April 24, 2022 Congregational Meeting – 10:45 am
The meeting will be a hybrid meeting with an option to join via the following Zoom link.
Meeting ID: 893 4571 5818
Passcode: 079989
For our April congregational meeting, the Church Board is choosing to experiment with a new time and format. We’ve heard that our typical 1:00 pm time interrupts nap time for young families and sometimes overlaps with sports or other activities for families with older children. In our efforts to engage and accommodate younger families, we are following their suggestion of using our Sunday School hour; we will begin our meeting on April 24 at 10:45 am. We have also listened to those who feel our meetings include too much reporting and not enough discussion of important issues our congregation faces. Therefore, we are planning to have the meeting around round tables in Fellowship Hall. We are planning for light snacks and beverages as well.
The Mentor and Mentee event is this coming Sunday, April 24th from 4-6pm at the North Newton pickleball court. Faith Formation Commission will lead some Bible minute to win it games, there will be yard games and snacks available, and hopefully some fun pickleball games for all to enjoy. Reach out to your mentor or mentee and come and spend some quality time together!
This week at BCMC
Sunday, April 24—Holy Hilarity Sunday
9:30 am Worship Service (in person and live streamed)
10:30 am Faith Formation
10:45 am Congregational Meeting in Fellowship Hall. There are light snacks and beverages.
The church nursery is staffed during worship and Sunday School
Children and youth Sunday School classes! 10:30-11:30 am
Preschoolers – Room B4 Middlers (3rd-8th graders) – Room 26
High School – Room 24 Koinonia (college students welcome!) – The Agape House The Agape Class will meet in Room B8
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
9-11 am Community Playschool
Wednesday, April 27, 2022
7-8 pm Youth Group in the Gathering Place
7 pm Wednesday Night Club for 3rd to 8th Graders
7:30 pm Chancel Choir in the Sanctuary
Thursday, April 28, 2022
9-11 am Community Playschool
6:15 pm Chancel Bells in Room B7
Sunday, May 1, 2022
9:30 am Worship Service (in person and live streamed)
10:30 am Faith Formation
Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus Concerts – April 24 and May 1
KMMC Concert Sunday, April 24, at 7:00 pm in Memorial Hall at Bethel College.
KMMC Concert Sunday, May 1, at 7:00 pm in Presser Hall at Bethany College, Lindsborg KS.
The McPherson Community Brass Choir under the Direction of Jerry Toews will give a Sunday afternoon Concert in The Church of the Brethren, 201 N. Carrie, McPherson, KS on Apr. 24 at 4pm. FREE and FUN. Everyone is invited.
New Hope Shelter Appeal
Once again, I send out an appeal to anyone who would be willing to help in some way at New Hope Shelter. We are running on a skeleton crew of volunteers, and help in the way of new recruits is needed. The following are needed:
1. Volunteers to spend time with residents at New Hope from 5 to 11 PM. BCMC is responsible for having volunteers for a week every 9 weeks. An orientation is given for new volunteers.
2. Evening Coordinators from 5 to 8 PM on Saturday and Sunday evenings every 9 weeks. An orientation is given for this.
3. Meals each evening for a week every 9 weeks.
Please understand that we ask for help only every 9 weeks, and being on the volunteer list doesn’t commit you to each of those weeks. I believe that BCMC is committed to helping with the work of New Hope, but we need volunteers to do so. If you are able to help, or if you have questions, please contact Valetta Seymour: seymour2314@gmail.com, 620-217-7536.
Church Retreat at Camp Mennoscah
Come one, come all – to the 2022 BCMC Camp Mennoscah Church Retreat! This year’s retreat is on May 7-8 (Mother’s Day Weekend), and we hope that you’ll be able to join us for some fun, fellowship, fishing, and festivities in the glory of God’s fantastic creation. Meals and lodging are both available, and pre-registration is strongly encouraged. There won’t be worship in the BCMC building on May 8, so even if spending the night isn’t for you, please consider making the trip out on Sunday morning to worship – where we will hopefully be celebrating the act of baptism again.
If you have any questions or would like to help out in anyway, please reach out to Adam Robb (adamandjillrobb@gmail.com) and if you’re planning to attend, please use the link here https://forms.gle/FAhg5S Zorn’s rH6 to sign up! Thanks, and we hope to see you there!
Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!
