Category Archives: Announcements

Come to Wednesday Night Suppers!

Join with others from the BCMC church community for food, fellowship and conversation.  Invite a new friend and meet long-time friends for the meal together in Fellowship Hall.

Wednesday Night Schedule in Fellowship Hall
From 6 pm to 7:30 pm

From 6 pm to 6:15 pm:   The meal serving line will be open to get food, be seated, and begin eating. There will be one basket at the food line to receive donations for supper. Suggested donation is $5 per person or $15 per family. (Proceeds above food expenses go to the Kitchen Fund for supplies and future improvements).  Please bring your own table service.

At 6:20 pm:  A welcome, announcements and a meal blessing.

6:30 – 7:30 pm—Continuing the Conversation…Following Wednesday evening suppers this spring there will be opportunity to continue the conversation related to congregational process and response to sexual boundary violations among us.  Topics will include: sexual trauma and its impact on victims, guidance from the wider church, and the role of restorative justice.  More specific information regarding the sessions will follow in coming weeks.

Choirs and Children’s and Youth Clubs

From 6:30 to 9:30 pm

6:30—7:15      Cherub Choir (grades K-4)          Room 24

Junior Choir (grades 5-8)            Room 28

7:00—8:00      Senior High Youth Group            Room 22  (grades 9-12)

7:15—8:00      Junior High Club (grades 5-8)     Room 26  For 5th through 8th graders.  Join us for discussions, games, speakers, and field trips.   Matt and Jenni Koontz, Heather and Jon Zerger, leaders

7:15—8:00      Journey Club (grades K-4)           Room B8
This active club is for Kindergarten to 4th graders to explore our world and church community through games, guests, field trips and other hands-on activities.  Come join the fun!  Matt Schloneger, leader

7:30—8:30      Chancel Choir (adults)                  Sanctuary Chancel

8:30—9:30      Chancel Bells                                Room B7










Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner!

This annual event hosted by the Hospitality Commission, will be Feb. 24.  The Host will provide the main dish, the beverage and maybe the bread. The guest will provide either a vegetable, salad, dessert, and maybe the bread.  As guests, you will find out Feb. 17, what dish you will provide and as a  host, you will find out the number of guests you will have.  The morning of Feb. 24, the guests are given their destination. At noon, the hosts find out who their guests are. It’s a fun event that encourages time to get to know others in a relaxed setting and an added bonus of helping chase away the winter blues! 


Junior High Club Fundraiser this Sunday, February 3

After the worship service on Sunday, Feb. 3, the members of the Jr. High Club will be selling an assortment of Super Bowl snacks to satisfy your sweet and savory cravings during the game. Snacks will be sold by donation. Donations will go toward the Junior High Fund, which is used to support activities like Snow Camp and Know Jesus.  The goal for this fundraiser is $1500.  (IRS allows charitable deductions for the amount of the contribution in excess of the value of the item received.  To receive a record of your charitable donation, please make a check payable to BCMC and enter Junior High Fund in the memo along with the amount that is a a charitable contribution).  We appreciate your support of our Jr. High Club members.


Senior High Youth Group Soup and Dessert Lunch and Congregational Meeting

Mark your calendars for a congregation meeting January 27, 2019, 1 pm. 

Senior High Youth group members will be serving a Soup and Dessert lunch Sun., Jan 27 in the Fellowship Hall to raise funds for their trip to MennoCon19 (convention) in Kansas City this summer.  Their target goal for this meal is $4,000.  If you are interested in donating bread for this event, please be in touch with Ben Lichti (




Happy New Year!

Paths of Steadfast Love and Faithfulness
Advent 2018 – Epiphany 2019
Bethel College Mennonite Church

Advent is a time for us to remember that in response to the pain of this world, God comes to us in Jesus, God’s path of steadfast love and faithfulness  (Psalm 25:10).  We are invited to wait and watch and wonder:  what does this path look like? Where do we see bits of it breaking into our world,here and now?  How might we be invited to walk alongside Jesus on it?

As we enter into this season of waiting and longing, consider joining the psalmist in this prayer from Psalm 25:4-5:  Make us to know your ways, O LORD; teach us your paths.  Lead us in your truth and teach us, for you are the God of our salvation; for you we wait all day long. 

January 6, 2019—Epiphany Sunday
Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12
9:30 am   Worship with sermon by Dawn Yoder Harms; music by
Andrew Thiesen, trombone
4 pm  Candle-lighting in memory of BCMC members and friends who died in 2018 — BCMC Sanctuary 

Advent giving project:  The BCMC Witness Commission invites you to participate in this year’s project benefiting New Hope Shelter.








A Message from the Search Committee

With God’s guidance, our church is seeking an Associate Pastor for Faith Formation. As in the past, they will oversee ministries for youth and young adults, plus programs of Christian education and nurture at BCMC. Members of the Search Committee are Suzy Burch, Marlene Ewert, Carol Flickinger, Dale Schrag, Dave Linscheid (chair) and pastor Dawn Yoder Harms (ex officio). The group will work closely with Western District Conference regional pastor Kathy Neufeld Dunn. They welcome your prayers as the search process gets under way.







June is Torture Awareness Month

June is Torture Awareness Month. The National Religious Campaign Against Torture, a coalition of over 300 diverse religious organizations, mobilizes people of faith to end torture in U.S. policy, practice and culture. You can find more information about NRCAT and ideas for how to join in this work at www.ncrat/orange.


Deadline is June 10 to sign up for the BCMC Bulk Order of Rejoice

BCMC does a bulk order for Rejoice! the MennoMedia daily devotional magazine for those who pay the $29.50 annual subscription fee.  Copies are delivered to the church each quarter and put in church mailboxes. Subscription year is Sept. 2018-Aug. 2019.  To place an order for Rejoice!, remit your payment to the church office by Monday, June 10. 

Make checks payable to Bethel College Mennonite Church; on check memo line write “Rejoice subscription.”



Vacation Bible School 2018 started May 29 and will conclude June 1 at BCMC from 8:45 am–11:45 am each morning. Once again, BCMC partners with New Creation Fellowship for the week. The theme of VBS 2018 is Peace Lab and is focusing on helping children become practical peacemakers in the way of Jesus. 

VBS is a fun-filled week of worship, learning, and play. We’re having a  great time together!



BCMC Retreat at Camp Mennoscah

The third annual BCMC Retreat at Camp Mennoscah will be May 5 and 6! There will again be all kinds of fun,  and this year, Halstead First Mennonite has been invited to join us in the fun. We’ll share worship, meals, and fellowship as we get together at Camp Mennoscah. Registration forms were in your mailbox with extra copies by the mailboxes.  Contact Adam Robb with any questions. Looking forward to seeing you there!