Category Archives: Announcements

Announcements for June 7-14, 2020

Pastors Nathan, Renee, and Dawn invite you to join them in reflecting on scripture texts that will center our worship throughout the month of June. The texts focus on themes of lament, tenacity, and seeking good in the places we find ourselves.  Gatherings will be in-person on Mondays, at 11am, under the large tree on BCMC’s front lawn (with 6’ between us).  Bring your Bible, lawn chair and a mask!

Thank you to John Waltner, who completed his time as Congregational Moderator/Church Board chair at the end of May.  Welcome, Patty Shelly, who serves as the new Congregational Moderator/Church Board chair and Elizabeth Schmidt, who serves as the incoming Moderator/chair.  Thank you for your willingness to share you gifts with us in this way!

Your prayers are welcomed:· for the family of Esther Rinner, who died on Saturday, May 30, especially for her daughters, Jeanette and Amy. A service is being planned for a later date. 
· for Lynn Loucks, who was recently diagnosed with esophageal cancer and is recovering from surgery and awaiting cancer treatment.
· for Jon Voth, who in preparation for a surgical biopsy of a lymph gland on June 10 will have a COVID test on June 4 and then be in isolation at home until the biopsy. He would welcome support from our congregation. His cell phone number is 316-284-1072 and his email is

In the face of racial injustice that has fueled protests this past week, Executive Director of MCUSA, Glen Guyton, calls on our historic peace church to speak out on the injustice happening in our country. As we have watched this week, the country is burning, and along with our thoughts and prayers on this situation we are called to take action. Read his poignant open letter here

In addition, we encourage you to pick up a copy of Robin Diangelo’s book, White Fragility: why it’s so hard for white people to talk about racism and read it.  Interested in discussing it with others?  Please be in touch with Dawn Yoder Harms, and we’ll arrange a discussion group.

Sharing with our local and global community:
On May 28, the Deacon Commission, in collaboration with the Witness Commission, approved the sharing of these gifts from the Caring Fund related to Covid 19 needs: 

· $1000 to the Hand to Hand project through the Middle Eastern Children’s Alliance (MECA) to help alleviate hunger exacerbated by Covid 19.  Before Covid 19, 68% of Gaza’s  population was “food insecure” and the unemployment rate was 52% (and this situation has only worsened with the spread of the virus). This project is supported by the Mennonite Palestine Israel Network and WDC Israel-Palestine Task Force.  $75 provides food for a family for 2 weeks. 

· $1000 to Working Men of Christ, an organization that works with men and women” who have served time in prison, supporting them in group homes, helping them find jobs, and providing guidance and direction.  There are 8 group homes across Kansas, including 2 in Wichita. Many of program participants land in service-related jobs and have been laid off during this time of Covid 19, bringing significant challenges to them and group home directors. The Caring Fund gift from BCMC will be used to help ensure continuity and support for home directors during this time of added challenge.

Celebrating together: Follow this link to share in the Retirement and Farewell service for Renee Sauder with the Stirling Ave. Mennonite Church in Kitchener, Ontario, which took place on Sunday, May 31:    Renee began her ministry 37 years ago here at BCMC during Rev. John Esau’s tenure, serving at BCMC from 1983-1990. You can read John Esau’s reflections on their ministry together in Renee’s memory book, accessed at, password: 57stirling.

This past Sunday, Andrew Toews from Rainbow Mennonite Church (parents Margaret and Francis from our congregation) did a reflection and shared a unique musical rendition of HWB 169/563–a version of Psalm 121.  He has kindly agreed to share it with us.  Enjoy his musical offering at .  Thank you, Andy!

The June/July/August issue of WDC Garden (WDC’s quarterly newsletter) is now available!  However, since many WDC churches are not meeting in person during this time of pandemic, it will not be sent in bulk to churches for distribution.  It is available online at:  

Virtual Summer Story Hour:  Children ages 3-8, come take a dip in the ocean through Summer Story Hour!  Virtually join Library Director Jennie Wintermote and volunteer Marjie Warkentine for “Oceans of Fun” with 8 weekly sessions June 15-August 3.  Sign up today at:  The first 15 children who sign up will receive a list of supplies they will need for each project.  Join us for “oceans” of stories and fun!

Summer Reading Programs–Running June 1-August 15:  Adults–This year you’re invited to read any title in our collection and submit a brief review.  Each review will be a ticket into our prize drawings for books, giftcards, and more.  Reviews may be submitted at, posted on the WDC Resource Library FaceBook page, or given to Library Director, Jennie Wintermote.

Children–Download a reading log here and mark off a box for each book you read (picture books) or every 15 pages (for chapter books) or contact the library for a copy.  Turn in your reading log after August 15 for fun prizes.  (Turn in by mailing, dropping off, or sending a picture of your log to  We would appreciate it if you register your child(ren) at so we can have enough prizes ready!

Library Reopening–Curbside Pickup Starting Soon (When Harvey County, Kansas enters Phase 3) You can start reserving items at any time through our online catalog at   Once the library is open for curbside checkout, these items will be pulled and available during pickup hours (or mailed to you).  In order to reserve items, you will need to log on with your library barcode number (please email the library if you need your library card number).  You are also welcome to email Library Director, Jennie, at in order to reserve items.  Jennie is also happy to offer suggestions for individual study, children’s story, group discussion and other resourcing needs.

The Mennonite, Inc., invites your original submissions for our August 2020 print magazine issue and corresponding online content focusing on Why I am an Anabaptist.  More information:

Consider being an Mennonite Voluntary Service participant for the 2020-2021 MVS year! The application deadline has been extended until the end of July. Visit to learn more and apply!  

