Category Archives: Announcements

Announcements for January 8-15, 2021

Newton Community for Racial Justice worked to put together a video for MLK Day of Service. Take a look to hear Newton leaders talk about antiracism and MLK. You may even recognize some BCMC folks! Click here to watch the video.

Junior High Club and Super Bowl Snack Fundraiser
This is the time of year when Jr. High Club sponsors and members start planning for the much-anticipated Super Bowl Snack fundraiser, which is held on Super Bowl Sunday. Given the current circumstances with COVID-19, we believe it is safest to cancel the annual fundraiser this year rather than try to proceed, even in a modified format. However, if you would still like to support the Jr. High Club with a financial gift, you are welcome to do so. We thank you for your continued support and will plan to be back for Super Bowl LVI in 2022!

A Message from the BCMC Visual Arts Committee
The Tempestry wall hanging, a project of BCMC’s Visual Arts Committee, was originally scheduled to be unveiled in April 2020 in the Gathering Place at BCMC.  Due to the interruption of the pandemic, it will be hung at the Et Cetera Shop in Newton for several weeks beginning mid-January 2021, and then displayed at BCMC for a longer period when we gather again.  The seven panels feature a row of knitted yarn representing the high temperature for each day in twenty year increments, from1897 (when BCMC began) through 2019.  Thanks to skilled knitters Sara Dick, Esther Kreider Eash, Deane Frey, Mary Goering, Marilyn Harrold, Peggy Souder and  Lenore Waltner who participated in creating this visual art piece. 

Mon., Jan. 18, 6:30 p.m.
Bethel College’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration will feature spoken word artist M’Vyonne Payne and former pro athlete and motivational speaker Chris Singleton. 
The event will be held in Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center, with COVID protocols in place, and will also be live-streamed via YouTube at Sponsors are the Bethel College Diversity Council, Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Student Life Office, with support from the Bethel College Women’s Association. 

COVID Lighting Memorial
The Presidential Inauguration Committee will host a memorial to honor the lives lost to Covid-19 on Tuesday, January 19 at 4:30 p.m. in cities and towns across the U.S.   A Washington D.C. memorial will feature a lighting around the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool. It will be the first ever lighting memorial to honor lives lost.  The Inauguration Committee is inviting cities and towns across the country to join Washington D.C. in lighting buildings and ringing church bells in a national moment of unity and remembrance. 
You can participate by lighting a candle in your window. 
“In the midst of a pandemic — when so many Americans are grieving the loss of family, friends, and neighbors — it is important that we honor those who have died, reflect on what has been one of the more challenging periods in the nation’s history, and renew our commitment to coming together to end the pandemic and rebuild our nation.”

Join Mennonite Central Committee for a free webinar: The Spiritual Cost of Doctrine of Discovery. Mark Charles, a Navajo activist, speaker, and author will be presenting on The Spiritual Cost of Doctrine of Discovery. Along with Soong-Chan Rah, Mark is the author of Unsettling Truths: The ongoing, dehumanizing legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery, Intervarsity Press (2019). The free webinar will take place on Thursday, January 21, from 10-11:30 CST. Please register by January 20 at to receive the webinar link. 

Congregational Meeting will be January 31 
Mark your calendars now for the upcoming Congregational Meeting on Sunday, January 31, 2021, at 1pm.  The meeting will be held via Zoom and agenda includes approval of the proposed 2021 church budget. Agenda and other reports will be made available ahead of time (more details to follow).

Great news from the BCMC Finance Manager
Great news!  2020 is over, and the church ended the year with a surplus!  We were even able to send additional monies to all the organizations supported by the Witness Commission!  I have received some questions regarding the end of year contributions reports.  If you have any questions or concerns about yours, please let me know by email or telephone (316-283-2660).  ~  Mike Claassen, Finance Manager
BCMC Offerings
December 24:
  General Fund $5,284; Sr Hi Youth $25; Gen Fund 2021 $4,025; Caring Fund $350; Living Stones $125; Women’s Fellowship $260; Miscellaneious $252.95
December 31:  General Fund $2,975; Caring Fund $1,175; Living Stones $2,500.
January 7, 2021:  General Fund $15,533.92; Caring Fund $1,550; Living Stones $1,315; Peace Garden $2,000; Carl Thieszen Memorial $50.

Everence to hold Medicare webinar: Tuesday, Jan. 19
Everence will host its popular workshop, Make Medicare an easy step, as a webinar on Tuesday, Jan. 19 at 6:30 p.m. Attendees will learn about the various Medicare plans and what they cover; plans that supplement Medicare; and enrollment details and deadlines. This webinar is free. Please register by contacting our office at 877-467-7294, 316-283-3800 or   *Attendance is recommended for those approaching retirement or those ready to sign up for Medicare. 

Western District Conferece Annual Assembly Resolutions
The Assembly will be held July 30-Aug 1, in a hybrid model with the possibility of both virtual and in-person activities. WDC encourages the development of resolutions that facilitate discernment, educate, build unity, and provide an area conference understanding while acknowledging dissenting voices.  Any proposed church statement should be discerned through congregations or WDC commissions and task forces and submitted for consideration to the WDC Resolutions Committee a minimum of 120 days prior to annual conference sessions (April 2, 2021).   

Camp Mennoscah announcements
1.  Applications for Camp Mennoscah Summer Staff positions are now being accepted!  Although there is a chance positions will change to meet the needs of pandemic-impacted summer youth camps, the current leadership positions are naturalist, crafts leader, lifeguard, grounds/maintenance, music leader, office, and all-round/media. For those 21 years old or older, there is also a Director of Support opening.  Find the application and information online at under Summer Youth Camps!
2.  Celebrate the new year by coming to Camp Mennoscah!  Camp Mennoscah is a wonderful space for families and groups needing space to spread out!  Facilities for differently sized groups are available with a variety of gathering areas.  Trails and fields are waiting to be hiked and used for fun activities, too!  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 or to reserve.  You are invited to enjoy this sacred space!
3.  Thank you, Allen and Janet!  After 40 years of dedicated service as program directors at Camp Mennoscah, Allen Jantz and Janet McGillivary are retiring.  We know them in part for their wonderfully caring and carefully planned camp week and for Allen’s lunchtime skits and Janet’s lanyard-making.  We celebrate these years shared with Camp Mennoscah and wish them the best in new adventures!  See you at Camp Mennoscah again soon, Allen and Janet!

Mennonite church announcements
Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary is offering two new scholarships:

  • The Multicultural Church Scholarship is for students who are currently serving in or preparing for ministry assignments in a multicultural context and/or who belong to historically underrepresented racial or ethnic groups within the Mennonite Church. Each year, this award will provide a limited number of 100-percent tuition grants to full-time students beginning a master’s program, or a limited number of 75-percent tuition grants to part-time students beginning a master’s program.
  • The MDiv Connect Student Scholarship provides a limited number of 75-percent tuition grants to students beginning the Master of Divinity (MDiv) Connect program.

For more information:

Common Read
Join others across WDC to discuss I Am Not Your Enemy: Stories to Transform a Divided World by Michael T. McRay.  This Common Read is a partnership between Herald Press, MC Canada, and MC USA.  WDC-based Zoom discussions will take place on Jan. 28, 7-8pm. Join for one or both discussions. To borrow a copy of the book (limited number) or to register for the discussion, email 

Sat., Jan. 30 – Kauffman Museum annual Kansas Day event, “Our Stories, Our Foods.” Starting at 11 a.m. – food trucks, local producer booths and take-it-home crafts, museum parking lot and grounds; 11 a.m. via ZoomGlen Ediger, North Newton: stories about Mennonite ethnic foods; 2 p.m. via Zoom: Jenny Masias, Newton: “The Immigrants Who Built Newton: One Spike at a Time”; walking tour to the eight “Stories Along the Trail” sites in North Newton. Please note that face coverings must be worn and distancing guidelines followed on Kauffman Museum and all Bethel College propertyTo get Zoom links, go to the Kauffman Museum Facebook page or

The KIPCOR Film Series at Bethel College is serving up a second helping of Cooked: Survival by Zip Code, which focuses on the deadly 1995 Chicago heat wave to illustrate how Black, Indigenous and People of Color and low-income citizens suffer the most negative impact from natural disasters. The film is an indictment of U.S. disaster preparedness, and connects extreme weather, extreme disparity (income and other) and extreme racism. Go to, “Film Series,” for a link to watch Cooked for free and a link to register for the Feb. 7 virtual discussionadvance registration is required to participate in the discussion, which will be held in break-out rooms, with leaders who include Chicagoans who experienced the 1995 heat disaster.Letter from Jim Robb, Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale Chair
Please put July 2 and 3, 2021 on your church calendar for this year’s MCC Sale.  We are hoping and praying that COVID-19 will be under control by July so we can hold the MCC Sale this year. Click on this link to read the letter.

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request
Mennonite Mission Network praises God for DOOR’s (Discovering Opportunities for Outreach and Reflection) creative adaptation of leadership training programs in the COVID-19 era. Pray for all the young people who have engaged with the Teaching Collective series, which offer a virtual space for discussions centered around race, gender, trauma and healing. DOOR organizes opportunities to experience God in urban settings.

Western District Conference Prayer Request
Pray for God’s wisdom for WDC church leaders, as they continue to discern how best to guide congregational life during the pandemic.

