Category Archives: Announcements

Announcements for September 4–11, 2022

Based on CDC Guidelines Harvey County is in yellow status indicating medium risk for COVID. Masks are not required, but recommended, in the
building and we can return to coffee during fellowship time.

To livestream the worship service:
On Sunday morning, around 9:20, go to BCMC’s webpage at and click the green button labeled LIVE STREAM on the right side of the screen, which will take you to the worship service. If you get a message in the black box that the video is unavailable, click the gray box belows that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.   Anytime after the service concludes, you can watch a recording of the service at your convenience by clicking the same green LIVE STREAM button.  Again, you will probably have to go to the gray box that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.  That will transfer you to the BCMC YouTube Channel.  You will have to click on the tab “Videos” to see all of the BCMC videos. Click the red button to see the bulletin/order of service. 
OR – click on this link for this Sunday’s worship service:

September 4, 2022

Prelude—All Glory  be to God on High (Bach; Walther)—Verlene Garber

Christ Candle Lighting—Tim Hodge

Land Acknowledgement

Welcome and Prayer

*Hymn—Let’s Walk Together—VT #6

Children’s Conversation—Glen Ediger

Scripture Reading—Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Psalm 1—Nathan Koontz

Sermon—Choices—Todd Schlosser

*Hymn—Lord, I am Fondly, Earnestly Longing—VT #555

Prayers of God’s People—Tim Hodge

*Hymn—Longing for Light—VT 715

BenedictionTodd Schlosser

Postlude—Verlene Garber

* You are invited to stand
VT = Voices Together
Pastors— Nathan Koontz, Todd Schlosser

Land Acknowledgement compiled by Florence Schloneger from words by Mark Charles and VT #878 
As we do on the first Sunday of each month, we acknowledge that we worship  
  on the land of the Kanza, Osage, and Wichita.   We thank them for their care and  respect for this land and acknowledge the injustice of their forced
  removal. We ask the Spirit to heal our histories and find new paths of right
  relationships with them and all of creation.   

This Week at BCMC:  September 4—11, 2022

Sunday, September 4—Live stream (YouTube) link for this Sunday is:

10:30 am 
Adult Classes (If meeting):  Agape Class (Rm B8) Bible Study (Rm 14); Catacombs (Rm B5); Fellowship (B7); Fine Arts (Rm 22); Issues and Christianity (Rm 23);  Mosaic (Rm 20); Open Circle (Room 21); Seekers (Rm 28);
Sojourners (Chapel)
Monday, September 5—Labor Day—church building will be locked; church office will be closed
Tuesday, September 6
5:30 to 6:30 pm  Community Playschool Open House in the Playschool rooms in the basement
7 pm              Facilities Committee meeting in Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, September 7
7:30 pm        Chancel Choir Rehearsal in the Sanctuary Chancel area
7:30 pm         Senior High Youth Group in Fellowship Hall
Thursday, September 8—1st day of Community Playschool
9 am to 11 am   Community Playschool rooms
6:30 pm         Chancel Bells Rehearsal in room B7— We welcome anyone who has musical note reading ability to ring. No prior ringing experience is necessary. A smile and a willingness to learn is required.
Friday, September 9—2nd day of Community Playschool
Sunday, September 11—Backpack Blessing!
The Faith Formation Commission invites the congregation to participate in an intergenerational backpack blessing.  Bring your backpack, school bag, work satchel, briefcase, etc., to church for a special blessing.  Kathy Stucky, Faith Formation Commission
9:30 am          Worship Service with sermon by Nathan Koontz; music by Chancel Choir
10:15 am        Fellowship time with coffee and water in the Gathering Place
10:30 am        Congregational Meeting in the sanctuary

For your calendars:  Congregational Meeting during the Sunday school hour, September 11.  We will be meeting in the Fellowship Hall around the round tables.  There will be time during the meeting for an open forum as well as reports and more structured table conversation.  

Congratulations to Larry and Karen Penner who celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on September 1!

