Worship Service for November 21, 2021

November 21, 2021
A Service of Gratitude

Prelude—Cello Concerto in D minor (Lalo)—Caleb Garber cellist, Lisa Schmidt pianist

Christ Candle Lighting—Nathan Koontz

Introit—VT #9 Come Away from Rush and Hurry – vs. 1—Chancel Choir

William Eash, director; Verlene Garber accompanist


*Hymn— Now Thank We All Our God—VT 114

Children’s Conversation—Megan Kohlman                                                                                   

Worship Music—Do Not Fear (Fred Gramann)—Chancel Choir

Scripture Reading—Psalm 118:1-9; 22-29—Vern Preheim                                                           

Sermon—Gratitude in the Midst of Grief—Renee Reimer

*Hymn—Praise, I Will Praise You Lord—VT 131

Prayers of God’s people—Nathan Koontz

*Hymn—Great Is Thy Faithfulness—VT 419                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Benediction—Renee Reimer

Benediction Response—VT #839 Go Ye Now in Peace— Congregation join the choir on the second singing of the verse

VT = Voices Together

Audio visual—Ken Lamp

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Dawn Yoder Harms