Everence will host a Social Security and retirement income planning webinar, Tuesday, June 16 at 6:30 pm.  Attendees will learn about Social Security strategies, risks that can impact retirement savings and strategies to help income last throughout retirement. The workshop is free. Register soon by contacting Darlene Buller at 316-283-3800, 877-467-7294 or

Please join Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) on June 16 at 1 pm CST/ 12 pm, MDT, for a webinar: MCC’s migration work in Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala/El Salvador to discuss questions such as: How are MCC workers and partners in Latin America being affected by COVID-19? How are U.S. policies and protocols affecting the spread of the virus among the vulnerable population? How are organizations and faith communities responding? And how can each of us get involved and support their work during this time? Learn how to join this conversation at 

You’re invited to join MCC on June 17th at 6 pm CST/ 5 pm MDT for a webinar featuring Paul Shetler Fast, MCC’s global health coordinator. Learn how COVID-19 is threatening the developing world and how MCC is responding. MCC’s monthly webinar series, featuring a wide variety of stories from MCC projects from around the world, explores how MCC is responding to COVID-19. Experts in the field will give us a behind-the-scenes experience, sharing their own stories. Come with your questions! Register for upcoming webinars and browse through past recordings at  

As our communities begin reopening, Everence is expanding their availability with limited in-person services at office locations in North Newton and Hutchinson.   In-person meetings with financial representatives are available by appointment. You may also meet with them by email, phone or videoconference.

Additional details regarding the Everence office reopening are available on their website:

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for the WDC Executive Board as it meets this week to offer vision and leadership to the conference in the midst of challenging times.

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for Juliet Kilpin and Peaceful Borders, an Anabaptist organization in the United Kingdom that advocates for refugees. Pray for resources for refugee-led support groups (Hopetowns) that bear witness to suffering and injustice and provide the basics: food, water, shelter, and a cellphone charger.

From Mennonite Church USA:  Learn more about the humanitarian work being done in North Korea during a free webinar on June 12 at 5:30 pm, EDT. Mennonite Church USA is co-sponsoring this webinar, led by author Joy Yoon. Register by June 10 at
Pray for our conferences that are meeting online for their annual gatherings this month: Central District Conference, Indiana-Michigan Mennonite Conference, Central Plains Mennonite Conference and Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference. 

Menno Snapshots
Pastor Melissa Florer-Bixler shares what it means to honor all members of the body of Christ
in the church’s responses to the pandemic and reopening in her blog, “The most precious of all.” Read more at

Announcements for May 29-June 5, 2020

Prayers are welcomed for those receiving hospital care this week:  Lee Suderman (Wesley Medical Center);  Lynn Loucks (Newton Medical Center).

BCMC Women’s Fellowship has a deficit for the 2020 year of $4025. We have missed the March, April and May meetings and may miss the fall meetings too. We are asking the members to contribute to make up that deficit so all our budget commitments can be met. All donations will go to the budget ministries. Please make your checks payable to BCMCWF and send them to Lois Goertzen, 3043 Ivy Court, North Newton KS 67117.

BCMC giving totals for May 24:  General Fund $7,097; Rejoice $341; Living Stones $25; Bethel College Scholarship Fund $200; Elevator Repair $300.

2020 Annual Assembly Invitation Video:  Here is a link to a YouTube video inviting delegates and friends to Western District Conference’s virtual Annual Assembly August 1-2 –   WDC’s hope is to encourage people with a diversity of voices, ages, and be part of this year’s Assembly. 

Mennonite Central Committee Flatlander Bicycle Ride:  The planning committee is going ahead with plans for the 2020 Flatlander ride to be held September 19.  More information about this event can be found at:  We are currently looking for additional people to help on the planning committee, and also for individuals or groups to help us with the SAGs (refreshment stops) on the various bike routes.  If you are interested in helping or have questions, please call Donna at 316-727-6346 or email her at  Hope to see you there.

Spiritual practices Zoom webinar offered by Mennonite Mission Network  When: June 4, 2020, at 7 pm EDT/ 6 pm CDT   What: Spiritual practices for peacemakers: finding your center when you feel pulled apart
How: Visit the registration page for more information and instructions to join! Encounter anew, or rediscover ancient spiritual practices which create a daily rhythm of life. Turn your despair and isolation into hope and community. Join us for this webinar, exploring the practice of prayer, ritual, and community in this time of loss and loneliness. After the webinar, you will be invited to join a 30 day virtual learning community of 12-15 people, that will seek and find this daily rhythm of life together!

The Mennonite Heritage and Agricultural Museum, 200 N. Poplar, Goessel, will reopen their doors June 2, 10am – 5 pm, Tues.- Sat.  During this pandemic, your safety is as important as preserving our heritage. Plenty of space allows distancing within the eight buildings on the museum campus. Visitors are welcome to wear face masks. Feel free to call first. 620-367-8200. For other information visit the museum website  

Reflecting on Faith and Fear:  “A Time Enduring” is a second FREE edition of the Rejoice devotional in the midst of a pandemic.  These are wonderful, thoughtful reflections by some gifted Anabaptist writers.  Find a copy of this at:  

Prayer request from Mennonite Mission Network:  Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for Meserete Kristos College which trains leaders for the Anabaptist churches in Ethiopia. Pray that the faculty, staff and students will shine with God’s light in their communities as the college has had to send students home due to the coronavirus pandemic.


Western District Conference:  Give thanks for collaborative efforts among WDC congregations as they have responded to the impact of coronavirus through sharing resources, planning joint initiatives and supporting each other.

Announcements for May 22-29, 2020

Donna June writes that they have moved Larry Friesen back home.  Donna writes:  “Due to Bluestem protocols, we cannot entertain visitors until sometime in the future, even in independent living.  Our visitors will be limited to family and a few close friends, who will have to visit distantly, with masks, on our patio or in the yard.  Some members of BCMC have written to Larry at Schowalter, so any correspondence should now be sent to our address: 241 Lake Vista Circle, Hesston, KS 67062.”

