To livestream the worship service:
On Sunday morning, around 9:20, go to BCMC’s webpage at and click the green button labeled LIVE STREAM on the right side of the screen, which will take you to the worship service. If you get a message in the black box that the video is unavailable, click the gray box belows that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”. Anytime after the service concludes, you can watch a recording of the service at your convenience by clicking the same green LIVE STREAM button. Again, you will probably have to go to the gray box that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”. That will transfer you to the BCMC YouTube Channel. You will have to click on the tab “Videos” to see all of the BCMC videos. Click the red button to see the bulletin/order of service.
OR – click on this link for this Sunday’s worship service:
July 3, 2022
Prelude— The Spacious Firmament (arr. DeCou)
On Jordan’s Stormy Banks(arr. Bish)—Will Wiebe-Friesen, organ
Christ Candle Lighting
Land Acknowledgement—Raylene Hinz-Penner
Welcome and Prayer
*Hymn—Here in This Place –VT 10
Children’s Conversation—Tim Hodge
Worship Music—John Mark Koontz, piano; Josh Bergman, trumpet
Scripture Reading—1 Kings 21:1-19—Heather and Justin Zerger
Sermon—Naboth and Queen Lili’uokalani—Nathan Koontz
*Hymn—Could It Be That God is Singing—VT 42
Kin-dom Report—Jill Robb
Prayers of God’s People
*Hymn—Lead On, O Cloud of Presence—VT 194
Benediction—Nathan Koontz
Postlude—Prelude and Fugue in C (J.S. Bach)—Will Wiebe-Friesen
* You are invited to stand
VT = Voices Together
Audio visual—Francis Toews
Pastors—Nathan Koontz, Todd Schlosser
Land Acknowledgement compiled by Florence Schloneger from words by Mark Charles and VT #878
As we do on the first Sunday of each month,
we acknowledge that we worship
on the land of the Kanza, Osage, and Wichita.
We thank them for their care and respect for this land
and acknowledge the injustice of their forced removal.
We ask the Spirit to heal our histories
and find new paths of right relationships with them
and all of creation.
This Week at BCMC: July 3—10, 2022
Sunday, July 3
9:30 am Worship in the Sanctuary
10:15 am Fellowship Time with coffee and water served in the
Gathering Place
10:30 am Faith Formation—Visitors welcome!
Adult Classes (If meeting): Agape Class (Rm B8) Bible Study (Rm 14); Catacombs (Rm B5); Fellowship (B7); Fine Arts (Rm 22); Issues and Christianity (Rm 23); Mosaic (Rm 20); Open Circle (Room 21); Seekers (Rm 28);
Sojourners (Chapel)
Monday, July 4—The church will be locked and the office closed for the Independence Day Holiday
Thursday, July 7
7 pm Church Board Meeting in Room 14
Sunday, July 10
9:30 am Worship with sermon by Todd Schlosser
10:15 am Fellowship Time with coffee and water served in the
Gathering Place
10:30 am Faith Formation—Visitors welcome!
Western District Conference Assembly, July 29-31
Looking for a dream vacation this summer while serving the church? Camp Copass near Denton, Texas, might be just the ticket for you. It’s the site for the annual WDC Assembly. You’ll find registration information at If attending the assembly in person, the cost for housing and meals is $168 (there is no registration fee). Transportation is available via vans from North Newton for $25 per person. There is also a virtual option for attending the assembly, although that does involve a $50 registration fee. The Gifts Discernment Committee will
provide at least $150 for any delegates attending in person; $50 dollars for those participating virtually. BCMC qualifies for 16 delegates. Registration deadline is July 15. Contact the church office or a member of the Gifts Discernment Committee if you plan to attend. GDC members: Dale Schrag, Jerry Buller, Elaine Prouty, Jeanette Stucky
Faith Formation would like for everyone to fill out a short survey regarding interest in attending an intergenerational Sunday School class this coming school year with our children and youth. We are looking for adults who are interested in joining the class for one month out of the year. Please take a look at the survey and see if any of the areas of opportunity to help will interest you.
BCMC June 26 Offering: General Fund $9,497; Plant Fund $150; Library Reserve Fund $35; Living Stones $655; Mennonite Camp Scholarship $100; Kitchen Fund $20.21; Women’s Fellowship $50; Screen Project $2,000.
Change to make to your BCMC Church Directory:
Jerry and Carol Buller have discontinued their phone land line.
Jerry’s cell phone number: 316-283-0941 (this is also his shop number)
Carol’s cell phone number: 316-772-8404
Jerry’s email:
The Library theme for June and July is Caldecott and John Newbery Award Winners. We have many of these award winning books that would be of interest to both adults and children. Come check them out. We are also continuing to accept and sell puzzles. Not only are they on the cart, but also below the new book section on the west wall. Just leave a suggested donation of $5 in the envelope and enjoy. We have a long list of books that we would like to add to our collection and this is a great way to support our efforts.