Announcements for January 1-8, 2021

Sun., Jan. 10, 3 p.m
Retired pastor Florence Schloneger, North Newton, and Pauline Sharp, Wichita, a Kaw tribal member and board member of the Kanza Heritage Society, will give a virtual presentation, sharing their family stories related to land ownership, economics, education and identity. This is in connection with the special exhibit at Bethel College’s Kauffman Museum, “Crossroads: Change in Rural America.” Schloneger’s ancestors immigrated to Kansas in the 1800s while Sharp’s relatives, members of the Kanza (Kaw) tribe, lived in central Kansas for centuries before the arrival of Europeans. Sign up for the Zoom link at The event will also be on Facebook Live on the Kauffman Museum Facebook page.

A Message from the BCMC Visual Arts Committee

The Tempestry wall hanging, a project of BCMC’s Visual Arts Committee, was originally scheduled to be unveiled in April 2020 in the Gathering Place at BCMC.  Due to the interruption of the pandemic, it will be hung at the Et Cetera Shop in Newton for several weeks beginning mid-January 2021, and then displayed at BCMC for a longer period when we gather again.  The seven panels feature a row of knitted yarn representing the high temperature for each day in twenty year increments, from1897 (when BCMC began) through 2019.  Thanks to skilled knitters Sara Dick, Esther Kreider Eash, Deane Frey, Mary Goering, Marilyn Harrold, Peggy Souder and  Lenore Waltner who participated in creating this visual art piece. 

Congregational Meeting will be January 31 
Mark your calendars now for the upcoming Congregational Meeting on Sunday, January 31, 2021, at 1pm.  The meeting will be held via Zoom and agenda includes approval of the proposed 2021 church budget. Agenda and other reports will be made available ahead of time (more details to follow).

Great news from the BCMC Finance Manager
Great news!  2020 is over, and the church ended the year with a surplus!  We were even able to send additional monies to all the organizations supported by the Witness Commission!  I have received some questions regarding the end of year contributions reports.  If you have any questions or concerns about yours, please let me know by email ( or telephone (316-283-2660).  ~  Mike Claassen, Finance Manager

Everence to hold Medicare webinar: Tuesday, Jan. 19
Everence will host its popular workshop, Make Medicare an easy step, as a webinar on Tuesday, Jan. 19 at 6:30 p.m. Attendees will learn about the various Medicare plans and what they cover; plans that supplement Medicare; and enrollment details and deadlines. This webinar is free. Please register by contacting our office at 877-467-7294, 316-283-3800 or   *Attendance is recommended for those approaching retirement or those ready to sign up for Medicare. 

Western District Conferece Annual Assembly Resolutions
The Assembly will be held July 30-Aug 1, in a hybrid model with the possibility of both virtual and in-person activities. WDC encourages the development of resolutions that facilitate discernment, educate, build unity, and provide an area conference understanding while acknowledging dissenting voices.  Any proposed church statement should be discerned through congregations or WDC commissions and task forces and submitted for consideration to the WDC Resolutions Committee a minimum of 120 days prior to annual conference sessions (April 2, 2021).   

Common Read
Join others across WDC to discuss I Am Not Your Enemy: Stories to Transform a Divided World by Michael T. McRay.  This Common Read is a partnership between Herald Press, MC Canada, and MC USA.  WDC-based Zoom discussions will take place on Jan. 11, 11:30am-12:30pm and Jan. 28, 7-8pm. Join for one or both discussions. To borrow a copy of the book (limited number) or to register for the discussion, email

Kauffman Museum at Bethel College is partnering with Humanities Kansas to host the Smithsonian traveling exhibit “Crossroads: Change in Rural America” through Jan. 17. Accompanying it is a local companion exhibit, “Of Land and People: Our Community at the Crossroads,” created from the museum’s permanent exhibit “Of Land and People.” The museum is open 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Tues.-Fri; 1:30-4:30 p.m., Sat.-Sunday; and closed Mondays and major holidays. Admission to the “Crossroads” exhibit is free on Saturdays

Mon., Jan. 18, 6:30 p.m.
Bethel College’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration will feature spoken word artist M’Vyonne Payne and former pro athlete and motivational speaker Chris Singleton. 
The event will be held in Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center, with COVID protocols in place, and will also be live-streamed via YouTube at Sponsors are the Bethel College Diversity Council, Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and Student Life Office, with support from the Bethel College Women’s Association. 

Letter from Jim Robb, Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale Chair
Please put July 2 and 3, 2021 on your church calendar for this year’s MCC Sale.  We are hoping and praying that COVID-19 will be under control by July so we can hold the MCC Sale this year. Click on this link to read the letter.

Camp Mennoscah announcements
1.  Applications for Camp Mennoscah Summer Staff positions are now being accepted!  Although there is a chance positions will change to meet the needs of pandemic-impacted summer youth camps, the current summer staff leadership positions are naturalist, crafts leader, lifeguard, grounds/maintenance, music leader, office, and all-round/media. For those 21 years old or older, there is also a Director of Support opening.  Find the application and information online at under Summer Youth Camps!
2. Celebrate the new year by coming to Camp Mennoscah!  Camp Mennoscah is a wonderful space for families and groups needing space to spread out!  Facilities for differently sized groups are available with a variety of gathering areas.  Trails and fields are waiting to be hiked and used for fun activities, too!  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 or to reserve.  You are invited to enjoy this sacred space!
3.  A few extra Camp Mennoscah hoodies are available!  (Adult sizes only.)  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 or  Grab yours before they’re gone!
4.  Thank you, Allen and Janet!  After 40 years of dedicated service as program directors at Camp Mennoscah, Allen Jantz and Janet McGillivary are retiring.  We know them in part for their wonderfully caring and carefully planned camp week and for Allen’s lunchtime skits and Janet’s lanyard-making.  We celebrate these years shared with Camp Mennoscah and wish them the best in new adventures!  See you at Camp Mennoscah again soon, Allen and Janet!
5.  The Camp Mennoscah Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Olivia Bartel has accepted the position of Executive Director. Olivia has an undergraduate degree from Bethel College and a Master of Arts from AMBS with a focus in Theological Studies.  She has been with Camp Mennoscah since 2008 and is a familiar face on campgrounds and at camp sponsored events.  Olivia has a tremendous passion for Camp Mennoscah’s mission and building relationships.  She has been instrumental in developing new programming such as the Scrapbooking and Crafts Retreats.  She has also updated and strengthened the staff training program to promote safe boundaries.  Most of what Olivia does, however, has been behind the scenes to ensure everyone feels welcomed and has a good experience.  Olivia will continue to be responsible for camp programming while taking on additional supervisory and executive responsibilities.  Please join us in congratulating Olivia on her promotion and welcoming her to the role of Executive Director.

Mennonite Central Committee Webinars on Service Opportunities
Are you ready to step out and into service? To spend a year serving abroad or the summer serving your church or a local community organization? Check out the webinars happening this winter that will introduce these MCC service opportunities to you! Learn more at

Everence announcements
1.  Apply now for a 2021-22 scholarship. Our church’s faith-based partner, Everence, wants to help people nurture their talents. If you or your parents are or become Everence members and you will be enrolled in a college or trade school next fall, apply for an Everence College Scholarship of up to $3,000 before March 10. Visit for guidelines and an application. 
2.  Buying or refinancing a home? Buying is one of the biggest purchases you’ll ever make. Figuring out the financial side of purchasing or refinancing can be hard. Answer the key financial purchase questions from our faith-based partner, Go to the Everence website.  
3.  Read Toolkit to care for your God-given gifts. Learn tips and ideas about how to care for whatever we receive from God. Look at the current issue of Toolkit (in your mailboxes at the church) from our faith-based partner, Everence.

The Rocky Mountain January newsletter is here!  Have a look at the latest/greatest related to camp programs, volunteer and donor news/needs and other happenings at RMMC. All newsletters are posted in the “News” tab under “About Us” on the camp website.  Corbin Graber on behalf of the camp board and staff members

Announcements for December 18-25, 2020

Lessons and Carols Christmas Eve tradition continues at BCMC this year!  The service will be pre-recorded and made available for you to watch at your convenience on Christmas Eve.  If you would like to have a DVD of the service, contact the church office.

Worship on Sunday December 27 will include ample time for Christmas carols throughout the service (30 minutes to be exact)!
Service of Remembrance, January 3
The Deacons will be hosting our traditional Service of Remembrance on January 3, at 4 pm.  This service is a way of remembering those who have passed away in 2020.  If you would like to attend the service in order to light a candle for your loved one, or if you have someone you would like us to remember please contact Nathan Koontz at  Due to COVID 19 restrictions, each loved one will only be allowed to have two people in attendance.  RSVP to Nathan is necessary so that we can make proper safety arrangements for all who wish to attend. This service will be live-streamed and also available to watch via YouTube at a later time.     

