Category Archives: Worship Services

2024 05 05 View the worship service

May 5, 2024
Sixth Sunday of Easter

Christ Candle Lighting
Centering Music–At the River (Aaron Copeland)—Riley King, bass; Will Wiebe-Friesen, piano
Land Acknowledgement, Welcome & Prayer—Nathan Koontz
*Hymn—Be Thou My Vision—VT 549
Kin-dom Report—Heather Zerger, Pastoral Search Committee Chair
Children’s Conversation—Joanna Harader
Anthem—I Sing the Mighty Power of God (Mark Patterson)—Chancel Choir; Riley King, director; Will Wiebe-Friesen, accompanist
Scripture Reading—John 15:9-17—Dale Schrag
Sermon—The More Things Change. . . Joanna Harader
*Hymn—O God in Heaven—VT 720
Prayers of God’s People
*Hymn—Heart With Loving Heart United—VT 813
Choral Benediction—Peace I Leave With You (Amy Beach)—Chancel Choir
Postlude—Prelude in Classic Style (G. Young)—Will Wiebe-Friesen
* You are invited to stand
VT—Voices Together
Audio visual—Ken Lamp

2024 04 21 View the worship service

April 21, 2024
“Creation Care Sunday”

Christ Candle Lighting
Centering Music—I Sing the Mighty Power of God (arr. La Plante)–Will Wiebe-Friesen
Welcome—Roger Neufeld Smith
*Hymn—For the Beauty of the Earth—VT 120 v.1-4
Children’s Conversation—Bill Swartley
*Hymn—All Things Bright and Beautiful—VT 177 v.1 & 4
Kin-dom Report—Plastic Recycling Project—Jane Goering
Anthem—Come unto me (Bernice Johnson Reagon)–Chancel Choir—Riley King, director; Will Wiebe-Friesen, accompanist
Scripture Reading—Psalm 104—VT 185
Celebrating the Earth and Life—Dwight Krehbiel 
What’s next for the Creation Care Task Group?—Creation Care Task Group
*Hymn of Response—This is God’s Wondrous World—VT 180
Prayers of God’s People
*Hymn—The Garden Needs Our Tending Now—VT 788
* You are invited to stand
VT—Voices Together
Audio visual— Ken Lamp

2024 04 14 View the worship service

April 14, 2024
Third Sunday of Easter

 Christ Candle Lighting
Centering Music—Here I am Lord (Shutte/Tucker)—Chancel Bells, Verlene Garber, director
Welcome and Prayer—Wynn Goering
*Hymn—Listen, God is Calling—VT 765
Children’s Conversation—Kathy Stucky
Kin_dom Report—Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale—Jim Robb
Anthem—I Got Shoes (Arnold)–Chancel Bells
Scripture Reading—Ephesians 4:1-7,11-13—Sandra Zerger
Sermon—Live Worthy of Your Calling–Roger Neufeld Smith
*Hymn—Here I Am, Lord—VT 545
Prayers of God’s People
*Hymn—Be Thou My Vision—VT 549

*You are invited to stand
VT—Voices Together
Keyboard—Karen Unruh
Audio-visual—Francis Toews

2024 04 07 – View the worship service

April 7, 2024
Second Sunday of Easter

Christ Candle Lighting
Centering Music–My Song is Love Unknown, arr. Leavitt–Peter Buller, English horn; Will Wiebe-Friesen, organ                                                             
Land Acknowledgement & Call to Worship—Lauren Friesen
*Hymn—Spirit, Working in Creation—VT 50
Children’s Conversation—(MCC Relief Sale liaisons-bucks)—Esther Kreider Eash
Anthem—Ave verum Corpus (William Byrd)
Chancel Choir, Riley King, director; Will Wiebe-Friesen, accompanist
Ave verum Corpus (William Byrd) translation
Hail, true Body, born of the Virgin Mary,
Who has truly suffered, was sacrificed on the cross for mortals,
Whose side was pierced, whence flowed water and blood:
Be for us a foretaste (of heaven) during our final examining.
O Jesu sweet, O Jesu pure, O Jesu, Son of Mary, have mercy upon me. Amen.
Scripture Reading—Acts 4:32-35, John 20:19-31—Timothy Schrag
*Hymn—Breathe on Me, Breath of God—VT 737
Sermon—Believing as Entrusting—Nathan Koontz
*Hymn—I Know That My Redeemer Lives (verses 1,3,5,6)—VT 347
Prayers of God’s People
*Hymn—Christ is Alive! Let Christians Sing—VT 359
Postlude—Let There Be Peace on Earth (arr. Wiebe-Friesen)–
Will Wiebe-Friesen
* You are invited to stand
VT—Voices Together
Keyboard- Will Wiebe-Friesen
Audio visual—Ben Lichti

