View the worship service for September 3, 2023


                                                                     September 3, 2023

                                        Celebration of Ministry License for Elizabeth Schmidt

Prelude—“Here I am, Lord” (arr. Wagner); “Come thou fount of every blessing” (arr. Lau)—

Will Wiebe-Friesen

Christ Candle Lighting

Call to Worship—Dorothy Nickel Friesen

Land Acknowledgement—Judy Friesen


*Hymn—Summoned by the God Who Made Us—VT 1

Children’s Conversation—Kathy Stucky

*Hymn—There Are Many Gifts—VT 374

Scripture Reading—Exodus 3:1-4; Mark 12:28 – 31; Ephesians 3:17-21—

Jim and Beaty Robb; Adam, Jill, Gabby, and Jake Robb

Sermon—“Called to be Present”—Kathy Neufeld Dunn

Worship Music—O Christ, Surround Me—Octet—(God Be the Love  VT 43)

Litany for Elizabeth Schmidt: License for Specific Ministry (see insert)

Prayers of God’s People

*Hymn—Will You Let Me Be Your Servant—VT 778


Postlude—“Allegro Maestoso from Water Music” (G.F. Handel)—Will Wiebe-Friesen

*You are invited to stand

VT—Voices Together

Keyboard—Will Wiebe-Friesen

Audio visual—Ben Lichti

Service of Licensing for Specific Ministry for
Elizabeth Schmidt – Congregational Care Coordinator Bethel College Mennonite Church
September 3, 2023

Congregational Moderator: Today we give thanks that Elizabeth Schmidt has been called to specific ministry as Congregational Care Coordinator of Bethel College Mennonite Church, to work together with all who share in the ministry of Christ in this congregation. Elizabeth, you have been called to listen carefully to the joys and sorrows of God’s people here, to pray with and witness to God’s presence in people’s lives, to love and serve the people among whom you work, as our congregation moves into the future with hope.

Conference Minister: (to Elizabeth):  I now ask you these questions:

Do you believe that you are truly called by God and God’s church to this ministry?

Elizabeth: I believe I am so called.

Conference Minister: Will you respect and be guided by the beliefs and practices of the Mennonite Church and the work of this congregation and conference?

Elizabeth: With God’s help, I will.

Conference Minister: Will you be faithful in the study of scripture, seeking the word of God and the mind of Christ? And will you do your utmost to pattern your life in accordance with the teachings of Christ, so that through your ministry the reconciling of love of Christ may be known and received?

Elizabeth: With God’s help, I will.

Conference Minister: Will you persevere in prayer, asking God’s grace, both for yourself and for others, offering all your labors to God through the power of the Holy Spirit?

Elizabeth: With God’s help, I will.

Conference Minister: May God who has given you the will to do these things give you the grace and power to perform them.

[to the congregation):  Sisters and brothers of this congregation, do you accept your role in calling Elizabeth into ministry? Will you honor her calling and also your own? Will you search the scriptures and pray with her? Will you speak the truth in love? Will you, too, listen carefully and prayerfully to your siblings here? And will you join with her wholeheartedly in the ministries of Bethel College Mennonite church? If so, please respond: We will, by God’s grace.

Congregation: We will, by God’s grace.

Conference Minister: (to fellow ministers of BCMC)  Hearing Elizabeth’s commitment to the work of ministry and the afirmation of this congregation, will you prayerfully support her as colleagues and siblings in Christ? Will you listen carefully to her when she is weary or wounded? Will you celebrate with her the many blessings that she will witness among God’s people here?

If so, please respond, “We will, by God’s grace.

Fellow BCMC Ministers: We will, by God’s grace.

Conference Minister: (to Elizabeth) Elizabeth, hearing this affirmation of God’s call, and on behalf of the Western District Conference, I declare that you are licensed as the Bethel College Mennonite Church Congregational Care Coordinator. May God bless you and the congregation in this ministry.