Category Archives: Upcoming Events

FUTURE BCMC EVENTS- An invitation; a book study; Wednesday night suppers; and more

Pastor Joanna invites you to stop by her house (508 Bluestem) on Saturday, October 12, 6:30-8:30 p.m. for a campfire (weather permitting), snacks, and general merriment. She and Ryan welcome this as an opportunity to continue getting to know this wonderful church community. 

Jill Robb and Megan Kohlman will be leading a book study of the book Woven: Nurturing a Faith Your Kid Doesn’t Have to Heal From by Meredith Miller.  Don’t have kids? Your kids are grown up? Come anyway! We will be discussing this book from the perspective of parents, a faith community that supports parents, and individuals who grew up in a faith community (maybe even one you had to heal from).  We plan to begin the book study Oct. 13 and discuss chapters 1, 2, and 3. Please meet us in the blue Sunday School room (Room 26) on the 2nd floor.  You can purchase Woven from Faith and Life bookstore, Amazon, or your favorite independent bookstore. We look forward to the conversation!

· Please plan to join us for supper and a program on Wednesday nights, October 16-November 20. The meal will begin at 6 p.m., followed by a program on “Exploring our Voices Together.” We will use material from the Voices Together editorial team to explore a variety of themes in our new(ish) hymnals and beyond. There will be opportunities for discussion and plenty of singing! 

Be sure to mark your calendar for October 23 when we will have a special Wednesday program–a concert from singer/songwriter Jon Troast. Jon is a folk musician who grew up and lives in the Midwest and gives house concerts across the country.  A talented instrumentalist and singer/songwriter, his music is engaging, and his lyrics are deep. A treat for all ages, you won’t want to miss this special concert.

· Faith Formation Commission is sponsoring a visit to the P&M Pumpkin Patch, Sat., Oct. 26, 3-7 p.m.  All are invited! 

Newton Area church’s  Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Meat Canning dates are October 29, 30, and 31.  Make checks to BCMC with “MCC Meat Canning” in the memo line.  We also need volunteers to help with the canning.  The link for work signup is:   If this doesn’t work, just show up—they’ll probably need you.  Let’s help feed the hungry people in our world!  —Lowell Stucky, BCMC Meat Canning Representative

Looking ahead to Advent:
This year as we prepare our hearts for Christmas, we will explore the stories of the women from Jesus’ genealogy (Matthew 1:1-17). For our worship in Advent, we will use the book Pastor Joanna has written: Expecting Emmanuel. In addition to worship material, the book contains daily devotional readings and a Sunday School/small group guide. If you would like to order a copy of the book for yourself (at a steep author’s discount) please let the church office know. We will place an order at the end of October