Special Congregational Minutes 2019 06 16


Special Congregational Meeting
June 16, 2019, 10:30 am     Sanctuary

Moderator John Waltner called the meeting to order after the worship service on Sunday, June 16, 2019 at 10:30 a.m. for the purpose of approving the recommendation to the congregation that Dawn Yoder Harms’s term as Lead Pastor be renewed for another three years, with the understanding that she be granted a sabbatical sometime in 2020 with exact details and dates to be worked out with BCMC staff, SCRC and the Church Board.

Noting that Keith Harder had presented the results of a full review last Sunday, June 9, the opportunity was given for questions/ discussion.

There were none.

A ballot vote was taken.  The ballot read:

“I affirm the proposal by the Bethel College Mennonite Church Board to invite Dawn Yoder Harms to another three-year term as lead pastor at BCMC.”  Yes / No

Church board members handed out the ballots and tallied the vote.

The vote was – 176 yes and 3 no

Respectfully submitted,

Pat Friesen, Clerk