Author Archives: Monica Lichti

Worship service for January 2, 2022

Epiphany Sunday, January 2, 2022


Prelude—People Look East (Wold)—Rise Up, Shepherd (Osterland)—Verlene Garber, organ

Introit—Come Away from Rush and Hurry [VT 9]–Chancel Choir; William Eash, director; Verlene Garber, accompanist

Land Acknowledgment—Dale Schrag

Welcome and Prayer                                                                                                                      

*Immortal, Invisible God Only Wise—VT 98—(Verse 4 in unison)


Scripture reading—Isaiah 60:1-3—Dale Schrag

*Arise, Your Light is Come!—VT 273

Children’s Conversation— Matthew 2:1-12—Doug and Dawn Yoder Harms and others

Reflection—Seeking the Light—Dawn Yoder Harms

*Beautiful Star of Bethlehem—VT 275


Litany of Blessing and Release—Elizabeth Schmidt, Ada Schmidt-Tieszen, BCMC Church Board

Kathy Neufeld Dunn, Western District Conference

Dawn Yoder Harms, Pastor

This Day We Say Grateful (Jan Richardson)—Ada Schmidt-Tieszen

Prayers of God’s people—Dale Schrag


Go, My Friends, in Grace—VT 810

Blessing—Dawn Yoder Harms

Choral Blessing— Gaelic Blessing (John Rutter)—Chancel Choir                                                   

Postlude—God of Grace (Manz)—Verlene Garber

VT = Voices Together

Worship visuals—Worship Visuals Committee

Audio visual—Ben Lichti

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Dawn Yoder Harms

Litany of Release and Blessing

Congregational Moderator:  As the family of faith at Bethel College Mennonite Church, today we give thanks, Dawn, for your five years of ministry among us.  We bid you farewell, and we ask God to bless our journeys ahead – yours and this congregation’s work to move forward.

Congregation:  All praise be to our God.  In God there is one Body, one Spirit.  There is one hope in God’s call to us all.

Dawn:  We have shared worship and work, laughter and learning through both difficult and joy-filled times. We have met over coffee, at the hospital, over Zoom, and under the oak tree on the BCMC lawn. We have shared many sacred life moments together.

Incoming Congregational Moderator:  This is a time of mixed emotions:   sadness, joy, loss, and thankfulness.  As we say goodbyes, we acknowledge with gratitude that we have accomplished much during our years together.  We give God thanks and praise for you and your fruitful ministry.

Dawn:  I leave as your pastor with cherished memories of our times together. You have helped me see and seek God’s presence in our lives and in the world around us. Our experiences together have helped reshape my faith. Thank you for your care, your creativity, your encouragement, and your hope along the way.

Congregation:  God has blessed us richly through your ministry.  We now bless you as you begin a new chapter in your life and ministry journey.

Conference Minister:  As you, the people of Bethel College Mennonite Church, bless Dawn as she leaves this congregation, do you now release her from her pastoral responsibilities and relationships?

Congregation:  With the help of God, we do.  We give thanks for Dawn’s faithful leadership and now acknowledge this transition in the life of our congregation.  We will pray for God’s continued guidance in her life.

Conference Minister:  Dawn, do you release the congregation from its loyalty to you as their pastor?  Do you release the members from turning to you and depending on you to provide the pastoral ministries they seek?  

Dawn:  With the help of God, I do.  When we meet in the future, we will be neighbors, not pastor and church members.  I will hold this congregation and its ministries in my prayers.

Conference Minister:  Dawn, may God bless and guide you on the next steps of your journey. May you ultimately form new, caring relationships in a new and beloved community, wherever that may be.  May God bless the rest that you seek and the work you will undertake next. May God bless and guide this congregation into a hopeful future as it continues kingdom work and seeks new leadership.  May God bless and guide each of us in the new relationship that we now will share.  Amen.

Announcements for January 2 – January 9, 2022

This week at BCMC
January 2, 2022 – Epiphany Sunday
There will be no children’s or youth Sunday school today.  The nursery is open but not staffed today.
3-5 p.m. — Farewell for Dawn Yoder Harms—A come and go farewell reception for Pastor Dawn Yoder Harms is today from 3-5 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Masks will be required.

Monday, January 3, 2022 The church office and building will be closed to provide the holiday (since January 1, 2022 is a Saturday) for the church staff.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

6:45 pm     Menno Singers—Fellowship Hall
7 pm           Youth Group
7:30 pm     Chancel Choir—Sanctuary

Thursday, January 6, 2022 
9 am—Community Playschool starts
7 pm—Church Board Meeting

Sunday, January 9, 2022
9:30 am   Worship Service in the Sanctuary
10:30 am Faith Formation 
4 pm         Service of Remembrance in the Sanctuary— In order to recognize and mourn the loss of our loved ones from 2021, Bethel College Mennonite Church is hosting a service of Remembrance on  January 9 at 4 pm.

Covid Creativity

This era of Covid impacted everyone in different ways. The negative effects are obvious. But for some, it sparked introspection and a new kind of creative energy.

The Visual Arts Committee would like to showcase examples of your creativity in The Gathering Place. A small exhibit with artwork or photos and brief text about your motivation for creating during this challenging time.

What might you share? Whatever you were inspired to create! Did you paint something? Build something? Sew something? Write something? Learn new recipes or revisit old ones?

Pastor Nathan will be the primary contact and would love to connect with you. If you’re willing to share a photo or two (or the artwork itself!) and a brief statement about what prompted this expression, please get in touch with him!

The Visual Arts Committee will begin working on this project shortly after the holidays so the sooner you can share your ideas with Nathan the better!

Menno Ringers (bells for youth in grades 3rd-8th) will take place on Wednesdays from 7-7:45 pm beginning January 5th and going through February 23rd. Interested youth can join in on their first rehearsal in room B7 on January 5th! 

Service of Remembrance 
January 9, 2021 
Bethel College Mennonite Church 
4:00 pm 

As we are in the holiday season that brings joy with the promise of new life and love birthed into our world, there is also grief as we miss those who have passed from this world in 2021.  In order to recognize and mourn the loss of our loved ones from 2021, Bethel College Mennonite Church is hosting a service of Remembrance on January 9 at 4 pm.  There will be singing, praying, scripture reading,and a reading of each person who has passed, followed by the lighting of a candle in their memory. In addition to wearing a mask and social distancing, windows inside the sanctuary will be open. Please keep your coat and warm clothes with you as you find your place in the sanctuary. You will likely need them! 

If you have someone you would like to remember who is
not directly connected to Bethel College Mennonite Church, please contact Pastor Nathan Koontz before the service with their name and connection to you, or write their name and connection on a piece of paper and give it to Pastor Nathan before the service begins. Their names will be read once all the names in order of service have been read. You are also welcome to watch the service live streamed through our Bethel College Mennonite Church homepage (click the green LIVE STREAM button). If you have any questions about this service or COVID 19 precautions, please contact Pastor Nathan at

Below is a list of those connected with BCMC that have died during 2021.  If there is someone else that you think should be added to this list, please contact Pastor Nathan or Monica in the church office.  If there are family andfriends that you know who are connected to those who have passed and may like to attend this service, please pass on the details of this service to them.  

