October 6, 2024 worship service and announcements




Our faith in a God of love leads us, by the power of the Spirit,
to follow Jesus in doing justice, loving mercy, 
and walking humbly with God

To livestream the worship service:
On Sunday morning, around 9:50 a.m., go to BCMC’s webpage at bethelcollegemennonitechurch.org and click the green button labeled LIVE STREAM on the right side of the screen, which will take you to the worship service. If you get a message in the black box that the video is unavailable, click the gray box below that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.   Anytime after the service concludes, you can watch a recording of the service at your convenience by clicking the same green LIVE STREAM button.  Again, you will probably have to go to the gray box that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.  That will transfer you to the BCMC YouTube Channel.  You will have to click on the tab “Videos” to see all of the BCMC videos. Click the red button to see the bulletin/order of service. 
OR – click on this link for this Sunday: https://youtube.com/live/M1MAYNXyII8?feature=share

October 6, 2024
Bethel College Fall Fest

Prelude–We Praise Your Name (Emma Lou Diemer)–Christopher Shaw                                                       
Christ Candle Lighting

Land Acknowledgment—Lyn Krause

Centering Music—Gloria (Vivaldi)—Bethel College Concert Choir; Dr. Henry Waters, director

Welcome & Prayer—Michael Unruh, Bethel College Campus Pastor
*Hymn–Summoned by the God Who Made Us–VT 1
Children’s Conversation Joanna Harader and Sarah Augustine
Worship Music—I’ll Be On My Way (Shawn Kirchner)—Bethel College Concert Choir
*Hymn—The Church of Christ Cannot Be Bound—VT 392
Scripture Readings—Ephesians 4:1-6 and John 6:35, 41-51–Michael Unruh
Sermon—Bread of Life—Sarah Augustine
Choral Response—A Little Song of Life—(Reginald Unterseher)— Bethel College Concert Choir
Prayers of God’s People—Joanna Harader
*Hymn—Beauty for Brokenness—VT 712
Choral Benediction—The Lord bless you and keep you (Peter C. Lutkin)—
Bethel College Concert Choir

Postlude—Allegro assai vivace, from Sonata No 1 (Mendelssohn)–Christopher Shaw

* You are invited to stand
VT—Voices Together
Audio visual—Ben Lichti and Francis Toews
Choral Texts
“Gloria” – Vivaldi
Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to people of good will
(Latin Mass translation)
“I’ll Be On My Way” – Shawn Kirchner
When I am gone
Don’t you cry for me
Don’t you pity my sorry soul
What pain there might have been
Will now be passed
And my spirit will be whole.
I’ll be on my way, I’ll be on my way
I’ll have left my feet of clay upon the ground
I will be glory bound
I’ll be on my way
When I am gone
Please forgive the wrong that I might have done.
There’ll be no room for regrets up there above,
Way beyond the blue.
When I am gone,
don’t you look for me in the places I have been. I’ll be alive but somewhere else, I’ll be on my way again.
I’ll be on my way, I’ll be on my way.
I’ll lift my wings and soar into the air
There’ll be glory everywhere,
I’ll be on my way.
I’ll be on my way, I’ll be on my way
I’ll have laid my frown and all my burdens down I’ll be putting on my crown
I’ll be on my way.
I’ll have left my feet of clay upon the ground I will be glory bound
I’ll be on my way.
“A Little Song of Life” – Reginald Unterseher Glad that I live am I;
That the sky is blue;
Glad for the country lanes,
And the fall of dew.
After the sun the rain,
After the rain the sun;
This is the way of life,
Till the work be done.
All that we need to do,
Be we low or high,
Is to see that we grow
Nearer the sky.
(Lizette Woodworth Reese 1856-1935)
“The Lord bless you and keep you” – Peter C. Lutkin The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord make His face to shine upon you
And give you peace.
The Lord make His face to shine upon you And be gracious unto you.

