men and Boys Retreat, March 31-April 2. Come to Camp Mennoscah for this long-standing, guys-only retreat! Enjoy time fishing, canoeing, worshiping, sitting by the fire, or visiting with friends in fellowship. There will be a variety show on Saturday evening and a worship service on Sunday morning. The official beginning to the weekend is Saturday morning, but many arrive on Friday.  Meals can be purchased for Saturday night, Sunday morning and lunch. No pre-registration. Registration and payment will take place upon arrival. For more information contact Kevin Neufeld at 316-322-5515 (Men and Boys Retreat only). 
  • Do you drink coffee that comes in a large tin can?  Camp Mennoscah is looking for lids that fit on a #10 can for a sorting and storage project.  We’ll take just the lids or the lids and cans.  Contact us at or call 620-297-3290.
  • Nurses needed for the weeks of June 18-23, Junior I Camp, and July 9-14, Junior High II Camp.  As a nurse, you are a vital part of camp life.  Your work to keep everyone healthy and well means campers and staff are ready to play and learn during their time at camp.  Nurses must be a registered nurse (RN).  Head cooks needed for PreJunior I, June 11-15, and PreJunior II, June 25-29.  The head cook is in charge of leading kitchen staff in the preparation of meals and snacks that keep campers energetic, smiling, and ready to enjoy the full camp days.  Camp Mennoscah can provide a menu, if wanted, and will order groceries and get kitchen staff.  Head cooks and nurses receive either a stipend or a camper discount up to full camp fees.  Contact us at or 620-297-3290. 
  • Kitchen helpers and volunteers are needed for the majority of camp weeks.  You keep camp running by helping prepare meals in the kitchen and working on maintenance projects or custodial tasks.  Your work creates an enjoyable environment for campers to have fun and learn about God.  Contact Camp Mennoscah at or 620-297-3290 to sign up!
  • Some families have asked how this summer will look.  Summer youth camps will be very similar to pre-2020 with cabin use.  If we do not have enough counselors, as happened in 2022, we would likely use a tent to allow more campers to attend.  A nurse is still working on some of the protocols, but quarantine or close contact groups will not be used.  Based on the final protocol/guidelines, general illness may mean the camper would go home sooner than in past years.  Camp Mennoscah does not expect to test for COVID.  Parents/Guardians would be responsible for any testing. 
  • Scholarship funds for campers are needed.  If Camp Mennoscah gives the same amount in scholarships as last year, the account will be depleted.  Donations to the Scholarship Fund are most welcome.  Gifts can be made online or sent to Camp Mennoscah, PO Box 65, Murdock, KS, 67111 with “Scholarship Fund” in the memo.  Share the gift of faith formation and friends with others!
  • You may have heard the HVAC in the Retreat Center is not working.  Never fear!  There will be portable A/C units this summer in the Retreat Center.  These units will cool down rooms, but it is expected temperatures will be warmer than what a regular A/C system would maintain.
  • Click to register Summer youth camp registration is open and Camp Mennoscah is receiving registrations.  The summer theme is FruitFULL Faith.  Get ready to learn and sing about the Fruit of the Spirit this summer–it’s not a coconut!

Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp Announcements

SPRUCE BEETLE PACKET WORKDAY APRIL 22nd – Camp continues its effort to minimize the impact of the spruce beetle’s desire to make a home and reproduce in the mature Engelmann spruce trees here at RMMC. Pheromone packets disbursed around camp facilities are intended to trick the beetles into thinking the trees are already inhabited with beetles and that they should go somewhere elsewhere. Please signup to come help with this year’s distribution by clicking the “VOLUNTEER” link on the web page and select “VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES AND SIGN-UP“. Friday night accommodations are offered by request and meals provided include breakfast (8:00am), brunch (10:30am) and supper (5:30pm) as interested/able to join in.

SPRING MENNONITE QUILTERS RETREAT – Camp’s first quilter’s retreat for 2023 is coming April 20-23. These retreats are a great opportunity to get away and get those projects done that have been waiting. While there will be some short, fun breaks, the main focus of this weekend will be giving participants plenty of time to sew. Bring lots of projects, or that one big project you’ve been waiting to start. Sharing ideas, tips and techniques are part of the weekend along with bringing any show and tell items to share with the group. To register, please visit the camp website at

The Newton Et Cetera Shop, Newton, KS is receiving applications for a full-time General Manager.  Newton Et Cetera is a non-profit, retail thrift shop business dedicated to reselling donated items. This position requires experience in an active retail business environment, computer and public relations skills, directing staff, and maintaining and managing a large diverse group of volunteers. An application may be picked up at the shop located at 619 N. Main, Newton, KS during the hours of 10:00 am and 5:30 pm Monday through Saturday or on the website at Please submit your résumé, a cover letter and the application to Debbie Nightingale, Board Chair, at or leave at the Et Cetera Shop front desk. The application deadline is April 17, 2023 and the position is available beginning in May. 

For Anabaptist Disabilities Network press here
For Mennonite Mission Network “Sent” Conference press here
For Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond press here

Spring 2023 Issue of Intersections: MCC Theory and Pracitce Quarterly

Greetings!  I’m writing with the news that the spring 2023 issue of Intersections: MCC Theory and Practice Quarterly is available now on-line here and here. Compiled by Emma Smith Cain, the issue features explorations from Bolivia, Rwanda, southern Africa, DR Congo, and Ukraine about how MCC’s decades-long commitment to working through local partnerships with churches and community-based organizations anticipated contemporary discussions around the “localization” of humanitarian relief, development, and peacebuilding work.

As always, we welcome any feedback you have about this or other issues of Intersections! Send any thoughts, affirmations, critiques, and counsel you might have to Thanks for being a loyal reader!

Warm regards,
Alain Epp Weaver

Mennonite Church USA Announcements
Mennonite Church USA is hosting a collaborative Youth & Young Adult Climate Summit, July 7, 2023, at the Kansas City (Missouri) Convention Center. The event will bring together experts in climate change, spiritual activism and social justice to explore the ways that young people ages 14 to 25 can put their faith to work to address the spiritual and human crisis caused by climate change. Learn more here:

Mennonite Church USA is seeking nominees for its 2023 #BringthePeace awards. The annual award is given to two honorees: a legacy peacemaker in recognition of their life’s work and a young peacemaker (age 16-25), who can help inspire other young leaders. Submit your recommendations for nominees by completing this form by April 14: 

Menno Snapshots
Mennonite Church USA is proud to acknowledge John Stoner of Akron (Ohio) Mennonite Church for his peacebuilding work with the 2022 #BringthePeace Legacy Peacemaker award, sponsored by the denomination’s Church Peace Tax Fund. Read his interview here:

Lent at Home
Talashia Keim Yoder, pastor at College Mennonite Church, in Goshen, Indiana, is the author of this year’s Lent at Home resource, sponsored by Mennonite Education Agency, which offers individuals and families flexible options for participating in Lent in their own home environments. Read her reflections here: See the Lent at Home 2023 resources for Holy Week here:

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  With only a month left to apply for Mennonite Mission Network’s Youth Venture programs, pray for the young people in your community who might deepen their faith through participating in an encounter with Christians in Benin, West Africa; a trip to the Mexico-United States border; or a learning tour that brings insight into the realities of the struggle for civil rights.
Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for Trinity Mennonite Church, Hillsboro, KS, a WDC church that has discerned to end its time as a congregation with a closing service on Easter Sunday, April 9. Give thanks to God for Trinity’s faithful witness and ministry over many years.

Announcements for March 26-April 2, 2023

March 26, 2023 – Lent 5: Called to Life

Based on CDC Guidelines Harvey County is still in green status indicating
low risk for COVID. You are invited to choose whether you wear a mask or social distance.  Both are optional.

To livestream the worship service:
On Sunday morning, around 9:20, go to BCMC’s webpage at and click the green button labeled LIVE STREAM on the right side of the screen, which will take you to the worship service. If you get a message in the black box that the video is unavailable, click the gray box belows that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.   Anytime after the service concludes, you can watch a recording of the service at your convenience by clicking the same green LIVE STREAM button.  Again, you will probably have to go to the gray box that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.  That will transfer you to the BCMC YouTube Channel.  You will have to click on the tab “Videos” to see all of the BCMC videos. Click the red button to see the bulletin/order of service. 
OR – click on this link for this Sunday:

The memorial service for Grace Schroeder is Saturday, March 25, 2023 at 11 a.m.  It will be live-streamed.  Here is the link:

March 26, 2023
Lent 5: Called to the Life
Prelude—O Sacred Head, Now Wounded—Settings by Brahms, Buxtehude, Walther—
Karen Schlabaugh, organ
Christ Candle Lighting— Raylene Hinz-Penner
Call to Worship
Leader:   Out of the depths we cry to you.
People:   O Lord, hear our cry.
Leader:   If you kept a record of sin, who would stand a chance?
People:   O Lord, hear our cry.
Leader:   But with you there is forgiveness.
All:      We wait for you, O Lord. We hope in your word. Blessed be your name.
Welcome and Prayer
*Hymn—Come, Let Us All Unite to Sing—VT 7
Children’s Conversation— Kathy Stucky
*Hymn— New Earth, Heavens New— VT 377
Scripture Reading—Ezekiel 37:1-10; John 11:1-6, 17, 20-27, 32-44
Sermon—The Resurrection and the Life—Nathan Koontz
*Hymn— Christ Has No Body Here but Ours— VT 568
Prayers of God’s People                                                                                                                      
*Hymn— Blest Be the Tie That Binds— VT 831
People with March birthdays come forward for a blessing, please bring a hymnal
*Birthday Blessing & Benediction                                                                                                                 
  Leader:   Put your hope in the Lord.
  People:   The Lord is unfailing love,
  Leader:   and with God is full redemption.
  People:   God will bring us up from our graves.
  All:   God will redeem life into wholeness.
Postlude— In Thee Lord, Have I Put My Trust (J. C. Bach) Karen Schlabaugh

* You are invited to stand
VT = Voices Together
Keyboard- Karen Schlabaugh
Audio visual— Francis Toews

This Week at BCMC:  March 19-26, 2023
Sun, Mar. 26, 2023—Lent 5: Called to Life
9:30 am    Worship   YouTube Link for this Sunday is:
The church nursery is staffed during worship and Sunday School
10:30 am  Faith Formation—Intergenerational class meets in  Fellowship Hall;   High School – Room 24    Adult Classes:  Agape Class meets in the nursery; Bible Study (Rm 14); Catacombs (Rm B5);  Fellowship (B7); Fine Arts (Rm 22); Issues and Christianity (Rm 23); Open Circle (Room 21)  Seekers (Rm 28)
Mon., Mar. 27, 2023
10 am   Staff meeting in Room 14
Wed., Mar. 29, 2023
6 pm    Wednesday night meal in Fellowship Hall
7 pm    Senior High Youth Group
7:30 pm   Chancel Choir Rehearsal in the Sanctuary
Thurs., Mar. 30, 2023
4 pm         Hospitality Commission meeting in Room 14
6:30 pm   Chancel Bell rehearsal in Room B7
Sun, Apr. 2, 2023—Lent 6: Called to Worship—Palm Sunday
9:30 am    Worship with sermon by Nathan Koontz; music by Matt and Rebecca Schloneger
2:30 pm    Mennonite Men’s Chorus rehearsal in the sanctuary

The worship service on Easter Sunday,  April 9, will begin at 10 a.m.  There will be no Sunday school.  There will be a Sunrise Service by the Senior High School Youth Group on Easter Sunday at 7 a.m. at the Prouty Home, 332 N. Hoover Road, Newton.

The Deacon Commission invites you to donate to our Caring Fund budget, which has been depleted due to needs in our community. A fishbowl will be available for you in the back of the sanctuary. Thank you for your continued support.  –  The Deacon Commission

Pastor Roger Neufeld Smith will travel back to Topeka Monday at noon.  He will be back in Newton on Wed., Apr. 5. Roger checks his phone daily while he is in Topeka, so feel free to contact him by phone or email when he’s not in Newton. 

The financial figures at the end of February indicate  that 2023 ranks 13th in the last 16 years in the percent of the budget collected.  Collections have been $16,500 less than expenditures, which comes to 13% of the budget collected and 16.7% of the year spent.  We have two major expenses on the horizon:  the required update of the fire safety system and replacement of the HVAC unit in the nursery.  – Finance Committee
BCMC Offering for March 19, 2023:  General Fund  $10,651.66; Wed. Supper $251.21; Living Stones $283; Flower Fund $100; Women’s Fellowship $50.

Wednesday night supper March 29  in Fellowship Hall at 6 p.m.  (Beef vegetable curry with rice, ice cream for dessert)  Sign up on the bulletin board or by emailing
Please bring your own table service.   Not doing so adds significant effort for the cleanup crew.  – Hospitality Commission

April 14 and 15, the dates of the Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale (KMRS) are rapidly approaching.  A new activity, assembling hygiene kits,  will be in the Pride of Kansas Building April 14 from 6 p.m.-8 p.m.,  (this is a corrected date from previous bulletin announcement) and supplies are needed for these kits.  A kit contains one adult toothbrush in the package, one bar of soap in the package, one good quality nail clipper, a hand towel of bright color, medium weight (16×26), and one wide toothed comb.  If you would like to donate any of these supplies, please bring them to the baked goods sign up table at the back of the church Mar. 19 or Mar. 26. We have sign up sheets for pies, zwieback, and other baked goods.  Stop by and sign up!  Thank you!  – BCMC KMRS Team:  Steven and Elaine Schurr, Bill and Esther Eash, Dale and Margo Schrag

The annual meeting of the Community Playschool Corporation will be held Mon., April 10,  7:15 p.m.  in the Bethel College Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall. Interested members of the congregations supporting Community Playschool are invited to attend. Entrance to the building will be at the south side of the church and make your way to the lower level of the church by stairs or elevator. 

The Central Kansas Master Chorale, under the direction of Dr. Joel Garber, will give their final concert of the season, Sun., March 26, 3 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church in McPherson.  The chorale will feature Requiem for the Living by American composer Dan Forrest who composed the work as a tribute requiem for both the living and the past.  The chorale dedicates this performance to victims and survivors of COVID 19, an experience which began three years ago this month.  Audience members will be invited to name a COVID ribbon and tack it to the cross in Trinity’s sanctuary.   In its second year, the Central Kansas Master Chorale is a collection of select vocalists from around the area committed to advancing the art of choral music by performing great works of the past and present, fostering music education, and enriching and inspiring the culture of our broad community. Even though all participants bring special talents and gifts, art is achieved only through continual dedication and hard work. Garber holds a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Choral Conducting from the University of Oklahoma, a Master of Music degree in Choral Conducting from the University of Missouri-Columbia, a Bachelor of Arts degree in Vocal Performance from Bethel College, and an Associate of Arts degree from Hesston College.  Admission is free to the event but donations will be accepted. 

Lilies for Easter.  You are invited to share an Easter lily for the sanctuary on
Easter Sunday, April 9.  
The Worship Decoration Committee will purchase the lilies.  The cost will be $10 per lily.  Make checks to BCMC designated “Flower Fund.”  Contributors may pick up lilies to take home after the Easter worship service.  You will be able to designate in honor of someone or in memory of someone with your Easter lily.  There will be a table in the Gathering Place this Sunday, March 26, for you to sign up for a lily.

All Western District Conference women are invited to join a virtual event sponsored by Western District Women in Mission Tues., Apr. 25. Jenny Gehman, spiritual director, retreat speaker, and writer, will present “Holy Host: the Hospitality of God.” Join us in person or virtually. Our in-person gathering will be at First Mennonite Church in Newton, beginning with a salad potluck at 6 p.m.,  followed by Jenny joining virtually from Pennsylvania at 6:45 p.m. There is no cost to this event, but please register by April 23 by emailing so you can receive a Zoom link if joining virtually. Please email your RSVP if attending in person and bring a salad to share. Church groups can consider gathering together to watch the Zoom. For more information, contact Wendy Schrag at 316-841-5245. 

Singers wanted: Bethel College’s annual Masterworks concert will be Sunday, April 30, with choir and orchestra under the direction of Dr. Henry Waters performing Beethoven “Choral Fantasy” and Mozart “Coronation Mass.” The community is invited to participate. Practices begin Tuesday, April 4, 6-8 p.m. in the choir room in Luyken Fine Arts Center on the Bethel campus, and take place the other Tuesdays in April (11, 18, 25), with a four-hour rehearsal Sat., April 29 (3-7 p.m.; dinner provided), and performance at 4 p.m. on Sunday, with a call time of 3 p.m. Scores and rehearsal tracks will be provided. Sign up using this form: or come to the first rehearsal on April 4.

New Hope Shelter is in need of the following:  Pinesol,  Scotch Tape, Laundry Pods,  Dishwasher Pods, Dishwashing Soap, 8 1/2 x 11 copy paper, 55+ gallon trash bags, Coffee, Creamer, Sugar, Bread, Napkins, Mayonnaise, Granola bars, Pudding Cups.   If you can provide some of these supplies, they can be taken to New Hope, 900 West Broadway, Bldg. #7.