As Christmas approaches we are provided an opportunity to be generous and exhibit care to those around us.   One of the ways BCMC provides help for those in need is through the Caring Fund, administered by the Deacon Commission. In the past year we have sent funds to 5 different agencies, and several individuals.  This is an opportunity for you to help replenish the Caring Fund as more needs are expected to become apparent to us. Please help us provide funds for those individuals that need food, rent, utilities,  and for organizations that provide shelter, assistance and care for those in this community, this country, and around the world.  Please contribute by earmarking your contribution for the Caring Fund. Thanks, Jim Robb, Deacon Chair
The Witness Commission has chosen two Advent gift projects for our congregation this year, both addressing COVID 19 related needs:  
The Covid 19 Congregational Relief Fund provides grants to help Anabaptist-related churches  meet their congregational financial needs (such as rent, mortgage, utilities, staff salaries, etc.) or to assist families and individuals in their midst in recovering from COVID-19 hardships.  Priority is given to racially and ethnically diverse churches serving in historically under-resourced communities.   To contribute to this fund, click here. 
The Harvest of Love is a support program managed by the Newton Ministerial Alliance (NMA). When the program started, it was originally to provide food assistance to those who were in need. By now the Harvest of Love also provides support for people in need of rent, utility, and other types of financial assistance. The Harvest of Love is run out of the Salvation Army food pantry. During COVID-19, the need for assistance has been on the rise. To help our community, the Harvest of Love has removed restrictions on how often a family can receive food and financial assistance. 
You can contribute to the Harvest of Love in two ways. You can drop off material donations at 208 W 6th St, Newton. For monetary donations please make your check payable to Harvest of Love. You can mail your monetary donation to Newton Ministerial Alliance, PO Box 1084, Newton, KS 67114

Financial Update
Great news!  December has been a terrific month for contributions, and the church should end the year with a surplus!  Thank you to everyone for your contributions during this fiscally difficult year, and to the commissions and committees that curtailed their spending.  If you are still planning to send in a contribution intended for 2020, please keep in mind that all contributions received by December 31 will be categorized as being for 2020.  Any received after December 31 will go toward 2021 intents.  If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know by email ( or telephone (316-283-2660).  ~  Mike Claassen, Finance Manager
Church Office Holiday Closings
The church office will be closed in the afternoons from now until December 23 due to staff vacation time
.  Whether the office is open or not, you can always be in touch with pastors by giving them a call on their cell phones (listed in church directory).
The church office will be closed Dec 25 – Jan 3 for staff vacation.  Pastor Dawn will be working from home and available by phone or email.

Kauffman Museum at Bethel College is partnering with Humanities Kansas to host the Smithsonian traveling exhibit “Crossroads: Change in Rural America” through Jan. 17. Accompanying it is a local companion exhibit, “Of Land and People: Our Community at the Crossroads,” created from the museum’s permanent exhibit “Of Land and People.” The museum is open 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Tues.-Fri (early close at 1 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 24, and Thursday, Dec. 31); 1:30-4:30 p.m., Sat.-Sunday; and closed Mondays and major holidays (Friday, Dec. 25, Friday, Jan. 1). Admission to the “Crossroads” exhibit is free on Saturdays.
Western District Conference  announcement

The WDC office and Resource Library remains closed due to Covid-19 precautions, and staff members are working from their homes.  Note that staff will take holiday and vacation time December 24 through January 3, 2021, and will be available beginning January 4. 

Camp Mennoscah announcements
1. A Christmas full of light and love to all of you!  The Camp Mennoscah staff and Board of Directors prays for you to find Christ’s love and joy during this not-as-usual Christmas season.  May you find hope, joy, and peace in your celebrations.
2. Camp Mennoscah is a wonderful space for families and groups needing space to spread out!  Facilities for differently sized groups are available with a variety of gathering areas.  Trails and fields are waiting to be hiked and used for fun activities, too!  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 or to reserve!  You are invited to enjoy this sacred space!
3. A few extra Camp Mennoscah hoodies are available!  (Adult sizes only.)  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 or  Grab yours before they’re gone!
Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Join Mennonite Mission Network in praying for the peace witness of the Meserete Kristos Church in Ethiopia amid the conflict between the government of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and the Northern Tigray region.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  As we celebrate Christmas, give thanks for the gift of multicultural diversity within WDC, and the many different ways congregations embody the presence of Christ.

 Merry Christmas from Mennonite Mission Network
View this email in your browser
A Christmas blessingThe Lord bless you and keep you…and give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26 (NIV) The blessing that God told Moses to give the Israelites is the same one that we send to you today. May the Lord bless you and keep you in this holiday season, and may God’s peace be with you this coming year. ​Work on “The Blessing” started when six-year-old Aliyah Wigginton-Bravo in Ecuador, told her parents Peter Wigginton and Delicia Bravo that she thought it would be fun to ask Mission Network people in different countries to make a video together. Peter coordinated the project with Josh Garber in Spain working on the audio. Mission Network workers and partners in six countries participated with their voices and instruments.  The blessing of your prayers and support make it possible for our workers to be the presence of Christ around the world. This music video comes to you today as a Christmas blessing with heartfelt thanks for your partnership with Mennonite Mission Network.”The Blessing” was written by Chris Brown, Cody Carnes, Kari Jobe and Steven Furtick. 
Merry Christmas! 
Joe Sawatzky

Mennonite Mission Network Church Relations Representative

Announcements for December 11-18, 2020

Renee is looking for pictures of your advent wreath to use in our worship service on December 20th. Please send a picture of your advent wreath to her by December 15th at to be included!

Lessons and Carols Christmas Eve tradition continues at BCMC this year!  The service will be pre-recorded and made available for you to watch at your convenience on Christmas Eve.

December 27 worship will be a service centered around Christmas carols. Send Verlene Garber the Christmas carol(s) you’d like to hear!  The service will begin at 10 am.  Verlene’s email is:  Phone is listed in church directory.

Technology Update
You can now livestream BCMC worship services easily by going to the homepage of the BCMC website and clicking on the green LIVE button to the right of the screen.  Thank you to Ken Lamp, Ben Lichti, Francis Toews, Bill Swartley, and Monica Lichti for their extra time, energy and effort to bring BCMC worship to us in our homes!

BCMC COVID-19 Update
The Reopen Task Group has been hard at work creating guidelines for safe gatherings at BCMC. You can be up to date with their work on the COVID-19 tab on the BCMC website. Currently, Harvey County is at a percent positivity rate of 11.66% as of December 8th, 2020. According to our guidelines this means that we will not have in-person worship or small group gatherings indoors (faith formation activities or committee/commission meetings). 

Staff Update
The church office will be closed in the afternoons from now until December 23 due to staff vacation time.  Whether the office is open or not, you can always be in touch with pastors by giving them a call on their cell phones (listed in church directory).

Financial Update
According to the latest numbers, enough contributions have been received to cover the elevator repair!  Based on the estimate from Regier Construction, we need $32,421 to cover the kitchen/fellowship hall renovation.  General fund contributions from January 1 through November 30 were $417,199 and expenses were $421,887, leaving a shortfall of $4,688. ~ Mike Claassen, BCMC Finance Manager
BCMC for December 6-13:  General Fund $10,687; Plant Fund $50; Caring Fund $1,350; Living Stones $385; Lynn Louck’s Memorial $20.

This Advent we are once again enjoying banners created by Bob Regier forty years ago. Thank you, Bob, for your artwork that keeps on giving!  This year we are seeing the banners from a different angle as they are displayed in the choir loft (within view of the camera). Thanks to Bill and Susie Swartley for the creation of the banner stands!   As you view the banners during worship, what do you see?  Consider writing a poem or brief reflection about what the banners help you see and experience throughout the season.

The Witness Commission has chosen two Advent gift projects for our congregation this year, both addressing COVID 19 related needs:  
The Covid 19 Congregational Relief Fund provides grants to help Anabaptist-related churches  meet their congregational financial needs (such as rent, mortgage, utilities, staff salaries, etc.) or to assist families and individuals in their midst in recovering from COVID-19 hardships.  Priority is given to racially and ethnically diverse churches serving in historically under-resourced communities.   To contribute to this fund, click here.

The Harvest of Love is a support program managed by the Newton Ministerial Alliance (NMA). When the program started, it was originally to provide food assistance to those who were in need. By now the Harvest of Love also provides support for people in need of rent, utility, and other types of financial assistance. The Harvest of Love is run out of the Salvation Army food pantry. During COVID-19, the need for assistance has been on the rise. To help our community, the Harvest of Love has removed restrictions on how often a family can receive food and financial assistance. 
You can contribute to the Harvest of Love in two ways. You can drop off material donations at 208 W 6th St, Newton. For monetary donations please make your check payable to Harvest of Love. You can mail your monetary donation to Newton Ministerial Alliance, PO Box 1084, Newton, KS 67114

Most of the Advent Books from the BCMC Library have been pulled and are on display in the checkout room, including most of the Everybody Books. Please feel free to come by and check out our eclectic offerings.

TODAY (Sunday, Dec. 13), 8 p.m. – All are invited to take part in Bethel College’s annual Lighting of the Green, from wherever you are. This long-standing Bethel Advent tradition celebrates the Light that shines in the darkness, the life and light of Christ who came into the world giving light to all humankind. Normally held on the Green in the center of campus, the gathering will take place virtually this year, live online (links follow) with some parts pre-recorded.YouTube: or Zoom:
Alternate instructions:  Go to, the URL for the Lighting of the Green press release, which contains both links.  Or
Go to, scroll to FEATURED NEWS, and click the Lighting of the Green article, where you will find both links.

MCC Comforter Blitz update: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2021 Kansas Friends of MCC Comforter Blitz in Yoder, KS has been canceled. However, the Blitz committee still has a goal of collecting at least 300 comforters between February and April. We need your help to meet this goal! Fabric kits and comforter sets to tie (top, back, and batting) are available to check out from MCC in North Newton. For contactless drop-off of completed comforters the 24-hour donation room is always available. To arrange drop-off or checkout materials, contact Kate at, or 316.804.8432.

KIPCOR’s 2020 Fall Newsletter
You can read the entire newsletter in a convenient “Flipsnack” format here:
Or find it on KIPCOR’s website here:

Announcements for December 4-11, 2020

Worship on Sunday December 27 will include ample time for Christmas carols throughout the service (30 minutes to be exact)! Please send Christmas carol requests to Verlene Garber to have your favorite tunes be included for that service.

