Bethel College Mennonite Church
Church Board Minutes
July 7, 2016
Present: Sondra Koontz, (chair), Marilyn Schmidt, (clerk/secretary), Richard Friesen (interim treasurer), Loretta Baumgartner, Lois Brubacher, Lou Gomez, Annette Lamp, Mel Voth, John Tyson, staff, June Thomsen (interim pastor)
Absent: Mike Claassen, Ron Preheim, Elaine Prouty, John Waltner, June Thomsen
The Church Board met Thursday, July 7, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 14.
The Church Board’s primary task is to understand and articulate the vision and mission for Bethel College Mennonite Church. In doing so it leads and unifies the congregation.
1. Opening Prayer: (pray together)
Eternal God, enable us, by your Spirit, to walk together in unity of love and purpose, to uphold one another by word and example, and to live in faithful obedience to your will. By the mercy and justice, we show one another, may we reach out to a watching and waiting world. Amen.
(from Words for Worship, Diane Zaerr Brenneman)
2. Consent Agenda
a. Approve minutes of June 2, 2016 Church Board meeting (attachment)
b. Receive reports from pastors and moderator (attachment)
c. Reminder: Please read Commission/committee reports online
d. Email vote on motion to recommend to the congregation that we call Dawn Yoder Harms be called as lead pastor for a three-year term running from November 1, 2016 to October 31, 2019. No dissenting votes
The consent agenda was approved by consensus.
3. Treasurer’s Report – Richard Friesen
a. June 2016 financial report
Income is $5,913 less than expense in 2016 and $324 less than expense in June. Compared to last year BCMC has $217,210.38 more in assets. Richard summarized which funds have seen an increase. The Caring Fund expended $7,600 to assist people in need. Forty new chairs were purchased for the chapel using $1,050 from the Frank Midkiff Memorial funds and $686 from Facilities Maintenance. Living Stones I is done. Contributions made it unnecessary to transfer funds from the Esther Bartel fund.
b. Living Stones II financial update
No debt from Living Stones I is being carried over. The annual fund under Living Stones shows $15, 138 change from 2015.
4. Living Stones II – Task Force Report – Annette Lamp
Exterior of building is “shockingly clean.” Project of cleaning is mostly done. Columbarium and entry wall were added to the cleaning, which will entail extra cost. Ceiling work will start next week. Annette has seen some added cracks to be worked on by columbarium sidewalk. Committee will address. Annette explained the advantages of the new lowered ceiling for lighting as opposed to any other remedy.
5. Staff Congregation Relations Committee – Sandee Zerger
a. Policy exception
Sandee Zerger brought a recommendation from SCRC concerning policy affecting Dawn Yoder Harms in regard to amount of experience and vacation time calculations. SCRC is recommending that we offer 4 weeks of vacation and count MCC experience, which affects salary. SCRC will revisit personnel policies of BCMC in general and in light of MC USA guidelines.
b. Memo of Understanding for Dawn Yoder Harms
MOTION: Moved (Loretta, Baumgartner, John Waltner) that Dawn Yoder Harms receive four weeks of vacation and an annual salary of $60,755 in her Memo of Understanding. Sondra Koontz as chair is authorized to sign her MOU. Carried.
6. Appointment of Task Force to study officers’ positions – Sondra Koontz and John Waltner
The following committee has been appointed to study officers’ positions: John Waltner, chair- Board; Ron Preheim – Governance; Sandee Zerger – Staff Congregation Relations Committee; Frank Stucky– Finance Committee and Vern Preheim – Gifts Discernment Committee.
Sondra has asked the task force to bring recommendations to the Board. John plans to bring those to the Board in November so any Board decisions can be made before the January 27,2017 congregational meeting.
7. Church Board appointments are complete
Diane Born will serve on Finance Committee.
8. Conflict of Interest
Board handed in signed forms.
9. Executive Session 7:49 p.m. 7:55
10. Next meeting: August 4, 2016, 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Schmidt, clerk/secretary