Life Enrichment for March 30—Krehbiel Auditorium
9:30 “Theatre as Restorative Justice,” Lauren Friesen, Ph.D., David M. French Professor Emeritus of Theater at the University of Michigan
10:50 “Petroglyphs of the Kansas Smoky Hills,” Rex Buchanan, Lawrence

Bethel College Announcements:
From Henry S. Waters, DMA

Director of Choral Music and Associate Professor of Music
Bethel College Musical This Weekend
You do not want to miss seeing tick…tick…BOOM! this weekend!! 
Show times:
Friday, March 24 at 7:30 PM
Saturday, March 25 at 7:30 PM
Sunday, March 26 at 2:00 PM
Performance run time is 90 minutes with no intermission.
Get tickets:
Before Rent, there was tick, tick… BOOM!. This autobiographical musical by Jonathan Larson, the Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award-winning composer of Rent, is the story of a composer and the sacrifices he made to achieve his big break in theater.
Cast: Hayden Honomichl (Jon), Emily Guldner (Susan), Tristan England (Michael), and Josué Coy Dick (multi-role)
Director: Katie Schmidt, Bethel College Class of 2015
Technical Director of Theater: Damon Klassen
Music Director: Dr. Henry Waters
Rehearsal accompanist and pit: Dr. Christina Liu

· Sun., March 26 and Mon., March 27 – Staley Lectures at Bethel College with Phuc Luu,  theologian, philosopher and artist based in Houston, author of Jesus of the East. Sun.: 7 p.m., “Ida B. Wells, the sinned against, and Minjung theology: African-American and Asian voices in harmony,” Administration Building chapel; Mon.: 11 a.m., “‘Where does all the pain go?’: God’s broken body, trauma and the healing of han,” Krehbiel Auditorium
· Tues., March 28 – Bethel College Jazz concert, directed by Joel Boettger, 7 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium
· Thurs., March 30 – “What’s happening in the statehouse?,” a forum on Kansas politics featuring journalists from The Kansas Reflector, moderated by Adam Strunk, managing editor of Harvey County Now, 7 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium. Forum co-sponsors are the Bethel Department of Communication Arts and HCN. The Kansas Reflector is a nonprofit, online publication with Kansas’ largest statehouse bureau. The public is invited.
· Fri., March 31 – The public is invited to the final round of Bethel College’s C. Henry Smith Peace Oratorical Contest, 7:30 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center. Sponsored by Mennonite Central Committee, the annual competition takes place on North American Mennonite college campuses, with an overall winner chosen from among the campus winners. The original speeches deal with contemporary peace concerns.
· Fri., March 31 – Senior recital by Bethel College student Bryce Wilson, saxophone, 7 p.m., Administration Building chapel
· Sat., April 1 – Kauffman Museum bird walk, 8 a.m. start time in the museum parking lot at the corner of Main and 27th streets (2801 N. Main St., North Newton 67117). Experienced birders lead a walk of 1-1.5 hours in Chisholm Park and on Sand Creek Trail.
· Wed., April 5 – Bethel College Chamber Orchestra concert, directed by Kristopher Hilding, 7 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium
· Thurs., April 6 – Junior recital by Isaac Tice, voice, 7 p.m., Administration Building chapel 
· Now in the Regier Gallery in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel College – “Printing the Plains: Relief Prints by Ian Huebert,” through Fri., April 14. Gallery hours are Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Sun. 2-4 p.m.
· SAVE THE DATE: Mon., April 17 – Rachel Stroer, president of The Land Institute in Salina, will speak at Bethel College.

The Newton Et Cetera shop is looking for a new General Manager.  In the next couple of weeks we will have a job description ready to go, but if you know anyone that is interested – let them know that more details and a full job description will be coming very soon.  If you have questions you can contact Elaine Schurr, BCMC Et Cetera Board representative. 

Bohne berrogie bake day for the Mennonite Central Committee Sale is April 8 at Moundridge High School.  Volunteers wanting to help, can sign up on the Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale website.
Verenika making day is  April 1 at the Parkview MB Church, 610 S. Main St., Hillsboro with shifts in the morning, 8 a.m.-12 p.m., and afternoon 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. (will include cleanup after we make the target # of Verenika-if you are able and willing to stay and help)  Volunteers, go to the Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale website to sign up.

Men and Boys Retreat, March 31-April 2. Come to Camp Mennoscah for this long-standing, guys-only retreat! Enjoy time fishing, canoeing, worshiping, sitting by the fire, or visiting with friends in fellowship. There will be a variety show on Saturday evening and a worship service on Sunday morning. The official beginning to the weekend is Saturday morning, but many arrive on Friday.
Meals can be purchased for Saturday night, Sunday morning and lunch. No pre-registration. Registration and payment will take place upon arrival. For more information contact Kevin Neufeld at 316-322-5515.

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!

For Mennonite Mission Network News from Around the World press here

For Mennonite World Conference press here
For Mennonite Mission Network press here
For Mennonite Church USA MennoCon23 What To Expect press here

For KIPCOR Upcoming Events press here

Camp Mennoscah Announcements

  • Please note that Youth Volunteer Weekend, March 24-25, has been cancelled due to the small number of campers.  Everyone is invited to join the April 22 Work and Play Day.  (Those under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.)
  • Do you drink coffee that comes in a large tin can?  Camp Mennoscah is looking for lids that fit on a #10 can for a sorting and storage project.  We’ll take just the lids or the lids and cans.  Contact us at or call 620-297-3290.
  • Nurses needed for the weeks of June 18-23, Junior I Camp, and July 9-14, Junior High II Camp.  As a nurse, you are a vital part of camp life.  Your work to keep everyone healthy and well means campers and staff are ready to play and learn during their time at camp.  Nurses receive either a stipend or a camper discount up to full camp fees.  Contact us at or 620-297-3290.  Nurses must be a registered nurse (RN).
  • Head cooks needed for PreJunior I, June 11-15, and PreJunior II, June 25-29.  The head cook is in charge of leading kitchen staff in the preparation of meals and snacks.  Camp Mennoscah can provide a menu, if wanted, and will order groceries and get kitchen staff.  Head cooks receive either a stipend or a camper discount up to full camp fees.  Contact us at or 620-297-3290. 
  • Some families have asked how this summer will look.  Summer youth camps will be very similar to pre-2020 with cabin use.  If we do not have enough counselors, as happened in 2022, we would likely use a tent to allow more campers to attend.  A nurse is still working on some of the protocols, but quarantine or close contact groups will not be used.  Based on the final protocol/guidelines, general illness may mean the camper would go home sooner than in past years.  Camp Mennoscah does not expect to test for COVID.  Parents/Guardians would be responsible for any testing. 
  • Scholarship funds for campers are needed.  If Camp Mennoscah gives the same amount in scholarships as last year, the account will be depleted.  Donations to the Scholarship Fund are most welcome.  Gifts can be made online or sent to Camp Mennoscah, PO Box 65, Murdock, KS, 67111 with “Scholarship Fund” in the memo.  Share the gift of faith formation and friends with others!
  • You may have heard the HVAC in the Retreat Center is not working.  Never fear!  There will be portable A/C units this summer in the Retreat Center.
  • Click to register Summer youth camp registration is open and Camp Mennoscah is receiving registrations.  The summer theme is FruitFULL Faith.  Get ready to learn and sing about the Fruit of the Spirit this summer–it’s not a coconut!

Hesston College Announcements

March 28 – Home on the Range: Breeding Biology of Prairie Chickens

Join the Dyck Arboretum on March 28 at 7 p.m. for Home on the Range. Dr. Jackie Augustine, Audubon of Kansas executive director, will discuss the biology of greater and lesser prairie chickens, species that she has studied for nearly 20 years. These charismatic birds perform impressive displays to gain mating opportunities. Come hear about the rolling prairie, the antics of prairie chickens, and the challenges of studying these declining species. Learn more at

March 30 – Music Department Recital

The Performing Arts department at Hesston College will present student recitals on March 30 at noon. This recital will feature vocal students Jesse Kanagy, Andrew Miller, Ginny Miller, Sadie Oesch, and Eli Stoll. Join in person at Hesston Mennonite Church or watch the live stream at

April 2 – Sunflower Performing Arts

Join the Sunflower Performing Arts on Sunday, April 2 at 3 p.m. to hear pax duo. Exceptional percussionists Micah Detwiler and Tristan Swihart will bring a multi-media percussion concert integrating acoustic percussion and lighting design. The concert will be held at Hesston Mennonite Church. Find more information and purchase tickets at

Mennonite Church USA Announcements

The Mennonite Church USA Executive Board welcomed Mosaic Mennonite Conference Moderator Angela Moyer Walter and Assistant Moderator Roy Williams to its online Zoom meeting on Jan. 28, 2023. Read more here:

Menno Snapshots

After a three-year hiatus, Mennonite educators from 14 different schools from across the United States and Albania gathered together in Leesburg, Virginia, Feb 2-4, for the Mennonite Educators Conference, which was hosted by Mennonite Education Agency, the education agency of Mennonite Church USA. Jenn Esbenshade, director of curriculum at Lancaster (Pennsylvania) Mennonite School, reflects on her time at the conference here:

Hopedale (Illinois) Mennonite Church recently sponsored a two-day comforter blitz for Mennonite Central Committee, a ministry partner of Mennonite Church USA, on Jan. 21 and Feb. 4. On Sunday, Feb. 5, Hopedale Mennonite Church blessed the people who made the comforters and prayed for the recipients of the comforters. Read more here:

What are the anchors that hold you in both your work and your own personal wellness? Ingrid Friesen Moser, wellness coordinator with Mennonite Church USA’s The Corinthian Plan, the health plan for MC USA pastors and church workers, discusses what has anchored her over the years. Read more here:

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for Naomi Tice. Naomi serves as the administrative assistant for volunteer placements with Christliche Dienste (German Mennonite Voluntary Service), an agency that sends German youth to participate in Mission Network service programs. Pray for Naomi as she lives in a Christian community and builds relationships with German Mennonites.    
Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Like Paul in the book of Romans, we ask for your prayers for believers who share the good news of Jesus with their neighbors, for the volunteers and pastors who lead our congregations, and for the planters of the Gospel seed.  -WDC Church Planting Commission

Announcements for March 19-26, 2023

March 19, 2023 – Lent 4–Called to the Light

Based on CDC Guidelines Harvey County is still in green status indicating
low risk for COVID. You are invited to choose whether you wear a mask or social distance.  Both are optional.

To livestream the worship service:
On Sunday morning, around 9:20, go to BCMC’s webpage at and click the green button labeled LIVE STREAM on the right side of the screen, which will take you to the worship service. If you get a message in the black box that the video is unavailable, click the gray box belows that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.   Anytime after the service concludes, you can watch a recording of the service at your convenience by clicking the same green LIVE STREAM button.  Again, you will probably have to go to the gray box that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.  That will transfer you to the BCMC YouTube Channel.  You will have to click on the tab “Videos” to see all of the BCMC videos. Click the red button to see the bulletin/order of service. 
OR – click on this link for this Sunday:

March 19, 2023
Lent 4: Called to the Light 

Prelude–Passacaglia, from BWV 582 (J.S. Bach)—Will Wiebe-Friesen
Christ Candle Lighting—Elizabeth Schmidt
Call to Worship
Leader: The Lord is our shepherd.
People: We shall not want.
Leader: God makes us lie down in green pastures.
People: We shall not want.
Leader: God leads us beside quiet waters.
People: We shall not want.
All: Restore us through your Holy Spirit, the love of Jesus Christ,
and the comfort of your presence.
Welcome and Prayer
*Hymn—Oh, for a Thousand Tongues—VT 764
Children’s Conversation—Dorothy Nickel Friesen, Harold Thieszen
Anthem—O God, Beyond All PraisingI (Gustav Holst/Richard Proulx)Chancel Choir; Riley King, director; Will Wiebe-Friesen, accompanist
Scripture Reading—John 9: 1-41
Readers’ Theatre—Coralee Shenk, Richard Friesen, Aaron Tschetter, Kevin Neufeld
Sermon—Mud in your eyesI—Dorothy Nickel Friesen
*Hymn—Open My Eyes That I May See—VT 738
Prayers of God’s People
*Hymn—Siyahamba (We Are Marching)—VT 793 (Sing twice: first time; Xhousa; second time English)
Leader: Go forth and shine, for the Light has come,
People: and the glory of the Lord rises upon us.
Leader: Surely goodness and love will follow us all the days of our lives, All: and we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Postlude—Fanfare on “Mit Freuden zart”  (Brenda Portman)—Will Wiebe-Friesen
* You are invited to stand
VT = Voices Together
Audio visual— Ben Lichti

We welcome Dorothy Nickel Friesen who will bring us the sermon on the 19th.  

This Week at BCMC:  March 19-26, 2023
Sun, Mar. 19, 2023—Lent 4: Called to the Light
9:30 am    Worship   YouTube Link for this Sunday is:
The church nursery is staffed during worship and Sunday School
10:30 am  Faith Formation—Intergenerational class meets in  Fellowship Hall;   High School – Room 24 
Adult Classes:  Agape Class meets in the nursery; Bible Study (Rm 14); Catacombs (Rm B5);  Fellowship (B7); Fine Arts (Rm 22); Issues and Christianity (Rm 23); Open Circle (Room 21)  Seekers (Rm 28)
Tue., Mar. 21, 2023
7 pm   Women’s Fellowship meeting in Fellowship Hall
Wed., Mar. 22, 2023
6 pm    Wednesday night meal in Fellowship Hall-Menu is:  Baked potato bar with all the fixings, dessert.  Please bring your own table service.
7 pm    Senior High Youth Group
7:30 pm   Chancel Choir Rehearsal in the Sanctuary
Thurs., Mar. 23, 2023
4 pm        Witness Commission meeting in Room 14
6:30 pm   Chancel Bell rehearsal in Room B7
7 pm         Deacon Commission meeting in Room 14
7 pm         Bethel College Women’s Association meeting in Fellowship Hall
Sat., Mar. 25, 2023
11 am       Memorial service for Grace Schroeder in the Sanctuary
Sun, Mar. 26, 2023—Lent 5: Called to Life
9:30 am    Worship with sermon by Nathan Koontz

​April 14 and 15, the dates of the Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale (KMRS) are rapidly approaching.  A new activity, assembling hygiene kits,
  will be in the Pride of Kansas Building April 15 from 6 p.m.-8 p.m., and supplies are needed for these kits.  A kit contains one adult toothbrush in the package, one bar of soap in the package, one good quality nail clipper, a hand towel of bright color, medium weight (16×26), and one wide toothed comb.  If you would like to donate any of these supplies, please bring them to the baked goods sign up table at the back of the church Mar. 19 or Mar. 26. We have sign up sheets for pies, zwieback, and other baked goods. Please stop by and sign up!  Thank you!  – BCMC KMRS Team:  Steven and Elaine Schurr, Bill and Esther Eash, Dale and Margo Schrag

Lilies for Easter
You are invited to share an Easter lily
 for the sanctuary on Easter Sunday, April 9.  The Worship Decoration Committee will purchase lilies.  The cost will be $10.00 per lily,  Make checks to BCMC designated “Flower Fund.”  Contributors may pick up lilies to take home after the Easter worship service. You will be able to designate in honor of someone or in memory of someone with your Easter lily.  There will be a table in the Gathering Place this Sunday, March 19, for you to sign up for a lily. 


Pastor Roger Neufeld Smith will be back in Newton on Thursday, March 23 and remain in Newton until Monday noon, March 27. Roger checks his email, text and phone messages daily while he is in Topeka. So feel free to contact him when he’s not in Newton. 

BCMC Women’s Fellowship meets March 21 in Fellowship Hall at 7 p.m. to hear Raylene Heinz-Penner present how her book, East of Liberal, came to be. The book is available at Kauffman Museum and Faith and Life Bookstore. It isn’t necessary that you have read the book. Use the south-east door.

The financial figures at the end of February indicate  that 2023 ranks 13th in the last 16 years in the percent of the budget collected.  Collections have been $16,500 less than expenditures; that comes to 13% of the budget collected and 16.7% of the year spent.  Please note that we have two major expenses on the horizon which are the required update of the fire safety system and replacing a heating/cooling unit. 
– Finance Committee

BCMC Offering for March 12, 2023:  General Fund  $7,502; Bell Choir Fund $100; Wed. Supper $512; Sr Hi Youth $25; Caring Fund $459.65; Library Reserve Fund $25; Jr Hi Fund $65; Living Stones $325; Kitchen Fund $12.20; Mission Quilters $165.