Lorene Katherine Penner Goering, Helen Ruth Jantzen Unruh, Rosalind Haury Enns Andreas, Laura Ann (Miller) Schrag, Phil Koontz, Elsie Mae Wicke Flaming, Allen Gaeddert, Hartzel Wayne Schmidt, Miner Seymour, Clark Eugene Wiebe, Louise Irene Duerksen Koehn, Ethel Elizabeth Dick Kaufman, Martha Friesen Graber, Mary Ann Unruh Gertsen, Carol Kaufman, Kenneth Kaufman. 

Pastor Reviews
Pastor Nathan Koontz and Pastor Renee Reimer are each in their second year of ministry with BCMC. It is BCMC’s practice to engage in a pastoral review of our pastors at this point in their ministry with us. The Staff Congregation Relations Committee, with guidance and assistance from Western District Conference consultant Keith Harder, is undertaking this process. In a week and a half, you will receive an email with two electronic evaluation tools. Please take a moment to complete both of the evaluations — there will be one for Pastor Nathan and one for Pastor Renee. If you do not receive email communications from the church, a copy of the evaluation tools will be mailed to you. We would appreciate receiving your responses no later than January 21, 2022. Following collection of the completed evaluations, Keith Harder will tabulate the raw data and prepare a report that will be shared with SCRC, the Church Board, Pastor Nathan and Pastor Renee. A report will also then be shared with the congregation. If you have questions, please feel free to reach out to any member of SCRC (Jim Mininger, Dianne Epp, Vern Preheim and Heather Zerger).

Book Discussion Opportunity
“Finish Strong, Putting Your Priorities First at Life’s End” by Barbara Lee Combs is a book Valetta Seymour and Myrna Krehbiel are looking forward to exploring together with others.  This twelve chapter book is a useful guide to help us consider our end of life choices and to make them known to our families and medical providers.  We plan to discuss two chapters per session.  In addition to the six discussion sessions, there will be an introductory session to get acquainted and confirm meeting times.  We will meet in the Youth classroom on 2nd floor.
The group size is limited. The introductory session will be Wednesday, January 12 at 3:00 at BCMC. To ask questions or reserve a place contact:  Valetta at, 620-217-7536 or Myrna at, 316-283-9216.

For a message from Mennonite Church USA press here
For Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond press here
For a message from Mennonite Mission Network press here
For an Appeal Letter for Safe Hope press here
For a message from Mennonite World Conference press here
For Mennonite Men press here

Greetings from Camp Mennoscah!

We hope your Christmas was merry and we wish you the best for the New Year! May your celebrations be full of joy and love! Thank you for caring for the earth’s resources and Camp Mennoscah’s financial resources by choosing to receive the quarterly newsletter via email.

Attached is the Winter issue. You may also access the newsletter at 2021 Winter Newsletter

In this season of generosity, thank you for your overflowing support!  Your gifts allow Camp Mennoscah to invite campers from over 10 states to spend a week at camp learning about Christ and faithfully growing into the people of God.  There are so many exciting stories yet to be told at camp.  You can be part of these stories and support Camp Mennoscah’s camping ministry through a year-end gift.  Give now online or send a check to PO Box 65, Murdock, KS 67111.  May God’s Spirit enwrap you and fill you with joy and peace in the new year!

Other events and happenings: 

  • Camp Mennoscah wants to respect your wishes regarding emails.  To unsubscribe from these announcements, reply “unsubscribe” to this email.  Camp Mennoscah sends announcements, newsletters, and the annual catalog by email.  To unsubscribe from all, reply “unsubscribe all.”
  • Camp Mennoscah Merch! From CamelBaks to tee shirts and stickers, you can find your Camp Mennoscah merchandise at Share a bit of summer with friends and family this Christmas!
  • Keep those 2022 Summer staff applications coming!  Applicants should be 18 years old or older and in agreement with the Camp Mennoscah mission statement.  See website for details.  Information and the online application can be found here!  Call or email with questions!  Interviews are being scheduled.
  • Volunteering opportunities continue through the winter months!  The wish list is full of both items and volunteer projects for every group size, skill set and length of project.  These items and projects help with the faith formation that happens at Camp Mennoscah.  The list has more wishes and there are more projects to do.  Email or call 620-297-3290 to volunteer.  See the Wish List for other ways to support Camp Mennoscah!
  • Camp Mennoscah has openings for a part-time custodial/housekeeping position (10 hours) and a part-time office/administrative position (30 hours with benefits).  Some of the office/administrative tasks can be done from home.  Contact Olivia at for more information.
  • Camp Mennoscah is seeking a full-time Director of Development, Marketing & Communications to lead our ongoing operational and advancement needs. This position reports directly to the Board of Directors while taking directive from the Executive Director when related to operational considerations. As a member of a small, very hands-on staff, the role is expected to be highly collaborative. This professional must embrace the mission of Camp Mennoscah, have an established background in coordinating nonprofit donation strategies, possess strong written, interpersonal, leadership and relationship building skills, and work as an independent contributor with good organization and follow-through. Most of the work will commence off campus, however some in-person time at camp is required.

    This role involves organizing broad-based fundraising initiatives, advocating for Camp Mennoscah through speaking engagements, promotional materials, and social media, as well as recruiting volunteers, and building relationships with board members, donors and staff.

    Our ideal candidate will have a bachelor’s degree, a minimum of five years of fund development experience, or equivalent experience in church relations, and a passion for Camp Mennoscah. They should also be familiar with office related applications, and other technology used for communication and social media. Experience with CampBrain and the associated donor database is a plus.

    Applications will be accepted until the position is filled and early submission is encouraged. Please send application materials (resume, cover letter, references and salary requirements) to

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for Linda Beachy, who is in the middle of her year-long SOOP assignment at the Navajo Brethren in Christ Mission in Bloomfield, New Mexico.  
Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for WDC staff in the coming year, as they work to support ministers and church leaders, equip congregations with resources, and encourage church planting initiatives and partnerships. 

Worship service for December 26, 2021

December 26, 2021
Christmas 1: Dare to Imagine

Prelude—Mark Kreider


*Hymn—O Come, All Ye Faithful—VT 241

Welcome and Call to Worship—Renee Reimer

Worship Music—Sonata in F Major (Arcangelo Corelli)—Mark Kreider and Andrew Thiesen

Advent Candle Lighting—Ani Koontz

Leader: We light the Christ candle and we welcome new life.

People: Hurry, hurry, sing the glory! Imagine that…we are God’s wonders, blessed wonders.

Hymn—Hope is a Candle— verses 1-5VT 211

Confessions and Assurance—Renee Reimer

Hearing God’s Word

*Hymn—Hark! The Herald Angels Sing—VT 247

Children’s Conversation—Renee Reimer

*Hymn—Infant Holy, Infant Lowly—VT 243

Scripture Reading—Psalm 148—Renee Reimer

*Hymn—Joy to the World—VT 240

Scripture Reading—Colossians 3:12-17—Bill Swartley

*Hymn—Good Christian Friends, Rejoice—VT 261

Scripture Reading—Luke 2:21-40—Dawn Yoder Harms


*Hymn—Love Has Come—VT 258

Kingdom Report—Elizabeth Schmidt

Prayers of God’s People—Dawn Yoder Harms

*Hymn—Go Tell it on the Mountain—VT 252

Benediction—Dawn Yoder Harms

Postlude—Mark Kreider

VT = Voices Together

Audio visual—Ben Lichti

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Dawn Yoder Harms

Announcements for December 26, 2021 – January 2, 2022

This week at BCMC
Monday, December 27—Office will be closed; church locked
Tuesday, December 28—Friday, December 31—Office will be closed
January 2, 2022 – Epiphany Sunday
9:30 a.m.               Worship with sermon by Dawn Yoder Harms
3-5 p.m.                 Farewell for Dawn Yoder Harms
A come and go farewell reception for Pastor Dawn Yoder Harms will be held Sunday, January 2, from 3-5 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Masks will be required. Cards may be placed in the box provided near the mailboxes, brought to the reception, or mailed to the church.

