Category Archives: Announcements

Announcements for August 15-22, 2021

In light of the current high level of community COVID-19 transmission in Harvey County (per the CDC) and what we are learning about the Delta variant (it can be spread by those vaccinated), the Reopening Task Group has revised safety guidelines for life at BCMC.  You can find them here.

In summary:

  • Sunday morning worship will continue to be offered in-person and via live stream. 
  • Masks are required inside the church building during worship, Sunday School classes (for adults and children), commission/committee meetings, and other indoor gatherings.
  • Please be mindful of maintaining physical distance between you and others. Specifically, on Sunday mornings, find a seat in front of a piece of blue tape, and leave space between you and other family units in your row.  Seating is also available in the balcony.
  • If your Sunday School class, commission/committee/small group would like to meet over Zoom, please contact one of the pastors to help set up a meeting with a BCMC zoom account.
  • Whether vaccinated or unvaccinated, please do not attend church gatherings, indoors or outdoors, if you are feeling unwell.  

If you have questions, you can be in touch with anyone on the Reopening Task Group:  Dawn Yoder Harms, Nathan Koontz, Renee Reimer, Monica Lichti, Doris Whillock, Barbara Thiesen, Susie Swartley, Jeanette Stucky

BCMC welcomes new Bethel College students!  Although COVID-19 has disrupted our practice of inviting new students to worship at BCMC as part of their orientation,  BCMC will help welcome new students this Sunday, Aug 15 at Bethel College. Pastors Renee and Nathan will help lead a worship service for new students in Memorial Hall, and following worship, the Hospitality Commission, Bethel College Relations Committee, and Education Service and Scholarship Committee members will welcome new students on Centennial Plaza with home-baked cookies (thank you, Brenda Turner!).  In the meantime, there will be worship at BCMC as usual, at 9:30am (in person at BCMC or live streamed).

Mel and Mary Sue Voth express their deepest thanks and appreciation for everyone’s prayers and support during Mary Sue’s recent hospitalization and now as she recovers as home.

New Hope Shelter 
BCMC and Faith Church will be providing volunteers and meals at New Hope Shelter beginning Wednesday, Aug. 25 through Tuesday, Aug. 31.  Please consider this opportunity to serve.  There will be a volunteer training for new volunteers on Thursday, Aug. 19 from 7-8:30 PM.  If you would like to attend, please contact Valetta Seymour by Tuesday, Aug. 17. or 620-217-7536.

Community Playschool Inc. is seeking volunteer teachers and classroom helpers. If you feel that you might have an interest and are willing to commit to a few hours, or two mornings a week, these are current needs:
2 classroom helpers on Tuesday/Thursday
1 Center helper (snack and greeting kids) on Wednesday and Friday
Several substitutes
If you feel that you might have an interest and are willing to commit to a few hours, two mornings a week, or would like more information, please contact Kasey Newell, Director at Community Playschool, 316-283-3667.

Now at Kauffman Museum: “Vapes: Marketing an Addiction.” This new exhibit examines what is known about e-cigarettes, and includes selections from the exhibit “Better Choose Me: Collecting and Creating with Tobacco Fabric Novelties, 1880-1920.” Previously on display at NMC Health in Newton, “Vapes” will be at Kauffman Museum through Jan. 9, 2022. Hours: Tues.-Fri., 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Sat.-Sun., 1:30-4:30 p.m., closed Mondays and major holidays. There is a small admission charge for non-museum members.

New Hearing Assist System
BCMC has installed a new hearing assist system for those with blue-tooth enabled hearing aids.  An information and instruction sheet is at the rear of the sanctuary. 

Upcoming memorial service:  Rosalind Andreas:  Saturday, Aug 21, 1:30 pm, BCMC Sanctuary
You are welcome to attend this service in-person. It will also be recorded and live streamed.  You can access the live stream by going to the Bethel College Mennonite Church website and clicking on the green live stream button at the right hand side of the page.  Click here to get to the website:  BCMC Website

Library News from BCMC
The Library Theme for the next couple of months is Creation Care/Nature. We have many wonderful books to browse through/read. Please come check out our display behind the  desk and on the cart in front of the desk. The children’s section’s books are displayed on the book trays on the south side of the room, while the Junior Section have their books displayed around their shelving area. We didn’t pull all of the books on this subject (there are many!), so feel free to look this subject up on our library website. You may just find one that you would like to read.

The Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale Annual Meeting will be Thursday, August 26, 6:00 pm at First Mennonite Church, McPherson.  The cost of the meal is $20.00.  Please RSVP to Barb BJ Reeves at or 620-543-6863 by August 22.  We will be checking with health information sources regarding group meetings closer to the date for everyone’s protection.  The funds will go to the McPherson Housing Coalition for the construction of Oak Harbor Cottages for low income/homeless families.

KIPCOR Film Series 2021-2022: 
“The Prison Within”
The KIPCOR Film Series is returning live and in-person on Sunday, September 12 at 2:00 p.m. in Krehbiel Auditorium in the Luyken Fine Arts Center on the campus of Bethel College to screen the film, “The Prison Within.”  We will watch the film and discuss it afterwards.  Films are free and open to the public.  PLEASE NOTE that we will be following Bethel College’s COVID-19 guidelines, which currently require everyone to wear masks indoors for groups of 10 or more, regardless of vaccination status.
The “Prison Within” takes you on a journey into redemption and forgiveness inside the walls of San Quentin prison.  Witness the powerful journeys of individuals incarcerated for murder as they participate in a restorative justice program to expose and heal the roots of their traumas.
The post-film discussion on September 12 will be led by filmmakers, producers and/or featured actors. Find more information by going to the KIPCOR website.

New curriculum now available from Mennonite Central Committee! Conflict is a normal part of life. It arises in our workplaces, in our churches and with our families. To help people to learn to work through divisive issues, Mennonite Central Committee has produced a new adult Sunday school curriculum, Peaceful Practices: A guide to healthy communication in conflict. It invites churchgoers to follow Jesus’ call to peacemaking through dialogue with each other in nine sessions. The curriculum is available to download for free, or in print for a suggested $5 donation. Please direct questions to 316.283.2720 or curriculum author Jes Stoltzfus Buller at

MCC Treats & Beats, August 26 from 4 p.m.-6 p.m. at MCC in North Newton! Join us for this relaxed come-and-go event featuring ice cream treats from Salted Creamery and beats from the talented Kevin Gaeddert! Drop in, grab some ice cream and enjoy a little music as our thank you for your support of the work of MCC!

Mennonite Central Committee Washington E Memo click here

Offender Victim Ministries’ fundraiser “Just Desserts” will be Sunday, August 29 from 6 to 8 pm at the Carriage Factory Art Gallery Park, 126 E. 6th, St., Newton.  See information at
Click on this link

Mennonite Disaster Service Volunteer Update – click here

Mennonite Creation Care Network News – click here

Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond – click here

Mennonite Mission Network Faith in Action – click here

MEDA’s Congregational Connections – click here

Mennonite Men – click here

Mennonite  Church USA Links
Mennonite Church USA awarded its first ever #BringThePeace award to Dona Park and Michelle Armster. This award honors peacebuilders and is sponsored by the Church Peace Tax Fund. Read more about the recipients and watch a short video about the award here:

Menno Snapshots
Regina Shands Stoltzfus was one of the women responsible for putting Mennonite Church USA’s “Laboring Toward Wholeness” anti-patriarchy curriculum together. In her blog, she describes what it was like to be part of this team and why she thinks the curriculum is important. Read more here:

Menno Snapshots
In his blog, “The Bible and Christian nationalism,” Drew Strait discusses how to identify Christian nationalism and some of its root causes. He also provides four ways to begin moving past it. Read more here:

Iris de León-Hartshorn, associate executive director of Mennonite Church USA, shares her reflection on this biennium’s theme — Be Transformed — in her blog “Transforming as becoming.” Read how she views transformation as a continual movement here:

The Rocky Mountain August newsletter is here!
Goodness! It has been a summer camping season like none other than camp has experienced with youth campers on site AND an ongoing coronavirus pandemic at the same time. For a bit more of what we’ve been up to, please enjoy the July and August newsletters.

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   Laura Schlabach, of Mennonite Mission Network, has had a steep learning curve during the past year in the JCS International office, as she learned new administrative skills for responding to the crises caused by COVID-19 in Mongolia. She requests prayer to improve her communication skills, especially in the Mongolian language.  
Western District Conference Prayer Request:   As a new school year begins, pray for health and strength for all students, teachers and mentors in WDC congregations.

Announcements for August 8-15, 2021

Bethel College students will soon be arriving!
They will be encouraged to leave parking spaces open around the church on Sundays for BCMC parking.  In addition, on Sunday mornings parking is available for BCMCers in 1) the Fine Arts Center parking lot, and 2) the grassy parking lot just south of the paved Warkentin Courts lot. If you can easily walk this distance, we encourage you to use those spaces in consideration of those with mobility issues.

Pastor Dawn will be out of town Aug 6-9.

Thank you to our BCMC family for your support during this past year after losing our daughter and sister, Nancy Jo.  Thank you for your cards and emails, for celebrating Nancy’s life with us, whether in person at her memorial service or via live-streaming. Thank you to the pastors, staff and volunteers who helped us with the memorial service and, in the process, helped us feel cared for.  We now walk the rest of the way without Nancy (and Maddox), but we know we have your arms to lean on when we lose heart.  –Jim, Melanie and Becky Mueller

We, the family of Miner Seymour, are so grateful for this community that has held Miner and us so steadfastly these past months/years.  We appreciate the caring, gifts of food, and many other thoughtful gestures of kindness.  Thank you!  Valetta, Kate, Todd and Roo.

There will be a celebration of life service for Kristin Schmidt’s husband, Archie, on August 14, 2021, at Tabor Mennonite Church at 2:00 pm. (Kristin Schmidt is employed at Bethel College.)  A brain tumor ended Archie’s life on January 17, 2021. For the service, masks are required, and social distancing will be observed.  
Please continue to offer sympathy and support to Kristin and her family, as they share memories and continue to grieve. Ada Schmidt-Tieszen, Emeritus Professor of Social Work, is Archie’s sister and Wes Schmidt-Tieszen his brother-in-law.
You will find the obituary at this link.

