Church Board Minutes 2021 09 02
Bethel College Mennonite Church Board Minutes
Pending approval at Oct 7 2021 Board Meeting
Our faith in a God of love leads us, by the power of the Spirit, to follow Jesus
in doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God.
Board Members Present: Elizabeth Schmidt (moderator), Ada Schmidt-Tieszen (moderator-elect), John Kliewer, Cynthia LInscheid, Adam Robb, Dale Schrag, Bill Swartley
Board Members not present: Glen Ediger, Judy Friesen, Lois Preheim
Staff Present: Dawn Yoder Harms (pastor), Mike Claassen (financial manager)
Staff not present: Nathan Koontz (associate pastor), Renee Reimer (associate pastor)
Others attending: None
1.Welcome and Centering Prayer – Moderator Elizabeth Schmidt led members in collectively praying Prayer Before a Meeting, #952 in the Voices Together hymnal.
2.Consent Agenda – Minutes of the August board meeting and pastors’ reports were approved by consensus.
3.Financial Report – August 2021 financial report (Mike Claassen). Mike Claassen submitted a written report and verbally reported that expenses are consistent and that August 2021 income was second best of the year. Moderator elect Ada Schmidt-Tieszen moved to approve the financial report. Cynthia Linscheid seconded the motion. The motion carried.
4. Columbarium Update – Pastor Dawn reported that even though only half of the columbarium will be completed at this time, the Columbarium Expansion Committee would like to go ahead and purchase ALL of the plaques for the 108 niches, to make sure they are all from the same dye lot (and will look the same). They had previously proposed purchasing just half of the plaques at this time. The purchase of additional 54 plaques adds $2500 more than the original quote. Even so, the project will stay within budget. The Board simply needs to be aware of this change. No board action was required or taken.
5. Abuse Prevention Policy – The APR policy will not be ready as anticipated for the planned congregational vote at the September 12 congregational meeting. Although the APR policy will not be voted on at the Sept Congregational Meeting, the APR Committee would like to have the policy completed and ready for congregational approval well before the January congregational meeting and is hoping the policy could be approved at a special congregational meeting sometime this fall. BCMC bylaws do allow for the Church Board to call a special meeting, provided the meeting and item for consideration are announced in advance (see lines 442-446). The Board was made aware of this possibility/probability.
6. Update on Clerk and Interim minute-taking needs. Elizabeth Schmidt announced that Margaret Toews has agreed to join the board as the new Clerk replacing Pat Friesen who has relocated to Nebraska. Margaret’s term will begin January 2022 pending election by the congregation September 12, 2021 and John Kliewer will function as Clerk in the interim. Dale Schrag moved to thank John and Ada Schmidt-Tieszen seconded the motion which passed.
7. September 12, 2021, 1 p.m. Congregational Meeting agenda via Zoom will be:
– Centering and opening prayer
– Financial Manager’s Report and approval
– Officer election by congregation – Affirm Margaret Toews as replacement Clerk candidate
– Abuse Prevention & Response Committee Report
– Reopening Church Task Group Update
– Technology Task Group Update – Bill Swartley reiterated last meeting’s report that this
task group’s work on a screen has not been terminated but will slow down in view of
cultural flux associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and architectural design
– Columbarium report
– Closing prayer
8. September 25, 2021 Leadership Retreat Planning details and agenda via Zoom will be:
– 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. via Zoom and will include break-out conversations
– Refreshment bags will be delivered to participants
– Community building, pulse-taking on church life in Covid-19 and our common purpose statement priorities, reviewing our welcome statement.
9. SCRC vacancy update: Cynthia Linscheid reported that Dianne Epp has agreed to assume the SCRC position vacated by Mary Goering. It was noted that Dianne Epp is the unique, right find for this position at this time. Dale Schrag moved to appoint Dianne Epp to the SCRC. Adam Robb seconded the motion which then passed unanimously. Moderator Schmidt thanked Cynthia for her work in recruiting Dianne Epp.
10. Executive Session. Entered 7:38 pm. Closed at 8:02 pm.
9. Meeting adjourned at 8:03 pm. Next meeting: October 7, 2021.
Submitted by John Kliewer, Temporary Clerk
Church Board Minutes 2021 09 02.docx