2022 WDC Annual Assembly Announcement – “United in Purpose, Together in Love” is our WDC Annual Assembly theme for our July 29-31, 2022 gathering at Camp Copass, Denton, TX. There will be time to pray, serve, discern the ministry of the church, and play together. Adults, children and youth welcome. There will be separate, age-appropriate programming for kids and youth. Childcare provided. More information and registration coming soon.
Western District Women in Mission invites all women to a virtual “Meet-up” on Tuesday, April 26th, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Please join us as we hear from Barbara Gingrich, Cheryl Kaufman, and Cindy Thompson from Lorraine Avenue Mennonite Church in Wichita about their Knit4Peace project. Then, Sarah Augustine will discuss her personal life journey and book she authored called The Land is Not Empty: Following Jesus in Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery (Herald Press, 2021). Sarah is a Pueblo (Tewa) descendant and founder and cochair of the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Coalition and Executive Director of a dispute resolution center in central Washington State. She is a columnist for Anabaptist World and co-hosts the Doctrine of Discovery podcast with Sheri Hostetler. Following the event, you will be invited to participate in an online survey to provide your ideas about future Western District Women in Mission activities. We hope you will be willing to share your input on how WDWM plays an important role for women today. To register for this event, please email westerndistrictwomen@gmail.com by Monday, April 25 and you will be sent the Zoom link.
- Now in the Regier Gallery in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel College, the annual Student Art Exhibit, featuring the work of 52 Bethel students, in a variety of media, through May 6. Gallery hours: 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Mon.-Fri.
- Sun., April 24 – KIPCOR Film Series presents The Revolution Generation (before its theatrical release!), 2 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel College; audience talkback led by Jacob Miller-Klugesherz to follow.
- Sun., April 24 – Senior recital by Bethel College student Kayla Newman, brass, 4 p.m., Administration Building chapel.
- Mon., April 25 – Bethel College Wind Ensemble concert under the direction of Joel Boettger, 7 p.m., featuring mostly 21st-century music, Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center
- Thurs., April 28 – Kauffman Museum invites public input for strategic planning, 6:30 p.m., Newton Rec Center, 415 N. Poplar St., Newton; contact Andi Schmidt Andres for more information, asa@bethelks.edu or 316-283-1612. No pre-registration required for the public forum.
- Sun., May 1 – Masterworks concert at Bethel College, 3 p.m., featuring the Bethel College Oratorio Chorus, orchestra and soloists performing Requiem by Mozart, and Gloria and For the Beauty of the Earth by John Rutter, directed by Dr. William Eash; Memorial Hall
- Tues., May 3 – Bethel College Steel Drum Band concert, directed by Brad Shores, 7 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center
- Weds., May 4 – Jazz on the Green at Bethel College, 8 p.m. (Memorial Hall in case of rain)
- Sat., May 14 – Spring choral concert, including pre-Europe tour program by the Bethel College Concert Choir, 4 p.m., Memorial Hall. Please note that this is a change in date and time from some previously printed sources.
Kauffman Museum at Bethel College is seeking, at three-quarter to full time, an organized, detail-oriented, creative individual to manage the museum’s bookkeeping and the museum store, plus other responsibilities as they align with the applicant’s qualifications related to the other five team members’ skills. For the job description and to apply, see
For more information, contact Andi Andres at asa@bethelks.edu or 316-283-1612.
You have a little time left to order a Verenike Casserole meal for the Camp Mennoscah fundraiser. Click here to reserve one or more! This fundraiser is for Camp Mennoscah’s summer youth camps and retreats. Your donations will help campers Build on the Rock and Play in the Sand! The meal consists of verenike casserole, seasoned green beans, zweiback, and fruit crisp. Each meal is intended for one person.
Pick up meals at Moundridge High School between 5:30-6:30pm on April 30. Watch Camp Mennoscah’s Facebook page and check your email for any changes. Requested donation per meal is $15. Additional donations are welcome! Reservations close at 6pm on April 24. Reserve yours now!
Other events and happenings:
- April 23 is a Work and Play Day at Camp Mennoscah! We’re starting at 8:30am at the maintenance shed. Both indoor and outdoor work is available. Bring your water bottle and lunch. We’d be thrilled to have you sign up! Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 or olivia.bartel@campmennoscah.org to register.
