View the worship service for November 26, 2023

November 26, 2023

Prelude—Cello Suite No. 4  (J.S. Bach) and  Bourrée  (Transcribed by Alamiro Giampieri) and Justin Mathis, clarinet

Christ Candle Lighting

Welcome and Prayer—Margaret Toews

*Hymn—Sing to the Lord of Harvest—VT 122

Children’s Conversation—Jim Robb

Special Music—Romance from Five Bagatelles for Clarinet and Piano  (by Gerald Finzi)

Justin Mathis, clarinet; Karen Schlabaugh, piano

Scripture Reading – Psalm 103:1-8,13-18; Philippians 1:1-7, 4:4-7 Richard Friesen and Dorothy Nickel Friesen

Sermon—Radical Gratitude—Roger Neufeld Smith

*Hymn—Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah—VT 606

Prayers of God’s People

*Hymn—God, Whose Giving—VT 745

People with November birthdays come forward for a blessing, please bring a hymnal


Postlude—Postlude on Beata nobis gaudia (Robert Powell)—Karen Schlabaugh

*You are invited to stand    VT—Voices Together    Audio visual— Francis Toews

Keyboard—Karen Schlabaugh