Church Board Minutes 2022 07 07

                                                Church Board Minutes 2022 07 07

Bethel College Mennonite Church Board Minutes

Pending approval at August 2022 Board Meeting

Our faith in a God of love leads us, by the power of the Spirit, to follow
Jesus in doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God.

Board Members Present:  Ada Schmidt-Tieszen (moderator), Brad Kohlman (moderator-elect), Mary Ann Boschmann, Judy Friesen, Tim Hodge, Karen Penner, Lois Preheim, Adam Robb, Bill Swartley, Margaret Toews
Board Members not present:  John Kliewer, Jon Zerger
Staff Present: Mike Claassen (Finance Manager), Nathan Koontz (pastor), Todd Schlosser (Interim Pastor)
Staff not present:  
Others attending:

  1. Welcome and Centering Prayer – Moderator Ada Schmidt-Tieszen invited the group into moments of silence followed by a centering prayer.
  2. Consent Agenda – Online minutes of commissions and committees, pastors’ reports, and June 2 board meeting minutes were presented. Tim Hodge moved to approve the Consent Agenda and Judy Friesen seconded the motion; approved by consensus.
  3. Financial Report for June, 2022 – Michael Claassen, Finance Manager reported no additions or changes to the report as presented.  He explained the new line item in the Equities portion of the balance sheet which accounts for market variation in value of the fund holding Plant Fund money.  Questions were raised about high expenses and low income for this point in the church budget year. Mike highlighted charts in his report which show the General Fund balance is lower than usual, but income usually improves toward the end of the budget year. Adam Robb moved to approve the Financial Report. Tim seconded; motion carried.
  4. Report on Timeline for Budget Process – Mike presented the 2022 bcmcXpress budget timeline.  There were no questions.  No action needed.
  5. Board Appointments – Bonnie Epp has agreed to serve with Mary Ann Boschmann as assistant treasurer. The board will thank outgoing assistant treasurers Nancy Hilty and Lois Goertzen for their long and valuable service in this role.  Judy moved to appoint Bonnie Epp as assistant treasurer; Lois Preheim seconded.  The motion carried. 
  6. Input for BCMC Worship Coordinator – Nathan Koontz outlined his idea for worship planning as described in his letter included in the board packet. He is asking for existing groups within the church who choose to participate to name a contact person.  A calendar of participation would be created for August until Advent, 2022. Each participating group can participate directly or act as consultants for the worship service.   

The board strongly supports this plan.  Tim Hodge and Brad Kohlman are interested in being contact
people for the Sundays when the Church Board is participating.  The first of these Sundays will be
sometime in August.

7. Letter to Mennonite Church USA – The letter is one of encouragement and appreciation to the
leadership of MCUSA for the passage of the Resolution for Repentance and Transformation.  Judy
Friesen moved to approve the letter; Brad Kohlman seconded.  The motion carried.  The letter will
be included in the weekly email to BCMC members and copies will be available for individuals to

8. Reopening Task Group: Time to Dissolve? Discussion focused on the reality that the church has
moved to Covid response management.  The board acknowledges that Covid will be with us for the
foreseeable future.  The Reopening Task Group has done an excellent job of making decisions and
the board expresses significant gratitude to the group for its work. Management of Covid response
is now entrusted to the commissions and committees making decisions as they plan events.  The
board understands it may need to reform this group if Covid resurges in our community. Adam
moved to close the Reopening Task Group; Judy seconded.  The motion carried.

Because the Reopening Task Group is now closed the board discussed two upcoming events
involving Bethel College.  August 14 is New Student Orientation Sunday when, before Covid, new
students at Bethel attended BCMC Sunday worship. This year, the board would ask attendees to mask
and would host a donuts and coffee time either outside or in several locations to minimize crowding.
  October 9 is Fall Fest Sunday when, before Covid, a worship service for college and community was
held at BCMC. 

Adam moved to host both New Student Orientation Sunday (August 14) and Fall Fest Worship
(October 9) in the BCMC building.  Tim Hodge seconded with the stipulation that we use a “long
runway” of communication to BCMC members so that those who choose can watch the services
remotely. The motion carried.

9. Initiatives for the Year: First Discussions –

-Decolonization Task Group – After reading the book Healing Haunted Histories the group is thinking
about next steps.  The board encourages the group to advertise its meeting times to all congregants
and gives its blessing and encouragement.  The group can choose to be a task group under the
Witness Commission or under the Board.  Ada will contact Raylene Penner and the Witness
-Worship Commission Task Group – Discussion was deferred to the next meeting due to time

10. Reports and Announcements
-Credence Consulting and Reference Group will be meeting tomorrow.  Response has been good.
Many surveys are being collected, both online and paper;  Interviews are being held.
-Hospitality Commission is planning to resume Wednesday night suppers and Sunday morning
greeters in the fall. 
-For new people on board, commissions, committees – orientation meeting next Sunday during SS
-A draft has gone out to Faith Formation for two positions:
i. Youth coordinator – ¼ time. Responsible for
1. High school youth
2. High school Wednesday activities
ii. Faith Formation coordinator – ¼ time. Responsible for
1. Sunday school
2, Wednesday nights
These positions will need to be approved by the board – SCRC will work on specifics once hiring is
complete. Current ideas are for positions to be salaried.  The Board is delegating oversight to the
Faith Formation commission.  These positions are for the 2022-2023 school year and following
summer.  These are not permanent positions.

11. Executive Session. Entered at 9:00 pm. Closed at 9:05 pm.

12. Meeting Adjourned – 9:05.  Next meeting will be held August 4.

Submitted by Margaret Toews, Clerk

Draft – Church Board Minutes 2022 07 07.docx