BCMC Women’s Fellowship has a deficit for the 2020 year of $4025. We have missed the March, April and May meetings and may miss the fall meetings too. We are asking the members to contribute to make up that deficit so all our budget commitments can be met. All donations will go to the budget ministries. Please make your checks payable to BCMCWF and send them to Lois Goertzen, P.O. Box 151, North Newton KS 67117.

Louise Koehn is turning 99 on May 26!  You can send her a card at 3054 Ivy Ct. #29N, North Newton, KS 67117.

Congratulations to Nicole Tran who graduated from Newton High School this year!  If you would like to send her a card you can address it to Nicole at 720 Hawthorne, Newton, KS, 67114.

BCMC giving totals for May 10:  General Fund $7,191.60; Caring Fund $550; Living Stones $230; Elevator Repair $1,700. 
For May 17:  General Fund $4,785; Rejoice $279; Caring Fund $300; Living Stones $35; Elevator Repair $1,000.

The Western District Conference office has plans to reopen to the public when Kansas enters Phase 3 of the state reopening plan (currently no sooner than June 15).  Visitor protocols will include wearing a mask and social distancing.  

Western District Conference is working on plans to reopen the WDC Resource Library.  In order to protect library patrons, WDC staff, and recognizing limited library staff hours, we will be reopening with curbside checkout when Kansas enters phase 3 of the reopening plan (no earlier than June 15).  You can  reserve items through our online catalog anytime at   Once the library is open for curbside checkout, these items will be pulled and available during pickup hours .  In order to reserve items, you will need to log on with your library barcode number (please email the library if you need your library card number).  You are also welcome to email Library Director, Jennie, at in order to reserve items.  Jennie is also happy to offer suggestions for individual study, children’s story, group discussion and other resourcing needs.  Our Book Bundle for Group Study, Box of Books (bulk loans for churches) and service via the US Mail will resume when Kansas enters phase 3 as well.  In the meantime, visit the library website at to view currently available digital resources, information on the summer reading program (coming soon!) and the summer story hour for children (coming soon!)  The Conference Resource Library now has its own FaceBook page.  Like and follow WDC Resource Library to see what’s new in the library, how to access resources, giveaways, and more!  

This summer, Camp Mennoscah is committed to sharing the camp community and God’s love through videos, a Camp in a Box, and/or activities posted online. The videos and activities posted online will be free. A Camp in a Box will contain a camp tee shirt, crafts, activities, devotions, and nature fun. A box will cost $40; a tee shirt alone will be the usual prices of $11/$16. Boxes and tee shirts are available to anyone of any age! To order a Camp in a Box or a tee shirt, go to and click on Register Online at the top of the page or contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290. Orders accepted until June 3. After June 3, please contact Camp Mennoscah.

It is with both appreciation and sadness that the Camp Mennoscah Board of Directors announces the resignation of Michael Unruh from the position of Executive Director, effective July 1, 2020. In a statement, Michael shared, “I am grateful for each staff person and board member who has worked tirelessly to develop camp’s ministry, and the hundreds of camp supporters I have had the privilege of getting to know.” Michael will begin as Campus Pastor at Bethel College this summer. In the interim period, the Camp Mennoscah Staff and Board of Directors will continue to fulfill camp’s mission by providing space and programs for people of all ages to connect with God, nature, others, and self.  Full statement can be found at

In the midst of the cancellation of in-person summer youth camps, you still have some great opportunities to support the mission of Camp Mennoscah! 
· By praying for the staff, volunteers, and campers to find creative ways to connect with one another this summer.
· By making a general fund gift to support creative summer connection content and to sustain camp operations. Maybe even a little extra this year, if you are able to do so.  If you have questions about giving options,  contact Michael Unruh at 620-382-6560 or
· By encouraging others to remain involved in camp’s ministry.

Camp Mennoscah is open to a limited number of individuals and families.  Reservations must be made in advance.  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 for further information.  We are excited to make this sacred space available to you!

Mennonite Central Committee Flatlander Bicycle Ride:  The planning committee is going ahead with plans for the 2020 Flatlander ride to be held September 19.  More information about this event can be found at:  We are currently looking for additional people to help on the planning committee, and also for individuals or groups to help us with the SAGs (refreshment stops) on the various bike routes.  If you are interested in helping or have questions, please call Donna at 316-727-6346 or email her at  Hope to see you there.

Prayer request from Western District Conference:  Pray for the WDC Gifts Discernment Committee as it continues to select nominees for the WDC Executive Board and Commissions.
And from
Mennonite Mission Network:  DeeDee and Mark Landes and their three children, serving through Mennonite Mission Network, left their home in Colombia two months early due to the coronavirus pandemic. Pray for the family as they grieve the early loss of relationships and as they begin to adapt to life in Kansas.

Announcements for May 15-May 22, 2020

Dorothy Nickel Friesen and Richard Friesen share the news that Dorothy’s mother, Edna (Schroeder) Nickel, died May 14 at the Good Samaritan Village in Mt. Lake, MN.  Dorothy writes: “She was 95 and would have entered Hospice care next week due to her dementia and heart conditions.  While this is sad for us, my mother lived a long and fruitful life and we release her with gratitude.  Richard and I will travel to Mt. Lake for a graveside burial service [which is scheduled for May 20].  Due to the COVID-19 lockdown at the nursing home, we were unable to visit her.  Thank you for your support and prayers.”

The elevator is currently under construction.  Crew will return on Monday.   Doors to the church might be open to allow the crew to come and go but please do not enter the church during construction.  They have the elevator area barricaded and there is scaffolding and other tools in the area. 

