WORSHIP SERVICE FOR NOVEMBER 8, 2020. You will have to press “READ MORE” to access the YouTube Link.

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November 8, 2020
Stewardship Sunday

Welcome and Lighting the Christ Candle—Cliff Dick and Marlene Ewert

Prelude—John Mark Koontz and Jonah Schloneger                         

Call to worship and Prayer—Marlene Ewert                                                                                                                                

Hymn of praise—Here in this place—Hymnal A Worship Book #6                                              

Children’s conversation—Marlene Ewert and Cliff Dick                                                                     

Scripture—Matthew 6:19-22, 24-34—Marlene Ewert and Cliff Dick                                        

Sermon—Where your treasure, there your heart—Dawn Yoder Harms                                 

Hymn of response—Seek ye first Hymnal A Worship Book #324                                              

Kingdom Report—Dedication of the bcmcXpress—Al Peters                                                        

Prayers of God’s people—Cliff Dick                                                                                                    

Sending hymn—Be thou my vision– Hymnal A Worship Book #545                                        

Benediction—Dawn Yoder Harms                                                                                                  

Musicians: John Mark Koontz, Jonah Schloneger

Audio Visual Technician:       Francis Toews