This Advent we are once again enjoying banners created by Bob Regier forty years ago.
 Thank you, Bob, for your artwork that keeps on giving!  This year we are seeing the banners from a different angle as they are displayed in the choir loft (within view of the camera). Thanks to Bill and Susie Swartley for the creation of the banner stands!   
As you view the banners during worship, what do you see?  Consider writing a poem or brief reflection about what the banners help you see and experience throughout the season.
The Witness Commission has chosen two Advent gift projects for our congregation this year, both addressing COVID 19 related needs:  
The Covid 19 Congregational Relief Fund provides grants to help Anabaptist-related churches  meet their congregational financial needs (such as rent, mortgage, utilities, staff salaries, etc.) or to assist families and individuals in their midst in recovering from COVID-19 hardships.  Priority is given to racially and ethnically diverse churches serving in historically under-resourced communities.   To contribute to this fund, click here. 
The Harvest of Love is a support program managed by the Newton Ministerial Alliance (NMA). When the program started, it was originally to provide food assistance to those who were in need. By now the Harvest of Love also provides support for people in need of rent, utility, and other types of financial assistance. The Harvest of Love is run out of the Salvation Army food pantry. During COVID-19, the need for assistance has been on the rise. To help our community, the Harvest of Love has removed restrictions on how often a family can receive food and financial assistance. 
You can contribute to the Harvest of Love in two ways. You can drop off material donations at 208 W 6th St, Newton. For monetary donations please make your check payable to Harvest of Love. You can mail your monetary donation to Newton Ministerial Alliance, PO Box 1084, Newton, KS 67114

Most of the Advent Books from the BCMC Library have been pulled and are on display in the checkout room, including most of the Everybody Books. Please feel free to come by and check out our eclectic offerings.

Western District Conference – WDC Garden
You are invited to read the December 2020/January/February 2021 issue of WDC’s quarterly newsletter, WDC Garden, now available at:

Free resource from Mennonite Central Committee (MCC): Learning about generosity! Help children learn about generosity with MCC printable worksheets including activities, a story, a craft to make and Christmas gift ideas that benefit global neighbors with colorable greeting cards, find it all at Explore the full list of Christmas giving options from MCC at
A memorable, meaningful and unique MCC gift to give this Christmas! Grab a piece of MCC history to use in a modern day Mennonite feeding station – your home! Get one for yourself and order more for family and friends. Hang it on the wall in your kitchen or dining room, display it on a shelf or use it as a serving tray! Remember the kitchen at your church, too. Each tray was uniquely handcrafted by an artisan in Siberia using Siberian hardwood. The tray is 16” in diameter and 2” deep. Suggested donation per tray is $150. Full details and pictures are available at

The Rocky Mountain December newsletter is here!
The newsletter shares stories about what is going on at camp. Read about past and future programs, hear about the important support of our volunteers and donors, and see the “Spotted” photo of someone with their trading post items.
All newsletters are posted on the camp website from the “About Us” tab and then selecting “News” for easy access to this and other newsletter posts.

TODAY (Sunday, Dec. 6), 7-8:30 p.m. – Bethel College alumni and others who studied organ with Shirley Sprunger King are invited to a virtual reunion with Shirley and other organ alumni. RSVP by 3 p.m. Sunday, by clicking, to receive the link to the Zoom meeting, hosted by Bethel instructor of organ Donna (Ratzlaff) Hetrick.
Sunday, Dec. 13, 8 p.m. – All are invited to take part in Bethel College’s annual Lighting of the Green, from wherever you are. This long-standing Bethel Advent tradition celebrates the Light that shines in the darkness, the life and light of Christ who came into the world giving light to all humankind. Normally held on the Green in the center of campus, the gathering will take place virtually this year, live online (links follow) with some parts pre-recorded.
YouTube: or Zoom:
Kauffman Museum at Bethel College is hosting the Smithsonian traveling exhibit “Crossroads: Change in Rural America” through Jan. 17. Accompanying it is a local companion exhibit, “Of Land and People: Our Community at the Crossroads,” created from the museum’s permanent exhibit “Of Land and People.” The museum is open 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Tues.-Fri; 1:30-4:30 p.m., Sat.-Sunday; and closed Mondays and major holidays. Admission to the “Crossroads” exhibit is free on Saturdays.
Sunday, Dec. 13, 3 p.m. – Gene Chávez, Ed.D., Shawnee, Kan., will give a virtual presentation on the rich history of Mexican immigration to Kansas and the journey of the humble but important flour tortilla. This Kauffman Museum “Sunday-Afternoon-at-the-Museum” program is connected to the museum’s current special exhibit, “Crossroads: Change in Rural America.” Visit the museum website ( and/or Facebook page for registration instructions.

Everence to hold Social Security and retirement income planning webinar 
Everence will host a Social Security and retirement income planning webinar, on Monday, Dec. 14 at 6:30 p.m. Attendees will learn about Social Security strategies, risks that can impact retirement savings and strategies to help income last throughout retirement. This online workshop is free. Register soon by contacting our office at 316-283-3800, 877-467-7294 or 

THANK YOU from Mennonite Mission Network 
Dear Friend,On behalf of everyone at Mennonite Mission Network, thank you for your generosity this Giving Tuesday. Because of your gift, we raised more than $20,000. I thank God for the support we have received from you, particularly during this year, which has been challenging for many. Your support is a beacon of hope to all of us at Mission Network, as we strive to equip the church to “Be the Gospel” in local communities and abroad.  Last month, I shared my vision for Mission Network during a virtual interview, hosted by our Marketing and Communications Director Faith Bell. Please enjoy listening to an audio recording of the interview on our website.

Thank you again, and may the grace and peace of our Lord accompany you and your family through this holiday season and into the coming year. 

Preparing the Way – Advent 2

Announcements for November 27-December 4, 2020

Thanks to those of you who have already submitted your bcmcXpress annual intent form!  Please submit your intent form by December 1 — Finance Committee (Al Peters. Judy Friesen, Paul Harder, Gwen Neufeld, LaVern Stucky; Mike Claassen, Finance Manager).
As Christmas approaches we are provided an opportunity to be generous and exhibit care to those around us.  One of the ways BCMC provides help for those in need is through the Caring Fund, administered by the Deacon Commission. In the past year we have sent funds to 5 different agencies, and several individuals.  This is an opportunity for you to help replenish the Caring Fund as more needs are expected to become apparent to us. Please help us provide funds for those individuals that need food, rent, utilities,  and for organizations that provide shelter, assistance and care for those in this community, this country, and around the world.  Please contribute by earmarking your contribution for the Caring Fund. Thanks, Jim Robb, Deacon Chair
Thank you to Judy Friesen, who created the lovely Thanksgiving centerpiece for our worship this past Sunday! 
Thanks also to Brenda Turner for putting up the swag above the choir loft and the Advent wreath this week. 

The construction people have informed us that they need to have the electricity off in the church building Monday, therefore, the church will be closed Monday, November 30.   

BCMC Offering for November 22-29:  General Fund $10,622; Kitchen Fund $100; MCC Meat Canning $490; General Fund 2021 $12,332.45; Living Stones $60; Peace Garden $25; Elevator Repair $100; Marvin Holck Memorial $25.
Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  David and Sophie Lapp Jost of Mennonite Mission Network live in Germany but were on the Greek island of Lesbos to witness more than 12,000 people displaced by a fire that burned a migrant camp. Pray that God’s people throughout the world will open their hearts to welcome as neighbors those who without homes. 
Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for God’s hope and encouragement for WDC congregations that have suffered significant loss and stress during the pandemic.

Giving Tuesday is December 1 – Western District Conference invites you to join this global giving initiative! Share a gift with WDC during this season, to help our congregations Witness & invite others to faith in Jesus Christ, Dwell in just & loving relationships, and Connect to God’s mission in the world. You may make an online contribution HERE or send a check to Western District Conference, PO Box 306, North Newton KS  67117. Thank you for your generosity!  

Order Christmas goodies and gifts at Bethel College Women’s Association online market. Find hand made crafts, and one-of-a-kind items, and fresh homemade treats including peppernuts, zwieback, cinnamon rolls, poppyseed rolls, and candies at Place your order by December 1, and pick up at Bethel College Mennonite Church south entrance from 10:00am to noon Saturday, Dec 5. This event is part of the annual Five Places of Christmas, sponsored by Newton Chamber of Commerce, and all proceeds will support Bethel College. And, if you are not local, most items can be shipped including peppernuts! Christmas shopping and supporting Bethel at the same time doesn’t get much better than that.
Join with the Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp ministry as part of Giving Tuesday, December 1st. Began in 2012, a simple idea for a day that encourages people to do good. As a way to say thank you to donors, camp will send 2 stickers or 4 postcards (your choice) for any gifts made from December 1st – 6th. To see your options, please visit the new web site and list your selection in the memo field (check) or the donation note (online). Unfortunately, the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic continue as our Jr. & Sr. High Snow Camp programs have been cancelled. Please consider camp in your doing good options this year.

