Category Archives: Worship Services

July 23, 2017 – Summer of Small Things

9:30 a.m.    Worship with sermon by John Tyson; music by Brent Dungan and Maggie Dungan

10:30 a.m.  Fellowship in the Gathering Place

10:50 a.m.   Faith Formation –

The Sunday school hour today is a faith forum on the New Hope Shelter.

June 18 – September 3 – Summer of Small Things

Life is busy. This is not breaking news. Our lives are full of important

responsibilities: work that needs to be done, people to care for, bills to pay, homes to maintain, meetings at church, medical visits to attend, kids to visit in far off places, and a culture that always expects MORE. When time is of the essence, what can we do to integrate our faith meaningfully into our daily lives? Let’s start small. This summer our worship at BCMC will focus on a different “small” spiritual practice or idea each Sunday that is relevant to the here and now and connected to the roots of our faith. Come and join the conversation!

July 30: Sustaining Creation / Dawn Yoder Harms/SS Elective: What is Creation Care?

August 6: Unselfish Self-Care / Susan Wheeler

August 13: Dying Well / Dawn Yoder Harms

August 20: Entering a Strange Land / John Tyson;  Welcoming New Bethel College Students; Children/Youth Sunday School resumes

August 27:  Holy Time / Eric Massanari

Sept 3:  Work / Dawn Yoder Harms

Additional Reading:

The Year of Small Things: Radical Faith for the Rest of Us by Sarah Arthur and Erin Wasinger 

Seamless Faith: Simple Practices for Daily Family Life (The Young Clergy Women Project) by Traci Smith 

In the Midst of Chaos: Caring for Children as Spiritual Practice (The Practices of Faith Series) by Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore 

Practicing our Faith (The Practices of Faith Series), edited by Dorothy C. Bass


July 16, 2017

9:30 am  Worship with sermon by Dawn Yoder Harms; music by a Bell Quartet with 

Suzanne Burch, Nat Dick, Marlene Ewert and Ben Lichti

10:30 a.m.  Fellowship in the Gathering Place   

10:50 a.m.   Faith Formation – 

This morning during the Sunday School hour:  sharing from BCMC delegates to the MC USA Convention in Orlando (July 4-8).

For reflection this week and action . . . . . . . 

REFLECT:  What helps you connect with God?  Prayer through spoken words?  Music?  Art?  Reflection on scripture?  Writing?   Spending time in nature?   Corporate worship?  Silence?

DO: Choose a way of praying that is meaningful for you and practice it for a few minutes each day this week.





June 25, 2017

9:30 a.m.    Worship with sermon by Rev. Oscar Siwali; music by Ron Garber

10:30 a.m.  Fellowship in the Gathering Place    10:50 a.m.   Faith Formation

This Sunday, June 25we welcome Rev. Oscar Siwali as our guest preacher. Rev. Siwali is a Mennonite Mission Network partner in South Africa, where he heads the Southern African Development and Reconstruction Agency or SADRA, based in Cape Town, which works toward the vision of a nonviolent South Africa.


June 18, 2017 – Father’s Day

9:30 a.m.       Worship with sermon by Dawn Yoder Harms; music by Tim and Jonah Hodge

10:30 a.m.     Fellowship in the Gathering Place with ice water available

10:50 a.m.     Faith Formation—Sunday school elective:  Mennonite Church USA Israel-Palestine Resolution (copies in mailboxes—bring with you to the elective—meet in the sanctuary)


June 11, 2017

9:30 a.m.       Worship with sermon by Dawn Yoder Harms; music by Adah Hodge, violin; communion will be served

10:30 a.m.     Fellowship in the Gathering Place with ice water available

10:50 a.m.     Faith Formation


May 14, 2017 – Happy Mother’s Day!

Worship with sermon by John Tyson; music by Chancel Choir, Junior Choir and Cherub Choir; recognition of high school seniors graduating; recognition of Sunday school teachers; recognition of Junior Choir members graduating

10:30 a.m.   Fellowship Time in the Gathering Place; coffee, tea, water available

10:50 a.m.   Faith Formation—Visitors welcome!   Cherub Choir Recital—Sanctuary