Land Acknowledgement by Mark Charles and VT #878 
As we do on the first Sunday of each month,  
  we acknowledge that we worship  
  on the land of the Kanza, Osage, and Wichita.   
We thank them for their care and respect for this land      
  and acknowledge the injustice of their forced removal. 
We ask the Spirit to heal our histories 
  and find new paths of right relationships with them 
  and all of creation.   
Going Beyond Land Acknowledgement
Join Quarterly Repair Call October 8, 6-8 p.m. for truth-telling legislation on the history of Indian boarding schools.
The Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery is asking advocates for Indigenous justice to join Indigenous organizers from the Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition (NABS) in supporting this important truthtelling legislation on the history of Indian boarding schools. As this bill makes its way to the floor in both the House and Senate in the coming weeks, now is the time to contact your representatives! We will be specifically focused on learning more about this legislation during our next Quarterly Repair Network Call, and we will also likely hear from a representative from NABS. I hope you can join us for this call on October 8!

The Week at BCMC:  October 6—13, 2024
Sunday, October 6, 2024—Fall Fest Sunday—No Sunday School
10 a.m.   Worship with sermon by Sarah Augustine
11 a.m.   Cookies in the Gathering Place!
Volunteer attendants in the Nursery today:  Cliff Dick and Kathy Stucky
YouTube Link for the worship service this Sunday:

Tuesday, October 8, 2024
5:30 p.m. Faith Formation Commission meeting
7:30 p.m. Finance Committee meeting in Room 14
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
7:30 p.m.   Chancel Choir rehearsal in the Sanctuary
Thursday, October 10,  2024
6:30 p.m.   Chancel Bell rehearsal in Room B7
7 p.m.         Church Board meeting in Room 14
Saturday, October 12, 2024
6:30—8:30 p.m.  Campfire Event at Pastor Joanna’s home, 508 Bluestem, NN
Sunday, October 13, 2024
9:30 a.m.     Worship with sermon by Joanna Harader; music by Chancel Choir
10:30 a.m.   Faith Formation

Pastor Role Chart
At last Sunday’s congregational meeting, the three pastors shared how they plan to share the pastoral work of the church.  For a summary of this report, please press here.

October is Pastor Appreciation Month! On October 20, stop by the table at the back of the sanctuary to pen a thank you note to our pastors. The notes will be delivered on October 27. 
And remember – Pastors happily receive words of appreciation all year long!
Staff Congregation Relations Committee

Dates for your calendars
· The family of Paul Harms invites you to a 90th Birthday Celebration for Paul, October 6, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the BCMC Fellowship Hall.

· Pastor Joanna invites you to stop by her house (508 Bluestem) Sat., Oct. 12, 6:30-8:30 p.m. for a campfire (weather permitting), snacks, and general merriment. She and Ryan welcome this as an opportunity to continue getting to know this wonderful church community.
· Women’s Fellowship  meets the third Tues., Oct. 15, at 7p.m. in Fellowship Hall.  Program by Mary Ellen Hodge, “Autism 101.”  Mary Ellen also teaches teachers about autism.  Come and learn more.  

· Wednesday night suppers at 6 p.m. will be Oct. 16 through Nov. 20.

· Sat., Oct. 19, 4 p.m. Memorial service for Donna M. Friesen at Kidron Bethel Village Kidron Hall

· Faith Formation Commission is sponsoring a visit to the P & M Pumpkin Patch, Sat., Oct. 26, 3-7 p.m.  All are invited! 

For the Bethel College Mennonite Church newsletter “Kaleidoscope” press here

Deacon Commission welcomes Pam Epp from Wider Fellowship into Full Membership now that she has moved back to the BCMC community.
  Pam’s new address:  1501 Old Main St., Newton, KS 67114.  Her cell phone is: 404-797-8767.  
BCMC Offering for Sept. 29:  Gen. Fund $6,724.71; MDS $100; Plant Fund $70; Sr Hi Youth $2,217; Caring Fund $250; Kitchen Fund $6; M. Gross Mem. $150.

