Worship Service and Announcements for September 1-8, 2024



Our faith in a God of love leads us, by the power of the Spirit,
to follow Jesus in doing justice, loving mercy, 
and walking humbly with God

To livestream the worship service:
On Sunday morning, around 9:20 a.m., go to BCMC’s webpage at bethelcollegemennonitechurch.org and click the green button labeled LIVE STREAM on the right side of the screen, which will take you to the worship service. If you get a message in the black box that the video is unavailable, click the gray box below that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.   Anytime after the service concludes, you can watch a recording of the service at your convenience by clicking the same green LIVE STREAM button.  Again, you will probably have to go to the gray box that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.  That will transfer you to the BCMC YouTube Channel.  You will have to click on the tab “Videos” to see all of the BCMC videos. Click the red button to see the bulletin/order of service. 
OR – click on this link for this Sunday: https://youtube.com/live/OUma3qVIp30?feature=share

September 1, 2024
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Christ Candle Lighting
Centering Music—The Kingsfold Trumpet (Alfred Fedak)
Will Wiebe-Friesen
Welcome & Prayer—Carol Peters
Land Acknowledgment & Presentation of Brochure            
—Raylene Hinz-Penner
*Hymn—For the Fruit of All Creation–VT 124
Children’s Conversation—Joanna Harader

Worship Music–Pastorale from Three Lyric Pieces (Raymond Haan)–Will Wiebe-Friesen
Scripture Reading—James 1:17-27Vernon Goering
*Hymn—True Evangelical Faith—VT 439
Sermon—The Both/And Challenge of Faith—Joanna Harader
*Hymn—Sing a New World into Being—VT 809
Prayers of God’s People—Carol Peters
*Hymn—Go, My Friends, in Grace—VT 810
Postlude—Jesus, Lover of My Soul (arr. Don Hustad)    
Will Wiebe-Friesen

* You are invited to stand
VT—Voices Together
Audio visual—Ben Lichti

Land Acknowledgement from words by Mark Charles and VT #878 
As we do on the first Sunday of each month,  
  we acknowledge that we worship  
  on the land of the Kanza, Osage, and Wichita.   
We thank them for their care and respect for this land      
  and acknowledge the injustice of their forced removal. 
We ask the Spirit to heal our histories 
  and find new paths of right relationships with them 
  and all of creation.   
*Read Sarah Augustine and Sheri Hostetler, So We and Our Children May Live:  Following Jesus in Confronting the Climate Crisis, and prepare to attend Sarah Augustine’s presentations when she is on campus during Fall Festival at Bethel College Oct. 5-7, Sat. at 2 p.m., Sunday morning and/or Monday Convocation.  Sarah will preach at the BCMC Fall Fest Sun. worship service, Oct. 6, 10 a.m.
*Follow the Apache Stronghold Prayer Journey which began July 13 and continues to the Supreme Court “to stop the shattering of the human existence and to protect Mother Earth.”  They are in Cherokee, NC this weekend and plan to be in Washington DC by Sept. 8.
*BCMC is joining an amicus brief on behalf of the Apache Stronghold case.  All amicus brief signers are invited to send representatives to join Apache Stronghold in Washington DC on Sept. 10 and 11.

The memorial service for Marilyn Stucky (Marilyn died June 20) will be Sat., Aug. 31, 11 a.m. at BCMC, with a lunch in fellowship hall following the service.
 For the live-stream link for the memorial service press here


Pastor Joanna will have office hours at the 1887 Cafe in the Schultz Student Center every Thursday morning from ten to noon. She would love for you to stop by for a chat! 

The Next Week at BCMC:  September 1-8, 2024
Sunday, September 1, 2024
9:30 a.m.   Worship
10:45 a.m. Safe Sanctuary Training in the Sanctuary
YouTube Link for this Sunday:
Monday, September 2, 2024—Labor Day—Office will be closed; church locked
Tuesday, September 3, 2024—Office will be closed

Wednesday, September 4, 2024
8 am to 12 p.m.  Community Playschool will be in kitchen/Fellowship Hall
7:30 p.m.   Chancel Choir rehearsal in the Sanctuary
Thursday, September 5, 2024
12:30 p.m.  Staff Meeting
5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.  Community Playschool Open House in Playschool rooms
6:30 p.m.    Chancel Bell rehearsal in Room B7
7 p.m.          Church Board meeting in Room 14
Sunday, September 8, 2024—Installation for Pastor Joanna Harader
9:30 a.m.   Worship
10:45 a.m.  Junior and Youth Sunday School Begins

BCMC Offering for Aug. 25, 2024:  General Fund $5,795; Community Playschool $500; Kitchen Fund $15; Solar Fund $1,517.95; Monica Gross Memorial $50.


