Church Board Minutes 2019 09 05


Bethel College Mennonite Church
Sept. 5, 2019  7 pm, Rm 14  

Board Members Present:  John Waltner (moderator), Patricia Shelly (moderator-elect), Pat Friesen (clerk), Rosalind Andreas, Glen Ediger, Cynthia Linscheid, Bill Swartley, Mel Voth, Dale Schrag, Erin Brubacher
Board Members Absent:
Staff Present:   Dawn Yoder Harms (pastor), Renee Reimer (associate pastor), Mike Claassen (financial manager)
Others Present:   Doug Harms, Facilities Committee Chair

Centering Prayer–Read together:
God, we come together this evening as your people.  Let us put on those things that Scripture instructs–compassion, kindness, humility, and patience.  As we talk and discuss, may we feel your Spirit.  Amen.  (Adapted from Prayers for Everyday)

John Waltner extended a Special Welcome to Pastor Renee.

Consent Agenda.  Approved by consensus as received.
Minutes of August 1, 2019
Pastors’ reports
Commissions/committees reports posted online 

Living Stones report. Doug Harms reporting.
Doug Harms, Annette Lamp, and Monica Lichti (Facilities Manager) met on site to draft a comprehensive list of renovations needed in the Fellowship Hall kitchen.  Tonight the committee has just received an estimate of $140,000 cost from Regier Construction.  The estimate includes cost deductions for any small jobs that volunteers would handle.
If approved, the renovations cannot begin until summer 2020 when Preschool has ended (May 8, 2020) and before Sept. 2020 when Preschool again convenes.  However, John Waltner emphasized the importance of discussion and approval to get on the Regier Construction work calendar for next summer.
Electrical wiring for foundational wiring upgrades, estimated at $32,000, has not yet begun and must happen first.  Completing electrical upgrades from the foundation wiring into specific areas of the building would be part of any other renovation planned for those areas.
Facilities Committee determined the foundational electrical work is most critical.  Kitchen and Fellowship Hall upgrades are the next critical need, because the kitchen electrical capacity is inadequate.  Rosalind Andreas asked about the sound system, which, Doug commented, is another example of waiting for the electrical upgrades until the sound system could also be upgraded.

Hiring Bell Choir Director.  Rosalind moved; Cynthia seconded to acknowledge in this month’s minutes the board’s approval by email on August 16, 2019 of Suzy Burch as Chancel Bell Choir Director.

Financial Report.  Mike Claassen reporting.
                July 2019 financial report.  Transition between Treasurers has included only a few adjustments to entries of expenses.  John Waltner asked the board to note that some undesignated bequests are still pending while the Facilities Committee continues to gather and prioritize needs.

Update on committee and board member appointments
                Dale Schrag has joined Gifts Discernment Committee (Elaine Prouty and Frank Stucky).  Two additional members are still needed.  This is a duty of the board.  Finance Committee has one vacancy.
Rosalind Andreas and Dale Schrag met in advance with John Waltner to suggest candidates to call for filling church board vacancies.  Cynthia Linscheid agreed to meet with John Waltner to consider additional congregational members to consider.

Care and Accountability of Sex Offenders.  Patty Shelly reporting.
Consider draft policy.  Board members Patty Shelly, Erin Brubacher, John Waltner and Mike Claassen and Pastor Dawn were involved in meetings to study and write the policy.  Currently they are presenting Draft #7.  At the Leadership Retreat, Sept. 7, participants will receive this draft and comments are anticipated.  Reviews are also being sent in by Dove’s Nest and a professional outside the state.
Review congregational process.  The policy is not yet official.  A congregational letter explaining the work to date and upcoming congregational learning sessions will be placed in all mailboxes.  During the September 8 worship service Patty Shelly will relay the work to date as a “Kingdom Report.”  A draft of the policy will be presented at the September 2019 congregational meeting.  The congregational meetings January – April 2020 are educational for the congregation.  The calendar of congregational sessions has been sent out to Sunday School coordinators.  The resource materials are in the office for their study and some classes have already scheduled times for their class to study.
A final draft of the policy will be presented for board approval in April, with a final vote at the congregational meeting in April, 2020.

Proposal to create Facebook page for congregation.
                Pastor Renee presented online examples of Facebook pages by other area churches and the unofficial page that already exists for our congregation.
Glen Ediger moved; Mel Voth seconded; we approved the proposal to create an official Bethel College Mennonite Church Facebook presence.  Staff will administer the page.  Names of minors will not be used.  Parent permission for photo release will be required.

Upcoming events
                Church Leadership Retreat, Sept. 7, 2019.  8 am – noon, Asbury Park conference room
Congregational Meeting, September 29, 2019–2:00 pm.  NO potluck meal.
Nathan Koontz installation.  Oct. 6, 2019.  Potluck meal included.
Next Meeting:  October 3, 2019–7:00 pm

Adjourn time:  8:12 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Pat Friesen, Clerk