The WDC Israel Palestine Task Force invites congregations to “Preach Palestine” on November 29, the first Sunday in Advent and International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.  Resources for worship planners are available from a diversity of traditions and voices that lift up liberation from Turtle Island to Palestine. So far over 80 Mennonite Churches have indicated their participation.  Checkout the worship resources at
 Cookies in a Box!  Camp Mennoscah is expanding on the theme of a Camp in a Box for Giving Tuesday with Cookies in a Box for anyone who gives $25 more than their total giving in 2019 on Tuesday, December 1.  We’ll carefully pack up the dry ingredients for approximately 20 cookies from camp cook Leslie Schrag’s famous Chocolate Crinkle cookies.  Add a few ingredients that don’t pack well and bake them at home!  Send a check to Camp Mennoscah with “Giving Tuesday” in a note, or give online at  Food allergies?  Let us know.  Limited to donations given or postmarked on December 1.  Camp Mennoscah is a wonderful place for family gatherings of whatever size!  A variety of facilities fit any number of family groupings.  Or maybe you only need a space during the day for walking the trails or playing disc golf.  There is plenty of outdoor space!  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 or to reserve!  You are welcome here! We’re thinking s’mores and socially distanced activities.  The Camp Mennoscah Christmas Gathering is tentatively being planned as an outdoor event on Saturday, December 12 at 2:30pm.  Registration required.  Call 620-297-3290!  Plans may change depending on coronavirus case rates and the desire to keep everyone safe.  Bring your mask! Mennonite church announcements
SOOP (Service Opportunities with our Partners) is accepting applications! Use your gifts and skills to work alongside others in a network of ministries across the church. Flexibly designed for retirees, families, and adults over 25. Visit to learn more!
Youth Venture is accepting applications for summer 2021! Discover and experience the work that God is doing in the world with a team of other young people as you serve, learn, worship, and build relationships. Visit to learn more!

Announcements for November 20-27, 2020

Thanks to those of you who have already submitted your bcmcXpress annual intent form!  Please submit your intent form by Nov 22. Click here for the intent form.    — Finance Committee (Al Peters. Judy Friesen, Paul Harder, Gwen Neufeld, LaVern Stucky; Mike Claassen, Finance Manager).

On the first Sunday of Advent, Nov 29, we will be celebrating communion together (virtually).  If you would like to receive a slice of home-baked bread for this service, please email or call Monica at the church office.  Bread will be delivered to your home on Saturday, Nov 28.

As Thanksgiving and Christmas approach we are provided an opportunity to be generous and exhibit care to those around us.   One of the ways BCMC provides help for those in need is through the Caring Fund, administered by the Deacon Commission. In the past year we have sent funds to 5 different agencies, and several individuals.  This is an opportunity for you to help replenish the Caring Fund as more needs are expected to become apparent to us. Please help us provide funds for those individuals that need food, rent, utilities,  and for organizations that provide shelter, assistance and care for those in this community, this country, and around the world.  Please contribute by earmarking your contribution for the Caring Fund. Thanks, Jim Robb, Deacon Chair

Thank you to our BCMC community for your love and support that we have experienced throughout Marvin’s illness and his passing on November 1st.  The many gifts through the memorials, the cards with caring notes, the phone calls and the food that was brought to the house indicated the immense impact that his life had on this community of faith.  May God richly bless each one of you. The family of Marvin Holck

BCMC’s week to provide volunteers and meals to New Hope shelter is Nov. 18-24.  We need some evening volunteers, overnight volunteers, and meals.  New Hope takes every Covid precaution, but I understand that that does not give 100% assurance.  If you have interest in helping, please contact Valetta Seymour at   or 620-217-7536.

BCMC Offering for November 15-22:  General Fund $3,725; MCC Meat Canning $450; Living Stones $90; Elevator Repair $25.

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  In many North American Indigenous cultures, every day is Thanksgiving Day. For the Onondaga People around Lake Ontario, the morning begins with the Thanksgiving Address, known as the “Words that Come Before All Else.” Join Mennonite Mission Network in thanking God for the good gifts that sustain us even in difficult times.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Give thanks for the gifts of leadership, vision, prayer, financial support, and volunteer time that WDC members have shared to support WDC’s ministry this year.

Western District Conference Announcements:
·  Giving Tuesday is December 1 – Western District Conference invites you to join this global giving initiative! Share a gift with WDC during this season, to help our congregations Witness & invite others to faith in Jesus Christ, Dwell in just & loving relationships, and Connect to God’s mission in the world. You may make an online contribution HERE or send a check to Western District Conference, PO Box 306, North Newton KS  67117. Thank you for your generosity!   
· Keep Awake!  The WDC Israel-Palestine Task Force invites you to use these worship resources for the First Sunday of Advent that highlight liberation for oppressed peoples, including our sisters and brothers in Palestine.  See the link here: 
· Due to Covid-19 concerns, the Western District Conference office and Resource Library are closed until further notice.  All staff members are working from their homes.  The best way to contact a staff member is by email, or messages can be left at 316-283-6300.  Phone messages will be checked as possible. 
· Staff email addresses:
· Heidi Regier Kreider, Conference Minister,
· Kathy Neufeld Dunn, Associate Conference Minister Kansas-Based,
· Lee Lever, Interim Conference Ministry Liaison for Texas (through Nov 30),
· Sandra Montes-Martinez, Administrative Assistant (Texas) (through Nov 30, transitioning to Associate Conference Minister Texas-Based beginning Dec 1), 
· Beth Yoder, Business Manager,
· Jennie Wintermote, Library Director,
· Nancy Funk, Administrative Assistant,

Camp Mennoscah announcements
·  Camp Mennoscah is a wonderful place for family gatherings of whatever size!  A variety of facilities fit any number of family groupings.  Or maybe you only need a space during the day for walking the trails or playing disc golf.  There is plenty of outdoor space!  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 or to reserve!  You are welcome here!
· We’re thinking s’mores and socially distanced activities.  The Camp Mennoscah Christmas Gathering is tentatively being planned as an outdoor event on Saturday, December 12 at 2:30 pm.  Registration required.  Call 620-297-3290!  Plans may change depending on coronavirus case rates and the desire to keep everyone safe.  Bring your mask!

Bethel College Announcements:
· Order Christmas goodies and gifts at Bethel College Women’s Association online market. Find hand made crafts, and one-of-a-kind items, and fresh homemade treats including peppernuts, zwieback, cinnamon rolls, poppyseed rolls, and candies at Place your order by December 1, and pick up at Bethel College Mennonite Church south entrance from 10:00 am to noon Saturday, Dec 5. This event is part of the annual Five Places of Christmas, sponsored by Newton Chamber of Commerce, and all proceeds will support Bethel College. And, if you are not local, most items can be shipped including peppernuts! Christmas shopping and supporting Bethel at the same time doesn’t get much better than that.
· Baked goods sign up:  A call-out for local bakers to support Bethel College. For years Bethel College Women’s Association (BCWA) has been a location for 5 Places of Christmas selling crafts and baked goods. BCWA is asking for support in making baked items for the event which is December 5. Please follow the link below for sign-up options. Thanks for your continued support of Bethel College!

· Now on display in the Regier Art Gallery, Luyken Fine Arts Center, at Bethel College: “Noir + More,” recent work by Denise Brueggeman. Gallery hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri. Please note that face coverings must be worn and physical distancing observed on the Bethel campus.

Mennonite Church USA Announcements:
· Giving Tuesday is coming up on December 1. Your contribution to Mission Network will help us Be the Gospel through our valued partnerships, ministries, and resources. Visit to give on or before December 1. 

· Mennonite Voluntary Service is accepting applications for the 2021-2022 service term. Two units are still accepting applications for this year! Serve, learn, and grow in faith with a community of your peers! Visit to learn more!

A memorable, meaningful and unique Mennonite Central Committee gift to give this Christmas! Grab a piece of MCC history to use in a modern day Mennonite feeding station – your home! Get one for yourself and order more for family and friends. Hang it on the wall in your kitchen or dining room, display it on a shelf or use it as a serving tray! Remember the kitchen at your church, too. Each tray was uniquely handcrafted by an artisan in Siberia using Siberian hardwood. The tray is 16” in diameter and 2” deep.  Call the Mennonite Central Committee at 316-283-2720 for details.  

Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) is seeking a part time Administrative Assistant that will provide administrative support to the leadership of MDS Region 3 and its units (Central States – west of the Mississippi). The position is home-based within Region 3. Applicants must be active in an Anabaptist church and committed to the Anabaptist faith and peace position.  See the full job description at Resumes may be sent to Review of resumes begins immediately. Recruitment continues until the position is filled.  Region 3 is comprised of the following states:  Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas

Mennonite Central Committee asks for support for Central American hurricane recovery. Not one, but two hurricanes within two weeks have caused extensive flooding in Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua. Hurricanes Eta and Iota have destroyed crops and forced people from their homes. MCC is working with churches and community organization to provide emergency food, hygiene supplies and cleanup support. Join us as we help these communities recover. You can donate online, by phone (888) 563-4676 or by mail at MCC, 21 S. 12th St., PO Box 500, Akron PA 17501. 
Join MCC for a series of “MCC and me” webinars to hear more about service opportunities. Are you ready to step out and into service? To gain new skills and experiences while working for relief, development and peace in the name of Christ?
MCC is working to adapt our programming as the situation with COVID-19 develops. All sessions relate to anticipated service needs, though timing and some other details may be subject to change.
•             December 9 at 7 p.m. EST: Serving and Learning Together (SALT)
•             January 13 at 3 p.m. EST: Summer Service leadership program
•             February 25 at 10 a.m. EST: Sharing With Appalachian People (SWAP) summer staff
•             February 25 at 8 p.m. EST: International service worker
•             March 6 at 12 p.m. EST: International service worker
•             March TBD: Mobile Meat Canner
For more information and to register:

Have yourself a honkin’ good holiday at MCC in North Newton! This drive-thru event on Dec. 11 from 4-6 p.m. is a unique way to safely enjoy some delicious Christmas cheer while supporting the worldwide work of Mennonite Central Committee. Each charcuterie box is composed of seasonal artisan meats and cheeses, olives, fruit, mixed nuts and seasonal treats with crackers served on the side. A box serves two generous appetizer portions. RSVP by 5 p.m. on December 4 to reserve yours! Share your Christmas joy by ordering extra boxes to deliver to family and friends. Take a moment and treat yourself this holiday season! Suggested donation per box is $25. Email to reserve your charcuterie box today! Find more information and photos at

November 13-20, 2020

We invite prayers for Willis Harder and family on the death of his wife, Dorothy, November 4.  A private memorial service and inurnment were held November 14, 2020.