Annual Safe Sanctuary Training for Those Who Relate to Youth will be Sept. 1 during the Sunday School time in the Sanctuary.

The Sunday School teaching year will officially begin September 8 and we are in need of teachers and helpers to teach 3 age levels of our youth: pre-k, elementary, and middle school
.  Even if you are the slightest bit interested, please listen to the call and email Jill Robb at

Save the Date: Peace Witness Event, Sept. 15-16
This is a reminder of the BCMC Witness Commission plans for a peace witness event around Peace Sunday on September 15-16.  Our church along with the Bible and Religion Department of Bethel College and in collaboration with area churches invites you to engage with Christianity and Democracy led by well known author, academic, and presenter, David P. Gushee (https://davidpgushee.com). 

The Schowalter Singers, a resident choir from Schowalter Villa, will present its fall concert, “Our Journey to Heaven,” Sun., Sept. 8, at 7 p.m., at Whitestone Mennonite Church, 629 Crescent Dr., Hesston. The concert is free and open to the public. Another opportunity to see the concert will be 3 p.m., Wed., Sept. 11, at the Schowalter Villa chapel, 200 W. Hickory, St., Hesston.

Save the Date for the Annual Dessert Reception for Bethel College students September 22 at 6 p.m.  
This year it will be held ON the Bethel College campus—on a sidewalk going to Haury Hall—just a few feet from the BCMC grounds.  Please bring a dessert to share and be willing to engage with students.  Chairs will be set up in circles.

Dorothy Unruh turns 103 on September 12, 2024!  Send birthday messages and blessings to Dorothy at 1407 Hillcrest Road, Newton, KS 67114.

The Chancel Bells will begin practicing September 5 for our fall music
. I need several players to complete the choir. This commitment ideally would be for the entire year, but I can work with a month at a time. We are easy to work with and very forgiving if you are a new player. Please consider making this contribution to the worship of our church.  I am excited to begin with some new music and some that hasn’t been done for several years. Our library has many options. Contact Verlene:  verlenegarber@gmail.com or 620-217-5266.

Now is the time to renew the BCMC group subscription to Anabaptist World, a monthly magazine featuring voices from across the Anabaptist-Mennonite world.   If you sign up with the congregation’s plan, you receive this publication at the discounted rate of $44.   If interested in joining the group plan, contact Monica Lichti in the church office as soon as possible. New subscribers can also receive a one-year subscription for the discounted rate of $44.  To subscribe email office@bethelcollegemennonitechurch.org
Bring in or mail your $44.00 to the office or place it in the offering plate Sunday.  Mark your checks with “Anabaptist World” in the memo line.  If you are currently receiving Anabaptist World through the BCMC group subscription plan it will expire Nov. 2024.  Anabaptist World would like us to renew the subscription now so that you receive the magazine without interruption.

Community Playschool is gearing up for the start of another school year on September 10. We have 15 children and 8 volunteers lined up to participate in two classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We are offering a HUGE thank you to the youth group and their sponsors for clearing out debris from the perimeter of the playground. This happened on July 6 during their service/learning week. It was brutally hot that day, and they worked tirelessly to clear out several years of leaf clutter that gathers at the fence. We are so grateful to them for this effort! We hope you all can venture down the north hall in the lower level often after September 10 to see signs of our program at work right here at BCMC!
— Jeanette Leary and Kasey Newell, co-directors

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements.


For Everence Toolkit press here

FreedUp: Everence® is offering a new stewardship training program.
 The FreedUp program is a way for everyone to get their finances in order – and gain a deeper faith perspective on your money. Everence facilitators will lead the sessions.  The upcoming option for participants is Mondays at 8 p.m. ET beginning Oct. 7; ending Nov. 18.  Register at everence.com/partners.