BCMC Aug. 28 Offering:  General Fund  $9,740.99; Library Reserve Fund $10; Living Stones $105; Kitchen Fund $13; Jim Gaeddert Memorial $1,285.

Church Pictorial Directories are being distributed! If you had your picture taken or submitted a picture for the directory, and have not  picked up your copy of the pictorial directory, you will be contacted about making arrangements to receive your copy.  Thanks again for your participation in this project.
-The Hospitality Commission

Announcement regarding the installation of our new screen and projector:  McClelland Sound has reported that suppliers have not given them a shipping date for the components of our sanctuary screen and projector. We are hopeful that all of the components required for installation will be received soon.

The Faith Formation Commission is excited to announce that Jill Robb has accepted the position of BCMC Faith Formation Coordinator (.2 FTE) and George Leary has accepted the position of BCMC Youth Coordinator (.3 FTE).  Both Jill and George bring experience, compassion and dedication to their new roles. We look forward to their immediate involvement in their new positions. Feel free to click on the attached job descriptions to see what they will be doing. Please keep Jill and George in your prayers as they navigate new opportunities and challenges.  

Youth Coordinator Faith Formation Coordinator

Your cards, notes, and words of sympathy, support, and love are very much appreciated during this time of the passing of our father, Carl Peters in Henderson NE.  May God bless each one here at BCMC.  Lil and Joe Peters

We offer sympathy to the family of Verlin Bartel.  Verlin, 85, died in Wichita May 25, and a memorial service will be held September 3 at Rainbow Mennonite Church in Kansas City, Kansas. Verlin’s daughter is Olivia Bartel, director of Camp Mennoscah; his brother is Allan Bartel (and Allan’s wife Susan), and sister-in-law
Ada Schmidt-Tieszen (and Ada’s husband Wes).  

Book Reviews invites you to become a volunteer. If you love books and can spare 4 or 8 hours per month, please join us. Book Reviews is a non-profit, used bookstore, started by BCMC members, and all proceeds go to local charities. We welcome you to stop by at 707 N. Main and check out the opportunities or call us at 316. 283. 3442.  

Newton Et Cetera Shop invites you to become a volunteer! Help us to share God’s love with all creation by volunteering in clothing, clerking, recycling, linens, housewares or one of our other departments. If you’d like to join us, please stop by, call us at 316-283-9461, or attend one of our upcoming volunteer orientations to tell us what interests you: Thursday 9/15/22 5-6 pm or Thursday 10/20/22 5-6 pm. We hope to hear from you soon!

DO JUSTICE. LOVE MERCY. – What’s required to Abolish the Death Penalty
When a murder happens, often someone will say “an eye for an eye”. This event will explore another way of responding, a way that BREAKS the cycle of violence. Panelists bring diverse personal perspectives to the question of how society should respond to homicide. They will reflect on justice and mercy even in the face of homicide and what you can do to stop the ongoing cycle of violence which is capital punishment.  This event sponsored by the Bethel College Bible & Religion Department, Kansas Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution, & the Kansas Coalition Against the Death Penalty, will be held at Bethel College on Saturday, September 10 from 10 am to 12 pm.  This is also a live “ZOOM” event.  Register by email at  The event is free and open to all interested.  Conference Panelists:  Peter Goerzen, Professor of Bible and Religion, Bethel College;  Donna Schneweis, Board Chair, KCADP;
Ron Wurtz, Retired Federal Public Defender, First Director of the Kansas Death Penalty Defense Unit;  Katie Rose Friesen Burkey, Bethel College Student;
Steven Becker, Former District Court Judge 27th District/Former Kansas State Rep. District 104;  Wilma Loganbill, Murder Victim Family Member

Sun., Sept. 11 – KIPCOR Film Series begins, with “Generation 9/11,” 2 pm, Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center. Filmmaker Katherin Hervey tells the stories of an entire generation shaped by the events of 9/11 and the aftermath. Audience discussion follows the film screening.

