July 16, 2017

9:30 am  Worship with sermon by Dawn Yoder Harms; music by a Bell Quartet with 

Suzanne Burch, Nat Dick, Marlene Ewert and Ben Lichti

10:30 a.m.  Fellowship in the Gathering Place   

10:50 a.m.   Faith Formation – 

This morning during the Sunday School hour:  sharing from BCMC delegates to the MC USA Convention in Orlando (July 4-8).

For reflection this week and action . . . . . . . 

REFLECT:  What helps you connect with God?  Prayer through spoken words?  Music?  Art?  Reflection on scripture?  Writing?   Spending time in nature?   Corporate worship?  Silence?

DO: Choose a way of praying that is meaningful for you and practice it for a few minutes each day this week.