Wednesday night suppers , 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.  Menus:
March 22:  Baked potato bar with all the fixings, dessert
March 29:  Beef vegetable curry with rice, ice cream
April 5:       Ham loaf, macaroni and cheese, peas, lemon dessert
Please bring your own table service.   Not doing so adds significant effort for the cleanup crew.  – Hospitality Commission
Sign up for the March 22 supper on the bulletin board or by emailing

.Pray with Apache Stronghold on March 19th!
The Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery invites our community to join in prayer for Indigenous land justice with the Apache Stronghold on March 19th. On March 21st, a federal appeals court will hear a pivotal case about Apache religious freedom that centers around a proposed copper mine, which would destroy the Western Apache sacred site of Oak Flat, Chi’chil Biłdagoteel. Mennonite Church USA and Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference signed onto an amicus brief (a letter to the court) in support of the Apache Stronghold, along with other religious groups. The Apache Stronghold are rallying all people of faith and conscience under the call of “One Drum, One Prayer, One Circle,” to seek unity in protection of Earth and in resistance to ongoing colonization. They will be dedicating March 19th to prayer before their court case and ask us to join them. 
The BCMC Task Group for Indigenous Justice offers two opportunities to join in demonstrating solidarity for preserving the Oak Flat sacred site.
1.  Sunday, March 19, immediately after the worship service ends.  Exit the front entrance and gather outside in front of the Peace Garden for a brief prayer and photo to send in solidarity.
2.  Monday evening, March 20, Sunset Prayer on the Eve of the Court Case to Save Oak Flat.  Meet at 7:30 p.m. at the pickleball court at the intersection of North Anderson and Lakewood Circle in North Newton.  Bring a friend.  

Dear Bethel College Mennonite ,I’m reaching out to ask for your prayers on March 19-21. The Apache Stronghold, an Indigenous partner of the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery (DDoD), are taking their religious freedom case for Oak Flat to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in Pasadena, California, this month, where they will be joined in solidarity by people of all faith backgrounds. On March 21, they will argue that allowing the destruction of Oak Flat by a copper mining company is a violation of their right to religious freedom (see this short video for more info).Can you join us in prayer on Sunday, March 19, and/or on March 20 and 21, before their court hearing?With gratitude to be part of this movement of the Spirit with you,Daniela Lázaro-Manalo
Racial Equity Education and Advocacy Coordinator
MCC U.S. National Peace & Justice Ministries 

Becoming a Member at BCMC.  Last Sunday, March 12, 2023,  we welcomed Max Ediger of Pursat Province, Kingdom of Cambodia into wider fellowship membership at Bethel College Mennonite Church.  Max transferred his membership from Turpin Mennonite Church in Turpin, Oklahoma. Below is a picture of Max with some students from the School of Peace.  For Max’s Journey of Faith Statement click here.
For pictures of Max’s life in Cambodia, press here.  Max’s address in Cambodia is:  

Pursat Province
Kingdom of Cambodia  50606
phone:  (855) 16668698

Interested in becoming a member or transferring membership to BCMC?  Please contact Elizabeth Schmidt, Congregational Care Coordinator

Life Enrichment for March 23—Krehbiel Auditorium
9:30 “Celebrating 75 Years of the Newton Mexican-American Men’s Fast Pitch Softball Tournament,” Paul Vega, Newton, and Raymond Olais, North Newton
10:35 “20,000 Geese and YOU!,” Libby Albers, assistant director, Kansas Alliance for Wetlands and Streams, Newton
11:30 “Life at Newton Grand Central Senior Center,” with songs by the Golden Notes Choir, Lynne Beth, director, Grand Central Senior Center
Bethel College Announcements:
· Mon., March 20 – Bethel College presents the 3rd annual Ada Schmidt-Tieszen Lecture, 11 a.m., Krehbiel Auditorium (regular convocation). Dr. Tonya Hansel, faculty at the Tulane University School of Social Work, will speak on “Climate Change and Severe Weather Events: Social Workers’ Present and Future Roles in Disaster Relief and Recovery.”
· Fri., Mar. 24, Sat., Mar. 25, Sun., Mar. 26 – Spring musical at Bethel College, tick, tick … BOOM! by Jonathan Larson; Krehbiel Auditorium. Ticket purchase required (buy on campus weekdays at Thresher Shop, or online at – scroll to bottom of page).
· Sun., Mar. 26 and Mon., Mar. 27 – Staley Lectures at Bethel College with Phuc Luu, a theologian, philosopher and artist based in Houston, author of Jesus of the East. Sun. 7 p.m., “Ida B. Wells, the sinned against, and Minjung theology: African-American and Asian voices in harmony,” Administration Building chapel; Mon.: 11 a.m.,“‘Where does all the pain go?’: God’s broken body, trauma and the healing of han,” Krehbiel Auditorium.
· Tues., Mar. 28 – Bethel College Jazz concert, directed by Joel Boettger, 7 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium.
· Thurs., Mar. 30 – “What’s happening in the statehouse?,” a forum on Kansas politics featuring journalists from the Kansas Reflector, moderated by Adam Strunk, managing editor of Harvey County Now, 7 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium. Forum co-sponsors are the Bethel Department of Communication Arts and HCN. The Kansas Reflector is a nonprofit, online publication with Kansas’ largest statehouse bureau. The public is invited.
· Fri., Mar. 31 – Senior recital by Bethel College student Bryce Wilson, saxophon
e, 7 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium.
· Fri., Mar. 31 – The public is invited to the final round of Bethel College’s C. Henry Smith Peace Oratorical Contest, 7:30 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium.  Sponsored by Mennonite Central Committee, the annual competition takes place on North American Mennonite college campuses, with an overall winner chosen from among the campus winners. The original speeches deal with contemporary peace concerns.
· Now in the Regier Gallery in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel College – “Printing on the Plains: Woodcuts by Ian Huebert,” through Fri., April 14 (artist reception April 13). Gallery hours are Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Sun. 2-4 p.m.

Bohne berrogie bake day for the Mennonite Central Committee Sale is April 8 at Moundridge High School.  Volunteers wanting to help, can sign up on the Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale website.
Verenika making day is  April 1 at the Parkview MB Church, 610 S. Main St., Hillsboro with shifts in the morning, 8 a.m.-12 p.m., and afternoon 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. (will include cleanup after we make the target # of Verenika-if you are able and willing to stay and help)  Volunteers, go to the Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale website to sign up.
Everence will hold its Medicare workshop at its office, 3179 N. Main St. Suite 1B, North Newton on Thurs.,  Mar. 23,  6:30 p.m. Topics are: when and where to sign up for Medicare, what Medicare covers, plus an explanation of Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D.  Those interested in attending should contact the Everence office at 316-283-3800, 877-467-7294 or
New Hope Shelter, Inc. will celebrate a groundbreaking on Friday, March 24 at 4 p.m.  As a friend of the Shelter, New Hope invites you to join in this event.  This will be the permanent home of the New Hope Shelter.
New Hope Shelter is in need of the following:  Pinesol,  Scotch Tape, Laundry Pods,  Dishwasher Pods, Dishwashing Soap, 8 1/2 x 11 copy paper, 55+ gallon trash bags, Coffee, Creamer, Sugar, Bread, Napkins, Mayonnaise, Granola bars, Pudding Cups.   If you can provide some of these supplies, they can be taken to New Hope, 900 West Broadway, Bldg. #7.

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements.

For Mennonite Disaster Service Press here
For Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond press here
Mennonite Church USA Looking for Nominations for their Bring the Peace Award press here


Camp Mennoscah Announcements

Nurses and kitchen staff needed for summer youth camps from June 4 through July 21.  Be part of an amazing, faith-filled camp experience!  Most people come out for a camp week, but we will also schedule partial weeks, as needed.  Nurses must be an RN and can receive either a stipend or a camper discount.  Kitchen staff receive a camper discount for up to full camp fees and need to be able to follow directions with a willing spirit.  Contact us at 620-297-3290 or

Other events and happenings:

  • The brush piles and tallgrass prairie have (mostly) been burned!  Thank you to the crew of volunteers who helped–with extra thanks to Jon and Martha who provided lunch. Burning the tall grass is done for safety reasons and to help rejuvenate the prairie.  Camp Mennoscah has not been able to get this done in the past few years due to weather and volunteer schedules.  Camp looks significantly barbecued, but it feels great to have it done.
  • Some families have asked how this summer will look.  Summer youth camps will be very similar to pre-2020 with cabin use.  If we do not have enough counselors, as happened in 2022, we would likely use a tent to allow more campers to attend.  A nurse is still working on some of the protocols, but quarantine or close contact groups will not be used.  Based on the final protocol/guidelines, general illness may mean the camper would go home sooner than in past years.  Camp Mennoscah does not expect to test for COVID.  Parents/Guardians would be responsible for any testing. 
  • Scholarship funds for campers are needed.  If Camp Mennoscah gives the same amount in scholarships as last year, the account will be depleted.  Donations to the Scholarship Fund are most welcome.  Gifts can be made online or sent to Camp Mennoscah, PO Box 65, Murdock, KS, 67111 with “Scholarship Fund” in the memo.  Share the gift of faith formation and friends with others!
  • You may have heard the HVAC in the Retreat Center is not working.  Never fear!  There will be portable A/C units this summer in the Retreat Center.
  • Welcome, Summer Staff 2023!  While we may be adding to the number of summer staff, here is the crew as of March 1:  Peter Buller, Schyler Entz, Daniel Miller, Edel Miller, and Jacob Schrag.  Additional staff are needed for lifeguarding and grounds.  Apply here.  We are excited to have them at camp this summer!
  • Click to register Summer youth camp registration is open and Camp Mennoscah is receiving registrations.  The summer theme is FruitFULL Faith.  Get ready to learn and sing about the Fruit of the Spirit this summer–it’s not a coconut!

Hesston College Announcements

March 22 to 24 Melva Kauffman Lecture Series

Hesston College will explore what restorative justice looks like and how it can be integrated into the world around us during the Melva Kauffman Lecture Series. Jonathan Swartz, director for Student Accountability & Restorative Justice at Eastern Mennonite University, will present. What does restorative justice truly mean? How can one apply it in their life? You can attend a part of the Melva Kauffman Lecture Series at Hesston Mennonite Church on March 24 at 11 am. The session is also available by live stream at

March 27 – Nature Book Club

Join the Dyck Arboretum on March 27 at 6:30 p.m. online for their Nature Book Club. They are reading Once There Were Wolves by Charlotte McConaghy and Wild New World by Dan Flores. Learn more at

Mennonite Church USA Announcements
 Mennonite Church USA hired Warren Yoder as the director of constituent engagement. In this new position, Yoder will  help the denomination connect more fully with its member churches, organizations and individuals. Read more about his work here:


Interested in volunteering at MennoCon23, Kansas City, Mo., July 3-6? Mennonite Church USA is seeking volunteers for special events, children’s and junior youth programming, and more! Fill out a form here:

Mennonite Church USA will host a webinar for more information about what to expect during MennoCon23 on March 30, 2023 at 7 pm ET/4 pm CT. Stay up to date on the latest convention news by subscribing to Peace Mail, the denomination’s only news source here: 

Menno Snapshots

The word “home” is something that Christians talk about frequently. But what happens when someone is experiencing physical homelessness? Kyle Nye, author of “Grace Can Lead Us Home: A Christian Call to End Homelessness,” the current CommonRead selection for the denomination, discusses topics around how Christians can respond to this call:

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for Elena and Freddy Satalaya and their toddler, Matías, as they transition, after five years of ministry in Peru, to Santa Cruz, Bolivia, where they are serving with Bolivia Mennonite Church. Pray for them as they engage in discipleship training and leadership training.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for the WDC Church Planting Commission as it hosts a church planting summit in San Antonio this weekend with the theme Being the Church, Meeting Our Neighbors Where They Are.

Announcements for March 12-19, 2023

March 12, 2023 – Lent 2:  Shaped Through Thirst

Daylight Savings Time begins this Sunday, March 12.  Set your clocks forward one hour.

Based on CDC Guidelines Harvey County is still in green status indicating
low risk for COVID. You are invited to choose whether you wear a mask or social distance.  Both are optional.

To livestream the worship service:
On Sunday morning, around 9:20, go to BCMC’s webpage at and click the green button labeled LIVE STREAM on the right side of the screen, which will take you to the worship service. If you get a message in the black box that the video is unavailable, click the gray box belows that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.   Anytime after the service concludes, you can watch a recording of the service at your convenience by clicking the same green LIVE STREAM button.  Again, you will probably have to go to the gray box that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.  That will transfer you to the BCMC YouTube Channel.  You will have to click on the tab “Videos” to see all of the BCMC videos. Click the red button to see the bulletin/order of service. 
OR – click on this link for this Sunday:

March 12, 2023
Lent 3: Shaped Through Thirst

Prelude—As the Deer Runs to the River (Uehlein)—Karen Unruh, organ
Gather Us In (Michael Helman)—Chancel Bells, Verlene Garber, director
Christ Candle Lighting—Darlene Dick
Call to Worship
Leader: Come, let us bow down in worship.
People: Let us kneel before the Lord our maker;
Leader: for the Lord is our God,
People: we are the people of God’s pasture,
All: we are the flock under God’s care.
Welcome and Prayer
*Hymn—Come Away from Rush and Hurry—VT 9
Children’s Conversation—Carol Flickinger
Anthem—O Sacred Head, Now Wounded (Hans Leo Hassler; arr. by Arnold B. Sherman)— Chancel Bells
Welcoming Max Ediger into Church Membership—Elizabeth Schmidt, Hugo Boschmann—VT 961
Scripture Reading—Exodus 17:1-7; John 4:5-42— Nadine & Al Peters
Sermon—Belonging—Nathan Koontz
 *Hymn— Rain Down—VT 703
Prayers of God’s People
*Hymn—I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say—VT 536
Leader: Like water poured out on a thirsty land,
People: may the Lord pour out the Holy Spirit on us.
Leader: May we blossom with new life.
All: May we bring refreshment and joy to others.
Postlude—I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (Burkhardt)—Karen Unruh
* You are invited to stand
VT = Voices Together
Audio visual— John Thiesen
YouTube Link:

The Women’s Fellowship Executive Board will meet Monday, Mar. 13, 9 a.m., in Fellowship Hall.

This Week at BCMC:  March 12-19, 2023

Sun, Mar. 12, 2023—Lent 3: Shaped through thirst
9:30 am    Worship
YouTube Link for this Sunday is:
The church nursery is staffed during worship and Sunday School
10:30 am  Faith Formation—Intergenerational class meets in  Fellowship Hall;   High School – Room 24 
Adult Classes:  Agape Class meets in the nursery; Bible Study (Rm 14); Catacombs (Rm B5);  Fellowship (B7); Fine Arts (Rm 22); Issues and Christianity (Rm 23); Open Circle (Room 21)
Seekers (Rm 28) [They are doing an “Ecclesiastes study” presented by Weldon Schloneger]
Mon., Mar. 13, 2023
9 am         Women’s Fellowship Executive Board meeting in Fellowship Hall
Wed., Mar. 15, 2023—Youth Group will not meet tonight due to Spring Break
5 pm    Repair Task Group meeting in Room 14
6 pm    Wednesday night meal in Fellowship Hall-Menu is:  Chicken Enchilada casserole, salad, cinnamon dessert.  Please bring your own table service.
7:30 pm   Chancel Choir Rehearsal in the Sanctuary
Thurs., Mar. 16, 2023
6:30 pm   Chancel Bell rehearsal in Room B7
7 pm        Bethel College Women’s Association meets in Fellowship Hall
Sun, Mar. 19, 2023—Lent 4: Called to the Light
9:30 am    Worship with sermon by Dorothy Nickel Friesen; music by Chancel Choir

Watch next week for an announcement about purchasing lillies for Easter.  

BCMC Offering for March 5, 2023:  General Fund  $15,719.33; Wed. Night Supper $635; Living Stones $325; Kitchen Fund $9; Vel Teichroew Memorial $50.

Roger Neufeld Smith returned to Newton Friday, March 10, and will remain in Newton until Tuesday, March 14. 

Pastor Nathan Koontz will be on vacation March 13-17.  If something arises that needs immediate attention, contact the church office, Roger Neufeld Smith, or Elizabeth Schmidt.

Wednesday night suppers , 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.  Menus:

March 15:  Chicken Enchilada casserole, salad, cinnamon dessert
March 22:  Baked potato bar with all the fixings, dessert
March 29:  Beef vegetable curry with rice, ice cream
April 5:       Ham loaf, macaroni and cheese, peas, lemon dessert
Please bring your own table service.   Not doing so adds significant effort for the cleanup crew.  – Hospitality Commission
Sign up for the March 15 supper on the bulletin board or by emailing

Becoming a Member at BCMC. 
We welcome Max Ediger of Pursat Province, Kingdom of Cambodia into wider fellowship membership at Bethel College Mennonite Church.  Max is transferring his membership from Turpin Mennonite Church in Turpin, Oklahoma.  To help us get better acquainted at a distance, Max has shared photos from his current life in Cambodia and recent School of Peace events, which may be viewed in the Gathering Place.
Interested in becoming a member or transferring membership to BCMC?  Please contact Elizabeth Schmidt, Congregational Care Coordinator

BCMC Care Connections – we are starting some new ways of care connections at BCMC!  Please let Elizabeth know if you are interested in any of the following ways of showing care for BCMC’ers:  in-person visits, phone call visits, email connections, post-mail cards/letters, making care packages, delivering care packages.  Yes, you may reply as an individual, or a couple, or a household, or a family, or any/all of the above!  Additional ideas are also welcome.  
Email your interest and ideas to:

Bethel College Mennonite Church has recently installed a new system to aid persons with hearing loss.  The new system includes a small receiver with a “hearing loop” which amplifies the sound in the church and transfers it directly to hearing aids without distortion or delay.  Most hearing aids are equipped with “t-coil” software which receives the amplified signal. Users can check with their hearing professional to ensure that the software is installed on their hearing aid.  Usually, a software upgrade, if needed, is provided at no charge.
Instructions for using the system can be found at the rear of the sanctuary.  Contact Bill Swartley or an usher for additional information.

