Special Congregational Minutes 2019 06 30


Special Congregational Meeting
Sunday, June 30, 2019, 10:30 a.m. — Sanctuary

Moderator John Waltner called the meeting to order on Sunday, June 30, 2019 at 10:32 a.m. for the purpose of calling Nathan Koontz as Associate Pastor for Pastoral Care.  Recalling last weekend’s congregational and small group visits with candidate Nathan Koontz, John Waltner noted that the Bylaws requirements for a quorum for the vote were met by today’s attendance.

Church board members distributed and then collected individual ballots.  Church board members assisting:  Patty Shelly, Bill Swartley, Glenn Ediger, Rosalind Andreas, and Dale Schrag.

A ballot vote was taken.

“I affirm the invitation of BCMC to Nathan Koontz to serve as Pastor for Pastoral Care.  Yes / No”

Meeting adjourned 10:39 a.m.

Pat Friesen, clerk

Vote results:  179 yes; 7 no.