Life Enrichment:  Place and time: Krehbiel Auditorium, 9:30 am.  September 8
9:30 am    Little Arkansas Reservoir: The Lake that Never Was, Brian D. Stucky
10:30 am   Coffee Break
10:50 am  Life of Rodolphe Petter, a Swiss Missionary to America, Weldon Schloneger

Fri., Sept. 16 – Bethel College guest recital, Spencer Myer, piano, 7 pm,
Administration Building chapel

Camp Mennoscah Annual Meeting and Dedication of the Renovated Campfire Amphitheater on September 18!  Come for an evening of song, popcorn, and generic pop, as well as updates and information on the year at Camp Mennoscah.  Time is yet to be determined.  (It’s like a mini-Camp Sing!)

  • Camp Mennoscah is considering moving camps to a Sunday to Friday schedule.  We’d be interested in hearing your thoughts–parents, campers, weekend groups, everyone!  Please reply to or call 620-297-3290.
  • Camp Mennoscah offices will be closed on September 5 for the Labor Day holiday.  We’ll be back on the 6th!  Camp staff work hours vary depending on scheduled events for the week. The office assistant also works part-time from home. (Whenever a group is at camp, a staff person will be on duty.)  Thank you for understanding!  We will be in touch as soon as possible.
  • Thank you to everyone who participated in the Work & Play Day on August 20!  So much was accomplished–clearing branches and brush, watering trees, cleanup around the maintenance shed, and painting.  Thank you!  We still have more projects, if you missed out.  Contact Olivia at 620-297-3290 or to help. 
  • Pardon the Mess!  Camp Mennoscah is cleaning out and organizing maintenance sheds and other buildings.  Items in the front “yard” will slowly find new homes.  Thank you for your understanding!

Fall Scrapbook and Crafts Retreat on Oct. 28-30!   Crafters and scrapbookers are all invited to come for a weekend of creativity and friends.  Lodging will be in the Retreat Center and cropping/crafting will be in the Main Camp dining hall.  Space heaters will be available for both areas since the repairs for the furnaces will not be completed.

Now in the Regier Gallery in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel College – “One and a Half Acres: Images from America’s Decommissioned Missile Silos,” photographs by Nate Hofer, through Thurs., Sept. 22 (closing reception Sept. 22). Gallery hours are Mon.-Fri., 9 am-5 pm, Sun. 2-4 pm.

SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, Oct. 13, KIPCOR celebrates 50 years of Peace Lectures with Dr. Fania Davis, a leading national voice on Restorative Justice, speaking in Bethel College’s Memorial Hall.

Western District Conference September Final Thursday Book Discussion – “Jesus ministered to the poor, Jesus was poor. If both are true of our Savior, both can be true of us too.” Explore this idea in Kevin Wiebe’s book “Faithful in Small Things: How to Serve the Needy When You’re One of Them.” Copies available at the WDC Resource Library. Join the Zoom discussion on Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 7pm. Register by emailing the library at

Mennonite Central Committee Central States is hiring for two new positions, consider applying today or passing these opportunities on to someone you know who has a passion for working in immigration!
Immigration Program Coordinator – Got experience with immigration, migration, and borderlands work? Love building multi-cultural relationships? This opportunity with MCC may be the one for you. Click through this link for more information and to apply.
Borderlands Program Coordinator – Join MCC and use your coordinating skills and knowledge of borderlands. Teach, connect, and work with MCC partners and asylum seekers in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas. Click through this link for more information and to apply.  Questions about either position?  Email or call 316-283-2720.

Bluestem U, a lifelong learning program for people aged 55 and older, is enrolling for the first semester beginning in September which will feature three courses hosted by Hesston College and Schowalter Villa.  “Prairie Landscaping 101” taught by Brad Guhr, “Happy Habits from Positive Psychology” taught by Kevin Wilder, and “Buggies, Bonnets and Boundaries: A Study of Amish Faith, Life and Culture” taught by John Sharp. Each course is $50. For more information and registration, go to or call 316-836-4846. Bluestem U is a partnership between Bluestem Communities, Bethel College and Hesston College.