Upcoming memorial service:  Rosalind Andreas:  Saturday, Aug 21, 1:30 pm, BCMC Sanctuary
You are welcome to attend this service in-person. It will also be recorded and live streamed.  You can access the live stream by going to the Bethel College Mennonite Church website and clicking on the green live stream button at the right hand side of the page.  Click here to get to the website:  BCMC Website

Library News from BCMC
The Library Theme for the next couple of months is Creation Care/Nature. We have many wonderful books to browse through/read. Please come check out our display behind the  desk and on the cart in front of the desk. The children’s section’s books are displayed on the book trays on the south side of the room, while the Junior Section have their books displayed around their shelving area. We didn’t pull all of the books on this subject (there are many!), so feel free to look this subject up on our library website. You may just find one that you would like to read.

Play Bells!
Are you interested in participating in Chancel Bell Choir this fall?  If so, complete the brief survey here. Both new and experienced players are welcome!  Rehearsal time has not yet been set.  Please complete the survey by August 8.

Camp Mennoscah Announcements
The next Work Day is August 28 with all sorts of fun projects!  Meet at the Maintenance shed at 8:30am and bring your lunch and a water bottle. Come for a partial day, if that’s what works!  Call us at 620-297-3290 or email!  You are important to Camp Mennoscah’s ministry!
The Mental Health Spiritual Retreat held over Labor Day Weekend will take a hiatus to review and reflect upon mission.  There will be no retreat in the fall of 2021.

Kauffman Museum exhibit, “Vapes: Marketing an Addiction” 
This new exhibit examines what is known about e-cigarettes, and includes selections from a previous Kauffman Museum exhibit, “Better Choose Me: Collecting and Creating with Tobacco Fabric Novelties, 1880-1920.” “Vapes” has been on display at NMC Health in Newton since the beginning of June and moves to Kauffman Museum July 29-Jan. 9, 2022.

The 2021 issue of Mennonite Life, Bethel College’s annual online journal, is now live at, with articles and reviews by Brad Born, Rachel Epp Buller, Peter Goerzen, Raylene Hinz-Penner, Mark Jantzen, Jim Juhnke, Nate Kroeker, Alec Loganbill, Jacob Miller, Bethany Powls, Rich Preheim, Darrin Snyder-Belousek, Tara Schwartz, Anne Marie Stoner-Eby and Melanie Zuercher.

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website at to read the latest news, stories and announcements!

Mennonite Central Committee Newsletter “In Touch” – click here
Mennonite Mission Network – Replanting Peace Churches – click here
Mennonite Central Committee Action Alert – click here
Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond – click here

Mennonite Church USA Announcements
At the close of MennoCon21, Glen Guyton, executive director of Mennonite Church USA, announced the new theme for this biennium: “Be Transformed.” Read more about what Guyton had to say here:

A new video from Mennonite Church USA  shows how the Justice Fund is supporting peace and justice work across the denomination through mutual aid. See how Justice Fund grants are helping  congregations dismantle racism, uplift the oppressed and promote peace:

Menno Snapshots
It is too easy for churches to adopt traditions and policies that pull us away from our foundation. In his blog, “The Rock,” Mennonite Church USA Executive Director Glen Guyton urges readers to “set our feet firmly on the rock that is Jesus.” Read his blog here:

Menno Snapshots
In his blog, “The hyphenated Anabaptist and the hyphenated college,” Brad Kohlman explains that in Mennonite colleges, it is common to find students who come from other church traditions. He shares how being able to marry people’s faith traditions with their Anabaptist education creates value for the church and the individual’s faith formation. Read more of Kohlman’s thoughts here:

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   This month, the Bokgoni Sporting Club in Botswana is showcasing opportunities for at-risk teenage girls to participate in life-skills training and sports. Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for increased community participation in this program.
Western District Conference Prayer Request:   Give thanks for WDC members who have been affirmed for conference leadership roles this coming year, and pray for God’s guidance as they serve in this way.

Announcements for August 1-8, 2021

Worship Service for August 1 
There will be no worship at BCMC on Sunday, August 1
, so that everyone can participate in the Western District Conference Assembly worship at Faith Mennonite Church, 10:30 am. You can participate in the worship service in-person or virtually.  Following is the link for the livestreamed service.  Click on the words, YouTube Live.
10:30 am – Worship (On-site or YouTube Live)

Thank you to BCMCers serving as delegates at the Western District Conference Assembly this weekend:  
Ada Schmidt-Tieszen, Arlo Kasper, Austin Prouty, Brad Kohlman, Dale Schrag, Dawn Yoder Harms, Dick Koontz, Elaine Prouty, Elaine Schurr, Jim Mininger, Marlene Faul, Renee Reimer, Roger Juhnke, Susie Swartley, Tim Hodge.  

Western District Conference Annual Assembly
Friday worship, July 30 at 7 pm followed by sno-cones outside at 8 pm.  July 31, Saturday 7-8 pm enjoy storytelling under the tent with fresh popcorn.  Invite your friends to Faith Mennonite Church, 2100 N Anderson Ave, Newton, KS, for some summer fun.  Storytelling also inside and online!   See the WDC Assembly flier here.
Western District Conference invites you to visit their website at to read the latest news, stories and announcements!

Staff Absences and Pastor On Call

  • Pastor Dawn Yoder Harms will be out of the office July 28 – August 3.
  • Pastor Nathan Koontz will be out of the office August 1-3.
  • Pastor Renee Reimer will be the pastor on call for August 1-3.  Her cell phone is:  605-212-0081

Here are links to recent services at BCMC:

  • Nancy Mueller’s memorial service on July 24:  Press here for the link to the service.
  • Worship Service for Sunday, July 25:  Press here
  • Hartzel Schmidt’s memorial service on July 25:  Press here
  • Miner Seymour’s memorial service on July 28:  Press here

Upcoming memorial service:  Rosalind Andreas:  Saturday, Aug 21, 1:30 pm, BCMC Sanctuary
You are welcome to attend this service in-person. It will also be recorded and live streamed.  You can access the live stream by going to the Bethel College Mennonite Church website and clicking on the green live stream button at the right hand side of the page.  Click here to get to the website:  BCMC Website

Library News from BCMC
The Library Theme for the next couple of months is Creation Care/Nature. We have many wonderful books to browse through/read. Please come check out our display behind the  desk and on the cart in front of the desk. The children’s section’s books are displayed on the book trays on the south side of the room, while the Junior Section have their books displayed around their shelving area. We didn’t pull all of the books on this subject (there are many!), so feel free to look this subject up on our library website. You may just find one that you would like to read.

Play Bells!
Are you interested in participating in Chancel Bell Choir this fall?  If so, complete the brief survey here. Both new and experienced players are welcome!  Rehearsal time has not yet been set.  Please complete the survey by August 8.

Budget Updates
As of the end of June 2021, expenses exceed contributions by $29,302.48.  Contributions received stand at 42% of the amount expected for the year, and expenses are at 47% of the budget.  Please keep this information in mind as we begin the second half of the year.

Living Stones II update:  Currently the amount contributed to Living Stones II is $13,712.61 short of covering the costs of the kitchen/fellowship hall renovations.  Please continue to keep this in mind during the second half of the year.

Offering at BCMC for July 11:  General Fund $8,086; Plant Fund $120; Living Stones $93.33; Hartzel Schmidt Memorial $125; Mission Quilters $942; Miner Seymour Memorial $100.  
Offering at BCMC for July 25:  General Fund $2,467; Living Stones $505; Women’s Fellowship $50; Elevator Repair $10.  

Mennonite Central Committee in North Newton Sent an update on the Colorado Peaches
Get your Colorado Peaches this summer and support MCC at the same time. Beth-El Mennonite Church in Colorado Springs is organizing a fundraiser to cover expenses related to the annual Rocky Mountain Relief Sale, which is being planned for October 15-16 in Rocky Ford, Colorado. Peaches are available in 10-pound boxes for $25 and 18-pound boxes for $35. Deadline for orders/payment is Monday, August 2 (payment must be made before the end of day on August 2 or your order will be canceled). Checks or cash are accepted, checks are made payable to Beth-El Mennonite Church with “Peaches” in the memo line. Please contact Patsy Dirksen at MCC Central States Office for orders/payments at or 316.283.2720. Pick-up date for peaches is tentatively scheduled for Monday, August 23 at the MCC Central States in North Newton.  

Camp Mennoscah Announcements
What a great summer we’ve had!  Summer Youth Camps will be ending on July 30 and the tents and bunks need to be taken down in preparation for fall groups. Volunteers are needed for both July 30 and 31 to lower the tents and break down the bunks for storage.  On Friday, July 30, work will begin at approx. 1:30pm (after the end of Senior High Camp) and go until 6:30pm.  We’ll begin again on Saturday at 8:30am and work until we’re done.  A simple noon meal will be offered on Saturday.  There is the option of staying overnight between the two work days–make it a service holiday!  Let us know you are coming for one or both days so we can plan accordingly!  Contact us at 620-297-3290. 
The next Work Day is August 28 with all sorts of fun projects!  Meet at the Maintenance shed at 8:30am and bring your lunch and a water bottle. Come for a partial day, if that’s what works!  Call us at 620-297-3290 or email!  You are important to Camp Mennoscah’s ministry!
The Mental Health Spiritual Retreat held over Labor Day Weekend will take a hiatus to review and reflect upon mission.  There will be no retreat in the fall of 2021.

Kauffman Museum exhibit, “Vapes: Marketing an Addiction” 
This new exhibit examines what is known about e-cigarettes, and includes selections from a previous Kauffman Museum exhibit, “Better Choose Me: Collecting and Creating with Tobacco Fabric Novelties, 1880-1920.” “Vapes” has been on display at NMC Health in Newton since the beginning of June and moves to Kauffman Museum July 29-Jan. 9, 2022.