[Welcome and thank you to Peter Buller.   Peter is a student at Bethel College and will perform a junior recital on piano and oboe in the Administration Building chapel on April 14 at 7 p.m.]

View the worship service for Easter, March 31, 2024

March 31, 2024
Easter Sunday
Christ Among Us!

Prelude—Crown Him with Many Crowns (arr. Westenkuehler)

Were You There? (arr. Bish)

I Know That My Redeemer Lives (arr. Wood)

Christ ist erstanden [VT 358] (J.S. Bach)—Will Wiebe-Friesen, organ

Christ Candle Lighting

Call to Worship—Esther Kreider Eash

One: When it is still dark, we come seeking Jesus.

Many: The risen Christ is here among us!

One: The stone has been rolled away, walls torn down.

Many: The risen Christ is here among us!

One: The burial cloth removed, his body transformed.

Many: The risen Christ is here among us!

One: Mary Magdalene, Simon Peter, and John see and believe.

All: We find the risen Christ among us who has made all things new!

The tomb is empty, the way of Love has prevailed!

One: Peace be with you!

Many: Peace be with you!

*Hymn—Lift Your Glad Voices—VT 340

Anthem—The Earth Is Risen (Gwyneth Walker)—Chancel Choir; Riley King, director; Will Wiebe-Friesen, accompanist

Children’s Conversation—Judy Harder

*Hymn—Now the Green Blade Rise—VT 353

Scripture Reading—John 20:1-18; Acts 10:34-43—Jim Robb, Mary Jane Waltner

*Hymn—The Risen Christ—VT 345

Meditation—The Gardener—Nathan Koontz

*Hymn—Christ the Lord Is Risen Today—VT 346

Prayers of God’s People

Prayer of Rejoicing

One: Risen Jesus, you make all things new.

Many: You call us by name to come to you.

One: You come preaching peace and forgiving sins.

Many: You prepare a feast for us and wipe away all tears.

All: You bring life everlasting. We rejoice in your salvation, Lord of all!

*Hymn—Thine Is the Glory—VT 355—People with March birthdays come forward for a blessing, please bring a hymnal

*Birthday Blessing & Benediction

Postlude—In Thee Is Gladness (arr. Portman)—Will Wiebe-Friesen

* You are invited to stand

VT—Voices Together

Keyboard—Will Wiebe-Friesen

Audio visual—Ken Lamp

View the worship service for March 17, 2024

March 17, 2024
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Christ Among Us, the New Covenant

Christ Candle Lighting

Centering Music—Will Wiebe-Friesen

Welcome and Call to Worship—Roger Neufeld Smith

One: “The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel. No longer will they teach their neighbors, or say to one another, ‘Know the Lord!’ because they will all know me, from the least to the greatest.”

Many: This new covenant is being offered to us.

One: “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.”

Many: Death must come before resurrection. A seed fallen to the soil and broken open can become life for many.

All: This new covenant is being offered to us: to lay down our life and follow. One: The life-giving ways of God placed within our minds and written on our hearts, where we are forgiven and our sins remembered no more, where we are God’s people and God is our God.

*Hymn—God Loves All His Many People—VT 767

Children’s Conversation

Anthem—Chancel Choir, Riley King, director; Will Wiebe-Friesen, accompanist

Scripture Reading—Luke 24:13-35

Sermon—Breaking the Body of Christ?—Cesar Garcia

*Hymn of Response—We Are People on a Journey—VT 464 (Somos pueblo que camina)

Prayers of God’s People

Prayer of Confession

One: O God, we gather before you, seeking your mercy. Hear us, we pray.

