Church Board Minutes 2021 12 02
Bethel College Mennonite Church Board Minutes
Pending approval at January, 2022 Board Meeting
Our faith in a God of love leads us, by the power of the Spirit, to follow Jesus
in doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God.
Board Members Present: Elizabeth Schmidt (moderator), Ada Schmidt-Tieszen (moderator-elect), Glen Ediger, Judy Friesen, John Kliewer, Cynthia LInscheid, Lois Preheim, Adam Robb, Dale Schrag, Bill Swartley
Board Members not present:
Staff Present: Renee Reimer (pastor), Mike Classen (Finance Manager) Nathan Koontz (pastor), Dawn Yoder Harms (pastor – arrived after the Interim Pastoral Candidate interview and left prior to her farewell reception planning session.)
Staff not present:
Others attending: Interim Pastor Candidate
1. Welcome and Centering Prayer – Moderator Elizabeth Schmidt opened the meeting with and overview of the meeting and then prayed a prayer of invocation.
2. Interview Conversation with Interim Pastor Candidate: This segment began with self- introductions of board members for the benefit of the interim pastor candidate. Elizabeth then gave a brief BCMC historical summary and led the group in reading BCMC’s Purpose Statement and Welcome Statement. Questions by the board were then asked of the candidate followed by questions of the board by the candidate. A give and take discussion between the candidate and the board ensued.
3.Consent Agenda – Minutes of the November board meeting and pastors’ reports were approved by consensus.
4.Financial Report – November 2021 financial report. Mike Claassen highlighted point #3 of the Comparative Financial Report which states: “WDC/MC USA and New Hope Shelter benevolences were not paid in October or November, and quarterly benevolences to eight organizations have not been paid for the fourth quarter. These total $13,639. They will be paid early in December. This will change the income amount to be a deficit of $4,929.66.” Additionally Mike noted that December will need to stand on its own because there will no longer be a rollover from November to December.
5. Plan for Finalizing 2022 Initial Budget: Judy Friesen reported that the finance committee will meet again prior to finalizing the 2022 initial budget. The board agreed to take the 2022 initial budget up for action in the January 2022 meeting.
6. 2022 Pastor Housing Allowances: Dale Schrag moved to approve requested housing allowances for pastors. Adam Robb seconded the motion which subsequently carried.
7. Assistant Treasurer Appointment: Adam Robb reported that he contacted Mary Ann Boschmann who agreed to complete the remaining portion of Lois Goertzen’s term as Assistant Treasurer. It was noted that Mary Ann will be eligible to serve for two subsequent terms. Ada Schmidt-Tieszen moved to accept Mary Ann’s offer to serve. Glen Ediger seconded the motion which subsequently carried.
8. January 2022 Congregational Meeting Items: January 30, 2022 was established as the January Congregational Meeting date. The proposed agenda is listed below and will be finalized during the January 2022 Board Meeting.
> approve minutes of the 9/12/21 congregational meeting and the 11/21/21 special congregational meeting
> 2021 auditing committee report
> presentation of 2021 financial reports
> approve the 2022 budget
> vote to affirm replacement Clerk
> other items / other reports
9. Farewell Reception for Dawn Yoder Harms: Pastor Dawn, present for the opening of this discussion expressed that she would simply like the opportunity to say good bye to the people of the BCMC congregation. She then left the meeting. Cynthia Linscheid volunteered to work with Doris Willock to put a reception together. Glen Ediger suggested a “come and go” format as a pandemic precaution to avoid large crowd buildup. Judy Friesen noted that there is money in the transition fund to cover expenses for this reception.
10. Executive Session. Entered at 8:55 pm. Closed at 9:45 pm.
11. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 pm. Next meeting is off schedule on December 6, 2021 at 7 pm to further discuss the interim pastor position and candidate.
Submitted by John Kliewer, Temporary Clerk
Church Board Minutes 2021 12 02.docx