WORSHIP SERVICE FOR February 21, 2021 You will have to press READ MORE to see the link

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February 21, 2021
Lent 1
Deep in the sea: Called to deep relationship

Prelude—My Shepherd Will Supply My Need—VT 640—John Mark and Esther Koontz

Welcome and Christ Candle Lighting—Carolyn Penner

Children’s Conversation—Megan Kohlman

Scripture Reading—Genesis 9:8-17 and Mark 1:9-15—Margaret Goering &

                                                                                        Dorothy Nickel Friesen

Sermon—Renee Reimer                                                                                                               

Hymn—Be thou my vision—VT 549—Bethel College Concert Choir

Communion—Nathan Koontz and Renee Reimer

Prayers of God’s people—Dorothy Nickel Friesen

Hymn—The Lord lift you up—VT 832—Pat Friesen

Benediction—Renee Reimer

Musicians— Bethel College Concert Choir, John Mark Koontz, Esther Koontz, and Pat Friesen

Audio visual—Renee Reimer

Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, Dawn Yoder Harms