January 3, 2022   The church office and building will be closed to provide the holiday (since January 1, 2022 is a Saturday) for the church staff.

BCMC Offering for December 19, 2021  General Fund $13,971; General Fund for 2022 $1,000; Caring Fund $1000; Living Stones $93.33; Flower Fund $30; Bethel College Scholarship Fund $500; Women’s Fellowship $80

Covid Creativity

This era of Covid impacted everyone in different ways. The negative effects are obvious. But for some, it sparked introspection and a new kind of creative energy.

The Visual Arts Committee would like to showcase examples of your creativity in The Gathering Place. A small exhibit with artwork or photos and brief text about your motivation for creating during this challenging time.

What might you share? Whatever you were inspired to create! Did you paint something? Build something? Sew something? Write something? Learn new recipes or revisit old ones?

Pastor Nathan will be the primary contact and would love to connect with you. If you’re willing to share a photo or two (or the artwork itself!) and a brief statement about what prompted this expression, please get in touch with him!

The Visual Arts Committee will begin working on this project shortly after the holidays so the sooner you can share your ideas with Nathan the better!

Menno Ringers (bells for youth in grades 3rd-8th) will take place on Wednesdays from 7-7:45 pm beginning January 5th and going through February 23rd. Interested youth can join in on their first rehearsal in room B7 on January 5th! 

Service of Remembrance 
January 9, 2021 
Bethel College Mennonite Church 
4:00 pm 

As we are in the holiday season that brings joy with the promise of new life and love birthed into our world, there is also grief as we miss those who have passed from this world in 2021.  In order to recognize and mourn the loss of our loved ones from 2021, Bethel College Mennonite Church is hosting a service of Remembrance on January 9 at 4 pm.  There will be singing, praying, scripture reading,and a reading of each person who has passed, followed by the lighting of a candle in their memory. In addition to wearing a mask and social distancing, windows inside the sanctuary will be open. Please keep your coat and warm clothes with you as you find your place in the sanctuary. You will likely need them! 

If you have someone you would like to remember who is
not directly connected to Bethel College Mennonite Church, please contact Pastor Nathan Koontz before the service with their name and connection to you, or write their name and connection on a piece of paper and give it to Pastor Nathan before the service begins. Their names will be read once all the names in order of service have been read. You are also welcome to watch the service live streamed through our Bethel College Mennonite Church homepage (click the green LIVE STREAM button). If you have any questions about this service or COVID 19 precautions, please contact Pastor Nathan at

Below is a list of those connected with BCMC that have died during 2021.  If there is someone else that you think should be added to this list, please contact Pastor Nathan or Monica in the church office.  If there are family andfriends that you know who are connected to those who have passed and may like to attend this service, please pass on the details of this service to them.  

Lorene Katherine Penner Goering, Helen Ruth Jantzen Unruh, Rosalind Haury Enns Andreas, Laura Ann (Miller) Schrag, Phil Koontz, Elsie Mae Wicke Flaming, Allen Gaeddert, Hartzel Wayne Schmidt, Miner Seymour, Clark Eugene Wiebe, Louise Irene Duerksen Koehn, Ethel Elizabeth Dick Kaufman, Martha Friesen Graber, Mary Ann Unruh Gertsen, Carol Kaufman, Kenneth Kaufman.
  Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for Linda Beachy, who is in the middle of her year-long SOOP assignment at the Navajo Brethren in Christ Mission in Bloomfield, New Mexico.  
Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for pastors, chaplains and other ministers in WDC, that they would experience God’s renewed strength and hope for ministry in the New Year.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Worship service for December 19, 2021

December 19, 2021
Dare to Imagine God’s Face!

Advent Prelude—Doxology


Welcome and Call to Worship—Ada Schmidt-Tieszen

Call to Worship

Introit—Come Away From Rush and Worry (VT 9) — Chancel Choir; William Eash, director; Verlene Garber, accompanist

Advent Candle Lighting — Lily Schloneger

Leader:                        We light a candle of love, and imagine

People:           the lowly lifted, fear met with love.

Leader:                        We light the candle and pray for God’s face to shine on us, to save us, restore us.

Hope is a Candle –Verses 1, 2, 3, 4—VT 211

Prayer of Confession

Leader:                        We notice, O God, that when you feed people, everyone has enough.

People:           We notice that in our world, when we feed people, some have more than enough, and many are still hungry.

Leader:                        Teach us to love.

People:           We notice, O God, that in your social, economic, racial, and gender orders, no one is greater, and no one is left behind.

Leader:                        We notice that in our world there are many ladders, and many are


People:           Reorientate us to your vision of equality.

Leader:            God of mercy, lower us, raise us, empty us, and fill us. Like an empty manger, we want to be ready to receive Emmanuel.

Words of Assurance—(adapted from Luke 1:46-49)

All:  Our souls magnify the Lord, our spirits rejoice in God our Savior.

        God has looked with favor on our lowliness.

        The Mighty One has done great things for us, and holy is God’s name.

Hymn of assurance—My Soul Proclaims with Wonder—VT 222

Hearing God’s Word

Children’s Conversation—Esther Kreider Eash

Scripture—Micah 5:2-5a—Omer Galle

                    Luke 1:39-55—Abigail Koontz

Special Music—The Glory of the Father (Egil Hovland) — Chancel Choir

Sermon—Improvisation on a Song—Dawn Yoder Harms


Hymn of Response—With Mary Sing Magnificat — VT 208

Prayers of God’s People—Ada Schmidt-Tieszen

Sending Song—My Soul Cries Out—VT 412

Benediction—Dawn Yoder Harms

AV—Ken Lamp

The Advent Prelude this morning is by the group “Doxology”, a 12-voice choral ensemble from Hutchinson.  They will present classic and modern acapella arrangements of songs celebrating the glory of Emmanuel “God with Us.”  Members are:  (Tenor 1) John Miller, Nathan Miller, Kristen Miller;  (Tenor 2)  Jared Shelter, Harry Shenk, Tim Shenk; (Baritone)  Nelson Martin, Gene Miller, Tony Shelter; (Bass)  Cliff Nisly, Shane Iwashige, Willard Mast

Their next performances: 

· December 20, 7 pm at Pleasantview Activity Center, 4823-5307 S Dean Rd,   Hutchinson

Announcements for December 19-26, 2021

Advent Banners and Decorations—We wish to express a deep thanks to all who have helped with advent visuals this year!  The Worship Decorations Committee has wonderfully transformed our sanctuary as we prepare for Jesus’ birth. We wish to express a specific thanks to Josh Brubacher and Matt Koontz for hanging new banners each week during the advent season.  As we progress toward the birth of Jesus on Christmas, the light grows stronger and stronger.  The progression of the advent banners, our candle lighting, and other visual elements all mark our movement towards the Light.