We offer our sympathy to Mary Gaeddert and her family on the death of her husband, John Gaeddert.  John died Thursday, Nov 12, at Kidron Bethel Village.  Following is what the family of John writes: “John W. Gaeddert, age 96, passed away on November 12 with his family around him. The family deeply regrets that, due to the pandemic, they will not be able to celebrate John’s life with the people of the congregations he so loved. A private memorial and burial service is being planned.”

Thanks to those of you who have already submitted your bcmcXpress annual intent form!  If you haven’t yet completed it, you can do so electronically by clicking this link  If you prefer to fill out a paper copy, please call the church office, and we’ll make sure you get one. Please submit your intent form–electronic or paper–by Nov 22.    — Finance Committee (Al Peters. Judy Friesen, Paul Harder, Gwen Neufeld, LaVern Stucky; Mike Claassen, Finance Manager).  

To view Marvin Holck’s memorial service held November 6, at Dyck Arboretum, click on this link:

BCMC’s week to provide volunteers and meals to New Hope shelter is coming up Nov. 18-24.  We need some evening volunteers, overnight volunteers, and meals.  New Hope takes every Covid precaution, but I understand that that does not give 100% assurance.  If you have interest in helping, please contact Valetta Seymour at or 620-217-7536.

According to the latest numbers, we still need $666.12 to cover the elevator repair.  Based on the estimate from Regier Construction, we need $35,081.03 to cover the kitchen/fellowship hall renovation.
Contributions from January 1 through October 31 were $367,730 and expenses were $385,667, leaving a shortfall of $17,937.   ~ Mike Claassen, BCMC Finance Manager
BCMC Offering for November 8-15:  General Fund $10,615.33; MCC Meat Canning $125; Living Stones $505; Transfer-Sunday School $25; Elevator Repair $500.

The Hesston College Nursing program is partnering with Slate Creek Elementary
, and looking for reusable mask donations from local businesses and organizations.  There are 200 students total who need pediatric sized masks.  The goal Hesston College Nursing has for the school is to promote mask hygiene, and the students will need another mask while they wait for theirs to dry after washing.  We understand that 200 masks is quite the undertaking, so any number of masks that you would be able to provide would be greatly appreciated.   If you would like to donate some child-sized masks, you can bring them to the BCMC office and the office will see to it that these masks are delivered to the Hesston College Nursing Program.  — Noah Miller, Hesston College Nursing Program

Everence to hold Medicare webinar: Nov. 16
Everence will host its popular workshop, Make Medicare an easy step, as a webinar on Monday, Nov. 16 at 6:30 p.m. Attendees will learn about the various Medicare plans and what they cover; plans that supplement Medicare; and enrollment details and deadlines. This webinar is free. Please register by contacting our office at 877-467-7294, 316-283-3800 or *Attendance is recommended for those approaching retirement or those ready to sign up for Medicare. Advisory services offered through Investment Advisors, a division of ProEquities Inc., Registered Investment Advisors. Securities offered through ProEquities Inc., a registered broker-dealer, member FINRA and SIPC. Investments and other products are not NCUA or otherwise federally insured, may involve loss of principal and have no credit union guarantee. Products and services offered through Everence Trust Company and other Everence entities are independent of and are not guaranteed or endorsed by ProEquities, Inc., or its affiliates.

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   Mennonite Mission Network’s Colorado Springs Service Adventure unit helps extend the ministry of Beth-El Mennonite Church through building relationships in the community. Pray for Elyse Burton as she helps families who are homeless and for Makenzie Shelman as she works with people with disabilities. Pray also for unit leader Cindy Headings.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for WDC staff in their daily work of sustaining transformational leaders, resourcing missional congregations, and encouraging church planting partnerships in our conference.

Western District Conference Announcements:
· Associate Conference Minister transition: WDC announces that Sandra Montes Martinez has accepted a call to serve as WDC Associate Conference Minister based in Texas. She will begin in this role half-time on December 1, 2020 and move to full time on February 1, 2021.  Sandra’s appointment follows consideration of multiple candidates by a Search Advisory Committee composed of representatives from the WDC Executive Board, Ministerial Leadership Commission, Church Planting Commission and Staff Relations Committee.  Sandra brings a wide range of church and ministry-related experience, passion for missional church leadership in an Anabaptist/Mennonite context, bilingual and cross-cultural competency, pastoral and organizational skills, and strong relationships within Western District Conference and Mennonite Church USA. She has attended Seminario Anabautista Menonita in Caracas, Venezuela;  Los Angeles Mission College in Sylmar, California; and Instituto Bíblico Anabautista (IBA) and Seminario Bíblico Anabautista Hispano (SeBAH), programs of Mennonite Education Agency.  Sandra has formerly been serving as a credentialed pastor at Iglesia Cristiana Menonita Monte Horeb in Dallas, TX;  Administrative Assistant for WDC in Texas; and Executive Director for Iglesia Menonita Hispana (IMH), a constituency group of Mennonite Church USA.  She plans to continue giving leadership to Academia Liderazgo Misional Anabautista (ALMA), a missional leadership initiative of IMH.  WDC is excited to welcome Sandra to this new role of Associate Conference Minister in WDC!  A formal installation for Sandra will be planned at a later date.  Lee Lever will conclude his role as WDC’s Interim Conference Ministry Liaison for Texas on November 30, 2020.    
· Giving Tuesday is December 1 – Western District Conference invites you to join this global giving initiative! Share a gift with WDC during this season, to help our congregations Witness & invite others to faith in Jesus Christ, Dwell in just & loving relationships, and Connect to God’s mission in the world. You may make an online contribution HERE or send a check to Western District Conference, PO Box 306, North Newton KS  67117. Thank you for your generosity!  
· On November 22 at 4 pm, Rainbow Mennonite Church of Kansas City, KS, will host an ordination service in honor of Roseann Penner Kaufman, Minister of Music and Worship.
· Due to Covid-19 concerns, the WDC office and Resource Library are closed until further notice.  All staff members are working from their homes.  The best way to contact a staff member is by email, or messages can be left at 316-283-6300.  Phone messages will be checked as possible. 
· Staff email addresses:
· Heidi Regier Kreider, Conference Minister,
· Kathy Neufeld Dunn, Associate Conference Minister Kansas-Based,
· Lee Lever, Interim Conference Ministry Liaison for Texas (through Nov 30),
· Sandra Montes-Martinez, Administrative Assistant (Texas) (through Nov 30, transitioning to Associate Conference Minister Texas-Based beginning Dec 1),  
· Beth Yoder, Business Manager,
· Jennie Wintermote, Library Director,
· Nancy Funk, Administrative Assistant,

Camp Mennoscah announcements
· Camp Mennoscah is a year-round campground!  Ask about winterized facilities or conquer the prairie wilds in a tent.  It’s a whole new world in the winter–and available for you!  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 to make a reservation.

Bethel College Announcements:
· Bethel College Women’s Association has worked to raise money for Bethel for many years.  This August we are opening our first online store,  We invite you to help us support Bethel by checking this online market for crafts, jewelry, Bethel-themed items and much more. Our inventory will change over time so please check in to find that special gift or item for your home. 
· Baked goods sign up:  A call-out for local bakers to support Bethel College. For years Bethel College Women’s Association (BCWA) has been a location for 5 Places of Christmas selling crafts and baked goods. BCWA is asking for support in making baked items for the event which is December 5. Please follow the link below for sign-up options. Thanks for your continued support of Bethel College!
· Now on display in the Regier Art Gallery, Luyken Fine Arts Center, at Bethel College: “Noir + More,” recent work by Denise Brueggeman. Gallery hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri. Please note that face coverings must be worn and physical distancing observed on the Bethel campus.

KIPCOR’s ONLINE 2020-2021 Film Series
The November film is Cooked: Survival by Zip Code, a multiple-award winning documentary that focuses on the deadly 1995 Chicago heat wave to illustrate how minorities and low-income citizens suffer the most negative impact from natural disasters.  The film is an indictment of our nation’s disaster preparedness, and forges a link between extreme weather, extreme disparity, and extreme racism. 
Note that watching the film and participating in the Talk-back are two distinct, separate events. 
YOU MUST VIEW THIS FILM BETWEEN NOV. 8 AND NOV. 14 using this link and password:
Click here to view film:
Password:  KC30p0 
Then on Sunday, November 15 at 2 pm, KIPCOR will host a virtual discussion of the film on Zoom with Christy Miller Hesed, a Hesston resident and Postdoctoral Associate in Environmental Anthropology at the University of Maryland.  Go to KIPCOR’s website at to register for the November 15 Talk-back discussion, and
we will send you the Zoom link on November 13.  Advance registration is required.

Mennonite Church USA Announcements:
· Mennonite Church USA offers these resources for election time: A statement on what it means to be a peacemaker at such a time: And the latest article on how different congregations across the country are preparing for potential violence in their cities:  
· Giving Tuesday is coming up on December 1. Your contribution to Mission Network will help us Be the Gospel through our valued partnerships, ministries, and resources. Visit to give on or before December 1. 
· Looking for a non-traditional pastoral role? Become a unit leader in Service Adventure, a gap-year program for ages 17–20 from Mennonite Mission Network. Unit leaders, at least 24 years of age, serve as mentors to the young adults in the household. Learn more by contacting 

A memorable, meaningful and unique MCC gift to give this Christmas! Grab a piece of MCC history to use in a modern day Mennonite feeding station – your home! Get one for yourself and order more for family and friends. Hang it on the wall in your kitchen or dining room, display it on a shelf or use it as a serving tray! Remember the kitchen at your church, too. Each tray was uniquely handcrafted by an artisan in Siberia using Siberian hardwood. The tray is 16” in diameter and 2” deep. Suggested donation per tray is $150. Full details and pictures are available at

Announcements for November 6-13, 2020

We invite prayers for Joyce Holck and family on the death of her husband, Marvin Holck, November 1, 2020.  The memorial service was Friday, November 6 at Dyck Arboretum, Hesston, KS.