Jill Robb and Megan Kohlman will be leading a book study of the book Woven: Nurturing a Faith Your Kid Doesn’t Have to Heal From by Meredith Miller.  If you don’t have kids or your kids are grown up, come anyway! We will be discussing this book from the perspective of parents, a faith community that supports parents, and individuals who grew up in a faith community (maybe even one you had to heal from).  We plan to begin the book study Oct. 13 and discuss chapters 1, 2, and 3. Meet us in the blue Sunday School room (Room 26) on the 2nd floor.  You can purchase Woven from Faith and Life bookstore, Amazon, or your favorite independent bookstore. We look forward to the conversation!
From the Finance Committee on behalf of the Church Board: As the third quarter of our church year ends, we reflect on the many things for which we are grateful. We give thanks for the gifts that have been given this year by those volunteering time to the church or our benevolences; caring for family, neighbors and friends; raising prayers on behalf of those who are hurting, grieving or fighting injustice; and donating monetary offerings toward our annual budget. Each of these gifts strengthens our community as we work together to be the church right where we are. A financial update will be shared at today’s congregational meeting and in the weekly email in early October.

A six-week grief support group will be offered through Bethel College Mennonite Church for interested individuals.  To indicate interest, or to learn more, please contact Elizabeth Schmidt, Pastor for Congregational Care. 
Interested in becoming a member of Bethel College Mennonite Church?
If you are interested in becoming a member, or transferring membership, or learning more about  membership at BCMC, please contact Elizabeth Schmidt, Pastor of Congregational Care.  She will be happy to visit with you!

Bethel College Announcements:
· Our speaker Sunday morning, October 6, 10 a.m. at  Bethel College Mennonite Church is Sarah
Augustine.  Augustine is the founder and co-chair of the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery, co-founder of the Suriname Indigenous Health Fund (SIHF), author of The Land is Not Empty (2021) and co-author of So We and Our Children May Live (2023).

· Sun., Oct. 6: Last chance to see the 2024 Fall Festival musical, 9 to 5, 2 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium. Ticket purchase required, online (https://bethelks.hometownticketing.com/embed/all?depts=3) or at the door. Contains adult content and may not be suitable for young children. 
· Mon., Oct. 7: Sarah Augustine speaks in convocation, 11 a.m., Krehbiel Auditorium. Her topic is following Jesus by addressing climate change.
· Now in the Regier Gallery in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel College: “SMOL,” art by Audra Miller, through Oct. 25. Gallery hours are Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun. 2-4 p.m.
· SAVE THE DATE: Thurs., Oct. 24, Bethel College’s 2nd biennial Senses & Aging Symposium 
· SAVE THE DATE: Fri., Oct. 25, Bethel College Department of Visual Arts and Design and the Newton chapter of the AAUW present visiting artist Phyllis Pease, speaking on her Kansas Statehouse mural “Rebel Women.” 
· SAVE THE DATES: Oct. 27-28, Dr. Eric Schmaltz from Northwestern Oklahoma State University will give the annual Menno Simons Lectures.
· Life Enrichment program at Bethel College for Wed., Oct. 9. Life Enrichment is for people age 60 and above and is an excellent way to continue learning and meet people from the surrounding area in a relaxed setting. 
9:30 a.m. “Where did the Doctrine of Discovery come from and why do I need to    know about it?” Raylene Hinz-Penner, North Newton
10:50 a.m. “Murals of Harvey County,” Constance Gehring, Newton

The annual Swiss Mennonite Cultural and Historical Assoc. (SMCHA) Banquet will be at Faith Mennonite Church, Newton, Oct. 10, 6 p.m. with an ethnic German buffet meal catered by the Breadbasket and ‘bohne beroggi’ made by Schweitzer cooks.  We’ll thank those who coordinated the 150th anniversary of Schweitzers coming to the United States. Dale Schrag will be our speaker for the evening discussing the future. RSVP to Nancy Stucky by Oct. 7 with a text or phone call to 620-532-5693. Cost of the banquet is $25, pay at the door or online at www.swissmennonite.org 

Everence® will hold a Social Security and retirement income webinar Tues., Oct. 15, starting at 6:30 p.m. Topics: Social Security strategies, including when to begin taking benefits, risks that can impact your retirement savings plus strategies to help your income last throughout retirement. There will be time for questions. Information presented by staff from the Everence offices in Central Kansas. To register contact Everence at central.kansas@everence.com or 316-283-3800, 877-467-7294.  Once you have registered, information to access the webinar will be sent to you.