This year two in-person Christmas Eve services (Friday, Dec 24) are being planned:

  • 5 pm:  Christmas Enactment Service in BCMC sanctuary and livestreamed. Costumes encouraged & provided for all attenders
  • 9 pm: Service of Lessons and Carols, in the BCMC sanctuary and livestreamed.  Please note change in time. 

A come and go farewell reception for Pastor Dawn Yoder Harms will be held Sunday, January 2, from 3-5 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Masks will be required. Cards may be placed in the box provided near the mailboxes, brought to the reception, or mailed to the church.  

This Week at BCMC

Tuesday, December 21
7 pm           Worship Commission meeting by Zoom
Wednesday, December 22
7:30 pm      Chancel Choir rehearsal in Sanctuary
Friday, December 24—Christmas Eve
5 pm            Christmas Enactment Service in BCMC sanctuary.  Costumes 
                    encouraged & provided for all attenders.
9 pm            Lessons and Carols in the Sanctuary
Saturday, December 25—Merry Christmas!—Church building will be locked
Sunday, December 26—Christmas 1
9:30 am      Worship Service in the Sanctuary    
There will be no children and youth Sunday school today
Monday, December 27—Office will be closed; church locked
Tuesday, December 28—Friday, December 31—Office will be closed

The nursery will be open but NOT staffed on December 26th and January 2nd. 

There will be no children and youth Sunday School on December 26th and January 2nd. 

Offerings at BCMC
November 28, 2021:  General Fund $14,554.70; Living Stones $305; Flower Fund $80
December 5, 2021:  General Fund $8,527.00; General Fund for 2022 $225; Columbarium Fund $1,500; Organ Fund $200; Living Stones $940; Flower Fund $90
December 12, 2021:  General Fund $29,932.97; Bethel College $200; Caring Fund $200; Adult Choir $345; Living Stones $105; Louise Koehn Memorial $35.

Covid Creativity

This era of Covid impacted everyone in different ways. The negative effects are obvious. But for some, it sparked introspection and a new kind of creative energy.

The Visual Arts Committee would like to showcase examples of your creativity in The Gathering Place. A small exhibit with artwork or photos and brief text about your motivation for creating during this challenging time.

What might you share? Whatever you were inspired to create! Did you paint something? Build something? Sew something? Write something? Learn new recipes or revisit old ones?

Pastor Nathan will be the primary contact and would love to connect with you. If you’re willing to share a photo or two (or the artwork itself!) and a brief statement about what prompted this expression, please get in touch with him!

The Visual Arts Committee will begin working on this project shortly after the holidays so the sooner you can share your ideas with Nathan the better!

New Hope Shelter Announcement
There will be a Volunteer Training at New Hope Shelter on Thursday, January 6th, 2022 from 7pm to 8:30pm. 
Their volunteer shift hours are as follows:
5pm to 11pm daily
11pm to 8am on Friday and Saturday. 
Please consider being a volunteer at the Shelter.  If you are interested, please contact Valetta Seymour at, or 620-217-7536 before January 3.  

The Kansas Mennonite Disaster Service Unit invites you to attend the annual meeting on Sunday, January 16, 2:00 PM at Tabor Mennonite Church. No need to register.  Tabor Mennonite Church, 891 Chisholm Trail, Newton.This will be a hybrid event, in person as well as virtual on zoom. Click HERE to join the hybrid meeting remotely.
We will be sharing and celebrating about the work of MDS.
We will be voting on some Unit Bylaw revisions 
For a copy of the Bylaw revisions contact Cleo Koop at email
This remote link to join the zoom meeting on January 16 will come active 30 minutes before the meeting is started: Disaster Service (MDS) is monitoring the damage from the string of deadly tornadoes which moved through areas of the Midwest and parts of the South last weekend. We extend our condolences to those who have lost loved ones and we offer prayers of support for the survivors.
We have several MDS Early Response Teams investigating several of the tornado sites to help determine how and where MDS will respond. Many of our partners via the National Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster (NVOAD) which specialize in search and rescue, damage assessment and cleanup are already responding. Together with our NVOAD partners and local officials we will determine when and where volunteers will be needed most. If you are interested in being added to a volunteer waitlist, please include your name, address and email address and send to:
If you wish to donate to the MDS response, you may do so on our website. Please click here.
As new information becomes available we will continue to update information at

Merry Christmas from Mennonite Mission Network click here
Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond click here
Mennonite Mission Network Christian Service and Global Citizenship
 click here

Camp Mennoscah Announcements

  • What greater gift than to share in the joy of Christ with others!  You can be part of Camp Mennoscah’s ministry of Christian fun through prayer, donations, and volunteering.  Encourage everyone to follow Jesus Christ through faith formation at Camp Mennoscah.  Checks can be sent to Camp Mennoscah, PO Box 65, Murdock, KS 67111.  To volunteer, call 620-297-3290.
  • Camp Mennoscah Merch! From CamelBaks to tee shirts and stickers, you can find your Camp Mennoscah merchandise at Share a bit of summer with friends and family this Christmas!
  • Keep those 2022 Summer staff applications coming!  Applicants should be 18 years old or older and in agreement with the Camp Mennoscah mission statement.  See website for details.  Information and the online application can be found here!  Call or email with questions!  Interviews are being scheduled.
  • Volunteering opportunities continue through the winter months!  The wish list is full of both items and volunteer projects for every group size, skill set and length of project.  These items and projects help with the faith formation that happens at Camp Mennoscah.  The list has more wishes and there are more projects to do.  Email or call 620-297-3290 to volunteer.  See the Wish List for other ways to support Camp Mennoscah!
  • Camp Mennoscah has openings for a part-time custodial/housekeeping position (10 hours) and a part-time office/administrative position (30 hours with benefits).  Some of the office/administrative tasks can be done from home.  Contact Olivia at for more information.

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!

From the Mennonite Church USA:  “The angel said to them, ‘You have nothing to fear! I come to proclaim good news to you – news of a great joy to be shared by the whole people.” (Luke 2:10) Mennonite Church USA Executive Board and staff hope that you and yours are blessed by the good news and transforming power of Christ this Christmas.

KIPCOR’s Fall 2021 Newsletter is here!!
Read about our recent Peace Lecture featuring Mark McCormick, our ongoing training of professionals in the field, our training in schools across the state, our  staff, and MORE!!
You can read the newsletter online with pages that flip here:
(just click on the “+” sign at the bottom of the screen to expand the newsletter, and then ‘grab and drag’ the open page to se the article you’re interested in.)
or on KIPCOR’s website as a PDF here:

or you can pick up a physical copy at KIPCOR.  
Thank you so much for your interest in, and support of, KIPCOR.  We couldn’t do our work without you!!

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Matthew and Toni Krabill, of Mennonite Mission Network, are serving as co-directors for the Paris Mennonite Center in France. Pray for their health, creativity and joy, as they welcome researchers, share Anabaptist resources and develop online classes for French-speaking theology students throughout the world.
Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Give thanks for WDC congregations as a visible expression of God’s presence in local communities, now in this Christmas season and throughout the year. 

