Category Archives: Worship Services

April 17, 2022 – Easter

Easter, April 17, 2022
From Certainty to Openness
Seeking God’s Ways

Prelude—Llanfair (Powell); O filii et filiae (Held)—Verlene Garber

Christ Candle Lighting—Renee Reimer

*Introit—All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name—[VT 364] (arr. Hal Hopson)

vs 1: congregation & Chancel Choir; vs 2: choir only; vs 3: congregation & choir


Leader:        Christ is risen!

People:        He is risen indeed!

Call to Worship

Leader:        Together we seek the way of God—

Group 1:     the generous,

Group 2:     compassionate,

Group 1:     grace-filled,

Group 2:     inclusive,

Group 1:     abundant,

Group 2:     powerful,

Group 1:     unsettling,

All:             way of God.

Leader:       On this day that God has made, may our hearts be open to the good news:

        Christ is not here, for he is risen.

All:            Jesus Christ is risen indeed!

*Hymn—Christ the Lord Is Risen Today—VT 346            

Children’s Conversation—Renee Reimer

*Anthem—O God Our Help in Ages Past—[VT 203]—(arr. John Ferguson)

vs 1: congregation & choir; vs 2: all women; vs 3-4: choir only;

vs 5: all men; vs 6: congregation and choir

Scripture Reading—John 20:1-18—Todd Schlosser 

Sermon—Do not hold onto me—Nathan Koontz

*Hymn—Thine is the Glory—VT 355

Prayers of God’s People

Sung Benediction—For the Beauty of the Earth (arr. John Rutter)—Chancel Choir

BenedictionNathan Koontz

Postlude—Verlene Garber

* You are invited to stand

VT = Voices Together

Audio visual—Ken Lamp

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Todd Schlosser

April 10, 2022 Worship Service


April 10, 2022

From power over to power with

Palm Sunday:  Seeking God’s Ways

Prelude—All Hail the Power of Jesus Name (arr. McDonald)

                 Hosanna, Loud Hosanna (arr. La Plante)—Will Wiebe Friesen, organ

Lighting the Christ Candle—Todd Schlosser

Welcome and Prayer

Leader: Your ways, O God, are higher than our ways.

People: Your thoughts are higher than our thoughts.

Leader: We seek God’s ways.

People: Lord, move us from seeking the power to control others to instead using power with them for everyone’s healing and wholeness.

Lenten Prayer of Confession

Leader: Holy One, we seek you while you may be found.

People: We call upon you while you are near.

Leader: Have mercy on us, O God, for our thoughts are not your thoughts, and our ways are not your ways.

People: Forgive us for seeking power over others and let us instead seek power with and for the most vulnerable.

Leader: As we walk with Christ on this Lenten journey, let us see your way more clearly.

ALL: and follow your way more faithfully.

Palm Procession—Hosanna, Loud Hosanna (arr. Morris)—Chancel Bells; Verlene Garber, director

Children’s Conversation—Esther Koontz

*Hymn—Ride on, Ride on in Majesty—verses. 1, 2, 4 VT 316

 Scripture Reading—Matthew 21:1-11; Philippians 2:5-11—Patricia Shelly

Sermon—Coming up Empty—Dale Schrag

*Hymn—All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name—VT 364

Prayers of God’s people—Todd Schlosser

*Hymn—All Glory, Laud, and Honor—VT 315


Benediction Response—Ride on, Ride on in Majesty (Joel Raney)—Chancel Bells

Postlude—Grand Choeur Grégorienne (by A. Guilmant)—Will Wiebe Friesen

VT = Voices Together

Audio visual—Francis Toews

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, and Todd Schlosser

April 3, 2022 Worship Service

April 3, 2022 Worship Service

April 3, 2022
From Scarcity to Abundance
Lent 5: Seeking God’s Ways

Prelude—Verlene Garber, organ; Lucy Burch, flute

Introit—O God, We Call [VT 683]—Chancel Choir; William Eash, director; Verlene Garber, accompanist

Christ Candle Lighting— John Kliewer

Call to Worship

Leader: Together we seek the way of God,

People: who makes a way in the sea and provides rivers in the desert.

