Category Archives: Worship Services

View the worship service for June 11, 2023

June 11, 2023 

Prelude–Prelude on Nicea (arr. Westenkuehler)–Will Wiebe-Friesen                                               

Christ Candle Lighting               

Prayer and Welcome–Marlene Faul                                                                       

*Hymn–Holy, Holy, Holy–VT 76

Children’s Conversation–Jeanette Stucky                                                              

Scripture Reading–Jeremiah 29:11, 1 Cor. 13:13; 1 John 3:18–Janet Voth

*Hymn–We Are One in the Spirit–VT 387

Message–Our Circle–Trianna Cowden, Circle of Hope Kitchen Coordinator and Margaret Goering     

*Hymn–Take My Life and Let It Be–VT 759

Kin-dom Report–Peace Connections/Circle of Hope–Kendra Davila, Peace Connections Inc. Executive Director

Prayers of God’s People

*Hymn–The Lord Lift You Up–VT 832                                                                                                          


Postlude–Prelude in G Minor, JS Bach–Will Wiebe-Friesen

*You are invited to stand

VT—Voices Together 

Keyboard—Will Wiebe-Friesen

Audio visual— Ken Lamp

View the worship service for May 28, 2023

Pentecost Sunday
May 28, 2023 

Prelude—Hymn Preludes  by J. Harold Moyer—Karen Schlabaugh

                Be Thou My Vision

                 Beach Spring           

Christ Candle Lighting               

Welcome and Prayer—Dorothy Nickel Friesen

*Hymn—Holy Spirit, Come with Power—VT 57

Children’s Conversation—Esther Eash

Kin-dom Report—Community Playschool—Jeanette Leary, Cliff Dick

Scripture Reading—Acts 2:1-4,14,22-24,36-47—Lucy Burch and Emma Gering

Sermon—Pentecost, Communion and Peace— Roger Neufeld Smith

*Hymn—Let the Hungry Come to Me—VT 459


Preparation for Communion 

Prayer of Thanksgiving 

Pledge of Love VT 937 

(congregational response “By the grace of God, I will”) 

Words of Institution 

Receiving the Bread and Cup 

Prayer of Blessing

Prayers of God’s People

*Hymn—We Are People of God’s Peace—VT 797

People with May birthdays come forward for a blessing, please bring a hymnal.


Postlude—Toccata in E Minor (Johann Pachelbel)—Karen Schlabaugh 

You are invited to stand

VT—Voices Together 

Keyboard—Karen Schlabaugh

Audio visual—John Thiesen

View the worship service for May 21, 2023

May 21, 2023
Seventh Sunday of Easter

Prelude—Kum Ba Yah (arr. Behnke)—Chancel Bells; Verlene Garber, director

West Quoddy Sunrise (Bernadine Johnson)—Abby Koontz

Christ Candle Lighting—Adam Robb

Welcome and Prayer

*Hymn—Here in This Place—VT 10

Children’s Conversation

Summer BCMC Library Program—Karen Neufeld

                      Presentation of Hymnals to High School Graduates—Jill Robb

    Alice Claassen, Kat Friesen, Simon Koontz, Ian Voth

Anthem—Ev’ry Time I Feel the Spirit (arr. Linker & McFadden—Chancel Bells

Scripture Reading—John 16:33-17:1-11; Acts 1:6-14

Sermon—Why are you looking toward heaven?—Nathan Koontz

*Hymn of Response—Could It Be That God is Singing—VT 42

Reception of New Members—Elizabeth Schmidt

                                         Calvin Flickinger, Ron Flickinger, Janet Friesen, Lauren Friesen

                                         Judy Harder, Keith Harder, Jim Juhnke, Miriam Nofsinger             

Prayers of God’s People

*Hymn—Go Now in Peace—VT 835


Postlude—Andante K315 (Mozart)—Lucy Burch

* You are invited to stand

^Bells and congregation sing in unison through once; congregation sings with bells twice in canon. The south side begins, the north side comes in 2nd, and the bells will do a 3rd entry

VT—Voices Together

Keyboard—Verlene Garber

Audio visual—Ken Lamp

Offertory at BCMC

As a way of acknowledging our offertory during our Sunday morning worship, the ushers will bring up the offertory trays to the communion table during the Hymn of Response. Then, as we have already been doing, the worship leader will give thanks for the offering during the Prayers of God’s People.