Worship Service for December 12, 2021

Press the button to access the worship service:

December 12, 2021
Advent 3: Dare to Imagine

Prelude—Jude Oswald, flute               

Miles Brubacher, piano

                Emerson Gering, piano

                Naomi Koontz, piano

                Emma Gering and Maisie Brubacher, violins

                Lucy Burch, flute

                Abby Koontz, piano               

                Menno Singers


Creche—Preschool Sunday School

Welcome and Call to Worship– Brett Gaeddert and Lincoln Kohlman

Advent Candle Lighting— Lincoln Kohlman and Brett Gaeddert                                                                                                                                                     

Leader: We light a candle of joy. And we imagine:

People: Jubilation! Rejoicing! Do not fear!

Leader: We light a candle and join in God’s song, singing loudly, singing fiercely, singing together.

*Hymn—Hope is a Candle (Verses 1, 2, and 4)—VT 211

(Menno Singers Verses 1 and 2; Congregation join on Verse 4)

Worship Music—Obey my Voice—

What Does the Lord Require of You—Menno Singers, Virginia Mininger, director;

Mary Ann Boschmann, accompanist

 Hearing God’s Word

Scripture Reading—Zephaniah 3:14-20—Maisie Brubacher

Children’s Conversation—Esther Eash

*Hymn—Oh, How Joyfully—VT 254

Scripture Reading—Isaiah 12:4-6—Brett Gaeddert

                                Luke 3:7-18—Collin Gaeddert and Addison Zerger

Skit—The Most Important Person at the Nativity—Sr High Sunday School


*Hymn—Joy to the World—VT 240

Prayers of God’s People—Renee Reimer

Benediction—Collin Gaeddert

*Benediction Sung Response—You Shall Go Out with Joy—VT 847

VT = Voices Together

Worship leader—Middler Sunday School Class

Keyboardist—Mary Ann Boschmann

Audio visual—Francis Toews

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Dawn Yoder Harms

Menno Singers Director—Virginia Mininger

Menno Singer Accompanists—Mary Ann Boschmann, piano; Esther Koontz, cello; Rebecca Schloneger, violin

Skit Participants In Order of Appearance: Lucy Burch, Justin Zerger, Simon Koontz, Adah Hodge, Payne Claassen, Simon Hodge

Announcements for December 12-19, 2021

December 12, 2021–3rd Sunday in AdventFrom the Reopening Church Task Group
Harvey County has recently experienced a significant rise in COVID-19 numbers.
At this point, in-person church activities will continue as usual, with these cautions:

  • During worship, windows will be open (wider than they have been), so dress warmly.
  • If you need to bring a blanket or a prayer shawl to keep warm, please feel free to do so.
  • Wear masks at all indoor church events
  • Maintain 3-6 feet of distance from others when possible
  • Greet each other in ways other than hugging or shaking hands
  • In the sanctuary, please sit where you find blue tape on the pews (sit with your back to the tape), and refrain from entering rows that have been taped off.
  • Use hand sanitizer
  • If you are not feeling well or have a known COVID-19 exposure, please please participate in worship via livestream in the comfort of your home.

Thanks for your help in slowing the spread of COVID-19 in our community!

RESCHEDULED Creche Making Project!
Join us on this Saturday, December 11th 11am-12:30pm for aCreche Making Project (BCMC fellowship hall). Come and make your very own creche (nativity set) with a variety of art supplies that will be provided for all participants. Invite your crafty friends as we have PLENTY of shoe boxes. Faspa snacks will be provided and all ages are welcomed to attend. 

WORSHIP SERVICE FOR DECEMBER 12, 2021 – THIRD SUNDAY IN ADVENTWorship begins with an Advent prelude at 9:15am.  Advent resources are available on a table in the Gathering Place.

The Witness Commission Advent project will be to supply food items and in kind donations to the Bethel College Food Pantry.  We will be collecting items at the table in the Gathering Space.  Press here for a list of needed items for the food pantry.

To livestream the worship service:
On Sunday morning, around 9:20, go to BCMC’s webpage at and click the green button labeled LIVE on the right side of the screen,which will take you to the worship service. If you get a message in the black box that the video is unavailable, click the gray box belows that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.   Anytime after the service concludes, you can watch a recording of the service at your convenience by clicking the same green LIVE button. Click the red button to see the bulletin/order of service.

Advent worship this Sunday, including the Advent prelude, will be led by BCMC children and youth. Thank you, Pastor Renee and Faith Formation Commission, for your work in planning this worshipful time together.
December 12, 2021
Advent 3: Dare to Imagine
Prelude—Jude Oswald, flute
                Miles Brubacher, piano
                Emerson Gering, piano
                Naomi Koontz, piano
                Emma Gering and Maisie Brubacher, violins
                Lucy Burch, flute
                Abby Koontz, piano
                Lily Schloneger, violin
                Menno Singers

Creche(sessional)—Preschool Sunday School

Welcome and Call to Worship— Lincoln Kohlman and Brett Gaeddert   

Advent Candle Lighting— Lincoln Kohlman and Brett Gaeddert                                                                                                                                                         
Leader: We light a candle of joy. And we imagine:
People: Jubilation! Rejoicing! Do not fear!
Leader: We light a candle and join in God’s song, singing loudly, singing fiercely, singing together.

*Hymn—Hope is a Candle (Verses 1, 2, and 4)—VT 211
(Menno Singers Verses 1 and 2; Congregation join on Verse 4)

Worship Music—Obey my Voice—
What Does the Lord Require of You—Menno Singers

Hearing God’s Word
Scripture Reading—Zephaniah 3:14-20—Maisie Brubacher

Children’s Conversation—Esther Eash

*Hymn—Oh, How Joyfully—VT 254

Scripture Reading—Isaiah 12:4-6—Brett Gaeddert
                                Luke 3:7-18—Collin Gaeddert and Addison Zerger

Skit—The Most Important Person at the Nativity—Sr High Sunday School 

*Hymn—Joy to the World—VT 240

Prayers of God’s People—Renee Reimer

Benediction—Collin Gaeddert

*Benediction Sung Response—You Shall Go Out with Joy—VT 847 

VT = Voices Together 

Worship leader—Middler Sunday School Class
Keyboardist—Mary Ann Boschmann
Audio visual—Francis Toews
Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Dawn Yoder Harms
Menno Singers Director—Virginia Mininger
Menno Singer Accompanists—Mary Ann Boschmann, piano; Esther Koontz, cello; Rebecca Schloneger, violin

Skit Participants In Order of Appearance: Elisabeth Friesen, Alice Claassen, Justin Zerger, Simon Koontz, Ani Koontz, Adah Hodge, Payne Claassen, Katherine Friesen, Simon Hodge, and Lucy Burch

This year two in-person Christmas Eve services (Friday, Dec 24) are being planned:

  • 5 pm:  Christmas Enactment Service in BCMC sanctuary and livestreamed. Costumes encouraged & provided for all attenders
  • 9 pm: Service of Lessons and Carols, in the BCMC sanctuary and livestreamed.  Please note change in time. 

