May 29, 2022
Worship for this week will be a pre-recorded worship service jointly created with Bethel College Mennonite Church and Shalom Mennonite Church. The worship video will be accessible through the BCMC YouTube Channel by clicking here. After you click on this link you will need to then click on the video that says: BCMC Worship May 29, 2022. This service will not be live streamed and will not be finished until Saturday night so you will not be able to click on the normal live stream button or access it prior to Sunday morning. For those who would like to worship in community on Sunday morning, the worship video will be shown in the fellowship hall beginning at 9:30am and followed by informal conversation with one another.
Please continue to pray for all those gathering in Kansas City for the special delegate assembly Friday, May 27th to Monday, May 30th. The BCMC delegates are: Nathan Koontz, Renee Reimer, Todd Schlosser, Megan Kohlman, Esther Koontz, and Emma Beachy.
May 29, 2022
A service of celebration
Welcome–Ben Woodward-Breckbill and Renee Reimer
Hymn– The Love of God– Voices Together 162–(BCMC)
Scripture Reading–Acts 2:1-6 & 12-21–Voices from SMC
MCUSA Sermon– The Way of Peace in our Polarized World– Samuel Sarpiya
Hymn– I will Pour Out My Spirit on All My People–Doug and Jude Krehbiel
Delegate Reflection–SMC and BCMC Delegates
Prayers of God’s People–Nathan Koontz
Postlude– Bound Together As One –SMC
This week at BCMC
Sunday, May 29, 2022 Vlog with Shalom, BCMC (Supportive Community Network churches in Newton)
9:30 am Watch the collaborative vlog on your own or in the fellowship hall with other BCMC folks followed by informal conversation. Watch on the BCMC YouTube Channel.
The church nursery is open but not staffed through the summer months.
Children and youth Sunday School classes will not be meeting in the summer
Adult Classes (If meeting): Agape Class (Room B8); Bible Study (Rm 14); Catacombs (Rm B5); Fellowship (B7); Fine Arts (Rm 22); Issues and Christianity (Rm 23); Book Study (Rm 20); Mosaic Class (Fellowship Hall); Open Circle (Room 21); Seekers (Rm 28); Sojourners (Chapel)
Monday, May 30, 2022—Memorial Day—Church will be locked; office closed
Thursday, June 2, 2022
7 pm Church Board Meeting in Room 14
Sunday, June 5, 2022
10 am Worship Service at Athletic Park (worship will be approximately 30 minutes) All who attend are welcome to participate in a game and a craft afterwards. If you plan to eat lunch following the service, we are asking that you bring a potluck dish to share. Please bring lawn chairs and your own table service. We are looking forward to seeing you there!
Vacation Bible School
Please pray for the children who will be attending VBS from May 31-June 3. Bible passages that will be discussed during the Passport to Peace VBS will be: Acts: 26-40, Matthew 25: 31-46, 1 Samuel 25:1-35, Genesis 26:12-33, and Luke 10:25-37.
The June 5 Vacation Bible School joint church service will be held at Athletic park at the large shelter house. Worship will be at 10:00am and will last approximately 30 minutes. All who attend are welcome to participate in a game and a craft afterwards. If you plan to eat lunch following the service, we are asking that you bring a potluck dish to share. Please bring lawn chairs and your own table service. We are looking forward to seeing you there!
A Note from the Reopening Task Group Regarding the Fellowship Hall
The Reopening Committee is recommending removing limitations and allowing the BCMC Fellowship Hall to function as it was functioning pre-pandemic, including potlucks, fellowship coffees, and funeral meals to groups that fit the capacity. It has been determined the capacity in fellowship hall for health reasons, fire code, and mobility reasons is 125 persons. With that capacity limit, we may need to be creative in how to serve groups that are larger than 125 persons. Please note that the removal of restrictions does not mean that funeral meals, fellowship coffee, potlucks, and other fellowship hall activities will immediately resume in pre-pandemic fashion. Commissions and committees will still need time to organize and decide how they can best serve our church and our community. This removal of restrictions is also with the caveat that if our church and broader community needs dictate, we will move to more limited measures in the future.
– The Reopening Task Group: Renee Reimer, Adam Robb, Todd Schlosser, Jeanette Stucky, Barbara Thiesen, Doris Whillock, Monica Lichti
We offer sympathy to Metta Lieb on the death of her brother, Herb Janzen, (93 years old), May 26, in Cheney, Washington. Herb is also brother-in-law to Dotty Janzen.
Thank you from Aldine Sprunger and Family
Thanks to the church staff and church community for all of your support after Keith’s death.