The 2021 issue of Mennonite Life, Bethel College’s annual online journal, is now live at, with articles and reviews by Brad Born, Rachel Epp Buller, Peter Goerzen, Raylene Hinz-Penner, Mark Jantzen, Jim Juhnke, Nate Kroeker, Alec Loganbill, Jacob Miller, Bethany Powls, Rich Preheim, Darrin Snyder-Belousek, Tara Schwartz, Anne Marie Stoner-Eby and Melanie Zuercher. 

The first notice had the wrong October date.
Kansas Mennonite Disaster Service Unit sponsoring two Learning and Service Trips to McAllen Texas
Dates of two trips:
October 16 – October 23 (corrected)
February 19 – 26
Participants will leave Kansas on Saturday morning traveling to San Antonio, TX, staying overnight. Visiting San Antonio Mennonite Church on Sunday morning. Sunday afternoon traveling to McAllen TX for the MDS project.
Costs: Lodging and meals on the two traveling weekends. MDS will cover the remainder of the expenses.
Reservations: To make your reservations or for more information contact Cleo Koop at or call 316-282-0797.
If you are interested in volunteering at McAllen, TX on different weeks than what is in this announcement please call the volunteer coordinator at 800-241-8111.

For Mennonite Disaster Service Volunteer Update press here

For Mennonites Mission Network News and Beyond press here

Mennonite Central Committee Action Alert press here

Mennonite Church USA Announcements
You are invited to participate in the Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) churchwide Journey Forward study through Springtide Research Institute. The survey results will be used to help inform the direction of MC USA, as we Journey Forward together. It is important that the denomination hears from a variety of voices, so please take part in the survey today:

Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) held its first online Delegates Assembly on July 10. During the assembly, delegates voted on changes to the MC USA bylaws, confirmed nominees for churchwide boards and heard reports from the Resolutions Committee and racial ethnic and constituency groups. Read more here:

Good news! It’s not too late to purchase your virtual content pass for MennoCon21! The cost of the pass has been reduced to $25. Access to the MennoCon21 virtual convention will continue to be available through August 10. Sign up here:

Menno Snapshots
Joy Cotchen has been volunteering at conference in some capacity since 2000. In her blog, “The Joy of volunteering,” she shares what she finds most enjoyable about the volunteer experience. Read more here:

Announcements for July 25-August 1, 2021

MC USA Convention Report:  Brad Kohlman, Dale Schrag, Renee Reimer and Dawn Yoder Harms participated in the MC USA Convention in Cincinnati, July 6-10 and served as delegates for BCMC.  You can hear their reflections about the experience by following this link:

There will be no worship at BCMC on Aug 1, so that everyone can participate in the Western District Conference Assembly worship at Faith Mennonite Church, 10:30am. You can participate in the worship service in-person or virtually. A link for the livestreamed service will be posted on the WDC Assembly webpage next Wednesday, July 28.

Thanks to those responding to the chancel choir survey! You’ve provided helpful information that allows us to plan for the fall choir season. More details will follow in mid-August.

Play Bells!

Are you interested in participating in Chancel Bell Choir this fall? 
 If so, complete the brief survey here. Both new and experienced players are welcome!  Rehearsal time has not yet been set.  Please complete the survey by August 8.

Current BCMC Covid guidelines can be accessed on the BCMC website here.

Budget Updates
As of the end of June 2021, expenses exceed contributions by $29,302.48.  Contributions received stand at 42% of the amount expected for the year, and expenses are at 47% of the budget.  Please keep this information in mind as we begin the second half of the year.

Living Stones II update:  Currently the amount contributed to Living Stones II is $13,712.61 short of covering the costs of the kitchen/fellowship hall renovations.  Please continue to keep this in mind during the second half of the year.

Upcoming memorials services are being planned to remember these loved ones among us:

Nancy Mueller:  Saturday, July 24, 3 pm, BCMC Sanctuary
Hartzel Schmidt:  Sunday, July 25, 2 pm, BCMC  Sanctuary
Miner Seymour:  Wednesday, July 28, 10 am, BCMC Sanctuary
Rosalind Andreas:  Saturday, Aug 21, 1:30 pm, BCMC Sanctuary

You are welcome to attend these services in-person. Services will also be recorded and live streamed.  You can access the live stream by going to the Bethel College Mennonite Church website and clicking on the green live stream button at the right hand side of the page.  Click here to get to the website:  BCMC Website
We will send out links to the services on Monday, July 26, for viewing on the BCMC YouTube Channel.

Mennonite Central Committee in North Newton Announces that the Peaches are Coming
Colorado Peaches are coming to MCC in North Newton! 
Get your Colorado Peaches this summer and support MCC at the same time. Beth-El Mennonite Church in Colorado Springs is organizing a fundraiser to cover expenses related to the annual Rocky Mountain Relief Sale, which is being planned for October 15-16 in Rocky Ford, Colorado. Peaches are available in 10-pound boxes for $25 and 18-pound boxes for $35. Deadline for orders/payment is Monday, August 2. Checks or cash are accepted, checks are made payable to Beth-El Mennonite Church with “Peaches” in the memo line. Please contact Patsy Dirksen at MCC Central States Office for orders/payments at Pick-up date for peaches is tentatively scheduled for Monday, August 23 at the MCC Central States in North Newton.  

Western District Conference Annual Assembly
Remember to register for the WDC Annual Assembly at:  Friday worship, July 30 at 7 pm followed by sno-cones outside at 8 pm.  July 31, Saturday 7-8 pm enjoy storytelling under the tent with fresh popcorn.  Invite your friends to Faith Mennonite Church, 2100 N Anderson Ave, Newton, KS, for some summer fun.  Storytelling also inside and online!   See the WDC Assembly flier here.

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website at to read the latest news, stories and announcements!

Camp Mennoscah Announcement
Summer Youth Camps will end on July 30 and the tents and bunks need to be taken down in preparation for fall groups. Volunteers are needed in abundance for both July 30 and 31 to lower the tents and break down the bunks for storage. On Friday, July 30, work will begin at approx. 1:30pm (after the end of Senior High Camp) and go until 6:30pm. We’ll begin again on Saturday at 8:30am and work until we’re done. A simple noon meal will be offered on Saturday. There is the option of staying overnight between the two work days–make it a service holiday! Let us know you are coming for one or both days so we can plan accordingly! Contact us at 620-297-3290.

Thursday, July 29 – Grand Open House for the new Kauffman Museum exhibit, “Vapes: Marketing an Addiction,” 2-6 p.m. This new exhibit examines what is known about e-cigarettes, and includes selections from a previous Kauffman Museum exhibit, “Better Choose Me: Collecting and Creating with Tobacco Fabric Novelties, 1880-1920.” “Vapes” has been on display at NMC Health in Newton since the beginning of June and moves to Kauffman Museum July 29-Jan. 9, 2022.

The 2021 issue of Mennonite Life, Bethel College’s annual online journal, is now live at, with articles and reviews by Brad Born, Rachel Epp Buller, Peter Goerzen, Raylene Hinz-Penner, Mark Jantzen, Jim Juhnke, Nate Kroeker, Alec Loganbill, Jacob Miller, Bethany Powls, Rich Preheim, Darrin Snyder-Belousek, Tara Schwartz, Anne Marie Stoner-Eby and Melanie Zuercher. 

The August 2021 Mennonite Mission Network PRAYER VINE is now available for download. The PDF is posted in the prayer resources section of our website and can also be downloaded directly by clicking the link below:
Download this month’s Prayer Vine (PDF)

Mennonite Mission Network “News from Around the World” click here
Mennonite Mission Network “News and Beyond” click here

The link to the August issue of Prayers for Mennonite Education is below.
Prayer requests from Mennonite schools – August 2021

For the Mennonite Disaster Service “On the Level” click here.

The Kansas Mennonite Disaster Service Unit  is sponsoring two Learning and Service Trips to McAllen Texas
Dates of two trips:
October 30 – November 6
February 19 – 26
Participants will leave Kansas on Saturday morning traveling to San Antonio, TX, staying overnight. Visiting San Antonio Mennonite Church on Sunday morning. Sunday afternoon traveling to McAllen TX for the MDS project.
Costs: Lodging and meals on the two traveling weekends. MDS will cover the remainder of the expenses.
Reservations: To make your reservations or for more information contact Cleo Koop at or call 316-282-0797.
If you are interested in volunteering at McAllen, TX on different weeks than what is in this announcement please call the volunteer coordinator at 800-241-8111.

Christian Peacemaker Teams invites you to a webinar on Colombia
To Work the Land is to resist: Farmer’s Voices in Defense of the Land – click here for information

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   This month, Mary Raber is bringing closure to her 11 years of ministry with Mennonite Mission Network in Ukraine. Pray that Mary will find ways to maintain relationships, even as she says goodbye to students and colleagues at Odessa Theological Seminary and the churches where she worshiped.
Western District Conference Prayer Request:   Pray for WDC’s Annual Assembly next weekend, as we share the new experience of a hybrid (in-person and online) gathering! 
Mennonite World Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for peace and stability of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. We strongly request your prayers for our brothers and sisters in Tigray and Metekel areas. They need our support to heal from the trauma and rehabilitate. Pray for brothers and sisters who are persecuted because of their faith in some parts of the country. Pray for funds to rehabilitate people affected by natural and human-made crisis in different parts of the country.
—Meserete Kristos Church

Announcements for July 18-July 25, 2021

BCMC Offering for July 4, 2021:  General Fund $6,654; MCC Sale $200; Living Stones $835; Women’s Fellowship $250.  Attendance was 97.
BCMC Offering for July 11, 2021:  General Fund $8,683.30; Living Stones $155; Women’s Fellowship $130; Hartzel Schmidt Memorial $75.  Attendance was 93.

Budget Update
As of the end of June 2021, expenses exceed contributions by $29,302.48.  Contributions received stand at 42% of the amount expected for the year, and expenses are at 47% of the budget.  Please keep this information in mind as we begin the second half of the year.