Join us for an informal conversation about Medicare. We’ll cover the following:Enrollment details and deadlines.Social Security – when do I start?Prescription drug coverage.Plans that supplement Medicare. The webinars will be presented by Everence professionals, and there will be plenty of time for your questions.  All webinars held on the second Monday of the month at 2 and 8 p.m. (Eastern Time):September 9October 14November 11 December 9Learn more and register

September and October Webinars from EVERENCE®
Finances and You with topics that integrate your faith and finances!  This is a free, four-part webinar series where you’ll hear how Everence® can help you make important financial decisions that reflect your faith values.  The webinars will be presented by Everence professionals and there will be time for your questions.  All webinars held on Wednesdays at 2 and 8 p.m. (Eastern Time)  For more information, visit everence.com/national.  Or Email:
national@everence.com with any questions.
· Sept. 11 Seminar:  Why give now? 12 strategies to maximize your generosity in 2024. No matter income or age, explore how you can make a difference in the world by stretching the impact of your giving to the missions, ministries and organizations you care about.  Presented by: Lyle Miller, Stewardship Consultant & Phil Pratt, Charitable Consultant
· Sept. 18 Seminar:  Getting our lives together, Giving our lives away, and Giving our deaths away.  For those of us interested in integrating our faith with our finances, we often find ourselves focusing on different concerns throughout our lives. Intentionally embracing these unique periods of our lives can encourage growth in our stewardship journey and help form us into the image of Christ.  Presented by: Colin Saxton, Stewardship Theologian and Director of Church Relations 
· Sept. 25 Seminar:  Social Security: Understanding your benefits.  Come and learn the ins and outs of social security that will provide you clarity as you consider your social security future.  Presented by: Steve Lane, AWMA®, CFP®, Financial Consultant
· Oct. 2 Seminar:  Investing 202.   Mutual funds, pensions, stocks, bonds, IRA’s, Roth IRA’s, 401k’s, Real estate. The list seems to go on and on for investment options. This presentation will help you sort through your investment options and other considerations as you explore what investments make sense for you.  Presented by: Michael Burton, CFP®, CEPA®, Financial Consultant

Bethel College Announcements:
· Sat., Sept. 14 – Duo piano recital: Dr. Christina Liu (Bethel College) and Dr. Brett Janssen (Central Christian College), 4 p.m., Ad Building chapel at Bethel College
· SAVE THE DATE: Sunday, Sept. 15, Forum on Democracy and Christianity with David Gushee, Distinguished University Professor of Christian Ethics at Mercer University, 3 p.m., Memorial Hall at Bethel College; sponsored by Bethel College Mennonite Church and the Bethel Department of Bible and Religion. Gushee will also speak in convocation Mon., Sept. 16, 11 a.m., in Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center.

Life Enrichment program at Bethel College for Wednesday, Sept. 4. Life Enrichment is for people age 60 and above and is an excellent way to continue learning and meet people from the surrounding area in a relaxed setting. 
Sept. 4—9:30 a.m.  “Climate Change and Health: Harms and Opportunities,” Dwight Krehbiel, North Newton
Sept. 4—10:50 a.m.  “STRATACA: One of the Eight Wonders of Kansas,” Rachel Terry, Strataca operation manager, Hutchinson

Bethel College Women’s Association needs your donations of baked goods and craft items! Home-made pies, poppyseed rolls, zwieback, cinnamon rolls, other baked goods and treats for Market-in-the-Round at Fall Festival are welcome. In addition, home-made jams/jellies and craft items are needed. All of these items can be delivered to the Music Library in Luyken Fine Arts Center from 1 – 5 p.m., Fri., Oct. 4.  All proceeds will benefit Bethel College. If questions email:
bcwa@belthelks.edu  Volunteers are needed as well to staff the booths. To sign up, use this link:  https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0E4CA8A72FA3F58-50920044-fall/102465998#/

Camp Mennoscah Announcements

Summer is over and volunteer work days have been adjusted!  Volunteers for the HVAC work at the Retreat Center are welcome Monday – Friday. A lack of construction skills should not keep you from helping out with this project. Willing hands are what is needed!  Let us know when you are available, so we can prepare for you.  For anyone interested in working on a weekend, two weeks notice is needed. Contact Isaac at 316-217-5626 to sign up.
Other events and happenings:

  • Thank you to the many summer youth camp volunteers, both far and near, long-time and new!  Camp Mennoscah had a successful summer because of you.  403 campers had the absolute bestest of camp weeks!  (If not, we’ll try harder next summer.)See you at Fall Fest on October 5th at Bethel College!
  • Registration for the Fall Scrapbook and Crafts Retreats is open!  The dates are November 1-3 and November 15-17. Lodging and crafting will be held at Main Camp in the bunkhouses and dining hall.  Register here.  We’ll see you for another fun weekend!
  • Annual Meeting is on September 22!  Mark your calendars and watch for details. 
  • Tasks to keep Camp Mennoscah running smoothly continue into the fall and winter seasons.  Volunteers are needed for grounds and deep cleaning, plus a variety of other things.  Contact us at 620-297-3290, 316-293-7313 (text) or olivia.bartel@campmennoscah.org.  