Construction (and a bit of destruction) will start on Monday with the crew from Regier Construction working on the kitchen and fellowship hall.   Again, doors of the church might be open to allow the crews to come and go to their trucks, etc., but please do not enter the church.  Construction zones are hard hat zones.  There will be lots of tools, barricades, people coming and going with construction debris, and probably lots of dust. 

The Bethel College Class of 2020 will celebrate the 127th commencement, virtually, today (Sunday, May 17) at 4 p.m. Join them at

Newton Et Cetera Shop is beginning to reopen . . . and expand! We are preparing to receive your donated items and to welcome customers back in the shop again after our temporary COVID-19 closure. Thanks for your patience! We’re also preparing to expand our place in the community by purchasing the building next door! For updates on all fronts, including our delayed Local Giving Grant application process, check out or our facebook feed, or give us a call at 316-283-9461. To donate toward our building purchase, please mail us a check or give online at Thank you for helping us share God’s love with all creation

Tuesday, May 19 at 2 p.m. EST: “Asylum” free immigration webinar. In the continuing six-part webinar series on immigration and border realities, Mennonite Central Committee staff and partners from around the country will provide current information and educational tools to understand asylum. In recent years thousands of people have fled persecution and arrived to the U.S. to apply for asylum. Asylum seekers must navigate a difficult and complex process that can involve multiple government agencies. More information and registration, along with recordings of past webinars, at 

Wednesday, May 20 at noon EST: “From hearts to hands: Material Resources” free Facebook live webinar. Featuring stories from MCC staff around the world about how resources like comforters, kits and canned meat make a difference. Join us on MCC’s Facebook page ( for a livestream where we’ll hear directly from MCC workers in Ukraine, Jordan and Canada. !

· Camp Mennoscah will open for a limited number of individuals and groups beginning May 18.  Reservations must be made in advance at 620-297-3290.  We continue to work at making it possible for you to visit Camp Mennoscah! 
· Camp in a Box!  Camp Mennoscah is creating a box of activities, crafts, devotionals, nature fun and other things.  These boxes will soon be available for purchase.  Summer staff and program staff will also create multitudes of camp videos to share with everyone. 
· The Work & Play Day at Camp Mennoscah on May 23 has been canceled. 
· MennoDash (a Camp Mennoscah-themed fun run) has been postponed to a date yet to be determined.  The world premier of this event was to be held on May 30.  Keep your eyes peeled for news!

Prayer request from Western District Conference:  Pray for WDC pastors as they lead and care for congregations in the midst of uncertain and stressful times. 
And from Mennonite Mission Network:  Join Mennonite Mission Network in praising God for Noelia Fox’s recovery from COVID-19 and protection for Brian and their three daughters in Spain. Pray that God will provide as the family reconfigures their English-language school due to closure during the pandemic.

Announcements for the week of May 10-15, 2020

We offer sympathy to Wes and Ada Schmidt-Tieszen, their daughters, Tina Graber (husband Daniel, children Adaline and Levi) and Alison Schmidt-Tieszen, and their extended family, on the death of Wes’ father, Vern Tieszen who died May 6 in Caldwell, Idaho at the age of 95.  Nephews of Vern are Duane Friesen and Larry Friesen.

The offering at BCMC last week (April 27 through May 4, 2020):  General Fund $7,784.  Caring fund $25; Living Stones $755; Elevator Repair $100. 

Repair work on the BCMC elevator will begin Monday, May 11.  Doors will be open to allow entrance for the crew working on the elevator.  For your safety, we ask you to refrain from entering the building. 

Mennonite Central Committee, even amidst this global pandemic, continues to work as safely and fully as possible in over 50 countries around the world. COVID-19 continues to spread and the challenges facing our neighbors next door and around the world keep growing.  MCC Central States in North Newton continues to be closed to the public through the month of May, however, material resource donations can be left in the 24-hour donation drop-off room at any time.  If you would like fabric to sew into comforters, contact  Kate can deliver the fabric or set it out in the donation room for you. They have LOTS of pre-cut squares available.  Monetary donations are being accepted at to support water, food, hygiene and health programs around the world. 

MCC shares this prayer adapted from the Book of Common Prayer by the MCC U.S. Washington Office:
Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work, or watch, or weep this night.
Tend the sick, Lord Christ, in particular those suffering from COVID-19, those in under-resourced hospitals and those with no access to hospitals at all.
Give rest to the weary – including doctors, medical staff, parents, pastors and leaders making difficult decisions.
Bless the dying, soothe the suffering, and comfort their families and communities.
Pity the afflicted, especially those living in contexts of poverty, violence and limited public services for whom the call to stay at home is the call to face economic loss, hunger or physical danger.
Shield the joyous without letting this joy cloud compassion.
Call each of us to patience, to generosity and selflessness, to kindness, goodness, and peace, and all for your love’s sake.

Kauffman Museum might be closed to the public, but there are still two exhibits visitors can view. One is “Meta: An Exhibition about Exhibitions,” a senior project by Bethel College students Elizabeth Friesen Birky and Emma Girton. Take a virtual tour of this exhibit at
The other is “Science Behind the News: Viruses,” a pop-up exhibit mounted on the outside of the museum at the corner of Main and 27th Streets in North Newton, by the front door. Text is in both English and Spanish. You can also see the “Viruses” exhibit along the walking path at Newton Medical Center, and at Health Ministries Clinic soon.

The Bethel College Class of 2020 will celebrate the 127th commencement, virtually, Sunday, May 17, at 4 p.m. Join them at

Western District Conference Annual Assembly 2020 update:  Join us for the socially distanced Western District Conference Annual Assembly online on August 1.  (Note: This will replace previous plans for an in-person gathering).  Webinars, worship, Danny Carroll, our keynote speaker, and some time to talk together will all be part of this grand experiment. What can the times we’re living in help us to discover about mission? About God’s love for the exile? We hope it will be possible for small groups to host Assembly watch parties together. If not, we’ll be together in Spirit and over digital media.