Leader: God fills our lives with love and beauty as sweet fragrance fills the air.

People: We live within the abundance of God,

Leader: so let us laugh and shout for joy

All: as we worship God together.

Lenten Prayer of Confession

Leader: Holy One, we seek you while you may be found.

People: We call upon you while you are near.

Leader: Have mercy on us, O God, for our thoughts are not your thoughts and our ways are not your ways.

People: Forgive us for believing the myth of scarcity. Help us live into your abundance.

Leader: As we walk with Christ on the Lenten journey, let us see your way more clearly

All: and follow your way more faithfully.

*Hymn—Let Us Build a House— VT 36

Children’s Conversation—Dale and Margo Schrag

Worship Music—When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (arr. Gilbert Martin)—Chancel Choir

Scripture Reading—John 12:1-8—William Eash

Sermon—Savoring this Moment—Renee Reimer

*Hymn—There is a Line of Woman—VT 546

Prayers of God’s People—John Kliewer

*Hymn Beyond a Dying Sun—VT 416

Benediction—Renee Reimer

Benediction Response—You Are Mine (Chirstopher Aspaas)—Chancel Choir

Postlude—Verlene Garber

* You are invited to stand

VT = Voices Together

Audio visual—Ben Lichti

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Todd Schlosser

March 27, 2022 Worship Service

March 27, 2022

Prelude—Adagio in A Minor—(J.S. Bach)—Karen Schlabaugh, organ

Lighting the Christ Candle—Lois Preheim

Welcome and Prayer

Leader: Together we seek the way of God,

People: rejoicing that we are new creations in Christ.

Leader: From a human point of view, we demand what is ours,

People: but through Jesus we learn that all share in God’s inheritance.

Leader: Let us join God’s feast,

People: where all celebrate together.

ALL: Let us live out God’s way of inclusion.

Lenten Prayer of Confession

Leader: Holy One, we seek you while you may be found.

People: We call upon you while you are near.

Leader: Have mercy on us, O God, for our thoughts are not your thoughts, and our ways are not your ways.

People: Forgive us for thinking we deserve special treatment. Lead us to radical inclusion.

Leader: As we walk with Christ on this Lenten journey, let us see your way more clearly.

ALL: and follow your way more faithfully.

*Hymn—Far, Far Away/I Will Arise—VT300

Children’s Conversation—Megan Kohlman

Scripture Reading—Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32—Lincoln and Brad Kohlman

Sermon—. . . with open armsTodd Schlosser

*Hymn—Together—VT 389

Prayers of God’s people—Lois Preheim

 *Hymn—We Are People of God’s Peace—VT797

*Benediction—Todd Schlosser

Postlude—Herzlich tut mich verlangen (Johann Gottfried Walther)—Karen Schlabaugh

VT = Voices Together

Audio visual—Ken Lamp

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, and Todd Schlosser

March 20, 2022 Worship Service

March 20, 2022
From Earning to Receiving
Seeking God’s Ways

Prelude— Lonesome Valley (arr. Francis Jackson)—Verlene Garber, organ

                  Herzlich Tut Mich Verlangen (J.S. Bach)

Introit—Calm Me Lord [VT 680]—Chancel Choir, William Eash, director; Verlene Garber, accompanist

Christ Candle Lighting—Dave Linscheid

Call to Worship

Leader:  Together we seek the way of God,

People:  whose ways are not our ways, whose thoughts are beyond our thoughts.

Leader:  Today we accept God’s invitation to the feast,

People:  where there is water in the desert and delightful food to share.

Leader:  As we worship, we receive the abundant gifts of God

People: without money and without price.

All:  So let us praise God and sing for joy.

Lenten Prayer of Confession

Leader:  Holy One, we seek you while you may be found.

People:  We call upon you while you are near.

Leader:  Have mercy on us, O God, for our thoughts are not your thoughts and our ways are not your ways.

People:  Forgive us for acting as if we must earn your love. Open us to receiving your love as a gift.

