Category Archives: Announcements

Announcements for April 18-April 25, 2021

From the Staff Congregation Relations Committee 
The Staff Congregation Relations Committee (SCRC) of the Bethel College Mennonite Church (BCMC) serves as a bridge between BCMC staff and the congregation. We hold within our vision the mutual care and growth of both staff and congregation. SCRC advocates for each side while working to enhance and strengthen the whole.
BCMC is part of the Corinthian Plan, which is the MC USA health insurance plan. The Corinthian Plan publishes a Pastor Wellbeing Checklist, which SCRC is in the process of reviewing. As described by The Corinthian Plan, the checklist is an invitation for congregations to enter into discussions with their pastors about how to create a healthier and more fulfilling work environment. The checklist includes an invitation for congregational leadership to remind the congregation of important boundaries to protect the well-being of our pastors. To that end, SCRC wishes to remind BCMC of important ways we can respect the boundaries of our staff in order to ensure they have a healthy and fulfilling work environment and that they can enjoy healthy work-life balance.
1. Our pastors and staff have dedicated working hours. Unless there is an emergency, care should be taken to respect our staff’s working hours and personal time. By way of reminder, below are the days our pastors and staff are away from the office:
Pastor Dawn Yoder Harms – Mondays off
Pastor Renee Reimer—Fridays off
Pastor Nathan Koontz—Mondays and Wednesdays off
Monica Lichti, Office and Facilities Manager—Friday afternoons off
Mike Crawford, Custodian—Tuesdays off
SCRC has encouraged our staff to use their days off to rest and recharge and to avoid reading and responding to emails or addressing other church business. For our pastoral staff, Sundays are working days, so their Sabbath day must come on another day. It is our belief that these days of Sabbath are critical to our staff’s well-being and we hope you will join us in respecting these important boundaries.
2.  Another way we can support the well-being of our staff is to be mindful of the ways in which we communicate with one another. It takes a tremendous amount of time and energy on the part of our staff to keep the everyday life of our church running smoothly. Email can be a helpful tool for engaging in ordinary communication that furthers this end. But on top of the daily tending to the functioning of our organization, our staff are dealing with the deeper, human and spiritual needs of our congregation. Email is usually not an effective tool to communicate in this vein, nor is it an effective tool for expressing frustration, disappointment or disagreement. If you are frustrated or upset about something in your life or the life of the congregation, SCRC encourages you to pick up the phone and call the church or schedule and in person meeting. It is healthier for everyone involved to engage in conversation rather than to send an email that might be misinterpreted or sent in anger.
In the last year, we have been through a long season of fear, uncertainty and change as we learned to adjust to living in a pandemic. Much of what we hold dear has been stripped from us, whether it be worshiping together in our church, hugging our friends and family, or visiting with loved ones in person. We are all tired and weary, including our pastors and our BCMC staff. They have borne the responsibility for navigating our congregation through these unprecedented times. And they have done it with grace and compassion. As we look forward to the light at the end of this long tunnel of separation, let’s be mindful of the ways we can show care and respect for those who have been so dedicated to caring for us.
The Staff Congregation Relations Committee:  Heather Zerger, SCRC Chair, Dave Linscheid, Mary Goering
Vern Preheim

As the Reopening Task Group makes plans to increase the number of people participating in in-person worship, your feedback is important.  Please take two minutes to complete this two question survey. Hit the “submit” button when you are finished:

Looking for an opportunity to sing or play an instrument in church this summer? BCMC is seeking musicians of all ages, individuals or small groups, to assist in leading worship this summer. If you are willing or want more information, email Barbara Thiesen, BCMC Music Coordinator, at Please indicate dates you would be available. If you are a singer, indicate if you are a soprano, alto, tenor, or baritone/bass; if you are an instrumentalist, indicate your instrument.

Spring Congregational Meeting: This year, due to the Leonard Pitts lecture scheduled by Kansas Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution (KIPCOR) on April 25 at 2 pm, the BCMC Congregational Meeting will be held on May 2, at 1 pm, via zoom. Mark your calendars now!  To the chairs of commissions and committees:  This is just a reminder that if you have not sent your report for the Annual Report booklet yet, the deadline is April 19.  

BCMC Camp Mennoscah Weekend Retreat
Dust off your tents, string your fishing poles, and prepare your hearts for worship at one of the best settings south-central Kansas has to offer! That’s right… it’s the BCMC Camp Mennoscah Weekend Retreat! This year’s event will be held May 15-16, and will only include BCMC – not Halstead First Mennonite as has been the case in the past (due to COVID). We plan on eating, fellowshipping, playing, worshiping, and seeing each other – safely, outdoors – as a way to be in community with each other. We’ll follow Camp’s safety protocol as we do this, of course, but would love to have as many folks out as can come – whether for Saturday evening, Sunday morning and lunch, or a whole weekend of fun! If you/your family is interested in attending, please fill out the link here: And, if you have questions about the retreat, pricing, COVID-friendly protocol, etc. OR would like to help out in some way, please reach out to Adam Robb ( or Pastor Renee and they’ll do their best to be helpful! Looking forward to being together, in nature, to worship our God!

Final results of the Congregational Survey regarding joining Supportive Communities Network (SCN) are:   
YES   121 (92.4%)  
NO       10  (7.6%) 

SCN is a program of the Brethren Mennonite Council for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Interests. It is a network of Mennonite and Church of the Brethren communities who are publicly affirming of gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexual members. 
The survey was sent to people who attend and participate in the life of BCMC and was not restricted to voting BCMC church members.  The survey was sent electronically via email, and also by post mail to participants who do not communicate electronically.   
The Church Board reviewed survey results at its meeting on April 9, 2021.  The number of YES responses significantly exceeds 75%.  The Board is taking next steps to join SCN.
May we continue learning and following Christ together on pathways of justice, mercy, and walking humbly with God and neighbor.
Elizabeth Schmidt, Moderator and Board Chair

BCMC Offerings
March 28, 2021:
  General Fund $8,026; Media Supplies $55; Sr Hi Youth $20; Caring Fund $100; Living Stones $325; Transfer-Funeral $175; Hymnals $20; Women’s Fellowship $775
April 4, 2021:  General Fund $7,735; Sr Hi Youth $150; Transfer-General $4; Living Stones $715; Rosalind Andreas Memorial $275
April 11, 2021:  General Fund $10,056.30; General Fund 2022 $12,017.72; Caring Fund $25; Living Stones $330.Rosalind Andreas Memorial $275; Helen Ruth Unruh Memorial $275

Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale will be having their 2021 sale for MCC on July 2 and 3 this summer.  They are asking the churches for help with expenses,  so if anyone would like to help contribute on behalf of BCMC, please let one of our church liaisons know.  By the first of May would be preferable, but of course contributions would be welcomed at any time!  Contact people are Dale and Margo Schrag 316-283-6031, and Dennis and Kathy Campbell 316-416-5156.

Mennonite Central Committee Announcements
From the MCC U.S. Washington Office, an invitation to take action: Prevent future war—repeal the Iraq AUMF (Authorization for Use of Military Force) 
The 2002 Iraq AUMF authorized war against the Saddam Hussein regime and has been used to justify military action for 19 years without additional congressional approval. Two bills repealing the AUMF in the House of Representative and the Senate have growing bipartisan support. Repealing past AUMFs will return authority to engage in militarized force to Congress, creating greater accountability for military actions. Send a message to your members of Congress calling on them to support the repeal of the 1991 and 2002 Iraq AUMFs.

MCC dignity kit informational webinar, April 20 at 7 p.m. Yes, MCC has a new kit that has been in development for years and now we’re ready to teach you how to help us bring dignity to young women around the world! The dignity kit includes hygiene items and a reusable menstruation pad system. Join Kate Mast for this webinar to learn about the kit and how to sew the base units for the reusable system. Email for the Zoom link.

Responding to disaster: MCC’s response to hurricanes Eta & Iota webinar April 21 & 22 at 7pm
MCC is pleased to bring you, via Zoom, the people and stories directly impacted by this disaster response that you generously supported. Register here for this two night webinar to hear directly from MCC partner organizations and church partners in Honduras and Nicaragua. They will share about MCC’s disaster response as well as how climate change impacts migration and poverty in Central America.

MCC is hiring a multimedia producer! Check out the job description and apply today!

Bethel College Announcements
Sunday, April 25, 2 p.m. – Award-winning syndicated columnist Leonard Pitts Jr., who packed out Memorial Hall at Bethel College in September 2017 with a lecture titled “America in an Age of Trump,” makes a return engagement, live online, speaking on “Is America Possible?” This is part of the Peace Lecture Series from the Kansas Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution (KIPCOR). Register for the Zoom link at

Kauffman Museum’s spring fundraiser is FaspBox – faspa in a box. Faspa is a light evening meal traditional among Low German-heritage Mennonites. Each box serves one and costs $50. Reservations must be made by Monday, April 26 (for pickup or delivery on May 2), by going to the Kauffman Museum website, then click on Visit, then click on Events, or by contacting the museum with credit card information at or 316-283-1612.

April 29-May 1 (including Saturday matinee): Bethel College spring play, I and You by Lauren Gunderson, planned for Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center. Thursday, 7:30 p.m.; Friday, 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. – and there is a livestream option! Call or stop by Thresher Shop in Schultz Student Center, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-5 p.m., 316-284-5205, for tickets for either in-person or livestream. Please note: This play has adult content and is not suitable for children. Face coverings must be worn and physical distancing will be enforced for in-person performances.

Sunday, May 2, 4 p.m.: Spring choral concert, featuring the Bethel College Concert Choir, Woven and Open Road on the steps of the Administration Building on campus. Bring your own chairs/blankets. Please note that face coverings must be worn and physical distancing practiced on the Bethel campus.

Sat., April 24, 7 p.m. – Caleb Abbott senior saxophone recitalKrehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel College, featuring classical and jazz pieces by Glazunov, Morosco, Shorter, Wood & Mellin, and an original composition. Those planning to attend must wear masks and sit physically distanced or in family groups. Seating is limited, with priority given to members of a pre-concert list of family and friends.

Western District Conference Announcements
1.  Church Replanting – Discerning God’s Call to Change 
God is continuing to call God’s church to change so that we can better embody our Jesus-given mission. Perhaps the Spirit is already moving in your heart: Have you been longing to implement changes resulting in deeper discipleship, while inviting and welcoming others into the way of Jesus?  But how can we do that if we have become stuck in what was and what has been?  How can we prayerfully approach healthy changes as a community for the sake of the Gospel?  Join members of the WDC Church Planting Commission for a Zoom conversation and discussion on these topics and more on April 21 at 11:00 am (, Meeting ID: 844 4543 0211, Passcode: 173971).  Tim Amor, pastor at Beatrice (NE) Mennonite Church, will share his congregation’s ‘replanting’ story and engage our own exploration into how God’s Spirit is moving within us and the congregations we serve, considering guiding questions such as:
·  What are you willing to change so that you and your church can better embody and share the love of Jesus?
·  What are you not willing to change?
·  How can we better disciple and invite others to join with us in orienting all of life toward the radical love of Jesus?

Camp Mennoscah Announcements
1.  Men and Boys Retreat, April 16-18, at Camp Mennoscah! Come to Camp Mennoscah for time for fishing, canoeing, worshiping, sitting by the fire, or visiting with friends in fellowship.  No pre-registration. Registration and payment will take place upon arrival at the shelter. For more information contact Kevin Neufeld at 316-322-5515.
2.  Camp Mennoscah is cleaning house!  Anyone visiting will notice a “display” of items in the field in front of the maintenance shed.  When the shed was cleaned out, the items were placed there until we could find new locations for them.  It’s messy, as many big cleaning projects are, and we’ll continue to find places to store those items!
3.  Camp Mennoscah is seeking to fill a part-time custodian/housekeeper position.  Hours average 10 per week and are flexible, dependent upon the camp schedule.  For more information, contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 or
4.  Camp Mennoscah is seeking a full-time Director of Development, Marketing & Communications to lead our ongoing operational and advancement needs.  More information at  Applications accepted until the position is filled; early submission encouraged.  Please send application materials (resume, cover letter, references and salary requirements) to
 Mennonite Church Announcements1.  Come build communities of peace with the Colombia Youth Venture experience. Youth participants in both countries come together (virtually) to collaboratively explore that which makes for peace in their own, respective contexts. Visit to learn more. Deadline is May 1!
2.  Looking for a non-traditional pastoral role? Become a unit leader for Service Adventure, a gap-year program for ages 17-20 from Mennonite Mission Network. Unit leaders, who are at least 24 years of age, serve as mentors to the young adults in the Service Adventure household. Leaders are needed in Colorado Springs, CO and Johnstown, PA. Learn more by contacting
3.  Pastor Jon Carlson of Forest Hills (Pennsylvania) Mennonite Church has been nominated as Mennonite Church USA moderator-elect for the 2021-2023 biennium. Read more here:
4.  Hendy Matahelemaul sheds light on the dramatic increase in hate crimes and acts of racism against Asians in the United States in his blog, “Difficult things in difficult times.” Learn more here:
5.  In her blog, “Let us lay down our economic weapons,” Katerina Parsons explains the impact that U.S. economic sanctions have on the people in the countries that have experienced these sanctions. Parsons calls us to advocate against these sanctions, in order put our love for people around the world into action.
6.  As a young man, Alfonso Alvarado dreamt of leaving his home in El Salvador and moving to the United States. Read about his journey, which led him to become a pastor and church planter at a Mennonite church in “Beyond that ocean is North America.” In English: En español:

Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp Announcements
RMMC SPRUCE BEETLE PACKET WORKDAY NOW APRIL 24TH – With the coming of snow and cold (ah, Springtime in CO), the workday has been moved to April 24.  Please signup to come help with this year’s distribution by visiting our Volunteer page and select “Signup for Maintenance“. Friday night accommodations are offered by request and breakfast will be served Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. and lunch at 11:30 a.m. Hope to have you join us!

SPRUCE BEETLE TREE CUTTING AT ROCKY MOUNTAIN MAY 23-29, 2021 – Mennonite Disaster Service and RMMC continue their critical partnership in the work to remove beetle infested Engelmann Spruce trees from camp. Ten volunteers (approximately) needed each day. Volunteers for foodservice are also encouraged to help in support of the week’s efforts. Please visit the volunteer page at and select “Signup for Maintenance” or “Signup for Foodservice” for 1 or 2 days or the whole week if you can. For additional information, please contact Paul Unruh (, 316-772-6308) or Marc Yoder (, 719-942-3276).