The Western District Conference/South Central Conference Women’s and Girl’s Retreat is scheduled forFriday, September 11 through Sunday, September 13 at Camp Mennoscah. The Retreat Committee is working to make this a special time of reflection, fellowship and fun. Please keep this in prayer as we hope to be able to gather and worship together in the usual way but will reevaluate as needed when the time gets closer.

Camp Mennoscah is working on guidelines for being open to small groups and families within state and local recommendations.  Watch the website and the Camp Mennoscah Facebook page for updates.  If you already have a group reservation at Camp Mennoscah, we will contact you if changes are needed.  At this time, the Family Weekend in July has not been canceled.  Contact camp at 620-297-3290 with questions.

Announcements for May 3-9, 2020

We offer sympathy to the family of Rosella (Reimer) Duerksen.  Rosella, aged 94,  died early the morning of May 1, in Tucson, Arizona.  Rosella and her husband, Harold, are Wider Fellowship members at BCMC.  Surviving Rosella are her husband Harold, and their children Kathleen, Christine, and Thomas and their families.

Everence will host the workshop, Make Medicare an easy step, as a webinar Mon., May 11 at 6:30 pm.  Attendees will learn about the various Medicare plans and what they cover; plans that supplement Medicare; and enrollment details and deadlines. This webinar is free. Please register by contacting Darlene Buller at 877-467-7294, 316-283-3800 or

From Mennonite Church USA:
Mennonite Church USA has released a statement in response to the COVID-19 pandemic that denounces anti-Asian racism and provides tips and resources for helping us recognize and counter racism in our community. Read more at: 

Learn, Pray, Join
Interested in serving God through creation care? Discover how a small congregation strengthened its ties with each other and its community through earth-friendly spiritual practices in “Taftsville Chapel: A sustainable model for creation care.”

 Menno Snapshots
Struggling with the “new normal” of working from home? Michael Danner, associate executive director of Mennonite Church USA, offers helpful advice and scheduling techniques in his blog, “Tips on working from home.”

Prayer request from Western District Conference: Pray for generous contributions to be given to the WDC Hope Fund, to enable support for congregations facing financial hardship due to the impact of coronavirus. 

Prayer request from Mennonite Mission Network: Mennonite Mission Network administrators request prayer for wisdom in continuing God’s ministries of healing and hope in ways that do not expose personnel and partners to undue risks of exposure to COVID-19. All travel and in-person public gatherings have been canceled or postponed. Ministry continues through online connections.

Announcements for April 26, 2020

We offer sympathy to the family of Hulda Voth.  Hulda died April 20 at Covenant Care, Wichita.  You may send condolences to her son Alan Voth, 2610 E. 101 North, Valley Center, KS 67147.   Services are planned for a later date.

Scam Notice:  If you receive an email from Pastor Dawn requesting a Google Playcard, this is a scam!   Pastor Dawn is not requesting Google Playcards.  Delete the email and let the church office know.

This is a message from Vern Preheim, who does volunteer work at Book ReViews.  The store is closed for now but Book ReViews sells on line at ABE books.  Vern goes in every day to process orders and is there from 9 am to 11 am.   People have called asking if they could bring books to donate.  If you wish to donate books,  come to the back door using the alley.  Book ReViews can accept book donations at the back door Tuesday through Thursday,  9 – 11 am.   We need books! 

The Kansas MCC Sale Board has decided to offer for sale many of the vehicles donated to be sold at this year’s Kansas MCC Sale. The cars are priced close to NADA Book Prices which are average prices these cars are currently selling for. Pictures and Descriptions can be found on the MCC Sale website. Go to: Once you are there put your mouse above “Auctions” at top of page and Click on “General”. Once you are there you will be able to click on each vehicle for MORE PICTURES and FULL DESCRIPTION.

For additional information and to test drive any vehicles call Jerry Toews 620-367-8257. Prices listed are SUGGESTED DONATION or BEST OFFER. We have some GREAT cars and tractors this year.

· 1990 Buick LeSabre, 134K, Exceptionally Clean, Mechanical sound, Great work/school car, $1500

· 2012 Mazda 3 Touring, 4 door, Hatchback, Automatic, 190K one owner, Above average Clean, $5700

· 1976 Corvette Stingray, 118K; $6000

· 2007 Jeep Liberty 4 x 4, Six Speed, EXCEPTIONALLY CLEAN, above average smaller SUV, 123K, $5700

· 2007 Toyota Rav 4, 4 wheel Drive. Exception Mechanical Condition, Nice, 197K, $6000

· 1998 Land Rover SUV 4 Wheel Drive, 110K, Very Nice, $4900

· 2001 Honda Acura 4 Wheel Drive SUV, Heated Leather, 234K; $3300

· 1980 Ford 4 Door 115K, 6 cyl, auto, No Rust, Good work/school car, $1000

· 1951 International Dump Truck, 72K, Runs GREAT, $2500, Good usable Truck or Collector.

· 1949 8N Ford Tractor, Exceptional Restoration with ALL New Parts A-Z, Professional Paint, $5000

· 1950 International C Tractor with Mounted Plow, Exceptional Lowell Heinrichs Restoration $4000

· 1941 International A Tractor, Exceptional Lowell Heinrichs Restoration, $3500

· 1942 John Deere H Tractor, Beautiful Paint, NEW Tires and Tubes, Needs New Pistons, $3000

· 1939 Allis Model U, Exceptional Lowell Heinrichs Restoration, $2200

· 1948 International C Tractor, Great Original Tractor, $1500

· Kawasaki 4 Wheeler, Excellent Older 4 Wheeler, Above Average, Clean, Super Nice, $2000

If you were planning on ordering a meal from Keith’s Meals Goessel for this Sunday, April 26, here is a note from Barb BJ Reeves KMRS Secretary:  “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!  The number of reservations are now between 600 and 700!  Therefore, NO more Reservations for the MCC Feeding the Multitude at Keith’s Meals Goessel for this Sunday will be accepted.  Keith has maxed out his cooking capacity.  We will be using all the ovens at his store as well as all the ovens at Tabor Church Kitchen.  Thank you for supporting MCC Sale in the adventure!”