Mennonite Central Committee Announcements
MCC immigration-focused learning tour in South Texas, Oct. 6-11: MCC learning tours present a unique opportunity to engage directly with the work done by MCC and partner organizations. The tour will give participants the chance to meet with law enforcement officials from Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), gain insights into the complexity of immigration enforcement, including deportation and apprehensions, and visiting migrant response shelters. The tour will shed light on the challenges faced by migrants on their journey and raise awareness about the asylum process, and conditions faced by displaced and uprooted individuals. Find out more and register for the trip by Sept. 20.  Questions, please contact Becky Teiwes, MCC Central States Borderlands Program Coordinator at beckyteiwes@mcc.org.

Join MCC Great Lakes for the Dismukes Project Learning Tour on October 9-13: ​​This learning tour provides a unique experience to learn more about Black history and experiences in the coalfields of Appalachia, while also learning the incredible story of Dr. Henry Dodford Dismukes, an African American physician in the early 1900’s. Participants will visit various sites connected with Dr. Dismukes, hear from local speakers, learn about MCC’s work to preserve Black history in the area and attend the Dismukes Gala featuring John Ellison. Learn more and register at mcc.org/dismukes-learning-tour. Tickets are also available separately for the Dismukes Gala on October 12 at mcc.org/dismukes-gala. Learn more about Dr. Dismukes and the project, including a video and podcast, at mcc.org/dismukes.

Mennonite Disaster Service Announcement

2024 MDS Region 3 Annual Meeting
Join us in Hydro, OK for the 2024 MDS Region 3 Annual Meeting. We are gathering on November 15-17 to hear updates on what MDS is doing around the country and in our region.This isn’t just a business meeting! Our theme is “Spreading the News: Effective (and timely!) communication within your unit.” Plenary sessions and workshops are available to help everyone get involved in the work of MDS.We will worship together, eat together, and have fun together. Nathan Luitjens, Executive Conference Minister of Central Plains Mennonite Conference is speaking Friday evening during worship. The MDS Communications Team is leading several sessions over the weekend. On Saturday evening we will spend our time enjoying each other’s company while also enjoying a fun night of games and entertainment. And the MDS Storm Encounter trailer will be there! We hope to see you there!For more information or to register, go to Region 3 Annual Meeting – Mennonite Disaster Service (mds.org) or contact Region 3 Administrative Assistant Chris Becker at cbecker@mds.org or 717-383-8981.We look forward to gathering together at this year’s MDS Region 3 Annual Meeting.

For Mennonite Men “Engage” press here
For Mennonite Mission Network “News and Beyond” press here
Mennonite Church USA Announcements

MC USA’s Climate Justice Ministry has selected two recipients and one honoree for the Generation Z Energy and Spirit Challenge. The award winners are Taftsville Chapel Mennonite Fellowship, Taftsville, Vermont, and The Freeman Project, Freeman, South Dakota. Hillcrest Academy, Kalona, Iowa, has received an honorable mention. Read more here: mennoniteusa.org/gen-z-energy-spirit-challenge
Mennonite Church USA presented Tina Schlabach and Abby Endashaw with the 2024 MC USA Bring the Peace award. Read more here: mennoniteusa.org//btp-2024-award-winners

Check out the summer issue of Equipping, Mennonite Church USA’s quarterly resource newsletter for pastors and leaders here: mennoniteusa.org/equipping-july-2024 Subscribe to Equipping here: mennoniteusa.org/equipping-subscribe

Menno Shorts

The MC USA Women in Leadership steering committee gathered in Valley Village, California, on July 16-18, to plan the 2025 Women in Leadership Summit. Open to all women across MC USA, this one-day event will be on Tuesday, July 8, 2025, in Greensboro, North Carolina, immediately preceding the Follow Jesus ’25 convention. Read more here: mennoniteusa.org/women-in-leadership-plan

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Today is the Day of Prayer for Creation, promoted by Season of Creation, an ecumenical organization of prayer and action. Mennonite Church USA and Mission Network are members of this global community. Join in lamenting the harm human beings have inflicted on the Earth, and pray that we will discover unity, as we work together as caretakers of God’s creation.
Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for WDC Commissions beginning the new program year, and give thanks for new commission members elected at the recent WDC Annual Assembly. 

Bethel College Mennonite Church is an open and affirming congregation
centered in the life and teachings of Jesus. Embracing the divine within each person, we warmly welcome any and all into fellowship without regard to race, ethnic background, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability,
economic status, marital status, or age.