Category Archives: Worship Services

WORSHIP SERVICE FOR March 14, 2021 You will have to press READ MORE to see the link

March 14, 2021
Lent 4 
Deep in the wilderness: Called to deep healing

Prelude—Verlene Garber, organ

Christ Candle Lighting—Bill Swartley

Welcome and prayer

Hymn—Could it be that God is Singing—VT 42 

Children’s Conversation—Natalie Graber

Scripture Reading—Numbers 21:4-9; John 3:14-17

Sermon—Called to deep healing—Dawn Yoder Harms

Hymn—Woza nomthwalo wakho (Come, Bring Your burdens to God)—VT 679                                        

Prayers of God’s people

Hymn—God, Be with Us—VT 613



VT = Voices Together

Worship leaders—Bill Swartley, Natalie Graber

Musicians—Verlene Garber, Ron Garber, John Mark Koontz, William Eash, Esther Kreider Eash, Renee Reimer, Barbara Thiesen, Dawn Yoder Harms

Ushers—Mary Ann and Hugo Boschmann

Audio visual—Ben Lichti and Francis Toews

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Dawn Yoder Harms

WORSHIP SERVICE FOR March 7, 2021 You will have to press READ MORE to see the link

The service starts at about 7 minutes and 45 seconds into the video.

March 7, 2021—Worship 9:30 am
Lent 3
Deep in the changing sky: Called to deep wisdom

FOCUS:  In the patterns and glory of God’s creation, in God’s commandments and promises, and in the person of Jesus, we are called to obtain deep wisdom. God’s wisdom undermines our assumptions and takes us deeper than our efforts can lead us.

Prelude—Dawn Yoder Harms

Christ Candle Lighting—Jim Robb

Welcome and prayer—Jim Robb

Hymn—Morning Has Broken—VT 495                                                    

Scripture Reading—Psalm 19:1-4, 6-14                                                                                        

                                John 2:13-22                                                                                                  

Children’s Conversation—Megan Kohlman

Sermon—Source of Wisdom—Nathan Koontz

Hymn—God, Who Stretched the Spangled Heavens—VT 529

Prayers of God’s people—Jim Robb

Hymn—Come and Seek the Ways of Wisdom—VT 196

Benediction—Nathan Koontz

Postlude—Dawn Yoder Harms

Worship leader—Jim Robb

Musicians—Sara Dick, Esther Koontz, Matt Schloneger, Erich Boschmann, John Mark Koontz

Ushers—Cliff Dick, Dale Schrag

Audio visual—Ken Lamp

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Dawn Yoder Harms

Lent Visuals—Our Lenten Banners illustrate a progression created around the motif of the crown of thorns.  The series is about the contrasts, emotion, and movement of the Lenten season.  The artist, Anne Friesen Birky, lives in Denver, CO with her family and is the daughter of Duane and Elizabeth Friesen.

Thank you to Susie Swartley for hanging the banners and to Carol Buller for the centerpiece.

WORSHIP SERVICE FOR February 28, 2021 You will have to press READ MORE to see the link

Press the button for the link to the worship service – the service starts about 5 and 1/2 minutes into the video

February 28, 2021
Lent 2

Deep in the woods: Called to deep commitment

Prelude—Calvary (Billingham)—Verlene Garber, organ

Christ Candle Lighting—Cliff Dick and Marlene Ewert

Welcome and prayer                                                                                                                      

Hymn—We Sing to You, O God—VT 80

Children’s Conversation—Cliff Dick

Scripture Reading—Psalm 22:23-31—Cliff and Marlene

                                   Mark 8:27-38                       

Sermon—Lost and Found—Dawn Yoder Harms

Hymn—Lead Me, Guide Me—VT 601

Prayers of God’s people—Marlene Ewert

Hymn—God, Be the Love—VT 43



VT = Voices Together

Worship leaders—Marlene Ewert and Cliff Dick

Musicians—Verlene Garber, Ron Garber, William Eash, Esther Kreider Eash,

John Mark Koontz, Barbara Thiesen, Dawn Yoder Harms

Audio visual—Ben Lichti

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Dawn Yoder Harms

WORSHIP SERVICE FOR February 21, 2021 You will have to press READ MORE to see the link