Interested in singing in Chancel Choir this fall? If so, please complete this short survey by following this link.  Your participation in the survey will help choir directors plan for the coming year.


The WDC Annual Assembly will be held July 30-August 1. This will be a “hybrid” event – some parts will be only virtual, other parts will be only on-site, and much of it will be hybrid with people on-site and virtual sharing together. The on-site parts will be held at Faith Mennonite Church, 2100 North Anderson, Newton, KS.The Assembly theme will be “Woven Into God’s Story” using Scripture themes from Colossians 2:2-7. Michele Hershberger, Bible and Ministry Professor Hesston College, will be the keynote speaker and storyteller. Other storytellers will be sharing throughout the weekend, as well. For more Assembly info, go to:

BCMC is urgently seeking delegates for the WDC Delegate Session (held virtually) on Saturday, July 31, 8:30-10:30am.  If you would be willing to represent our congregation at this meeting, please contact Dale Schrag. Registration fees will be covered by BCMC. 

Upcoming memorials services are being planned to remember these loved ones among us:

Nancy Mueller:  Saturday, July 24, 3 pm, BCMC Sanctuary
Hartzel Schmidt:  Sunday, July 25, 2 pm, BCMC  Sanctuary
Miner Seymour:  Wednesday, July 28, 10 am, BCMC Sanctuary
Rosalind Andreas:  Saturday, Aug 21, 1:30 pm, BCMC Sanctuary

You are welcome to attend these services in-person. Services will also be recorded and/or live streamed. 

A memorial for Robert Waltner’s wife, Barbara, who died March 7, 2021,  will be Saturday, July 24,  11 am.   They are members of Lorraine Avenue Church, but the service will be held at the First Church of the Brethren, 1103 Jefferson in Wichita. (The air conditioning at Lorraine Avenue is not working).  Robert is John Waltner’s brother. 

The Prairie Bronze Handbell Ensemble will be in concert Sunday, August 1, 3 pm at the First Prebyterian Church, 900 Columbus, Newton.  See the poster here.

Everence to hold Gifts that give back webinar
Tuesday, August 3 at 6:30 p.m.
Many make charitable gifts to support their favorite causes and organizations. Some choose to extend their charitable giving further by designating dollars for charity in their end-of-life plans. But did you know there is another type of gift plan that generates income for the donor and then sends a gift to charity at a later date? Come to this workshop to learn more about “Gifts that give back” and whether it is a strategy for you!  This webinar will be hosted by Mitch Stutzman, Everence Stewardship Consultant. 
This webinar is free. Please register by contacting our office at 877-467-7294, 316-283-3800 or   
Advisory services and securities may be offered through a third-party registered investment advisor or registered broker-dealer that is not affiliated with Everence Trust Company. Investments and other investment-related and/or securities products are not NCUA or otherwise federally insured, may involve loss of principal and are not guaranteed.

The 2021 issue of Mennonite Life, Bethel College’s annual online journal, is now live at, with articles and reviews by Brad Born, Rachel Epp Buller, Peter Goerzen, Raylene Hinz-Penner, Mark Jantzen, Jim Juhnke, Nate Kroeker, Alec Loganbill, Jacob Miller, Bethany Powls, Rich Preheim, Darrin Snyder-Belousek, Tara Schwartz, Anne Marie Stoner-Eby and Melanie Zuercher.

Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond link

For news from the Western District Conference go to this link

For the Mennonite Central Committee Washington E-Memo press here

Announcements for July 11-July 18, 2021

Interested in singing in Chancel Choir this fall? If so, please complete this short survey by following this link.  Your participation in the survey will help choir directors plan for the coming year.

Pastor Renee Reimer at Camp Mennoscah
Renee will be leading input at Camp Mennoscah July 11-15
Pastor Nathan Koontz will be gone from July 11-19.


The WDC Annual Assembly will be held July 30-August 1. This will be a “hybrid” event – some parts will be only virtual, other parts will be only on-site, and much of it will be hybrid with people on-site and virtual sharing together. The on-site parts will be held at Faith Mennonite Church, 2100 North Anderson, Newton, KS.The Assembly theme will be “Woven Into God’s Story” using Scripture themes from Colossians 2:2-7. Michele Hershberger, Bible and Ministry Professor, Hesston College, will be the keynote speaker and storyteller. Other storytellers will be sharing throughout the weekend, as well. For more Assembly info, go to:

BCMC is urgently seeking delegates for the WDC Delegate Session (held virtually) on Saturday, July 31, 8:30-10:30am.  If you would be willing to represent our congregation at this meeting, please contact Dale Schrag. Registration fees will be covered by BCMC. 

Upcoming memorials services are being planned to remember these loved ones among us:

Nancy Mueller:  Saturday, July 24, 3 pm, BCMC Sanctuary
Hartzel Schmidt:  Sunday, July 25, 2 pm, BCMC  Sanctuary
Rosalind Andreas:  Saturday, Aug 21, 1:30 pm, BCMC Sanctuary

You are welcome to attend these services in-person. Services will also be recorded and/or live streamed. Following the services, cookies will be served outdoors (or indoors in case of inclement weather).

The 2021 issue of Mennonite Life, Bethel College’s annual online journal, is now live at, with articles and reviews by Brad Born, Rachel Epp Buller, Peter Goerzen, Raylene Hinz-Penner, Mark Jantzen, Jim Juhnke, Nate Kroeker, Alec Loganbill, Jacob Miller, Bethany Powls, Rich Preheim, Darrin Snyder-Belousek, Tara Schwartz, Anne Marie Stoner-Eby and Melanie Zuercher.

Bluestem Communities will host its annual community dementia forum, Innovations in Living with Dementia, as an online webinar on Wednesday, July 21, at 6:30 p.m. The presentation is entitled, “I Already Told You…Don’t You Remember?: Understanding Memory Loss, Dementia and Dementia Communication,” and is presented by national-known dementia educator Erin Bonitto. The webinar is free, and one credit of CEUs approved by the State of Kansas is available as an option for $15. Whether you’re a professional caregiver or someone caring for a loved one living with dementia, this learning session will help participants focus on what the person with Alzheimer’s Disease or other dementia needs you to know. Register at Registration is required. Spaces are limited.

The Prairie Bronze Handbell Ensemble will be in concert Sunday, August 1, 3 pm at the First Prebyterian Church, 900 Columbus, Newton.  See the poster here.

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website at to read the latest news, stories and announcements!

Western District Conference Announcements
1.  Shaking up the WDC Assembly worship Saturday evening (July 31)!  Virtual participants, grab your supper at home, and onsite participants, get your supper from a food truck (at Faith Mennonite Church, Newton, KS), then join us for a time of worship and communion around the supper table.  We hope you’ll join us for this and other creative worship times, seminars/webinars, and more July 30-August 1 as part of the WDC Annual Assembly.  For more Assembly information, go to:

2.  WDC Assembly Sunday Worship:  How can we join August 1 Assembly worship?  Join us in-person at 10:30 am at Faith Mennonite Church, 2100 N Anderson, Newton, KS.  Or worship via YouTube Live at 10:30 am wherever you are.  Or watch the recording on our WDC YouTube channel at Western District Conference (MC USA) whenever it is convenient for you.  Join us for Friday (July 30) worship at 7 pm in any of these ways, too!

3.  Storytelling opportunity!  WDC’s Annual Assembly theme is “Woven into God’s Story.” StoryCorps has invited WDC to partner with their storytelling project, One Small Step, to share and record our own stories within WDC. OneSmall Step is an initiative to facilitate online conversations between people of different viewpoints and life experiences. (Facilitators are bilingual, so conversations may be either in Spanish or English).  Thank you to those who have registered to participate in this initiative!  We are still seeking additional registrants to meet the number needed for the project, so StoryCorps has rescheduled WDC’s virtual recording days for October 7-9 (instead of July).  With this change in dates, participants will be matched with a conversation partner from the WDC community OR from the StoryCorps national community, to make sure everyone has an opportunity for a conversation. This means you still have time to sign up!  To register, go to  To learn more, see these examples of One Small Stepstories.

Mennonite Central Committee’s monthly newsletterIn Touch can be read here.

Mennonite Disaster Service’s Volunteer Update can be viewed here.

Camp Mennoscah announcements
1.  Family Weekend at Camp Mennoscah on July 17-18!  If you’re looking for a weekend to escape, this retreat offers a smorgasbord of camp activities for you to choose from and plenty of time to be with your family and friends.  Register at and contact 620-297-3290 with questions!

2.  Extra help needed for summer youth camps!  Camp Mennoscah has paid and volunteer positions for grounds, maintenance and custodial positions.  Volunteer kitchen staff is needed for July 18-24; willing hands and the ability to follow directions is all that is needed.  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 or for details.  You will make camp an amazing experience for everyone!

3.  August 28 is the next Work Day at Camp Mennoscah!  We’ll remind you again, but save the date. You make camp great!

Everence to hold Medicare webinar: Tuesday, July 13
Everence will host its popular workshop, Make Medicare an easy step, as a webinar on Tuesday, July 13 at 6:30 p.m. Attendees will learn about the various Medicare plans and what they cover; plans that supplement Medicare; and enrollment details and deadlines. This webinar is free. Please register by contacting our office at 877-467-7294, 316-283-3800 or  
*Attendance is recommended for those approaching retirement or those ready to sign up for Medicare.
Securities offered through ProEquities Inc., a registered broker-dealer, member FINRA and SIPC. Investments and other products are not NCUA or otherwise federally insured, may involve loss of principal and have no credit union guarantee.
Products and services offered through Everence Trust Company and other Everence entities are independent of and are not guaranteed or endorsed by ProEquities, Inc., or its affiliates.

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   In Bangladesh, India and Nepal, Community Health Evangelists (CHEs) have received special permission from their governments to work, despite COVID-19 travel restrictions. Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for the CHEs, who care for the sick and share the good news of God’s love throughout Asia.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:   Pray for the WDC Ministerial Leadership Commission as they meet this week, and offer support and accountability for ministerial leadership in the conference.