Join Hoffnungsau Mennonite Church, for our Annual Sausage Mission Supper on Saturday, October 26, 5:00 – 6:30.  This will be a curbside pick up meal featuring our traditional menu of German sausage, mashed potatoes with gravy, creamed peas, zwiebach, applesauce and pie.  Picnic tables are available if you wish to stay and eat.  If inclement weather, tables will be set up inside.  Cost is by donation with all proceeds going to New Hope Shelter, Newton.  To order meals NOW, call or text Barb (620-543-6863) or Teresa (620-242-2357)

Camp Mennoscah Announcements

Camp Mennoscah will be at Bethel College’s Fall Fest on Saturday, October 5!  Stop by the booth, say “Hi” to camp staff and pick out your next favorite camp tee shirt.  Camp staff will be at the booth in the morning through early afternoon.  Can’t wait to see you!

Other events and happenings:

  • Thank you to the group of MDS young adults who spent two days volunteering at Camp Mennoscah!  A big thanks to those who helped lead projects, too.  Work on the HVAC progressed, a wall was built to create a mechanical room, and dirt work around the canoe dock was done.  It was a hoot to have them around!
  • Volunteers needed–come enjoy the cooler weather!  Volunteers for the HVAC work at the Retreat Center are welcome Monday – Friday. A lack of construction skills should not keep you from helping out with this project. Willing hands are what is needed!  Let us know when you are available, so we can prepare for you.  For anyone interested in working on a weekend, two weeks notice is needed. Contact Isaac at 316-217-5626 to sign up.
  • Registration for the Fall Scrapbook and Crafts Retreats is open!  The dates are November 1-3 and November 15-17. Lodging and crafting will be held at Main Camp in the bunkhouses and dining hall.  Register here.  We’ll see you for another fun weekend!
  • The dam will be taken out on Sunday, October 20, at 2pm.  Meet at the shelter area (look for people and things happening).  Spectators welcome, as are people to help take out the boards and clean them.  Taking the dam out is not for younger ages due to the weight of the boards.  Be prepared for whatever weather/temperatures there are.  It’s a fun time for both those helping and those watching!

From Prairie View Inc. 

Click the link below for an interactive newsletter about what is happening in the fundraising department and the community!
Just use your email address to log in!

Fundraising and Community Events

For Mennonite Men “Engage” press here 
Anabaptist Disabilities Fundraiser press here


Mennonite Disaster Service Response to Hurricane Helene

Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) volunteers are in western North Carolina responding to the impacts of Hurricane Helene with equipment to move debris, mud, and downed trees. MDS is accepting donations for the recovery effort.

Please pray for the people impacted by the hurricane and the volunteers as they respond. Visit MDS.org to see the latest volunteer needs or to make a donation. Check donations can be mailed to Mennonite Disaster Service, 583 Airport Road, Lititz, PA 17543. Write “Hurricane Helene” on the memo line.

Mennonite Disaster Service Annual Meeting

Join us in Hydro, OK for the 2024 MDS Region 3 Annual Meeting. We are gathering on November 15-17 to hear updates on what MDS is doing around the country and in our region.

This isn’t just a business meeting! Our theme is “Spreading the News: Effective (and timely!) communication within your unit.” Plenary sessions and workshops are available to help everyone get involved in the work of MDS. We will worship together, eat together, and have fun together. Nathan Luitjens, Executive Conference Minister of Central Plains Mennonite Conference is speaking Friday evening during worship. The MDS Communications Team is leading several sessions over the weekend. Saturday evening will find us laughing together as we are entertained by an Oklahoma-based comedian. And the MDS Storm Encounter trailer will be there! We hope to see you there!

For more information or to register, go to Region 3 Annual Meeting – Mennonite Disaster Service (mds.org) or contact Region 3 Administrative Assistant Chris Becker at cbecker@mds.org or 717-383-8981. Registration closes on November 1. We look forward to gathering together at this year’s MDS Region 3 Annual Meeting.

