The Congregation as a body shall be the source of the vision and major decisions. The Congregation approves the annual budget, appoints pastors, and elects the church board.
The Congregation delegates most responsibilities for governance to the Church Board composed of 3 officers and 8 additional members. The Church Board articulates the vision for the congregation and monitors that the visions is being fulfilled.
The Church Board appoints five standing committees: Gifts Discernment, Facilities, Finance, Staff Congregation Relations, and Audit. It also established other committees as needed: Bethel College Relations and Education and Service Scholarships.
Staff and an Administrative Team help the board, commissions and committees to operate efficiently and effectively.
Commissions function within the context of the vision and form committees and short term task forces as needed to achieve the vision: Deacon Commission, Faith Formation Commission, Hospitality Commission, Witness Commission, and Worship Commission.
All parts of the organization work to communicate effectively with each other and function as members of one body.