This week at BCMC
Sunday, December 12

TODAY  – Lighting of the Green returns in-person this year; 8 p.m. on the Bethel College campus.
Monday, December 13
5 pm           Faith Formation Commission meeting at Renee Reimer’s home
5:45 pm     Suzuki rehearsal in Sanctuary
Wednesday, December 15
8—10 am   Bethel College Classes in the Sanctuary
2—3 pm     Bethel College Class in the Sanctuary
6:45 pm     Menno Singers rehearsal in Fellowship Hall
7 pm           Youth Group in Room 24
7:30 pm     Chancel Choir rehearsal in Sanctuary
Thursday, December 16
4 pm          Witness Commission meeting in Room 14
6:30 pm     Chancel Bells rehearsal in Room B7
Friday, December 17
7 pm            Suzuki Concert in Sanctuary
Sunday, December 19—Fourth Sunday of Advent
9:30 am     Worship Service in the Sanctuary       10:30 am   Faith Formation

Thank you to those of you who have completed the bcmcXpress intent form. 
If you haven’t done so there is still opportunity for you to 
complete the online bcmcXpress intent form (  as soon as possible.  Please know that the number and amounts of intents will impact the BCMC budget.
From Michael Claassen, Finance Manager and the Finance Committee

On Sunday, December 12- the Central Kansas Master Chorale, a newly formed, select community ensemble, will be leading a Lessons and Carols concert. All area communities are invited to attend this journey, walking us through the journey of the nativity and birth of our savior.  We would greatly appreciate it if you would include an announcement for this event this coming Sunday, during your normal worship services. 
Who: Central Kansas Master Chorale
What: Lessons and Carols: An advent journey
When: Sunday, December 12 @ 7:00pm
Where:  Hesston Mennonite Church, 309 S Main Street, Hesston KS 67062
Admission is free.
The audience will be strongly encouraged to wear masks.

Your prayers are invited for Helen Bargen, who made a move this week to Salem, Oregon, to live closer to her daughter, Jan.  Helen greatly enjoyed your shower of birthday cards on her recent 90th birthday.  Her new address is: 
Helen Bargen
c/o Jan Bargen
1440 Beaumont St NW
Salem, OR 97304

Covid Creativity

This era of Covid impacted everyone in different ways. The negative effects are obvious. But for some, it sparked introspection and a new kind of creative energy.

The Visual Arts Committee would like to showcase examples of your creativity in The Gathering Place. A small exhibit with artwork or photos and brief text about your motivation for creating during this challenging time.

What might you share? Whatever you were inspired to create! Did you paint something? Build something? Sew something? Write something? Learn new recipes or revisit old ones?

Pastor Nathan will be the primary contact and would love to connect with you. If you’re willing to share a photo or two (or the artwork itself!) and a brief statement about what prompted this expression, please get in touch with him!

The Visual Arts Committee will begin working on this project shortly after the holidays so the sooner you can share your ideas with Nathan the better!

Science and Faith Webinar Presented by Brenham Presbyterian Church  (Dr. Karl Galle)
Issues presented by science and faith continue to be important topics of discussion in our society today, especially among our young adults.
 Where do science and faith overlap? Where are they distinct? How do we integrate science and faith into our lives? What role might music and art play in this interchange? What historical figures helped to shape these discussions?
 These and other questions are being discussed in three one hour Zoom Webinars in December at Brenham Presbyterian Church.  The final webinar on December 15 at 6 pm will be Dr. Karl Galle who will discuss how Galileo and Copernicus changed the way European  civilization viewed the universe and our place in it, with emphasis upon their own relationship to the church and their own personal faith. Connect to this Zoom webinar through the link below.
Funding for this event is provided by the Eli Lilly Foundation as part Pastor Galle’s sabbatical grant, entitled “Faith, Fossils and Far Flung Stars.”

This year there is an Angel Tree at New Hope Shelter
If you would like to participate, simply come by the shelter between 8 am and 8 pm. Pick a tag off the tree; shop for those items and then return the items, along with the tag back to the shelter by Wednesday, December 22nd.
They have a few tags for the children but most tags are for adults and are reasonably priced items. 

If you cannot come by the shelter during those hours but would still like to participate, please call (283-7711) between 12 noon and 8 pm Monday through Friday or email   Shonda would be happy to pull a tag number for you and send you a list of those items. 

The deadline for all items purchased is Wednesday, December 22nd. 

Scrapbook Retreat, at Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp on Jan. 28-30 is your opportunity to create paper or digital photo books and share ideas and good conversation with other scrapbook participants. With safety protocols of mask wearing and individual tables for participants, please come for retreat and community in God’s creation here at Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp. Register online ( and save a space to join in.

Camp Mennoscah Announcements
Christmas Celebration at Camp!
  We’re celebrating early!  Everyone is welcome to come to Camp Mennoscah on Dec. 18 at 2:30pm for time together in faith and fellowship.  Join us in the Dining Hall (or outside) for afternoon fun.  Bring games to play indoors or out or use what camp has.  Camp will provide popcorn, generic pop, and hot drinks.  (Masks recommended and encouraged for inside activities.)  

Other events and happenings: 

  • Camp Mennoscah Merch! From CamelBaks to tee shirts and stickers, you can find your Camp Mennoscah merchandise at Share a bit of summer with friends and family this Christmas!
  • 2022 Summer staff applications are being accepted!  Applicants should be 18 years old or older and in agreement with the Camp Mennoscah mission statement.  See website for details.  Information and the online application can be found here!  Call or email with questions!  Interviews will be scheduled soon.
  • Thank you to everyone who supported Camp Mennoscah on Giving Tuesday, be that through prayers, gifts, or volunteering!  It’s not too late to be part of the efforts to encourage everyone to follow Jesus Christ through faith formation at Camp Mennoscah.  Checks can be sent to Camp Mennoscah, PO Box 65, Murdock, KS 67111.  To volunteer, call 620-297-3290.
  • We are grateful for you!  We continue to get calls from volunteers and receive gifts of items off the Wish List.  These items and projects help with the faith formation that happens at Camp Mennoscah.  The list has more wishes and there are more projects to do.  We can accommodate every group size, skill set and length of project you would like to tackle. Email or call 620-297-3290 to volunteer.  See the Wish List for other ways to support Camp Mennoscah!
  • Camp Mennoscah has openings for a part-time custodial/housekeeping position (10 hours) and a part-time office/administrative position (30 hours with benefits).  Some of the office/administrative tasks can be done from home.  Contact Olivia at for more information.
  • Camp Mennoscah is seeking a full-time Director of Development, Marketing & Communications to lead our ongoing operational and advancement needs. This position reports directly to the Board of Directors while taking directive from the Executive Director when related to operational considerations. As a member of a small, very hands-on staff, the role is expected to be highly collaborative. This professional must embrace the mission of Camp Mennoscah, have an established background in coordinating nonprofit donation strategies, possess strong written, interpersonal, leadership and relationship building skills, and work as an independent contributor with good organization and follow-through. Most of the work will commence off campus, however some in-person time at camp is required.
    This role involves organizing broad-based fundraising initiatives, advocating for Camp Mennoscah through speaking engagements, promotional materials, and social media, as well as recruiting volunteers, and building relationships with board members, donors and staff.
    Our ideal candidate will have a bachelor’s degree, a minimum of five years of fund development experience, or equivalent experience in church relations, and a passion for Camp Mennoscah. They should also be familiar with office related applications, and other technology used for communication and social media. Experience with CampBrain and the associated donor database is a plus.
    Applications will be accepted until the position is filled and early submission is encouraged. Please send application materials (resume, cover letter, references and salary requirements) to

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!

