Gifts Discernment Survey

Click on READ MORE below for more information and links to the online survey.

We are reminded in 1 Corinthians 12 that a body has many different parts that work together for wholeness and unity.  That example is applied to the church in regards to the variety of gifts needed and used.  Our life together in our congregation and our witness to the world are strengthened when we share our gifts.  The Gifts Discernment Survey is a resource for the Gifts Discernment Committee and staff for recruiting leaders.  We invite you to give thoughtful consideration to the gifts you are willing to share in the life and work of our congregation in the next two years.

The online survey is no longer available.  You can fill out a paper form by clicking here and returning to the church office.

Children up to 8th grade are encourage to fill out a survey available by clicking here.