January 19, 2025 worship service and announcements

JANUARY 19, 2025

Our faith in a God of love leads us, by the power of the Spirit,
to follow Jesus in doing justice, loving mercy, 
and walking humbly with God

To livestream the worship service:
On Sunday morning, around 9:20 a.m. go to BCMC’s webpage at bethelcollegemennonitechurch.org and click the green button labeled LIVE STREAM on the right side of the screen, which will take you to the worship service. If you get a message in the black box that the video is unavailable, click the gray box below that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.   Anytime after the service concludes, you can watch a recording of the service at your convenience by clicking the same green LIVE STREAM button.  Again, you will probably have to go to the gray box that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.  That will transfer you to the BCMC YouTube Channel.  You will have to click on the tab “Videos” to see all of the BCMC videos. Click the red button to see the bulletin/order of service. 
OR – click on this link for this Sunday:  https://youtube.com/live/qdk6kumGjJY?feature=share

This Sunday in worship we will consider the story of Jesus at the wedding in Cana (John 2:1-11), so I thought I’d share a picture of Ryan’s and my wedding reception (July 5, 1997). Maybe you can take a bit of time this weekend to look at some pictures and remember some stories from weddings that you have attended over the years. I look forward to worshiping with you all on Sunday! — Joanna Harader

January 19, 2025
Second Sunday after the Epiphany

Christ Candle Lighting                                          

Centering Music–Adoration (Florence Beatrice Price)– Will Wiebe-Friesen                                                         

Welcome & Prayer–Ada Schmidt-Tieszen                                                            

*Hymn–Here in This Place–VT 10                                         

Children’s Conversation–Barb Koontz                           

Worship Music–Veni Jesu (Luigi Cherbini)–Chancel Choir; Joel Garber, director; Will Wiebe-Friesen, accompanist       

Cherubini ‘s choral setting of the Latin text, “Veni Jesu Amor mi” loosely translates “Come to me, O Jesus, my love.”        

Scripture Reading–John 2:1-11–David Sprunger                         

*Hymn– Over My Head–VT 594                                         

Sermon–Prompting Miracles–Joanna Harader                                    

*Hymn– Lift Every Voice and Sing–VT 611                                     

Prayers of God’s People

*Hymn–You are Salt for the Earth–VT 297                                   


Postlude–Improvisation on We Shall Overcome–(Carl Haywood)          

* You are invited to stand
VT—Voices Together
Audio visual—Ken Lamp

Today’s centering music and postlude are both pieces composed by black American composers. Florence Price (1887-1953), composer of Adoration, is noted as the first African American symphonic composer. She composed prolifically, producing chamber music, symphonic works, choral music, art song, and works for piano and organ, the vast majority of which was only published many decades after her death. Carl Haywood, a long-serving professor of organ and choral music at Norfolk State University, a historically black university, composed his Improvisation on We Shall Overcome for Martin Luther King Jr. Day in 2012. This hymn (VT 803) is a gospel song deeply associated with the U.S. civil rights movement, and it still bears a message important to us today. The limited available organ repertoire composed by African American women and men is expanding, and I look forward to sharing more of it with you in the future. 
While the bulk of commonly played organ literature is the work of white male composers, these pieces by two African American composers are both moving and thrilling and have been fun to work up. I look forward to sharing more of their music with you in the future.   —Will Wiebe-Friesen

The Week at BCMC:  January 19—26, 2025
Sunday, January 19, 2025
9:30 a.m. Worship  — 10:30 a.m. Faith Formation
YouTube Link for the worship service this Sunday: 

January 20, 2025
11 a.m.      Memorial service for Dorothea (Dotty) Janzen in the Sanctuary
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
7:30 p.m.   Chancel Choir rehearsal in the sanctuary
Thursday, January 23, 2025
6:30 p.m.  Chancel Bell rehearsal in Room B7
7 p.m.        Deacon Commission meeting in Room 14
Saturday, January 25, 2025
8:30 a.m. Leadership Retreat at Grace Hill Mennonite Church, 10218 SE 12th St., Whitewater
Sunday, January 26, 2025—500th Anniversary of Anabaptism
9:30 a.m.   Worship with testimonies from BCMC members; music by the Chancel Choir         10:30 a.m. Faith Formation

There will be a congregational meeting on Sun., Jan. 26, during the Sunday School hour in the sanctuary. The meeting will be available through streaming options. For the Financial Report booklet press here. There will be paper copies in the Gathering Place.

Upcoming Memorial Services:
· January 20, 11 a.m.: Dorothea (Dotty) Janzen’s memorial service at BCMC.  Live stream link is:      

· Helen Paul’s memorial service will be at Kidron Bethel Village, Kidron Hall on Feb. 28 at 2:30 p.m.

BCMC Offering for Jan. 12: Gen. Fund $8,403.59; Kitchen Fund $8; Leona Kaufman Mem. $240.

From the Finance Committee
As the financial year of our church ends, we offer gratitude for the generosity shared in donating monetary offerings toward our annual budget. Each gift is important to the process of fulfilling our mission. A brief report is listed below.
The following is a BCMC financial report of the general fund income and expenses on December 31, 2024 (100% of the year).
Total income                  $511,397           95% of budget
Total expense                $504,305           94% of budget
Net income                        $7,092

I am looking for volunteers who would be willing to provide a morning snack for our youth on Sunday mornings.  Items could be, but not limited to, cinnamon rolls, fruit, cookies, etc. We generally have 4-7 young persons participate in Sunday School and would be gracious for yummy treats before their lessons starts.  If you are able to volunteer, please email me at jill@bethelcollegemennonitechurch.org.

If you are interested in becoming a member, or transferring membership, or learning more about  membership at BCMC, please contact Elizabeth Schmidt, Pastor for Congregational Care.  She will be happy to visit with you!

“Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner” will be Sunday, February 23, at noon.  You are welcome to sign-up Sunday, January 19, or Sunday, January 26, in the Gathering Place. Indicate whether you would like to be a host or guest. Hosts provide main dish, beverage, and maybe bread.  Guests are assigned a side dish – vegetable, salad, dessert, or maybe bread. Experience this event interacting with some of our congregational members, as assigned, on a social level.

Board Game Night to support the Coalition to Dismantle the Doctrine of Discovery: Pastor Joanna is currently working with other members of the Coalition to develop a board game that addresses issues connected to Indigenous justice. To raise awareness of and money for this project, the Indigenous Task Force is hosting a board game night on Friday, February 21, at 7 p.m. in the church Fellowship Hall. We will have a prototype of the Coalition game available along with plenty of other game options. There is no charge to attend the event, but we will receive donations for the Coalition from those who would like to contribute. 

The Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference notes that several of their churches have been affected by the wildfires that continue to burn in Southern California. They are requesting donations toward the needs of PSMC families who have lost homes and to the needs of the wider community. You can donate through their website. (Be sure to select “Relief for Victims of SoCal Fires” from the donation drop-down menu.)

· Mon., Jan. 20: Bethel College’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration, 7 p.m.
, Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center, with local pastor (retired) and community leader Larry Lee. 
· Sat., Jan. 25: Kauffman Museum annual Kansas Day event, “At Home on the Range,” noon-4 p.m., museum parking lot and grounds. Featuring food trucks, exhibits and activities indoors and out, and much more. For more information, see the Kauffman Museum Facebook page or kauffmanmuseum.org
· Sun., Jan.  26: Bethel College Music Department Honors Recital, 4 p.m., Administration Building chapel, featuring freshman, sophomore and junior vocal and instrumental students who performed exceptionally during the fall 2024 semester. 

Bethel College will offer a new course, “Introduction to Hymnology”, in Spring 2025, taught by Dr. Henry S. Waters, Director of Choral Music and Associate Professor of Music.  The course will survey the history of hymns, mostly from the hymnal Voices Together, and analyze hymns through many lenses including music theory, poetry and theology. The class will meet weekly on Mondays at 6-7 pm, beginning Mon., Jan 27, in the Chapel of the Administration Building.  Community members may Audit the course for $100 (or $50 for persons age 65+), or enroll for credit at a higher fee.  To request the enrollment form, email registrar@bethelks.edu or visit the Registrar’s Office in the Administration Building between 8 am -12 pm, or 1-5 pm.

The Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus is getting organized for our 2025 season.  Those who sang last year should have received information from Aaron Stucky (stuckya2003@yahoo.com).  For those who would like to join this year please contact Aaron or myself, Joe Peters, joep67117@gmail.com or 316-288-7031, or join us at our first rehearsal on Jan. 26.  We sing so others may live.

Volunteer at New Hope Shelter: BCMC is part of a 24-congregation network providing volunteer support for evening shifts at New Hope Shelter. About five weeks per year, we carry in several meals for 25-30 people and have two volunteers stay through the evening to support a staff person. As volunteers come and go, we can always use more help to cover this commitment. If you could help occasionally by contributing food for a meal or spending an evening at the shelter, email Cynthia Linscheid at cdlin319@gmail.com. New Hope Shelter serves homeless men, women, and children from Harvey, Butler, Marion, and McPherson counties. Thanks to all who have volunteered their time and service at New Hope, either recently or in the past! 

Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS) is hosting a 75th Anniversary Annual Celebration in Wichita this February 14-15. As part of the celebration, MDS will be hosting a volleyball tournament and cornhole tournament! The tournaments will be held Sat., Feb. 15 at Ridgepoint Church in Wichita. The cornhole tournament is at 1 p.m. and the volleyball tournament is from 5 p.m.-8 p.m. They are looking for local teams or individuals to join the fun! Everyone is invited! If you are interested in registering a team or as an individual, please let Kaelan Swartley at kswartley@mds.org know by Jan. 27. If you are looking to form or join a team with others from Western District Conference, contact the WDC office at wdc@mennowdc.org and we can connect you with others who may be interested.  Volunteers are needed to help with meals (meals are free for volunteers), welcome and hospitality, driving shuttle vans between hotels and church, and helping with meeting room preparation. Please contact Ada Schmidt-Tieszen at 316 842-9751 or adast@bethelks.edu for more information.

Peace Connections is hosting a Bridges Out of Poverty Free Training Jan. 31 and Feb. 7. This training is a great way to help individuals understand the impacts of poverty by exploring the root causes of poverty, increase personal understanding and identify ways to reduce barriers between each other.  For  information or to sign up for the two-part training go to www.peaceconnections.org

Newton Community for Racial Justice will hold its annual anti-racism training Feb. 13-15. This is a date change from previous years.  Training will be held at the Newton Recreation Center from Thurs. evening, Feb. 13 through Sat. afternoon, Feb. 15. Registration: $350 per participant.  Some scholarships are available. REGISTER HERE:   https://forms.gle/pXViB4fzH8y3u7WM7
Payment can be made online:  https://www.convergepay.com/hosted-payments?ssl_txn_auth_token=%2Bd%2Fr1xrRRCaZybUyv2z%2FeAAAAZON0fyjV

Anabaptism at 500 Celebration
January 21 is the 500th anniversary of what is noted as the beginning of Anabaptism: the baptism of George Blaurock, Conrad Grebel, and a dozen others in Zurich, Switzerland. We have the opportunity to participate in many online and in-person events over the next several weeks to celebrate this significant anniversary:
· Saturday, Jan. 18 at 8 a.m. (Central), the Global Anabaptist Read-a-Thon begins! This will be streamed on the Anabaptism at 500 Facebook page for 90+ hours. Tune in to hear 500 voices (including Pastor Joanna’s) from 42 countries read through the entire Bible.
· Sunday, Jan. 19, 3 p.m. at Hesston Mennonite Church: Hymn Festival
· Tues., Jan. 21, 6-7:30 p.m. (Central), at College Mennonite Church (Goshen, IN) and online: a worship service celebrating 500 years of the Anabaptist movement. You can find the livestream link the day of the event on the Anabaptism at 500 Facebook page.
· Sundays, Jan. 26 and Feb. 2: BCMC worship will highlight various aspects of our Anabaptist heritage and identity.

Anabaptism at 500! This year, Anabaptists around the world are celebrating the 500th anniversary of the first Anabaptist baptism on January 21, 1525. As part of this world-wide celebration, MennoMedia has published the Anabaptist Community Bible, which two different BCMC Sunday School classes contributed to. And if you’d like to read through the Bible in 2025, you can find a reading chart here

From Mitch Stutzman at MennoMedia on the Anabaptism at 500 livestream:
How to access the Anabaptism at 500 worship service on January 21 and the video stream of Global Anabaptist Read-a-thon.
Both of these livestream events will be available on the Anabaptism at 500 Facebook pageNeither of these events require a registration. Simply visit the Facebook page and you will be able to access the live event. As you share with your friends and faith community about the worship service and the video of folks from around the world reading through the bible together, please direct people to the Anabaptism at 500 Facebook page.

The other nuance is related specifically to the Global Anabaptist Read-a-thon. As we prepare the final edit of the video of all of these voices from around the world we are realizing that the recording is much longer than we anticipated (Turns out, it takes a long time to read straight through the whole Bible)! Because of the length of the experience the livestream of the read-a-thon will begin on the Anabaptism at 500 Facebook page at about 9:00 am Eastern, Saturday, January 18, and run through Tuesday evening when the worship time starts in Goshen.  This read-a-thon has been a massive undertaking with a lot of moving pieces and we are excited to see how it comes together over the next few days.

Long story short, look to the Anabaptism at 500 Facebook page for both events. Make sure to check back frequently starting on Saturday morning to take in the voices reading scripture. Blessings to you as we anticipate a full weekend and the launch of a season of commemoration around this important moment in our collective story.

For Mennonite Disaster Service 75th Anniversary press here
For Mennonite Disaster Service “On the Level” press here 

Dear Intersections readers: Greetings! I am happy to announce the publication online of the winter 2025 issue of Mennonite Central Committee’s publication, Intersections, on the topic of MCC and Mennonite World Conference (MWC). The issue can be found here. The publication of this Intersections issue coincides with MWC marking its centennial of fostering inter-Anabaptist fellowship and with the global Anabaptist movement commemorating the 500-year-old legacy of the global Anabaptist movement. Authors in this issue reflect the global Anabaptist fellowship represented by MWC. MCC, as these articles reflect, has been intertwined with MWC since the latter’s founding in 1925—partnership among MCC, MWC, and Anabaptist churches worldwide remains vibrant and strong today. As always, your thoughts and questions about Intersections are always welcome!
Warm regards,  Alain Epp Weaver

For Mennonite Mission Network “News and Beyond” press here
For Mennonite World Conference “Info” press here

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements

WANTED: Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles, Campers, Tractors, Farm Machinery and anything of value to be sold at this year’s Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale.  Your donations can be used as a Charitable Tax Donation.  Call Jerry Toews, 620 367 8257 for more information.

Camp Mennoscah Announcements

Only one week left to order Camp Mennoscah Hoodies!  Click here to order online (https://forms.gle/QmPwMxrxD8ii9tRH6) or contact olivia.bartel@campmennoscah.org.  The camp sign logo will be on the chest.  Youth sizes are $40.  Adult sizes S – XL are $40 and sizes 2XL – 4XL are $45.  Colors can be found in the ordering form.  Youth colors do not match adult colors exactly due to color availability.  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 with questions.  Ordering closes January 20.  Available ONLY through this online order.  We will NOT have extras on hand later (sorry).

Other events and happenings:

  • The Spring Scrapbook and Crafts Retreat is March 14-16.  Registration will open in February. All activities will take place at Main Camp in the dining hall and bunkhouses.
  • The application for 2025 Summer Staff is open.Staff positions are needed for nature, office, music, lifeguards, crafts and grounds/maintenance.  Further information available on the Camp Mennoscah webpage under Programs/Summer Youth Camps or contact 620-297-3290.
  • The 2025 Summer Youth Camp Schedule is available.  See online at campmennoscah.org for the summer schedule. There has been a change in age groups for the camps.  There are two Junior Camps for those going into grades 6, 7 and 8 in the fall of 2025.  There is one Junior High Camp for grades 8 and 9.  Other age groups remain the same.  Registration will open in February 2025.  The theme for the 2025 summer is Another Way, looking at how Jesus invites us to re-imagine who we are and to live in another way.

From Mennonite Church USA
At its meeting on Nov. 14-16, 2024, in Destin, Florida, the MC USA Executive Board affirmed a call from the denomination’s Racial Ethnic Council (REC) to increase awareness of the historical record of BIPOC Mennonites and to fund BIPOC contributions to the MC USA Archives. Read more here: mennoniteusa.org/news/eb-rec

Sometimes, a congregation may have a known sex offender in attendance or an individual displaying characteristics typical of a sex offender. Join Nancy Kauffmann, MC USA’s interim denominational minister of Church Safety, Paul Unruh, a retired social worker, and Yolanda Kauffman, licensed master social worker, on January 28, 2024, at 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT for a webinar that will focus on understanding the behaviors of those who commit sexual offenses and what appropriate accountability looks like to ensure that the congregation remains a safe space for everyone, including the sex offender. Register here: mennoniteusa.org/register-jan-safe-church

Word&Note at Plymouth Congregational Church in Wichita (Jan 31-Feb 2)
Plymouth Congregational Church’s annual Word&Note weekend conference is soon approaching. It will have two guest presenters: Sarah McCammon (NPR Politics) and Mark Miller (Lecturer in Sacred Music). Sarah will give presentations on her recent book The Exvangelicals: Loving, Living, and Leaving the White Evangelical Church and there will be an entire concert of Mark Miller’s moving and forward-thinking music Saturday evening entitled “Songs of Justice & Joy.” He will also give a presentation on Saturday afternoon on “Worship & Music in a Time of Crisis.” There is a a discounted rate of $100 for the entire weekend ($135 value).  See the Plymouth Congregational Church website for more information.

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for the South American celebration of Anabaptism at 500, taking place in Cusco, Peru. Pray that during these five days of worship, learning and fellowship, Anabaptists will experience renewed inspiration to carry their rich spiritual legacy into current contexts.
Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Give thanks for WDC congregations observing Anabaptism at 500 (the 500th anniversary of the beginning of the Anabaptist movement in 1525) through special events and celebrations during the coming year, and pray for faithfulness in our commitments to follow Jesus as Anabaptist / Mennonite Christians now and in the future.

Bethel College Mennonite Church is an open and affirming congregation
centered in the life and teachings of Jesus. Embracing the divine within each person, we warmly welcome any and all into fellowship without regard to race, ethnic background, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability,
economic status, marital status, or age