Update and request from the Funeral Committee. Thanks for understanding as we flexed during COVID, doing meals in varied ways, and thanks to those who have already volunteered to bake cookies for meals and receptions. Now, with COVID waning and Breadbasket able to deliver most food items, we can offer either a faspa or sandwich buffet lunch, but may need help at large events. To be an on-call volunteer, please contact the church office:  (Committee members are Dennis and Kathy Campbell, Tom Jackson, Kathryn Simmons, Dave Linscheid, and Doris Whillock.)  Thank you.
Join the BCMC Creation Care Task Group!
God calls the church to participate in the redemption of individuals, all of humanity and creation.  Therefore ministries of environmental stewardship and environmental justice are important here at BCMC.  The Creation Care Task Group has been on hiatus for a few years and is now beginning again. Areas of focus to promote creation care for this task group include worship, education, lifestyle practices, and community, national, and global environmental activities.  If you are interested in participating with this group, please contact the church office at  You can also contact Duane Friesen from the Witness Commission if you have questions regarding the work of this group.

Life Enrichment for March 16—Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center, Bethel College
9:30 “Russia, Ukraine, and Our World of Competing Visions: Can Civil Society counter Oligarchic Capitalism?,” Janine Wedel, professor at the Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University, Washington,  DC
10:50 “Can We Sing the Darkness to Light?,“ Henry S. Waters, DMA, director of choral music/associate professor music, with the Bethel College Chamber Singers, Open Road, and Woven
Bethel College Announcements:

· Sun., March 12 – Sunday-Afternoon-at-the-Museum program, 3 p.m., Kauffman Museum. Nationally recognized local artist Phil Epp will present “Images of Art and Design in Central Asia,” a program related to the museum’s current special exhibit, “Reeds & Wool: Patterned Screens of Central Asia.”
· Mon., March 20 – Bethel College presents the 3rd annual Ada Schmidt-Tieszen Lecture, 11 a.m., Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center (regular convocation). Dr. Tonya Hansel, faculty at the Tulane University School of Social Work, will speak on “Climate Change and Severe Weather Events: Social Workers’ Present and Future Roles in Disaster Relief and Recovery.”
· SAVE THE DATE: March 24-26, spring musical at Bethel College: tick, tick … BOOM! by Jonathan Larson
· Sun., March 26 and Mon., March 27 – Staley Lecture at Bethel College with Phuc Luu, a theologian, philosopher and artist based in Houston, author of Jesus of the East. Sunday: 7 p.m., Administration Building chapel; Monday: 11 a.m., Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center.

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements.

 Dismantling racism in WDC:  The WDC Executive Board is working on next steps following an anti-racism audit of WDC’s organizational culture and leadership structure If you – or another WDC member you know of – has interest, training or gifts to share in dismantling racism and nurturing intercultural competency, and would like to participate in WDC’s ongoing work in this area, the Board invites you to contact WDC at 316-283-6300 or  The Board will consider these suggestions as it discerns leadership and specific ways to implement the commitment stated in the WDC Constitution: WDC “seeks to foster a biblical, multicultural vision of the missional church by being inclusive of, walking with and learning from many cultural and racial/ethnic groups. Desiring to follow the way of Jesus, we seek to dismantle racism and prejudice in our congregations, conference, institutions and communities.”

The WDC Gifts Discernment Committee is at work again seeking to identify leaders for the conference. While we always welcome any nominations or suggestions of people who might have leadership gifts to share, this year we are specifically asking for help in discerning nominees for the role of Moderator-elect. Please prayerfully consider if there is someone in your community (or yourself) who might be called to this important leadership role in the conference. Suggestions or nominations can be shared here or emailed to!

The WDC Resource Library is looking for wrapping paper donations to be used in the summer reading program. Any holiday, any style–we’d be happy to use up some “vintage” odds and ends from your house. 🙂 Email Jennie at if you have some to donate.

The January 12, 1888, blizzard will be the focus for Lois Preheim, author and educator, who will be the speaker at the annual meeting of the Swiss Mennonite Cultural and Historical Association. Her book, “Trailing the Schoolchildren’s Blizzard” chronicles experiences of families living in ten locations along the storm’s route extending from Canada down through the United States. Dr. Preheim has degrees from Freeman Junior College, the University of Nebraska and Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. She is a retired kindergarten-twelve principal having taught pre-school through college age students. Currently she resides in Newton. The annual meeting will be March 12, 2:30 p.m. at the First Mennonite Church of Christian in Moundridge.

Everence will hold its Medicare workshop at its office, 3179 N. Main St. Suite 1B, North Newton on Thurs.,  Mar. 23,  6:30 p.m. Topics are: when and where to sign up for Medicare, what Medicare covers, plus an explanation of Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D.  Those interested in attending should contact the Everence office at 316-283-3800, 877-467-7294 or

New Hope Shelter, Inc. will celebrate a groundbreaking on Friday, March 24 at 4 p.m.  As a friend of the Shelter, New Hope invites you to join in this event.  This will be the permanent home of the New Hope Shelter.

New Hope Shelter is in need of the following:  Pinesol,  Scotch Tape, Laundry Pods,  Dishwasher Pods, Dishwashing Soap, 8 1/2 x 11 copy paper, 55+ gallon trash bags, Coffee, Creamer, Sugar, Bread, Napkins, Mayonnaise, Granola bars, Pudding Cups.   If you can provide some of these supplies, they can be taken to New Hope, 900 West Broadway, Bldg. #7.

Pray with Apache Stronghold on March 19th!
The Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery invites our community to join in prayer for Indigenous land justice with the Apache Stronghold on March 19th. On March 21st, a federal appeals court will hear a pivotal case about Apache religious freedom that centers around a proposed copper mine, which would destroy the Western Apache sacred site of Oak Flat, Chi’chil Biłdagoteel. Mennonite Church USA and Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference signed onto an amicus brief (a letter to the court) in support of the Apache Stronghold, along with other religious groups. The Apache Stronghold are rallying all people of faith and conscience under the call of “One Drum, One Prayer, One Circle,” to seek unity in protection of Earth and in resistance to ongoing colonization. They will be dedicating March 19th to prayer before their court case and ask us to join them.

Every year, more than 150 volunteers make more than 20,000 verenika before the relief sale. We have jobs for all physical abilities from light weight to heavy weight. Come be a part of the annual history of the Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale.

To sign up, pick which shift (morning or afternoon), select an open slot for the party size you are signing up, select the signup button for the desired shift(s), and then click the SUBMIT AND SIGN UP button at the bottom of the page. The goal is 100 people per shift.

LOCATION: Parkview MB Church, 610 S Main St., Hillsboro, KS 67063|
DATE: Saturday, April 1, 2023
SHIFTS: Morning 8:00-12:00   Afternoon 12:00-4:00 (will include cleanup after we make the target # of Verenika-if you are able and willing to stay and help)
CHECK-IN: East side of church, close to the gymnasium/activity center
–Long hair should be tied back. Bring a hat to wear.
–Children are welcome to help with parental supervision 
–Jobs will be assigned upon arrival. Jobs vary in physical demand – some very light and others much heavier. Most jobs include mostly standing/walking.
Please come help make the annual MCC Sale a huge success with your gift of time. 
If you have any questions, please email
Thank you!!    The Verenika Making Committee
Sign up Here:


Bohne berrogie bake day for the Mennonite Central Committee Sale is April 8 at Moundridge High School.  Volunteers wanting to help, can sign up on the Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale website.

For Mennonite Central Committee In Touch press here
For Mennonite Creation Care Network press here
For Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond press here

From Camp Mennoscah

The dam will be put back in on March 12 at approx. 2:30pm.  Everyone is welcome to join in or to watch.  Gather at the shelter. (The actual putting in of the boards is not for young ages.)  The event will go forward, whatever the weather, unless deemed unsafe.  Call Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290, if uncertain.

Other events and happenings: 

  • Scholarship funds for campers are needed.  If Camp Mennoscah gives the same amount in scholarships as last year, the account will be depleted.  Donations to the Scholarship Fund are most welcome.  Gifts can be made online or sent to Camp Mennoscah, PO Box 65, Murdock, KS, 67111 with “Scholarship Fund” in the memo.  Share the gift of faith formation and friends with others!
  • You may have heard the HVAC in the Retreat Center is not working.  Never fear!  There will be portable A/C or window A/C units this summer in the Retreat Center.
  • Welcome, Summer Staff 2023!  While we may be adding to the number of summer staff, here is the crew as of March 1:  Peter Buller, Schyler Entz, Daniel Miller, Edel Miller, and Jacob Schrag.  Additional staff are needed for lifeguarding and grounds.  Apply here.  We are excited to have them at camp this summer!
  • Kitchen staff and nurses needed for summer youth camps from June 4 through July 28.  Most people come out for a camp week, but we will also schedule partial weeks, as needed.  Kitchen staff receive a camper discount for up to full camp fees and need to be able to follow directions with a willing spirit.  Nurses must be an RN and can receive either a stipend or a camper discount.  Contact us at 620-297-3290 or!
  • Click to register Summer youth camp registration is open and Camp Mennoscah is receiving registrations.  The summer theme is FruitFULL Faith.  Get ready to learn and sing about the Fruit of the Spirit this summer–it’s not a coconut!

From Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp
See The RMMC News & Stories From January & February

Take a look at the latest/greatest happenings here at RMMC. This information can be viewed on:

Mennonite Church USA Announcements
Mennonite Church USA has hired a climate justice intern, Sarah Werner, as part of an effort to provide a continual emphasis on creation care. This internship is funded by a Schowalter Foundation charitable funding distribution awarded to MC USA in late 2021. Read more about her work here:

“What time is it in the Mennonite Church?” Keynote speaker Frank Scoffield Sánchez posed this question at Mennonite Church USA’s 10th Hope for the Future conference on Feb. 3-5. More than 70 Black, Indigenous and people of color gathered for “Such a Time as This,” which was the weekend’s theme. Read more about the conference here: Read more about the honorees here:

Menno Snapshots

Mennonite Church USA is proud to acknowledge Clara Weybright’s peacebuilding work with the 2022 #BringthePeace Young Peacemaker award, sponsored by the denomination’s Church Peace Tax Fund. Clara is a graduate of Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, Virginia, where she studied environmental science. She is currently a Juris Doctor candidate at Temple University Beasley School of Law, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. See her interview here:

As one of the two keynote speakers for the Pastors and Leaders Conference: Reimagining Ministry, that took place on Feb. 13-16, 2023, April Yamasaki is imagining a way forward for ministry in the church. Her congregation was challenged by the many adaptations of living during a pandemic, and she reflects on what she learned through their unimagined time of change. Read more of her thoughts here:


In March 2022, members from Central District Conference visited Americus Mennonite Fellowship, as part of the Sacred Listening Project, and the story of Nashua “Nash” Chantal stood out as epitomizing the Mennonite imperative to live a life that works to bring love and justice to a hurting world. Learn more about The Sacred Listening Project and “Nash’s” story here:

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  From her home in Burkina Faso, Anicka Fast serves with Mennonite Central Committee (MCC), Mennonite Mission Network and Mennonite World Conference. One of her ministries is to amplify the voices of African Christian historians. Pray for her as she helps facilitate a history-writing workshop for Congolese Mennonites in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, this month.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for interim and transitional pastors in WDC, as they accompany congregations navigating change and discerning future pastoral leadership.

Announcements for March 5-12, 2023

March 5, 2023 – Lent 2:  Shaped by New Birth

Based on CDC Guidelines Harvey County is still in green status indicating
low risk for COVID. You are invited to choose whether you wear a mask or social distance.  Both are optional.

To livestream the worship service:
On Sunday morning, around 9:20, go to BCMC’s webpage at and click the green button labeled LIVE STREAM on the right side of the screen, which will take you to the worship service. If you get a message in the black box that the video is unavailable, click the gray box belows that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.   Anytime after the service concludes, you can watch a recording of the service at your convenience by clicking the same green LIVE STREAM button.  Again, you will probably have to go to the gray box that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.  That will transfer you to the BCMC YouTube Channel.  You will have to click on the tab “Videos” to see all of the BCMC videos. Click the red button to see the bulletin/order of service. 
OR – click on this link for this Sunday:

March 5, 2023
Lent 2: Shaped by New Birth

Prelude— Give me Jesus (arr. Lau); My Lord, What a Morning (arr. Lau)—Will Wiebe-Friesen, organ
Christ Candle Lighting—Dale Schrag
Land Acknowledgement—Michelle Armster
*Hymn—Breathe on Me, Breath of God—VT 737
Call to Worship—Dale Schrag
Leader: Lift your eyes to the hills—where does your help come from?
People: Our help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth. All: Let us worship our God, who watches over us now and always.
Welcome and Prayer—Dale Schrag
*Hymn— O Holy Spirit, Root of Life—VT 376
Children’s Conversation—Esther Eash
Anthem—Come, Ye Disconsolate (Terre Johnson)—Chancel Choir
Scripture Reading—Genesis 12:1-4a; John 3:1-17—Aaron Tschetter, Ani Koontz
Sermon—Michelle Armster
 *Hymn—How Many Times We Start Again—VT 553
Prayers of God’s People—Dale Schrag
*Hymn—There’s a Wild Hope in the Wind—VT 828
*Benediction—Michelle Armster
Leader: The Lord watch over you
People: the Lord bless you and make you a blessing;
Leader: the sun will not harm you by day,
People: nor the moon by night.
All: The Lord will bring you to life and carry you safely home.
Postlude—I am thine, O Lord (arr. McDonald)—Will Wiebe-Friesen, piano
* You are invited to stand
VT = Voices Together
Audio visual— Ken Lamp 
YouTube Link:

We are very happy to welcome Michelle Armster this Sunday. Pastor Armster is the executive director for the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Central States.

Roger will be in Topeka most of this week. But he checks his cell phone and church email daily for important messages from BCMC folks.  Roger will return to Newton this Friday, March 10, and remain in Newton until Tuesday, March 14.

Wednesday night suppers , 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.  Menus:

March 8:    Salisbury steak, potatoes, green beans, chocolate chip cookies
March 15:  Chicken Enchilada casserole, salad, cinnamon dessert
March 22:  Baked potato bar with all the fixings, dessert
March 29:  Beef vegetable curry with rice, ice cream
April 5:       Ham loaf, macaroni and cheese, peas, lemon dessert
Please bring your own table service.   Not doing so adds significant effort for the cleanup crew. 
Sign up for the March 8 supper on the bulletin board or by emailing
 BCMC Care Connections – we are starting some new ways of care connections at BCMC!  Please let Elizabeth know if you are interested in any of the following ways of showing care for BCMC’ers:  in-person visits, phone call visits, email connections, post-mail cards/letters, making care packages, delivering care packages.  Yes, you may reply as an individual, or a couple, or a household, or a family, or any/all of the above!  Additional ideas are also welcome.  
Email your interest and ideas to:
The memorial service for Grace Schroeder will be Saturday, March 25 at 11 am.

There will be a Mentor-Mentee event, Sunday, March 5 from 2-3:30 at the Goerz House.  We will be putting together care packages to be mailed to our current college students.

BCMC Offering for February 26, 2023:  General Fund  $8,174; Sr Hi Youth $100; Jr Hi Fund $70; Living Stones $1,220; Kitchen Fund $31; Women’s Fellowship $514; Vel Teichroew Memorial $100.

Sunday, March 5 at 4:00 p.m., the Newton Chorale will present their 2023 concert “A Choral Jubilee” sung in memory of Philip Koontz. The hour-long concert will be at Bethel College Mennonite Church. There is no admission charge; a free-will donation will be taken. The concert will include a chamber orchestra and soloist Dr. Matthew Schloneger in addition to the Chorale. Renae Schmidt Peters will direct. Karen Unruh is the pianist and organist for the group.