Kauffman Museum at Bethel College is seeking a graphic designer who has experience with digital and print design, as well as social media, web and IT. Interest or experience in museum exhibition design and fabrication preferred. This is a full-time, benefits-eligible position. To see the complete job description and to apply, go to the For more information, contact Andi Andres at Kauffman Museum: or 316-283-1612. 

Kidron Bethel Village, North Newton, is seeking an individual to serve as its full-time chaplain. The primary responsibilities of this position include:
· Provide spiritual support for residents, their families, and staff members. 
· Provide ongoing opportunities and leadership for residents’ spiritual growth
· Support resident, families and staff during times of transition or special need
· Provide services for the bereaved
· Act as a staff liaison and resident advocate
· Contribute to the planning and decision-making process at Kidron Bethel Village and Bluestem Communities, Inc.
· Serve as liaison and resource person in the wider church and local community
Qualifications and Experience:  Hold a Bible or Seminary degree; Have a minimum of one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education;  Hold ministerial credentials in good standing within a recognized denominational body; Prefer three (3) years of pastoral leadership experience
Interested persons should contact Linda Peters, Executive Director of Kidron Bethel Village at:

Join Everence for an informative webinar series: “Managing your finances—faithfully!”  Webinar is on four consecutive Wednesdays at 2 and 8 pm Eastern time.  Webinar dates are Sept. 14, Sept. 21, Sept. 28 and Oct. 5.   See the flier on the church bulletin board.  Email with questions or simply call the Everence North Newton office at 316-283-3800.  Webinars are titled:  Sept. 14: Women, Wealth, and Well-being; Sept. 21: The Dynamic Story of Stewardship Investing; Sept. 28: How to ACE your Financial Plan; Oct. 5: Retirement Readiness: Understanding your Income Options.
Click here for more info:  Everence webinar

For Anabaptist Disabilities Network Webinar click here
 For Anabaptist Disabilities Network I’m Living with Dementia.  Are you? Click here

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!

Season tickets for the 2022-23 Prairie Window Concert Series at the Dyck Arboretum of the Plains are available with an EARLY BIRD discount now through September 30. This year’s line-up includes Haymakers, Humbird, Goodnight Moonshine, John Fullbright, Lindsay Lou, The Barefoot Movement, The Small Glories and Bella White. Purchase tickets online at or call 620-327-8127 to reserve your seats. 

For Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond click here

For Mennonite World Conference press here

Mennonite Church USA Announcements
Mennonite World Conference has proposed changes to its “fair share” funding system that will impact Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) constituents. These proposed changes include an increase in the assessment of MC USA’s fair share per person and no longer crediting denominations for direct donations from individuals. Read more about the changes here:

Menno Snapshots
This summer, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, a 49-year precedent that protected the freedom to have an abortion. Glen Guyton, the executive director of MC USA, answers the question, “How should we respond?” in his blog “Abortion and the third way” here:

Delegate Assembly
Jeryl Hollinger, the pastor of Mountain View Mennonite Church in Kalispell, Montana, participated in the Special Session of the Delegate Assembly in May. In his blog, “A more vibrant garden,” he encourages the members of Mennonite Church USA to keep learning, listening and communicating honestly with one another. Read his encouraging words here:

Please pray for those leading and participating in the Pacific Southwest Mennonite Conference Annual Fall Gathering on Sept. 9 and 10. May God bless their time together.

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   Kate Widmer, who is serving with Mennonite Mission Network in France, continues to build relationships with children and people fleeing violence in their home countries. Pray that she will receive the documents she needs to live in France long term.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:    Pray for WDC members studying through IBA, Instituto Bíblico Anabautista, (Anabaptist Biblical Institute) and SeBAH, Seminario Bíblico Anabautista Hispano (Hispanic Anabaptist Biblical Seminary), and give thanks for those who are participating in the IBA/SeBAH graduation ceremony this weekend at Hesston College.