Announcements for July 4-July 11, 2021

Church Office and Building Closed and Staff Absences
The church office and building will be closed on July 5 in order for the staff  to have a holiday (since July 4 is on a Sunday.)
· Monica Lichti will not be in the office July 6. 
· Pastor Nathan Koontz will be gone from July 5 to 10.
· Pastor Renee Reimer will be attending the MC USA Convention from July 6-10. 

BCMC’s Reopening Church Task Group met on June 29.  Among decisions made was one to dispense with sign-up for in-person Sunday worship, effective July 11.  Even though a high percentage of BCMCers are vaccinated, masks are still required as we care for those among us who are still at risk, including children and those who are immuno-compromised.

BCMC Offering for June 27, 2021:  General Fund $6,847; Sr Hi Youth $100; Living Stones $5; Women’s Fellowship $50; Esther Rinner Memorial $250; Rosalind Andreas Memorial $50; Helen Ruth Unruh Memorial $25.

The Library Theme for June and July is MCC/Community Service in honor of the MCC Sale. Please stop by the library and see what we have to offer. New book write ups will also be published soon, but the new books have already been added to the recent shelves on the west side of the library. Please take advantage of the many books that we have available by either stopping by or using the church website link. –  Library Committee

Summer Sunday School for Children
Outdoor Summer Sunday School for Children and Youth will take place July 4, 11, 18, and 25 on the BCMC playground. All ages are welcome as we will be playing outdoor team building games together. 


The WDC Annual Assembly Delegate Session on July 31 at 8:30-10:30 will be virtual only.  BCMC is looking for 15 people to serve as delegates. If you have interest in representing our congregation, please contact Dale Schrag. Registration fees will be covered by BCMC. For more Assembly info, go to:

Fireworks Extravaganza at Kidron Bethel Village
Kidron Bethel Village will host its annual Fireworks Extravaganza on Sunday, July 4, at 3001 Ivy Drive in North Newton. There is no admission charge. Fireworks will begin after sundown, and arrival may begin at 8:30 p.m. Due to COVID precautions, the event will be scaled down from previous years and will be outdoors only, featuring just the fireworks show. Salted Creamery ice cream will be available for purchase. Organizers request physical distancing to be observed and for unvaccinated individuals to wear masks. Parking for the event will be marked. Lawn chairs are recommended for fireworks viewing, and flashlights may be helpful for navigating to and from parking areas.

The Mennonite Central Committee Central States office in North Newton, KS will be open to the public starting Tuesday, July 6.  Regular office hours are Monday-Friday, 8am-12pm and 1pm-5pm. Masks are respected but not required for fully vaccinated adults. We look forward to welcoming you back at MCC! Contact us at 316-283-2720 or

Western District Conference announcements

1.  Shaking up the WDC Assembly worship Saturday evening (July 31)!  Virtual participants, grab your supper at home, and onsite participants, get your supper from a food truck (at Faith Mennonite Church, Newton, KS), then join us for a time of worship and communion around the supper table.  We hope you’ll join us for this and other creative worship times, seminars/webinars, and more July 30-August 1 as part of the WDC Annual Assembly.  For more Assembly information, go to:

2.  WDC Assembly Sunday Worship:  How can we join August 1 Assembly worship?  Join us in-person at 10:30 am at Faith Mennonite Church, 2100 N Anderson, Newton, KS.  Or worship via YouTube Live at 10:30 am wherever you are.  Or watch the recording on our WDC YouTube channel at Western District Conference (MC USA) whenever it is convenient for you.  Join us for Friday (July 30) worship at 7 pm in any of these ways, too!

3.  WDC delegates appointed by the WDC Executive Board to the Mennonite Church USA Delegate Assembly on July 10 are Lois Barrett, Delon Martens, June Krehbiel, Karen Mascho, Lee Lever, Heidi Regier Kreider, Sandra Montes-Martinez, Kathy Neufeld Dunn, Lilly Garcia (youth delegate) and Andrea Hernandez (youth delegate).  Pray for the Spirit’s presence and guidance for these representatives, as well as WDC congregational delegates, youth groups and others who gather virtually or in person for MennoCon21, July 6-10.

4.  Storytelling opportunity!  WDC’s Annual Assembly theme is “Woven into God’s Story.” StoryCorps has invited WDC to partner with their storytelling project, One Small Step, to share and record our own stories within WDC. OneSmall Step is an initiative to facilitate online conversations between people of different viewpoints and life experiences. (Facilitators are bilingual, so conversations may be either in Spanish or English).  Thank you to those who have registered to participate in this initiative!  We are still seeking additional registrants to meet the number needed for the project, so StoryCorps has rescheduled WDC’s virtual recording days for October 7-9 (instead of July).  With this change in dates, participants will be matched with a conversation partner from the WDC community OR from the StoryCorps national community, to make sure everyone has an opportunity for a conversation. This means you still have time to sign up!  To register, go to  To learn more, see these examples of One Small Stepstories.

5.  Join us in saying thanks to WDC Administrative Assistant Nancy Funk! If you would like to share an expression of appreciation for Nancy in anticipation of her retirement at the end of August, you are invited to stop by to visit with Nancy at the WDC office (2517 North Main Street, N. Newton, KS) over the next several weeks, or to send a note to her at WDC, PO Box 306, North Newton, KS 67117, or

Camp Mennoscah announcements
1.  Family Weekend at Camp Mennoscah on July 17-18!  If you’re looking for a weekend to escape, this retreat offers a smorgasbord of camp activities for you to choose from and plenty of time to be with your family and friends.  Register at and contact 620-297-3290 with questions!

2.  Extra help needed for summer youth camps!  Camp Mennoscah has paid and volunteer positions for grounds, maintenance and custodial positions.  Volunteer kitchen staff is needed for July 18-24; willing hands and the ability to follow directions is all that is needed.  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 or for details.  You will make camp an amazing experience for everyone!

3.  August 28 is the next Work Day at Camp Mennoscah!  We’ll remind you again, but save the date. You make camp great!

Mennonite church announcement
Want to be an integral part of a young adult’s life? Become a unit leader for Service Adventure, a gap-year program for ages 17-20 from Mennonite Mission Network. Unit leaders, who are at least 24 years of age, serve as mentors to the young adults in the Service Adventure household. Leaders are needed in Johnstown, PA. Learn more by contacting

Mennonite Central Committee U.S. Washington Office Announcement
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a catastrophic impact globally on health, economic well-being and inequality. Many countries lack the resources to access COVID-19 vaccines or therapeutic treatments and are struggling to recover from a global economic downturn.Join us for a webinar on Thursday, July 15, at 1:00 p.m. EDT to explore the issue of vaccine justice and the need for an equitable pandemic response by the U.S. government. 

Register for the webinar here (if you cannot attend, you will receive a link to the recording).

Hear from the following panelists:

  • Paul Fast, MCC U.S. Global Health Coordinator 
  • Vurayayi Pugeni and Thelma Sadzamari, MCC Area Directors for Southern and Central Africa and Nigeria 
  • Charles Kwuelum, Senior Legislative Associate for International Affairs, MCC U.S. Washington Office

We hope you will join us. Register here.

Everence Announcements
We are excited to share with you the Everence Toolkit; a quarterly newsletter to help you creatively use your God-given gifts.

Everence offers many resources to your congregation. By clicking on the button below, you will be able to download the current Toolkit. Contact your Stewardship Consultants for physical copies.
Download current issue (English)

Everence to hold Medicare webinar: Tuesday, July 13
Everence will host its popular workshop, Make Medicare an easy step, as a webinar on Tuesday, July 13 at 6:30 p.m. Attendees will learn about the various Medicare plans and what they cover; plans that supplement Medicare; and enrollment details and deadlines. This webinar is free. Please register by contacting our office at 877-467-7294, 316-283-3800 or  
*Attendance is recommended for those approaching retirement or those ready to sign up for Medicare.
Securities offered through ProEquities Inc., a registered broker-dealer, member FINRA and SIPC. Investments and other products are not NCUA or otherwise federally insured, may involve loss of principal and have no credit union guarantee.
Products and services offered through Everence Trust Company and other Everence entities are independent of and are not guaranteed or endorsed by ProEquities, Inc., or its affiliates.

Click here for the Mennonite Creation Care Network Newsletter

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   Arloa Bontrager of Mennonite Mission Network has been the servant project coordinator for Mennonite Church USA conventions since 2003! Thank God for her faithful ministry and for the 23,533 volunteers who have contributed to the ministry of 420 local agencies during the past 18 years. Pray that Jesus’ love will be shown through this year’s Service in a Box projects.
Western District Conference Prayer Request:   Pray for delegates, youth groups and others from WDC attending MennoCon21 (Mennonite Church USA convention and delegate assembly) both virtually and in-person this week.

Announcements for June 27-July 4, 2021

Dedication of the Kitchen and Fellowship Hall
Sunday morning we dedicate BCMC’s newly renovated Kitchen, Fellowship Hall, and accessible family restroom.  Many thanks to Annette Lamp, project coordinator, and Monica Lichti, staff liaison, who poured many hours and much energy into seeing this project to completion!  Following worship today, you are welcome to tour the renovated space and enjoy refreshments on the playground.  Thank you to the Hospitality Commission for the refreshments.

Church Office and Building Closed and Staff Absences
· The church office and building will be closed on July 5 in order for the staff  to have a holiday (since July 4 is on a Sunday.)
· Monica Lichti will not be in the office July 2 or 6. 
· Pastor Nathan Koontz will be gone from July 5 to 10.
· Pastor Renee Reimer will be attending the MC USA Convention from July 6-10. 

Group Subscription Renewal Notices
Anabaptist World — If you wish to renew “Anabaptist World” with the church’s group subscription, send or bring $39.00 to the church office by June 29.  
Rejoice Devotional Magazine — If you wish to renew the devotional magazine, “Rejoice” send or bring $32.10 to the church office by June 29.