This Week at BCMC:  March 5-12, 2023
Sun., Mar. 5, 2023—Lent 2: Shaped by New Birth
9:30 am    Worship with sermon by Michelle Armster
YouTube Link for this Sunday is:
The church nursery is staffed during worship and Sunday School
10:30 am  Faith Formation—Intergenerational class meets in  Fellowship Hall;   High School – Room 24 
Adult Classes:  Agape Class meets in the nursery; Bible Study (Rm 14); Catacombs (Rm B5);  Fellowship (B7); Fine Arts (Rm 22); Issues and Christianity (Rm 23); Open Circle (Room 21)
Seekers (Rm 28) [They will be doing a “Ecclesiastes study” presented by Weldon Schloneger]
4 pm  Newton Chorale concert in the Sanctuary—”A Choral Jubliee” sung in memory of Philip Koontz
Wed., Mar. 8, 2023
6:00 pm    Wednesday night meal in Fellowship Hall-Menu is:
Salisbury steak, potatoes, green beans, chocolate chip cookies.  Please bring your own table service.
7 pm         Youth Group meets
7:30 pm   Chancel Choir Rehearsal in the Sanctuary
Thurs., Mar. 9, 2023
6:30 pm   Chancel Bell rehearsal in Room B7
7 pm         Finance Committee meeting in Room 14
Sun, Mar. 12, 2023—Lent 3: Shaped through thirst
9:30 am    Worship with sermon by Nathan Koontz; music by Chancel Bells

Don’t forget to complete the pastoral priorities survey!
 If you have not already done so, please complete and return the survey on pastoral priorities. The due date has been extended to Sunday, March 5 to give people an extra weekend to complete it. 
See the link at the end of the instructions below for the survey.

Greetings from the BCMC Pastoral Search Committee: 
As described in the Kin-dom Report during the worship service on Sunday, February 19, 2023, the Search Committee is beginning its work to identify and call the next pastor of BCMC. To that end, we are seeking congregational input in two important ways at this time.
1.    Provide us names of potential candidates
First, if you have individuals in mind that you believe the search committee should consider, please share those names with a committee member. These potential candidates do not have to be currently looking for a position, nor do you need to know whether they are interested in our position. We have a process in place to vet that information. For now, we simply invite you to share with us the names of people you think might be a good fit for BCMC. For your reference, committee members include Heather Zerger (Chair), Megan Kohlman, Lois Preheim, John Waltner, and Doug Penner. We will gladly accept your recommendations in person, or by phone, text or email.
2.    Please complete the Survey on Pastoral Priorities
Second, we also want to understand what you, the congregation, believe are our most important priorities for the next pastor of BCMC. To help us do this, we ask that each participant in the life of the congregation complete a survey provided by Western District Conference that ranks various pastoral priorities in the order of their importance to you. The survey is either enclosed or attached.
        a.  For participants receiving the survey electronically        
If you are receiving this communication by email, we ask you to complete the survey electronically using the link in the email message to which this is attached. If you share an email address with other BCMC congregants, the survey link can be used by each of you, so that all BCMC participants may fill out a survey. We simply ask that each BCMC participant fill out the survey only one time. 
        b.    For participants receiving the survey by mail
If you are receiving this communication by mail in paper form, enough copies of the survey are enclosed for each participant in your household to complete. Please use the enclosed, self-addressed stamped envelope to return all your surveys to the Church. Alternatively, you may drop them off at the Church office or in Jon and Heather Zerger’s church mailbox, if that is more convenient.   
        c.    Instructions for filling out the survey
The survey asks you to rank various pastoral tasks in the order of their importance to you—either low, medium or high priority. You will see, there are actually two levels at the low priority, three at the medium priority, and two at the high priority, so that you may differentiate even further between tasks. The survey has specific instructions on how many tasks you can rank at each level. Please read the instructions carefully and give thought to how you rank the listed pastoral tasks. Your answers should reflect what you believe are priorities of BCMC now and into the future, which may or may not be what you perceive priorities were in the past. 
        d.    Deadline for completing the survey
Whether you fill out your survey electronically or on paper, we ask each of you to fill it out by March 2. This information will help us to match the skill set and passions of potential candidates with what BCMC considers are its greatest priorities at this time in the life of the congregation. If you have any questions about how to fill out the survey, please reach out to any member of the search committee listed above. Thank you in advance for your assistance in these two important ways. And thank you for your prayerful support as we undertake the work of identifying and calling our next pastor.

Click on the blue link below for the electronic survey.  If you prefer a paper survey, contact the church office. 

BCMC Pastoral Priorities

Join the BCMC Creation Care Task Group!
God calls the church to participate in the redemption of individuals, all of humanity and creation.  Therefore ministries of environmental stewardship and environmental justice are important here at BCMC.  The Creation Care Task Group has been on hiatus for a few years and is now beginning again. Areas of focus to promote creation care for this task group include worship, education, lifestyle practices, and community, national, and global environmental activities.  If you are interested in participating with this group, please contact the church office at  You can also contact Duane Friesen from the Witness Commission if you have questions regarding the work of this group.
BCMC has an AED (Automated External Defibrillator)  for emergency use but needs congregation members to administer it’s use, if and when necessary.
Bill Swartley has offered to do a training session to facilitate this.  Anyone who is interested and willing to assist with using the AED, may contact the church office at office@bethelcollegemennonite
Bill will then set up a time for training.

“Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?  Thanks to the 74 participants in this February 26 event with 10 households hosting.  It was fun getting to know congregants on a more personal level complete with a wonderful meal.  — Hospitality Commission, Marlene V.Faul, chair

We are grateful to Tim Schrag who will serve as the new gardener and sexton for the Peace Garden at BCMC.  Tim offers his gifts of gardening and landscape management experience, previously at Kidron Bethel Village and currently at Hesston College. 
The Peace Garden is a witness to the beauty and wonder of God’s creation, designed to invite joyful delight, worship, and quiet meditation. The garden incorporates native flowers, grasses, and shrubs to attract birds and pollinators.  It is a laboratory for Christian faith formation, a natural outdoor space to be used for education about our local ecosystems. The Peace Garden provides two alternatives for handling ashes when cremation is chosen, a columbarium with niches for ashes, and garden spaces where ashes can be scattered and raked into the soil, modeling ecological cycling of death and rebirth of all life on earth (“from dust to dust”).  Engraved plaques on the niches of the columbarium and engraved pavers on a walkway honor the memory of loved ones and the “cloud of witnesses” that surround the living body of Christ.

Everence is looking for a full-time Receptionist/Administrative Assistant to support the sales efforts of the office by providing clerical, administrative support and sales assistance to the Kansas team.  Qualified candidates will have exceptional client service capabilities, ability to handle multiple tasks, and experience or aptitude to learn PC-based software programs.  For more information about the responsibilities and qualifications of this position and/or to apply, please visit our website,

Update and request from the Funeral Committee. Thanks for understanding as we flexed during COVID, doing meals in varied ways, and thanks to those who have already volunteered to bake cookies for meals and receptions. Now, with COVID waning and Breadbasket able to deliver most food items, we can offer either a faspa or sandwich buffet lunch, but may need help at large events. To be an on-call volunteer, please contact the church office:  (Other committee members are Dennis and Kathy Campbell, Tom Jackson, Kathryn Simmons and Dave Linscheid). Thank you.

Bethel College Announcements:
· Bethel College is on spring break March 6-10. Most offices and services are open but some may be on reduced hours. The Regier Gallery is closed (new exhibit opens March 17).
· Sun., March 12 – Sunday-Afternoon-at-the-Museum program, 3 p.m., Kauffman Museum. Nationally recognized local artist Phil Epp will present “Images of Art and Design in Central Asia,” a program related to the museum’s current special exhibit, “Reeds & Wool: Patterned Screens of Central Asia.”
· SAVE THE DATE: March 24-26, spring musical at Bethel College: tick, tick … BOOM! by Jonathan Larson

The January 12, 1888, blizzard will be the focus for Lois Preheim, author and educator, who will be the speaker at the annual meeting of the Swiss Mennonite Cultural and Historical Association. Her book, “Trailing the Schoolchildren’s Blizzard” chronicles experiences of families living in ten locations along the storm’s route extending from Canada down through the United States. Dr. Preheim has degrees from Freeman Junior College, the University of Nebraska and Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. She is a retired kindergarten-twelve principal having taught pre-school through college age students. Currently she resides in Newton. The annual meeting will be March 12, 2:30 p.m. at the First Mennonite Church of Christian in Moundridge.

New Hope Shelter is in need of the following:  Pinesol,  Scotch Tape, Laundry Pods,  Dishwasher Pods, Dishwashing Soap, 8 1/2 x 11 copy paper, 55+ gallon trash bags, Coffee, Creamer, Sugar, Bread, Napkins, Mayonnaise, Granola bars, Pudding Cups.   If you can provide some of these supplies, they can be taken to New Hope, 900 West Broadway, Bldg. #7.

Come to Men and Boys Retreat, Mar. 31-Apr. 2 , at Camp Mennoscah,  a long-standing, guys-only retreat.  Enjoy time fishing, canoeing, worshiping, sitting by the fire, or visiting with friends in fellowship. The official beginning to the weekend is Saturday morning, but many arrive on Friday. There will be a worship service on Sunday morning. Meals can be purchased for Saturday night, Sunday morning and lunch. No pre-registration. Registration and payment will take place upon arrival.  More information contact Kevin Neufeld at 316-322-5515

Mennonite Central Committee Announcements
· Put your faith in action by volunteering with SWAP this summer! MCC’s SWAP (Sharing With Appalachian People) home repair program provides short-term service and learning opportunities for churches, school and university groups, families, other groups and individuals. Now is the time to make your summer plans and sign up! More information and registration at or (606) 634-4418.
· SAVE THE DATE! Come join the fun at 15th annual MCC Comforter Blitz on March 6, 7 and 8 on the Journey Yoder Campus, one mile north of Yoder, KS. Times are Monday and Tuesday 9-5 and Wednesday 9-4.  No sewing skills are required, we will teach you.  Lunch is available by donation each day, or you may bring your own sack lunch.  Bring snacks to share during the workday.  This event is hosted by Kansas Friends of MCC to make comforters for relief to be sent to refugees or places after natural disasters. Please contact the MCC Central States office with questions at #316-283-2720, or check the Comforter Blitz Facebook Page, “Kansas MCC Comforter Blitz”.

Bohne berrogie bake day for the MCC Sale is April 8 at Moundridge High School.  Volunteers wanting to help, can sign up on the MCC Sale website.

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!

Camp Mennoscah Announcements
Youth Needed for Fun Times and Service!  
Youth in Grades 6-12 are invited to the Youth Volunteer Weekend on March 24-25 for a focused time of worship and service.  The retreat begins on Friday at 7pm with registration followed by snacks, games, and campfire.  Rachel and Isaac, the Senior High Camp program directors, will lead activities.  Ben Woodward-Breckbill will lead worship times.  Register in the Summer Youth Camp section by adding a person or session, if you have already registered for camp. 
Other events and happenings:

  • The dam will be put back in on March 12 at approx. 2:30pm.  Everyone is welcome to join in or to watch.  Gather at the shelter. (The actual putting in of the boards is not for young ages.)  The event will go forward, whatever the weather, unless deemed unsafe.  Call Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290, if uncertain. 
  • Welcome Summer Staff 2023!  While we may be adding to the number of summer staff, here is the crew as of March 1:  Peter Buller, Schyler Entz, Daniel Miller, Edel Miller, and Jacob Schrag.  Additional staff are needed for lifeguarding and grounds.  Apply here.  We are excited to have them at camp this summer!
  • Kitchen staff and nurses needed for summer youth camps from June 4 through July 28.  Most people come out for a camp week, but we will also schedule partial weeks, as needed.  Kitchen staff receive a camper discount for up to full camp fees and need to be able to follow directions with a willing spirit.  Nurses must be an RN and can receive either a stipend or a camper discount.  Contact us at 620-297-3290 or!
  • Click to register Summer youth camp registration is open and Camp Mennoscah is receiving registrations.  The summer theme is FruitFULL Faith.  Get ready to learn and sing about the Fruit of the Spirit this summer–it’s not a coconut!
  • Spring Scrapbook and Craft Retreat registration is open!Online registration can be found here.  Croppers and crafters of all skill levels are welcome.  Participants at the Scrapbook and Crafts Retreats will have lodging in the Retreat Center and work space at the Dining Hall.  Grade 3 and above are welcome with an accompanying adult.   Further details available on the website or at 620-297-3290.  See you in March!

For Mennonite Church USA MennoCon press here
For Mennonite World Conference press here

For Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond press here
For Mennonite Men press here
Mennonite Mission Network Urgent Prayer Request press here

Hesston College Announcements

March 1 to 5 – Spring Musical

Hesston College Performing Arts will stage a production of The Apple Tree. Join us for this fantastic performance by the same duo that wrote Fiddler on the Roof. It’s a series of three musical playlets – The Diary of Adam & Eve, The Lady or the Tiger, Passionella. Learn more at

March 11 – Go Green Leprechaun Run

Dyck Arboretum will host the 11th annual Leprechaun Run on March 11 at 8:30 a.m. There will be a 2 mile fun run/walk and a 10K. Registration will close March 9. You are encouraged to wear green and come run or walk. All proceeds go to help underwrite educational programming. Learn more, register, or sign up to volunteer at

Mennonite Church USA Announcements

The African American Mennonite Association (AAMA), one of the racial ethnic groups that make up the Racial Ethnic Council of Mennonite Church USA, has prepared a new master class curriculum for Black Mennonite church leaders. Learn more here:

Mennonite Central Committee and Mennonite Church USA are partnering in a year-long focus on alternatives to the current prison system and mass incarceration. A four-part webinar series, “Beyond Incarceration,” will be followed by learning tours across the U.S. Register for the learning tours here: Register for the webinar series here:


Registration for MennoCon23 is now open. Mennocon23 will be held in Kansas City, Mo., July 3-6, immediately followed by the Mennonite Church USA Delegate Assembly and the new Youth & Young Adult Climate Summit. Register here: View a downloadable printer-friendly flier here:


Change and transformation is a constant in life. For Lorraine Stutzman Amstutz, Mennonite Church USA’s denominational minister for Peace and Justice, relationships have been an important part of the transformation in her own life and have sustained her throughout those changes. Read more of her reflections here:

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Participants from three Mennonite Mission Network Service Adventure units are in Newton for five days of fellowship, during which they will share the importance of service with potential participants. A similar event will be held in two weeks in Elkhart, Indiana. Pray that current and future participants will grow in their commitment to active faith through these events.
Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for the four WDC Commissions as they work to resource congregations, equip ministers and congregational leaders, nurture emerging congregations, and encourage generous giving and stewardship to support WDC’s mission.

Announcements for February 26-March 5, 2023

February 26, 2023

Based on CDC Guidelines Harvey County is still in green status indicating
low risk for COVID. You are invited to choose whether you wear a mask or social distance.  Both are optional.

To livestream the worship service:
On Sunday morning, around 9:20, go to BCMC’s webpage at and click the green button labeled LIVE STREAM on the right side of the screen, which will take you to the worship service. If you get a message in the black box that the video is unavailable, click the gray box belows that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.   Anytime after the service concludes, you can watch a recording of the service at your convenience by clicking the same green LIVE STREAM button.  Again, you will probably have to go to the gray box that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.  That will transfer you to the BCMC YouTube Channel.  You will have to click on the tab “Videos” to see all of the BCMC videos. Click the red button to see the bulletin/order of service. 
OR – click on this link for this Sunday:

February 26, 2023
Lent 1: Shaped By Testing

Prelude— Take the World, But Give Me Jesus (arr. Labenske); Jesus! What a Friend for Sinners! (arr. Rice); Come, All Christians, Be Committed  (arr. Hayes)—Meghann Rogers, piano               
Christ Candle Lighting
Call to Worship
Leader: Sing together! Celebrate God!
People: God protects us from our trouble.
Leader: God forgives us and covers our sin.
People: God surrounds us with songs of deliverance.
All: Therefore, let all God’s people pray with thanksgiving and worship God.
Welcome and Prayer—Adam Robb
*Hymn—The Glory of These Forty Days—VT 305
Children’s Conversation—Esther Koontz
Anthem—Menno Ringers
Scripture Reading—Genesis 2:7,15-17—Pastor Nathan Koontz; Matthew 4:1-11—Carol Peters
Sermon—Roger Neufeld Smith
*Hymn—Word and Sign— VT 483
*Hymn—Precious Lord, Take My Hand—VT 610
Prayers of God’s People
*Hymn—Christ Be in Your Senses—VT 721—People with February birthdays come forward for a blessing, please bring a hymnal 
*Birthday Blessing & Benediction—Roger Neufeld Smith
Leader:  Many are the woes of the wicked,
People:  but the Lord’s unfailing love surrounds those who trust in God.
Leader:   Rejoice in the Lord and be glad, you righteous.
People:  Sing, all you who have been forgiven!
All:  The Lord’s unfailing love surrounds those who trust in God.
Postlude— This is My Father’s World (arr. Rice)—Meghann Rogers Meghann Rogers
* You are invited to stand
VT = Voices Together
Audio visual—Francis Toews
Pastors—Nathan Koontz and Roger Neufeld Smith 
YouTube Link:

This Week at BCMC:  February 26-March 5, 2023
Sun., Feb. 26, 2023—Lent 1: Shaped by Testing
9:30 am    Worship Service  YouTube Link for this Sunday is:
The church nursery is staffed during worship and Sunday School
10:30 am  Faith Formation—Intergenerational class meets in  Fellowship Hall;   High School – Room 24 
Adult Classes:  Agape Class meets in the nursery; Bible Study (Rm 14); Catacombs (Rm B5);  Fellowship (B7); Fine Arts (Rm 22); Issues and Christianity (Rm 23); Open Circle (Room 21)
Seekers (Rm 28) [They will be doing a “Ecclesiastes study” presented by Weldon Schloneger]
Mon., Feb. 27, 2023
7 pm        Newton Chorale rehearsal in the sanctuary
Tues., Feb. 28, 2023
12 noon  Mid-Kansas Investment Club meeting in Fellowship Hall
Wed., Mar. 1, 2023
6:00 pm   First Wednesday night meal in Fellowship Hall-Menu is:
Chili, carrots, cinnamon rolls
7 pm         Youth Group meets
7:30 pm   Chancel Choir Rehearsal in the Sanctuary
Thurs., Mar. 2, 2023
6:30 pm   Chancel Bell rehearsal in Room B7
7 pm         Newton Chorale rehearsal in the Sanctuary
7 pm         Church Board meeting in Room 14
Sun., Mar. 5, 2023—Lent 2: Shaped by New Birth
9:30 am    Worship with sermon by Michelle Armster; music by Chancel Choir

“Guess Who’s Coming to  Dinner” has arrived at last!   You will receive your host’s name in your mailbox Sunday, February 26.  Enjoy your dinner at 12 p.m.!