Western District Conference invites contributions to the new WDC Hope Fundwhich has been established to receive contributions and offer grants to WDC congregations most impacted by the coronavirus.   In some congregations, bi-vocational pastors and church members have lost jobs due to the pandemic, and are facing difficulty meeting daily expenses.  Gifts to the WDC Hope Fund will allow WDC to provide grants to congregations  to distribute where most needed – whether to meet church expenses, continue pastoral support, or help with rent and groceries for church members.   Make contributions to WDC designated “Hope Fund.”  You can give online at (Click on “Donate to WDC”) or send a check to WDC at PO Box 306, North Newton, KS 67117.    For more information and grant application forms for congregations, see    

The following are Camp Mennoscah’s 2020 Summer Staff, ready to share community and God’s love with you, whatever the summer looks like!  The summer staffers are Beth Balzer, Sarah Booth, Karina Brandt, Ethan Entz, Kyle Flickinger, Anna Lubbers, Seth Rudeen.  We are not giving summer staffers position titles at this time.

Camp Mennoscah facilities and camp grounds will be closed at least until May 22.  Keep in touch on the Camp Mennoscah Facebook page and YouTube channel!  You can also reach us at 620-297-3290 or  We will continue to update information on our website and social media sites, as well as through email.  Stay healthy!

Prayer request from Western District Conference:  Pray for WDC pastors and congregation members facing financial stress due to the impact of coronavirus.

Prayer request from Mennonite Mission Network:  MMN praises God for a Virginia Mennonite Missions team that helped build a community center in Peru.  Pray for Elena and Freddy Buckwalter de Satalaya, jointly sponsored by the two agencies, and for the leadership team in Peru as they use the center for kids’ activities and worship services. 

Announcements for April 19, 2020

As we enter into this season of Eastertide, celebrating the joy of Jesus’ resurrection, we remember God’s commitment to continue breathing new life into places of death, here and now. And we remember how we are invited to join in that life-giving work with God.

During this pandemic, opportunities for sharing life and hope abound.  Today we highlight several opportunities coming from Western District Conference:

Western District Conference has established a Hope Fund to support congregations and ministers in direct response to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic. WDC is seeking to raise funds to respond to the most vulnerable by empowering local congregations to meet needs with Christ’s love and generosity in a time of fear and anxiety. If you have interest in learning more or contributing to this fund, you can find more information here:

Western District Conference Israel-Palestine Task Force, in partnership with Mennonite Palestine Israel Network (MennoPIN), asks you to pray for and share resources with people deeply in need in Gaza. The Gaza Strip is a densely populated region, with more than two million people. Suffering from a 13-year air, land, and sea blockade and three devastating wars, Gaza faces economic collapse and is very vulnerable during this pandemic. In response, the WDC Israel-Palestine Task Force requests your help to share funds with Youth Vision Society (YVS), who will distribute food baskets and hygiene kits to affected families. See attachment (below) for information about how you can help. (ATTACHMENT)

You can also support the ongoing work of BCMC by contributing to the General Fund, or to two special projects:  the Caring Fund (to respond to needs within our congregation and local community), or the Elevator Fund (to make our building fully accessible to diversely-abled folks). Gifts to any of the funds can be made through BCMC’s online giving option (see “Support BCMC” at the top right corner of the BCMC website homepage) or a check made out to BCMC (with designated gifts noted in the memo line).

May this Praise Song for the Pandemic offer us a way to pray together throughout the week!

We welcome your prayers for Vince and Priscilla Miller, Wider Fellowship members at BCMC currently residing in Idaho, upon the death of their son, Tamen, who took his life on April 9, fearing that he had Covid 19.  If you would like to share your care through a card, please send it to Vince and Priscilla Miller, 1617 Calico Circle, Pocatello, ID 83201.

Christopher Shaw offered this 12 minute organ recital during Holy Week. Listen on YouTube here

The Kansas Mennonite Central Committee Relief Sale that was set for this weekend was one of the many events that has been cancelled this past month. Fortunately, organizers have put together a virtual 5K Run/Walk for people to participate on their own. Pastor Renee is participating in this 5K Run/Walk on Saturday. Anyone looking for ways to donate the money they would have spent on food or auction items at the MCC Sale is invited to donate to her link. Or, you can sign up and participate in your own 5K run/walk here! The goal for this fundraiser is $30,000, let’s see if we can reach that goal together! 

Each year at the Mennonite Central Committee Relief Sale there is a German buffet.  The average amount that each “diner” paid for a meal last year was $11.80.  The Committee would like to propose that those who can donate $12.00 a person around their dinner table on Saturday, April 18.  This is a reasonable amount for such a good cause.   We hope that this will raise awareness of the importance of the MCC Sale.  Please make your checks payable to KMRS and mail to Tim Miller, Treasurer, 4805 S Broadacres Road, Hutchinson, KS 67502.  Feeding the Multitude Committee:  Doug & Cathy Everingham, Delon & Joretta Martens, Francis & Margaret Toews, Hugo & Mary Ann Boschmann,  Bob & Barb Esau, Delbert & Janine Peters

Camp Mennoscah announcements:
· Keep in touch on the Camp Mennoscah Facebook page and YouTube channel.  Reach camp at 620-297-3290 or  They will update the website and social media sites, as well as through email. 