Leader:  As we walk with Christ on the Lenten journey, let us see your way more clearly

All:  and follow your way more faithfully.

*Hymn—My Hope is Built—VT 621

Children’s Conversation—Jim Robb

Worship Music—Do Not Be Afraid (Philip W. J. Stopford)—Chancel Choir

Scripture Reading— Isaiah 55:1-9 and Luke 13:1-9—Jon and Justin Zerger

Sermon— A Year of Grace—Renee Reimer

*Hymn—Precious Lord, Take My Hand—VT 610

Prayers of God’s People—Dave Linscheid

*Hymn—You Shall Go Out with Joy—VT 847

BenedictionRenee Reimer

Benediction Response—We are Tossed and Driven [VT 311]—Chancel Choir

Postlude—Our God, Our Help in Ages Past (arr. Fleischer)—Verlene Garber

* You are invited to stand         VT = Voices Together

Audio visual—Ben Lichti

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Todd Schlosser

March 13, 2022 Worship Service

March 13, 2022
From Fear to Compassion
Seeking God’s Ways

Prelude—A Suite of Passion (Wilbur Held)—1. Jesus, I Will Ponder Now—2. In the Cross of Christ I Glory—3. O Darkest WoeKaren Schlabaugh, organ

Introit–What Wondrous Love Is This (arr. Douglas Wagner)Chancel Bells; Verlene Garber, director

Christ Candle Lighting—Todd Schlosser

Call to Worship

Leader:  Together we seek the way of God.

People:  As disappointment oppresses and violence threatens,

Leader:  We come to ask: Whom shall we fear?

People:  We come to be reminded of God’s power and to be led more deeply into God’s love.

Leader:  We long to gather under the wings of Christ, as a mother hen,

All:  and to learn the holy way of compassion.

Lenten Prayer of Confession

Leader:  Holy One, we seek you while you may be found.

People:  We call upon you while you are near.

Leader:  Have mercy on us, O God, for our thoughts are not your thoughts and our ways are not your ways.

People:  Forgive us for living out of fear.  Help us to live out of compassion.

Leader:  As we walk with Christ on the Lenten journey, let us see your way more clearly

All:  and follow your way more faithfully.

*Hymn—I Sought the Lord—VT 161

Children’s Conversation—Glen Ediger

Worship Music—When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (arr. Kastner & McChesney)Chancel Bells

Kin-dom Report—Elizabeth Schmidt

Scripture Reading—Luke 13:31-35—Bill Swartley 

Sermon—Looking Into Fear, Seeing Compassion—Nathan Koontz

*Hymn—Mothering God, You Gave Me Birth—VT 426

Prayers of God’s People

*Hymn—The Lord Is My Light—VT 437

BenedictionNathan Koontz

Postlude—What Wondrous Love Is This (Manz)—Karen Schlabaugh

* You are invited to stand

VT = Voices Together

Audio visual—Francis Toews

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Todd Schlosser

March 6, 2022 Worship Service

March 6, 2022
Lent 1: From security to generosity

Prelude—Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word  (Manz and Rhosymedre – Vaughn Williams)—Verlene Garber, organ

Introit—Calm me Lord [VT 680]—Chancel Choir; director William Eash; accompanist Verlene Garber

Lighting the Christ Candle—Raylene Hinz-Penner

Land Acknowledgement   

Land Acknowledgement compiled by Florence Schloneger from words by Mark Charles and VT #878 
As we do on the first Sunday of each month,
we acknowledge that we worship
on the land of the Kanza, Osage, and Wichita.   
We thank them for their care and respect for this land
and acknowledge the injustice of their forced removal. 
and find new paths of right relationships with them
and all of creation.

