July 31, 2022
Prelude— Great Things He Has Done’ Medley (arr. Victor Labenske) and
For the Beauty of the Earth (arr. Chris Rice)—Meghan Rogers
Christ Candle Lighting—Brad Kohlman
Welcome and Prayer
*Hymn—Jesus Calls Us—VT 30
Children’s Conversation—Kathy Stucky
Worship Music—Antiphonal Celebration (McChesney)—Bell Quartet—Verlene Garber, director; Suzanne Burch, Marlene Ewert, Ben Lichti, Brenda Turner
Scripture Reading—Luke 12:13-21—Carolyn Penner
Sermon—Nathan Koontz
*Hymn—Take My Life, and Let It Be—VT 759
Prayers of God’s People
*Hymn—God, Whose Giving—VT 745
Benediction—Nathan Koontz
Postlude—I Surrender All (arr. Victor Labenske)—Meghan Rogers
* You are invited to stand
VT = Voices Together
Audio visual—Ben Lichti
Pastors—Nathan Koontz, Todd Schlosser