· Camp Mennoscah is planning to have summer youth camps, but recognizing the ever-changing nature of the COVID-19 situation, a final decision will be made closer to the start of camps.  Your camp fees, including the non-refundable, non-transferable deposit, will be refunded if camp is canceled.  Further information can be found at or by calling 620-297-3290. 

· Send words!  Camp Mennoscah will create the 2020 tee shirt from three pairs of words representing important parts of Camp Mennoscah, serious or playful.  An example would be Gaga Ball, Verenike Casserole, Campfire Songs.   Send your ideas to or send a message to the Camp Mennoscah Facebook page by April 30.

Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS), Everence and Mennonite Central Committee U.S. (MCC U.S.) have joined together to launch a COVID-19 Congregational Relief Fund to aid churches facing financial crisis due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. The fund will accept grant requests of up to $5,000 each from churches that might not have means to recover from this unprecedented global situation. Recipient churches may use the grants to meet their congregational financial needs (such as rent, mortgage, utilities, staff salaries, etc.) or to assist families and individuals in their midst recover from COVID-19 hardships. Churches with historic roots or relationships with the Anabaptist faith community are eligible to apply for a grant. Priority will be given to racially and ethnically diverse churches serving in historically under-resourced communities, i.e. communities and households that are underbanked, underinsured and/or uninsured. To learn more and/or apply for a grant, see  Click here to see additional information on the Everence website.  

Kauffman Museum
 might be closed to the public, but there are still two exhibits visitors can view. One is “Meta: An Exhibition about Exhibitions,” a senior project by Bethel College students Elizabeth Friesen Birky and Emma Girton. Take a virtual tour of this exhibit at

The other is “Science Behind the News: Viruses,” a pop-up exhibit mounted on the outside of the museum at the corner of Main and 27th Streets in North Newton, by the front door. Text is in both English and Spanish. You can also see the “Viruses” exhibit at Newton Medical Center and Health Ministries Clinic.

Announcements for April 12, 2020

This week at BCMC:  General Fund $13,293.04; Living Stones $680; Elevator Repair $500; Caring Fund $100.

New address for Larry Friesen:  Larry D. Friesen transitioned  to healthcare at Schowalter Villa.  His new address, for those who would like to send cards, notes, letters is: Larry D. Friesen, Schowalter Villa, West Gardens #207, 200 W. Cedar St., Hesston, KS 67062.  Email:
Mennonite Central Committee Relief Sale Announcements:

Dear Church Friends and Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale Supporters and Volunteers, 
We are excited to let you know that we will still be holding the 2020 Run for Relief, but that it will be a virtual event this year!  Although the larger Mennonite Central Committee Sale has been cancelled, many of us can still use our abilities and connections to help get funds to MCC for their vital work of relief and development throughout the world – support that is going to be desperately needed.  Many of you volunteer at the Sale, but many have not ever had time to take part in the Run – this is your opportunity!!  We are asking you to consider joining us in a virtual run on Saturday, April 18 and walk, jog, or run a 5K for MCC!  
· Put on your favorite MCC Sale t-shirt or Run for Relief t-shirt from a past year if you have one.
· Take your picture, post it on the Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale – Run for Relief Facebook page.
· Run or walk a 5K on your own (or 6 ft. away with a friend).
· Invite others to sponsor your walk/run to raise additional funds. 
· Feel free to post your time and amount of money you raised (if you invited others to sponsor your run)! 
· Send your entry fee and/or collected sponsor donations to Angie Teeter, 712 Charles Street, Hesston, KS  67062.
If you haven’t already please register yourself and ask family, friends, or neighbors if they would also consider signing up to participate on April 18 (online registration and printable form can be found HERE). There will be no late registration fee – that has been waived!
We are not going to be printing t-shirts to send out to all participants, nor mailing out medals – just too much of a logistical challenge.  We will still be offering a special shirt for those raising over $400 in additional funds, along with plaques for top fundraiser and oldest participant. 
Please check out the Run for Relief Facebook Page for additional information, business sponsor info, pictures, and to follow along with our amazing community of walkers and runners participating with you on April 18! This is a powerful way we can come together to support MCC’s work this year!  Sincerely,  The Run for Relief Committee

The almonds usually sold at the MCC Sale General Auction will be arriving at the beginning of next week.  Richard Ediger is the contact person and the almonds will be shipped to him in Buhler.  It is not known how many almonds will be available. There will be some of each kind of almond.  
Roasted Almonds will sell for $10 a bag. (at the sale they would bring $18 per bag) 
Almond clusters, a smaller bag, will sell for $5 per bag as will the spicy almonds and the sweet almonds.  
It will be up to you as congregational liaisons to let people in your congregations know to accept orders and collect payment for the orders.  You can contact Richard Ediger at 620-543-2787 or Jim Robb at 620-747-0186 or if using e-mail send to the following address:  to place orders and arrange a time for delivery.  Checks should be made out to the KMRS.  We will sell until we are out of almonds and cannot get any more.   Questions? Direct them to Jim Robb at the number already listed. This  is a good way to support KMRS in an unusual year.  Any additional donation would be appreciated.
Jim Robb, KMRS Chair

MCC Comforter Fabric Deliveries Available – Hello, Comforter-Makers! We hope you are all staying home and staying safe. We invite you to make comforter tops for MCC! There is a great need for comfort, warmth, and love in the world right now; MCC anticipates an increase in requests for comforters from MCC partners around the world as the COVID-19 pandemic impacts vulnerable and displaced people.