Welcome and Prayer    

*Hymn—Holy Spirit, Come with Power— VT 57

Kin-dom Report—Janeen Bertsche Johnson

Children’s Conversation—Bethany Schrag, Jill Robb, Yolanda Kauffman                                                               

Worship Music—God so Loved the World (Stainer)—Chancel Choir

Scripture Reading—Luke 4:1-13—Carol Flickinger

Sermon—Found in the Wilderness—Janeen Bertsche Johnson

*Hymn—Fill Us with Your Feast—VT 309

Communion—Renee Reimer and Todd Schlosser

Prayers of God’s people—Raylene Hinz-Penner

*Hymn—We, Your People, Sing Your Praises—VT 849                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

*Benediction—Janeen Bertsche Johnson

Benediction Response—We are Often Tossed and Driven [VT 311]—Chancel Choir

Postlude—Trumpet Tune (Johnson)—Verlene Garber

VT = Voices Together

Audio visual—Ken Lamp
Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, and Todd Schlosser

Janeen Bertsche Johnson from Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS) joins BCMC for worship this Sunday.  Janeen will share about AMBS during the kinship time and offers the morning sermon on this upcoming first Sunday of Lent.  The following is from her short biography on the AMBS website.

“Janeen brings to her ministry a passion for worship, music, community, and encouraging the gifts of others. She graduated from Bluffton College (now University), then entered seminary at AMBS, graduating with the MDiv in 1989.

After serving six years on the pastoral team of Lorraine Avenue Mennonite Church in Wichita, KS., she returned to AMBS as campus pastor. She also has roles in admissions, alumni relations, and teaching. Janeen has been a member of the Executive Board of Mennonite Church USA from 2003 to 2011, and has served on many other conference and denominational committees and boards.”

Worship service for February 27, 2022

February 27, 2022

Prelude—O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde gross (J.S. Bach)—Karen Schlabaugh, organ

Christ Candle Lighting—Darlene Dick

Welcome and Prayer

*Hymn—Nothing is Lost on the Breath of God—VT 653

Children’s Conversation—Bethany Schrag, Jill Robb, Yolanda Kauffman

Worship Music—Holy Manna and Promised Land (arr. by Martha Lynn Thompson)—

Menno Ringers

Scripture Reading—Mark 5:1-21—Addison and Justin Zerger

Sermon—The Other Side—Nathan Koontz

*HymnWe Worship God the Rock—VT 424

Prayers of God’s People

*Hymn—Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore—VT 283

BenedictionNathan Koontz

Postlude—Es ist gewisslich an der Zeit (J.S. Bach)—Karen Schlabaugh

* All who are able are invited to stand

VT = Voices Together

Audio visual—Ben Lichti

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Todd Schlosser

Worship Service for February 20, 2022

February 20, 2022

Prelude—All Depends On Our Possessing (Flor Peeters)—Verlene Garber, organ

Lighting of the Christ Candle—Dianne Epp

Welcome and prayer—Dianne Epp

Children’s Conversation—Adam Robb

*Hymn–O Worship our God, All Glorious Above—VT 74

Scripture reading—Mark 4:35-41—Raylene Hinz-Penner

Sermon—Todd Schlosser

Hymn—Calm me, Lord—VT 680 

Prayers for God’s people—Dianne Epp

Hymn—Longing for Light—VT 715

Benediction—Todd Schlosser

Postlude—This Is My Song [VT 710]—Verlene Garber

VT= Voices Together

Audio Visual—Ken Lamp  

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, and Todd Schlosser

Worship Service for February 13, 2022

February 13, 2022

Prelude—Here I am, Lord; Lord of the Dance (arr. Douglas Wagner)— Will Wiebe-Friesen, organ

Lighting the Christ Candle—Lois Preheim

Welcome and Prayer

*Hymn—Brethren, We Have Met to Worship—VT 25

Kin-dom Report—Doris Whillock

Children’s Conversation—Tim Hodge

Scripture Reading—Luke 6:17-26—Karen Penner

Sermon—Called to join the Jesus community—Renee Reimer

*Hymn—Jesus Christ Is Waiting—VT 287

Prayers of God’s people—Lois Preheim

*Hymn—Beauty for Brokenness—VT 712

*Benediction—Renee Reimer

Postlude— Little Fugue in B-flat, (J.S. Bach)—Will Wiebe-Friesen

VT = Voices Together

Audio visual—Francis Toews

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, and Todd Schlosser

Music Ensemble—William Eash, Esther Eash, Barbara Thiesen, and Matt Schloneger