Church Board Minutes 2022 05 05


         Church Board Minutes 2022 05 05

Bethel College Mennonite Church Board Minutes

Pending approval at June 2022 Board Meeting

Our faith in a God of love leads us, by the power of the Spirit, to follow Jesus in doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God.

Board Members Present:  Elizabeth Schmidt (moderator), Ada Schmidt-Tieszen (moderator elect), Glen Ediger, Judy Friesen, John Kliewer, Cynthia Linscheid, Lois Preheim, Adam Robb, Dale Schrag, Bill Swartley, Margaret Toews
Board Members not present:
Staff Present: Mike Claassen (Finance Manager), Nathan Koontz (pastor), Renee Reimer (pastor), Todd Schlosser (Interim Pastor)
Staff not present:  
Others attending:

  1. Welcome and Centering Prayer – Moderator Elizabeth Schmidt opened the meeting with brief reflections on the writings of Joyce Rupp about keeping watch with those who suffer. This was followed by the group reading our purpose statement aloud together.
  2. Consensus Approval – Consent Agenda – Online minutes of commissions and committees, pastors’ reports, and April 7 board meeting minutes were approved by consensus.
  3. Action – Financial Report – April, 2022 – Michael Claassen, Finance Manager reports no additions or changes to the report as presented.  There were no questions. Adam Robb moved to approve the Financial Report. Judy Friesen seconded; the motion carried.

    Bill Swartley made a motion to establish a fund called the Screen Project, which will receive donations toward the sanctuary screen project.  Dale Schrag seconded the motion which carried unanimously.  Adam will write an item for the weekly Wednesday church email.
  4. Action – Facilities Committee Request – Facilities Committee requests board approval of a bid for $8939.18 from Goering Hardware for mini-split in Room B3 to handle the heating and cooling for Room B3 and the Playschool office, replacing the failed air handler in Room B3.  Cynthia Linscheid moved to accept the proposal.  Ada Schmidt-Tieszen seconded; the motion carried.
  5. Proposed Board Handbook, Personnel Policy Manual Revisions – In the Board Handbook, “Pony Express”, as a name for the annual pledge drive was replaced by “BCMC Express”.  In the Personnel Policy Manual, changes were made to update the vacation policy on lines 84-86, line 92, and lines 276-286.
  6. Appointments for Board-Appointed Committees – 

    Auditing – Megan Leary agrees to serve a second 2-year term. Al Peters agrees to an initial 2-year term. Lois Preheim moved; John Kliewer seconded.  Motion carried.
    Archive – David Haury and Rachel Pannabecker agree to serve second 2-year terms. Glenn Ediger moved; Dale seconded. Motion carried.
    BC Relations – Carol Flickinger will serve a second 2-year term.  Adam moved; Judy seconded. Motion carried.
    Education & Service Scholarship – Jim Mininger has agreed to a second 2-year term. Monica Lichti can be a staff liaison.  Monica and Mike do much of the paperwork for the scholarships to various colleges. Margaret Toews moved; Dale seconded. Motion carried.
    Finance – Jerry Buller and John Zerger have agreed to initial 2-year terms. Dale moved; John seconded. Motion carried.
    Facilities – Harald Boschmann, Tom Jackson and Orvin Voth agree to initial 2-year terms. Lois moved; Ada seconded. Motion carried
    Gifts Discernment – Jeanette Stucky and Jerry Buller have agreed to initial 2-year terms.  Dale moved; Judy seconded. Motion carried.
    Staff Congregation Relations – Megan Kohlman has agreed to serve an initial 4-year term. One more member is needed, preferably male to preserve balance. Margaret moved; John seconded. Motion carried.
    Assistant Treasurer – Nancy Hilty has agreed to a second 2-year term until someone else agrees to take the position.  John moved; Dale seconded. Motion carried.
    Abuse Prevention & Response – need board member to agree after new board meets in June
    Peace Garden Care – no new members needed yet – new committee
  7. Congregational Culture and Structure – Elizabeth has communicated with Kathy Neufeld Dunn to confirm there are still no interim pastoral candidates available.  Todd asked for the Board’s blessing in a developing plan to cover the work that needs to be done after Renee leaves on June 12.  Todd and Nathan proposed several positions that, when filled, will make it possible for them to cover the pastoral work after Renee leaves.  Proposed positions may include a Faith Formation Coordinator to support the Faith Formation Commission in its work, and a Worship Coordinator to schedule people to do the Children’ Story, read scripture, and be worship leaders on Sunday morning.  Speakers also need to be scheduled.  The board agreed to increase the honorarium for speakers from $100 to $250.  After discussion about worship planning and needs, a motion to support these efforts is as follows: “The Board moves to bless the pastors in their planning to develop positions which may include a Faith Formation Coordinator, a Worship Coordinator and to bring speakers in for two Sundays each month beginning in July.”  This motion was made by Dale; seconded by Judy.  The motion carried unanimously.
  8. Farewell Reception for Renee – Planning – Adam agreed to work with the Hospitality Committee in planning a come-and-go reception for Renee to be held outdoors (fingers-crossed for the weather) on Monday, June 13 from 5 – 7 pm.  Margaret will let Monica know so it can be put on the calendar and publicized through email and bulletins.
  9. Thank you to out-going board members – Elizabeth expressed thanks to out-going board members Glen Ediger, Cynthia Linscheid, and Dale Schrag.  Ada expressed thanks to Elizabeth for her excellent leadership of the board.  Snacks were passed around to celebrate the occasion.
  10. Executive Session – Entered at 9:20 pm. Closed at 9:50 pm.
  11. Meeting Adjourned – Adjourned at 9:50 pm.

Submitted by Margaret Toews, Clerk

Draft – Church Board Minutes 2022 05 05.docx