View May 7, 2023 Worship Service

May 7, 2023

Prelude—Prelude on Nettleton, arr. Lau–Will Wiebe-Friesen

Anthem—Come Ye Disconsolate (Terre Johnson); Chancel Choir; Riley King, director; Will Wiebe-Friesen, accompanist

Christ Candle Lighting

Welcome and Prayer—Jim Robb

Land Acknowledgement—Darlene Dick

*Hymn—Summoned by the God Who Made Us—VT 1

Anthem—In This Still Room (Gwyneth Walker)—Chancel Choir

Children’s Conversation—Megan Kohlman

Anthem—Chancel Choir; Riley King, director; Will Wiebe-Friesen, accompanist

Scripture Reading—Isaiah 43:16-21; Matthew 13:1-9,44-45,51-52—Ani Koontz and Megan Leary

Sermon—Our Entrepreneurial God—Roger Neufeld Smith

*Hymn—You Are Salt for the Earth—VT 297

Prayers of God’s People

*Hymn—Be a Sower—VT 789—People with April birthdays come forward for a blessing, please bring a hymnal

*Birthday Blessing & Benediction—VT 1050 (congregational response “Jesus, now lead on”)

Choral Benediction—Amen (John Rutter)—Chancel Choir

Postlude—Wer nur den lieben Gott lässt walten, by J.S. Bach–Will Wiebe-Friesen

* You are invited to stand

VT—Voices Together

Keyboard—Will Wiebe-Friesen

Audio visual—Ben Lichti

YouTube Link:

Congregational Meeting YouTube Link:

View the worship service for April 23, 2023

April 23, 2023
Third Sunday of Easter
The Restoration of Creation
Prelude—Kol Nidrei (Bruch)—Caleb Garber, cello; Lisa Schmidt, accompanist
Christ Candle Lighting—Elizabeth Schmidt
Welcome and Prayer
*Hymn All Things Bright and Beautiful—VT 177
Children’s Conversation—Kathy Stucky
Anthem—All Creatures, Worship God Most High—VT 81—verses 1-4, 7 –Chancel Choir, Riley King, director; Karen Schlabaugh, accompanist—Congregation join in unison on verse 7
Scripture Reading—Genesis 1:24-31; Romans 8:18-24a; Colossians 1:15-20—Jane Goering
Reflections—Dwight Platt, Lorna Harder, Ani Koontz
*Hymn of Response—The Garden Needs Our Tending Now—VT 788
Prayers of God’s People
*Hymn—There’s a Wild Hope in the Wind—VT 828
Postlude— Postlude on Fredericktown (Robert J. Powell)—Karen Schlabaugh
* You are invited to stand
VT = Voices Together
Keyboard- Karen Schlabaugh
Audio visual— Ken Lamp

View the worship service for April 16, 2023

April 16, 2023
Second Sunday of Easter
Prelude—Crown Him with Many Crowns (arr. J. Westenkuehler)— Will Wiebe-Friesen
Christ Candle Lighting—George Leary
Welcome and Prayer
*Hymn—Now the Green Blade Rises—VT 353
Children’s Conversation—Tim Hodge
Anthem—Oh for a Thousand Tongues to Sing—Chancel Bells—Verlene Garber, Director; Mike Claassen, Trumpet; Will Wiebe-Friesen, Piano
Kin-dom Report—Ada Schmidt-Tieszen
*Hymn—Be Not Afraid—VT 356
Scripture Reading—John 20:19-31—Miriam Nofsinger
Sermon—Life In Jesus’ Name—Nathan Koontz
*Hymn of Response—The Risen Christ—VT 345
Prayers of God’s People

*Hymn—I Know That My Redeemer Lives (v. 1-5)—VT 347
Postlude—Jesus is a Rock in a Weary Land (Arnold)—Chancel Bells

* You are invited to stand
VT—Voices Together
Keyboard- Will Wiebe-Friesen
Audio visual— Francis Toews                                                        

View the worship service for Easter- April 9, 2023

April 9, 2023
Prelude— Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain (arr. Fedak); Were You There? (arr. Bish) 
Christ the Lord is Risen Today (arr. Payne)—Will Wiebe-Friesen
Anthem—The Lord Is Risen Indeed! (Billings)—Chancel Choir; Riley King, director; Will Wiebe-Friesen, accompanist
Easter Declaration and Response— Leader: Christ is risen!
People: Christ is risen indeed!
Christ Candle Lighting—Nathan Koontz
Anthem—Praise to the Lord, the Almighty—(VT 88) (Congregation sing in unison on verse 4)
Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me adore Him!
All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before Him!
Let the Amen Sound from His people again;
Gladly for aye we adore Him.
Easter Prayer—Nathan Koontz
*Hymn—This Joyful Eastertide—VT 352
Easter Morning
Was It a Morning Like This? — Bethany Schrag
“Later that same day….”— Judy Harder and Company
Be Not Afraid (VT 356)
              (Congregation join 3rdand 4th time through)
*Hymn—Thine is the Glory—(last verse in unison)—VT 355
Scripture Reading—Matthew 28:1-10—Abby, Naomi and Jennifer Koontz
Sermon—Where We Live—Roger Neufeld Smith
*Hymn—Christ Is Alive! Let Christians Sing—VT 359
Prayers of God’s People
*Hymn—Christ the Lord is Risen Today—VT 346—(Congregation sing parts verses 1-3; unison verse 4)
*Benediction—VT 1052
Postlude— In Thee is Gladness (arr. Portman)—Will Wiebe-Friesen
* You are invited to stand
VT = Voices Together
Keyboard- Will Wiebe-Friesen
Audio visual— Ben Lichti
Was It a Morning Like This?—lyrics and music by Jim Croegaert

View the worship service for April 2, 2023

April 2, 2023
Palm Sunday

Prelude—Andante Religioso (Thome); The Palms (Jean-Baptiste Faure)—Matt & Rebecca Schloneger

Land Acknowledgement and Reflection—Doug Penner

Christ Candle Lighting—Dianne Epp

Call to Worship

Leader: This is the day the Lord has made.