- The summer staffers for 2022 are (alphabetical by first name) Ben Rudeen (music), Beth Balzer (crafts), Charlie Major (lifeguard plus…), Ethan Entz (unassigned), Harley McCormick (office), Jonah Schloneger (unassigned), Maddie Bollinger (lifeguard), and Schlyer Entz (lifeguard).
- Summer Youth Camp scholarships are available. Contact us at 620-297-3290 or fill out the request form. Camp is for everyone!
- Nurses needed for Summer Youth Camps! Your time and skill give campers a week of growing in Christian fellowship and experiencing God’s great creation. Nurses need RN certification or equivalent. Nurses are needed for June 12-18, June 23-25, July 3-9, and July 24-29. Contact us at 620-297-3290 or olivia.bartel@campmennoscah.org
- Masks would be optional, if camp happened today. Campers would stay in cabins. Campers/staff who are not fully vaccinated would need to provide a negative COVID test. Call 620-297-3290 for more information. Scholarships available.
- Groups are invited to set their own precautions based on the comfort level of their group. Please note the RV electrical hookups are not available due to safety concerns.
- Camp staff work hours vary depending on scheduled events for the week. The office assistant also works part-time from home. (Whenever a group is at camp, a staff person will be on duty.) Thank you for understanding! We will be in touch as soon as possible.
For Mennonite Disaster Service on the level announcement click here
For Mennonite World Conference announcement click here
For Mennonite Mission Network News from around the world click here
For Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond click here
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![]() Countering Christian NationalismWednesday, May 4 • 2–3 p.m. EDTLearn practical tools for tough conversations.Join Drew Strait, PhD, Assistant Professor of New Testament and Christian Origins at AMBS, as he provides an overview of the destructive force of White Christian nationalism.► Explore the political metaphor of idolatry in conversation with texts from the Old and New Testaments.► Learn how Christian nationalism distorts our knowledge of God and neighbor.► Use these practical tools to help with today’s tough conversations to bear witness to the gospel of peace.Register for free today!All registrants will receive access to a recording of the webinar. |
In honor of Women’s History Month in March, the MC USA Archives compiled a Mennonite Women’s History timeline. Explore the rich history with this new resource available now: mennoniteusa.org/mennonite-womens-history-timeline/
A Call to Prayer and Fasting Just as Paul prayed for the churches of his time, let us also pray for ours. Join Mennonite Church USA on May 2 at 7 p.m. ET/4 P.M. PT on Zoom for a webinar on ways that we can support the Special Session of the Delegate Assembly and our participating church leaders through individual and communal prayer and fasting. Register here: mennoniteusa.org/register-prayer-fasting
Menno Snapshots
Susan Janzen, Central Plains conference minister for Ministerial Leadership, was inspired by the hymn, “There’s a Wild Hope in the Wind” (No. 828 in the Voices Together hymnal, © 2014 Lora Braun) at the recent Pastors & Leaders | Deep Faith 2022 conference. Read about her experience in her blog: mennoniteusa.org/wild-hope-wilderness
Menno Snapshots
“Mention ‘The Mennonite Game’ in Anabaptist circles and you’ll be met with a variety of responses — a knowing chuckle, the rolling of eyes, a blank stare,” writes Laura Pauls-Thomas (she/her). She shares her perspective on her learning journey with intercultural competency and Diversity: God’s Design in her blog here: mennoniteusa.org/winners-losers-mennonite-game
Menno Snapshots
Bonnie Miller, who is on the board directors for Anabaptist Disabilities Network, calls us to think about the stigmas and biases we possess when it comes to relating to individuals with a disability in her blog “Creating Spaces of Belonging.” Read it here: mennoniteusa.org/create-spaces-belonging
Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request: Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for Colleen and Pablo Fast, who have been asked by leadership of the Paz Church in Brazil to help shepherd a congregation in Apuí for about eight months. Pray for the Fasts as they transition from their home along the Purus River to a new culture that focuses on cattle-raising and lumber.
Western District Conference Prayer Request: Please join with me in praying to the Lord of the harvest, asking for workers to be raised up in the churches to serve within and to be sent out. Pray for each member of Christ to hear the Spirit’s call to serve in the equipping of God’s people and to thoughtfully consider how we can encourage the spiritual gifts that we see in each other and in our young people, all to the glory of God. Amen. – WDC Church Planting Prayer Request from Pastor Karen Mascho