ROCKY MOUNTAIN SUMMER YOUTH CAMPS – Another year of coronavirus impacts and we are all anew hoping for a successful summer camping season. While guidance from the state is yet to come, we are working toward offering our resident camp programs at 50% capacity and our wilderness camp programs at 100%. Currently, four out of our eleven youth camps (2 resident camps and 2 wilderness camps) have reached capacity with waitlists. Camp is excited again for the group of summer staff who are looking forward to serving the campers and guests anticipating their time here at Rocky Mountain this summer. Special thanks to our donors and churches and conference who have ensured the opportunity to offer a summer camp experience in 2021.

Buhler High School Choral Department Announcement (under the direction of Greg Bontrager)
Buhler High School Choral Department will present the musical GODSPELL, April 28, 30, May 1 and 2!. Music and Stage Direction by Greg Bontrager with Choreography by Katelyn Stoss and Rock Combo Direction by Rich Toevs.  In this tale of building a community, friendship, loyalty, and love, a small group of disciples help Jesus tell a variety of parables through song, dance, and humor.  But at its core, it’s the story of all of us, how we need to take care of each other, how we are all, in essence, a family. Godspell will be performed at the Buhler High School Auditorium April 28, 30 at 7:00 p.m.,
May 1 at 7:30 pm. and a matinee, May 2 at 2 p.m.
Tickets are $10 for adults, $6 for K-12 students and are available by calling BHS at 620-543-2255.  Tickets will also be available at the door or at this website:  file:///Users/gbontrager/Desktop/Godspelltickets.html

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for the two-day Sent Network conference that begins on Thursday, April 23. Pray that all who participate in this virtual church-planting summit will be inspired, energized, and given the tools necessary for encouraging the growth of Jesus’ church.
Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Give thanks for farmers and gardeners, and pray for all those in WDC congregations working to be faithful stewards of God’s creation.

Announcements for April 11-April 18, 2021

As the Reopening Task Group makes plans to increase the number of people participating in in-person worship, your feedback is important.  Please take two minutes to complete this two question survey. Hit the “submit” button when you are finished: 

Interested in learning more about our new hymnal, Voices Together?  Check out this helpful article by Katie Graber, member of the Worship and Song Committee.

Looking for an opportunity to sing or play an instrument in church this summer? BCMC is seeking musicians of all ages, individuals or small groups, to assist in leading worship this summer. If you are willing or want more information, email Barbara Thiesen, BCMC Music Coordinator, at Please indicate dates you would be available. If you are a singer, indicate if you are a soprano, alto, tenor, or baritone/bass; if you are an instrumentalist, indicate your instrument.

A heartfelt thank you with deep appreciation for the many birthday wishes I received for my 90th birthday.  May you also receive many blessings in the coming year.”     Esther M. Thieszen

Helen Ruth Unruh
A private graveside service for Helen Ruth Unruh occurred this past Thursday at Greenwood Cemetery in Newton.  Attached is a PDF of the service.  Please continue to hold Helen’s family and friends in your prayers as they grieve her loss.  Helen Ruth Obit Helen Ruth Worship Service

Spring Congregational Meeting: This year, due to the Leonard Pitts lecture scheduled by Kansas Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution (KIPCOR) on April 25 at 2 pm, the BCMC Congregational Meeting will be held on May 2, at 1 pm, via zoom. Mark your calendars now!

BCMC Camp Mennoscah Weekend Retreat
Dust off your tents, string your fishing poles, and prepare your hearts for worship at one of the best settings south-central Kansas has to offer! That’s right… it’s the BCMC Camp Mennoscah Weekend Retreat! This year’s event will be held May 15-16, and will only include BCMC – not Halstead First Mennonite as has been the case in the past (due to COVID). We plan on eating, fellowshipping, playing, worshiping, and seeing each other – safely, outdoors – as a way to be in community with each other. We’ll follow Camp’s safety protocol as we do this, of course, but would love to have as many folks out as can come – whether for Saturday evening, Sunday morning and lunch, or a whole weekend of fun! If you/your family is interested in attending, please fill out the link here: And, if you have questions about the retreat, pricing, COVID-friendly protocol, etc. OR would like to help out in some way, please reach out to Adam Robb ( or Pastor Renee and they’ll do their best to be helpful! Looking forward to being together, in nature, to worship our God!

The BCMC Mission Quilters are back in the church building.  A new quilt has been set up.   Everyone is welcome to come quilt.  Bring your mask.  Come on Monday afternoons, 1-5 pm in the church basement,  Room B6, to quilt!

Through Friday, April 16 – Student Art Exhibit in the Regier Gallery in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel College. The 2020 exhibit had to be canceled because of COVID shutdowns, so this one covers two school years and 55 different student artists, including two graduates. Gallery hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri. Please note that face coverings must be worn and physical distancing observed on the Bethel campus.

Sunday, April 25, 2 p.m. – Award-winning syndicated columnist Leonard Pitts Jr., who packed out Memorial Hall at Bethel College in September 2017 with a lecture  titled “America in an Age of Trump,” makes a return engagement, live online, speaking on “Is America Possible?” This is part of the Peace Lecture Series from the Kansas Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution (KIPCOR). Register for the Zoom link at

Kauffman Museum’s spring fundraiser is FaspBox – faspa in a box.
 Faspa is a light evening meal traditional among Low German-heritage Mennonites. Each box serves one and costs $50. Reservations must by made by Monday, April 26 (for pickup or delivery on May 2) by going to the Kauffman Museum website and clicking on events or by contacting the museum with credit card information at or 316-283-1612.

The MC USA biennial convention will take place in July 6-10, 2021 in Cincinnati, Ohio. While a limited number of persons will be allowed to participate in-person, any registrant can participate virtually from home–joining in worship, participating in seminars and exploring the exhibition hall. You can register here, after April 6:

The MC USA delegate session will be held virtually on Saturday, July 10, from 1-3:30pm EDT. BCMC is looking for 5 people to represent our congregation at this delegate session. Since the session will be held virtually, there will be no need to travel. If you are interested in being a delegate, please contact Pastor Dawn (

The annual corporation meeting of Community Playschool, Inc. will take place on Monday, April 12 at 7:15 pm in the Fellowship Hall of the Bethel College Mennonite Church. This meeting is open to all corporation members which includes all members of sponsoring churches. In order to maintain safety guidelines for Covid 19, we ask that you call 316-217-2548 if you plan to attend and leave a message with your name so that we know how many people to expect. Mask wearing will be required.
Thank you-Jeanette Leary, director

Newton Et Cetera Shop is grateful for your donated items, your volunteer time, and your shopping enthusiasm! We have three requests for you this spring:
1. Please let your friends and neighbors know we’re hiring a full-time Home Goods Manager! The job description and applications are available on our website ( and at our shop; applications are due April 19, 2021.
2. We are in need of high-quality furniture, toys and home goods at this time. Our current donation schedule is every Wednesday, 9:30-6:00, and we hope to add other days of the week in the coming months!
3. We welcome new volunteers! Amazingly, we welcomed the same number of new volunteers (40!) in 2020 in the midst of a pandemic, as we did in 2019! If you’re interested in learning more, please visit our website or facebook page, send us an email expressing interest to, or call us at 316-283-9461. Thank you for supporting your local MCC Thrift Shop!

Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale will be having their 2021 sale for Mennonite Central Committee on July 2 and 3 this summer.  They are asking the churches for help with expenses,  so if anyone would like to help contribute on behalf of BCMC, please let one of our church liaisons know.  By the first of May would be preferable, but of course contributions would be welcomed at any time!  Contact people are Dale and Margo Schrag 316-283-6031, and Dennis and Kathy Campbell 316-416-5156.

Mennonite Central Committee dignity kit informational webinar, April 20 at 7 p.m. Yes, MCC has a new kit that has been in development for years and now we’re ready to teach you how to help us bring dignity to young women around the world! The dignity kit includes hygiene items and a reusable menstruation pad system. Join Kate Mast for this webinar to learn about the kit and how to sew the base units for the reusable system. Email for the Zoom link.

Responding to disaster: MCC’s response to hurricanes Eta & Iota webinar April 21 & 22 at 7pm
MCC is pleased to bring you, via Zoom, the people and stories directly impacted by this disaster response that you generously supported. Register here for this two night webinar to hear directly from MCC partner organizations and church partners in Honduras and Nicaragua. They will share about MCC’s disaster response as well as how climate change impacts migration and poverty in Central America.

MCC is hiring a multimedia producer! Check out the job description and apply today!

Western District Conference announcements
1.  WDC Hope Fund update: One year ago in April 2020, the WDC Executive Board established the Hope Fund to support WDC congregations and ministers in response to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.  Since then, contributions of over $45,000 have been received, and grants totaling over $31,000 have been distributed to assist with expenses such as rent and repairs, utilities, groceries, pastoral support, medical expenses and mental health care.  Thanks be to God for the mutual support and generosity that has been shared through these funds!  In anticipation of future needs beyond the pandemic, the Executive Board recently approved an expansion of the Hope Fund guidelines, to also include assistance in times of natural disaster or similar emergencies, and to allow WDC commissions (in addition to congregations) to also apply for grants to assist congregations and ministers. The Board also approved a Hope Fund Task Force to continue administering the fund.  For more information, see the attached revised guidelines and application forms.  Gifts to the Hope Fund may be made online at  (click on “Donate to WDC) or by sending a check to PO Box 306, N. Newton, KS 67117.  Thank you!
2.  All women and girls are invited to the Western District Women in Mission 2021 Spring Soiree Thursday, April 8 at 7:00 pm.  In lieu of attending our annual Spring Supper, gather with us for a virtual night of worship, music and a reflection on “Faith in Turbulent Times” offered by special guest speaker and freelance minister, Georgia Metz, M. Div. Special music will be provided by Erin Regier Graber and Addie Regier Kauffman. Email to register ASAP. A zoom link will be sent to registered participants prior to the event. 
3.  Alexanderwohl Mennonite Church, Goessel, KS, is pleased to host the Service of Ordination for Lead Pastor Caleb Yoder on Sunday, April 11, at 4:00 pm.  COVID precautions will be followed, including social distancing, required masks, and no congregational singing. A quartet will sing from the stage. Guests are welcome to join by livestream; email for the Zoom link. 
4.  Church Replanting – Discerning God’s Call to Change – Zoom conversation – APRIL 21, 11:00 AMGod is continuing to call God’s church to change so that we can better embody our Jesus-given mission. Perhaps the Spirit is already moving in your heart: Have you been longing to implement changes resulting in deeper discipleship, while inviting and welcoming others into the way of Jesus?  But how can we do that if we have become stuck in what was and what has been?  How can we prayerfully approach healthy changes as a community for the sake of the Gospel?  Join members of the WDC Church Planting Commission for a Zoom conversation and discussion on these topics and more on April 21 at 11:00 am.  Tim Amor, pastor at Beatrice (NE) Mennonite Church, will share his congregation’s ‘replanting’ story and engage our own exploration into how God’s Spirit is moving within us and the congregations we serve, considering guiding questions such as:·  What are you willing to change so that you and your church can better embody and share the love of Jesus?
·  What are you not willing to change?
·  How can we better disciple and invite others to join with us in orienting all of life toward the radical love of Jesus?

Camp Mennoscah announcements
1.  Camp Mennoscah is seeking a full-time Director of Development, Marketing & Communications to lead our ongoing operational and advancement needs.  More information at  Applications accepted until the position is filled; early submission encouraged.  Please send application materials (resume, cover letter, references and salary requirements) to
2.  Men and Boys Retreat, April 16-18, at Camp Mennoscah! Come to Camp Mennoscah for time for fishing, canoeing, worshiping, sitting by the fire, or visiting with friends in fellowship.  No pre-registration. Registration and payment will take place upon arrival. For more information contact Kevin Neufeld at 316-322-5515.
3.  It’s time to finish the Campfire Amphitheater at Camp Mennoscah!  Work days are scheduled for the following days: April 9 to 10, April 24, May 15.  Bring a lunch and water bottle with you when you come, and plan to arrive at the North cabin area to check in around 9:00 am. Email or call 620-297-3290 to volunteer for this project.  Let us know by the Tuesday before!
4,  Looking for kitchen staff and nurses!  Camp Mennoscah is filling volunteer and stipend positions for kitchen staff and nurses for the upcoming 2021 summer.  Contact Camp Mennoscah at or call 620-297-3290 for available weeks and details.  Kitchen staff can receive a scholarship up to full camp fees for their camper. 

Mennonite church announcements
1.  Bethel College Women’s Association invites donations to help purchase two earth-friendly water refill stations for the Bethel campus. The stations will accommodate water bottles, and cost $890 each. Donate at by April 30, 2021. Thank you for your support! 
2.  Interested in short-term service opportunities? Ask us about SOOP! We’d love to speak with your congregation about the awesome service opportunities that we can provide through SOOP. Contact for more information. 
3.  Serve with Literacy Connects through MVS in Tucson! Help connect people of all ages to a world of opportunities through literacy and creative expression. Visit to learn more.
4.  After living in sanctuary at Columbus (Ohio) Mennonite Church for three years, Edith Espinal was finally able to move back into her own home with her family in February. Celebrate with the Espinal family by reading Edith Espinal’s story here:
5.  The Mennonite Church USA Constituency Leaders Council (CLC) recently met and provided feedback on four proposed resolutions, concerning the denomination’s Membership Guidelines, inclusion of LGBTQIA people, accessibility for people with disabilities, and justice in the U.S. criminal legal system. Read more here:
6.  Please pray for the Executive Board of Mennonite Church USA, which is gathering for a virtual meeting on April 16-17. The Executive Board meets two or three times per year, setting the vision and guiding the direction of the denomination.
7.  Read Mennonite Church USA’s convention newsletter to meet the worship team for MennoCon21 and get the latest updates on Mennonite Church USA’s first hybrid convention to be held in Cincinnati, Ohio, and online on July 6-8 8.

Hesston College Event:Spring Play: Superior Donuts – Presented in the Black Box Theater in Keim Center at Hesston College – April 14-17, 7:00pm and April 18, 2:00pm – Tickets are $10 per adults/seniors and $5 for students and can be purchased at:

Announcements for April 4-April 11, 2021

Drive-Thru Soup FundraiserThe sr high youth drive-thru soup fundraiser has been rescheduled for Sunday, April 11th from 11:30am-1:00pm. Orders are still recorded from earlier RSVP’s. If you would like to order soup and had not done so previously, you can using this link. Please contact Renee at if you have any questions. All proceeds for this fundraiser will help support the sr high youth going on a Civil Rights Learning Tour in Alabama this summer. Thank you for your support!

Holy Hilarity Sunday is April 11
A Holy Hilarity Sunday is scheduled for April 11th and we are looking for some good church jokes to include throughout Sunday’s service! Many Christian churches celebrate Holy Hilarity Sunday the Sunday after Easter as a way to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. This year we will again celebrate a day of joy and laughter together, remembering the great joy that comes with the risen Christ. Send your jokes to by Easter Monday (April 5th) for a chance for them to be incorporated in a service of joy and laughter on April 11th. 