If you would like to work on making comforter tops for MCC and need fabric to do so, we will deliver it to your doorstep! MCC has bags of color coordinated cotton fabrics that can be made into 60 X 80 comforter tops. A limited amount of pre-cut squares are also available. If you would like a bag (or bags) delivered safely to your house, please email by Wednesday, April 15, to get on the delivery list. Already have fabric at home that you’d like to use? Please review the MCC Comforter Guidelines and instructional videos at Thank you in advance for your stitches!

As we celebrate the new life given to us through Jesus’ resurrection this Easter morning, we can’t escape the realities of COVID-19. In a time of uncertainty and social distancing, we offer you a selection of resources that Mennonite Central Committee has prepared over the years for congregations, families and individuals.  We pray for the many who are dealing with COVID directly and the many others who are impacted by our collective attempt to stop the spread of this virus. From prayers to recipes and cooking videos, from coloring pages to videos that give you a glimpse of life across the world, we hope we are able to offer something that may encourage or nourish you in an extraordinary time.

Everence® Financial will host a webinar, Exploring planned giving, on Tuesday, April 21. The event will be at 10 a.m. and again at 6:30 p.m. Attendees will discuss strategies to remember and support the causes and organizations that they are passionate about in their planning. Reserve your spot by contacting Darlene Buller at 316-283-3800, 877-467-7294 or

Reflecting on Faith and Fear:  “Time Such As This” is a FREE edition of the Rejoice devotional in the midst of a pandemic.  These are wonderful, thoughtful reflections by some gifted Anabaptist writers.  Find a copy of this at

Former WDC staff member, Marlene Bogard, is hosting a Zoom Story Hour at 11:30am (central time) on Mondays and Thursdays for the next several weeks. Children are invited! Stories will be geared to ages 3-8. In order to get the Zoom meeting link, please email Marlene at 

Dove’s Nest has resources for protecting and engaging children and teens while families are sheltering at home.  There are some creative ideas, as well as internet safety tips available at:  

Want to serve with your family?  Only have time for a short service term?  Then SOOP is perfect for you!  Age:  25+ and families; flexible term length.  Learn more at

The camp staff and board members at Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp are responding to the challenges presented by the coronavirus pandemic (doing the best we can, with what we know, when we know it) in ensuring the safety of our staff, campers and guests during this time. While cancellations of programs and guest groups are part of our current response, we are planning and preparing for the day we return to our normal (or new normal) ministry offerings when permissible and appropriate. Regardless, we will continue to fulfill our mission statement of, “A place of retreat and community in God’s creation.” Please visit our web page ( for additional information about the financial impact or donating to the Rocky Mountain ministry in these challenging times.


Announcements for April 5-12, 2020

We offer sympathy to Rachel and John Pannabecker on the death of Rachel’s father, David Habegger, March 30, Elkhart, IN. Rachel writes: “On behalf of the family I send our appreciation for the contributions of the congregation to Dad’s life.” Click here for a link to the obituary: David Habegger obituary

Congratulations to Elizabeth Raid and Gary Franz!
Elizabeth Raid and Gary Franz celebrated their marriage in BCMC chapel last Sunday, March 29th. Rev. June Thomsen officiated with a blessing from Pastor  Dawn. Elizabeth and Gary were former colleagues at the GCMC Newton office and have many common interests, including life long friends, Marv and Ruthann Dirks. They attended the BCMC grief support group. They welcome your prayers. 

The BCMC church retreat that was scheduled for May 2-3, 2020 at Camp Mennoscah has been cancelled.

And… Congratulations to Rebecca and Aaron Tschetter who have the following announcement:
With all the uncertainty and changes in the past month, we are excited to share some happy news with everyone! We are expecting Baby Tschetter in September 2020!

MCC Comforter Fabric Deliveries Available – Hello, Comforter-Makers! We hope you are all staying home and staying safe. We invite you to make comforter tops for MCC! There is a great need for comfort, warmth, and love in the world right now; MCC anticipates an increase in requests for comforters from MCC partners around the world as the COVID-19 pandemic impacts vulnerable and displaced people.

If you would like to work on making comforter tops for Mennonite Central Committee and need fabric to do so, we will deliver it to your doorstep! MCC has bags of color coordinated cotton fabrics that can be made into 60 X 80 comforter tops. A limited amount of pre-cut squares are also available. If you would like a bag (or bags) delivered safely to your house, please email by Wednesday, April 8th, to get on the delivery list. Already have fabric at home that you’d like to use? Please review the MCC Comforter Guidelines and instructional videos at Thank you in advance for your stitches!

Camp Mennoscah will be closed at least until April 30 with respect to your health and the statewide Stay Home order.  Camp staff will be working from home and at a distance.  You can reach us at 620-297-3290 or  Keep in touch on the Camp Mennoscah Facebook page!  We send you many prayers.  Stay healthy!

You can still sign up for summer youth camps!  Camp Mennoscah is planning to have summer youth camps, but recognizing the ever-changing nature of the COVID-19 situation, a final decision will be made closer to the start of camps.  Your camp fees, including the non-refundable, non-transferable deposit, will be refunded if camp is canceled.  Further information can be found at or by calling 620-297-3290. 

With attention to the safety of all, our Retirees Retreat (scheduled for April 20-22) has been cancelled. It has not been determined if the retreat will be rescheduled for a later date. Take a moment over these next weeks, have a personal coffee break, remember a story about Camp Mennoscah, and know we are thinking of you.

Men and Boys Retreat (previously scheduled for April 3-5) at Camp Mennoscah has been rescheduled to September 4-6, 2020! 

The 2020 Camp Mennoscah tee shirt contest ends April 30!  We’re looking for three two-word phrases representing the important parts of Camp Mennoscah. The best combination of phrases will become our camp tee!  One (generic) example would be River play, Campfire songs, Love all.  Be creative!  Send all your stunning ideas to!  (Or send a message to the Camp Mennoscah Facebook page.)