Bethel College Mennonite Church
Date and location: Jan. 2, 2020 church library
Board Members Present: John Waltner (moderator), Patricia Shelly (moderator-elect), Pat Friesen (clerk), Rosalind Andreas, Erin Brubacher, Cynthia Linscheid, Elizabeth Schmidt, Dale Schrag, Bill Swartley
Board Members Absent: Glen Ediger, Mel Voth
Staff Present: Dawn Yoder Harms (pastor), Mike Claassen (financial manager)
Others Present: Dave Linscheid, Doug Harms, Annette Lamp
A Centering Prayer was read in unison.|
Consent Agenda. Minutes of Dec. 5, 2019 board meeting, pastors’ reports, and commission minutes were approved by consent.
Treasurer’s Report
2019 report. December’s giving ($70,242) was above the historical average ($54,000). Our giving in 2019 exceeded expenses. There will be a notice of this good news in this Sunday’s bulletin.
Pony Express update. The intents for 2020 total $445,906. The intents for 2019 totaled $445,849.13.
2020 budget finalized. Mike Claassen will present the budget at the congregational meeting. Because it is difficult for many people to see the small projection screen, Mike will print budget information in the congregational meeting packet.
Contingency Plan for deficit. Contingency plan for 2020 – to take up to $10,000 out of general fund, then from benevolences up to $8,000. If necessary, to go beyond this, we will again use general funds.
Wind energy purchases. The Finance Committeeapproved by consensus to purchase 100% of the kilowatt hours from wind energy.
Renovation projects update
Electric panel and change order. Previously approved by the board, the projected cost is $33,000. When Kansas Electric helped with this work, a current electrical panel in the location for the proposed family restroom needed to be relocated on the opposite wall, inside the custodial closet. This additional expense was $4200, authorized by John Waltner.
Fellowship Hall, kitchen and family restroom. Drawings review.
Annette will meet with kitchen committee to review the plans on Jan. 8. Drawings will be available at the Jan 26 congregational meeting. In addition, Annette will also be available for conversations and discussion with congregational members sometime in the future. Feb. 19 is the deadline for final decisions on kitchen cabinetry. April 15 is deadline for decisions on kitchen work; all contents of the kitchen must be cleared out. After April 15 the kitchen is not accessible. Because of construction dust and noise, the basement will not be available for summer use, including Vacation Bible School. Pastor Renee is aware of this.
Now that the building is totally wi-fi accessible, it is also possible to install four security cameras on the main entry doors.
Sabbatical proposal for Pastor Dawn Yoder Harms received from SCRC. John Waltner noted that the congregation approved a sabbatical for Pastor Dawn as part of her three-year contract renewal at our June 16, 2019 meeting. Dave Linscheid is providing an update to us tonight. SCRC has been working with Dawn to plan and coordinate scheduling her vacation and sabbatical. An attachment provided by Pastor Dawn explains this will be for rest, reading, and restoration.
Dave Linscheid reported that she will take her combined vacation and sabbatical leave May 12-Aug. 17. SCRC’s plan for pastoral coverage during that time will not require new staff. Pastors Renee and Nathan, and Monica will work as a leadership team and this can be covered internally. Pastor Nathan can add one additional day weekly to his duties during that time. We will look for someone to work for several hours weekly to coordinate worship planning. A timeline of communicating to the congregation the plans and coverage for Pastor Dawn has been established by SCRC, beginning with this board meeting tonight.
Approve agenda for Jan. 26, 2020 congregational meeting. Items already planned:
Approval of Jan. 27, 2019 congregational meeting minutes.
Those minutes will be printed in the booklet. If there are no corrections, the chair will declare them approved as printed.
Presentation of 2019 financial reports (Mike Claassen)
Presentation of 2020 proposed budget (Mike Claassen)
The Church Board recommends that the congregation approve the following: adopt the proposed general fund budget of $504,955 for 2020. During the year, if income is less than expenses, the first $10,000 will be covered by general fund reserves, the next $8,000 by a reduction to Benevolences, and any additional amount by again using the general funds.
Auditing Committee report (_____)
Sabbatical Plan report (Dave Linscheid)
Safe Sanctuaries report (Patty Shelly)
Renovation Project report (Doug Harms)
Discuss preliminary plans for April 26, 2020 congregational meeting.
After discussion the Facilities Commission and Worship Commission were asked to investigate ways to cordon off the back section of the sanctuary pews to bring people closer to the front for the meeting. The pews under the balcony would still be open for those who find the acoustics better in that space.
Executive Session. started at 8:12. Out of executive session at 8:15.
Adjourn time:
Next Meeting: February 6, 2020.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Friesen, Clerk
note: correction to record Bill Swartley in attendance entered 2.6.2020