Spring Congregational Meeting: This year, due to the Leonard Pitts lecture scheduled by Kansas Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution (KIPCOR) on April 25 at 2 pm, the BCMC Congregational Meeting will be held on May 2, at 1 pm, via zoom. Mark your calendars now!

The MC USA biennial convention will take place in July 6-10, 2021 in Cincinnati, Ohio. While a limited number of persons will be allowed to participate in-person, any registrant can participate virtually from home–joining in worship, participating in seminars and exploring the exhibition hall. You can register here, after April 6:

The MC USA delegate session will be held virtually on Saturday, July 10, from 1-3:30pm EDT. BCMC is looking for 5 people to represent our congregation at this delegate session. Since the session will be held virtually, there will be no need to travel. If you are interested in being a delegate, please contact Pastor Dawn (

A Conversation About Justice & Peace for Palestine & Israel:  The Western District Conference Israel – Palestine Task Force is hosting an informal Conversation About Justice & Peace for Palestine & Israel.  The one-hour Zoom meeting will occur on April 13 from 7 – 8 pm CDT.  The purpose of the meeting is to create a safe space where informal dialogue can occur with WDC Mennonite Churches. Esther Koontz will provide a welcome & overview, Bob Atchison, reflections on Manhattan Mennonite Church’s Gaza Twinning project, and Jonathan Kuttab a report on current conditions in Gaza and the West Bank.  Participants will be divided into breakout groups where discussions will take place facilitated by Joe Roos, Lydia Brenneman, Kathy Neufeld Dunn and the other presenters.  There is no cost to participate.  To register for the meeting please e-mail to  A Zoom link will be provided.  Additional information may be obtained by contacting Kathy Nuefeld Dunn at
Hesston College Event
Spring Play: Superior Donuts
 – Presented in the Black Box Theater in Keim Center at Hesston College – April 14-17, 7:00pm and April 18, 2:00pm – Tickets are $10 per adults/seniors and $5 for students and can be purchased at:

Western District Conference  Announcements
1.  Due to Covid-19 concerns, the WDC staff has worked from their homes for the last several months.  Now, with lower positivity rates and vaccine availability, the WDC office plans to again be open beginning Tuesday, April 6 at 8 am.  Visitor protocols will include wearing a mask and social distancing from others.  Hand sanitizers will also be available.  At this time, Resource Library materials will be available by lobby pick up only, but it is hoped that patrons will be able to enter the library again soon.
2.  Alexanderwohl Mennonite Church, Goessel, KS, is pleased to host the Service of Ordination for Lead Pastor Caleb Yoder on Sunday, April 11, at 4:00 pm.  COVID precautions will be followed, including social distancing, required masks, and no congregational singing. A quartet will sing from the stage. Guests are welcome to join by livestream; email for the Zoom link. 

Camp Mennoscah announcements
1.  Camp Mennoscah is seeking a full-time Director of Development, Marketing & Communications to lead our ongoing operational and advancement needs.  This position reports directly to the Board of Directors while taking directive from the Executive Director when related to operational considerations.  As a member of a small, very hands-on staff, the role is expected to be highly collaborative.  This professional must embrace the mission of Camp Mennoscah, have an established background in coordinating nonprofit donation strategies, possess strong written, interpersonal, leadership and relationship building skills, and work as an independent contributor with good organization and follow-through.  Most of the work will commence off campus, however some in-person time at camp is required.This role involves organizing broad-based fundraising initiatives, advocating for Camp Mennoscah through speaking engagements, promotional materials, and social media, as well as recruiting volunteers, and building relationships with board members, donors and staff.
Our ideal candidate will have a bachelor’s degree, a minimum of five years of fund development experience, or equivalent experience in church relations, and a passion for Camp Mennoscah.  They should also be familiar with office related applications, and other technology used for communication and social media.  Experience with CampBrain and the associated donor database is a plus.
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled and early submission is encouraged.  Please send application materials (resume, cover letter, references and salary requirements) to
2.  Men and Boys Retreat, April 16-18, at Camp Mennoscah! Come to Camp Mennoscah for this long-standing, guys-only retreat! Spend time fishing, canoeing, worshiping, sitting by the fire, or visiting with friends in fellowship.  The official beginning to the weekend is Saturday morning, but many arrive on Friday. Meals can be purchased for Saturday night, Sunday morning and lunch.  People are welcome Friday, but no meals or entertainment will be provided.  Meals available for an additional cost. No pre-registration. Registration and payment will take place upon arrival. For more information contact Kevin Neufeld at 316-322-5515.
3.  2021 Summer Staff!  Camp Mennoscah’s summer staffers are Anna Lubbers, Beth Balzer, Karina Brandt, Emily Brandt, Schyler Entz, Ethan Entz, Seth Rudeen, Ben Rudeen, and John Koontz.  We are excited to have them be part of the summer camp staff and they are ready for an absolutely rootin’, tootin’ summer!  Start your prayers now for these staffers and for all who are part of the summer youth program! 
4.  Looking for HUGE tents!  Camp Mennoscah is looking for at least 2 more tents that hold approx. 8-10 bunk beds for summer youth camps (18′ X 36′).  These would be (similar) to the ones used for Senior High Camp (military tents repurposed for peace).  The cost to purchase one is approximately $2600.  If you have one stored away and are willing to lend it to Camp Mennoscah for the summer, please contact us at 620-297-3290.
5.  It’s time to finish the Campfire Amphitheater at Camp Mennoscah!  We’d like to have this ready for the summer youth camps.  Work days are scheduled for the following days: April 2-3, April 9 to 10, April 24, May 15.  Come out for one or both days and part or all-day. Ask about lodging if you would like to stay overnight. A team of five volunteers will work from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm each day installing the new stone benches. There will be stone to cut, move, clean and set along with a whole lot of mortar to mix up.  Bring a lunch and water bottle with you when you come, and plan to arrive at the North cabin area to check in around 9:00 am. Email or call 620-297-3290 to volunteer for this project.  Let us know by the Tuesday before!
6.  Looking for kitchen staff and nurses!  Camp Mennoscah is filling volunteer and stipend positions for kitchen staff and nurses for the upcoming 2021 summer.  Contact Camp Mennoscah at or call 620-297-3290 for available weeks and details.  Kitchen staff can receive a scholarship up to full camp fees for their camper. 

Mennonite church announcements
1.  Join Michael Danner, Mennonite Church USA’s associate executive director of Church Vitality, in a webinar April 8 at 7 p.m. ET, as he interviews Elain Enns and Ched Myers, authors of “Healing Haunted Histories: A Settler Discipleship of Decolonization.” Register here:
2.  SeongHan Kim, in his blog, “Walk out from the military base nation,” recounts how the construction of a Republic of Korea naval base on Jeju Island, Korea — and its connection to the U.S. military — has affected the lives of those Koreans who live in that region. Read his take on the Cost of War here:
3.  Allegheny Mennonite Conference (AMC) is offering a matching grant of up to $15,000 for donations made to Mennonite Church USA’s Justice Fund, a mutual aid fund that supports MC USA congregations’ work toward social justice. Find out more about AMC’s contribution and how your congregation can get involved at
4.  Registration for MennoCon21 opens April 6 for in-person and online attendance. Learn more here:
5 .  Want to be an integral part of a young adult’s life? Become a unit leader for Service Adventure, a gap-year program for ages 17-20 from Mennonite Mission Network. Unit leaders, who are at least 24 years of age, serve as mentors to the young adults in the Service Adventure household. Leaders are needed in Colorado Springs, CO and Johnstown, PA. Learn more by contacting

Newton Et Cetera Shop is grateful for your donated items, your volunteer time, and your shopping enthusiasm! We have three requests for you this spring:
1. Please let your friends and neighbors know we’re hiring a full-time Home Goods Manager! The job description and applications are available on our website (  and at our shop; applications are due April 19, 2021.
2. We are in need of high-quality furniture, toys and home goods at this time. Our current donation schedule is the first and third Wednesday of each month, 9:30-6:00, and we hope to add Wednesdays in April and May.
3. We welcome new volunteers! Amazingly, we welcomed the same number of new volunteers (40!) in 2020 in the midst of a pandemic, as we did in 2019! If you’re interested in learning more, please visit our website or facebook page, send us an email expressing interest to, or call us at 316-283-9461. Thank you for supporting your local MCC Thrift Shop!

The link to the April issue of Prayers for Mennonite Education is below. This is a monthly prayer resource prepared by Mennonite Education Agency (MEA), the education agency of Mennonite Church USA. These prayer requests were gathered from across Mennonite education, from early childhood – grade 12, undergraduate schools, graduate schools and seminaries, and MEA’s Hispanic Ministries’ seminary and Bible institute. By partnering with these schools and helping them flourish, MEA works to strengthen the church through education. Thank you for supporting our schools through prayer. 
Prayers for Mennonite Education – April 2021

Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp Announcements
The Rocky Mountain April newsletter is here!  
Have a look at the latest/greatest happenings here at RMMC. For this and previous newsletters, please visit the camp website and click on the “News” tab under “About Us”.
SPRUCE BEETLE PACKET WORKDAY APRIL 17TH – Since 2015, camp has continued the effort to minimize the impact of the spruce beetle’s desire to make a home and reproduce in the mature Engelmann spruce trees here at RMMC. Pheromone packets disbursed around camp facilities are intended to “communicate” to the beetles that camp’s part of the forest has a “no vacancy” sign and they should move on elsewhere. Please signup to come help with this year’s distribution by visiting our Volunteer page and select “Signup for Maintenance“. Friday night accommodations are offered by request and breakfast will be served Saturday morning at 8:00 a.m. and lunch at 12:30 p.m. Hope to have you join us!

SPRING MENNONITE QUILTERS RETREAT – Camp’s first quilters retreat for 2021 coming April 22-25. These retreats are a great opportunity to get away and get those projects done that have been waiting. While there will be some short, fun breaks, the main focus of this weekend will be giving participants plenty of time to sew. Bring lots of projects, or that one big project you’ve been waiting to start. Sharing ideas, tips and techniques are part of the weekend along with bringing any show and tell items to share with the group. To register, please visit the camp website at

Mennonite Central Committee Announcement
There is still time to register for this year’s virtual Ecumenical Advocacy Days taking place from April 18-21! Register by April 7th to receive the early bird discount on the registration fee. If the cost of attending is prohibitive, there is a student and limited income registration option.

Learn more and register!

Ecumenical Advocacy Days is a space where people of all denominations gather to worship, engage in fellowship, and advocate to their members of Congress. First-time advocates are welcome! This year, the theme is “Imagine! God’s Earth and People Restored.” The conference will center around climate justice and our role as Christians in advocating for equitable access to a safe and healthy planet.  

Register by April 7th and the fee is $25 for four inspiring days of connection, prayer, learning, and advocacy!

Throughout the conference, you can join a variety of engaging workshops, including two facilitated by MCC U.S. Washington Office staff: 

  • Climate change as a driver of forced migration from Central America
  • The impact of border walls on endangered species and sacred lands

Finally, during Ecumenical Advocacy Days’ time for denominational gatherings, we hope you’ll join a gathering of Anabaptists to share stories and inspiration and hear what others are doing.

Register here!

Part 2 of 

Peace Lecture Series
featuring Leonard Pitts Jr.

Mr. Pitts spoke on the Bethel College campus in 2017 to the largest audience since KIPCOR hosted Martin Luther King Jr., and will be presenting live online (via Zoom Webinar) in a sequel to that 2017 KIPCOR Peace Lecture, sharing his thoughts on, “Is America Possible?”  The event is free of charge (although we will be asking for voluntary donations to support our work and to cover the cost of the lecture) and you can sign up to receive the Zoom link to participate at  

Announcements for March 26-April 4, 2021

HOLY WEEK SERVICES:  As we enter into Holy Week, we invite you to reflect on the meaning of this season by participating in a Maundy Thursday service (pre-recorded) and by coming to the church to pray on Good Friday afternoon (anytime between 1 – 5pm). More details, including a link to the Maundy Thursday, will be sent out next week

Prayers for Marilyn and Martha Graber
Both Marilyn and Martha Graber received care at NMC Health last week.  Martha is continuing to do rehab at Presbyterian Manor.  Pray that they both will heal and be able to regain strength.

Card Shower!
Esther Thieszen, will be 90 on April 1. Her family would like to have a card shower for her.  The address for cards or notes is: 606 W Bluestem St., North Newton KS 67117

The BCMC Mission Quilters are back in the church building.  A new quilt has been set up.   Everyone is welcome to come quilt.  Bring your mask. 

For the next two months, the Library Committee is highlighting books that were written and/or illustrated by BCMC members, whether former or current. We have over 50 books displayed in the special section in back of the library desk or the shelving cart in front of the desk. Come and check them out! (If you see some that are missing, please be sure to contact one of us!) And, don’t forget that until the church is fully reopened a library committee member is on duty every Tuesday from 10:00-noon!

March 14, 2021 Offering at BCMC:  General Fund $1,855; Sr Hi Youth $325; Living Stones $233.33
March 21, 2021 Offering at BCMC:  General Fund $10,831; Sr Hi Youth $100; Living Stones $65; Transfer-Funeral $265 

Renewed Life” with Hesston College Bel Canto Singers  – A community worship service with music of Lent, Holy Week, and Easter – Presented at the Mullet Drive parking lot at Hesston College – March 28, 3:00-4:00pm – For more information and access to digital resources for worship visit

Supportive Communities Network (SCN)
Carol Wise, Director of the Supportive Communities Network, (SCN) gave a presentation to BCMC  Sunday afternoon, March 14.  You can get an overview of her presentation by reviewing the attached document.  Click here for the document:  Partial Transcript of Carol Wise Comments.  Or you can view the presentation in its entirety by clicking on the following link:

Congregational Survey
BCMC Joining Supportive Communities Network

The Church Board has commissioned this survey to gauge where BCMC as a congregation stands on the issue of Bethel College Mennonite Church becoming part of the Supportive Communities Network (SCN). SCN is a program of the Brethren Mennonite Council for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Interests. It is a network of Mennonite and Church of the Brethren communities who are publicly affirming of gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexual members. BCMC’s welcoming statement is printed below for your reference. The annual network membership fee is $200. More information can be found at:

This survey is being sent to people who attend and participate in the life of BCMC. It is not restricted to voting BCMC church members. People who do not communicate electronically will have an opportunity to participate by mail. Survey returns are due and the survey will be closed on March 29, 2021. Following the survey the Church Board will review survey results. If the number of YES responses is 75% or more of the total response, the Board will take action to join the SCN.

If you have not done so already, please click here to submit your response:

Sincerely from the survey task group members,

Karen Ediger
Megan Kohlman
John Kliewer
Nathan Koontz
Karen Penner

BCMC Welcoming Statement
Bethel College Mennonite Church welcomes into fellowship and membership all persons who confess faith in Jesus Christ, without regard to their race, ethnic background, gender, age, sexual orientation, education, ability, and other factors which give rise to discrimination and marginalization.