We invite prayers for Willis Harder and family on the death of his wife, Dorothy, November 4.  A private memorial service and inurnment are tentatively scheduled for next weekend.  

From the Finance Committee:
     The annual BCMC pledge drive is now called the bcmcXpress!  Multiple factors were involved in the name change, including that this is more in tune with our common purpose statement: “Our faith in a God of love leads us by the power of the spirit to follow Jesus in doing justice, loving mercy and walking humbly with God.”  We know that to some extent the Pony Express played a part in the decimation of the Native American population in our country.  So, it was time for a change! 
     There will be no door to door handing out of the envelope as in the past. Those of you that have email contact from the church will receive an email with a “Giving Intent Form” that is fairly simple to fill out.  If you do not receive email from the church, the information should come to you via regular mail. 
     November 8 is Stewardship Sunday. The theme this year is “Where your treasure is, there is your heart” – taken from Matthew 6:19 to 21.

     In his sermon on the Mount, Jesus makes a connection between our treasure and our hearts: Not only do the possessions, money and property we accumulate tell the story of what we value; Jesus seems to suggest that the treasure we possess has the power to shape our values, priorities and lives.  
     Our congregation’s upcoming bcmcXpress process provides us with opportunity to reflect again on the role of money and wealth in our lives.  How might generosity—our willingness to share what we have with our congregation and beyond—help free us from the power that treasure holds over our lives?

Mennonite Central Committee Meat Canning time is upon us.  BCMC’s days to work are November 10, 11, and 12 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday).  John Hillegass (MCC, Akron, PA) and Jason Unruh (MCC, North Newton) are working to make this season’s canning experience as safe as possible.  Masks will be required, temperatures scanned and extra precautions taken with snacks.  The workload is being reduced to four batches per day instead of six or seven and we should be finishing by late afternoon.  Starting time is 7 am.  If you don’t feel comfortable working, one can send a check to BCMC and write “MCC Meat Canning” on the memo line.  As Maynard Knepp says:  “The need is great.”   Thanks, Lowell Stucky, BCMC Meat Canning Representative, 316-283-9677 (please leave message.)

BCMC’s week to provide volunteers and meals to New Hope shelter is coming up Nov. 18-24.  We need some evening volunteers, overnight volunteers, and meals.  New Hope takes every Covid precaution, but I understand that that does not give 100% assurance.  If you have interest in helping, please contact Valetta Seymour at   or 620-217-7536.

According to the latest numbers, we still need $666.12 to cover the elevator repair.  Based on the estimate from Regier Construction, we need $35,081.03 to cover the kitchen/fellowship hall renovation.
Contributions from January 1 through October 31 were $367,730 and expenses were $385,667, leaving a shortfall of $17,937.  
 ~ Mike Claassen, BCMC Finance Manager

BCMC Offering for October 25—November 1:  General Fund $4,742; MCC Meat Canning $225; Transfer-General $100; Office Expense $50; Living Stones $155; Bethel College Scholarship Fund $1,000; Elevator Repair $1,050.

The Hesston College Nursing program is partnering with Slate Creek Elementary, and looking for reusable mask donations from local businesses and organizations.  There are 200 students total who need pediatric sized masks.  The goal Hesston College Nursing has for the school is to promote mask hygiene, and the students will need another mask while they wait for theirs to dry after washing.  We understand that 200 masks is quite the undertaking, so any number of masks that you would be able to provide would be greatly appreciated.   If you would like to donate some child-sized masks, you can bring them to the BCMC office and the office will see to it that these masks are delivered to the Hesston College Nursing Program.  — Noah Miller, Hesston College Nursing Program

Everence to hold Medicare webinar: Nov. 16
Everence will host its popular workshop, Make Medicare an easy step, as a webinar on Monday, Nov. 16 at 6:30 p.m. Attendees will learn about the various Medicare plans and what they cover; plans that supplement Medicare; and enrollment details and deadlines. This webinar is free. Please register by contacting our office at 877-467-7294, 316-283-3800 or 
*Attendance is recommended for those approaching retirement or those ready to sign up for Medicare. 
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Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   Janie and Neal Blough have retired in France after 45 years of ministry there through Mennonite Mission Network. Pray for them as they continue to serve by teaching and providing worship resources to congregations throughout Europe and beyond.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for WDC pastor peer groups as they meet virtually or in person to offer support and encouragement to one another in their ministry.

Western District Conference Announcements:
· Giving Tuesday is December 1 – Western District Conference invites you to join this global giving initiative! Share a gift with WDC during this season, to help our congregations Witness & invite others to faith in Jesus Christ, Dwell in just & loving relationships, and Connect to God’s mission in the world. You may make an online contribution HERE or send a check to Western District Conference, PO Box 306, North Newton KS  67117. Thank you for your generosity!  
· Did you miss the WDC webinar “Connect:  Faith Formation in Challenging Times”?  You can watch a recording of the web and/or read through a list of the faith formation in the digital age resources that were referred to during the webinar at: 

Camp Mennoscah announcements
· Camp Mennoscah is a year-round campground!  Ask about winterized facilities or conquer the prairie wilds in a tent.  It’s a whole new world in the winter–and available for you!  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 to make a reservation.

Bethel College Announcements:
· Bethel College Women’s Association has worked to raise money for Bethel for many years.  This August we are opening our first online store,  We invite you to help us support Bethel by checking this online market for crafts, jewelry, Bethel-themed items and much more. Our inventory will change over time so please check in to find that special gift or item for your home. 
· Baked goods sign up:  A call-out for local bakers to support Bethel College. For years Bethel College Women’s Association (BCWA) has been a location for 5 Places of Christmas selling crafts and baked goods. BCWA is asking for support in making baked items for the event which is December 5. Please follow the link below for sign-up options. Thanks for your continued support of Bethel College!

Now on display in the Regier Art Gallery, Luyken Fine Arts Center, at Bethel College: “Noir + More,” recent work by Denise Brueggeman. Gallery hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri. Please note that face coverings must be worn and physical distancing observed on the Bethel campus.

KIPCOR’s ONLINE 2020-2021 Film Series
The November film is Cooked: Survival by Zip Code, a multiple-award winning documentary that focuses on the deadly 1995 Chicago heat wave to illustrate how minorities and low-income citizens suffer the most negative impact from natural disasters.  The film is an indictment of our nation’s disaster preparedness, and forges a link between extreme weather, extreme disparity, and extreme racism. 
Note that watching the film and participating in the Talk-back are two distinct, separate events. 
YOU MUST VIEW THIS FILM BETWEEN NOV. 8 AND NOV. 14 using this link and password:
Click here to view film:
Password:  KC30p0 
Then on Sunday, November 15 at 2 pm, KIPCOR will host a virtual discussion of the film on Zoom with Christy Miller Hesed, a Hesston resident and Postdoctoral Associate in Environmental Anthropology at the University of Maryland.  Go to KIPCOR’s website at to register for the November 15 Talk-back discussion, and
we will send you the Zoom link on November 13.  Advance registration is required.

Mennonite Church USA Announcements:
· Mennonite Church USA offers these resources for election time: A statement on what it means to be a peacemaker at such a time: And the latest article on how different congregations across the country are preparing for potential violence in their cities:  
· Giving Tuesday is coming up on December 1. Your contribution to Mission Network will help us Be the Gospel through our valued partnerships, ministries, and resources. Visit to give on or before December 1. 
· Looking for a non-traditional pastoral role? Become a unit leader in Service Adventure, a gap-year program for ages 17–20 from Mennonite Mission Network. Unit leaders, at least 24 years of age, serve as mentors to the young adults in the household. Learn more by contacting 

Announcements for October 30-November 6, 2020

As of Oct 26, Pastor Dawn is back from sabbatical and fully engaged. You can expect to hear more about her experiences in the coming weeks! Her day off continues to be Monday.

Fall Back:  Remember Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday, November 1.  Set your clocks back one hour. 

We invite prayers for Marvin and Joyce Holck and their family during these last days of Marvin’s life.  Marvin is receiving hospice care at Newton Medical Center. 

Next week, Monica Lichti will be in the office in the mornings (8 am to 12 pm) and out of the office in the afternoons.  She is taking some vacation time by being out of the office in the afternoons.

Call for Poetry
Florence Schloneger shared some of her wonderful and evocative poetry Sunday, October 25, during her reflection time. I am sure there are more poets out there from Bethel College Mennonite Church.  It is a very good COVID activity!  Please send me your poems to share with the congregation.  Here is a seasonal one I just wrote. 

A four-sided jack-o-lantern
carved at church by my son,
he says they are
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

This is what these saints have become.
Triangle eyes and nose
lit up by one lonely candle
flickering in the wind at night.

How beautiful, how troubling
all our little traditions,
these strange points of contact
so fragile.

Any day you could walk away
saying it’s all so stupid,
but where else would you really go?
Others’ traditions, others’ folklore?

I say search
and still sink the knife
into the ripe orange flesh.
Carve out your piece of the gospel.