Press here for the February 21, 2021 Worship Service

February 21, 2021
Lent 1
Deep in the sea: Called to deep relationship

Prelude—My Shepherd Will Supply My Need—VT 640—John Mark and Esther Koontz

Welcome and Christ Candle Lighting—Carolyn Penner

Children’s Conversation—Megan Kohlman

Scripture Reading—Genesis 9:8-17 and Mark 1:9-15—Margaret Goering &

                                                                                        Dorothy Nickel Friesen

Sermon—Renee Reimer                                                                                                               

Hymn—Be thou my vision—VT 549—Bethel College Concert Choir

Communion—Nathan Koontz and Renee Reimer

Prayers of God’s people—Dorothy Nickel Friesen

Hymn—The Lord lift you up—VT 832—Pat Friesen

Benediction—Renee Reimer

Musicians— Bethel College Concert Choir, John Mark Koontz, Esther Koontz, and Pat Friesen

Audio visual—Renee Reimer

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Dawn Yoder Harms

WORSHIP SERVICE FOR February 14, 2021 You will have to press READ MORE to see the link

Click here for the worship service for February 14, 2021

Note: the service starts at about 9 minutes into the recording

February 14, 2021, 9:30 am
Dedication of Voices Together

Prelude—Verlene Garber

Lighting the Christ Candle—Dale Schrag

Inviting God’s presence—As We Rise, O God, to Meet You—Voices Together (VT) 39                 

Welcome, call to worship, and prayer—Dale Schrag

Hymns of Gathering and Praise

     Uyai mose (Come All You People)—VT 2

     All People That on Earth Do Dwell—VT 5

Children’s Conversation—Renee Reimer

Scripture Reading—excerpts from 1 Corinthians 12—Dale Schrag

Meditation—Our voices together—Dawn Yoder Harms

Litany of dedication

Hymn of response—Summoned by the God Who Made Us—VT 1

Prayers of God’s people—Dale Schrag

Sending Hymn—Sing a new world into being—VT 809

Benediction—The Lord lift you up—VT 832                                                                                   

VT  =  Voices Together

Musicians—Verlene Garber, Bethany Schrag, Tim Schrag, Renee Reimer, Ben Lichti

Audio visual—Ken Lamp

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Dawn Yoder Harms

WORSHIP SERVICE FOR February 7, 2021 You will have to press READ MORE to see the link

Press here for the February 7, 2021 Worship Service

Note: Worship service starts about 9:33 minutes into the video

February 7, 2021
9:30 am
Season of Epiphany

Prelude—Karen Schlabaugh–Prelude in Classic Style (Gordon Young)

Candle lighting—Carol Flickinger

Welcome and prayer—Carol Flickinger

O let all who thirst—HWB 495                                                      

Children’s Conversation—Barb Koontz

Scripture Reading—Mark 1:29-39—William Eash

Sermon—Gathering steam—Nathan Koontz

Hark! The glad sound! —HWB 184

Prayers of God’s people—Carol Flickinger

We are people of God’s peace—HWB 407

Benediction—Nathan Koontz

Postlude—Karen Schlabaugh—Jordan – from The Sacred Harp (arr. Johnson)

Musicians–Karen Schlabaugh, William Eash, Esther Kreider Eash, Renee Reimer, Dawn Yoder Harms, Mike Claassen, John Mark Koontz, Barbara Thiesen

Audio visual—Francis Toews

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Dawn Yoder Harms

WORSHIP SERVICE FOR January 31, 2021 You will have to press READ MORE to see the link

Press here for the January 31, 2021 Worship Service

January 31, 2021

Prelude— Joy in Hope (Barbara Boertje)—Pat Friesen                                            

Welcome and Christ Candle Lighting—Renee Reimer

Children’s Conversation—Natalie Graber

Hymn—Thy word  (Amy Grant and Michael Smith, arr. By Mark Hayes)—Pat Friesen

Scripture Reading—Psalm 111—Beth Balzer

Reflections—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Dawn Yoder Harms