Western District Conference (WDC) invites you to subscribe to their weekly Tuesday announcement email “WDC News & Updates” to receive announcements from WDC, WDC Congregations, and their institutional partners as well as weekly articles from WDC staff, credential updates, and upcoming events. To subscribe, visit the following link: http://eepurl.com/hKcbDX or contact the WDC Office at wdc@mennowdc.org or 316-283-6300. 

Mennonite Central Committee Announcements

Dear Intersections readers:
Greetings! I am happy to announce the publication online of the fall 2024 issue of MCC’s publication, Intersections, on the topic of The Triple Nexus. The issue can be found here. Compiled by Laura VanderGrient, this issue examines the “nexus,” or intersection, of humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding (HDP) work. Authors examine how MCC and its partners in contexts such as Colombia, Mexico, DR Congo, Syria, and Bangladesh carry out work in which humanitarian, development, and peacebuilding efforts are intertwined. As always, your thoughts and questions about Intersections are always welcome!
Alain Epp Weaver

MCC seeks a full-time HR Recruiter and Central States HR Generalist. As HR Recruiter, this position supports general recruitment and selection processes for openings across the organization. As a regional HR Generalist, this individual is the front-line HR contact for all local employees, assisting with a range of HR tasks, and redirecting to specialist colleagues as appropriate. This position can be based in Kansas, Texas, Colorado, Montana, or Minnesota with a preference for North Newton, Kansas officeApply online here by October 23

Up to a million people in Lebanon have been displaced in the last few days due to increasing military attacks. The grave humanitarian crisis in Gaza continues. Mennonite Central Committee continues to respond to the needs of displaced people in Lebanon and Gaza. MCC is providing relief to recently displaced people in Lebanon with food, hygiene, bedding and psychosocial support.  Pray for an end to the violence and for a just peace in Israel and Palestine. Donate online at mcc.org/palestine-israel


For Mennonite Mission Network “News and Beyond” press here

Mennonite Church USA Announcements

Mennonite Church USA’s Peace and Justice ministry has launched the latest Learn, Pray, Join initiative this week, with a focus on conflict transformation. Learn more here:     

The Mennonite Church USA Executive Board focused on healthy processes for denominational decision-making and reimagining organizational change at its meeting on August 22-25, 2024, in Greensboro, North Carolina, the site of the upcoming Follow Jesus ’25 convention. Read more here: mennoniteusa.org/executive-board-reimagination

Mennonite Church USA has named the worship planning committee for the Follow Jesus ‘25 biennial convention, which will take place at the Koury Convention Center in Greensboro, North Carolina, July 8-12, 2025. Read more here: mennoniteusa.org/follow-jesus-25-worship

Menno Snapshots

Deb Byler, spiritual director for the Spiritual Directors Network and member at Hively Avenue Mennonite Church and Piedra Viva Mennonite Church, shares how having a spiritual director at various points in her life has led her to share the gift and provide direction to others, across cultures, on their spiritual journeys. Read more about her story here: mennoniteusa.org/cross-cultural-blessing

Mira Grieser and Kimberly Schmidt, members of Hyattsville (Maryland) Mennonite Church, have been working to transform Hyattsville Mennonite Church’s back swamp into a native species habitat. Mira shares about their progress thus far: mennoniteusa.org/transforming-back-swamp

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Yesterday, students at the Mennonite Evangelical Theological Center of Asunción (CEMTA), in Paraguay, concluded a two-day spiritual retreat. Pray for the retreatants as they incorporate what they experienced into their daily lives. C. Paul and Hildi Amstutz, of Mennonite Mission Network, have led these annual retreats for 13 years. Praise God that CEMTA sees the value of these retreats and includes them as part of the students’ first year of studies. 

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for the ongoing WDC Listening Process. Give thanks for facilitation teams and congregations as they share stories, current ministry priorities, and hopes for the future to help shape congregational resourcing and connections in WDC.

Bethel College Mennonite Church is an open and affirming congregation
centered in the life and teachings of Jesus. Embracing the divine within each person, we warmly welcome any and all into fellowship without regard to race, ethnic background, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability,
economic status, marital status, or age.