We are very happy to welcome Michelle Armster to preach next Sunday, March 5, for our second Sunday of Lent. Pastor Armster is the executive director for the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Central States.

Mark your calendars for Wednesday night suppers beginning March 1, 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall.  Note time change—NOT 6:30— Here are the menus:

March 1:    Chili, carrots, cinnamon rolls
March 8:    Salisbury steak, potatoes, green beans, chocolate chip cookies
March 15:  Chicken Enchilada casserole, salad, cinnamon dessert
March 22:  Baked potato bar with all the fixings, dessert
March 29:  Beef vegetable curry with rice, ice cream
April 5:       Ham loaf, macaroni and cheese, peas, lemon dessert
**There may be changes due to supply or the cooks’ possible time constraints.
Please bring your own table service.
Sign up for the March 1 supper on the bulletin board or by emailing

For the BCMC Kaleidoscope – December 2022-January 2023 Edition press here

A CHANGE OF TIME FOR YOUR CALENDARS:  The Maundy Thursday service will be at 6:30 p.m. on April 6.   (It was previously scheduled for 7:00 p.m.)
For the Lent Devotional for 2023 press here.

This Sunday, February 26 is the first Sunday of Lent.  There will be communion served during the worship service.

BCMC Offering for February 19, 2023: 
 General Fund  $16,741.66; Caring Fund $350; Library Reserve Fund $10; Jr Hi Fund $50; Living Stones $556.66; Kitchen Fund $10; Women’s Fellowship $50; Vel Teichroew Memorial $15. 

The memorial service for Grace Schroeder will be Saturday, March 25 at 11 am.

Roger’s Whereabouts – Roger will return to Newton on Friday, February 24, and will preach on Sunday, February 26. He will remain in Newton until the Church Board meeting on Thursday evening, March 2. . 

BCMC Care Connections – we are starting some new ways of care connections at BCMC!  Please let Elizabeth know if you are interested in any of the following ways of showing care for BCMC’ers:  in-person visits, phone call visits, email connections, post-mail cards/letters, making care packages, delivering care packages.  Yes, you may reply as an individual, or a couple, or a household, or a family, or any/all of the above!  Additional ideas are also welcome.  

Email your interest and ideas to:

We will be purchasing lilies for Easter as we have done in the past.  We do not know how much they will cost, but we hope to have some information soon.  Watch for an announcement next week as to the cost.  You can fill out a form to purchase a lily and have it be in honor or in memory of someone.

Update and request from the Funeral Committee. Thanks for understanding as we flexed during COVID, doing meals in varied ways, and thanks to those who have already volunteered to bake cookies for meals and receptions. Now, with COVID waning and Breadbasket able to deliver most food items, we can offer either a faspa or sandwich buffet lunch, but may need help at large events. To be an on-call volunteer, please contact Doris Whillock,, 316-283-5561. (Other committee members are Dennis and Kathy Campbell, Tom Jackson, Kathryn Simmons and Dave Linscheid). Thank you.

Join the BCMC Creation Care Task Group!
God calls the church to participate in the redemption of individuals, all of humanity and creation.  Therefore ministries of environmental stewardship and environmental justice are important here at BCMC.  The Creation Care Task Group has been on hiatus for a few years and is now beginning again. Areas of focus to promote creation care for this task group include worship, education, lifestyle practices, and community, national, and global environmental activities.  If you are interested in participating with this group, please contact the church office at  You can also contact Duane Friesen from the Witness Commission if you have questions regarding the work of this group.
BCMC has an AED (Automated External Defibrillator)  for emergency use but needs congregation members to administer it’s use, if and when necessary.
Bill Swartley has offered to do a training session to facilitate this.  Anyone who is interested and willing to assist with using the AED, may contact the church office at
Bill will then set up a time for training.

The January 12, 1888, blizzard will be the focus for Lois Preheim, author and educator, who will be the speaker at the annual meeting of the Swiss Mennonite Cultural and Historical Association. Her book, “Trailing the Schoolchildren’s Blizzard” chronicles experiences of families living in ten locations along the storm’s route extending from Canada down through the United States. Dr. Preheim has degrees from Freeman Junior College, the University of Nebraska and Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary. She is a retired kindergarten-twelve principal having taught pre-school through college age students. Currently she resides in Newton. The annual meeting will be March 12, 2:30 p.m. at the First Mennonite Church of Christian in Moundridge.

Life Enrichment for March 2—Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center, Bethel College
9:30 am    “Nutrition: Importance of Eating and EnjoyingReal Food in a Convenience Food Culture,” Heather McDonough, Andover
10:35 am   “Serving People in Need of Shelter” Jeff Koller, McPherson
11:30 am   “Why Kansas?,” Rev. Dr. Karen L. Robu, Bethel College assistant professor of communication arts/director of theater

Bethel College Announcements
· TODAY (Sun., Feb. 26) – Sunday-Afternoon-at-the-Museum program, 3 p.m., Kauffman Museum. Raylene Hinz-Penner, North Newton, will speak on her recently published memoir, with “East of Liberal: Notes on the Land – Exploring the Myths, Contradictions and Resilience.”
· TODAY (Sun., Feb. 26) – Bethel College Choir Tour Send-off Concert, directed by Dr. Henry Waters, 7 p.m., Memorial Hall (please note the change in date from some previously printed calendars). The concert has the theme “Can We Sing the Darkness to Light?” and includes performances by the Chamber Singers, Woven and Open Road as well as the Concert Choir.
· Sat., March 4 – Kauffman Museum bird walk, 8 a.m. start time in the museum parking lot at the corner of Main and 27th streets (2801 N. Main St., North Newton 67117). Experienced birders lead a walk of 1-1.5 hours in Chisholm Park and on Sand Creek Trail (terrain is mostly wood-chip path and sometimes uneven/sloping).

New Hope Shelter is in need of the following:  Pinesol,  Scotch Tape, Laundry Pods,  Dishwasher Pods, Dishwashing Soap, 8 1/2 x 11 copy paper, 55+ gallon trash bags, Coffee, Creamer, Sugar, Bread, Napkins, Mayonnaise, Granola bars, Pudding Cups.   If you can provide some of these supplies, they can be taken to New Hope, 900 West Broadway, Bldg. #7.

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!

Come to Men and Boys Retreat, Mar. 31-Apr. 2 , at Camp Mennoscah,  a long-standing, guys-only retreat.  Enjoy time fishing, canoeing, worshiping, sitting by the fire, or visiting with friends in fellowship. The official beginning to the weekend is Saturday morning, but many arrive on Friday. There will be a worship service on Sunday morning. Meals can be purchased for Saturday night, Sunday morning and lunch. No pre-registration. Registration and payment will take place upon arrival.  More information contact Kevin Neufeld at 316-322-5515.

Mennonite Central Committee Announcements
· MCC Central States Annual Meeting, Saturday, March 4, 1-3 p.m. you are invited to hear from MCC SALT alum Jason Schmidt and current IVEP participant Naomi Kwanza share about their MCC experiences. Naomi, from Tanzania is working at Jason’s Grazing Plains Farm in rural Kansas acquiring skills for making cheese and other dairy products to use back in her home country. Catch up with MCC Central States staff, find out about work happening across the region, check out the MCC building progress and enjoy some Grazing Plains cheese! Please RSVP to if you plan to attend. Thanks! 
· Put your faith in action by volunteering with SWAP this summer! MCC’s SWAP (Sharing With Appalachian People) home repair program provides short-term service and learning opportunities for churches, school and university groups, families, other groups and individuals. Now is the time to make your summer plans and sign up! More information and registration at or (606) 634-4418.
· SAVE THE DATE! Come join the fun at 15th annual MCC Comforter Blitz on March 6, 7 and 8 on the Journey Yoder Campus, one mile north of Yoder, KS. Times are Monday and Tuesday 9-5 and Wednesday 9-4.  No sewing skills are required, we will teach you.  Lunch is available by donation each day, or you may bring your own sack lunch.  Bring snacks to share during the workday.  This event is hosted by Kansas Friends of MCC to make comforters for relief to be sent to refugees or places after natural disasters. Please contact the MCC Central States office with questions at #316-283-2720, or check the Comforter Blitz Facebook Page, “Kansas MCC Comforter Blitz”.

On Tuesday, February 28 at 7 p.m., the Dyck Arboretum of the Plains Winter Lecture Series will focus on “McPherson Valley Wetlands: Past, Present and Future” with Jason Black, Public Land Manager with the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks.  Historically there were thousands of acres of wetlands in the McPherson Valley Wetlands complex which were of extreme importance to migratory birds, even supplying railroad car loads of waterfowl to Kansas City restaurants. Over time, these wetlands were gradually drained off the landscape. Hear the full story of this unique wetland ecosystem and the plans for its restoration from a Public Land Manager perspective. The lecture will be in the Prairie Pavilion at the Dyck Arboretum at 177 West Hickory in Hesston. Admission is $5 and can be paid at the door or ahead of time at

For Anabaptist Disabilities Network Connections Newsletter press here.

Camp Mennoscah Announcements

Thank you to the anonymous donor(s) of items!  Camp Mennoscah has received a few items off the wish list.  The Amazon wish list is another wonderful list of camp needs and wants, especially since Amazon is closing their AmazonSmile program.  The gift of items from any of the wish lists are a great way to continue to contribute to the mission of faith formation and relationship building at Camp Mennoscah.

Other events and happenings:

  • Youth Volunteer Weekend is March 24-25!  Youth in Grades 6-12 are invited to come to this retreat focused on worship and service.  The retreat begins on Friday at 7pm with registration followed by snacks, games, and campfire.  Rachel and Isaac, the Senior High program directors, will lead activities.  Ben Woodward-Breckbill will lead worship times.  Register in the Summer Youth Camp section by adding a person or session, if you have already registered for camp. 
  • Kitchen staff and nurses needed for summer youth camps from June 4 through July 28.  Most people come out for a camp week, but we will also schedule partial weeks, as needed.  Kitchen staff receive a camper discount for up to full camp fees and need to be able to follow directions with a willing spirit.  Nurses must be an RN and can receive either a stipend or a camper discount.  Contact us at 620-297-3290 or!
  • Click to register Summer youth camp registration is open and Camp Mennoscah is receiving registrations.  The summer theme is FruitFULL Faith.  Get ready to learn and sing about the Fruit of the Spirit this summer–it’s not a coconut!
  • Interviews for Summer Staff In Progress!We are seeking stunning summer staff to fill the following leadership positions for the 2023 summer:  crafts, lifeguard, music, nature, office, and grounds.  These positions are typically filled by college-age students, are summer-long and receive a stipend.  Lifeguards and grounds are especially needed.  It’s a summer of fun, service and faith formation!
  • Spring Scrapbook and Craft Retreat registration is open!Online registration can be found here.  Croppers and crafters of all skill levels are welcome.  Participants at the Scrapbook and Crafts Retreats will have lodging in the Retreat Center and work space at the Dining Hall.  Grade 3 and above are welcome with an accompanying adult.   Further details available on the website or at 620-297-3290.  See you in March!
  • Help us Plan for the Future!  A seven-question survey will help us know how camp is used and what you would like to see in the future.  This survey will close at the end of February.  Click here to tell us what you think!

 From Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp

Mountain States Mennonite Conference Men’s Retreat at Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp is March 3-5, 2023. The theme for this year’s retreat is “Life Transitions.” Retreat sessions will include “Personal Life Transitions” and “Vocation & Location Transitions” as well as a hymn singing session. The weekend starts the morning of Friday the 3rd with the annual workday, this year taking on the Emmental shower renovation project. Additionally, good music, food, fellowship, and play will be part of our time together. Who’s up for a couple of “sheets” of Human Curling (an RMMC original)? Or how about traditional curling? Snowshoeing? Online registration ( is open for all who want to get away from everyday life to experience fellowship and peace in the beauty that is Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp.

The Mountain States Mennonite Conference Women’s Retreat at Rocky Mountain Camp is coming March 10, 11, and 12. The theme of the weekend will be Meeting the Holy in Nature, and we are excited to welcome Jane Scanlon, who will lead us in “Forest Bathing” which is a practice that invites us to connect with our senses, and experience the natural world with a quiet mind and open heart. During our time together, we will deepen our connection to the holy in the natural world. Additionally, the weekend will include opportunities for fellowship and activities of your choosing, including yoga, hiking, human curling, and crafts, or you may choose to simply relax by the fireplace! Online registration is available at

The Goshen College Chamber Choir will be performing a concert program “Lead with Love” at 7:00 PM on Sunday, February 26 at the First Mennonite Church of Hillsboro, KS as a part of their 2023 Midwest tour.
The music program at Goshen College is well-known for its outstanding ensembles and dedication to the arts.  This group from Goshen, Indiana, will share the college’s rich singing tradition with inspiring and thought-provoking choral selections.  The Chamber Choir, under the direction of Dr. Scott Hochstetler, will perform Let Thy Hand Be Strengthened (G.F. Handel), Symphony No. 9 Mvt. IV (“Ode to Joy” Beethoven), Stomp the Fire (A. Ramsey), and Lead with Love (M. DeMore), among other selections. The concert will feature instrumentalists as well as Dr. H. Roz Woll, mezzo soprano soloist. 
The concert program is a selection of music expressing gratitude, joy, and love.  Striving to affirm music’s power to transcend time and place, bringing all together in the spirit of acceptance.  You are cordially invited to join us for this special concert event.

For Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond press here
For Mennonite Mission Network News from Around the World press here

For Mennonite World Conference Courier press here

Hesston College Spring Musical

March 1 to 5 – Spring Musical
Hesston College Performing Arts will present the musical The Apple Tree by Bock and Harnick, the same duo that wrote Fiddler on the Roof, in the Black Box Theater in Keim Center March 1 to 5. The Apple Tree is a series of three musical playlets  – The Diary of Adam & Eve, The Lady or the Tiger, Passionella. Learn more at

Mennonite Church USA

Menno Snapshots

During the first week of December 2022, the Executive Council of Mennonite World Conference (MWC) met to finish the business that they had begun in Indonesia in July. Linda Dibble, moderator for Mennonite Church USA and the MWC North American representative for the United States, shares about her experiences of connection with a diverse group of Anabaptists here:

In celebration of the birthday of Anabaptism, which occurs on Jan. 21 each year, Mollee Moua, managing editor of the Anabaptism at 500 Project at MennoMedia, a Mennonite Church USA agency, shares about the work of making the Bible more accessible to all. Read her thoughts here:

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Mennonite Mission Network
requests prayer for Iglesia Cristiana Menonita del Perú (Mennonite Christian Church of Peru), as they witness about the Prince of Peace during a time of national unrest.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for the retreat in San Antonio that the Church Planting Commission and conference minister Sandra Montes Martinez are planning. The event is called “Being the Church: Meeting our neighbors where they are,” and we pray that it bears fruit in encouraging emerging Anabaptist congregations in ministry that joins God in God’s work. -WDC Church Planting Commission

Announcements for February 19-26, 2023

February 19, 2023

Based on CDC Guidelines Harvey County is still in green status indicating
low risk for COVID. You are invited to choose whether you wear a mask or social distance.  Both are optional.