Announcements for August 28 – September 4, 2022

Based on CDC Guidelines Harvey County is in yellow status indicating medium risk for COVID.  Masks are not required, but recommended, in the
building and we can return to coffee during fellowship time.

August 28, 2022

Prelude—Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (arr. R. Lau)— Will Wiebe-Friesen

Christ Candle Lighting

Call to Worship/Gathering—Lois Preheim
            Leader:   We gather as pilgrims on a journey of faith.
 People:  We come seeking the cloud of your presence as we travel the way.
                            We come seeking your pillar of fire to light our darkness.
 ALL:        Shine in our hearts, O God, with the light of your love.
                          Make your presence known through Jesus the Christ.  AMEN   
Hymnal A Worship Book #661

*Hymn—For We Are Strangers No More—VT 409

Children’s Conversation—Carol Flickinger

Scripture Reading—Genesis 12:10-20, Mt. 2:13-23—Erich Boschmann

Sermon—Push/Pull/Welcome! —Sara Dick

*Hymn—Jesus Entered Egypt—VT 279

Prayers of God’s People

*Hymn—Lead On, O Cloud of Presence—VT 194
People with August birthdays please come forward for a blessing (see bulletin announcement for more details)

Birthday Blessing—Lois Preheim

BenedictionSara Dick

Postlude—Toccata (L. Boëllmann)—Will Wiebe-Friesen

* You are invited to stand

VT = Voices Together
Audio visual—Ken Lamp
Pastors—Nathan Koontz, Todd Schlosser 

Monthly Birthday Blessings at BCMC
BCMC is starting its monthly birthday blessing once again!  On the last Sunday of each month all those with a birthday in that month are invited to come forward to the front of the sanctuary during our final hymn. Feel free to bring a hymnal up front to join in the singing.  After the hymn, please remain in the front to receive a spoken blessing from the worship leader.  After that spoken blessing, you are invited to sit in the front two pews during the benediction and postlude.  If walking to the front of the sanctuary is problematic, please feel free to stand in your pew during the birthday blessing. We hope this birthday blessing can inspire joyful connection with one another.

This Week at BCMC: August 28—September 4, 2022

Sunday, August 28—Live stream (YouTube) link for this Sunday is:
We welcome BCMC member and Et Cetera Shop General Manager, Sara Dick, who brings us the sermon today.
10:30 am  Faith Formation—Sunday school parent orientation meeting  in the sanctuary—will also be live-streamed.  The live stream link is:

Faith Formation will be hosting a Sunday school parent orientation meeting  today from 10:30-11:30 am.  This meeting will be recorded and all documents requiring signatures will be emailed to those who are unable to attend.  We encourage attendance for those who are interested in hearing about the new way Sunday school will function this year!

10:30 am  #Church Too Discussion in Fellowship Hall
The Abuse Prevention and Response Committee will  continue with a discussion of the book, #Church Too Sunday in Fellowship Hall. 
 This Sunday guiding questions will be used to help us discuss how we as a congregation can use the information from the book to help us create a healthy culture around sexuality at BCMC that supports survivors, our children/youth and ourselves.   – Jill Robb, APRC chair

Adult Classes (If meeting):  Agape Class (Rm B8) Bible Study (Rm 14); Catacombs (Rm B5); Fellowship (B7); Fine Arts (Rm 22); Issues and Christianity (Rm 23);  Mosaic (Rm 20); Open Circle (Room 21); Seekers (Rm 28);
Sojourners (Chapel)
Wednesday, August 31
8 am-5 pm    Red Cross Blood Drive in Fellowship Hall
7:30 pm        Chancel Choir Rehearsal in the Sanctuary Chancel area
7:30 pm         Senior High Youth Group in Fellowship Hall
BCMC Youth Group (high schoolers) will begin the year with games and snacks in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday, August 31st from 7:30-8:30!  
Thursday, September 1
7 pm       Church Board meeting in Room 14
Sunday, September 4
9:30 am  Worship Service with sermon by Todd Schlosser
10:30 am  Faith Formation

Mark your calendars for a congregational meeting on Sept. 11 during the Sunday school hour.