People: Let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Leader: Let us rejoice in all our Lord has done,

All: for it is marvelous in our eyes. Hosanna!

We bless the One who comes in the name of the Lord!

Welcome and Prayer

*Hymn—All Glory, Laud, and Honor—VT 315

Palm Sunday Parade with Judy Harder and Company— VT 314—Congregation sing refrain two times as directed

*Hymn—Christ, on the Night He Was Betrayed—VT 491

Scripture Reading (With intro) Isaiah 50:4-9a; Matthew 21:1-11—Brad & Lincoln Kohlman

Meditation—Joy in the Mourning—Jill Robb

*Hymn—Glory to God in the Highest—VT 99

Congregation sings the refrain; Matt Schloneger sings the verses

Prayers of God’s People

*Hymn—Hosanna, Loud Hosanna–VT 313


Leader: Love God, you who are God’s holy people,

All: for God’s love endures forever.

Leader: Praise God, and give thanks,

All: for God’s love endures forever.

Leader: Expect God, and welcome God’s grace,

All: for God’s love endures forever.

Postlude—Matt & Rebecca Schloneger

* You are invited to stand

VT = Voices Together

Keyboard- Verlene Garber

Audio visual— Ken Lamp

YouTube Link:

View the worship service for March 26, 2023

March 26, 2023
Lent 5: Called to the Life
Prelude—O Sacred Head, Now Wounded—Settings by Brahms, Buxtehude, Walther—
Karen Schlabaugh, organ
Christ Candle Lighting— Raylene Hinz-Penner
Call to Worship
Leader:   Out of the depths we cry to you.
People:   O Lord, hear our cry.
Leader:   If you kept a record of sin, who would stand a chance?
People:   O Lord, hear our cry.
Leader:   But with you there is forgiveness.
All:      We wait for you, O Lord. We hope in your word. Blessed be your name.
Welcome and Prayer
*Hymn—Come, Let Us All Unite to Sing—VT 7
Children’s Conversation— Kathy Stucky
*Hymn— New Earth, Heavens New— VT 377
Scripture Reading—Ezekiel 37:1-10; John 11:1-6, 17, 20-27, 32-44
Sermon—The Resurrection and the Life—Nathan Koontz
*Hymn— Christ Has No Body Here but Ours— VT 568
Prayers of God’s People                                                                                                                      
*Hymn— Blest Be the Tie That Binds— VT 831
People with March birthdays come forward for a blessing, please bring a hymnal
*Birthday Blessing & Benediction                                                                                                                 
  Leader:   Put your hope in the Lord.
  People:   The Lord is unfailing love,
  Leader:   and with God is full redemption.
  People:   God will bring us up from our graves.
  All:   God will redeem life into wholeness.
Postlude— In Thee Lord, Have I Put My Trust (J. C. Bach) Karen Schlabaugh

* You are invited to stand
VT = Voices Together
Keyboard- Karen Schlabaugh
Audio visual— Francis Toews

View the worship service for March 19, 2023

March 19, 2023
Lent 4: Called to the Light 

Prelude–Passacaglia, from BWV 582 (J.S. Bach)—Will Wiebe-Friesen
Christ Candle Lighting—Elizabeth Schmidt
Call to Worship
Leader: The Lord is our shepherd.
People: We shall not want.
Leader: God makes us lie down in green pastures.
People: We shall not want.
Leader: God leads us beside quiet waters.
People: We shall not want.
All: Restore us through your Holy Spirit, the love of Jesus Christ,
and the comfort of your presence.
Welcome and Prayer
*Hymn—Oh, for a Thousand Tongues—VT 764
Children’s Conversation—Dorothy Nickel Friesen, Harold Thieszen
Anthem—O God, Beyond All PraisingI (Gustav Holst/Richard Proulx)Chancel Choir; Riley King, director; Will Wiebe-Friesen, accompanist
Scripture Reading—John 9: 1-41
Readers’ Theatre—Coralee Shenk, Richard Friesen, Aaron Tschetter, Kevin Neufeld
Sermon—Mud in your eyesI—Dorothy Nickel Friesen
*Hymn—Open My Eyes That I May See—VT 738
Prayers of God’s People
*Hymn—Siyahamba (We Are Marching)—VT 793 (Sing twice: first time; Xhousa; second time English)
Leader: Go forth and shine, for the Light has come,
People: and the glory of the Lord rises upon us.
Leader: Surely goodness and love will follow us all the days of our lives, All: and we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Postlude—Fanfare on “Mit Freuden zart”  (Brenda Portman)—Will Wiebe-Friesen
* You are invited to stand
VT = Voices Together
Audio visual— Ben Lichti

We welcome Dorothy Nickel Friesen who will bring us the sermon on the 19th.