To livestream the worship service:
On Sunday morning, around 9:20, go to BCMC’s webpage at and click the green button labeled LIVE STREAM on the right side of the screen, which will take you to the worship service. If you get a message in the black box that the video is unavailable, click the gray box belows that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.   Anytime after the service concludes, you can watch a recording of the service at your convenience by clicking the same green LIVE STREAM button.  Again, you will probably have to go to the gray box that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.  That will transfer you to the BCMC YouTube Channel.  You will have to click on the tab “Videos” to see all of the BCMC videos. Click the red button to see the bulletin/order of service. 
OR – click on this link for this Sunday:

February 19, 2023
Transfiguration Sunday

 Prelude—Will Wiebe-Friesen
Christ Candle Lighting—Jonathan Zerger
Welcome and Prayer
*Hymn—Could It Be That God Is Singing—VT 42
Kin-dom Report—Heather Zerger
Children’s Conversation—Kevin Neufeld
Anthem—Chancel Choir; Riley King, director; Will Wiebe-Friesen, accompanist
Scripture Reading—Exodus 24:12-18; Matthew 17:1-9—Sheryl Goering
Sermon—On the Mountain—Nathan Koontz
*Hymn—Beloved, God’s Chosen—VT 164
Prayers of God’s People
*Hymn—Don’t Be Afraid—VT 596
*Benediction— Nathan Koontz
Postlude—Will Wiebe-Friesen
* You are invited to stand
VT = Voices Together
Audio visual— Ben Lichti
Pastor—Nathan Koontz

This Week at BCMC:  February 19-February 26, 2023
Sun., Feb. 19,  2023
9:30 am    Worship Service —  YouTube Link for this Sunday is:
The church nursery is staffed during worship and Sunday School
10:30 am  Faith Formation—Intergenerational class meets in  Fellowship Hall;   High School – Room 24 
Adult Classes:  Agape Class meets in the nursery; Bible Study (Rm 14); Catacombs (Rm B5);  Fellowship (B7); Fine Arts (Rm 22); Issues and Christianity (Rm 23); Open Circle (Room 21)
Seekers (Rm 28) [They will be doing a “Ecclesiastes study” presented by Weldon Schloneger]
Mon., Feb. 20, 2023
7 pm        Newton Chorale rehearsal in the sanctuary
Tues., Feb. 21, 2023
7 pm         Women’s Fellowship meets in Fellowship Hall
Wed., Feb. 22, 2023
6:30 pm   Ash Wednesday Service in the Sanctuary
6:30 pm   Menno Ringers Rehearsal in Room B7
7 pm         Youth Group meets
7:30 pm   Chancel Choir Rehearsal in the Sanctuary
Thurs., Feb. 23, 2023

6:30 pm   Chancel Bell rehearsal in Room B7
7 pm         Newton Chorale rehearsal in the Sanctuary
Fri., Feb. 24, 2023
10-11 am  Informal conversation about the book, Women Talking by
Miriam Toews in Fellowship Hall with Justina Neufeld and Dorothy Nickel Friesen hosting the discussion
Sun., Feb. 26, 2023—Lent 1: Shaped by Testing
9:30 am    Worship with sermon by Roger Neufeld Smith; music by Menno Ringers; Communion will be served; February birthday recognition

BCMC will begin the Lent Season with an Ash Wednesday service next Wednesday, February 22 at 6:30 pm in the Sanctuary.  For the 2023 Lent Devotional press here.

BCMC Women’s Fellowship meets Tues., Feb. 21, 7 p.m. in Fellowship Hall to hear Carol Peters present, “Using God’s Gifts for Quilting”. Louise Thieszen will share the history of Mission Quilters at BCMC.
 You are invited to bring something quilted and share that story. Use the south-east door.

Roger’s Whereabouts – Roger will return to Newton on Friday, February 24, and will preach on Sunday, February 26. 
Upcoming memorial service planned at BCMC:
· Memorial service for Grace Schroeder, Saturday, March 25 at 11 am
BCMC Offering for  February 12, 2023
:  General Fund  $8,287; Sr Hi Youth $300; Jr Hi Fund $1,097; Kitchen Fund $11.
The Junior High Youth wants to thank the congregation for your generous support of the Super Bowl Snacks fundraiser last Sunday.   $1,152 was raised for the Junior High Youth fund.  Thank you!

Mark your calendars for Wednesday night suppers beginning March 1, 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
We offer sympathy to Hilda Regier on the death of her sister Elma (Regier) Harms, February 9, at Kidron Bethel Healthcare, North Newton.
A Family in Gazinatep, Turkey—A Student at Bethel College—How You Can Help!  Dilan Bagci is an exchange student from Wuppertal, Germany.  Dilan’s mother’s family live in Turkey.  Her father’s siblings have emigrated to Germany.  Dilan’s grandmother’s house, as well as her uncle’s were destroyed in the Feb. 6 earthquake.  Fortunately, no one was hurt, although her grandmother has been in poor health.  Subarna Bhattachan, a ‘92 BC grad from Nepal, knows what it’s like when disaster strikes in a home country far away.  Subama has offered to donate a meal for up to 30 people to raise money for Dilan’s family.  When:  Friday, March 3, 2023, 6:30 pm at the Prairy Mezzanine—Minimum: $75 per person.  To attend the dinner or to donate, contact Peggy at or 316-836-6418.   See the poster on the BCMC bulletin board. 

There will be an informal conversation about the book, Women Talking by Miriam Toews, and the movie based on the book on Friday, February 24, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall of Bethel College Mennonite Church. Justina Neufeld and Dorothy Nickel Friesen will host the discussion with Willmar Harder, Buhler Mennonite Church pastor, who was a MCC worker in Bolivia 2010 – 2014. Willmar was the liaison on behalf of the Mennonite colonies with the Bolivian government.  Anyone who has read the book or seen the movie is welcome to attend! 

Mark your calendars for Wednesday night suppers beginning March 1, 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall.

From the Board:
· Worship Commission: 
At the beginning of the current program year, the Worship Commission
took a hiatus for reconsideration of the function and process of their work.  The board formed the Worship Commission Task Group to explore the past experiences and future possibilities for the Commission.  The BCMC board has now approved the Task Group’s recommendation that the Worship Commission be reestablished for the next program year.  The Gifts Discernment Committee will seek nominees for the Worship Commission to be approved at our April congregational meeting.  Thanks so much to the Task Group (Dorothy Nickel Friesen, Dale Schrag, Patty Shelly, and Adam Robb) for their thoughtful, thorough, and timely work and recommendation!
· Credentialing for Elizabeth Schmidt:
Those who have experienced Elizabeth’s ministry gifts along with Elizabeth’s own sense of calling lead her to seek licensure for specific ministry by the Western District Conference.  This licensing grants all the privileges and responsibilities accorded to an ordained person but is focused on a specific role or ministry and does not lead to ordination.  Elizabeth has met for discernment with Patty Shelly, Dorothy Nickel Friesen, and Nathan Koontz who offer much affirmation for her skills, characteristics, and motivation for licensing.  The board, as representatives of the congregation, unanimously and joyfully affirmed the recommendation that Elizabeth pursue the process of licensing through Western District Conference for specific ministry in the role of Congregational Care Coordinator.  Elizabeth Schmidt and Ada Schmidt-Tieszen, Moderator, are open to questions, comments, or affirmations.  Elizabeth requests continued support as she seeks God’s guidance. 

February 26 has been designated as “Guess Who’s Coming to  Dinner”
Sunday! “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” is a way for BCMC folks to get acquainted with other BCMC folks that they might not know very well. The Hospitality Commission will match people who sign up as hosts with people who sign up as guests.  Guests: You will receive your food assignment this Sunday.  Hosts: This Sunday you will receive the number of guests you will host.

Come to Men and Boys Retreat, Mar. 31-Apr. 2 , at Camp Mennoscah,  a long-standing, guys-only retreat.  Enjoy time fishing, canoeing, worshiping, sitting by the fire, or visiting with friends in fellowship. The official beginning to the weekend is Saturday morning, but many arrive on Friday. There will be a worship service on Sunday morning. Meals can be purchased for Saturday night, Sunday morning and lunch. No pre-registration. Registration and payment will take place upon arrival.  More information contact Kevin Neufeld at 316-322-5515.

There will be a volunteer training at New Hope Shelter Feb. 23,  7 p.m.
Volunteers are trained for what is expected of them on evenings from 5-11 p.m.  Anyone who wishes to be a volunteer must be trained by a New Hope staff member beforehand, and this orientation gives one that preparation.  Please consider becoming a New Hope volunteer and let Valetta Seymour know if you have questions., 620-217-7536.

Life Enrichment for Feb. 23—Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center, Bethel College
9:30 am    “Moving a House to make a Home,” Omar Galle, professor emeritus, University of Texas, and Zona Platt Galle, M.S.W., retired, North Newton
10:35 am   “Aphasia: Loss of Language, NOT of Intellect?,” Harold Regier, NN
11:30 am   “A Tale of Western Music through Lyrics and Melody,” Jeff Davidson, Eureka

Bethel College Announcements
· Sun., Feb. 19 – KIPCOR Film Series presents No Time to Waste: The Urgent Mission of Betty Reid Soskin, 2 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center. The film’s subject will be present via Zoom for the talkback following the film. No Time to Waste looks at the legendary 101-year-old park ranger’s inspiring life, work and determination to restore critical missing chapters of America’s story. Free and open to the public, with a freewill offering taken to support KIPCOR and the film series. 
· Tues., Feb. 21 – Bethel College Chamber Orchestra concert, directed by Kristopher Hilding, 7 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center. Features music of Vivaldi, Brahms, Dvořák and Saint-Saëns. Livestream will be available at (Bethel College Music Department YouTube channel).
· Thurs., Feb. 23 – Greer Lecture with ceramicist Stacey Stanhope Dundon, 7 p.m., Administration Building chapel, followed by a reception for the artist and her exhibit “Farm to Table” at the Regier Gallery in Luyken Fine Arts Center, Bethel College. Exhibit closes Fri., Feb. 24. Gallery hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays.
· Sun., Feb. 26 – Sunday-Afternoon-at-the-Museum program, 3 p.m., Kauffman Museum. Raylene Hinz-Penner, North Newton, will speak on her recently published memoir, with “East of Liberal: Notes on the Land – Exploring the Myths, Contradictions and Resilience.” 
· Sun., Feb. 26 – Bethel College Concert Choir Tour Send-off Concert, directed by Dr. Henry Waters, 7 p.m., Memorial Hall (please note the change in date from some previously printed calendars)

· Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is seeking a Donor Relations Associate: This role is responsible for assisting in the implementation of the donor relations strategy for MCC Central States by stewarding major donors involving face-to-face contact to meet the budgeted income goals and generate the necessary resources to accomplish the mission of MCC. This is a full-time position; office location is flexible. Apply online by February 24 at For more information contact Amber Falcón at 574-534-4133 or  
· MCC Central States annual meeting, March 4 from 1-3 p.m. at MCC in North Newton, Kansas. This will primarily be an in-person event, but if you would like a link to join via Zoom please email for the link.

SAVE THE DATE! Come join the fun at 15th annual MCC Comforter Blitz on March 6, 7 and 8 on the Journey Yoder Campus, one mile north of Yoder, KS. Times are Monday and Tuesday 9-5 and Wednesday 9-4.  No sewing skills are required, we will teach you.  Lunch is available by donation each day, or you may bring your own sack lunch.  Bring snacks to share during the workday.  This event is hosted by Kansas Friends of MCC to make comforters for relief to be sent to refugees or places after natural disasters. Please contact the MCC Central States office with questions at #316-283-2720, or check the Comforter Blitz Facebook Page, “Kansas MCC Comforter Blitz”.

· Newton Et Cetera Shop invites you to become a volunteer! Help us to share God’s love with all creation by volunteering in clothing, clerking, recycling, linens, housewares or one of our other departments. If you’d like to join us, please stop by, call us at 316.283.9461, or attend one of our upcoming volunteer orientations to tell us what interests you: Thurs., 2/16/23 5-6 p.m. or Thurs. 3/09/23 5-6 p.m.
· Newton Et Cetera Shop welcomes your donations at our back door Tues.-Fri. 9:30-5:00 and Sat. 9:30-3:00. We’re happy to help you find new homes for your gently-used clothing, furniture, home goods, toys, books, movies, small electronics, and more. Please call us with any questions if you’re wondering what we’ll accept: 316-283-9461. Your donations help to support people in need in our community and around the world through the work of our local partners and Mennonite Central Committee!

Prairie Bronze Handbell Ensemble invites you to join us in an hour-long concert celebrating faith and unity. Repertoire includes You Raise Me Up, Siyahamba, Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah, Steal Away, and Amazing Grace (with violinist Nancy Johnson). In McPherson at Trinity Lutheran, 119 N. Elm, at 3 p.m. on Sunday, March 5.  In Newton at First Presbyterian, 900 Columbus, at 3 p.m. on Sunday, March 12.

Director: Vada Snider; Ringers: Darlene Buller, Kendra Flory, Janelle Flory Schrock, Nancy Johnson, Martha Szambecki, Karen Loucks, Katie Gihring, Brenda Turner, Jenny Switzer, Kent Dick, Eric Goering, Trek Wedel, Todd Wedel 

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!

For Mennonite Mission Network Seeds of Peace press here
For Mennonite Disaster Service On the Level press here 
For Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond press here

Camp Mennoscah Announcements

Kitchen staff and nurses needed for summer youth camps from June 4 through July 28.  Most people come out for a camp week, but we will also schedule partial weeks, as needed.  Kitchen staff receive a camper discount for up to full camp fees and need to be able to follow directions with a willing spirit.  Nurses must be an RN and can receive either a stipend or a camper discount.  Contact us at 620-297-3290 or!

Other events and happenings: 

  • Youth Volunteer Weekend is March 24-25!  Youth in Grades 6-12 are invited to come to this retreat focused on worship and service.  The retreat begins on Friday at 7pm with registration followed by snacks, games, and campfire.  Rachel and Isaac, the Senior High program directors, will lead activities.  Register in the Summer Youth Camp section by adding a person or session, if you have already registered for camp. 
  • Click to register Summer youth camp registration is open and Camp Mennoscah is receiving registrations.  The summer theme is FruitFULL Faith.  Get ready to learn and sing about the Fruit of the Spirit this summer–it’s not a coconut!
  • Interviews for Summer Staff In Progress!We are seeking stunning summer staff to fill the following leadership positions for the 2023 summer:  crafts, lifeguard, music, nature, office, and grounds.  These positions are typically filled by college-age students, are summer-long and receive a stipend.  Lifeguards and grounds are especially needed.  It’s a summer of fun, service and faith formation!
  • Spring Scrapbook and Craft Retreat registration is open!Online registration can be found here.  Croppers and crafters of all skill levels are welcome.  Participants at the Scrapbook and Crafts Retreats will have lodging in the Retreat Center and work space at the Dining Hall.  Grade 3 and above are welcome with an accompanying adult.   Further details available on the website or at 620-297-3290.  See you in March!
  • Help us Plan for the Future!  A seven-question survey will help us know how camp is used and what you would like to see in the future.  This survey will close at the end of February.  Click here to tell us what you think!

Mennonite Church USA Announcements

Menno Snapshots
Cynthia Lapp, pastor at Hyattsville Mennonite Church in Maryland, writes about the challenges she has faced serving as a chaplain to the local police – and the impact this work has had in her community and in her own life. Read more:


Interested in volunteering at MennoCon23, Kansas City, Mo., July 3-6? Mennonite Church USA is seeking coordinators for special events, children’s and junior youth programming, and more! Fill out a form here:

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Mennonite Mission Network’s Service Adventure leaders are gathering this week at Camp Friedenswald in Michigan. Pray for them as they worship, fellowship and discern together how to enrich their ministries in the households and communities where they live and work.
Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for WDC staff members as they carry out conference ministries to support ministers, provide resources for congregations, and equip church planting partnerships.

Announcements for February 12-19, 2023

February 12, 2023

Based on CDC Guidelines Harvey County is still in green status indicating
low risk for COVID. You are invited to choose whether you wear a mask or social distance.  Both are optional.