Many: We confess that we sin against you.

One: O God, wash us, make us clean, create in us a new spirit.

Many: Stay close to us, restore us to your truth.

All: So that we can cry out with joy, cleansed in your abundant mercy.

*Hymn—Lo, I Am with You—VT 284



* You are invited to stand

VT = Voices Together

Keyboard- Will Wiebe-Friesen

Audio visual— Ken Lamp

View the worship service for March 10, 2024

March 10, 2024
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Christ Among Us, the Way of Mercy

Christ Candle Lighting

Centering Music—Karen Unruh

Call to Worship—William Eash

One: Give thanks to God, for God is good!

Many: God’s love endures forever.

One: Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story.

Many: God’s love endures forever.

One: We may make careless choices and lose our way.

Many: God’s love endures forever.

One: We call out to God when we are in trouble.

Many: God’s love endures forever.

One: God rescues us from our anxieties and fears.

Many: God’s love endures forever.

One: God’s word sets us free to walk in newness of life.

Many: God’s love endures forever.

One: God gathers us in, from the east and the west, from the north and the south. All: For God’s unfailing love, we give thanks to the Creator of all that is good. (based on Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22)

*Hymn—How Many Times We Start Again—VT 553

Children’s Conversation—Barb Koontz

Anthem— Rebecca Schloneger; Karen Unruh, accompanist

*Hymn—There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy—VT 156

Scripture Reading—John 3:14-21; Ephesians 2:8-10—Keith Harder

Sermon—Nathan Koontz

*Hymn—I Sought the Lord—VT 161

Prayers of God’s People

Prayer of Confession

One: Merciful God, we forget that you are the light of the world.

Many: Forgive us for our short memories.

One: Remind us that you are rich in mercy

Many: when we wander away from you.

One: Loving God, convict us of your immense love

Many: that shines brightly on us.

All: Merciful God, light of the world, we come seeking new life in you.

*Hymn—The Lord Your God Is with You—VT 173


Postlude—Karen Unruh

* You are invited to stand

VT—Voices Together

Keyboard- Karen Unruh

Audio visual—Francis Toews

YouTube Link–

View the worship service for March 3, 2024

March 3, 2024
Third Sunday of Lent
Christ Among Us, Showing Us Justice

Christ Candle Lighting
Centering Music—There is no Shadow (Brenda Portman)–Will Wiebe-Friesen
Call to Worship and Land Acknowledgement–Margaret Toews

One: Come rule makers. Come rule breakers. Come, you who are still finding your way.
Many: We come into God’s house.
One: Come. Whether you speak with wise words or with wisecracks, you are made in the image of God.
Many: We come to hear God’s Word.
One: Some of us like certainty and structure.
Many: Some of us don’t.
One: We come by different roads.
Many: Yet we are here together.
One: Prepare to meet your Maker, and your match. For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and God’s weakness is greater than human strength.
Many: We come to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with our God.
*Hymn—What Is This Place—VT 22
Children’s Conversation—Kathy Stucky
Anthem—Precious Lord, Take My Hand (arr. Jack Schrader)–Chancel Choir—Riley King, director; Will Wiebe-Friesen, accompanist
 Scripture Reading—Exodus 20:1-17; John 2:13-22—Naomi Koontz
Sermon—Rule Makers and Rule Breakers–Roger Neufeld Smith
*Hymn—O God We Read the Holy Law—VT 571
Prayers of God’s People
Prayer of Confession
One: We often miss the beauty in your work, God.
Many: Forgive our distracted hearts.
One: When we put our trust in other things
Many: remind us of your love and care.
All: Bring joy to us once again.
One: May the meditations of our hearts
Many: be pleasing on your sight,
All: our Rock and our Redeemer.
*Hymn—Sing a New World Into Being—VT 809

Audio-visual—Ben Lichti

Land Acknowledgement from words by Mark Charles and VT #878 
As we do on the first Sunday of each month,  we acknowledge that we worship on the land of the Kanza, Osage, and Wichita.   
We thank them for their care and respect for this land and acknowledge the injustice of their forced removal. 
We ask the Spirit to heal our histories and find new paths of right relationships with them and all of creation.   