The Library Committee has processed almost 20 new books, 10 of them purchased and donated by The Abuse Prevention and Response Committee. The APRC books can be found on the Pastor’s Corner shelf which is now located on the west wall with the other recent purchases. Another new purchase is “The Land Is Not Empty” by Sarah Augustine which was recommended by the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery group. Please stop by and see what we have to offer and continue to browse and donate from our puzzle collection. The Library Committee
New Hope Shelter be hosting a Volunteer Training Session on Thursday, July 21st at 7pm.
Their volunteer shift hours are as follows: 5pm to 11pm daily.
Anyone who signs up to be a volunteer must be trained by a Staff member beforehand. Even if they have volunteered before COVID, they may want to come back in for a refresher course.
If anyone who is interested in signing up for volunteer training, please contact Valetta Seymour no later than Tuesday, July 19., 620-217-7536.
Western District Conference Announcements
Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!
Western District Conference Annual Assembly is for all ages! Remember that this year, there is Assembly fun and faith formation for adults, youth (ages 12-18), children (ages 6-11) , and childcare for those 5 and under. Generous scholarships for youth available! Register your whole family or youth group at Registration closes July 15.
WDC Annual Assembly Workshops – Mennonite World Conference Snapshot, Everence financial resources, Healthy Boundaries: What Is Your Pastor Learning?, church planting and revitalization, immigrant ministries of San Antonio Mennonite Church, and more! Both virtual and on-site workshops available! Register at for WDC Annual Assembly! Registration closes July 15.
Easy way to give! Do you want an easy way to donate to help cover WDC Annual Assembly expenses? Simply text 316-320-0787, then click the “Fund” dropdown menu and choose “Assembly Contributions.” We are grateful for any gifts toward this important annual gathering. Thank you for your support!
The 2022 issue of Mennonite Life, Bethel College’s annual online journal, is now live at, with articles and reviews by Daniel Shank Cruz, Chris Dick, June Mears Driedger, Susan Kennel Harrison, Raylene Hinz-Penner, Gordon Houser, Reinhild K. Janzen, Gayle Gerber Koontz, Steve Nolt, Rachel Pannabecker, Karen Reimer, Ben Woodward-Breckbill and Melanie Zuercher.
Kansas Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution Updates
2515 College Avenue, North Newton, KS 67117 (316) 284-5217
The following updates are some of the events and initiatives at KIPCOR that have happened so far this year:
Leadership & staffing
In January, we said goodbye to Dan Wassink, our former Director of the Community Mediation Center, who recently took a position as the Dispute Resolution Services Manager in the Virginia Supreme Court’s Department of Judicial Services.
We also said goodbye to Doug Lengel, KIPCOR’s office manager in May. After seven years in his role, he decided to retire. In so many ways, Doug was the glue that held our office together. Doug was usually the first friendly face one might encounter when entering the front office at KIPCOR.
We welcome Gretchen Schrag, as KIPCOR’s new office manager, who starts in late June. Gretchen is a former para educator for Goessel High School, who worked in that capacity for nearly a decade. She is a Bethel alum, and in the fall, she will have three children enrolled at Bethel at the same time! In her personal time, Gretchen enjoys reading a good book, cooking and gardening. We are so excited to have her at KIPCOR!
Community Mediation Center
KIPCOR Senior Associate, Kirsten Zerger continues to serve in the capacity of Interim Community Mediation Center Manager. Many of our community partners have remarked how seamless the transition has been since Dan’s departure.
We continue to offer Divorce Impact classes virtually with great success. Enrollment is steady and parents seem to appreciate taking classes via Zoom.We also continue to do all of our mediations virtually, to the satisfaction of our clients. After mastering mediations virtually, our staff has been instrumental in training other mediators from around the state and beyond in this practice.
Our KIPCOR film series continues to draw folks back to campus for in-person engagement. The past three films have brought an average of 150 people for each viewing (masked and socially distanced). We are grateful for those who have come out to join us!