Any graduates out there?! This year BCMC celebrated 5 high school graduates, but we know there are others in our community who have graduated this year too. We’d love to hear from you! Whether you graduated from high school, college, or graduate level please let us know your accomplishment. Email Renee Reimer with name, accomplishment, and school/program name at

Summer Sunday School for Children
Outdoor Summer Sunday School for Children and Youth will take place July 4, 11, 18, and 25 on the BCMC playground. All ages are welcome as we will be playing outdoor team building games together. 

Vacation Bible School
Bethel College Mennonite Church, Casa Betania, Faith Mennonite Church, First Mennonite Church, New Creation Fellowship, and Shalom Mennonite Church are hosting Vacation Bible School – Bring the Peace – this week (June 28th to July 2nd). Please pray for all the volunteers and participants participating virtually Monday to Thursday and during their in person field day on Friday, July 2nd. 

BCMC Offering for June 20, 2021:  General Fund $9,355; Plant Fund $200; Library Reserve Fund $28; Living Stones $85; Esther Rinner Memorial $20. 

New Addresses for your BCMC Directory

  • Richard and Frances Siemens, 3056 Ivy Court, Apt. 16, North Newton, KS  67117
  • Tim and Bethany Schrag, 313 SE 5th Street, Newton, KS 67114

The WDC Annual Assembly Delegate Session on July 31 at 8:30-10:30 will be virtual only.  BCMC is looking for 15 people to serve as delegates. If you have interest in representing our congregation, please contact Dale Schrag. Registration fees will be covered by BCMC. For more Assembly info, go to:

Sat., July 3 – Kauffman Museum First-Saturday Bird Walk. Meet at 7 a.m. in the museum parking lot, corner of Main and 27th streets, North Newton – experienced birders will lead a walk of 1 to 1.5 hours. Please be aware this is mostly on an unpaved trail and the terrain is sometimes sloping or steep. 

Fireworks Extravaganza at Kidron Bethel Village
Kidron Bethel Village will host its annual Fireworks Extravaganza on Sunday, July 4, at 3001 Ivy Drive in North Newton. There is no admission charge. Fireworks will begin after sundown, and arrival may begin at 8:30 p.m. Due to COVID precautions, the event will be scaled down from previous years and will be outdoors only, featuring just the fireworks show. Salted Creamery ice cream will be available for purchase. Organizers request physical distancing to be observed and for unvaccinated individuals to wear masks. Parking for the event will be marked. Lawn chairs are recommended for fireworks viewing, and flashlights may be helpful for navigating to and from parking areas.

WDC announcements

1.  Have you noticed WDC’s website has a new look?  Check it out at   While it is still a work in progress, the refreshed website is now THE place to go for all things WDC!  Beginning in July, the WDC Sprouts weekly newsletter email will be discontinued.  WDC articles, announcements, and other information will be posted exclusively on the website.  Email alerts will be sent to let you know when new content has been posted.  

2.  The WDC Annual Assembly will be held July 30-Aug 1, both virtually and at Faith Mennonite Church, 2100 North Anderson in Newton KS.  Saturday, July 31 food options for persons attending onsite:  Lunch:  pre-order a box lunch (by July 20, please) when you fill out your Assembly registration form, or you are welcome to bring your own lunch.  Supper:  food trucks will offer a variety of options to purchase, or you are welcome to bring your own supper.  For more Assembly info and to register, go to: 

3.  The WDC Annual Assembly Delegate Session on July 31 at 8:30-10:30 will be virtual only.  To participate in discussions and decision-making, each delegate must have their own device – computer, smartphone or tablet.  If you don’t have one, call your church, there’s probably someone who’d be willing to share theirs for two hours.  For more Assembly info and to register, go to:

4.  Join in this special Annual Assembly storytelling opportunity!  WDC’s Assembly theme July 30-August 1 is “Woven into God’s Story.” StoryCorps has invited WDC to partner with their storytelling project, One Small Step, to share and record our own stories within WDC. One Small Step is an initiative to facilitate conversations across differences. (Facilitators are bilingual in Spanish and English.)  It’s a chance to spend time virtually with someone different than you and discover the stories behind each other’s beliefs. To join another WDC member for an online conversation, sign up at registration deadline is June 25 and virtual recordings will be scheduled July 28-30. For more information about One Small Step see attached flyer.

5.  A/V Volunteers Needed: A hybrid Annual Assembly has lots of opportunity for you to operate sound and video equipment for an hour or more, as your schedule allows. The onsite coordinator will support your efforts. If you are interested in volunteering, please email our Assembly Coordinator, Kathy Neufeld Dunn, at with your interest? Thanks! Our Technology Coordinator will contact you with details. 

6.  Join others from across WDC to discuss “Why Do We Suffer and Where is God When We Do?” by Valerie G. Rempel on Thursday, June 24 at 7:00pm via Zoom.  Register for the online discussion or to borrow a copy at 

7.  The WDC Immigration Task Force invites you to join a Virtual Borderlands Learning Tour, June 28 – July 2 from 2-5 p.m. CDT each day via Zoom. Engage with the reality of immigration from a different perspective. Through virtual conversations, participants will hear first-hand from folks on the ground about the complexities of the U.S. immigration system, U.S. immigration policies that have worked to dismantle the asylum-seeking process, and the human factor on various sides of the spectrum. For more information and to register:

Camp Mennoscah announcements
1.  Family Weekend at Camp Mennoscah on July 17-18!  If you’re looking for a weekend to escape, this retreat offers a smorgasbord of camp activities for you to choose from and plenty of time to be with your family and friends.  Register at and contact 620-297-3290 with questions!

2.  Extra help needed for summer youth camps!  Camp Mennoscah has paid and volunteer positions for grounds, maintenance and custodial positions.  For college age folks, there is a weekly stipend position for a lifeguard, grounds, or custodial position.  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 or for details.  You will make camp an amazing experience for everyone!

3.  August 28 is the next Work Day at Camp Mennoscah!  We’ll remind you again, but save the date. You make camp great!

Mennonite church announcements
1.  Want to be an integral part of a young adult’s life? Become a unit leader for Service Adventure, a gap-year program for ages 17-20 from Mennonite Mission Network. Unit leaders, who are at least 24 years of age, serve as mentors to the young adults in the Service Adventure household. Leaders are needed in Johnstown, PA. Learn more by contacting

2.  Iglesia Buenas Nuevas, a Mennonite Church USA congregation in San Juan, Texas, has a long-standing history of being a welcoming, multicultural community, with Black, Latino and white congregants. Learn more about this dynamic church here: En español:

3.  Sarah Augustine, author of “The Land is Not Empty: Following Jesus in Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery,” discussed her new book in a webinar presented by Mennonite Church USA and MennoMedia. Watch the webinar recording here:

4.  What does peace have to do with Jesus? Or, maybe, what does Jesus have to do with peace? Dr. Meghan Larissa Good explores these questions in her blog, “Jesus and the Work of Peace,” and will speak on this during the July 7 worship service at MennoCon21.

5.  When Maribel Ramírez Hinojosa’s parents took her, as an infant, to be baptized, they found out that the priest would not baptize Maribel unless her parents changed her name to María. Read the story of how she and her family have dealt with the repercussions of this priest’s abuse of power here:

6.  Spiritual Director Jane Roeschley began this year by starting a journey with a spiritual practice called “word of the year.” In her blog, “Give Me a Word,” Roeschley opens up about this journey and how she moved from being skeptical to embracing and recommending the practice. Read more here:

Prayers for Mennonite Education – July 2021
This is a monthly prayer resource prepared by Mennonite Education Agency (MEA), the education agency of Mennonite Church USA. These prayer requests were gathered from across Mennonite education, from early childhood – grade 12 schools, undergraduate schools, graduate schools and seminaries, and MEA’s Hispanic Ministries’ Seminary and Bible Institute (SeBAH and IBA). By partnering with these schools and helping them flourish, MEA works to strengthen the church through education. Thank you for supporting the Anabaptist-Mennonite schools through prayer.

The July 2021 Mennonite Mission Network PRAYER VINE is now available for download. The PDF is posted in theprayer resources section of our website and can also be downloaded directly by clicking the link below:
Download this month’s Prayer Vine (PDF)

Mennonite Creation Care Network E-Newsletter link

Announcements for June 20-June 27, 2021

Pastor Dawn will be on vacation June 7-20.  If you have a pastoral concern during that time, please be in touch with Pastor Nathan (June 7-20). 

Any graduates out there?! This year BCMC celebrated 5 high school graduates, but we know there are others in our community who have graduated this year too. We’d love to hear from you! Whether you graduated from high school, college, or graduate level please let us know your accomplishment. Email Renee Reimer at with name, accomplishment, and school/program name. Click here for a current list. 

June 6 offering at BCMC:  General Fund $6,560; Transfer-General $83.65; Camp Mennoscah $30; Caring Fund $525; Living Stones $540; Transfer-Funeral $350; Helen Ruth Unruh Memorial $50; Phil Koontz Memorial $325.  
June 13 offering at BCMC:  General Fund:  $1,927; Sr Hi Youth $600; Living Stones $13.33 

Group Subscription Renewal NoticesAnabaptist World — If you wish to renew “Anabaptist World” with the church’s group subscription, send or bring $39.00 to the church office by June 25.  Rejoice Devotional Magazine — If you wish to renew the devotional magazine, “Rejoice” send or bring $32.10 to the church office by June 25.

Vacation Bible School
Bethel College Mennonite Church is teaming up with Casa Betania, Faith Mennonite Church, First Mennonite Church, New Creation Fellowship, and Shalom Mennonite Church to offer Vacation Bible School the week of June 28- July 2, 2021. At home VBS bags (filled with lessons, crafts, and activities) will be delivered to homes before the week of June 28, pre-recorded dramas and music with familiar faces will be available, and an in-person field day will take place on Friday, July 2nd from 9-11am. Sign-up here if your child ages 3-5th grade would like to participate.

Summer Sunday School for Children
Outdoor Summer Sunday School for Children and Youth will take place July 4, 11, 18, and 25 on the BCMC playground. All ages are welcome as we will be playing outdoor team building games together. 