Hymn— Let This Be A Place (Ken Medema, arr. Linda Missad)—Pat Friesen

Prayers of God’s people—Eric Massanari

Benediction—Renee Reimer

Postlude—Song of Hope (Anna Laura Page)—Pat Friesen

Musician—Pat Friesen

Audio visual—Renee Reimer and Pat Friesen

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Dawn Yoder Harms

WORSHIP SERVICE FOR January 24, 2021 You will have to press READ MORE to see the link

Press this link for the January 24, 2021 worship service

January 24, 2021
9:30 am

Prelude—Jonah Schloneger, John Mark Koontz

Christ Candle Lighting

Welcome and prayer                                                                                                                         

Come and See—HWB 20

Children’s Conversation                                                                                                                                                

Scripture Reading— Mark 4:14-20 

Sermon— Learning to Follow—Dawn Yoder Harms

Hymn—Will you come and follow me—STS 39

Will you come and follow me if I but call your name?
Will you go where you don’t know and never be the same?
Will you let my love be shown, will you let my name be known,
Will you let my life be grown in you and you in me?
Will you love the “you” you hid if I but call your name?
Will you quell the fear inside and never be the same?
Will you use the faith you’ve found to reshape the world around,
through my sight and touch and sound in you and you in me?
Lord, your summons echoes true when you but call my name.
Let me turn and follow you and never be the same.
In your company I’ll go where you love and footsteps show.
Thus I’ll move and live and grow in you and you in me.

Prayers of God’s people 

Hymn—Som’landela (We will follow—STS 40



Worship Leaders—Marlene Ewert and Cliff Dick

Musicians—John Mark Koontz, Jonah Schloneger

Audio visual—Ken Lamp

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Dawn Yoder Harms

Congratulations to John Mark Koontz and Jonah Schloneger for being selected to the Kansas Music Educators’ Association All State Jazz Ensemble–John Mark as the ensemble’s bass player, and Jonah as the ensemble’s pianist.  We are grateful for their musical gifts shared among us as regularly in worship!

WORSHIP SERVICE FOR January 17, 2021 You will have to press READ MORE to see the link

Press here for the January 17, 2021 Worship Service

January 17, 2021
9:30 am

Prelude—Verlene Garber

Christ Candle Lighting—Dawn Yoder Harms

Welcome and prayer—Dawn Yoder Harms

Hymn—Let justice roll like a river—STS 33                                                                                                                                       

Scripture Reading—1 Samuel 3:1-10—Barbara Thiesen

Children’s Conversation—Zona Galle

Short Film—1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom—the SALT Project

Sermon—Searching for our Lord—Renee Reimer

Hymn—Precious Lord, take my hand—HWB 575

Prayers of God’s people—Dawn Yoder Harms

Hymn—Lift every voice and sing—HWB 579

Benediction—Renee Reimer

Postlude—I Have a Dream—the SALT Project

Musicians—William Eash, Esther Kreider Eash, Renee Reimer, John Mark Koontz

                                              Dawn Yoder Harms, Ron Garber, Barbara Thiesen, Verlene Garber

Audio visual—Francis Toews and Ben Lichti

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Dawn Yoder Harms

WORSHIP SERVICE FOR January 10, 2021 You will have to press READ MORE to see the link

Press this link for the January 10, 2021 Worship Service

January 10, 2021
9:30 am

Season of Epiphany

Prelude—Verlene Garber

Welcome and prayer—Renee Reimer

You are holy—STS 34                                                      

Children’s Conversation—Dawn Yoder Harms

Scripture Reading—Mark 1:4-11—Ben Lichti

Sermon—Baptized—Nathan Koontz

Open my eyes, that I may see—HWB 517

Prayers of God’s people—Renee Reimer                                                                                          

Spirit of God! Descend—HWB 502

Benediction—Nathan Koontz

Musicians—Tim Schrag, Ben Lichti, Renee Reimer, Dawn Yoder Harms, Verlene Garber

Audio visual—Ken Lamp

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Dawn Yoder Harms