Mennonite Mission Network “News and Beyond” click here

Mennonite Church USA Announcements
Want to engage with Mennonite Church USA’s Advent at Home guide, “Dare to Imagine,” creatively this year? Watch this webinar by writer Talashia Keim Yoder and learn to slow down and connect with God in new ways from Advent through Epiphany (Jan. 6):

Hear exciting first-hand accounts of peacemakers from across the denomination in Mennonite Church USA’s Storyteller Series videos that premiered at #MennoCon21. View the whole series here:

Menno Snapshots
Rev. Amy S. Zimbelman and members of Mountain States Mennonite Conference attended a peace demonstration in late October. Read about why she finds this work to be important in her and her family’s lives in her blog, “Demonstrating peace for my children and me.”

Learn, Pray, Join: Cost of Poverty
How can Mennonites make a difference in the world around us? How can we effect change for the common good? Andre Gingerich Stoner writes about how Mennonites in St. Joseph County, Indiana, have begun to make a difference in the realm of public mental health services, in his blog, “A spirit of power, and of love and of hard work.” Read it here:  

Menno Snapshots
Anger. Lament. Hope. Rick Yoder, professor emeritus at Eastern Mennonite University, grieves the events that have been unfolding in Afghanistan over the past few months in his blog, “Anger, lament and hope.” Read his poetic reflection on the roles we all have to play, here:

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for the Orodara region, where many of Burkina Faso’s Mennonites live. Foreign-sponsored guerilla fighters are making it difficult for people to go to work and for children to attend school. Pray for the Mennonites’ peace witness, for the families of the more than 1,500 people who have died and for the more than 1.3 million displaced people in Burkina Faso.
Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for generous financial support for WDC and its congregations, to help meet ministry and budget goals for this year.

Worship service for December 5, 2021


Dare to imagine God’s Peace and Embrace


Comfort, comfort Ye My People (arr. Robert J. Powell)

Cold December Flies Away (Busarow) —Verlene Garber, organ

In Dulci Jubilo (Rucker)

Ding, Dong, Merrily on High (DeWitt)— Chancel Bells, Verlene Garber, director

*Hymn—O Come, O Come, Immanuel— Verses 1, 4, 6, 7—VT 210


Land Acknowledgement— Ada Schmidt-Tieszen

Welcome and Call to Worship

Introit—Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord—Matthew Schloneger

Advent Candle Lighting— Adah Hodge

       Leader:         We light a candle of peace.

                              And we imagine:

       People:         God’s tender mercy, God’s compassion.

        Leader:        We light the candle of peace and know God’s embrace of peace.

*Hymn— Hope is a Candle (verses 1,2)—VT 211

Confession and Assurance

*Hymn—Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus—VT 218

Hearing God’s Word

Children’s Conversation—Carol Flickinger

Scripture—Luke 3:1-6; Philippians 1:3-11

Special Music—Comfort Ye (The Messiah)—Handel—Matthew Schloneger

Sermon—Embraced as a Child—Nathan Koontz


*Hymn of Response—Come and Fill Our Hearts—VT 52

Prayers of God’s People

*Sending Song—For the Healing of the Nations—VT 705


Postlude—O Come, O Come Immanuel (arr. Robert Ivy)—Chancel Bells

Thank you to the Worship Decoration Committee:  Judy Friesen, Kathy Stucky, Susie Swartley, and Brenda Turner

The Advent Candle Lighting reading and the Confession and Assurance is from Leader Magazine, Mennonite Church USA

The bulletin cover is from SALT Project Inc.  SALT is a not-for-profit production company dedicated to the craft of visual storytelling.

Land Acknowledgement compiled by Florence Schloneger from words by Mark Charles and VT #878 

As we do on the first Sunday of each month,  

  we acknowledge that we worship  

  on the land of the Kanza, Osage, and Wichita.   

We thank them for their care and respect for this land      

  and acknowledge the injustice of their forced removal. 

We ask the Spirit to heal our histories 

  and find new paths of right relationships with them 

  and all of creation.   

Announcements for December 5-12, 2021

Worship Service for December 5, 2021 – 2nd Sunday of AdventWorship begins with an Advent prelude at 9:15am.  Advent resources are available on a table in the Gathering Place.

The Witness Commission Advent project will be to supply food items and in kind donations to the Bethel College Food Pantry.  We will be collecting items at the table in the Gathering Space.  Press here for a list of needed items for the food pantry.

We need to hear from you!  Please complete the online bcmcXpress intent form (  as soon as possible.  The information received is necessary to plan the church’s budget for 2022. 
From Michael Claassen, Finance Manager and the Finance Committee

Creche Making Project
Join us on Sunday, December 5th 4-6pm for aCreche Making Project (BCMC fellowship hall). Come and make your very own creche (nativity set) with a variety of art supplies that will be provided for all participants. Invite your crafty friends as we have PLENTY of shoe boxes. Faspa snacks will be provided and all ages are welcomed to attend. 

This week at BCMCMonday, December 6
8—10 am    Bethel College Classes in the Sanctuary
2—3 pm      Bethel College Class in the Sanctuary
7 pm            Facilities Committee meeting in Fellowship Hall
Tuesday, December 7
9—11 am  Community Playschool
4 pm          Reopening Church Task Force—Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, December 8
8—10 am   Bethel College Classes in the Sanctuary
2—3 pm     Bethel College Class in the Sanctuary
6:45 pm     Menno Singers—Fellowship Hall
7 pm          Youth Group
7:30 pm     Chancel Choir—Sanctuary
Thursday, December 9
4:30 pm     Women’s Fellowship Leadership Team meeting in Room 14
7 pm           Finance Committee Meeting by Zoom
Sunday, December 12—Third Sunday of Advent
9:30 am     Worship Service in the Sanctuary
10:30 am   Faith Formation 

From the Reopening Church Task Group:
Harvey County has recently experienced a significant rise in COVID-19 numbers. As of Monday, Nov 29, the 2-week positivity rate is 13.8%. Currently there are 144 active cases and 6 hospitalizations.
At this point, in-person church activities will continue as usual, with these cautions:

  • Wear masks at all indoor church events
  • Maintain 3-6 feet of distance from others when possible
  • Greet each other in ways other than hugging or shaking hands
  • In the sanctuary, please sit where you find blue tape on the pews (sit with your back to the tape), and refrain from entering rows that have been taped off.
  • During worship, windows will be open (wider than they have been), so dress warmly.
  • Use hand sanitizer
  • If you are not feeling well or have a known COVID-19 exposure, please please participate in worship via livestream in the comfort of your home.

Thanks for your help in slowing the spread of COVID-19 in our community!

The Gifts Discernment Committee would like to thank each and every one of you who completed the Gifts Discernment Survey.  The Committee will be meeting to collate the responses and share them with commissions and committees as appropriate.  Thanks again for supporting BCMC’s efforts to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. 

The Library Theme for the rest of 2021 is Advent/Christmas. Be sure to look for these books in back of the desk by the computer and/or in the Children’s Room where  Everybody Books and Young Adult books are located and Advent/Christmas books are displayed. Also, coming soon to the library is a section we are calling Pastors’ Corner.  Books recommended by our pastors will be highlighted on a shelf on the north wall closest to the window where our DVD/CDs used to be shelved. These books could compliment sermon themes or are books that they have asked for or donated to the library. Happy Holiday Reading!

Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus
Attention singers, KMMC will be again singing this year after not being able to the last two years.  If you would like to join us, please contact Joe Peters (316-288-7031) and sign up today.  We are doing a two concert series this year.  Our first concert is April 24, 2022 at Bethel College and our second concert will be May 1, 2022 at Bethany College. So please, if you have any interest in singing with us let me know and I will get you registered to sing for the 2022 concert season!

Bethel College Announcements
Sat., Dec. 4 – Five Places of Christmas, the annual holiday open house, includes Kauffman Museum and Goerz House on the Bethel College campus, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. No charge for admission. The Bethel College Women’s Association (BCWA) is the host at Goerz House, where there will be baked goods and other items for sale. Please plan to wear a face covering indoors and follow all COVID-19 protocols requested by the venue. (Other locations: Warkentin House, Harvey County Historical Museum and Carriage Factory Gallery, all in Newton.)

Tues., Dec. 7 – Bethel College Steel Drum Band concert, 7 p.m.Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center. Bethel’s current COVID-19 protocols require physical distancing to the extent possible and mask-wearing indoors with groups of 10 or more.

Weds., Dec. 8 – Singalong to Christmas portions of Handel’s Messiah returns in-person, 11 a.m.Memorial Hall, with chamber orchestra, soloists and student conductors. Scores provided. Bethel’s current COVID-19 protocols require physical distancing to the extent possible and mask-wearing indoors with groups of 10 or more.

Fri., Dec. 10 – Christmas Gala Jazz concert, 8 p.m.Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center. Bethel’s current COVID-19 protocols require physical distancing to the extent possible and mask-wearing indoors with groups of 10 or more.

Sun., Dec. 12 – Lighting of the Green returns in-person this year; 8 p.m. on the Bethel College campus.

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!

Western District Conference staff position opening:  Western District Conference seeks an Administrative Assistant to work part-time (18 hours/week) with the WDC Associate Conference Minister (Texas-based), beginning February 1, 2022.  Responsibilities include clerical and logistical support, communications, records management, and translation. Qualifications include strong organizational and computer skills, communication skills in Spanish and English, ability to collaborate as part of a team, intercultural competency, and willingness to promote WDC’s mission and priorities.  For position description and application form, contact Sandra Montes-Martinez, Associate Conference Minister, at or 214-907-6309; or contact the WDC office at or 316-283-6300.  Applications will be accepted until December 31 and will be processed in January 2022. 

December’s WDC Resource Library Book Discussion will be Thursday, December 16 at 7:00pm via Zoom. Join us to discuss Tongue-Tied: Learning the Lost Art of Talking about Faith by Sara Wenger Shenk. We welcome those who have read the book and those interested in the topic.  Copies of the book available through the library.  RSVP at

The McPherson Community Brass Choir under the direction of Jerry Toews will give their Christmas Brass Concert Sunday, Dec. 12 at 7:30pm in the Goessel HS gym in Goessel, KS. This event is sponsored by the Goessel Ministerial Alliance. Note the location change accommodating for social distancing. Come and enjoy a festive brass Christmas concert!

Immerse yourself into the Christmas message with music and song Sunday December 19 at 4pm. Hopeful Blues is honored to host Doxology Ensemble, a 12-voice male ensemble from the Anabaptist community near Hutchinson. Jointly, they will present a concert of sacred music, joining two unique ensembles for an afternoon of Christmas music.
Hopeful Blues, an eclectic instrumental group based at Hope Mennonite Church in Wichita performs a variety of sacred instrumental music from old world to contemporary. The Christmas selections will be a blend of contemplative and familiar.
Doxology Ensemble sings Acapella choral arrangements, both classic and modern. The Christmas repertoire includes arrangements of traditional carols, rousing spirituals, and soaring choral settings of scripture. After a two year hiatus, we are excited to be rehearsing again and are looking forward to sharing the joy of the Incarnation through song.
The Sunday (December 19) 4pm concert will be held at Hope Mennonite church, 868 N Maize Road, Wichita KS. Admission is free, donations are welcomed.

For Mennonite Men announcements press here
For Mennonite Church USA Webinar, “2022 Special Delegate Assembly:  What it is and why it’s so important” press here
For Mennonite Creation Care Network newsletter press here
For Mennonite Mission Network “News and Beyond” press here
For news from Mennonites World Conference press here
For Mennonite World Conference Info – “Mustard Seed Faith That Moves Mountains”
 press here.

The fifth & final Neuf Memorial Run takes place on Saturday, January 8, 2022 on the campus of Bethel College.  In addition, the Neuf 90K Challenge runs from December 9 through January 8.  All proceeds support the Russ Neufeld Memorial Scholarship at Hesston College and the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  Visit for more information and to register for the Run and Challenge.

The Rocky Mountain December newsletter is here!Have a look at the latest/greatest happenings here at RMMC. For this and previous newsletters, please visit the camp website and click on the “News” tab under “About Us”.

Mennonite Central Committee Announcements
The MCC Comforter Blitz Committee is looking for additional committee members!
 Would you be interested in assisting the making of comforters for Mennonite Central Committee, and helping to plan the annual three-day comforter making event in Yoder, Kansas? If so, we would love your skills and your voice! If interested, please reach out to Committee Chair, Kara Klingenberg at or call her at 620-983-9003 for more information. We are currently looking for a treasurer, advertising help, and anyone else who is interested in helping.

Have yourself a honkin’ good holiday, December 17 from 4-6 p.m.! MCC is thrilled to host this drive-thru event again this year. Order your charcuterie box(es) today to enjoy in the comfort of your home, spread Christmas joy and order extra to give as gifts! Suggested donation per box is $25. We’re also collecting items for MCC hygiene kits at this event. Place your order by 5 p.m. on December 9Details and order form are on Questions? Please call 316.283.2720.

Mennonite Church USA Announcements
Register today! Join Michael Danner, Mennonite Church USA associate executive director of Church Vitality, on Monday, Dec. 6 at 7 p.m. ET for the first in a series of webinars to help conferences and congregations prepare for the 2022 Delegate Assembly (May 27-30, Kansas City, Missouri). He will provide an overview of MC USA’s structure and decision-making – including conversation about how the special session of the Delegate Assembly fits into the big picture. Register here:

Your whole household can participate in Advent this year by using the Mennonite Church USA annual Advent at Home worship guide, “Dare to Imagine.” The guide is now available as a printable booklet and in an online format. Find it here:

Menno Snapshots
Talashia Keim Yoder, author of this year’s Mennonite Church USA’s Advent at Home guide, reflects on her and her family’s Advent traditions and how she has learned from her church family in her blog, “Dare to imagine the transformative power of Advent.” Find it here:

Learn, Pray, Join: Cost of Poverty
Christina and Dustin Hite, Mennonite pastors, live in an intentional neighborhood in Austin, Texas, among people who have experienced chronic homelessness. Watch a short video by the Hites and read more about their ministry in their blog, “Broken systems and relational healing.”

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Delicia Bravo Aguilar and Peter Wigginton, of Mennonite Mission Network, request prayer for the churches in Ecuador that have suffered the loss of many leaders and members, due to COVID-19. While they continue to lament their losses, pray for their strength and resilience, as new leaders come forward to continue the reconciling mission of Christ.
Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for the WDC Church Planting Commissions as they envision new initiatives and partnerships for church planting in the coming year.