View the worship service for February 25, 2024

February 25, 2024
Second Sunday of Lent
Christ Among Us, Showing Us Faith

Christ Candle Lighting
Centering Music—Prelude on Psalms (Bach/Leidzen)– Verlene Garber, organ                                                                     
Call to Worship–George Leary
One: Come, you who seek God, proclaim God’s glory!
Many: All you descendants of Jacob and Rachel,
One: come.
Many: All who are isolated and feel alone,
One: come.
Many: All who are hungry,
One: come.
Many: All who wander,
One: come.
Many: Come, from all ends of the earth.
All: Come, you who seek God, proclaim God’s glory, and walk in faith.
(based on Psalm 22:23–31)
*Hymn–How Many Times We Start Again–VT 553
Children’s Conversation–Orlando Gonzalez, Adah Hodge, Adam Oswald
Cast Your Burdens Unto Jesus
Anthem– Outburst of Joy (Dobrinski)– Chancel Bells
Scripture Reading– Mark 8:34-37; Colossians 3:12-17–Lucy Burch
Reflections–Faith Fusion—Adah Hodge, Ani Koontz, Mara Oswald
*Hymn–Will You Come and Follow Me–VT 540
Prayers of God’s People–Nathan Koontz
    Prayer of Confession
One: Trustworthy God, we want to live with faith, yet we worry there will not be enough. We want to believe in your promises, yet we lose hope. We want to follow you, but sometimes the road is too hard.
Many: We confess before you our unbelief, our worry, our hopelessness.
One: Shape us into a people who will live in faith. Strengthen us so we can deny ourselves, take up your cross, and follow you.
Many: In your grace, Lord, give us faith to believe that you will call into existence the things that do not exist. Amen.
*Hymn—Guide My Feet—VT 816
Postlude– Give Us Peace in Our Time (arr. by Allured)

* You are invited to stand
VT—Voices Together
Keyboard- Verlene Garber
Audio visual—John Thiesen

View the worship service from February 18, 2024

February 18, 2024
First Sunday of Lent
Christ Among Us: Repent and Believe

Christ Candle Lighting
Centering Music—What Wondrous Love is This (arr. Wood)–Will Wiebe-Friesen
Call to Worship (based on Psalm 25:1–10)—Ada Schmidt-Tieszen
One: Teach us your pathways, O God—
our eyes and our souls are trained on you.
Many: For you are the greatest guide,
and your map is always good.
One: Other paths have left us lost;
other ways have left us confused.
Many: You guide us along the trail of your mercy,
drawing sinner and saint down this well worn way.
All: All your paths are love, made smooth by your faithful walking.
We are led into your truth by following the tread of your feet.
*Hymn—Lo, I Am with You (verses 1-4)—VT 284
Children’s Conversation—Jill Robb and Bethany Schrag
Anthem—O Sing Unto the Lord a New Song  (Peter Aston)–Chancel Choir; William Eash, director; Will Wiebe-Friesen, accompanist
Scripture Reading—Genesis 9:8–17; Mark 1:9–15
Sermon—With the Wild Beasts and the Angels—Nathan Koontz
*Hymn—Spirit of God! Descend—VT 557
Prayers of God’s People
Prayer of Confession
One: God, on Ash Wednesday, we remembered our humanity,
our fragility, our limits, our sinfulness, our need for repentance.
Today, we come to you with this fresh on our minds as we continue our Lenten journey. Many: Be with us in this wilderness.
One: We so often focus on the difficulty of our walk with Christ.
Many: Forgive our self-focused minds.
One: Forgive us, Lord, when on our journey,
we forget your extensive, covenantal love for the world.
Many: May we partner with you and your church to remember.
All: (looking at one another) You are beloved.
*Hymn—Spirit, Open My Heart—VT 636
 Postlude—Precious Lord, Take My Hand (arr. Schrader)–Will Wiebe-Friesen
* You are invited to stand
VT—Voices Together
Keyboard- Will Wiebe-Friesen
Audio visual—Ken Lamp