Let that little light shine,
Let that little light seek.
Nathan Koontz

Mennonite Central Committee Meat Canning time is upon us.  BCMC’s days to work are November 10, 11, and 12 (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday).  John Hillegass (MCC, Akron, PA) and Jason Unruh (MCC, North Newton) are working to make this season’s canning experience as safe as possible.  Masks will be required, temperatures scanned and extra precautions taken with snacks.  The workload is being reduced to four batches per day instead of six or seven and we should be finishing by late afternoon.  Starting time is 7 am.  If you don’t feel comfortable working, one can send a check to BCMC and write “MCC Meat Canning” on the memo line.  As Maynard Knepp says:  “The need is great.”   Thanks, Lowell Stucky, BCMC Meat Canning Representative, 316-283-9677 (please leave message.)

Corrections for the 2020 Directory:
–Fitzsimons, Tommy** & Kasper, Rachel entry on page 19:  Address should be 211 Frank Ave.
–Mitchell, Nina** & Friesen, Mark entry on page 31:  Add telephone number of 785-766-6356—address is 807 Illinois Street, Lawrence, KS 66044
–Perez, Martin** & Unrau, Paula entry on page 34:  Address should be 385 Frio Rd, Bandera, TX 78003-4361
–Schmidt, Kimberly** & Linscheid, Joel entry on page 38:  Address should be 2 Arcadia St., #1, Roxbury, MA 02119
–Stanley Scott** & Banman, Nancy* Entry on page 39:  Address should be 419 SW 6th St., Newton, KS, 67114
–Stucky, Nathan on page 42:  Should be Stucky, Nathan P.

BCMC Offering for October 18-25:  General Fund $3,014; Office Expense $1.40; Living Stones $210; Elevator Repair $50.

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   Tuesday is election day in the United States. Join Mennonite Mission Network in prayer for the vote to take place without violence and that leaders will be elected who will lead the country in ways of justice and peace.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for God’s strength for chaplains and others in WDC caring for those facing pain, illness and death in the midst of the pandemic.

Western District Conference Announcement:
For WDC congregations using Corinthian Plan health insurance: The Corinthian Plan open enrollment begins November 1st through December 31st, 2020. For more information contact Duncan Smith at or go to the Corinthian Plan website at Also, for Corinthian Plan participants a reminder that there is a Premium Assistance fund for congregations suffering the financial impact of COVID-19. To learn more, contact Duncan or go to the website and look for the COVID resources in the grey box.  

Camp Mennoscah announcements
· Gardell Stucky, dedicated Facilities Director for the past 7 and a half years at Camp Mennoscah, is retiring as of October 30, 2020. You are invited to celebrate his time at Camp Mennoscah with a card or email: or PO Box 65, Murdock, KS 67111. Belated greetings will be forwarded to Gardell, so send without fear! Camp Mennoscah’s Board of Directors and staff thank Gardell for the many hours of work and the gracious kindness shared with everyone. Happy adventures, Gardell!
· With great hope, Camp Mennoscah is planning for the 2021 Summer Youth Camps.  Safety precautions due to the pandemic may require adjustments, but recruiting for summer staff will happen in the coming months.  Put on your best camp outfit and get ready for fun!  (Applications are not yet available.  We’re just making sure you’re excited.)
· Camp Mennoscah is a year-round campground!  Ask about winterized facilities or conquer the prairie wilds in a tent.  It’s a whole new world in the winter–and available for you!  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 to make a reservation.

KIPCOR’s 2020-2021 Peace Lecture Series.  KIPCOR will be live-streaming “Bridging the Cultural Divide in Difficult Times.”  with speaker Sarah Smarsh, Thursday, November 5, 7 pm.  Sarah focuses on socioeconomic class and rural America. Her book Heartland: A Memoir of Working Hard and Being Broke in the Richest Country on Earth, a New York Times bestseller and a finalist for the National Book Award, examines economic inequality through her upbringing among the working poor on a Kansas farm.  Sarah has reported on socioeconomic class for The Guardian, the New York Times, The New Yorker, Harper’s, and other publications.  Heartland was named a “best of 2018” by NPR, Fresh Air, the Boston Globe, Amazon, Buzzfeed, Barnes and Noble, and Publishers Weekly.  In addition to being short-listed for the National Book Award, Heartland was a finalist for the Kirkus Prize, the Lukas Prize, the Indie Choice Award, and an Audie Award for Smarsh’s reading of her audiobook.  Actor-producer Sarah Jessica Parker selected the title for the American Library Association’s Book Club Central.  Sarah is a regular political commentator in national media and has spoken internationally on poverty, rural issues, and cultural divides. She was recently a Fellow at Harvard’s Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics and Public Policy.  In 2019, Sarah released a podcast entitled The Homecomers, which focuses on how a national blind spot toward rural and working-class America is driving misleading headlines, broken politics, and dangerous fissures in our social fabric.  The podcast showcases stories of people who, as residents or advocates, remain committed to their complex, embattled homes.  This event is a fundraiser.  Registration (to be included in the November 4 emailing of the Zoom link), and a donation button if you want to help offset the cost of the event, are available at the website,

KIPCOR’s ONLINE 2020-2021 Film Series
The November film is Cooked: Survival by Zip Code, a multiple-award winning documentary that focuses on the deadly 1995 Chicago heat wave to illustrate how minorities and low-income citizens suffer the most negative impact from natural disasters.  The film is an indictment of our nation’s disaster preparedness, and forges a link between extreme weather, extreme disparity, and extreme racism. 
Note that watching the film and participating in the Talk-back are two distinct, separate events. 
YOU MUST VIEW THIS FILM BETWEEN NOV. 8 AND NOV. 14 using this link and password:
Click here to view film:
Password:  KC30p0
Then on Sunday, November 15 at 2 pm, KIPCOR will host a virtual discussion of the film on Zoom with Christy Miller Hesed, a Hesston resident and Postdoctoral Associate in Environmental Anthropology at the University of Maryland.  Go to KIPCOR’s website at to register for the November 15 Talk-back discussion, and
we will send you the Zoom link on November 13.  Advance registration is required.

Mennonite Church USA Announcements:
· Pastor Sandy Drescher-Lehman and her husband, John, realized that when they stepped out of the way, God began a good work – right in their own backyard. Read their blog, “Hosting Hipcampers: Is this missional? Or spiritual?” at
· A new video series from Mennonite Church USA showcases the stories of Mennonites who are advocating for immigration justice and demonstrating radical hospitality.  Visit the Learn, Pray, Join web page for these and other resources:
· Safwat Marzouk, associate professor at Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, urges us to consider how the demographic changes in North America are providing an opportunity to recover a biblical vision of the church. Read his blog, “A church that embodies immigration justice and radical hospitality” at 
· Giving Tuesday 2020 is Dec. 1. Live out your call to participate in and support the work of God. Visit

MEDA Convention 2020: Towards an equal world Join MEDA for 2 days of inspiration, information and networking online November 6-7, 2020. MEDA Convention is an intersection of faith and business where you can explore what it means to be faithful in daily work and learn about MEDA’s business solutions to poverty. Go to for more information.

The Tabor Church Mennonite Men would like to invite everyone to the annual chicken barbeque on Nov. 5 from 5-7 pm or until the food runs out.  This year it will be a to-go pick up meal.  The menu is bbq chicken, baked beans, coleslaw, dinner roll and ice cream and the food will taste great as usual.  From the south end of the east parking lot please drive around the south side of the church under the overhang to place your donation and pick up your meal(s).  The funds raised will go to Mennonite Central Committee and Bethesda Home in Goessel.  The church is located 8 miles north of Newton to 90th then 1 mile east or 3 miles south and 1 east of Goessel.

In preparation for the upcoming election, Mennonite Church USA staff has released the following statement on peacemaking
Mennonite Church USA calls for bold peacemaking during the election

  By Mennonite Church USA staff
Peacemakers are most needed during times of uncertainty, fear and polarization.
The United States has been dealing with all three in 2020, exacerbated by a pandemic and the urgency surrounding the presidential election.
No one knows what will happen on or after Election Day. The heightened emotions and mistrust across the political spectrum make widespread violence seem more possible than in years past.
As followers of Jesus, what do we do in a time such as this?
Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)
Our nation, states, cities and churches need peacemakers more than ever in the weeks and months ahead. Peacemakers do not hide safely behind the status quo, ignoring the rise of violence, while thanking God for personal safety. Peacemakers show up boldly with love and deepen relationships with those who are most vulnerable to bodily and systemic violence. Peacemakers consider the complexity of violence — that structural systems of oppression are already operating in violent ways. Peacemakers look at the roots of violence and join the work to seek transformative justice for all.
God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7)
Peacemaking is what Jesus demonstrated through his life, death and resurrection. It is what Mennonites have claimed for centuries and often struggled to embody. Now is a time to be bold in our peacemaking. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7) We have a community of believers around us and the steadfast teachings of Jesus to guide us through these times.
During this time of uncertainty:
We call on government and public safety officials to fulfill their obligation to offer equal protection and access to the voting process for all registered voters.
We pray that all candidates and citizens honor the outcome of the election(s) and reject any violent reactions that bring harm to others if there are disputed results.
We pray for a Spirit of Peace to hover over our nation, bringing a sense of deep spiritual strength and groundedness during this fragile moment.
We pray that our churches act as agents of healing through nonviolent witness and tangible acts of love and service – even to our enemies — living into our call as people of God’s peace.

MC USA Executive Director Glen Guyton also will be sharing a message on peacemaking during his upcoming Facebook Live event on Wednesday, Nov. 4 at 12:30 p.m. ET / 11:30 a.m. CT / 10:30 a.m. MT / 9:30 a.m. PT. View it here: