As you look at the worship bulletin and worship begins, you’ll notice some more things:
- The bulletin begins with an order of worship, which lists the main elements that will take place in worship. This includes congregational singing and responsive readings (alternating between a leader and the congregation). An asterisk indicates that the congregation stands as they are able, and bold print is used for the parts the congregation reads. We usually sing hymns and songs from denominational resources: Hymnal: A Worship Book (a blue book), Sing the Journey (a green booklet) and Sing the Story (a purple booklet). Singing is led by the organist, pianist or other instrumentalists, or by a song leader who conducts the congregation. Additional worship music is offered by choirs and other musicians. We love music at BCMC!
- Children are welcome in worship. Young children (toddlers through elementary-age) are invited to come forward for a special Children’s Time early in the worship service. After this time, each child may pick up a “quiet activity” bag to take back to their seats for use during the service, to be returned in baskets at the end of the worship service.
- An offering will be received during the worship service. The offering plate is passed from pew to pew, to receive financial contributions to support the work of the church. Your contributions are welcome but not obligated!
- During the offering, you may also fill out a card located in the pew rack to indicate your desire to learn more about BCMC or share a prayer request with the pastors.
- On the last Sunday of the month, those who are celebrating a birthday that month are invited forward during the offering to receive a blessing from the pastors. Guests are welcome to participate in this celebrative ritual.
- On appointed Sundays, we observe Communion (also called the Lord’s Supper or Eucharist) during worship. In keeping with the Mennonite faith, all baptized followers of Jesus are welcome to receive the elements (bread and grape-juice, with gluten-free bread available). You do not need to be a member of BCMC to participate in Communion.
The bulletin also includes a weekly church calendar as well as announcements of other events and activities important to our congregation. Sunday morning’s activities include:
- Fellowship (conversation and visiting) and refreshments at 10:30 a.m. in the foyer off the sanctuary. This is a good time to meet others and get better acquainted.
- Christian Education at 10:50 a.m. –You are invited to visit one of a variety of Sunday school classes, which are listed in the worship bulletin and on a foyer sign-board. This is an opportunity for small group discussion, learning and spiritual growth for adults, youth and children. Click here for more information about Christian Education.
- By noon, we are hungry! Some Sundays we have a potluck lunch in the fellowship hall downstairs. Church members are invited to bring food to share, and guests are always welcome! We encourage people to bring their own table service and recycle as much as possible, to avoid using disposable products.
As you leave the church building, we hope you depart with a sense of God’s presence and peace. Thanks for visiting BCMC. And we hope you return soon!