Education and Training
It was a very busy year for KIPCOR Staff! Here is a list of the trainings we have done over the past few months and ones we will do in the coming months:
Organizational teaching/training/consulting:
- Provided a restorative circle process for a Seattle-based nonprofit’s board and staff
- Contracted with Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center (KLETC) and provided a Conflict Management course for law enforcement officers in February, and offered an RJ course for school resource officers in June
- Offered an Implicit Bias/ Microaggressions workshop for Harvey County Health Department in April
- Offered a Conflict Management course for Kansas Department for Children and Families (offered 4 times between March and June)
- Currently providing support for Prairie View with strategic planning around diversity, equity and inclusion-related implementation work
Other training offered
- Core Mediation training in February
- Domestic Mediation in March
- Victim Offender Dialogue training in May
KIPCOR’s Restorative Schools Initiative work:
- Continued support of Lawrence Public Schools and restorative justice implementation
- Continued support of Kansas City Kansas Public Schools – training scheduled for all KCKPS high school staff before the start of the 2022-23 school year other upcoming RP trainings in April-May
Guest Speakers and Special Events
Last fall, Bethel College officially became a Truth Reconciliation, Healing and Transformation (TRHT) Campus Center. During the 2020-2021 school year, with the support of President Jon Gering, KIPCOR and Bethel College partnered to apply and was accepted to attend the 2021 Virtual Institute on Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation (TRHT) by the American Association of Colleges & Universities (AAC&U). In June, KIPCOR Executive Director, Sheryl Wilson and Director of Education and Training, Eva Lapp, joined three other Bethel colleagues – Academic Dean, Bob Milliman, Professor Christine Crouse-Dick, and Associate Professor Peter Goerzen – in attending the institute, exploring the possibility of becoming an official TRHT Campus Center, and creating an Action Plan to guide the college toward this goal and future implementation of TRHT on campus. In October, Bethel College was informed by AAC&U of its acceptance as the first official TRHT Campus Center in the state of Kansas. In June, the team attended its second TRHT Institute and the team is looking forward to continuing offering more racial healing circles to students, staff and faculty.
In January, KIPCOR and Bethel College Student Life co-sponsored Bethel College’s annual MLK Day Lecture given by international restorative justice facilitator, Jasmyn Elise Story. A recording of the event is on the Bethel College YouTube page. This event was very lively with approximately 200 in attendance. Jasmyn stayed well beyond the end of the event to answer questions and have conversations with attendees.
We look forward to this fall’s KIPCOR Peace Lecture Series where we will host Dr. Fania Davis, a leading international voice on the intersections of racial and restorative justice. We are thrilled that she will lead off this historic 50th season of the peace lecture series. Please check our website frequently for more information related to this very special event!
We continue to be grateful for the many ways that you have given so generously over the past year. Today is the last day that you can give to make an impact at KIPCOR this fiscal year. If you would like to donate electronically, please click here. If you would like to pay by check, but are unable to bring it to KIPCOR today, please contact KIPCOR Executive Director, Sheryl Wilson at or (316) 284-5881, and she will make arrangements to retrieve it.
For Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond click here
For Mennonite World Conference Assembly News click here
Anabaptist Disabilities Webinar link
Webinar Available to Watch Now: “Dementia and Congregational Care”ADN is grateful to offer the recording of “Dementia and Congregational Care,” a webinar held virtually on Thursday, June 16. The webinar was led by Heddie Sumner, RN, BSN, and co-hosted by Church of the Brethren Discipleship Ministries and Anabaptist Disabilities Network.Dementia affects individuals, their family members and the congregation. Many times, we want to offer support but we do not know where to start. We often back off because we don’t want to do the wrong thing. This webinar will help you understand basics of dementia and learn how to reach out. We will offer communication tips and practical ways to stay connected. We can maintain relationships by offering reassurance, encouragement and acceptance. When we include our members with dementia and their families, the whole congregation benefits. Watch and view more resources at the link: |
Share your story!If you have an experience related to this topic or another related to disability inclusion in churches, we’d love to hear your story. Share a story or photo Visit Opening Doors blog |
Mennonite Church USA Announcements
Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) conducted a denomination-wide survey to examine what it means to be a member of MC USA and how this has changed in the past 16 years. The preliminary results can be found here, with the full study being released later this month:
Join all Mennonite Church USA congregations in praying for “Indonesia 2022,” the global assembly of Mennonite World Conference being held in Indonesia July 5-10. This is a hybrid (online and in person) event. For more information, visit
Delegate Assembly
Delegates at Mennonite Church USA’s (MC USA) Special Session of the Delegate Assembly voted on three resolutions and adopted another for denominational study. The three resolutions passed, helping remove barriers for LGBTQ folks and those with disabilities. Read the official MC USA news release here:
Menno Snapshots
The Mennonite Church USA Executive Board issued a statement condemning the violence in Uvalde, Texas, and elsewhere. Read it here:
The Executive Board also shared a call to prayer and action against gun violence, here:
Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request: Mennonite Mission Network’s week-long Youth Venture civil rights learning tour begins today. Pray for the 23 participants as they focus on the realities of racial injustice in the United States, both in the past and the present.
Western District Conference Prayer Request: Pray for WDC members and others participating on-site or virtually in Mennonite World Conference Assembly in Indonesia this week, and for God’s blessing on this time of worship, fellowship, and witness of the global Anabaptist community.
Pride Month at BCMC
During June Pride month celebrating LGBTQIA persons, BCMC had pride flags flying all around our church campus. In addition, these flags were in celebration of the recent resolutions passed at the MCUSA Special Delegate Assembly that open up access to the LGBTQIA persons in MCUSA and acknowledge previous harm that has been done to them by the church. Members from our congregation attended a Unity March and potluck on June 25 in Wichita sponsored by Wichita Pride.