Dedication of the Kitchen and Fellowship Hall
The kitchen and Fellowship Hall renovation project is completed!  In worship on Sunday, June 27, we will have a dedication for the new space and say thank you to those who helped bring this project to completion. Following worship, you will have a chance to wander through the basement and see the finished space, including a new accessible family restroom!  After your walk- through, enjoy refreshments out on the playground, compliments of the Hospitality Commission.

2021 Kansas MCC Sale is July 2 and 3!
Please take a moment to visit the KMRS table in the sanctuary at any time during the coming weeks.  A sign up for pies, zwieback and other baked goods will be available with bags and tins provided.  Anything is welcome! 
Run for Relief forms can be found at the table, or by visiting the KMRS website at
Volunteers for working are needed and are being asked to sign up at the website  Click on the volunteer link.
Contact people are Dale and Margo Schrag, 316-283-6031 and Dennis and Kathy Campbell, 316-416-5156.Urgent Need for the Kansas Mennonite Central Committee Relief SaleVolunteers needed to make this year’s Relief Sale possible. Please visit our sale website and plan to help a shift or two. Also, help is needed to make Verenika on Wednesday, June 30 in Hillsboro for the Feeding the Multitude meal:

Craft Booth Announcement– Kansas Mennonite Central Committee Relief Sale
Attached is a bulletin/mailbox insert from the MCC Sale Kansas Craft booth about items needed for the sale.  Click here for the insert. 

 New Hope Shelter Announcement
For anyone considering becoming an evening volunteer at New Hope Shelter, this is a summary of the duties of evening volunteers:After arriving at 5:00, meet the New Hope staff evening coordinator and review the board that has photos of residents.Help prepare the serving area for the evening meal at 6:00, and help serve the meal.  Take care of any leftovers and wash the dishes in the dishwasher, clean up the kitchen area.Help residents prepare sack lunches for the following day.There will be time to interact with the residents, and this is encouraged.Anyone wanting to serve is asked to take a brief orientation.  Contact Valetta Seymour with questions:  620-217-7536,

Bethel College Announcement
A team from Bethel College will participate this week (June 22-25) in the 2021 Institute for Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) Campus Centers. The American Association of Colleges & Universities sponsors the training institute, conducted virtually this year, which has as its goal to dismantle belief in a racial hierarchy based on skin color, physical characteristics and/or country of origin, as a way to eliminate racism. Bethel is one of 78 institutions (the only one from Kansas) that will be participating in the training in order to explore forming TRHT centers on their own campuses. Bethel’s team is Christine Crouse-Dick, Peter Goerzen, Robert Milliman, Sheryl Wilson and Kirsten Zerger.

Mennonite Central Committee Announcements
Virtual Borderlands Learning Tour, June 28 – July 2 from 2-5 p.m. CDT each day via Zoom Engage with the reality of immigration from a different perspective. Through virtual conversations, participants will hear first-hand from folks on the ground about the complexities of the U.S. immigration system, U.S. immigration policies that have worked to dismantle the asylum-seeking process, and the human factor on various sides of the spectrum. For more information and to register:

June 22 at 7 p.m. CDT join James Wheeler & Linda Herr, Area Directors for Europe & Middle East, to hear The Gift of Love: Doing our part for healing and wholeness in the world. Register for the webinar at

The MCC Alumni Gathering is July 9-11 and all MCC alumni and their families are invited to join us at Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp. Please sign up by June 25!

Current openings at MCC can be found at Current open positions include Canning & Trucking Manager, Multimedia Producer, Meat Canner and many international service opportunities.

Bring dark colored hand towels for hygiene kits, or money for relief kits to the MCC booth at the Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale (July 2 & 3 in Hutchinson), to help replenish our supplies. Both of these kits have been used for COVID-19 relief efforts around the world and MCC needs more to fulfill requests from partners! You’ll find us in Sunflower North, where the General Auction takes place. See you at the sale!

Western District Conference Announcements 

1. WDC Annual Assembly, July 30-Aug 1 is by donation this year!  We’ll tell you what the cost of this hybrid event is, and you give as you can.  If you plan to be on-site, you’re welcome to order a box lunch on Saturday or bring your own.  Food trucks will offer a variety of supper options on Saturday to purchase for on-site participants.  For more Assembly info, go to: 

2.  Special Annual Assembly Storytelling Opportunity!  WDC’s Assembly theme July 30-August 1 is “Woven into God’s Story.” StoryCorps has invited WDC to partner with their storytelling project, One Small Step, to share and record our own stories within WDC. One Small Step is an initiative to facilitate conversations across differences, between people who may disagree politically. (Facilitators are bilingual in Spanish and English.)  It’s not a debate. It’s a chance to spend time virtually with someone different than you and discover the stories behind each other’s beliefs. To join another WDC member for an online conversation, sign up at The registration deadline is June 25 and virtual recordings will be scheduled July 28-30 (space is limited). For more information about One Small Step see attached flyer.

3.  Staff position opening:  WDC seeks a full time Administrative Assistant to work out of its North Newton, KS office, beginning August 25.  Responsibilities include office management, communications, records management, scheduling, and administrative support for staff.  Qualifications include strong organizational, computer and communication skills, ability to collaborate as part of a team, and willingness to promote WDC’s mission and priorities.  For more information, position description and application materials, contact Heidi Regier Kreider, Conference Minister, at or 316-283-6300.

Camp Mennoscah announcements

1.  Family Weekend at Camp Mennoscah on July 17-18!  If you are looking for a weekend to escape, Family Weekend offers a smorgasbord of camp activities for you to choose from and plenty of time to roam the river and be with your family and friends.  Register at and contact 620-297-3290 with questions!

2.  Extra help and hands needed for summer youth camps!  Camp Mennoscah has paid and volunteer positions for grounds, maintenance and custodial positions.  For those of college age, there is a weekly stipend position that could be a lifeguard, grounds, or custodial position.  Contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 or for details.  You will make camp an amazing experience for everyone!

Mennonite church announcements
1.  Interested in short-term service opportunities? Ask us about SOOP! We’d love to speak with your congregation about the awesome service opportunities that we can provide through SOOP. Contact for more information.

2.  Iris de León-Hartshorn, associate executive director of Mennonite Church USA, offers a response to the hatred and brutality that continues against the Asian American and Pacific Islander population in the United States. Read her call to action here:

3.  In “Reclaiming my Indonesian Heritage,” Syerafina Himawan, an Indonesian-American teenager, shares some of her experiences dealing with racism in high school. Himawan explores how her friends’ racist actions caused her to abandon her heritage, only to later have her love of her Indonesian culture reinvigorated.

4.  Have you heard that MennoCon21, Mennonite Church USA’s biennium convention, will be offering a Bible study each morning, led by Safwat Marzouk? Marzouk reflects on the themes that will be covered each morning, in his blog, “Peace and Justice Amid the Pandemics of COVID-19 and Racism.”

5.  Make the most of your Voices Together experience by exploring the depths of the Voices Together website. Read Katie Graber’s blog, “Best-kept Secrets of the Voices Together Website,” to ensure you don’t miss anything!

6.  Want to know more about the exciting things happening across our denomination? Subscribe to PeaceMail, Mennonite Church USA’s weekly news digest:

7.  Mennonite Heritage and Ag Museum in Goessel is having the 2021 Antique, Classic Car, Truck and Motorcycle Show at 200 N. Poplar in Goessel, KS on June 19 from 10 am – 3 pm.  Free admission to the museum all day, Museum “Garage” sale, Hot dog meal deal starts at 11 am, Free ice cream bars 1-2pm sponsored by Goessel Recreation Commission. $ 10 Exhibitor’s entry fee. 620-367-8200. Come “Fill Your Tank With Memories”.

KIPCOR’s Spring 2021 Newsletter
Read about our recent Peace Lecture featuring Leonard Pitts Jr., our new academic minor and the students who have completed it, our foray into online (via Zoom) training, our new staff member, and MORE!!
You can read the newsletter on online with pages that flip here:
(just click on the “+” sign at the bottom of the screen to expand the newsletter, and then ‘grab and drag’ the open page to se the article you’re interested in.)
or on KIPCOR’s website as a PDF here:

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   On this Father’s Day, pray with Mennonite Mission Network that God, who makes all the people of world into one family, will bless the fathers in our world with the resources to help provide for their children, so they will have the joy of seeing their children blossom physically, mentally, socially and spiritually.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for health and strength for pastors in WDC, as they work with congregational leaders to provide leadership, care and direction for church communities.

Announcements for June 13-June 20, 2021

Pastor Dawn will be on vacation June 7-20.  If you have a pastoral concern during that time, please be in touch with Pastors Nathan (June 7-20) or Renee (June 7-12).  

Any graduates out there?! This year BCMC celebrated 5 high school graduates, but we know there are others in our community who have graduated this year too. We’d love to hear from you! Whether you graduated from high school, college, or graduate level please let us know your accomplishment. Email Renee Reimer at with name, accomplishment, and school/program name. Click here for a current list. 

CARD SHOWER for Elizabeth Raid who celebrates her birthday on June 19 and begins treatment for newly diagnosed cancer of the pancreas. 
Please join friends and family to shower Elizabeth with special greetings.  Send cards to 2121 N. Anderson Ave., Newton, KS  67114.

Link to the Memorial for Esther Rinner
Here is the link to the June 10, 2021,  memorial service for Esther Rinner for those interested and unable to attend. 

Link to Pastor Renee Reimer’s Ordination Service
Here’s the link to Pastor Renee Reimer’s outdoor ordination service from June 6th for those interested and were unable to attend.