– Aldine Sprunger and Family
Memorial Service for Jim Goering
The memorial service for Theodore James “Jim” Goering will be held Saturday, June 11, 10:45 am, at Grace Community Church, 1600 South Anderson Road, Newton. Visitation will be Friday, June 10, 6-8 pm, also at Grace Community Church. Jim died April 13, 2022 at Kidron Bethel Village. Jim’s wife is Shirley Goering and his siblings are Josephine Schmidt, Homer Goering, Helen Nachtigal, and Vernon Goering. You can view Jim’s obituary at this link:
The Celebration of Life service will be streamed and can be found under Grace Community Church’s YouTube channel at:
Prairie Bronze Handbell Ensemble Concert
The Prairie Bronze Handbell Ensemble will present a concert June 5, 2 pm at the First Presbyterian Church, 900 Columbus, Newton. Guest artist will be Brett Jackson on saxophone and clarinet. The concert is free and open to the public.
Address Changes for Your BCMC Directories
- · Marilyn Graber has moved to 115 W. 9th, Room/Box 614, Newton, Ks, 67114
- · Edie Krehbiel has moved to Paramount (formerly Asbury Park), 415 SW 12th Street, Room F, Newton, KS, 67114
- · As of June 18 Ilene Schmidt’s address will change to 3056 Ivy Court, Apt. 7, North Newton, KS, 67117
- · New phone number for Bonnie Epp: 316-772-2383
- · Rebecca Mueller has moved to 13912 Greinert Drive, Pflugerville, TX 78660
Retractable Screen in the Sanctuary
At the April congregational meeting, members of the BCMC community voted in support of a project that will install a retractable screen in the front of the sanctuary. With this in mind, the Church Board is happy to announce that a special, above-budget fund has been established to accept donations toward this project.If you would like to give to this project, please earmark your donation to the “screen project”. For more information on this, please see the minutes from the April congregational meeting. Thanks for your support! (A copy of the April 24 Congregational Minutes is posted on the church bulletin board.)
Farewell Reception for Pastor Renee Reimer
Join us for a come-and-go Farewell Reception for Renee Reimer on Monday, June 13, from 5 – 7 pm. We’ll be outside on the church lawn, wind and weather permitting.
Chancel Choir Director needed at BCMC
Bethel College Mennonite Church (North Newton, KS) is looking for a Chancel Choir Director. This is a part-time position, August 15-May 15. As part of the team of musicians on the church staff, the director is responsible for music selection, rehearsals, and performances of the Chancel Choir. The choir sings approximately 2 times per month during September-May and participates in a Christmas Eve program. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings from 7:30-8:30.
Inquiries should be addressed to Barbara Thiesen, Music Coordinator. Email:
Application forms are available from Monica Lichti, Office/Facilities Manager. Phone: 316-283-3667; email:
Barbara Thiesen
BCMC Music Coordinator
Summer Camp Season is approaching!
Faith Formation Commission recognizes that attending summer camps is not cheap, but that it is an extremely valuable part of faith formation for our young people. We have some scholarship funding available to assist families with covering the cost of registering for the 2022 camping season. We also hope to have funds available after the camping season to provide some amount of reimbursement to all families with campers. Please contact Mary Ellen Hodge or Pastor Todd Schlosser if you’d like assistance with camp registration this summer. These funds are only available to campers who camp at Mennonite camps. We encourage you to get registered early for an awesome summer of camping experiences!
If anyone at BCMC would like to support our young people attending camp you can feel free to donate to our Mennonite Camping Scholarship Fund by writing a check made out to BCMC (with Mennointe Camp Scholarship in the memo line) and drop it off on Sunday morning or in the church office.
Rejoice Devotional Subscriptions
For those of you who are currently subscribed to the Rejoice Devotional Magazine, the last issue for this year (June-July-August) is in your mailboxes here at church.
To renew for the coming year (or if you wish to join as a new subscriber) please drop a check in the offering plate for $33.11 (in the memo line put “Rejoice” subscription), or mail your check to the church at PO Box 364, North Newton, KS, 67117, or bring to the church office by May 31.
Sat., June 4 – The public is invited to Walk Sand Creek Trail Day, part of National Trails Day®. Water will be available for people and leashed dogs at the trailhead at Memorial Grove on the Bethel College campus, dawn to dusk (6 a.m.-8 p.m.), courtesy of the Sand Creek Trail Committee, with members there to answer any questions about the trail.
