Survey results can be viewed here.
The BCMC Church Board is gathering information about interest in the new proposed Garden of Memory and Hope and the existing Columbarium and a proposed expansion.
- A survey has been placed in each church mailbox with a May 28 goal for responses.
- The “paper” survey is also available by clicking here. Print the survey, fill it out, and return it to the box in the Gathering Place or sent to BCMC, PO Box 364. North Newton KS 67117.
- Or click here to fill out the survey online.
Your response is important and does not obligate you in any way.
On April 24, 2016, more than a year ago, the congregation voted to expand the columbarium. Since then the Creation Care Committee has developed a complementary proposal for a Garden of Memory and Hope. The Church Board has initiated a new survey to gather information on the potential uses of the Columbarium and the Garden of Memory and Hope to test previous assumptions.
The Church Board intends to develop a proposal for discussion and action at a future congregational meeting.
Additional background information is available by clicking on the following links or pictures:
- Previous congregational actions on expanding the Columbarium
- Garden of Memory and Hope presentation by the Creation Care Committee
Click on a picture to enlarge and begin a slide show.