Address Changes for your BCMC Directory

  • Marles Preheim new phone number:  620-869-5252
  • Janet Stucky’s apartment number correction:  541 W. 78th Street, Apartment 410 (NOT 41), , Chanhassen, MN 55317
  • Jeanette and George Leary’s new address:  2913 Wildwood Way, North Newton, KS, 67117
  • Vern Preheim and Norma Johnson’s changes to their email addresses: and

Vacation Bible School
Bethel College Mennonite Church is teaming up with Casa Betania, Faith Mennonite Church, First Mennonite Church, New Creation Fellowship, and Shalom Mennonite Church to offer Vacation Bible School the week of June 28- July 2, 2021. At home VBS bags (filled with lessons, crafts, and activities) will be delivered to homes before the week of June 28, pre-recorded dramas and music with familiar faces will be available, and an in-person field day will take place on Friday, July 2nd from 9-11am. Sign-up here if your child ages 3-5th grade would like to participate.

Summer Sunday School for Children
Outdoor Summer Sunday School for Children and Youth will take place July 4, 11, 18, and 25 on the BCMC playground. All ages are welcome as we will be playing outdoor team building games together. 

BCMC Senior High Youth Group Trip to Alabama
12 youth and sponsors are heading to Alabama at 1:00pm on Sunday, June 13th. The group is starting the first leg of their journey at the Kansas African American Museum in Wichita. The following days will include 2 12 hour drives to Alabama, a day trip to Selma to learn more about voter right activists, a day trip to Montgomery to visit the Legacy Museum: From Enslavement to Mass Incarceration, and time spent in Birmingham. We are looking forward to our time together and learning more about past and current civil rights activists. Thank you in advance for your prayers and support in this important learning experience together! 

Community Playschool Announcement
It’s been an interesting school year for Community Playschool as we have recently completed an online program in order to stay safe during the pandemic. We posted stories, circle times and activities every day for families to watch and do at their own convenience. Fourteen children of the Newton community have participated in this free program thanks to five area churches and United Way. We want to thank Bethel College Mennonite Church for being one of those supporting churches and are so grateful for your yearly pledge and matching Everence grant. BCMC Women’s Circle contributed a  generous donation this year. We also want to acknowledge the service of Clifferd Dick who is currently BCMC’s representative to our board and serves as the treasurer. We did not use our group of teachers, helpers and substitutes this year, however we want to thank Barb Voran and Stahli Claassen for their part in helping us prepare materials that were picked up by the families each month.
At this time, we are planning for an in person program to start up again in the fall. We solicit your prayers and continued support as we work toward a new model of leadership for the future of our organization. Current director, Jeanette Leary, will be taking a leave of absence for the fall semester. Current assistant director, Kasey Newell, will be acting director during this semester. In this time of change, we are also seeking new volunteer teachers and helpers for our classrooms. If you feel that you have an interest and are willing to commit to two mornings a week or would like more information about what we might need, please contact one of the directors at the number below.
With gratitude,
Jeanette Leary and Kasey Newell
316 283-3667

Dedication of the Kitchen and Fellowship Hall
The kitchen and Fellowship Hall renovation project is completed!  In worship on Sunday, June 27, we will have a dedication for the new space and say thank you to those who helped bring this project to completion. Following worship, you will have a chance to wander through the basement and see the finished space, including a new accessible family restroom!  After your walk- through, enjoy refreshments out on the playground, compliments of the Hospitality Commission.

MCC Relief Sale – Verenike Carry Out Meal needs volunteers.  Go to and click on “Click Here To Volunteer!”.  Email with questions.   

2021 Kansas MCC Sale is July 2 and 3!
Please take a moment to visit the KMRS table in the sanctuary at any time during the coming weeks.  A sign up for pies, zwieback and other baked goods will be available with bags and tins provided.  Anything is welcome! 
Run for Relief forms can be found at the table, or by visiting the KMRS website at
Volunteers for working are needed and are being asked to sign up at the website  Click on the volunteer link.
Contact people are Dale and Margo Schrag, 316-283-6031 and Dennis and Kathy Campbell, 316-416-5156.
Let the Light Shine!Mennonite Central Committee Announcements
June 22 at 7 p.m. CDT
 join James Wheeler & Linda Herr, Area Directors for Europe & Middle East, to hear The Gift of Love: Doing our part for healing and wholeness in the world. Register for the webinar at
The MCC Alumni Gathering is July 9-11 and all MCC alumni and their families are invited to join us at Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp. Please sign up by June 25!
Current openings at MCC can be found at Current open positions include Canning & Trucking Manager, Multimedia Producer, Meat Canner and many international service opportunities.

 New Hope Shelter Announcement
For anyone considering becoming an evening volunteer at New Hope Shelter, this is a summary of the duties of evening volunteers:After arriving at 5:00, meet the New Hope staff evening coordinator and review the board that has photos of residents.Help prepare the serving area for the evening meal at 6:00, and help serve the meal.  Take care of any leftovers and wash the dishes in the dishwasher, clean up the kitchen area.Help residents prepare sack lunches for the following day.There will be time to interact with the residents, and this is encouraged.Anyone wanting to serve is asked to take a brief orientation.  Contact Valetta Seymour with questions:  620-217-7536,

Western District Conference announcements

1.  Michelle Hershberger, Bible Department Chair, Hesston College, will be our keynote speaker and storyteller for WDC Annual Assembly, July 30-August 1.  She is the author of God’s Story, Our Story.  Michelle never gets tired of telling how Jesus is at work in her life, church, and community!  For more hybrid Assembly info, go to  You’re welcome to join us for worship or for the whole Assembly! 

2.  Special Annual Assembly Storytelling Opportunity!  WDC’s Assembly theme July 30-August 1 is “Woven into God’s Story.”  When was the last time you really listened to the story of someone who doesn’t see the world as you do? The folks at StoryCorps have invited WDC to partner with their storytelling project, One Small Step, to share and record our own stories within WDC. One Small Step is an initiative to facilitate conversations across differences, between people who may disagree politically. It’s not a debate. It’s a chance to spend time virtually with someone different than you and discover the stories behind each other’s beliefs. To join another WDC member for an online conversation, sign up at The registration deadline is June 25 and virtual recordings will be scheduled July 28-30 (space is limited). For more information about One Small Step see the attached flyer. 

3.  Join others from across WDC to discuss “Why Do We Suffer and Where is God When We Do?” by Valerie G. Rempel on Thursday, June 24 at 7:00pm via Zoom.  Register for the online discussion or to borrow a copy at

4.  Join us for a worship service sponsored by the Texas Mennonite Churches!   Everyone is welcome to come together in scripture, song and prayer at 6:00 pm this Saturday, June 12. Join us on zoom at or on the Houston Mennonite Church facebook page ( There will be music from Casa Del Alfarero and Hope Fellowship, and a message from Associate Conference Minister Sandra Montes-Martinez. We look forward to seeing you there!

5.  Staff position opening:  WDC seeks a full time Administrative Assistant to work out of its North Newton, KS office, beginning August 25.  Responsibilities include office management, communications, records management, scheduling, and administrative support for staff.  Qualifications include strong organizational, computer and communication skills, ability to collaborate as part of a team, and willingness to promote WDC’s mission and priorities.  For more information, position description and application materials, contact Heidi Regier Kreider, Conference Minister, at or 316-283-6300.

Camp Mennoscah announcements
1.  Camp Mennoscah needs kitchen staff and maintenance volunteers!  We are looking for kitchen staff for June 13-17 and maintenance volunteers for all weeks.  For the kitchen, no professional cooking skills needed–just an ability to follow directions and some happiness to share!  Contact or 620-297-3290.

 2.  Congratulations!  Deborah, Camp Mennoscah’s dedicated and generous office assistant of over 7 years, is retiring!  She has reduced her hours and has graciously agreed to stay on while the next assistant is found.  Camp Mennoscah is seeking someone to share in office/support operations and guest services in a position with potential growth.  Contact for information. 

3.  There’s still time to register for camp!  Camp Mennoscah has a few openings at most camps.  Register online at!

 4.  Guidelines for summer youth camps have changed and Camp Mennoscah is working to change within the guidance of state and local agencies.  If you have questions or concerns about how the camp masking and distancing guidelines may have changed, please contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 or

Mennonite church announcements
1.  Mennonite Mission Network has openings for a Director of Finance and Director of Human  Resources, two new positions for the agency. You can find details on our website at . To begin the application process, send a resume to

2. Serve with the Immigrant Resource Center through MVS in Alamosa, Colorado! Serve others by connecting them with educational and legal resources. Visit to learn more.    

3.  Mennonite Church USA has released a new Bible-based curriculum, entitled “Laboring Toward Wholeness: A Training on Dismantling Patriarchy.” It addresses the history and impact of systemic patriarchy — and looks at how God calls followers to respond through an intersectional lens. Learn more here:

4.  For the first time, Mennonite Church USA is hosting a hybrid convention on July 6-10, 2021. MennoCon21 participants may choose between attending in person in Cincinnati, Ohio, or virtually via Pheedloop, an interactive, online event platform. Learn more about MennoCon21 virtual offerings here:

5.  Jon Carlson will be the July 9 worship speaker for MennoCon21, Mennonite Church USA’s biennial convention. Carlson reflects on his conference topic, “Trust the Peace,” through his experience with trust in the Mennonite church, in this blog:

6. In his blog, “An Afro-Latina Who Refused to be Made Invisible,” Mennonite Church USA’s Chief Communications Officer Wil LaVeist reflects on his mother’s life and her Afro-Latina heritage. Despite the racism that she, and countless other Afro-Latino people have experienced, she persisted and proudly represented her culture. Read more here:

The Rocky Mountain June newsletter is here!
Have a look at the latest/greatest happenings here at RMMC. For this and previous newsletters, please visit the camp website and click on the “News” tab under “About Us”.

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   Christy Harrison and Peter Sensenig, and their three children, are preparing to return to the African continent to build bridges between Christians and Muslims. Pray for them during their time of orientation at the Paris Mennonite Center in France, where they will ground themselves in language study and in the ministries in French-speaking Africa. They are serving jointly through Eastern Mennonite Missions and Mennonite Mission Network.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for God’s guidance and joy for the WDC Annual Assembly planning team, as they prepare for our hybrid (in-person and online) gathering July 30-Aug 1 with worship, delegate business, learning seminars and fellowship.