Sat., June 4 – Kauffman Museum first-Saturday bird walk, 7 a.m. start time in the museum parking lot at the corner of Main and 27th streets in North Newton. Experienced birders lead a walk of 1-1.5 hours in Chisholm Park and on Sand Creek Trail (terrain is mostly wood-chip path and sometimes uneven/sloping).
Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!
Office Schedule – The WDC Office and Resource Library will be closed Monday, May 30 for the Memorial Day Holiday. We will open again on Tuesday, May 31.
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Summer Story Hour–God Rocks! – All children ages 3-8 in the central Kansas area are invited to God Rocks! Summer Story Hour at the WDC Conference Resource Library 2517 N. Main in North Newton. Fun Stories and Activities with Leader, Marjie Warkentine and Resource Library Director, Jennie Wintermote. Mondays at 10:00am on June 27, July 11, 18, 25 & August 1 & 8. Register for Story Hour here.
Summer Reading Challenge – Everyone across WDC is invited to join the Summer 2022 God Rocks! Reading Challenge. Sign up on the Resource Library’s Beanstack page at This challenge is for readers of all ages to explore just how amazing God is! Read to earn tickets for prize drawings (gift certificates for coffee and books) as well as free books and other fun prizes. Registration is open now and the challenge runs June 1 through July 31.
Please consider joining MCC for a virtual lobby week for peace on the Korean Peninsula on June 13-17, 2022.
June 25 will mark the 72nd anniversary of the beginning of the Korean War. Though there was a ceasefire in 1953, the United States and North Korea have yet to sign a peace treaty to officially end the war. Thousands of Korean Americans continue to be separated from family members, and humanitarian access in North Korea remains challenging.
At the 7th annual Korea Peace Advocacy Week, hundreds of people across the country will participate in virtual advocacy meetings to urge their members of Congress to support:
* A Peace Agreement to end the Korean War
* Life-saving humanitarian assistance
* Reunification of separated families
➩➩➩ Register here by May 26.
Prior to the advocacy week, you will:
* Receive a one-hour training on how to advocate to members of Congress
During the advocacy week, you will:
* Have one to three meetings with congressional staff. Meetings with members of Congress will take place during the week, typically between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. EDT. Meetings usually last about 30 minutes, and coordinators will do their best to work with your schedule.
Feel free to reply to this email with any questions, and we hope to see you there!
Kate Parsons
Legislative Associate
Mennonite Central Committee U.S.
For Mennonite Mission Network Stir up peace webinar press here
For Mennonite Mission Network news and beyond press here
For Mennonite Mission Network a joining of Pentecost and creation care press here
For Mennonite Mission Network News from around the world press here
For Mennonite Creation Care Newsletter press here
The next Women Doing Theology Conference of Mennonite Church USA’s Women in Leadership has been postponed until Fall 2023 (dates and location to be announced). After prayerful discernment, the committee decided that hosting the event in 2023 would allow space for planners to develop a more equitable, accessible and inclusive in-person event. For more information on Women in Leadership, visit
Menno Snapshots
In his blog rooted in Luke 19:42, Naun Lucoer Cerrato, founder of Piedra Viva Mennonite Church, Elkhart, Indiana, writes that we are so excited to see the death of an enemy that we miss what Jesus was trying to do in building a spiritual kingdom. Read more here:
Menno Snapshots
“If the conditions or requirements of hospitality are that the stranger be familiar to us, then are we truly willing to welcome the stranger?” write Daniela Lazaro-Manalo and Hannah Markey-Roberts. In their blog, they address the systematic immigration issues at the southern border of the United States in relation to Ukrainian refugee resettlement initiatives. Read more here:
Menno Snapshots
When Jason Kauffman, director of Mennonite Church USA Archives, was asked to create a Mennonite women’s history timeline, he saw it as an opportunity to learn more about Mennonite history. That’s when he faced questions and doubts about the different historical aspects of this project and his role as historian. Read his blog here:
Menno Snapshots
Heidi Regier Kreider, conference minister for Western District Conference, contemplates what it means to be a follower of Jesus in times of war. Read her reflections here:
Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request: Mennonite Mission Network praises God for the growth of Mennonite Bible School (formerly Bethany Bible School) in South Africa. Pray for the school’s coordinator, Reuben Mgodeli, as he teaches and provides administrative support in five locations in South Africa’s Eastern Cape Province. Pray also that the participants will be strengthened in their faith and in their leadership ministries.
Western District Conference Prayer Request: Pray for Casa del Alfarero Church, so that God opens new paths, new ideas to reach the community in which the seed of the Gospel is sown, and so that together we can be in harmony and peace and above all connected with the vision and desire of God. – Pastor Alberto Parchmont