BCMC Camp Mennoscah Weekend Retreat
Dust off your tents, string your fishing poles, and prepare your hearts for worship at one of the best settings south-central Kansas has to offer! That’s right… its the BCMC Camp Mennoscah Weekend Retreat! This year’s event will be held May 15-16, and will only include BCMC – not Halstead First Mennonite as has been the case in the past (due to COVID). We plan on eating, fellowshipping, playing, worshiping, and seeing each other – safely, outdoors – as a way to be in community with each other. We’ll follow Camp’s safety protocol as we do this, of course, but would love to have as many folks out as can come – whether for Saturday evening, Sunday morning and lunch, or a whole weekend of fun! If you/your family is interested in attending, please fill out the link here: And, if you have questions about the retreat, pricing, COVID-friendly protocol, etc. OR would like to help out in some way, please reach out to Adam Robb ( or Pastor Renee and they’ll do their best to be helpful! Looking forward to being together, in nature, to worship our God!

Prayer requests–Mennonite World Conference
The Mennonite churches in Indonesia are looking forward to hosting Anabaptist brothers and sisters from around the world. Pray for the fundraising team to find solutions to close the budget gap in the fundraising efforts for Global Youth Summit (GYS) and Assembly 17.
Pray also for acceleration of the COVID-19 vaccination process to help the country be free of the virus before the end of 2021. Pray for the Indonesian government to make wise choices about prioritization and procurement.

Interested in serving as a delegate for the MC USA Assembly this summer?  Due to COVID-19 realities, the biennial Delegate Assembly will be held virtually on July 10, 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. EDT, so there will be no need to travel.  Serving as a delegate provides opportunity not only to speak to the establishment of general policies and programs; it also is an opportunity to connect with and listen to the various members in our diverse denomination.  BCMC may send 16 delegates. If you have interest, please contact Dawn Yoder Harms (

New Hope Shelter 
BCMC and Faith Mennonite Church provide volunteers to provide meals as well as evening and overnight volunteers.  We answer the call every 9 weeks.  New Hope is asking for a list of volunteers who might be willing to be on an on call list to serve during a week when BCMC is not responsible but when other churches are unable to find volunteers.  Please let Valetta Seymour (620-217-7536 or know if you would be willing to be on call to serve as an evening volunteer (5-midnight), overnight volunteer (midnight to 8AM), or to provide a meal.  If you wish to specify that you do not wish to do so now but would be willing to serve when the pandemic is behind us, please feel free to do so.  BCMC also needs to replenish our pool of regular volunteers, so please consider this important mission and contact Valetta with any questions.  

Kansas Mennonite Central Committee Relief Sale Auction – April 10, 2021
A gentleman cleaned out storage containers and buildings.  He donated items to Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale (KMRS).  An auction will be held on Saturday, April 10, 9 am, in Buhler (Buhler Auction Barn, 310 Industrial Park Rd., Buhler, KS) to sell these items.  To see the sale bill, click on the following link:
Sale Bill

All women and girls are invited to the Western District Women in Mission 2021 Spring Soiree Thursday, April 8 at 7:00 pm.  In lieu of attending our annual Spring Supper, gather with us for a virtual night of worship, music and a reflection on “Faith in Turbulent Times” offered by special guest speaker and freelance minister, Georgia Metz, M. Div. Special music will be provided by Erin Regier Graber and Addie Regier Kauffman. Email  to register by April 5. A zoom link will be sent to registered participants prior to the event.  For the flier click here.  

Camp Mennoscah announcements
1.  Thank you, thank you to all the volunteers who helped with Youth Volunteer projects and with putting in the dam!  We are grateful you are willing to share your time and energy doing projects that make Camp Mennoscah safe and fun!

2.  Camp Mennoscah is seeking a full-time Director of Development, Marketing & Communications to lead our ongoing operational and advancement needs.  This position reports directly to the Board of Directors while taking directive from the Executive Director when related to operational considerations.  As a member of a small, very hands-on staff, the role is expected to be highly collaborative.  This professional must embrace the mission of Camp Mennoscah, have an established background in coordinating nonprofit donation strategies, possess strong written, interpersonal, leadership and relationship building skills, and work as an independent contributor with good organization and follow-through.  Most of the work will commence off campus, however some in-person time at camp is required.
This role involves organizing broad-based fundraising initiatives, advocating for Camp Mennoscah through speaking engagements, promotional materials, and social media, as well as recruiting volunteers, and building relationships with board members, donors and staff.
Our ideal candidate will have a bachelor’s degree, a minimum of five years of fund development experience, or equivalent experience in church relations, and a passion for Camp Mennoscah.  They should also be familiar with office related applications, and other technology used for communication and social media.  Experience with CampBrain and the associated donor database is a plus.
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled and early submission is encouraged.  Please send application materials (resume, cover letter, references and salary requirements) to

3.  Men and Boys Retreat, April 16-18, at Camp Mennoscah! Come to Camp Mennoscah for this long-standing, guys-only retreat! Spend time fishing, canoeing, worshiping, sitting by the fire, or visiting with friends in fellowship.  The official beginning to the weekend is Saturday morning, but many arrive on Friday. Meals can be purchased for Saturday night, Sunday morning and lunch.  People are welcome Friday, but no meals or entertainment will be provided.  Meals available for an additional cost. No pre-registration. Registration and payment will take place upon arrival. For more information contact Kevin Neufeld at 316-322-5515.

4.  Looking for HUGE tents!  Camp Mennoscah is looking for at least 2 more tents that hold approx. 8-10 bunk beds for summer youth camps (18′ X 36′).  These would be (similar) to the ones used for Senior High Camp (military tents repurposed for peace).  The cost to purchase one is approximately $2600.  If you have one stored away and are willing to lend it to Camp Mennoscah for the summer, please contact us at 620-297-3290.

5.  It’s time to finish the Campfire Amphitheater at Camp Mennoscah!  We’d like to have this ready for the summer youth camps.  Work days are scheduled for the following days: April 2 to 3, April 9 to 10, May 14-15.  Come out for one or both days and part or all-day. Ask about lodging if you would like to stay overnight. A team of five volunteers will work from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm each day installing the new stone benches. There will be stone to cut, move, clean and set along with a whole lot of mortar to mix up.  Bring a lunch and water bottle with you when you come, and plan to arrive at the North cabin area to check in around 9:00 am. Email or call 620-297-3290 to volunteer for this project.  Let us know by the Tuesday before!6.  Looking for kitchen staff and nurses!  Camp Mennoscah is filling volunteer and stipend positions for kitchen staff and nurses for the upcoming 2021 summer.  Contact Camp Mennoscah at or call 620-297-3290 for available weeks and details.  Kitchen staff can receive a scholarship up to full camp fees for their camper.

Mennonite church announcements
1.  Wilma Ann Bailey, Ph.D., gave this spring’s Staley Lecture at Bethel College. “Reading Biblical Laments in the Age of COVID” can be viewed online at Dr. Bailey is Minnie Vautrin Professor Emerita of Christian Witness, and professor emerita of Hebrew Bible and Aramaic Scripture, at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, where she attends Shalom Mennonite Church. Dr. Bailey’s lecture on Lamentations (for which she wrote the commentary in the Believer’s Church Bible Commentary series) supports one of this year’s common texts for Bethel’s senior capstone course Basic Issues of Faith and Life (BIFL). The Q&A with students and faculty is at Bethel’s spring convocations are posted at as they become available. 

2.  The award winning traveling exhibit Voices of Conscience: Peace Witness in the Great War has returned to the Western District Conference region.  It is currently on display at Stauth Memorial Museum in Montezuma, Kansas through Saturday May 1. The exhibit lifts up the prophetic insights and the personal courage of World War I peace protesters, and suggests parallels to the culture of war and violence in our world today.  Developed and traveled by Kauffman Museum at Bethel College. To learn more visit

Everence to hold several upcoming webinars
Everence will host the following online webinars during the month of April; all starting at 6:30 p.m. 

  • Gifts that give later – Tuesday, April 6
    You can practice generosity in many ways, but sometimes it can be challenging to find the method that best fits both your faith and financial goals. Join this webinar to learn about a few options to consider, including bequests and end-of-life giving, as you explore ways to make your finances work for you while giving back.
  • Financial planning: Your dreams, your goals – Tuesday, April 13
    Planning is the process of considering ways to reach a desired destination or goal. Join this webinar where we will visit seven areas that make up a comprehensive financial plan. You’ll learn foundational concepts, hear about helpful tools and get actionable ideas to help you on your financial journey.
  • Make Medicare an easy step – Tuesday, April 20
    Join us for this informative and interactive Medicare webinar. Topics will include:
    Signing up for Medicare: how, when and where.
    What Medicare covers (and does not cover).
    Prescription drug coverage. 
    Plans that supplement Medicare. 

*Attendance is recommended for those approaching retirement or those ready to sign up for Medicare.
Register soon for these free, online events by contacting our office at 316-283-3800, 877-467-7294 or    Click here for the flier.
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Thespring 2021 issue of Intersections: MCC Theory and Practice Quarterly is available now on-line. Compiled by MCC health coordinator Paul Shetler Fast, this issue examines “community approaches to trauma,” exploring the different ways that MCC and its partners in Nepal, Colombia, Ukraine, Afghanistan, Haiti, and DR Congo accompany individuals and communities that have undergone traumatic events.  The downloadable pdf of this issue can be found here. As always, we welcome any feedback you have about this or other issues of Intersections!

The second MennoCon21 newsletter is out now!
Click here to read it.

Kansas Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution Open position at Kipcor:
Director of Education and TrainingDirector of Education and Training
Because we believe the best way to reach the widest pool of applicants is to ask our friends if they are interested, or if they know of a potential candidate who would be an excellent fit for our team, we’re asking your help to make our opening known far and wide.  A VERY short version of the position description is:  
“This position is focused on the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of all education and training courses, workshops, and educational programs offered by KIPCOR.  It also includes some widely varied tasks that will incorporate third-party intervention work in interpersonal conflict, group/organizational conflict, and public policy consensus building.”
The ideal candidate should be a restorative justice practitioner and have a good understanding of restorative justice in all of its applications.   

The full position description and associated context is available HERE.  

The April 2021 Mennonite Mission Network PRAYER VINE is now available for download. The PDF is posted in theprayer resources section of our website and can also be downloaded directly by clicking the link below: Download this month’s Prayer Vine (PDF)

Announcements for March 19-March 26, 2021

March 21, 2021 —  Worship at 9:30 am
On Sunday morning, around 9:20, go to BCMC’s webpage at and click the green button labeled LIVE on the right side of the screen, which will take you to the worship service.  If you get a message in the black box that the video is unavailable, click the gray box belows that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.   Anytime after the service concludes, you can watch a recording of the service at your convenience by clicking the same green LIVE button. Click the red button to see the bulletin/order of service.

March 21, 2021, 9:30 am
Lent 5
Deep in the earth: Called to deep growth

Prelude—Verlene Garber

Lighting the Christ Candle– Florence Schloneger

Welcome and prayer       

Hymn—How Great Thou Art—VT 436

Children’s Conversation–Carol Flickinger

Scripture Reading—Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Psalm 51: 1-12 

Sermon–Who are we now?–Renee Reimer

Hymn–I Saw a Tree by the Riverside–VT 514

Prayers of God’s people

Sending Hymn—Rain Down—VT 703

Benediction—Renee Reimer 

VT  =  Voices Together
Musicians—Verlene Garber, Bethany Schrag, Tim Schrag, Renee Reimer, Ben Lichti

Audio visual—Francis Toews

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Dawn Yoder Harms

In-person worship schedule  for Sunday, March 21: This Sunday, the Catacombs and Fellowship Sunday School classes and their family members are invited to attend. Please RSVP at the church office if you plan to be there!
For those Catacombs and Fellowship members (and their families) who are attending this Sunday, you can enter by the front doors (west) or the south automatic doors.  All other doors to the church will be locked.

If you would like to bring an offering on the Sunday you attend in-person worship, there will be an offering plate on a table at the back of the sanctuary where you can place your offering as you enter or exit the sanctuary.  If writing a check, please indicate its intended destination in the memo line: for example, general fund, special fund (please name), or Sunday School.  You can also support BCMC and its work beyond this congregation by sending a check into the office, contributing electronically (–see red “Support BCMC” tab), or by working with Finance Manager Mike Claassen to set up an electronic deposit system.

Pastor Renee Reimer will be away March 22-28 for rest and renewal. Please contact pastors, Dawn Yoder Harms or Nathan Koontz, if you need assistance during those dates. 

Crystal Gaeddert’s mother, Mary Enz, of Newton passed away on Monday morning.  Please keep Crystal, Joel, and their two sons, Brett and Collin from our congregation in your prayers along with the rest of Crystal’s family as they grieve her loss.  Family visitation will be at the First Mennonite Church, 429 E. 1st Street, Newton, Sunday, March 21, from 5-7.
Mary’s Celebration of life will be March 22 at 2 pm at Grace Community Church, 1600 S. Anderson Road, Newton. 

We offer our sympathies to the family of Rosalind Andreas, who died March 15. A private service for Rosalind was held Tuesday, March 16, in the BCMC Peace Garden. A larger memorial gathering is being planned for when Covid restrictions are lifted.  

We offer sympathy to John and Mary Jane Waltner and the extended family on the death of their sister-in-law, Barbara Waltner, March 7, Wichita.  Barbara’s husband was Robert (Bob) Waltner, John’s brother.

BCMC Camp Mennoscah Weekend Retreat
Dust off your tents, string your fishing poles, and prepare your hearts for worship at one of the best settings south-central Kansas has to offer! That’s right… its the BCMC Camp Mennoscah Weekend Retreat! This year’s event will be held May 15-16, and will only include BCMC – not Halstead First Mennonite as has been the case in the past (due to COVID). We plan on eating, fellowshipping, playing, worshiping, and seeing each other – safely, outdoors – as a way to be in community with each other. We’ll follow Camp’s safety protocol as we do this, of course, but would love to have as many folks out as can come – whether for Saturday evening, Sunday morning and lunch, or a whole weekend of fun! If you/your family is interested in attending, please fill out the link here: And, if you have questions about the retreat, pricing, COVID-friendly protocol, etc. OR would like to help out in some way, please reach out to Adam Robb ( or Pastor Renee and they’ll do their best to be helpful! Looking forward to being together, in nature, to worship our God!

Greetings from Bethel College!
While we work ourselves through the sometimes tumultuous month of March and also a tumultuous year dealing with a pandemic, it is important to keep a positive eye on the future. Spring and Easter are right around the corner, and vaccines will hopefully provide a return to normal soon. Our students are eager to return full in-person classes and gatherings, as I’m sure you congregants are as well. God is still working in the world through many amazing followers.
I would like to share with you the link below to our annual Staley Lecture. These lectures are presented as part of our Convocation series and are always free and open to the public. This year, Convocation has been held in an online format, which gives me the opportunity to share this with you.
The speaker this year was Dr. Wilma Ann Bailey, Professor Emerita at Central Theological Seminary. She spoke on “Biblical Laments in the Age of COVID.”
Click this link to see the video,, and feel free to share the link as you wish.
Grace and peace, Benjamin Lichti, Coordinator, Alumni & Church Relations

New Hope Shelter 
BCMC and Faith Mennonite Church provide volunteers to provide meals as well as evening and overnight volunteers.  We answer the call every 9 weeks.  New Hope is asking for a list of volunteers who might be willing to be on an on call list to serve during a week when BCMC is not responsible but when other churches are unable to find volunteers.  Please let Valetta Seymour (620-217-7536 or know if you would be willing to be on call to serve as an evening volunteer (5-midnight), overnight volunteer (midnight to 8AM), or to provide a meal.  If you wish to specify that you do not wish to do so now but would be willing to serve when the pandemic is behind us, please feel free to do so.  BCMC also needs to replenish our pool of regular volunteers, so please consider this important mission and contact Valetta with any questions.  

Card Shower!
Esther Thieszen, will be 90 on April 1. Her family would like to have a card shower for her.  The address for cards or notes is: 606 W Bluestem St., North Newton KS 67117
Supportive Communities Network (SCN)
Carol Wise, Director of the Supportive Communities Network, (SCN) gave a presentation to BCMC  Sunday afternoon, March 14.  You can view the presentation by clicking on the following link: Survey
BCMC Joining Supportive Communities Network
Dear Congregant:

The Church Board has commissioned this survey to gauge where BCMC as a congregation stands on the issue of Bethel College Mennonite Church becoming part of the Supportive Communities Network (SCN). SCN is a program of the Brethren Mennonite Council for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Interests. It is a network of Mennonite and Church of the Brethren communities who are publicly affirming of gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexual members. BCMC’s welcoming statement is printed below for your reference. The annual network membership fee is $200. More information can be found at:

This survey is being sent to people who attend and participate in the life of BCMC. It is not restricted to voting BCMC church members. People who do not communicate electronically will have an opportunity to participate by mail. Survey returns are due and the survey will be closed on March 29, 2021. Following the survey the Church Board will review survey results. If the number of YES responses is 75% or more of the total response, the Board will take action to join the SCN.

Please click here to submit your response:

Sincerely from the survey task group members,

Karen Ediger
Megan Kohlman
John Kliewer
Nathan Koontz
Karen Penner
BCMC Welcoming Statement
Bethel College Mennonite Church welcomes into fellowship and membership all persons who confess faith in Jesus Christ, without regard to their race, ethnic background, gender, age, sexual orientation, education, ability, and other factors which give rise to discrimination and marginalization.

PLANTS AND THINGS…Mark your calendars for the Annual KMRS Plants and Thing Sale. Because of the move of the MCC Sale to July, we are selling plants, seedlings, flowers, vegetables and many more items on Saturday, April 10, starting at 9:00 AM and running through the day, closing at 6:00 PM.  The Sale will be held at the MCC Building in North Newton, Kansas and will utilize the MCC Buildings as well as the parking lot to allow for proper social distancing and having plenty of room to spread out the flats brought in from greenhouses for the Sale and the many donations by our local gardeners.  This is your opportunity to prepare for your gardening year, and to support the great work of the Mennonite Central Committee. Credit Cards will be accepted.   If you have donations of plants to make, please bring them to the MCC Building on Friday afternoon, April 9.  This will be a drive through donation with volunteers greeting you and collecting your donations of tomato plants, cabbage sets, etc.  If you wish to make a donation and can’t make this time frame, please contact Kristi at 1-620 367-2721 or email
Volunteers are needed to help Friday to accept plants and help set up.  On Saturday volunteers are needed to help with organization and cashiers.  Please check out the Sign-up Genius below or KMRS website at 
Theresa Klassen will also have a table present at the Plants and Things Sale area selling recycled jewelry. As with Plants and Things all profits go to support the work of MCC. 
Get a start on participating in the 2021 KMRS, by planning to attend the Plants and Things Booth and some recycled jewelry.  Here is the link to the Plants and Things Sign-Up Genius:

 WDC announcements

1.  The Western District Conference, First Mennonite Church (Beatrice, NE), and Beatrice Mennonite Church are hosting a virtual event with featured speaker Pastor Natalie Frisk. Zoom info for March 21st @ 7pm, plus info for all the videos are available via the links below, and there are some PDF handouts attached. If you have any questions or technical difficulties, please email Pastor Tim Amor at
The Raising Disciples series includes:Sunday evening, March 21, 7:00 p.m. – “Jesus Centered Parenting: Q & A” – a live/interactive zoom gathering with Natalie to conclude our event. Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 811 7635 4895
Passcode: 9783291st message from Sunday morning, March 14th – “Kids in the Kingdom” (see attached handout)Session 1 – Anchors and Waves – see attached handout.Session 2 – Journeying on Sacred Pathways – see attached handout.Fun interview to get to know NatalieWait Wait Don’t Tell Me – a game show where we test Natalie’s knowledge on Nebraska and the Midwest!Facebook event info: Raising Disciples – Natalie Frisk
 Full YouTube Playlist: Raising Disciples with Natalie FriskNatalie Frisk is the curriculum pastor at The Meeting House Church in Toronto, Canada, where she and an education team create kids’ and youth curricula for ages 0–18 used by churches worldwide. Frisk is a sought-after speaker on topics of youth and children’s ministry, spiritual formation, and discipleship, and is the author of the book Raising Disciples: How to Make Faith Matter for Our Kids, published by Herald Press.
 2.  RECONNECTING HOPE FOR IMMIGRANTS:  Thursday, March 25  7:00 p.m. ZOOM networking meeting hosted by WDC Immigration Task Force.  Reconnect with other churches to hear about their advocacy on behalf of immigrants.  Hear from MCC’s National Advocacy Director Tammy Alexander.  How should our work go forward?  What is your church doing or what do they hope to do?  Ask a representative from your church to contact for the ZOOM invitation. 
3.  A Conversation About Justice & Peace for Palestine & Israel:  The Western District Conference Israel – Palestine Task Force is hosting an informal Conversation About Justice & Peace for Palestine & Israel.  The one-hour Zoom meeting will occur on April 13 at 7 pm CDT.  The purpose of the meeting is to create a safe space where informal dialogue can occur with WDC Mennonite Churches.  The agenda will include a welcome & overview, reflections on Gaza Twinning, a report on current conditions in Gaza and the West Bank, followed by breakout groups where discussions will take place.  There is no cost to participate.  To register for the meeting please e-mail to  A Zoom link will be provided.  Additional information may be obtained by contacting Kathy Nuefeld Dunn at  
4. Sarah Augustine, from the steering committee of the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Coalition is preaching at Peace Mennonite Church, Dallas, TX, on Sunday April 11 at 11 am, and staying for a discussion after worship. You can join at the Peace Mennonite Facebook page, or on zoom at Sarah is a leader in the Indigenous rights movement, and author of the book “The Land is not Empty: Following Jesus in Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery.” She will speak on how Texas Mennonites can support justice for native people. Everyone is invited to come and learn with us!

Camp Mennoscah announcements
1.  A double-decker of thanks to everyone who participated in the Verenike Casserole fundraiser meal for Camp Mennoscah!  Over $8500 was raised with the dedicated work of 22 volunteers who made 330 meals for hungry camp people.  Extra thanks go to Leslie Schrag for organizing the event and Moundridge High School for allowing us to use their facilities!  Your generosity supports the faith formation of the youth in your congregation and community.

2.  Looking for HUGE tents!  Camp Mennoscah is looking for at least 2 more tents that hold approx. 8-10 bunk beds for summer youth camps (18′ X 36′).  These would be (similar) to the ones used for Senior High Camp (military tents repurposed for peace).  The cost to purchase one is approximately $2600.  If you have one stored away and are willing to lend it to Camp Mennoscah for the summer, please contact us at 620-297-3290.

3.  One Day Event for Grades 7-12!  Camp Mennoscah’s Youth Volunteer Day on March 20 is a full day of service projects, worship, lunch & socially distanced fellowship.  Register online, email or call 620-297-3290 by March 18 to take part in the fun!  Masks are required.

4.  We need volunteers for the dam!  Camp Mennoscah is currently seeking a team of 5 to 10 volunteers to install the dam in the river. Completing this project will provide the opportunity for much fishing, boating and swimming for the upcoming season. We are excited to get in the water and encourage you to join us on Sunday, March 21, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Dress according to the weather conditions that day, and we’ll have a snack ready to enjoy after we are done. Let us know you are coming or just head on out, see you then!  Connect with us at 620-297-3290 or

5.  We are ready to rock! Preparation for the Amphitheater Improvement project was completed in the Summer of 2020 and we are ready to finish this project up. Work days are scheduled for the following days: March 26 to 27, April 2 to 3, April 9 to 10, May 14-15.  These opportunities to get involved are on Fridays and Saturday, come on out for one or both days, and part or all day. Ask about lodging if you would like to stay overnight. A team of five volunteers will work from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm each day installing the new stone benches. There will be stone to cut, move, clean and set along with a whole lot of mortar to mix up.  Bring a lunch and water bottle with you when you come, and plan to arrive at the North cabin area to check in around 9:00 am. Email or call 620-297-3290 to volunteer for this project.

6.  There are volunteer opportunities for you! Camp Mennoscah continually has year-round work to support the maintenance and upkeep of the campus and facilities. We can accommodate every group size, skill set and length of project you would like to tackle. Check out these ways to Get Involved!  Email or call 620-297-3290 to volunteer.

7.  Looking for kitchen staff and nurses!  Camp Mennoscah is filling volunteer and stipend positions for kitchen staff and nurses for the upcoming 2021 summer.  Contact Camp Mennoscah at or call 620-297-3290 for available weeks and details.  Kitchen staff can receive a scholarship up to full camp fees for their camper.

 Mennonite church announcements
1.  Combine your faith with action and join MVS! Serve with the Center for Restorative Programs in Alamosa, Colorado, where you will assist in empowering and uplifting the community through restorative justice practices. Visit today to learn more and sign up!

2.  Save the date for the Sent Conference 2021! Join us on Thursday, April 22 at 7-8:30 p.m. and Friday, April 23 at 2:30-4 p.m. ET for two webinars from peace church planters. They will share stories of hope and resilience in birthing new communities of faith. Keep your eyes on  for how to register!

3.  Turn donated firearms into garden tools and art as part of Mennonite Church USA’s new collaboration with RAWtools, Inc. Learn how your congregation can get involved.
4.  Do you have questions about MennoCon21? Mennonite Church USA leaders provide an update and address questions in this recorded webinar:

5.  This month marks five years since Pastor Max Villatoro of Torre Fuerte Mennonite Church, Iowa City, Iowa, was detained and deported to Honduras. He now lives in Mexico, separated from his family. Read his story here: En español:

6.  In his blog, “Let us create communities of resistance to militarism in all its forms,” Titus Peachey recounts his experiences dealing with the aftermath of U.S. military engagements in Vietnam and Laos and calls us to create communities of resistance to militarism. Read it here:

7.  Through the experiences of her own family, Ingrid Friesen Moser reflects on how Mennonite congregations have evolved in the way they support the health of pastors and their families in her blog, “With gratitude for health and pastoral well-being.” She encourages congregations to use The Corinthian Plan’s Pastor Well-being Checklist to support their pastor(s). Read more: 

Announcements for March 12-March 19, 2021

This Sunday, the Bible Study and Seekers Sunday School classes and their family members are invited to attend the in person church service. For those Bible Study and Seekers members (and their families) who are attending this Sunday, you can enter by the front doors (west) or the south automatic doors.  All other doors to the church will be locked.

Sunday School Offering for In-Person Worship
If you would like to bring an offering on the Sunday you attend in-person worship, there will be an offering plate on a table at the back of the sanctuary where you can place your offering as you enter or exit the sanctuary.  If writing a check, please indicate its intended destination in the memo line: for example, general fund, special fund (please name), or Sunday School. 
You can also support BCMC and its work beyond this congregation by sending a check into the office, contributing electronically (  See the red “Support BCMC” tab), or by working with Finance Manager Mike Claassen to set up an electronic deposit system.

Card Shower!
Esther Thieszen, will be 90 on April 1. Her family would like to have a card shower for her.  The address for cards or notes is:
Esther Thieszen
606 W Bluestem St
North Newton KS 67117

Congregational Learnings Survey

As we move toward beginning in-person worship after a year’s hiatus, this seems like an important moment for us as a congregation to reflect on our experience of this past year and what we have been learning together.  The BCMC Pastor Team invites you to follow this link to share your thoughts by Friday, March 19. In the spirit of conversation with each other, a summary of the responses (without names attached) will be shared with the congregation.

Supportive Communities Network (SCN)

Carol Wise, Director of the Supportive Communities Network, (SCN) will be giving a presentation to BCMC and available for question and discussion Sunday afternoon, March 14, from 1:30-2:30.  All those from the Bethel College Mennonite Church community are encouraged to participate.  Please come with questions or comments that you would like to share.
The Zoom Link will be:
Meeting ID: 870 4078 1903
Passcode: 610531
The following day on Monday, March 15, you will be sent a survey to see if you want BCMC to join SCN.  The survey will be open until March 29.  Supportive Communities Network (SCN) is a program of the Brethren Mennonite Council for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Interests (BMC). It is a network of Mennonite and Church of the Brethren communities who are publicly affirming of gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexual members.  SCN’s goals are to offer support, resources and opportunities for dialogue among congregations which welcome gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexual members; to encourage meaningful dialogue at the denominational level; to offer support and resources for individuals who are working toward welcome.

March 7, 2021 Offering at BCMC:  General Fund $8,899; Sr Hi Youth $175; Caring Fund $25; Living Stones $640; Transfer-Sunday School $40; Levi Minkevitch Memorial $25

Bethel College Announcements:
Save the dates for upcoming events at Bethel College:

– Sun., April 25: KIPCOR Peace Lecture with Leonard Pitts (virtual). Registration is now open at

– Fri.-Sat., April 30-May 1 (including Saturday matinee): spring playI and You by Lauren Gunderson (in person)

– Sun., May 2: Outdoor choral concert

 Western District Conference announcements1. WDC invites prayer for the people of Myanmar in the midst of conflict and violence in their country. Pray especially for God’s care and peace for WDC congregation Chin Emmanuel Baptist Church and Pastor Simon Tlumang in Houston, TX, as they carry concern for friends, family members, friends and home communities in Myanmar.2.  The WDC Resource Library will host a Zoom discussion on Michele Hershberger’s book Why Did Jesus Die and What Difference Does it Make? at 7:00pm on Thursday, March 25.   Contact the library ( to borrow a copy of the book or to register for the discussion.
3.  All women and girls are invited to the Western District Women in Mission 2021 Spring Soiree Thursday, April 8 at 7:00 pm.  In lieu of attending our annual Spring Supper, gather with us for a virtual night of worship, music and a reflection on “Faith in Turbulent Times” offered by special guest speaker and freelance minister, Georgia Metz, M. Div. Special music will be provided by Erin Regier Graber and Addie Regier Kauffman. Email to register by April 5. A zoom link will be sent to registered participants prior to the event.

 Camp Mennoscah announcements

1.  Pick up your Verenike Casserole Meals on March 13!   For all who ordered meals supporting Camp Mennoscah’s summer youth program, thank you!  Pick up meals at Moundridge High School on March 13 between 5:30-6:30pm.  Enter the west drive and stop in front of the school.  There will be buckets for your donations where you pick up your meals.  (Suggested minimum donation of $15 per meal.)  We’ll see you on Saturday!

2.  One Day Event for Grades 7-12!  Camp Mennoscah’s Youth Volunteer Day is a full day of service projects, worship, lunch & socially distanced fellowship on March 20!  Register online, email or call 620-297-3290.  Masks are required.

3.  We are ready to rock! Preparation for the Amphitheater Improvement project was completed in the Summer of 2020 and we are ready to finish this project up.  Work days are scheduled for the following days: March 12 to 13, March 26 to 27, April 2 to 3, April 9 to 10, May 14-15.  These opportunities to get involved are on Fridays and Saturday, come on out for one or both days, and part or all day. Ask about lodging if you would like to stay overnight.  A team of five volunteers will work from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm each day installing the new stone benches. There will be stone to cut, move, clean and set along with a whole lot mortar to mix up.  Bring a lunch and water bottle with you when you come, and plan to arrive at the North cabin area to check in around 9:00 am. Email or call 620-297-3290 to volunteer for this project. 

4.  Looking for kitchen staff and nurses!  Camp Mennoscah is filling volunteer and stipend positions for kitchen staff and nurses for the upcoming 2021 summer.  Contact Camp Mennoscah at or call 620-297-3290 for available weeks and details.  Kitchen staff can receive a scholarship up to full camp fees for their camper.

5.  There are volunteer opportunities for you! Camp Mennoscah continually has year-round work to support the maintenance and upkeep of the campus and facilities. We can accommodate every group size, skill set and length of project you would like to tackle. Check out these ways to Get Involved!  Email or call 620-297-3290 to volunteer. 

Mennonite church announcements

1.  Looking for a non-traditional pastoral role? Become a unit leader for Service Adventure, a gap-year program for ages 17-20 from Mennonite Mission Network. Unit leaders, who are at least 24 years of age, serve as mentors to the young adults in the Service Adventure household. Leaders are needed in Colorado Springs, CO and Johnstown, PA. Learn more by contacting
2.  Mennonite Education Agency Executive Director Search: The MEA agency profile and the job description are available at: Interested persons are encouraged to apply for the position or to ask for more information by contacting Jolene VonGunten at the MEA office. Applications are invited through March 31, 2021.   Mennonite Education Agency is headquartered in Elkhart, Indiana, and partners with Anabaptist Mennonite educational institutions and programs to provide resources, networking and support to school administrators, faculty and staff. As an agency of Mennonite Church USA, MEA ties church and school together in a complementary and cooperative way to ensure students receive a quality Anabaptist Mennonite education. 
3. Lombard Mennonite Peace Center: For those who have already taken our Mediation Skills Training Institute (MSTI), we are pleased to offer a new one-day event:  the MSTI Refresher Course!  Sessions are available on Tuesday, May 11 and Saturday, June 12.  The fee is $99, and the event runs from 9:00am to 4:00pm Central Time. The full five-day version of MSTI is also available on May 3-7, June 21-25, August 2-6, October 11-15, and November 15-19, 2021.  The session in August will include the option for in-person attendance in the Chicago area.  Registration for all events being offered by the Lombard Mennonite Peace Center is open now at Questions?  Please consult the attached MSTI Brochure, call 630-627-0507, or send an email to

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Join Mennonite Mission Network in praying for the two-day virtual meeting of Mennonite Voluntary Service staff and local unit leadership, which begins on Friday. Pray for them as they discuss opportunities for the future of the program, share best practices, and build relationships. 

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for the WDC Executive Board as they meet this week, and give leadership and oversight for conference vision and priorities.

Announcements for March 5-March 12, 2021

If you signed up for soup for Sunday, March 7, don’t forget to pick it up!

Modified In-person worship begins this Sunday, March 7.  This Sunday, Agape and Mosaic Sunday School classes and their family members are invited to attend. Please RSVP at the church office if you plan to be there!
For those Agape and Mosaic members (and their families) who are attending this Sunday, you can enter by the front doors (west) or the south automatic doors.  All other doors to the church will be locked.

Did you know?... Our new hymnal, Voices Togetherhas more than 1,000 pages containing 750 songs and 200-plus worship resources that seek to represent the theological breadth of the Mennonite church. It also includes 12 works of visual art by 12 Anabaptist artists!  If you’re interested in having a copy of your own, Voices Together can be purchased locally at Faith and Life Bookstore.

If you would like to bring an offering on the Sunday you attend in-person worship, there will be an offering plate on a table at the back of the sanctuary where you can place your offering as you enter or exit the sanctuary.  If writing a check, please indicate its intended destination in the memo line: for example, general fund, special fund (please name), or Sunday School.  
You can also support BCMC and its work beyond us by sending a check into the office, contributing electronically (–see red “Support BCMC” tab), or by working with Finance Manager Mike Claassen to set up an electronic deposit system.

SCN’s Carol Wise Zoom Call for BCMC, March 14 at 1:30–Details will follow with the Zoom Link
Supportive Communities Network (SCN) is a program of the Brethren Mennonite Council for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Interests (BMC). It is a network of Mennonite and Church of the Brethren communities who are publicly affirming of gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexual members.  SCN’s goals are to offer support, resources and opportunities for dialogue among congregations which welcome gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexual members; to encourage meaningful dialogue at the denominational level; to offer support and resources for individuals who are working toward welcome.  
The Inclusion Task Group of BCMC will be conducting a survey from March 15-29 to gage congregational interest in joining SCN.  The director of SCN and the Brethren Mennonite Council for LGBT Interests, Carol Wise, will be joining anyone interested from the BCMC community to a Zoom presentation and discussion about SCN on March 14 at 1:30.  We hope you will be able to attend this live event virtually or watch the recording at a later time.  As we continue to learn more about SCN and BMC, we encourage you to look at their website, and to read past communications from our task group regarding SCN.  To read the past communications, click on this link:  BCMC Inclusion Task Group Communications  

BCMC Land Acknowledgement
As part of our church’s desire to follow the Spirit in doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God, the Witness Commission recently affirmed the use of a land acknowledgement statement for BCMC to be read once a month during our worship service.  Many thanks go to Florence Schloneger for her work in research and writing the acknowledgement.  
As we do on the first Sunday of each month,
  we acknowledge that we worship 
  on the land of the Kanza, Osage, and Wichita.
We thank them for their care and respect for this land 
  and acknowledge the injustice of their forced removal.
We ask the Spirit to heal our histories 
  and find new paths of right relationships with them 
  and all of creation.  
If you are interested in digging deeper into the implications of this land acknowledgement for those who are here now and for those who are not, please contact Pastor Nathan Koontz or Elaine Shurr, chair of the Witness Commission. 

Bohne Berrogi Sales.  As with many things related to the Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale, the usual order of business will not be possible due to Covid-19.  To make sure that people have the opportunity to purchase and take home some bohne berrogi, the Bohne Berrogi Committee will be making and selling this ethnic delight at Moundridge High School on April 3.  The Bohne Berrogi will be sold, by the dozen, from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM . The cost will be $20.00 a dozen, NO sauce will be provided.  No advance orders will be taken. This will be the only opportunity to purchase Bohne Berrogi unless some are not sold.  Left overs will be froze and sold at a later date or at the Relief Sale in July.  Come to Moundridge High School between 9:30 AM and 10:30 AM on April 3 and support the MCC Relief Sale with your purchase.

 information for In Person Worship for March 14
Beginning March 7, BCMC will begin inviting small groups of people for in-person worship. Live streaming will continue to take place as usual.
Below is a schedule that includes an option to attend in-person worship during March or April, according to Sunday School class or age bracket. 
While the small group of gatherers for each Sunday is meant to keep numbers to a safe, socially-distanced capacity, we want to be able to monitor numbers initially and be able to contact trace if necessary. For those reasons, we ask that if your Sunday School group or age bracket is signed up for a specific date, that you also RSVP to the church office by noon on Friday. Email or call 316-283-3667.  Entire households are invited to attend even if only one person fits into the listed small group. 

March 14: Bible Study and Seekers
March 21: Fellowship and Catacombs
March 28: Fine Arts and Sojourners
April 4: to be determined
April 11:     Issues in Christianity and Open Circle
April 18: 70 and younger not associated with a Sunday School Class
April 25: 71 + not associated with a Sunday School Class

Please RSVP by noon on Friday of the week you plan to attend. 

In addition: those attending in-person worship are expected to observe the Participant Commitments below:  


  • Stay home if you are unwell and/or when in doubt.
  • Prioritize south entrance for those with accessibility/proximity needs. 
  • Prioritize front (west) entrance for those able to walk farther. 
  • Please do not arrive earlier than 9:20 am.
  • Wear masks on church grounds.
  • Keep 6 feet of space between households – indoors and out.
  • Sit in the main sanctuary. There will be no balcony seating.
  • Sit where there are blue pieces of tape on the pews, in order to maintain 6 feet of distance from other worship participants.  Family groupings: please sit together in the same pew.
  • Keep coats/hats/gloves/scarves together with you, and dress warmly, as sanctuary windows will be partially open for ventilation.
  • Refrain from congregational singing.
  • Refrain from gathering in Gathering Place and around mailboxes. (coffee will not be served).
  • Plan to use restrooms at home to minimize coming together with others in enclosed spaces. (Restrooms will be open for urgent need).
  • Exit the building promptly after the service ends, using the same door you entered. 
  • Visit with others outside, wearing masks, 6 feet apart. 
  • The nursery will be closed. Children may stay with family during worship service (including Children’s Conversation) and may exit to Gathering Place during service if needed.
  • Please stay clear of church office, balcony, basement.
  • Notify church office if you test positive for COVID 19 within 48 hours of attending worship.

We look forward to being together again for worship, even in this modified way!
WDC announcements
1.  SAVE THE DATE:Thursday, March 25, 7 pm ZOOM networking meeting hosted by WDC Immigration Task Force.  Reconnect with other churches to hear about their advocacy on behalf of immigrants.  Hear from MCC’s National Advocacy Director Tammy Alexander.  How should our work go forward?  What is your church doing or what do they hope to do?  Ask a representative from your church to contact for the ZOOM invitation.
2.  All women and girls are invited to the Western District Women in Mission 2021 Spring Soiree Thursday, April 8 at 7:00 pm.  In lieu of attending our annual Spring Supper, gather with us for a virtual night of worship, music and a reflection on “Faith in Turbulent Times” offered by special guest speaker and freelance minister, Georgia Metz, M. Div. Special music will be provided by Erin Regier Graber and Addie Regier Kauffman. Email to register by April 5. A zoom link will be sent to registered participants prior to the event.  Spring Soiree poster
3.  Wait! Where’s my latest issue of WDC Garden?   In 2021, Western District Conference plans to refresh its website and make it THE PLACE to go to for all WDC news, articles and information.  Content typically found in WDC Garden will now be exclusively available on the website.  As we transition to a more web-based approach for disseminating information and a refreshed website, you can already find the latest content at: – check it out!
4.  Raising Disciples with Natalie Frisk –  With the Western District Conference, First Mennonite Church (Beatrice, NE) and Beatrice Mennonite Church will be hosting a virtual event with featured speaker Pastor Natalie Frisk. The series will include:

  • Sunday morning, March 14, 9:30 a.m. – “Kids in the Kingdom” – a pre-recorded message by Pastor Natalie Frisk that can be viewed as part of a regular Sunday worship service, or at any time.
  • Sunday evening, March 21, 7:00 p.m. – “Jesus Centered Parenting: Q & A” – a live/interactive zoom gathering with Natalie to conclude our event.
  • Two additional sessions and an interview will be pre-recorded and available for viewing starting March 14:
    • Session 1 – Anchors and Waves: Living the Life as a Disciple While Discipling Your Kid
    • Session 2 – Journeying on Sacred Pathways: How is Your Kid Wired?
    • Fun interview to get to know Natalie
  • Facebook event info: Raising Disciples – Natalie Frisk

Natalie Frisk is the curriculum pastor at The Meeting House Church in Toronto, Canada, where she and an education team create kids’ and youth curricula for ages 0–18 used by churches worldwide. Frisk is a sought-after speaker on topics of youth and children’s ministry, spiritual formation, and discipleship, and is the author of the book Raising Disciples: How to Make Faith Matter for Our Kids, published by Herald Press.   Videos will be available via a YouTube link, though we can make the sessions downloadable too if that’s helpful. For additional information, please email

Camp Mennoscah announcements
1.  Verenike Casserole Fundraiser for Camp Mennoscah on March 13!Click here to reserve your meal of verenike casserole, seasoned green beans, zweiback, and peach crisp online before March 7.  You can also call 620-297-3290.  This fundraiser supports the vital faith formation for youth and young adults that happens at camps and retreats.  Pick up meals at Moundridge High School on March 13.  Join in the fun to help make this return to summer youth camps as smooth and amazing as possible!
2.  One Day Event for Grades 7-12!  Camp Mennoscah’s Youth Volunteer Weekend is one full day of service projects, worship, lunch & socially distanced fellowship.  Register online, email or call 620-297-3290.  Masks are required.
3.  We are ready to rock! Preparation for the Amphitheater Improvement project was completed in the Summer of 2020 and we are ready to finish this project up.  Work days are scheduled for the following days: March 12 to 13, March 26 to 27, April 2 to 3, April 9 to 10, May 14-15.  These opportunities to get involved are on Fridays and Saturday, come on out for one or both days, and part or all day. Ask about lodging if you would like to stay overnight.  A team of five volunteers will work from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm each day installing the new stone benches. There will be stone to cut, move, clean and set along with a whole lot mortar to mix up.  Bring a lunch and water bottle with you when you come, and plan to arrive at the North cabin area to check in around 9:00 am. Email or call 620-297-3290 to volunteer for this project. 
4.  Looking for kitchen staff and nurses!  Camp Mennoscah is filling volunteer and stipend positions for kitchen staff and nurses for the upcoming 2021 summer.  Contact Camp Mennoscah at or call 620-297-3290 for available weeks and details.  Kitchen staff can receive a scholarship up to full camp fees for their camper.
5.  There are volunteer opportunities for you! Camp Mennoscah continually has year-round work to support the maintenance and upkeep of the campus and facilities. We can accommodate every group size, skill set and length of project you would like to tackle. Check out these ways to Get Involved!  Email or call 620-297-3290 to volunteer.

Mennonite church announcements
1.  The Lenten season is upon us! Find Mennonite Church USA’s Lent at Home 2021 resource for home-based guided daily and weekly worship — for all ages — here:
2.  This month, Mennonite Church USA invites you to engage with the “Learn, Pray, Join: Cost of War” initiative to promote peacemaking and anti-militarism. Learn more:
3.  Mennonite Church USA Executive Board met in late January and discussed a resolution to retire the denomination’s Membership Guidelines. The resolution was forwarded to the Constituency Leaders Council for feedback. Read more about the meeting here: En español:
4.  Please pray for the Constituency Leaders Council of Mennonite Church USA (MC USA), which is meeting virtually on March 12 and 13. The Constituency Leaders Council is an MC USA advisory group comprised of leaders from the area conferences, agencies and constituency groups that meets one or two times per year to counsel and advise the Executive Board, functioning as denominational elders. 
5.  Cyneatha Millsaps, co-pastor of Prairie Street Mennonite Church in Indiana and executive director of Mennonite Women USA, explains that, for some, including her niece, the military offers peace in ways that civilian life does not. How then, should the church respond? Read “When military creates peace” for Millsaps’ thoughts on the matter.
6.  The Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions is hiring a director of advancement (full time position).  For more information see https://sustainable climate . The Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions (CSCS) is a collaborative initiative of Eastern Mennonite University, Goshen College and Mennonite Central Committee to lead Anabaptist efforts to respond to the challenges of climate change.
7.  Do you have a heart for mentoring students and strong organizational skills? Freeman Academy in Freeman, South Dakota, is looking for a Resident Director to supervise and encourage 12 boarding students in on-campus housing. Salary plus benefits including health insurance, retirement, room and board.  Main responsibilities are building relationships with students and overseeing daily life at the dorm including cooking the evening meal, coordinating student activities, and communicating with parents.  Retirees and experienced parents are urged to apply. For more information visit or contact Nathan Epp, Head of School, or 605-925-4237.
8.  The Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions will offer a new series of interactive webinars entitled “For the Beauty of the Earth:  A Series on Climate and Racial Justice”.  The interconnectedness of climate and racial justice will be explored, grounded in Anabaptist values and theology.  Sessions will feature speakers, Q&A, and discussion. Visit the facebook page for more details and registration information!  Contact Nicole Litwiller at with any questions!

The Rocky Mountain March newsletter is here!
Have a look at the latest/greatest happenings here at RMMC. For this and previous newsletters, please visit the camp website and click on the “News” tab under “About Us”. THANKS!
If you would like to be removed from our e-newsletter list, simply reply to this message.
Corbin Graber on behalf of the camp board and staff members

Announcement from Hesston College
Renewed Life with Bel Canto Singers will be presented at the Mullet Drive Parking Lot, Hesston College, Sunday, March 28, at 3 p.m. This is a community worship service with music of Lent, Holy Week and Easter. Join us in person or on the  Fine Arts Livestream

Announcements for February 26-March 5, 2021

Supportive Communities Network

Why Should BCMC Join SCN?

BCMC is discussing the possibility of joining the Supportive Communities Network. There are a number of reasons to join SCN and some advantages. We have had a Welcoming Statement in our church bulletin and on our website for almost 20 years, but there is more we can do to live up to that statement. The statement itself relates primarily to membership and it is time for us to think in terms of participation and how our language and the building itself reflects our affirmation of welcome.

Why should BCMC join SCN?
Because it matters. Unfortunately, many churches of all denominations, as well as some Mennonite churches, actively discriminate against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer+ people in their congregational life and in the institutional practices of the denomination. Potentially, this means that the church is experienced as a harmful place by many LGBTQ+ people. As a result, they have to assume that church is not a safe place for them unless we specifically let them know that we are open and affirming of LGBTQ+ people. Joining SCN lets them know we are a safe place for them.

This is especially important for young people, including Bethel College students, who may be in the process of “coming out.”

These are the reasons suggested by SCN and others for church communities to join SCN:

  • “Coming out” as publicly affirming identifies the community as a “safe space” for LGBTQ+ individuals and their families. It provides LGBTQ+ people and the people who love them with some assurance that they will not be subjected to overt harm. It is an act of solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community. It is an invitation to those who may want to learn more about affirming LGBTQ+ persons within a Christian framework.
  • Being publicly affirming suggests that the community has educated itself about issues of sexuality, so that an openly LGBTQ+ person knows they will not suddenly become a topic of controversy and discussion or that their presence in the congregation or community will suddenly be questioned.
  • Being publicly affirming indicates to questioning or struggling youth, young adults, and Bethel College students that the church or community is a place where it is safe to discuss issues related to sexual identity. This is very important as LGBTQ+ youth have a statistically higher incidence of suicide because of their lack of mentors and support.
  • Being publicly affirming shifts the onus of responsibility for explaining their position away from the LGBTQ+ community and onto those who would challenge the inclusion of LGBTQ+ people in the community.
  • Being publicly affirming indicates a concern about the institutional church, MC-USA, and BCMC in particular. The level of hostility and fear that the church frequently exhibits towards LGBTQ+ people damages and diminishes the soul of the institution. Dissenting from the church’s fear and rejection of LGBTQ+ people is an act of faithfulness and hope because it witnesses to a more loving way of being church together.
  • Being publicly affirming is a symbolic act of prophetic witness to MC-USA and to the broader community, indicating a commitment to justice, hospitality, and the dignity of each human individual.
  • Being publicly affirming connects a community with other communities who are serious about welcome, creating a network of support and encouragement.
  • SCN provides experience, wisdom, and resources in advising us on how to become more open, affirming, and supportive to better understand LGBTQ+ perspectives, struggles and gifts. 
  • By partnering with SCN, we will better be able to network with other regional Mennonite churches who advocate for LGBTQ+ interests. 
  • By learning how to partner with SCN and its work with LGBTQ+ communities, BCMC will better be able to partner with other organizations and learn a fuller welcoming, affirming, and supportive stance towards other groups who have been marginalized by society and the church.
  • Being publicly affirming allows us to raise the youngest generation of our congregation to value all others and the gifts they bring.

Supportive Communities Network:

With open and affirming heart, soul, and mind,

Inclusion Task Group—
Karen Ediger
Megan Kohlman
John Kliewer
Nathan Koontz
Karen Penner

Support the BCMC Sr High Youth Group in their annual Soup Fundraiser (COVID style) on Sunday, March 7th!
This year, we will be doing a drive-thru soup fundraiser between 11:30am-1:00pm. Two kinds of hot and ready to eat soup will be available as well as bread and dessert. Click here to pre-order your soup and support this year’s youth group on a civil rights learning tour this summer! Email Renee as if you have any questions. 

Thinking about Becoming a Member at BCMC?
If you have been thinking about becoming a member of Bethel College Mennonite Church, please contact Pastor Nathan or the church office. We simply want to gage interest and discuss possible timeframes and educational formats for new members.  I hope you will consider this small step towards possible membership.  As our Welcoming Statement says, “Bethel College Mennonite Church welcomes into fellowship and membership all persons who confess faith in Jesus Christ, without regard to their race, ethnic background, gender, age, sexual orientation, education, ability, and other factors which give rise to discrimination and marginalization. May you feel welcome here. 

Voices Together
As we get acquainted with our new hymnal, Voices Together, it’s natural to be curious about a few things. For example, where do the songs in Voices Together come from?  In case you are wondering:  293 songs have text and tune from the Hymnal Worship Book (HWB); 94 songs have text and tune from Sing the Journey and Sing the Story (STJ and STS); 63 songs have text or tune from HWB, STJ, or STS; 17 songs come from the Mennonite Hymnal; and 293 songs are new to Voices Together (from ecumenical hymnals, newly written, etc.)  Let Pastor Dawn and the Worship Commission know what you are wondering about!  

Library Announcement
Until the end of March, the Library Committee is highlighting books on Healthy/Unhealthy Relationships. New books have been purchased that fit into this category, some of which were recommended by our Pastors and will soon be ready for checkout. And, as a reminder, a Library Committee member will be staffing the Library every Tuesday from 10-Noon. New book titles, including donations are: When the Center Does NotHold by David Brubaker, Trauma and Grace by Serene Jones, Let’s Talk About Body Boundaries and My Body! What I Say Goes both by Jayneen Sanders, Walking the Bridgeless Canyon by Kathy Baldock, Caste by Isabel Wilkerson, When You Trap a Tiger by Tae Keller, If I Were You by Lynn Austin and The Bridge to Bell Island by Julie Klaassen. Happy reading everyone!

February 12, 2021 offering at BCMC:  General Fund $24,945; Jr Hi Fund $10; Living Stones $2,633.33
February 18, 2021 offering at BCMC:  General Fund $12,635; Living Stones $1,065

Final week to see “After the End of the End of the World,” a collaboration between Rachel Epp Buller and Derek Owens, in the Regier Art Gallery, Luyken Fine Arts Center, at Bethel College. The exhibition closes Friday, March 5. Gallery hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri. (Because of the pandemic, there will be no public reception for this exhibit.) Please note that face coverings must be worn and physical distancing practiced on the Bethel campus.

Weds., March 3, 7 p.m. – Bethel College’s two small a cappella ensembles, Open Road (men) and Woven (women) will be featured in the monthly concert series at Plymouth Congregational Church in Wichita, via livestream. To view, go to (Plymouth Congregational Church, Wichita, on YouTube).

Western District Conference Announcements
1.  WDC  Gifts Discernment Committee seeks nominees: Do you know persons who can contribute to the ministry of WDC?  The Gifts Discernment Committee invites suggestions of names to consider for positions on the Executive Board and Commissions.  All suggestions are recorded for consideration in this or future years.  For more information about the work and current members of these groups, see  Nominees will be presented for affirmation by delegates at the WDC Annual Assembly, July 30-Aug. 1, 2021.  Please contact WDC at or 316-283-6300 to offer suggestions.  Thank you!
2.  Now What?!  Post Pandemic Faith Formation:  Do you want to talk with other people who care about faith formation?  What have we learned about new ways of sharing the Jesus story in the past year?  What will we lay aside?  What questions remain unanswered?  Join Kathy Neufeld Dunn and Resource Library Director Jennie Wintermote for a virtual dialogue Saturday, February 27, 9 am CST.  To register, please email for the Zoom link.
3.  First Mennonite Church, 1161 E Ave A, McPherson is having a drive-thru verenika (with ham gravy and sausage) dinner on March 6 from 1-7pm or until the food runs out. This will be a free-will donation event with the proceeds going to the McPherson Housing Coalition. Phone: 620-241-4040 
4.  Save the date! Mark your calendars for Thursday, April 8 at 7:00pm for the Western District Women in Mission 2021 Spring Soiree! In lieu of our annual Spring Supper, gather with us for a virtual night of worship, music and a reflection on “Faith in Turbulent Times” offered by special guest speaker and freelance minister, Georgia Metz, M. Div. More details to follow soon.    

Camp Mennoscah announcements
1.  Verenike Casserole Fundraiser for Camp Mennoscah on March 13!Reserve your meal of verenike casserole, seasoned green beans, zweiback, and peach crisp online before March 7.  You can also call 620-297-3290.  This fundraiser supports the vital faith formation for youth and young adults that happens at camps and retreats.  Pick up meals at Moundridge High School on March 13.  Join in the fun to help make this return to summer youth camps as smooth and amazing as possible!
2.  We are ready to rock! Preparation for the Amphitheater Improvement project was completed in the Summer of 2020 and we are ready to finish this project up.  Work days are scheduled for the following days: March 12 to 13, March 26 to 27, April 2 to 3, April 9 to 10, May 14-15.  These opportunities to get involved are on Fridays and Saturday, come on out for one or both days, and part or all day. Ask about lodging if you would like to stay overnight.  A team of five volunteers will work from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm each day installing the the new stone benches. There will be stone to cut, move, clean and set along with a whole lot mortar to mix up.  Bring a lunch and water bottle with you when you come, and plan to arrive at the North cabin area to check in around 9:00 am. Email or call 620-297-3290 to volunteer for this project. 
3.  There are volunteer opportunities for you! Camp Mennoscah continually has year-round work to support the maintenance and upkeep of the campus and facilities. We can accommodate every group size, skill set and length of project you would like to tackle. Check out these ways to Get Involved!  Email or call 620-297-3290 to volunteer.
4.  One Day Event for Grades 7-12!  Camp Mennoscah’s Youth Volunteer Weekend is one full day of service projects, worship, lunch & socially distanced fellowship.  Register online, email or call 620-297-3290.  Masks are required.
5.  Looking for kitchen staff and nurses!  Camp Mennoscah is filling volunteer and stipend positions for kitchen staff and nurses for the upcoming 2021 summer.  Contact Camp Mennoscah at or call 620-297-3290 for available weeks and details.  Kitchen staff can receive a scholarship up to full camp fees for their camper.     
Mennonite church announcements1.  Travel to three different locations all within the coastal region of Colombia with your Youth Venture team. Serve and play as you learn about history and peacemaking in Colombia. Visit for more information. 
2.  Service Adventure is accepting applications for the 2021-2022 service term! Grow in leadership and faith, as you spend a year serving and living in community with others your age and with unit leaders. Visit to learn more!

Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp Summer Youth Camp Programs – Goodness, what will the coming summer camp season look like? Well, we know we will continue to follow state and local guidelines in ensuring the safety of our campers and staff today, tomorrow and for the coming summer. Based on our CO COVID dial color (blue), we should all plan for our resident and wilderness youth camps to operate at a reduced capacity (40 for resident, normal for 10 for wilderness), a reduced length (Sunday arrival to Friday morning departure), and with amended practices/activities (i.e. mask wearing when inside, meal time separations, etc). Thankfully, being outside is our friend related to the coronavirus pandemic (always has been hasn’t it?). And the good news is that there is plenty of God’s creation and sunshine in the outdoors here at Rocky Mountain to go around. So have your sunscreen and your rain gear at the ready and let’s all breathe in the fresh mountain air together! With MANY moving parts and coordinations involved in offering a summer camp program (i.e. health care, housekeeping, camp registration, transportation, etc.), join us in taking things one step at a time, hoping, praying and planning to offer a fun and meaningful experience to our youth campers this summer.

Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp Summer Staff – Join us in looking forward to the summer ahead. Despite the unknowns of how the summer may play out, we know the safety of our campers, guests and staff will be a priority. We know camp will have sufficient funds to offer/subsidize our summer camp programs thanks to the Paying the Legacy Forward Campaign (only $15,000 more to go!), and we know those funds will allow us to hire the summer staff necessary to carry on the ministry of Rocky Mountain this summer. Join us staffers as we share the fruits of the Spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control with all who come, fulfilling our mission to be a place of retreat and community in God’s creation. Apply today and or encourage others to apply online ( by visiting “Summer Staff Opportunities” page on the camp website under the “About Us” tab.

Mennonite Central Committee Alumni Gathering, July 9-11 at Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp! All MCC alumni are invited to Colorado to relax in the cool mountain air this summer. We realize there is still uncertainty about summer activities due to COVID-19. At this point, we are planning to have this gathering, all registrations will be refunded if the event gets cancelled. We ask that you still go ahead and register if you plan to attend. Find all the details, including COVID-19 protocols that the camp is following and REGISTER at

Dear Prayer Partners, 
The March 2021 Mennonite Mission Network PRAYER VINE is now available for download. The PDF is posted in theprayer resources section of our website and can also be downloaded directly by clicking the link below:
Download this month’s Prayer Vine (PDF)

The link to the March issue of Prayers for Mennonite Education is below.
 This is a monthly prayer resource prepared by Mennonite Education Agency (MEA), the education agency of Mennonite Church USA. These prayer requests were gathered from across Mennonite education, from early childhood – grade 12, undergraduate schools, graduate schools and seminaries, and MEA’s Hispanic Ministries Education programs. By partnering with these schools and helping them flourish, MEA works to strengthen the church through education. Thank you for joining us in prayer for our schools. 
Prayers for Mennonite Education – March 2021

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Pray for Martine Audéoud as she teaches one of the first offerings in Mennonite Mission Network’s new online institute for peace studies in the French-speaking world.
Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for WDC congregations reaching out to support members and neighbors suffering economic hardship during this time.

Announcements for February 19-February 26, 2021

Supportive Communities Network
Learning Opportunities and Upcoming Survey

 Church board chair and moderator Elizabeth Schmidt announced last week that BCMC is entering a process of learning about and possibly affiliating with the Supportive Communities Network (SCN). SCN is a network of Mennonite and Church of the Brethren communities who are publicly affirming of gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexual members. The Network’s goals are:

            >to offer support, resources and opportunities for dialogue among congregations which welcome gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexual members,

            >to encourage meaningful dialogue at the denominational level,

            >to offer support and resources for individuals who are working toward welcome.

More information about SCN will follow in the next weeks after which we will launch a survey of active BCMC congregants to determine our openness to affiliating with SCN. This survey will take place from March 15 through March 29. Based on the congregation’s consent, the Church Board will then make a decision about BCMC joining the Network.

For this initial learning opportunity you are invited to follow the two SCN links below. The first links to a video titled “One Congregation’s Story”. It is the story of why Assembly Mennonite Church in Goshen, Indiana chose to affiliate with Supportive Communities Network. The second links to the Supportive Communities Network page of the Brethren and Mennonite Council on LGBTQ interests. This page contains an abundance of information helpful to our exploration of SCN.

“One Congregation’s Story”:

Supportive Communities Network:

With open and affirming heart. soul and mind,

The Inclusion Task Group
Karen Ediger
Megan Kohlman
John Kliewer
Nathan Koontz
Karen Penner

SAVE THE DATE for the BCMC Youth Group Drive-Thru Soup Fundraiser – Sunday, March 7th from 11:30am-1:00pm. More info on how to sign up coming next week. 

We offer sympathy to Hank, Elaine, and Austin Prouty on the death of their nephew and cousin, Levi Minkevitch, Feb. 18, 2021. 

Thinking about Becoming a Member at BCMC?
If you have been thinking about becoming a member of Bethel College Mennonite Church, please contact Pastor Nathan or the church office. We simply want to gage interest and discuss possible timeframes and educational formats for new members.  I hope you will consider this small step towards possible membership.  As our Welcoming Statement says, “Bethel College Mennonite Church welcomes into fellowship and membership all persons who confess faith in Jesus Christ, without regard to their race, ethnic background, gender, age, sexual orientation, education, ability, and other factors which give rise to discrimination and marginalization. May you feel welcome here. 

In the Introduction to Lent email Tuesday, February 16, was the following paragraph:
Consider using the Lent at Home Worship Guide, provided by Mennonite Church US (attached).  This interactive guide is designed for people of all ages, including children! 

The link was not attached.  Here it is:  Lent at Home Worship Guide

Our new hymnal, Voices Together, has arrived! 
You can order your own copy
 through Faith and Life Bookstore (316-283-2210), or through MennoMedia (  We will continue to show music on the screen during live-streamed worship so that you are able to sing along!

If you’re interested in Creation Care centered devotional material for Lent, consider the attached Lent Action and Reflection guide from Creation Care Ministries.  Press here for the guide.

The Everence Sharing Fund provided $6000 in matching funds to support special needs in our church last year. Jim Robb serves as the Everence advocate for our congregation. Please contact him for more information.Now on display in the Regier Art Gallery, Luyken Fine Arts Center, at Bethel College: “After the End of the End of the World,” a collaboration between Rachel Epp Buller and Derek Owens. Gallery hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri. (Because of the pandemic, there will be no public reception for this exhibit.) Please note that face coverings must be worn and physical distancing practiced on the Bethel campus.

Mennonite Central Committee Comforter Blitz: At Home update
We are half-way through the blitz and have received 193 completed comforters. The goal is to receive 300 completed comforters at MCC in North Newton by the end of March! All the details and information on getting comforter making supplies from MCC are at Share pictures of your work on the MCC Comforter Blitz Facebook page. Contact or 316.804.8432 with questions. Need batting? Contact Charlotte’s Sew Natural for their special MCC batting price at 316.284.2547. And THANK YOU to everyone working to create beautiful comforters for MCC!

Mennonite Central Committee Webinar:International service worker Are you ready to step out and into service? To gain new skills and experiences while working for relief, development and peace in the name of Christ? Join MCC on February 25, 7:00 p.m. CST / 6:00 p.m. MST for a 30-minute information session to learn about MCC’s long-term service opportunities in relief, development and peace work. This webinar will include a short presentation and time for Q&A. Register today! More information can be found at

Beginning in March, BCMC will begin inviting small groups of people for in-person worship. Live streaming will continue to take place as is.
Below is a schedule that includes an option to attend in-person worship for all people during March or April. We ask that if your Sunday School group or age bracket is signed up for a specific date, that you also RSVP to the church office by noon on Friday. Email or call 316-283-3667.  Entire households are invited to attend even if only one person fits into the listed small group. While the small groups designated for each Sunday will hopefully keep numbers to a safe capacity that our sanctuary can seat everyone socially distantly, we want to be able to monitor that initially and be able to contact trace if necessary.

March 7:   Agape and Mosaic
March 14: Bible Study and Seekers
March 21: Fellowship and Catacombs
March 28: Fine Arts and Sojourners
April 4: to be determined
April 11:     Issues in Christianity and Open Circle
April 18: 70 and younger not associated with a Sunday School Class
April 25: 71 + not associated with a Sunday School Class

Please RSVP by noon on Friday of the week you plan to attend. 

In addition: those attending in-person worship are expected to observe the Participant Commitments below:  


Stay home if you are unwell and/or when in doubt.
Prioritize south entrance for those with accessibility/proximity needs. 
Prioritize front (west) entrance for those able to walk farther. 
Please do not arrive earlier than 9:20 am.
Wear masks on church grounds.Keep 6 feet of space between households – indoors and out.
Sit in the main sanctuary.
There will be no balcony seating.
Sit where there are blue pieces of tape on the pews, in order to maintain 6 feet of distance from other worship participants. 
Family groupings: please sit together in the same pew.
Keep coats/hats/gloves/scarves together with you, and dress warmly, as sanctuary windows will be partially open for ventilation.
Refrain from congregational singing.
Refrain from gathering in Gathering Place and around mailboxes. (coffee will not be served).
Plan to use restrooms at home to minimize coming together with others in enclosed spaces. (Restrooms will be open for urgent need).
Exit the building promptly after the service ends, using the same door you entered. 
Visit with others outside, wearing masks, 6 feet apart. 
The nursery will be closed. Children may stay with family during worship service (including Children’s Conversation) and may exit to Gathering Place during service if needed.
Please stay clear of church office, balcony, basement.
Notify church office if you test positive for COVID 19 within 48 hours of attending worship. 

We look forward to being together again for worship, even in this modified way!

Plants and Things
     Planning is now underway for the 2021 Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale (KMRS) to be held July 2 and 3 at the fairgrounds in Hutchinson.

     One of the most popular booths at the KMRS is “Plants and Things”.  As many of you know, this is the place to purchase a variety of things for your gardens. You traditionally have been able to buy flowers, shrubs, and garden plants.  Many people have counted on being able to get their tomato plants, cabbage starts, melon seedlings, annual flowers, bulbs, etc. at the KMRS.  Because July 2 and 3 is a bit late to be thinking about purchasing plants and starting or adding to a garden, the “Plants and Things” booth will be open on April 10,  the time our sale is regularly scheduled.  “Plants and Things” will be set up at the Mennonite Central Committee Building in North Newton utilizing the parking lot and the warehouse facilities.  Some things are yet to be decided such as opening and closing times, drop off hours, flat pick up, etc., but we wanted you to know that we will be accepting the plants that you wish to bring to the sale. So please start the seeds that will become a part of your contribution to MCC and the sale event.  More information will follow, but we want to encourage you to start those plants to donate to the KMRS Early Plants and Things Sale.
     For more information and answers to questions, please contact Kristi Unruh at 620-3456867or by email at or you can contact Jim Robb at 620-747-0186 or by email at



Announcements for February 12-February 19, 2021

Sign up to attend Ash Wednesday Services on February 17, 2021 – (LINK NOW WORKING)
BCMC will offer several small Ash Wednesday services on February 17th. In order to ensure we have enough room to properly social distance, please sign up for only one time slot with this link. Time slots will disappear if they become full, so only sign up for the time that you will attend. The service will be less than 20 minutes in length and will include silence, music, scripture, and a time to receive ashes. 

Voices Together
The hymnal, Voices Together, is here!  We will begin using it in our BCMC worship services soon.  If you would like to have your own copy for home use, you can order it here: We look forward to how this blend of old, familiar, and new will enrich our worship together!

Offerings at BCMC:  January 29, 2021  General Fund $3,454; Caring Fund $25; Jr Hi Fund $150; Living Stones $3,550; Women’s Fellowship $100
February 5, 2021  General Fund $14,997; Sr Hi Youth $50; Caring Fund $100; Jr Hi Fund $75; Living Stones $565; Bethel College Scholarship Fund $150

Read the letter from Church Board chair/moderator Elizabeth Schmidt on “A Resolution for Repentance and Transformation.” by clicking on this link:  A Resolution for Repentance and Transformation

A Note to Commissions and Committees
Given that Harvey County’s COVID-19 two week percent positivity rate is below 10%
 (currently 6.06%), commissions and commissions may meet at church, in the Gathering Space or front of the sanctuary, with masks, windows open for ventilation, and with members 6 feet apart. If you would like to have a meeting at the church, please be in touch with Monica for scheduling purposes. In the meantime, Zoom continues to be a great option for meeting safely!    If you would like to keep track of Harvey County’s positivity rate for future planning, you can access that information here:

Now on display in the Regier Art Gallery, Luyken Fine Arts Center, at Bethel College: “After the End of the End of the World,” a collaboration between Rachel Epp Buller and Derek Owens. Gallery hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri. (Because of the pandemic, there will be no public reception for this exhibit.) Please note that face coverings must be worn and physical distancing practiced on the Bethel campus.

Western District Conference announcements
1.  WDC  Gifts Discernment Committee seeks nominees:  Do you know persons who can contribute to the ministry of WDC?  The Gifts Discernment Committee invites suggestions of names to consider for positions on the Executive Board and Commissions.  All suggestions are recorded for consideration in this or future years.  For more information about the work and current members of these groups, see  Nominees will be presented for affirmation by delegates at the WDC Annual Assembly, July 30-Aug. 1, 2021.  Please contact WDC at or 316-283-6300 to offer suggestions.  Thank you!
2.  Brad Roth, pastor at West Zion in Moundridge, Kansas, will be the featured speaker at the Ohio Mennonite Conference Annual Assembly, March 4-5.  Brad will speak on the context and mission of the rural church.  He’s the author of God’s Country: Faith, Hope, and the Future of the Rural Church and is working on a new book on the rural church for the Lexham Ministry Guides series.  You can register to join the conference online.

Camp Mennoscah announcements
1.  Camp Mennoscah is seeking names of persons interested in being program directors for a Junior week of summer youth camp.  This camp week is for 6-7th grades.  Program directors should strongly believe in the mission of Camp Mennoscah, have a good understanding of camping ministry, and be dedicated to creating an environment for youth to grow in Christian faith, leadership, and community.  Please contact Camp Mennoscah by February 13. Names received after the 13th will be considered for future years.
2.  Registration is open for the Spring Scrapbook and Crafts Retreats at Camp Mennoscah on March 5-7 and March 19-21!  Once the retreats are full, sign up on the waitlist.  Register at!
3.  Nothing’s better than a summer at camp!  Watch this video created by Mennonite Camping Association about why you should work at camp.  Applications for Camp Mennoscah Summer Staff positions are now being accepted! 
4.  Camp Mennoscah is an amazing space for families and groups to connect!  Facilities for differently sized groups are available with a variety of gathering areas.  Trails and fields are waiting to be hiked and used for fun activities, too!  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 or to reserve.
Mennonite church announcements1.  Mennonite Church USA’s first Learn, Pray, Join initiative of 2021 will focus on the “Cost of War” to highlight a core peace church value: resistance to war, both in our neighborhoods and overseas. In a webinar on Thursday, February 25 at 6:30-7:30 pm Central Time / 7:30-8:30 pm Eastern Time, panelists will bring awareness to the economics of war and share the various ways they have resisted paying for war.  For more information and to register, go to  Join the Youth Venture Civil Rights Tour! Visit places of historical significance, hear stories and learn why our faith calls us to stand against injustice and with the oppressed. Visit for more information on this summer trip. 

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request
Praise God that travel restrictions were lifted, permitting Pablo Sanchez, from Argentina, to finally join the Service Adventure unit in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Pray for him as he adapts to the household which is comprised of Lexie Coburn, Luisa Dutchersmith, leaders, Eric and Julie Yoder and their family.

Western District Conference Prayer Request
Pray for health care workers and chaplains in WDC congregations and communities, as they care compassionately for those in need.