Author Archives: Monica Lichti

The worship service for November 22, 2020. You will have to click on READ MORE to access the link

November 22, 2020 Thanksgiving Worship Service

November 22, 2020

 Prelude—Verlene Garber

Welcome and Lighting the Christ Candle—Nathan Koontz               

Call to worship and Prayer                                                                                         

Hymn of praise—Praise to God, immortal praiseHymnal A Worship Book #91  

                    (see words printed below)

Children’s conversation—Bethany Schrag and company                                                                                    

Scripture—Ephesians 1:15-23—Tim Schrag                                                  

Meditation—I never cease to give thanks. . . .—Dawn Yoder Harms

Offering our Gratitude

Hymn of response—Lord, should rising whirlwindsHymnal A Worship Book #92

Prayers of God’s people— Renee Reimer                                                                                       

Sending hymn—Now thank we all our God—Hymnal A Worship Book #86


Postlude—Verlene Garber  

Musicians:  Renee Reimer, Ben Lichti, Bethany Schrag, Tim Schrag, Suzy Burch, Verlene Garber

Pastors:  Renee Reimer, Dawn Yoder Harms, and Nathan Koontz

Worship Visuals:  Carol Buller

Audio and Visual:  Francis Toews

Praise to God, immortal praise—Hymnal a Worship Book #91 (Text: Anna L. Barbauld)

1.  Praise to God, immortal praise,
for the love that crowns our days.
Bounteous Source of every joy,
let thy praise our tongues employ.

2   For the blessings of the field,
for the stores the gardens yield,

for the joy which harvests bring,

grateful praises now we sing.

3. Clouds that drop refreshing dews,

suns that genial heat diffuse,

flocks that whiten all the plain,
yellow sheaves of ripened grain,

4.  all that spring with bounteous hand
scatters o’er the smiling land,
all that lib’ral autumn pours
from her overflowing stores;

5.   these, great God, to thee we owe,
source whence all our blessings flow;
and for these our souls shall raise
grateful vows and solemn praise.

Lord, should rising whirlwinds—Hymnal a Worship Book #92 (Text:  Anna L. Barbauld)

Lord, should rising whirlwinds
tear from its stem the ripening ear, 
should the fig-tree’s blasted shoot 
drop her green untimely fruit; 

7.  should the vine put forth no more, 
nor the olive yield her store, 
though the sick’ning flocks should fall, 
and the herds desert the stall; 

8.  should thine altered hand restrain 
th’ early and the latter rain, 
blast each op’ning bud of joy, 
and the rising year destroy; 

9.  yet to thee my soul should raise 
grateful vows and solemn praise, 
and, when ev’ry blessing’s flown, 
love thee for thyself alone!

To access the worship service for November 15, 2020 you will have to press “Read More”

Click here for the November 15 worship service.

November 15, 2020
Stewardship Sunday

 Prelude—Prelude on a Southern Folk Hymn (Bristol) and Hymn to Joy (Wold)—Verlene Garber

Welcome and Lighting the Christ Candle—Dawn Yoder Harms         

Call to worship and Prayer—Dawn Yoder Harms                                                  

Hymn of praise—Come, we that love the LordHymnal A Worship Book #14   

Children’s conversation—Elizabeth Schmidt                                                                                                  

Scripture—Luke 10:38-42—Esther Kreider Eash                                                             

Sermon—Embodying our Mary and Martha—Renee Reimer

Hymn of response—Lord, you have come to the lakeshoreHymnal A Worship Book #229          

Prayers of God’s people— Nathan Koontz                                                                                                  

Sending hymn—Will you let me be your servant—Hymnal A Worship Book #307   

Benediction—Renee Reimer  

Postlude—Recessional in Eb Major (Johnson)—Verlene Garber       

Musicians:  Esther Kreider Eash, William Eash, John Mark Koontz, Renee Reimer,

Dawn Yoder Harms, Ron Garber, Verlene Garber

Pastors:  Renee Reimer, Dawn Yoder Harms, and Nathan Koontz

Audio and Visual:  Ben Lichti

November 13-20, 2020

We invite prayers for Willis Harder and family on the death of his wife, Dorothy, November 4.  A private memorial service and inurnment were held November 14, 2020.

We offer our sympathy to Mary Gaeddert and her family on the death of her husband, John Gaeddert.  John died Thursday, Nov 12, at Kidron Bethel Village.  Following is what the family of John writes: “John W. Gaeddert, age 96, passed away on November 12 with his family around him. The family deeply regrets that, due to the pandemic, they will not be able to celebrate John’s life with the people of the congregations he so loved. A private memorial and burial service is being planned.”

Thanks to those of you who have already submitted your bcmcXpress annual intent form!  If you haven’t yet completed it, you can do so electronically by clicking this link  If you prefer to fill out a paper copy, please call the church office, and we’ll make sure you get one. Please submit your intent form–electronic or paper–by Nov 22.    — Finance Committee (Al Peters. Judy Friesen, Paul Harder, Gwen Neufeld, LaVern Stucky; Mike Claassen, Finance Manager).  

To view Marvin Holck’s memorial service held November 6, at Dyck Arboretum, click on this link:

BCMC’s week to provide volunteers and meals to New Hope shelter is coming up Nov. 18-24.  We need some evening volunteers, overnight volunteers, and meals.  New Hope takes every Covid precaution, but I understand that that does not give 100% assurance.  If you have interest in helping, please contact Valetta Seymour at or 620-217-7536.

According to the latest numbers, we still need $666.12 to cover the elevator repair.  Based on the estimate from Regier Construction, we need $35,081.03 to cover the kitchen/fellowship hall renovation.
Contributions from January 1 through October 31 were $367,730 and expenses were $385,667, leaving a shortfall of $17,937.   ~ Mike Claassen, BCMC Finance Manager
BCMC Offering for November 8-15:  General Fund $10,615.33; MCC Meat Canning $125; Living Stones $505; Transfer-Sunday School $25; Elevator Repair $500.

The Hesston College Nursing program is partnering with Slate Creek Elementary
, and looking for reusable mask donations from local businesses and organizations.  There are 200 students total who need pediatric sized masks.  The goal Hesston College Nursing has for the school is to promote mask hygiene, and the students will need another mask while they wait for theirs to dry after washing.  We understand that 200 masks is quite the undertaking, so any number of masks that you would be able to provide would be greatly appreciated.   If you would like to donate some child-sized masks, you can bring them to the BCMC office and the office will see to it that these masks are delivered to the Hesston College Nursing Program.  — Noah Miller, Hesston College Nursing Program

Everence to hold Medicare webinar: Nov. 16
Everence will host its popular workshop, Make Medicare an easy step, as a webinar on Monday, Nov. 16 at 6:30 p.m. Attendees will learn about the various Medicare plans and what they cover; plans that supplement Medicare; and enrollment details and deadlines. This webinar is free. Please register by contacting our office at 877-467-7294, 316-283-3800 or *Attendance is recommended for those approaching retirement or those ready to sign up for Medicare. Advisory services offered through Investment Advisors, a division of ProEquities Inc., Registered Investment Advisors. Securities offered through ProEquities Inc., a registered broker-dealer, member FINRA and SIPC. Investments and other products are not NCUA or otherwise federally insured, may involve loss of principal and have no credit union guarantee. Products and services offered through Everence Trust Company and other Everence entities are independent of and are not guaranteed or endorsed by ProEquities, Inc., or its affiliates.

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   Mennonite Mission Network’s Colorado Springs Service Adventure unit helps extend the ministry of Beth-El Mennonite Church through building relationships in the community. Pray for Elyse Burton as she helps families who are homeless and for Makenzie Shelman as she works with people with disabilities. Pray also for unit leader Cindy Headings.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for WDC staff in their daily work of sustaining transformational leaders, resourcing missional congregations, and encouraging church planting partnerships in our conference.

Western District Conference Announcements:
· Associate Conference Minister transition: WDC announces that Sandra Montes Martinez has accepted a call to serve as WDC Associate Conference Minister based in Texas. She will begin in this role half-time on December 1, 2020 and move to full time on February 1, 2021.  Sandra’s appointment follows consideration of multiple candidates by a Search Advisory Committee composed of representatives from the WDC Executive Board, Ministerial Leadership Commission, Church Planting Commission and Staff Relations Committee.  Sandra brings a wide range of church and ministry-related experience, passion for missional church leadership in an Anabaptist/Mennonite context, bilingual and cross-cultural competency, pastoral and organizational skills, and strong relationships within Western District Conference and Mennonite Church USA. She has attended Seminario Anabautista Menonita in Caracas, Venezuela;  Los Angeles Mission College in Sylmar, California; and Instituto Bíblico Anabautista (IBA) and Seminario Bíblico Anabautista Hispano (SeBAH), programs of Mennonite Education Agency.  Sandra has formerly been serving as a credentialed pastor at Iglesia Cristiana Menonita Monte Horeb in Dallas, TX;  Administrative Assistant for WDC in Texas; and Executive Director for Iglesia Menonita Hispana (IMH), a constituency group of Mennonite Church USA.  She plans to continue giving leadership to Academia Liderazgo Misional Anabautista (ALMA), a missional leadership initiative of IMH.  WDC is excited to welcome Sandra to this new role of Associate Conference Minister in WDC!  A formal installation for Sandra will be planned at a later date.  Lee Lever will conclude his role as WDC’s Interim Conference Ministry Liaison for Texas on November 30, 2020.    
· Giving Tuesday is December 1 – Western District Conference invites you to join this global giving initiative! Share a gift with WDC during this season, to help our congregations Witness & invite others to faith in Jesus Christ, Dwell in just & loving relationships, and Connect to God’s mission in the world. You may make an online contribution HERE or send a check to Western District Conference, PO Box 306, North Newton KS  67117. Thank you for your generosity!  
· On November 22 at 4 pm, Rainbow Mennonite Church of Kansas City, KS, will host an ordination service in honor of Roseann Penner Kaufman, Minister of Music and Worship.
· Due to Covid-19 concerns, the WDC office and Resource Library are closed until further notice.  All staff members are working from their homes.  The best way to contact a staff member is by email, or messages can be left at 316-283-6300.  Phone messages will be checked as possible. 
· Staff email addresses:
· Heidi Regier Kreider, Conference Minister,
· Kathy Neufeld Dunn, Associate Conference Minister Kansas-Based,
· Lee Lever, Interim Conference Ministry Liaison for Texas (through Nov 30),
· Sandra Montes-Martinez, Administrative Assistant (Texas) (through Nov 30, transitioning to Associate Conference Minister Texas-Based beginning Dec 1),  
· Beth Yoder, Business Manager,
· Jennie Wintermote, Library Director,
· Nancy Funk, Administrative Assistant,

Camp Mennoscah announcements
· Camp Mennoscah is a year-round campground!  Ask about winterized facilities or conquer the prairie wilds in a tent.  It’s a whole new world in the winter–and available for you!  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 to make a reservation.

Bethel College Announcements:
· Bethel College Women’s Association has worked to raise money for Bethel for many years.  This August we are opening our first online store,  We invite you to help us support Bethel by checking this online market for crafts, jewelry, Bethel-themed items and much more. Our inventory will change over time so please check in to find that special gift or item for your home. 
· Baked goods sign up:  A call-out for local bakers to support Bethel College. For years Bethel College Women’s Association (BCWA) has been a location for 5 Places of Christmas selling crafts and baked goods. BCWA is asking for support in making baked items for the event which is December 5. Please follow the link below for sign-up options. Thanks for your continued support of Bethel College!
· Now on display in the Regier Art Gallery, Luyken Fine Arts Center, at Bethel College: “Noir + More,” recent work by Denise Brueggeman. Gallery hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri. Please note that face coverings must be worn and physical distancing observed on the Bethel campus.

KIPCOR’s ONLINE 2020-2021 Film Series
The November film is Cooked: Survival by Zip Code, a multiple-award winning documentary that focuses on the deadly 1995 Chicago heat wave to illustrate how minorities and low-income citizens suffer the most negative impact from natural disasters.  The film is an indictment of our nation’s disaster preparedness, and forges a link between extreme weather, extreme disparity, and extreme racism. 
Note that watching the film and participating in the Talk-back are two distinct, separate events. 
YOU MUST VIEW THIS FILM BETWEEN NOV. 8 AND NOV. 14 using this link and password:
Click here to view film:
Password:  KC30p0 
Then on Sunday, November 15 at 2 pm, KIPCOR will host a virtual discussion of the film on Zoom with Christy Miller Hesed, a Hesston resident and Postdoctoral Associate in Environmental Anthropology at the University of Maryland.  Go to KIPCOR’s website at to register for the November 15 Talk-back discussion, and
we will send you the Zoom link on November 13.  Advance registration is required.

Mennonite Church USA Announcements:
· Mennonite Church USA offers these resources for election time: A statement on what it means to be a peacemaker at such a time: And the latest article on how different congregations across the country are preparing for potential violence in their cities:  
· Giving Tuesday is coming up on December 1. Your contribution to Mission Network will help us Be the Gospel through our valued partnerships, ministries, and resources. Visit to give on or before December 1. 
· Looking for a non-traditional pastoral role? Become a unit leader in Service Adventure, a gap-year program for ages 17–20 from Mennonite Mission Network. Unit leaders, at least 24 years of age, serve as mentors to the young adults in the household. Learn more by contacting 

A memorable, meaningful and unique MCC gift to give this Christmas! Grab a piece of MCC history to use in a modern day Mennonite feeding station – your home! Get one for yourself and order more for family and friends. Hang it on the wall in your kitchen or dining room, display it on a shelf or use it as a serving tray! Remember the kitchen at your church, too. Each tray was uniquely handcrafted by an artisan in Siberia using Siberian hardwood. The tray is 16” in diameter and 2” deep. Suggested donation per tray is $150. Full details and pictures are available at

WORSHIP SERVICE FOR NOVEMBER 8, 2020. You will have to press “READ MORE” to access the YouTube Link.

Press here for the YouTube link for the worship service.

November 8, 2020
Stewardship Sunday

Welcome and Lighting the Christ Candle—Cliff Dick and Marlene Ewert

Prelude—John Mark Koontz and Jonah Schloneger                         

Call to worship and Prayer—Marlene Ewert                                                                                                                                

Hymn of praise—Here in this place—Hymnal A Worship Book #6                                              

Children’s conversation—Marlene Ewert and Cliff Dick                                                                     

Scripture—Matthew 6:19-22, 24-34—Marlene Ewert and Cliff Dick                                        

Sermon—Where your treasure, there your heart—Dawn Yoder Harms                                 

Hymn of response—Seek ye first Hymnal A Worship Book #324                                              

Kingdom Report—Dedication of the bcmcXpress—Al Peters                                                        

Prayers of God’s people—Cliff Dick                                                                                                    

Sending hymn—Be thou my vision– Hymnal A Worship Book #545                                        

Benediction—Dawn Yoder Harms                                                                                                  

Musicians: John Mark Koontz, Jonah Schloneger

Audio Visual Technician:       Francis Toews

Announcements for November 6-13, 2020

We invite prayers for Joyce Holck and family on the death of her husband, Marvin Holck, November 1, 2020.  The memorial service was Friday, November 6 at Dyck Arboretum, Hesston, KS.

We invite prayers for Willis Harder and family on the death of his wife, Dorothy, November 4.  A private memorial service and inurnment are tentatively scheduled for next weekend.  

From the Finance Committee:
     The annual BCMC pledge drive is now called the bcmcXpress!  Multiple factors were involved in the name change, including that this is more in tune with our common purpose statement: “Our faith in a God of love leads us by the power of the spirit to follow Jesus in doing justice, loving mercy and walking humbly with God.”  We know that to some extent the Pony Express played a part in the decimation of the Native American population in our country.  So, it was time for a change! 
     There will be no door to door handing out of the envelope as in the past. Those of you that have email contact from the church will receive an email with a “Giving Intent Form” that is fairly simple to fill out.  If you do not receive email from the church, the information should come to you via regular mail. 
     November 8 is Stewardship Sunday. The theme this year is “Where your treasure is, there is your heart” – taken from Matthew 6:19 to 21.

     In his sermon on the Mount, Jesus makes a connection between our treasure and our hearts: Not only do the possessions, money and property we accumulate tell the story of what we value; Jesus seems to suggest that the treasure we possess has the power to shape our values, priorities and lives.  
     Our congregation’s upcoming bcmcXpress process provides us with opportunity to reflect again on the role of money and wealth in our lives.  How might generosity—our willingness to share what we have with our congregation and beyond—help free us from the power that treasure holds over our lives?

Mennonite Central Committee Meat Canning time is upon us.  BCMC’s days to work are November 10, 11, and 12 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday).  John Hillegass (MCC, Akron, PA) and Jason Unruh (MCC, North Newton) are working to make this season’s canning experience as safe as possible.  Masks will be required, temperatures scanned and extra precautions taken with snacks.  The workload is being reduced to four batches per day instead of six or seven and we should be finishing by late afternoon.  Starting time is 7 am.  If you don’t feel comfortable working, one can send a check to BCMC and write “MCC Meat Canning” on the memo line.  As Maynard Knepp says:  “The need is great.”   Thanks, Lowell Stucky, BCMC Meat Canning Representative, 316-283-9677 (please leave message.)

BCMC’s week to provide volunteers and meals to New Hope shelter is coming up Nov. 18-24.  We need some evening volunteers, overnight volunteers, and meals.  New Hope takes every Covid precaution, but I understand that that does not give 100% assurance.  If you have interest in helping, please contact Valetta Seymour at   or 620-217-7536.

According to the latest numbers, we still need $666.12 to cover the elevator repair.  Based on the estimate from Regier Construction, we need $35,081.03 to cover the kitchen/fellowship hall renovation.
Contributions from January 1 through October 31 were $367,730 and expenses were $385,667, leaving a shortfall of $17,937.  
 ~ Mike Claassen, BCMC Finance Manager

BCMC Offering for October 25—November 1:  General Fund $4,742; MCC Meat Canning $225; Transfer-General $100; Office Expense $50; Living Stones $155; Bethel College Scholarship Fund $1,000; Elevator Repair $1,050.

The Hesston College Nursing program is partnering with Slate Creek Elementary, and looking for reusable mask donations from local businesses and organizations.  There are 200 students total who need pediatric sized masks.  The goal Hesston College Nursing has for the school is to promote mask hygiene, and the students will need another mask while they wait for theirs to dry after washing.  We understand that 200 masks is quite the undertaking, so any number of masks that you would be able to provide would be greatly appreciated.   If you would like to donate some child-sized masks, you can bring them to the BCMC office and the office will see to it that these masks are delivered to the Hesston College Nursing Program.  — Noah Miller, Hesston College Nursing Program

Everence to hold Medicare webinar: Nov. 16
Everence will host its popular workshop, Make Medicare an easy step, as a webinar on Monday, Nov. 16 at 6:30 p.m. Attendees will learn about the various Medicare plans and what they cover; plans that supplement Medicare; and enrollment details and deadlines. This webinar is free. Please register by contacting our office at 877-467-7294, 316-283-3800 or 
*Attendance is recommended for those approaching retirement or those ready to sign up for Medicare. 
Advisory services offered through Investment Advisors, a division of ProEquities Inc., Registered Investment Advisors. Securities offered through ProEquities Inc., a registered broker-dealer, member FINRA and SIPC. Investments and other products are not NCUA or otherwise federally insured, may involve loss of principal and have no credit union guarantee. Products and services offered through Everence Trust Company and other Everence entities are independent of and are not guaranteed or endorsed by ProEquities, Inc., or its affiliates.

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   Janie and Neal Blough have retired in France after 45 years of ministry there through Mennonite Mission Network. Pray for them as they continue to serve by teaching and providing worship resources to congregations throughout Europe and beyond.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for WDC pastor peer groups as they meet virtually or in person to offer support and encouragement to one another in their ministry.

Western District Conference Announcements:
· Giving Tuesday is December 1 – Western District Conference invites you to join this global giving initiative! Share a gift with WDC during this season, to help our congregations Witness & invite others to faith in Jesus Christ, Dwell in just & loving relationships, and Connect to God’s mission in the world. You may make an online contribution HERE or send a check to Western District Conference, PO Box 306, North Newton KS  67117. Thank you for your generosity!  
· Did you miss the WDC webinar “Connect:  Faith Formation in Challenging Times”?  You can watch a recording of the web and/or read through a list of the faith formation in the digital age resources that were referred to during the webinar at: 

Camp Mennoscah announcements
· Camp Mennoscah is a year-round campground!  Ask about winterized facilities or conquer the prairie wilds in a tent.  It’s a whole new world in the winter–and available for you!  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 to make a reservation.

Bethel College Announcements:
· Bethel College Women’s Association has worked to raise money for Bethel for many years.  This August we are opening our first online store,  We invite you to help us support Bethel by checking this online market for crafts, jewelry, Bethel-themed items and much more. Our inventory will change over time so please check in to find that special gift or item for your home. 
· Baked goods sign up:  A call-out for local bakers to support Bethel College. For years Bethel College Women’s Association (BCWA) has been a location for 5 Places of Christmas selling crafts and baked goods. BCWA is asking for support in making baked items for the event which is December 5. Please follow the link below for sign-up options. Thanks for your continued support of Bethel College!

Now on display in the Regier Art Gallery, Luyken Fine Arts Center, at Bethel College: “Noir + More,” recent work by Denise Brueggeman. Gallery hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri. Please note that face coverings must be worn and physical distancing observed on the Bethel campus.

KIPCOR’s ONLINE 2020-2021 Film Series
The November film is Cooked: Survival by Zip Code, a multiple-award winning documentary that focuses on the deadly 1995 Chicago heat wave to illustrate how minorities and low-income citizens suffer the most negative impact from natural disasters.  The film is an indictment of our nation’s disaster preparedness, and forges a link between extreme weather, extreme disparity, and extreme racism. 
Note that watching the film and participating in the Talk-back are two distinct, separate events. 
YOU MUST VIEW THIS FILM BETWEEN NOV. 8 AND NOV. 14 using this link and password:
Click here to view film:
Password:  KC30p0 
Then on Sunday, November 15 at 2 pm, KIPCOR will host a virtual discussion of the film on Zoom with Christy Miller Hesed, a Hesston resident and Postdoctoral Associate in Environmental Anthropology at the University of Maryland.  Go to KIPCOR’s website at to register for the November 15 Talk-back discussion, and
we will send you the Zoom link on November 13.  Advance registration is required.

Mennonite Church USA Announcements:
· Mennonite Church USA offers these resources for election time: A statement on what it means to be a peacemaker at such a time: And the latest article on how different congregations across the country are preparing for potential violence in their cities:  
· Giving Tuesday is coming up on December 1. Your contribution to Mission Network will help us Be the Gospel through our valued partnerships, ministries, and resources. Visit to give on or before December 1. 
· Looking for a non-traditional pastoral role? Become a unit leader in Service Adventure, a gap-year program for ages 17–20 from Mennonite Mission Network. Unit leaders, at least 24 years of age, serve as mentors to the young adults in the household. Learn more by contacting 

Announcements for October 30-November 6, 2020

As of Oct 26, Pastor Dawn is back from sabbatical and fully engaged. You can expect to hear more about her experiences in the coming weeks! Her day off continues to be Monday.

Fall Back:  Remember Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday, November 1.  Set your clocks back one hour. 

We invite prayers for Marvin and Joyce Holck and their family during these last days of Marvin’s life.  Marvin is receiving hospice care at Newton Medical Center. 

Next week, Monica Lichti will be in the office in the mornings (8 am to 12 pm) and out of the office in the afternoons.  She is taking some vacation time by being out of the office in the afternoons.

Call for Poetry
Florence Schloneger shared some of her wonderful and evocative poetry Sunday, October 25, during her reflection time. I am sure there are more poets out there from Bethel College Mennonite Church.  It is a very good COVID activity!  Please send me your poems to share with the congregation.  Here is a seasonal one I just wrote. 

A four-sided jack-o-lantern
carved at church by my son,
he says they are
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

This is what these saints have become.
Triangle eyes and nose
lit up by one lonely candle
flickering in the wind at night.

How beautiful, how troubling
all our little traditions,
these strange points of contact
so fragile.

Any day you could walk away
saying it’s all so stupid,
but where else would you really go?
Others’ traditions, others’ folklore?

I say search
and still sink the knife
into the ripe orange flesh.
Carve out your piece of the gospel.

Let that little light shine,
Let that little light seek.
Nathan Koontz

Mennonite Central Committee Meat Canning time is upon us.  BCMC’s days to work are November 10, 11, and 12 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday).  John Hillegass (MCC, Akron, PA) and Jason Unruh (MCC, North Newton) are working to make this season’s canning experience as safe as possible.  Masks will be required, temperatures scanned and extra precautions taken with snacks.  The workload is being reduced to four batches per day instead of six or seven and we should be finishing by late afternoon.  Starting time is 7 am.  If you don’t feel comfortable working, one can send a check to BCMC and write “MCC Meat Canning” on the memo line.  As Maynard Knepp says:  “The need is great.”   Thanks, Lowell Stucky, BCMC Meat Canning Representative, 316-283-9677 (please leave message.)

Corrections for the 2020 Directory:
–Fitzsimons, Tommy** & Kasper, Rachel entry on page 19:  Address should be 211 Frank Ave.
–Mitchell, Nina** & Friesen, Mark entry on page 31:  Add telephone number of 785-766-6356—address is 807 Illinois Street, Lawrence, KS 66044
–Perez, Martin** & Unrau, Paula entry on page 34:  Address should be 385 Frio Rd, Bandera, TX 78003-4361
–Schmidt, Kimberly** & Linscheid, Joel entry on page 38:  Address should be 2 Arcadia St., #1, Roxbury, MA 02119
–Stanley Scott** & Banman, Nancy* Entry on page 39:  Address should be 419 SW 6th St., Newton, KS, 67114
–Stucky, Nathan on page 42:  Should be Stucky, Nathan P.

BCMC Offering for October 18-25:  General Fund $3,014; Office Expense $1.40; Living Stones $210; Elevator Repair $50.

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   Tuesday is election day in the United States. Join Mennonite Mission Network in prayer for the vote to take place without violence and that leaders will be elected who will lead the country in ways of justice and peace.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for God’s strength for chaplains and others in WDC caring for those facing pain, illness and death in the midst of the pandemic.

Western District Conference Announcement:
For WDC congregations using Corinthian Plan health insurance: The Corinthian Plan open enrollment begins November 1st through December 31st, 2020. For more information contact Duncan Smith at or go to the Corinthian Plan website at Also, for Corinthian Plan participants a reminder that there is a Premium Assistance fund for congregations suffering the financial impact of COVID-19. To learn more, contact Duncan or go to the website and look for the COVID resources in the grey box.  

Camp Mennoscah announcements
· Gardell Stucky, dedicated Facilities Director for the past 7 and a half years at Camp Mennoscah, is retiring as of October 30, 2020. You are invited to celebrate his time at Camp Mennoscah with a card or email: or PO Box 65, Murdock, KS 67111. Belated greetings will be forwarded to Gardell, so send without fear! Camp Mennoscah’s Board of Directors and staff thank Gardell for the many hours of work and the gracious kindness shared with everyone. Happy adventures, Gardell!
· With great hope, Camp Mennoscah is planning for the 2021 Summer Youth Camps.  Safety precautions due to the pandemic may require adjustments, but recruiting for summer staff will happen in the coming months.  Put on your best camp outfit and get ready for fun!  (Applications are not yet available.  We’re just making sure you’re excited.)
· Camp Mennoscah is a year-round campground!  Ask about winterized facilities or conquer the prairie wilds in a tent.  It’s a whole new world in the winter–and available for you!  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 to make a reservation.

KIPCOR’s 2020-2021 Peace Lecture Series.  KIPCOR will be live-streaming “Bridging the Cultural Divide in Difficult Times.”  with speaker Sarah Smarsh, Thursday, November 5, 7 pm.  Sarah focuses on socioeconomic class and rural America. Her book Heartland: A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Richest Country on Earth, a New York Times bestseller and a finalist for the National Book Award, examines economic inequality through her upbringing among the working poor on a Kansas farm.  Sarah has reported on socioeconomic class for The Guardian, the New York Times, The New Yorker, Harper’s, and other publications.  Heartland was named a “best of 2018” by NPR, Fresh Air, the Boston Globe, Amazon, Buzzfeed, Barnes and Noble, and Publishers Weekly.  In addition to being short-listed for the National Book Award, Heartland was a finalist for the Kirkus Prize, the Lukas Prize, the Indie Choice Award, and an Audie Award for Smarsh’s reading of her audiobook.  Actor-producer Sarah Jessica Parker selected the title for the American Library Association’s Book Club Central.  Sarah is a regular political commentator in national media and has spoken internationally on poverty, rural issues, and cultural divides. She was recently a Fellow at Harvard’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy.  In 2019, Sarah released a podcast entitled The Homecomers, which focuses on how a national blind spot toward rural and working-class America is driving misleading headlines, broken politics, and dangerous fissures in our social fabric.  The podcast showcases stories of people who, as residents or advocates, remain committed to their complex, embattled homes.  This event is a fundraiser.  Registration (to be included in the November 4 emailing of the Zoom link), and a donation button if you want to help offset the cost of the event, are available at the website,

KIPCOR’s ONLINE 2020-2021 Film Series
The November film is Cooked: Survival by Zip Code, a multiple-award winning documentary that focuses on the deadly 1995 Chicago heat wave to illustrate how minorities and low-income citizens suffer the most negative impact from natural disasters.  The film is an indictment of our nation’s disaster preparedness, and forges a link between extreme weather, extreme disparity, and extreme racism. 
Note that watching the film and participating in the Talk-back are two distinct, separate events. 
YOU MUST VIEW THIS FILM BETWEEN NOV. 8 AND NOV. 14 using this link and password:
Click here to view film:
Password:  KC30p0
Then on Sunday, November 15 at 2 pm, KIPCOR will host a virtual discussion of the film on Zoom with Christy Miller Hesed, a Hesston resident and Postdoctoral Associate in Environmental Anthropology at the University of Maryland.  Go to KIPCOR’s website at to register for the November 15 Talk-back discussion, and
we will send you the Zoom link on November 13.  Advance registration is required.

Mennonite Church USA Announcements:
· Pastor Sandy Drescher-Lehman and her husband, John, realized that when they stepped out of the way, God began a good work – right in their own backyard. Read their blog, “Hosting Hipcampers: Is this missional? Or spiritual?” at
· A new video series from Mennonite Church USA showcases the stories of Mennonites who are advocating for immigration justice and demonstrating radical hospitality.  Visit the Learn, Pray, Join web page for these and other resources:
· Safwat Marzouk, associate professor at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, urges us to consider how the demographic changes in North America are providing an opportunity to recover a biblical vision of the church. Read his blog, “A church that embodies immigration justice and radical hospitality” at 
· Giving Tuesday 2020 is Dec. 1. Live out your call to participate in and support the work of God. Visit

MEDA Convention 2020: Towards an equal world Join MEDA for 2 days of inspiration, information and networking online November 6-7, 2020. MEDA Convention is an intersection of faith and business where you can explore what it means to be faithful in daily work and learn about MEDA’s business solutions to poverty. Go to for more information.

The Tabor Church Mennonite Men would like to invite everyone to the annual chicken barbeque on Nov. 5 from 5-7 pm or until the food runs out.  This year it will be a to-go pick up meal.  The menu is bbq chicken, baked beans, coleslaw, dinner roll and ice cream and the food will taste great as usual.  From the south end of the east parking lot please drive around the south side of the church under the overhang to place your donation and pick up your meal(s).  The funds raised will go to Mennonite Central Committee and Bethesda Home in Goessel.  The church is located 8 miles north of Newton to 90th then 1 mile east or 3 miles south and 1 east of Goessel.

In preparation for the upcoming election, Mennonite Church USA staff has released the following statement on peacemaking
Mennonite Church USA calls for bold peacemaking during the election

  By Mennonite Church USA staff
Peacemakers are most needed during times of uncertainty, fear and polarization.
The United States has been dealing with all three in 2020, exacerbated by a pandemic and the urgency surrounding the presidential election.
No one knows what will happen on or after Election Day. The heightened emotions and mistrust across the political spectrum make widespread violence seem more possible than in years past.
As followers of Jesus, what do we do in a time such as this?
Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)
Our nation, states, cities and churches need peacemakers more than ever in the weeks and months ahead. Peacemakers do not hide safely behind the status quo, ignoring the rise of violence, while thanking God for personal safety. Peacemakers show up boldly with love and deepen relationships with those who are most vulnerable to bodily and systemic violence. Peacemakers consider the complexity of violence — that structural systems of oppression are already operating in violent ways. Peacemakers look at the roots of violence and join the work to seek transformative justice for all.
God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)
Peacemaking is what Jesus demonstrated through his life, death and resurrection. It is what Mennonites have claimed for centuries and often struggled to embody. Now is a time to be bold in our peacemaking. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7) We have a community of believers around us and the steadfast teachings of Jesus to guide us through these times.
During this time of uncertainty:
We call on government and public safety officials to fulfill their obligation to offer equal protection and access to the voting process for all registered voters.
We pray that all candidates and citizens honor the outcome of the election(s) and reject any violent reactions that bring harm to others if there are disputed results.
We pray for a Spirit of Peace to hover over our nation, bringing a sense of deep spiritual strength and groundedness during this fragile moment.
We pray that our churches act as agents of healing through nonviolent witness and tangible acts of love and service – even to our enemies — living into our call as people of God’s peace.

MC USA Executive Director Glen Guyton also will be sharing a message on peacemaking during his upcoming Facebook Live event on Wednesday, Nov. 4 at 12:30 p.m. ET / 11:30 a.m. CT / 10:30 a.m. MT / 9:30 a.m. PT. View it here:

WORSHIP SERVICE FOR November 1, 2020. You will have to press READ MORE to access the YouTube Link.

Press HERE for the Worship Service.

November 1, 2020

Our faith in a God of love leads us, by the power of the Spirit, to follow Jesus in doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God. 

Prelude—Erich Boschmann

Welcome and Lighting the Christ Candle—Nathan Koontz                                                             

Call to Worship and Prayer—Dawn Yoder Harms                                                                             

Gathering Hymns–God is here among us—Hymnal A Worship Book #16

Children’s Conversation—Esther Koontz                                                                                         

Scripture–Deuteronomy 34:1-12; Matthew 22:34-40

Hymn—O God of Loving

Note:  The composer/author of the hymn “O God of Loving” used in the service today is Paul Damico-Carper, the assistant music director and worship producer at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in St. Paul, Minnesota.  This hymn was one of the winners in a regional synod contest for the Lutheran Church (ELCA) this past September.  Paul is also the grandson of Bill and Margaret Friesen, long-time members of our congregation, who both died in the last 6 years; his parents are Michelle (who grew up in this congregation) and Dennis Friesen-Carper. 

Sermon—A God of love and liberation–Patty Shelly

Hymn of Response—O God of Loving

Litany of Return Returning Liturgy—”Giving Thanks for Renewal”

Leader: Pastor Dawn, we welcome you and Doug back from your renewal time. 

Congregation: We welcome you back with open arms. 

Pastor Dawn: I trust that you have been renewed, even as I have.

Leader: Let us pray: Spirit of God, descend upon our hearts. We thank you for this time we had apart to renew ourselves, and now for this time to reunite with one another and carry on with our ministries together once again. We pray that we minister and serve with the enthusiasm of your Spirit upon us. We pray that we, together, as your church, may be open to your Spirit’s leading in the future, to be willing to risk in faith to follow where you lead us. 

ALL: Thank you, Lord, for this time away and for this time of returning! Help us to continue to do justice, love mercy and humbly walk with you, God.  AMEN! 

Prayers of God’s People—Dawn Yoder Harms                                                                                  

Sending Hymn—Lead on, O cloud of PresenceHymnal A Worship Book # 419

Benediction—Patty Shelly                                   


Audio visual technician: Ken Lamp
Erich Boschmann
Matt Schloneger
Rebecca Schloneger
Esther Koontz
Sara Dick

Dawn Yoder Harms
Nathan Koontz

Announcements for October 23-30, 2020

Pastor Renee and Pastor Nathan will be out of town attending a workshop from October 23 through 25. If pastoral care needs arise during this time, please contact Rosalind Andreas at or 316-804.4218 or Carolyn Penner at or 316-804-4535. 

We offer sympathy to Jerry and Carol Buller and their family on the death of their brother-in-law, Gene Hawkey of  Schowalter Villa, Hesston.  Gene died October 19.  Gene’s wife was Jerry’s sister, Doris (Buller) Hawkey.  She preceded Gene in death.  The memorial service was Friday, October 23 at Trinity Heights Methodist Church, Newton.

We offer sympathy to the family of Mary Lou Goertzen.  Mary Lou died Monday, October 19.  She was 91 years old and still living in The Blue School House in Deadwood, Oregon.  She was no longer a member of BCMC, but she grew up on the campus and at BCMC.  Her parents were Willis Rich and Hulda Penner Rich.  Many people here knew her, especially because of the china she designed and her other art work.  She married Ernie Goertzen, who was also an artist.  She was a cousin of Dwight Platt and Zona Galle and also Lenore Waltner.   ~ Zona Galle

Mennonite Central Committee Meat Canning time is upon us.  BCMC’s days to work are November 10, 11, and 12 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday).  John Hillegass (MCC, Akron, PA) and Jason Unruh (MCC, North Newton) are working to make this season’s canning experience as safe as possible.  Masks will be required, temperatures scanned and extra precautions taken with snacks.  The workload is being reduced to four batches per day instead of six or seven and we should be finishing by late afternoon.  Starting time is 7 am.  If you don’t feel comfortable working, one can send a check to BCMC and write “MCC Meat Canning” on the memo line.  As Maynard Knepp says:  “The need is great.”   Thanks, Lowell Stucky, BCMC Meat Canning Representative, 316-283-9677 (please leave message.)

The BCMC 2020 Directory is in your mailboxes at the church.  The south automatic (glass) doors and the northwest door (the door closest to the office) are open at the church every day from 9 am to 5 pm.    The office can mail (and would be happy to mail) you the directory but it does cost $1.40 to mail each directory.  If you wish to have your directory mailed to you, please email or call the office.  Maybe you are coming to the church to pick up your directory and/or visit the church library and you could pick up a directory for a neighbor or a friend! Thank you to Rosalind Andreas for collecting directories and taking them to Kidron Health Care and Assisted Living! 

From the Finance Committee:
     The annual BCMC pledge drive is now called the bcmcXpress!  Multiple factors were involved in the name change, including that this is more in tune with our common purpose statement: “Our faith in a God of love leads us by the power of the spirit to follow Jesus in doing justice, loving mercy and walking humbly with God.”  We know that to some extent the Pony Express played a part in the decimation of the Native American population in our country.  So, it was time for a change! 
     There will be no door to door handing out of the envelope as in the past. Those of you that have email contact from the church will receive an email with a “Giving Intent Form” that is fairly simple to fill out.  If you do not receive email from the church, the information should come to you via regular mail. 
     November 8 is Stewardship Sunday. The theme this year is “Where your treasure is, there is your heart” – taken from Matthew 6:19 to 21.
     In his sermon on the Mount, Jesus makes a connection between our treasure and our hearts: Not only do the possessions, money and property we accumulate tell the story of what we value; Jesus seems to suggest that the treasure we possess has the power to shape our values, priorities and lives.  
     Our congregation’s upcoming bcmcXpress process provides us with opportunity to reflect again on the role of money and wealth in our lives.  How might generosity—our willingness to share what we have with our congregation and beyond—help free us from the power that treasure holds over our lives?

According to the latest numbers, we still need $1,466.12 to cover the elevator repair.  Based on the estimate from Regier Construction, we need $35,886.03 to cover the kitchen/fellowship hall renovation.
Contributions from January 1 through September 30 were $327,680 and expenses were $352,897, leaving a shortfall of $25,217.

BCMC Offering for October 11-18:  General Fund $7,270; Mennonite Central Committee $200; Living Stones $385; Elevator Repair $750.

A Rembrance of Frank Nachtigal’s life will be held on the Bethel College campus at Memorial Hall on October 25, 2020 at  1pm.   Friends and family in attendance will be required to wear masks and socially distance before, during, and after the service.  In addition because of Covid, no food will be served and no large group singing will take place.  Weather permitting, any informal greeting of family and guests will take place outside on the plaza following the service.  We look forward to your presence with us as we mourn our husband, father, brother,  grandfather, and friend.

The Hesston College Nursing program is partnering with Slate Creek Elementary
, and looking for reusable mask donations from local businesses and organizations.  There are 200 students total who need pediatric sized masks.  The goal Hesston College Nursing has for the school is to promote mask hygiene, and the students will need another mask while they wait for theirs to dry after washing.  We understand that 200 masks is quite the undertaking, so any number of masks that you would be able to provide would be greatly appreciated.   If you would like to donate some child-sized masks, you can bring them to the BCMC office and the office will see to it that these masks are delivered to the Hesston College Nursing Program.  — Noah Miller, Hesston College Nursing Program

The Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale is conducting an Online Quilt Auction.  The Quilt Auction begins on Monday, October 12, 2020 and will run through Monday, October 26, 2020.  There are 25 quilts that have been selected by the Quilt Committee. The Quilt Auction is on the Auctria website at   The link is now live and there are pictures of the quilts with a complete description of each quilt that would be in the MCC Sale Quilt booklet.  This includes title, dimensions, as well as the individual that donated the quilt if known. These are lovely quilts that are a representative of the more than 200 quilts that were donated in April. 

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   Pray for Mennonite Mission Network’s partner DOOR and UpNext, DOOR’s mentorship program for young women of color desiring to explore the intersection of faith and justice. Pray for these young adult leaders and their mentors to make a positive impact in their communities as they apply faith-based leadership models.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for pastors in WDC, as they provide congregational leadership and care during challenging times.

Western District Conference Announcements:
· Thumbnail Comparison of Candidates on Immigration policy, asylum, and deportation:  The WDC Immigration Task Force invites you to review this brief comparison between the presidential candidates on immigration issues here:  We voters are the voice for the voiceless.  “Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom that is prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger and you welcomed me; I was naked and you gave me clothing; I was sick and you took care of me; I was in prison and you visited me” (Matthew 25.34-35). 

· Connect!  Faith Formation in Challenging Times:  Join Kathy Neufeld Dunn (WDC Associate Conference Minister, Kansas Based) Saturday, October 24, 9-11 am CT on Zoom or Facebook Live on WDC Facebook page for ideas of how to connect with the story of Jesus and with God–how to connect your church folk, yourself, and the curious.  Before the pandemic, people were already going online for info and interaction.  Now faith formation online is one tool we have to have in our faith formation toolbox.  How do we do this with integrity?  Want to join via Zoom?  Request the link at 

Camp Mennoscah announcements
· A recording of Camp Mennoscah’s annual meeting is available on YouTube at and soon on Camp Mennoscah’s Facebook page.
· Camp Mennoscah’s Scrapbook and Crafts Retreat on October 30-Nov. 1 has only a few spaces available.  Participants will stay in the Retreat Center with their own bathroom and scrapbook/crafts tables will be set up in the dining hall to provide more space and better ventilation.  Mask and distancing guidelines followed.  Register at!  Call 620-297-3290 for more information.
· Another Work and Play Day at Camp Mennoscah has been completed!  Thank you to all the volunteers for the work done and your great company.  Your support is valued more than you might imagine. 
· Camp Mennoscah is a year-round campground!  Ask about winterized facilities or conquer the prairie wilds in a tent.  It’s a whole new world in the winter–and available for you!  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 to make a reservation.

Bethel College Announcements
· Virtual events from Bethel College’s Fall Festival, Oct. 2-4, can still be viewed on its YouTube channel, including No Cross, No Crown: Covid Edition, an original play by Karen Robu, based on the life of Antoinette Brown Blackwell, the first woman to be ordained in a mainline denomination in the United States, and an outspoken anti-slavery, temperance and women’s suffrage advocate. You can also see the 2020 alumni awards presentations to Doris Bartel and Barry Hieb and Todd Flory’s Young Alumnus Award convocation (after Oct. 9). Go to and click the “Videos” link.
· Bethel College Women’s Association has worked to raise money for Bethel for many years.  This August we are opening our first online store,  We invite you to help us support Bethel by checking this online market for crafts, jewelry, Bethel-themed items and much more. Our inventory will change over time so please check in to find that special gift or item for your home. 
· Now in the Regier Gallery in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel College: “Forthcoming,” photography by David Long, through Oct. 30. Gallery hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri. Face coverings must be worn on the Bethel campus.
KIPCOR’s 2020-2021 Peace Lecture Series.  KIPCOR will be live-streaming “Bridging the Cultural Divide in Difficult Times.”  with speaker Sarah Smarsh, Thursday, November 5, 7 pm.  Sarah focuses on socioeconomic class and rural America. Her book Heartland: A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Richest Country on Earth, a New York Times bestseller and a finalist for the National Book Award, examines economic inequality through her upbringing among the working poor on a Kansas farm.  Sarah has reported on socioeconomic class for The Guardian, the New York Times, The New Yorker, Harper’s, and other publications.  Heartland was named a “best of 2018” by NPR, Fresh Air, the Boston Globe, Amazon, Buzzfeed, Barnes and Noble, and Publishers Weekly.  In addition to being short-listed for the National Book Award, Heartland was a finalist for the Kirkus Prize, the Lukas Prize, the Indie Choice Award, and an Audie Award for Smarsh’s reading of her audiobook.  Actor-producer Sarah Jessica Parker selected the title for the American Library Association’s Book Club Central.  Sarah is a regular political commentator in national media and has spoken internationally on poverty, rural issues, and cultural divides. She was recently a Fellow at Harvard’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy.  In 2019, Sarah released a podcast entitled The Homecomers, which focuses on how a national blind spot toward rural and working-class America is driving misleading headlines, broken politics, and dangerous fissures in our social fabric.  The podcast showcases stories of people who, as residents or advocates, remain committed to their complex, embattled homes.  This event is a fundraiser.  Registration (to be included in the November 4 emailing of the Zoom link), and a donation button if you want to help offset the cost of the event, are available at the website,

KIPCOR’s ONLINE 2020-2021 Film Series
The November film is Cooked: Survival by Zip Code, a multiple-award winning documentary that focuses on the deadly 1995 Chicago heat wave to illustrate how minorities and low-income citizens suffer the most negative impact from natural disasters.  The film is an indictment of our nation’s disaster preparedness, and forges a link between extreme weather, extreme disparity, and extreme racism. 
Note that watching the film and participating in the Talk-back are two distinct, separate events. 
YOU MUST VIEW THIS FILM BETWEEN NOV. 8 AND NOV. 14 using this link and password:
Click here to view film:
Password:  KC30p0 
Then on Sunday, November 15 at 2 pm, KIPCOR will host a virtual discussion of the film on Zoom with Christy Miller Hesed, a Hesston resident and Postdoctoral Associate in Environmental Anthropology at the University of Maryland.  Go to KIPCOR’s website at to register for the November 15 Talk-back discussion, and
we will send you the Zoom link on November 13.  Advance registration is required.

Mennonite Church USA Announcements:
· Pastor Sandy Drescher-Lehman and her husband, John, realized that when they stepped out of the way, God began a good work – right in their own backyard. Read their blog, “Hosting Hipcampers: Is this missional? Or spiritual?” at
· A new video series from Mennonite Church USA showcases the stories of Mennonites who are advocating for immigration justice and demonstrating radical hospitality.  Visit the Learn, Pray, Join web page for these and other resources:
· Safwat Marzouk, associate professor at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, urges us to consider how the demographic changes in North America are providing an opportunity to recover a biblical vision of the church. Read his blog, “A church that embodies immigration justice and radical hospitality” at  
· Giving Tuesday 2020 is Dec. 1. Live out your call to participate in and support the work of God. Visit  

Mask ask! MCC is responding to a request from people on the Northern Cheyenne reservation in southeastern Montana for cloth face masks to help stop the spread of COVID-19. If you would like to sew masks, here are guidelines:
-Adult sized
-Use at least 2 layers of good quality cotton fabric (solid colors preferred)
-Elastic ear loops
-Nose wire/filter pockets optional
 Please ship purchased or completed masks to the MCC Central States Material Resources Center (Attn: Kate Mast) at 121 East 30th Street, North Newton, KS 67117, or drop off in the 24 hour donation room at MCC by November 15th. They will all be collected and transported to Montana in time for the winter season. Questions? Please contact

MEDA Convention 2020: Towards an equal world Join MEDA for 2 days of inspiration, information and networking online November 6-7, 2020. MEDA Convention is an intersection of faith and business where you can explore what it means to be faithful in daily work and learn about MEDA’s business solutions to poverty. Go to for more information.

The Tabor Church Mennonite Men would like to invite everyone to the annual chicken barbeque on Nov. 5 from 5-7 pm or until the food runs out.  This year it will be a to-go pick up meal.  The menu is bbq chicken, baked beans, coleslaw, dinner roll and ice cream and the food will taste great as usual.  From the south end of the east parking lot please drive around the south side of the church under the overhang to place your donation and pick up your meal(s).  The funds raised will go to Mennonite Central Committee and Bethesda Home in Goessel.  The church is located 8 miles north of Newton to 90th then 1 mile east or 3 miles south and 1 east of Goessel.


Press HERE for the worship service.

October 25, 2020

Welcome and Lighting the Christ Candle                                                        Matthew Schloneger

Gathering hymn                                Wonderful grace of Jesus                                        HWB 150

Children’s conversation                                                                                          Gaeddert Family

Scripture                                                 Matthew 22:34-40                            Karin Kaufman Wall

Reflections          Florence Schloneger, John Kliewer, and Heidi Regier Kreider                          

Prayers of God’s people and Benediction                                                                  Renee Reimer

Sending hymn                         As I went down to the river to prayer                                      SJ 79


Announcements for October 16-23, 2020

Pastor Renee and Pastor Nathan will be out of town attending a workshop from October 23 through 25. If pastoral care needs arise during this time, please contact Rosalind Andreas at or 316-804.4218 or Carolyn Penner at or 316-804-4535. 

The BCMC 2020 Directory is now in your mailboxes here at the church.  The south automatic (glass) doors and the northwest door (the door closest to the office) are open at the church every day from 9 am to 5 pm.    The office can mail (and would be happy to mail) you the directory but it does cost $1.40 to mail each directory.  If you wish to have your directory mailed to you, please email or call the office.  Maybe you are coming to the church to pick up your directory and/or visit the church library and you could pick up a directory for a neighbor or a friend! 

P & M Pumpkin Patch
Faith Formation Commission has purchased 50 tickets for families to visit the P & M Pumpkin Patch on October 18th. If you are interested in picking out a pumpkin, playing some outdoor games as a family, and possibly running into a few other BCMC folks, please contact Deb Georing at for tickets.

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day
Thursday, October 15, marks the International Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day. We grieve with all those who have lost little ones.  May all who have experienced this loss not feel alone in their pain, but find support in solidarity, awareness, and remembrance. 
From the Finance Committee:
     The annual BCMC pledge drive is now called the bcmcXpress!  Multiple factors were involved in the name change, including that this is more in tune with our common purpose statement: “Our faith in a God of love leads us by the power of the spirit to follow Jesus in doing justice, loving mercy and walking humbly with God.”  We know that to some extent the Pony Express played a part in the decimation of the Native American population in our country.  So, it was time for a change! 
     There will be no door to door handing out of the envelope as in the past. Those of you that have email contact from the church will receive an email with a “Giving Intent Form” that is fairly simple to fill out.  If you do not receive email from the church, the information should come to you via regular mail. 
     November 8 is Stewardship Sunday. The theme this year is “Where your treasure is, there is your heart” – taken from Matthew 6:19 to 21.
     In his sermon on the Mount, Jesus makes a connection between our treasure and our hearts: Not only do the possessions, money and property we accumulate tell the story of what we value; Jesus seems to suggest that the treasure we possess has the power to shape our values, priorities and lives.  
     Our congregation’s upcoming bcmcXpress process provides us with opportunity to reflect again on the role of money and wealth in our lives.  How might generosity—our willingness to share what we have with our congregation and beyond—help free us from the power that treasure holds over our lives?

According to the latest numbers, we still need $1,466.12 to cover the elevator repair.  Based on the estimate from Regier Construction, we need $35,886.03 to cover the kitchen/fellowship hall renovation.
Contributions from January 1 through September 30 were $327,680 and expenses were $352,897, leaving a shortfall of $25,217.

The family of Frank Nachtigal wishes to thank the congregation for the many expressions of sympathy including cards, prayers, food, memorial donations, and other sincere condolences following his sudden death on August 17th.  All were comforting during this sorrow in our family.  A Rembrance of Frank’s life will be held on the Bethel College campus at Memorial Hall on October 25, 2020 at  1:00 pm.   Friends and family in attendance will be required to wear masks and socially distance before, during, and after the service.  In addition because of Covid, no food will be served and no large group singing will take place.  Weather permitting, any informal greeting of family and guests will take place outside on the plaza following the service.  We look forward to your presence with us as we mourn our husband, father, brother,  grandfather, and friend.

The Hesston College Nursing program is partnering with Slate Creek Elementary
, and looking for reusable mask donations from local businesses and organizations.  There are 200 students total who need pediatric sized masks.  The goal Hesston College Nursing has for the school is to promote mask hygiene, and the students will need another mask while they wait for theirs to dry after washing.  We understand that 200 masks is quite the undertaking, so any number of masks that you would be able to provide would be greatly appreciated.   If you would like to donate some child-sized masks, you can bring them to the BCMC office and the office will see to it that these masks are delivered to the Hesston College Nursing Program.  — Noah Miller, Hesston College Nursing Program

The Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale is conducting an Online Quilt Auction.  The Quilt Auction begins on Monday, October 12, 2020 and will run through Monday, October 26, 2020.  There are 25 quilts that have been selected by the Quilt Committee.  The Quilt Auction is on the Auctria website at   The link is now live and there are pictures of the quilts with a complete description of each quilt that would be in the MCC Sale Quilt booklet.  This includes title, dimensions, as well as the individual that donated the quilt if known. These are lovely quilts that are a representative of the more than 200 quilts that were donated in April. 

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   Mennonite communities in Guatemala are suffering from COVID-19, many people have died. Deb Byler of Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for all, but especially for the pastors who pray with sick people. Pray for wisdom and God’s protection so pastors can care for others without exposing themselves to the disease.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for youth and children’s leaders in WDC congregations, as they give support and nurture faith formation for young people in the midst of our changing and uncertain world.

Western District Conference Announcements:
· The WDC Immigration Task Force offers its next installment in a series of thought pieces, mindful of immigrants among us without a voice this election season.  They seek to make visible what is too often invisible with regard to immigrant lives and immigration issues.  

· An Immigration Detention Center Attorney Speaks Out, by Anali Looper The months since the COVID-19 outbreak began have been trying for all of us. But for the thousands of people locked in immigration detention centers, trying doesn’t even begin to describe the situation. As a nonprofit immigration attorney in central Texas, I work inside detention centers helping people apply for asylum and other immigration benefits, and I can tell you that even before COVID-19 health care inside these facilities was suspect at best. Early this year one of my colleagues told me she spoke with a detained man who explained how he’d had to use a shoelace as a makeshift catheter because he was unable to get adequate healthcare. Even inhalers or widely available medications are sometimes withheld from those detained.  (To read the full length article, go to:  

Camp Mennoscah announcements|
· Camp Mennoscah volunteers will be removing the Camp Mennoscah dam on October 18 beginning at 3pm (after a morning baptism).  You are welcome to come watch the process (please bring a mask and/or expect to stay at least 6 ft. away from others).  If you would like to help in the removal process, please contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290.  Physical distancing and mask wearing may not be feasible for those in the water.

· Camp Mennoscah’s Scrapbook and Crafts Retreat on October 30-Nov. 1 has only a few spaces available.  (Nov. 6-8 is waitlist only.)  Participants will stay in the Retreat Center with their own bathroom and scrapbook/crafts tables will be set up in the dining hall to provide more space and better ventilation.  Mask and distancing guidelines followed.  Register at!  Call 620-297-3290 for more information.

· Camp Mennoscah is a year-round campground!  Ask about winterized facilities or conquer the prairie wilds in a tent.  It’s a whole new world in the winter–and available for you!  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 to make a reservation.

Bethel College Announcements:
· 2020 Menno Simons Lectures at Bethel College – For the first time in 68 years, this annual series will be delivered virtually. The speaker is César Garcia, general secretary of Mennonite World Conference, Kitchener, Ontario. The series title is “Towards an Anabaptist Catholicity.” Lectures are Sunday, Oct. 25, 7 p.m. (live online with Q&A to follow); Monday, Oct. 26, 11 a.m. (pre-recorded); and Monday, Oct. 26, 7 p.m. (live online with Q&A to follow). To register, go to All registered participants will receive the Zoom link a day or so before the series begins.

· Virtual events from Bethel College’s Fall Festival, Oct. 2-4, can still be viewed on its YouTube channel, including No Cross, No Crown: Covid Edition, an original play by Karen Robu, based on the life of Antoinette Brown Blackwell, the first woman to be ordained in a mainline denomination in the United States, and an outspoken anti-slavery, temperance and women’s suffrage advocate. You can also see the 2020 alumni awards presentations to Doris Bartel and Barry Hieb and Todd Flory’s Young Alumnus Award convocation (after Oct. 9). Go to and click the “Videos” link.

· Bethel College Women’s Association has worked to raise money for Bethel for many years.  This August we are opening our first online store,  We invite you to help us support Bethel by checking this online market for crafts, jewelry, Bethel-themed items and much more. Our inventory will change over time so please check in to find that special gift or item for your home. 

· Now in the Regier Gallery in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel College: “Forthcoming,” photography by David Long, through Oct. 30. Gallery hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri. Face coverings must be worn on the Bethel campus.

KIPCOR’s 2020-2021 Peace Lecture Series.  KIPCOR will be live-streaming “Bridging the Cultural Divide in Difficult Times.”  with speaker Sarah Smarsh, Thursday, November 5, 7 pm.  Sarah focuses on socioeconomic class and rural America. Her book Heartland: A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Richest Country on Earth, a New York Times bestseller and a finalist for the National Book Award, examines economic inequality through her upbringing among the working poor on a Kansas farm.  Sarah has reported on socioeconomic class for The Guardian, the New York Times, The New Yorker, Harper’s, and other publications.  Heartland was named a “best of 2018” by NPR, Fresh Air, the Boston Globe, Amazon, Buzzfeed, Barnes and Noble, and Publishers Weekly.  In addition to being short-listed for the National Book Award, Heartland was a finalist for the Kirkus Prize, the Lukas Prize, the Indie Choice Award, and an Audie Award for Smarsh’s reading of her audiobook.  Actor-producer Sarah Jessica Parker selected the title for the American Library Association’s Book Club Central.  Sarah is a regular political commentator in national media and has spoken internationally on poverty, rural issues, and cultural divides. She was recently a Fellow at Harvard’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy.  In 2019, Sarah released a podcast entitled The Homecomers, which focuses on how a national blind spot toward rural and working-class America is driving misleading headlines, broken politics, and dangerous fissures in our social fabric.  The podcast showcases stories of people who, as residents or advocates, remain committed to their complex, embattled homes.  This event is a fundraiser.  Registration (to be included in the November 4 emailing of the Zoom link), and a donation button if you want to help offset the cost of the event, are available at the website,

Mennonite Church USA Announcements:
In his blog, “Sharing our stories at Mennonite conventions,” Curt Weaver, pastor of children and youth at Portland (Oregon) Mennonite Church, compares the Mennonite convention to a family reunion, where deeper intergenerational and faith formative conversations happen. Read more at

· What does radical hospitality mean? Pastor Ulises Arenas of Iglesia Buenas Nuevas in San Juan, Texas, demonstrates the challenges immigrants face through three stories from his own South Texas community and asks us to dig deeper (más allá) to find understanding and answers. Read his blog, “Think ‘más allá’ about the immigrants in your midst,” here:

· Richard R. Aguirre, an administrator at Goshen College, talks about the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on Latinos and challenges Mennonites to do more to help immigrants and refugees stay healthy and safe. Read his blog, “Like Good Samaritans, we must help immigrants through COVID-19,” here:

· Tune into Mission Network’s Facebook on Mondays at 1 p.m. (EST) for the Hope Series and let us help you dwell in the hope that is the love of Christ. Be sure to tune in on Thursdays at the same time for Hope Around the World, a check-in time with our international partners. 

· November is mission month. Racism harms the body of Christ and God’s reconciling mission. But God has made a way to receive forgiveness — repentance that leads to life! Our mission month materials invite MC USA and everyone to engage God’s plan for reconciliation.

Mennonite Central Committee’s Seed program has positions available now in Colombia, Guatemala and El Salvador! The Seed program is perfect for young adults (18-30) who value service, community, and cultural exchange addressing systemic issues like food insecurity and climate change through grassroots, community-based initiatives. For more information, visit or email

Mask ask! MCC is responding to a request from people on the Northern Cheyenne reservation in southeastern Montana for cloth face masks to help stop the spread of COVID-19. If you would like to sew masks, please use the following guidelines:
-Adult sized
-Use at least 2 layers of good quality cotton fabric (solid colors preferred)
-Elastic ear loops
-Nose wire/filter pockets optional
 Please ship purchased or completed masks to the MCC Central States Material Resources Center (Attn: Kate Mast) at 121 East 30th Street, North Newton, KS 67117, or drop off in the 24 hour donation room at MCC by November 15th. They will all be collected and transported to Montana in time for the winter season. Questions? Please contact

Everence will host a Social Security and retirement income planning webinar, on Tuesday, Oct. 20 at 6:30 p.m. Attendees will learn about Social Security strategies, risks that can impact retirement savings and strategies to help income last throughout retirement. This online workshop is free. Register soon by contacting our office at 316-283-3800, 877-467-7294 or  

MEDA Convention 2020: Towards an equal world Join MEDA for 2 days of inspiration, information and networking online November 6-7, 2020. MEDA Convention is an intersection of faith and business where you can explore what it means to be faithful in daily work and learn about MEDA’s business solutions to poverty. Go to for more information.

Hoffnungsau Mennonite Church, 43 13th Ave, Inman, annual Mission Supper 
There will not be a dine-in experience in the church basement, but they will offer a carry out meal featuring a traditional menu of homemade sausage, mashed potatoes, gravy, creamed peas, zwiebach, applesauce and pie on Sat. evening, Oct. 24.  Orders will be accepted from October 4-October 18; call/text Barb Reeves (620-543-6863) or Teresa Schrag (620-242-2357) to let them know how many meals to have ready and prepared for you.  Meal pick-up will be at the church from 5-6:30 pm, October 24.  There will be a free-will offering benefit with all proceeds going to support the Buhler Omega Project, a Christian addiction recovery program.  Checks can be made out to “Hoffnungsau Mennonite Church” and cash donations will also be accepted that evening. 

The Tabor, 891 Chisholm Trail, Newton, Mennonite Men’s annual chicken BBQ will be Nov. 5.  However, unlike the last 50 years there will be no in church dining.  The meal will be a drive-by to-go meal.  The menu will be the same, bbq chicken, baked beans, coleslaw, dinner roll and ice cream.