To livestream the worship service:
On Sunday morning, around 9:20, go to BCMC’s webpage at and click the green button labeled LIVE STREAM on the right side of the screen, which will take you to the worship service. If you get a message in the black box that the video is unavailable, click the gray box belows that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.   Anytime after the service concludes, you can watch a recording of the service at your convenience by clicking the same green LIVE STREAM button.  Again, you will probably have to go to the gray box that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.  That will transfer you to the BCMC YouTube Channel.  You will have to click on the tab “Videos” to see all of the BCMC videos. Click the red button to see the bulletin/order of service. 
OR – click on this link for this Sunday:

February 12, 2023

Prelude—Angel Eyes (Brickman); Der Friedensfürst (G. Meyer)- Erich Boschmann, piano

Christ Candle Lighting

Welcome and Prayer— Dorothy Nickel Friesen

*Hymn—Jesus Calls Us—VT 30—Verlene Garber, piano; Suzanne Burch, guitar

Children’s Conversation— Crystal Gaeddert

Anthem – Prelude on Holy Manna (arr. Marker)–Chancel Bells; Verlene Garber, director

Kin_dom Report – Bill Swartley

Scripture Reading—Jeremiah 1:1, 4-8; Mark 1:9-11, 16-20—Roger Juhnke and Lucy Burch

Sermon—A Culture of Call— Roger Neufeld Smith

*Hymn—Listen, God is Calling—VT 765

Prayers of God’s People

*Hymn—Christ Be in Your Senses— VT 721

*Benediction— Roger Neufeld Smith

Postlude— Lift Every Voice and Sing (arr. Smith)–Chancel Bells

* You are invited to stand
VT = Voices Together
Audio visual— John Thiesen
Pastor–Roger Neufeld Smith

This Week at BCMC:  February 12-February 19, 2023
Sun., Feb. 12,  2023
9:30 am    Worship Service
10:30 am   Pastoral Search Committee meeting in the Agape House
YouTube Link for this Sunday is:
The church nursery is staffed during worship and Sunday School
10:30 am  Faith Formation—Intergenerational class meets in  Fellowship Hall;   High School – Room 24 
Adult Classes:  Agape Class meets in the nursery; Bible Study (Rm 14); Catacombs (Rm B5);  Fellowship (B7); Fine Arts (Rm 22); Issues and Christianity (Rm 23); Open Circle (Room 21)
Seekers (Rm 28) [They will be doing a “Ecclesiastes study” presented by Weldon Schloneger]
Mon., Feb. 13, 2023
6:30 pm  Community Playschool Board meeting in Fellowship Hall
7 pm        Newton Chorale rehearsal in the sanctuary
Wed., Feb. 15, 2023
9 am        Women’s Fellowship Executive Board meeting in Fellowship Hall
6:30 pm   Menno Ringers Rehearsal in Room B7
7 pm         Youth Group meets
7:30 pm   Chancel Choir Rehearsal in the Sanctuary
Thurs., Feb. 16, 2023
4:30 pm   Witness Commission meeting in Room 14
6:30 pm   Chancel Bell rehearsal in Room B7
7 pm         Newton Chorale rehearsal in the Sanctuary
7 pm         Bethel College Women’s Association meeting in Fellowship Hall
Fri., Feb. 17, 2023
11:30 am  Sojourners Sunday School Class Lunch in Fellowship Hall
Sat., Feb. 18, 2023
1 pm          Memorial Service for Marilyn Loeffler in the Sanctuary
Sun., Feb. 19,  2023
9:30 am    Worship Service with sermon by Nathan Koontz; music by Chancel Choir   
10:30 am   Faith Formation

After the worship service Sunday the members of the Junior High Club will be selling an assortment of Super Bowl snacks.  Snacks will be sold by donation.  Donations go toward the Junior High Fund which is used to support activities like Snow Camp.

From the Board:

· Worship Commission: 
At the beginning of the current program year, the Worship Commission
took a hiatus for reconsideration of the function and process of their work.  The board formed the Worship Commission Task Group to explore the past experiences and future possibilities for the Commission.  The BCMC board has now approved the Task Group’s recommendation that the Worship Commission be reestablished for the next program year.  The Gifts Discernment Committee will seek nominees for the Worship Commission to be approved at our April congregational meeting.  Thanks so much to the Task Group (Dorothy Nickel Friesen, Dale Schrag, Patty Shelly, and Adam Robb) for their thoughtful, thorough, and timely work and recommendation!

· Credentialing for Elizabeth Schmidt:
Those who have experienced Elizabeth’s ministry gifts along with Elizabeth’s own sense of calling lead her to seek licensure for specific ministry by the Western District Conference.  This licensing grants all the privileges and responsibilities accorded to an ordained person but is focused on a specific role or ministry and does not lead to ordination.  Elizabeth has met for discernment with Patty Shelly, Dorothy Nickel Friesen, and Nathan Koontz who offer much affirmation for her skills, characteristics, and motivation for licensing.  The board, as representatives of the congregation, unanimously and joyfully affirmed the recommendation that Elizabeth pursue the process of licensing through Western District Conference for specific ministry in the role of Congregational Care Coordinator.  Elizabeth Schmidt and Ada Schmidt-Tieszen, Moderator, are open to questions, comments, or affirmations.  Elizabeth requests continued support as she seeks God’s guidance. 

Welcome to Fernando Pérez and Rebeca González, who will join us in worship Sunday as guests from Iglesia Menonita Casa Betania, where they are serving as a couple in a shared transitional pastoral role during the coming year.  Rebeca and Fernando are visiting from Mexico, bringing a rich experience in Spanish-speaking Anabaptist education and church-related ministries. Thank you to BCMC members for your support for Casa Betania during this transitional time!

Roger’s Whereabouts – Roger is traveling back to Topeka today. He will return to Newton on Friday, February 24, and will preach on Sunday, February 26. 
BCMC Offering for  February 5, 2023: 
 General Fund $10,289.33; Sr Hi Youth $561; Living Stones $300; Kitchen Fund $14; Women’s Fellowship $50; Screen Project $1,245.

December was a wildly successful in terms of giving, January not so much.  The income for January was $9,925 less than expenses. According to the church treasurer’s records, this is the sixth slowest start in the last 8 years. Please remember this as you make plans for your February giving. 
  – Finance Committee

To our BCMC family,  We thank you for the cards and words of sympathy we received both preceding and following the death of Kathy’s brother, Jimmy Jackson.  We are grateful that we have such a supportive church community.  Your love and kindness provide us needed strength during this time of acceptance of God’s master plan.  With our gratitude,  Frank and Kathy
The Women’s Fellowship Executive Board will meet Wednesday the 15th in Fellowship Hall at 9:00 a.m.

Upcoming memorial services planned at BCMC:

· Memorial service for Marilyn Loeffler, Saturday, Feb. 18 at 1 pm
· Memorial service for Grace Schroeder, Saturday, March 25 at 11 am

February 26 has been designated as “Guess Who’s Coming to  Dinner”
Sunday! “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” is a way for BCMC folks to get acquainted with other BCMC folks that they might not know very well. The Hospitality Commission will match people who sign up as hosts with people who sign up as guests.  Guests: You will receive your food assignment next Sunday, February 19.  Hosts: Next Sunday, February 19, you will receive the number of guests you will host.

Come to Men and Boys Retreat, Mar. 31-Apr. 2 , at Camp Mennoscah,  a long-standing, guys-only retreat.  Enjoy time fishing, canoeing, worshiping, sitting by the fire, or visiting with friends in fellowship. The official beginning to the weekend is Saturday morning, but many arrive on Friday. There will be a worship service on Sunday morning. Meals can be purchased for Saturday night, Sunday morning and lunch. No pre-registration. Registration and payment will take place upon arrival.  More information contact Kevin Neufeld at 316-322-5515.

There will be a volunteer training at New Hope Shelter Feb. 23,  7 p.m.
Volunteers are trained for what is expected of them on evenings from 5-11 p.m.  Anyone who wishes to be a volunteer must be trained by a New Hope staff member beforehand, and this orientation gives one that preparation.  Please consider becoming a New Hope volunteer and let Valetta Seymour know if you have questions., 620-217-7536.

Life Enrichment for Feb. 16—Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center, Bethel College
9:30 am    “Let’s Hop Over the Gate!”, Jennifer Isaacs, assistant director, Wren House, Valley Center
10:50 am   “Writing East of Liberal: Broadening My Perspective of the Land,” Raylene Hinz Penner, North Newton, lecturer emeritus, Department of English, Washburn University

Bethel College Announcements
· Sun., Feb. 19 – KIPCOR Film Series presents No Time to Waste: The Urgent Mission of Betty Reid Soskin, 2 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center. The film’s subject will be present via Zoom for the talkback following the film. No Time to Waste looks at the legendary 101-year-old park ranger’s inspiring life, work and determination to restore critical missing chapters of America’s story. Free and open to the public, with a freewill offering taken to support KIPCOR and the film series. 
· Tues., Feb. 21 – Bethel College Chamber Orchestra concert, directed by Kristopher Hilding, 7 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center
· Thurs., Feb. 23 – Greer Lecture with ceramicist Stacey Stanhope Dundon, 7 p.m., Administration Building chapel, followed by a reception for the artist and her exhibit “Farm to Table” at the Regier Gallery in Luyken Fine Arts Center, Bethel College. Exhibit closes Fri., Feb. 24. Gallery hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays, 2-4 p.m. Sundays. 
· Sun., Feb. 26 – Bethel College Concert Choir Tour Send-off Concert, directed by Dr. Henry Waters, 7 p.m., Memorial Hall (please note the change in date from some previously printed calendars)

SAVE THE DATE! Come join the fun at 15th annual MCC Comforter Blitz on March 6, 7 and 8 on the Journey Yoder Campus, one mile north of Yoder, KS. Times are Monday and Tuesday 9-5 and Wednesday 9-4.  No sewing skills are required, we will teach you.  Lunch is available by donation each day, or you may bring your own sack lunch.  Bring snacks to share during the workday.  This event is hosted by Kansas Friends of MCC to make comforters for relief to be sent to refugees or places after natural disasters. Please contact the MCC Central States office with questions at #316-283-2720, or check the Comforter Blitz Facebook Page, “Kansas MCC Comforter Blitz”.

· Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) is seeking a Donor Relations Associate: This role is responsible for assisting in the implementation of the donor relations strategy for MCC Central States by stewarding major donors involving face-to-face contact to meet the budgeted income goals and generate the necessary resources to accomplish the mission of MCC. This is a full-time position; office location is flexible. Apply online by February 24 at For more information contact Amber Falcón at 574-534-4133 or  
· MCC Central States annual meeting, March 4 from 1-3 p.m. at MCC in North Newton, Kansas. This will primarily be an in-person event, but if you would like a link to join via Zoom please email for the link.

Mennonite Central Committee is accepting donations to support people affected by the Feb. 6 earthquake in Türkiye (Turkey) and Syria. MCC is working with long-term partners in Aleppo and surrounding areas to provide emergency food, shelter, hygiene, sanitation supplies and trauma counseling. In a country already vulnerable from years of conflict, this was a devastating blow. You can share God’s love and compassion with our global neighbors by providing a gift online at, by calling (888) 563-4676 or by sending a check earmarked for “Syria and Türkiye earthquake” to MCC, PO Box 500, Akron PA 17501.  
MCC and MCUSA are partnering in a new webinar series, Beyond incarceration: A hard look at dismantling the prison system and building healthy communities. Join us to learn about the ways the faith community is actively understanding and working against these complex systems of confinement. The webinars will take place on Feb. 7, Feb. 21, March 7, and March 21 at 6:30 p.m. CST/5:30 p.m. MST. They will be followed by learning tour opportunities in different parts of the U.S. Registration link:

· Newton Et Cetera Shop is hosting a Women’s Clothing Extravaganza Feb. 16-18! We have an overflow of clothing donations, thanks to our generous donors, and want to pass along the generosity to our customers. On the week of Valentine’s Day, this event is a way for us to show our love for our community by sharing generously what we’ve been given, to show love for the earth by shopping second-hand and reducing our carbon footprint, and to show love for those in need by raising funds for our Local Giving grants and Mennonite Central Committee. During this special event, all women’s clothing items in bins on the sales floor will be $3 each. This includes women’s tops, pants, skirts and dresses. The store is located at 619 N. Main St. in Newton. Special business hours for the event are 10-7 Thursday, Feb. 16, and their usual business hours 10-5:30 Friday, Feb. 17, and Saturday, Feb. 18. Shoppers should note that because of the volume of clothing, the dressing rooms will not be available for this special sale. They will need to plan to try on items over their own clothing.
· Newton Et Cetera Shop invites you to become a volunteer! Help us to share God’s love with all creation by volunteering in clothing, clerking, recycling, linens, housewares or one of our other departments. If you’d like to join us, please stop by, call us at 316.283.9461, or attend one of our upcoming volunteer orientations to tell us what interests you: Thurs., 2/16/23 5-6 p.m. or Thurs. 3/09/23 5-6 p.m.
· Newton Et Cetera Shop welcomes your donations at our back door Tues.-Fri. 9:30-5:00 and Sat. 9:30-3:00. We’re happy to help you find new homes for your gently-used clothing, furniture, home goods, toys, books, movies, small electronics, and more. Please call us with any questions if you’re wondering what we’ll accept: 316-283-9461. Your donations help to support people in need in our community and around the world through the work of our local partners and Mennonite Central Committee!

Everence® webinar: Social Security and retirement income
Everence® will hold an informative Social Security and retirement income webinar on Thursday, Feb. 23, starting at 6:30 p.m. Specifics will include, Social Security strategies, including when to begin taking benefits, risks that can impact your retirement savings plus strategies to help your income last throughout retirement. There will also be time for questions.

Information will be presented by staff from the Everence offices in Central Kansas.  To register contact Everence at 316-283-3800, 877-467-7294 or
Securities offered through Concourse Financial Group Securities, Inc., Member FINRA/SIPC. Investments and other products are not NCUA or otherwise federally insured, may involve loss of principal and have no credit union guarantee.
Products and services offered through Everence Trust Company and other Everence entities are independent of and are not guaran­teed or endorsed by Concourse Financial Group Securities, or its affiliates.

Camp Mennoscah Announcements

Youth Volunteer Weekend is March 24-25!  Youth in Grades 6-12 are invited to come to this retreat focused on worship and service.  The retreat begins on Friday at 7pm with registration followed by snacks, games, and campfire.  Rachel and Isaac, the Senior High program directors, will lead activities.  Register in the Summer Youth Camp section by adding a person or session, if you have already registered for camp. 

Other events and happenings: 

  •  Click to register Summer youth camp registration is open and Camp Mennoscah is receiving registrations.  The summer theme is FruitFULL Faith.  Get ready to learn and sing about the Fruit of the Spirit this summer–it’s not a coconut!
  • Interviews for Summer Staff In Progress!We are seeking stunning summer staff to fill the following leadership positions for the 2023 summer:  crafts, lifeguard, music, nature, office, and grounds.  These positions are typically filled by college-age students, are summer-long and receive a stipend.  Lifeguards and grounds are especially needed.  It’s a summer of fun, service and faith formation!
  • Spring Scrapbook and Craft Retreat registration is open!Online registration can be found here.  Croppers and crafters of all skill levels are welcome.  Participants at the Scrapbook and Crafts Retreats will have lodging in the Retreat Center and work space at the Dining Hall.  Grade 3 and above are welcome with an accompanying adult.   Further details available on the website or at 620-297-3290.  See you in March!
  • Help us Plan for the Future!  A seven-question survey will help us know how camp is used and what you would like to see in the future.  This survey will close at the end of February.  Click here to tell us what you think!

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!

The Western District Resource Commission is offering Mustard Seed Grants for up to $500 to WDC congregations who are seeking to share the good news of Jesus in their communities. This is seed money for creative ideas for connecting with neighbors, so relationships can be strengthened and the reconciling love of God can be shared. The hope is that these grants will empower congregations to examine ways to link good news and good works together in a way that is authentically Anabaptist. The grants are available through January 31, 2024.

Criteria for the Mustard Seed Grant include:

  • an identifiable connection to the surrounding community
  • a way to build relationships with fellow church members as well as the broader community
  • congregational buy-in to the program (matching fund/sweat equity)
  • applicants must be from a WDC congregation
  • if awarded grant, a short report about the impact this has made on your congregation and community will be shared with WDC

Go to to apply.

Blessings as you ponder ways to embolden individuals to share the good news so that God’s healing and hope may flow through you and out into the world.

Community Health Assessment Survey
 A survey may be completed by anyone age 18+ and who lives or works in Harvey County.

The assessment is completed every three years.  Paper surveys are located at each library in the county. The survey is open through Friday, February 24.  Collective survey information along with data points will be shared with stakeholders who will help to prioritize three to five health issues to focus on over the next three years. 

Take the health survey to tell us what are the health issues in Harvey County.
English survey:
Spanish survey:

For a letter and Biodegradable Containers Policy from Jim Robb, Chair of Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale press here.

For Mennonite Mission Network Making our way press here
For Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond press here

Mennonite Church USA Announcements

Menno Snapshots
What happens when you hold a Mennonite Church USA conference ministers retreat in San Francisco, California? Lots of chocolate (Ghirardelli, of course), conversation and connection! Connie Zehr, moderator and acting conference minister of New York Mennonite Conference, reflects on her experience at her first conference minister’s retreat. Read more of her reflections here:

For Frank Scoffield Sánchez, a speaker at Mennonite Church USA’s recent Hope for the Future conference for BIPOC leaders, his example of faith as he was growing up was full of contradictions. When he and his wife became Mennonite, about seven years ago, he began to ask questions about these contradictions. Read more of his thoughts here:

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Christy Harrison and Peter Sensenig and their three children are engaged in ministry in Chad, jointly serving with Eastern Mennonite Missions (EMM) and Mennonite Mission Network. Pray for them as they share Jesus’ love in their daily lives — Peter, as he teaches at Shalom Faculty of Evangelical Theology; Christy, as she works at a hospital; and their children, as they interact with classmates and neighbors.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for WDC chaplains, pastors and congregational care teams who offer support to church and community members living with mental, emotional, and physical health challenges.

For the 2023 Lent Devotion press here
Copies are also available in the Gathering Place at BCMC