BCMC Aug. 21 Offering:  General Fund  $8,682; Library Reserve Fund $10; Living Stones $325; Women’s Fellowship $50; Jim Gaeddert Memorial $50.

Church Pictorial Directories are being distributed! If you had your picture taken or submitted a picture for the directory, and have not  picked up your copy of the pictorial directory, you will be contacted about making arrangements to receive your copy.  Thanks again for your participation in this project. -The Hospitality Commission

If you are willing to help in the nursery during worship this fall please email Margaret Toews at   One Sunday or several, all help is welcome!

The Chancel Hand Bell Choir will begin ringing with a rehearsal on Thursday, September 8. We meet at 6:30 pm in room B7.   We welcome anyone who has musical note reading ability to ring. No prior ringing experience is necessary. A smile and a willingness to learn is required.

Subscription to Anabaptist World
It is time to renew our group subscription to Anabaptist World, a monthly magazine featuring voices from across the Anabaptist-Mennonite world.   If you sign up with the congregation’s plan, you receive this publication at the discounted rate of $39.   If interested in joining the group plan, please contact Monica Lichti in the church office by August 29.   New subscribers can also receive a one-year subscription for the discounted rate of $39.  
Email the church office at:
Bring in or mail your $39.00 payment to the office or place it in the offering plate on Sunday.  Be sure to mark your checks with “Anabaptist World” in the memo line.
If you are currently receiving Anabaptist World through the BCMC group subscription plan it will expire November 25, 2022.  Anabaptist World would like us to renew the subscription now so that you will receive the magazine without interruption.

The Library Committee has processed almost 20 new books, 10 of them purchased and donated by The Abuse Prevention and Response Committee. The APRC books can be found on the Pastor’s Corner shelf which is now located on the west wall with the other recent purchases. Another new purchase is “The Land Is Not Empty” by Sarah Augustine which was recommended by the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery group. Please stop by and see what we have to offer and continue to browse and donate from our puzzle collection.—The  Library Committee

DO JUSTICE. LOVE MERCY. – What’s required to Abolish the Death Penalty
When a murder happens, often someone will say “an eye for an eye”. This event will explore another way of responding, a way that BREAKS the cycle of violence. Panelists bring diverse personal perspectives to the question of how society should respond to homicide. They will reflect on justice and mercy even in the face of homicide and what you can do to stop the ongoing cycle of violence which is capital punishment.  This event sponsored by the Bethel College Bible & Religion Department, Kansas Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution, & the Kansas Coalition Against the Death Penalty, will be held at Bethel College on Saturday, September 10 from 10 am to 12 pm.  This is also a live “ZOOM” event.  Register by email at  The event is free and open to all interested.
Conference Panelists:
Peter Goerzen, Professor of Bible and Religion, Bethel College
Donna Schneweis, Board Chair, KCADP
Ron Wurtz, Retired Federal Public Defender, First Director of the
Kansas Death Penalty Defense Unit
Katie Rose Friesen Burkey, Bethel College Student
Steven Becker, Former District Court Judge 27th District/
Former Kansas State Rep. District 104
Wilma Loganbill, Murder Victim Family Member

Newton Et Cetera Shop Announcements

Newton Et Cetera Shop
 invites you to become a volunteer! Help us to share God’s love with all creation by volunteering in clothing, clerking, recycling, linens, housewares or one of our other departments. If you’d like to join us, please stop by, call us at 316.283.9461, or attend one of our upcoming volunteer orientations to tell us what interests you: Thursday 9/15/22 5-6 PM or Thursday 10/20/22 6-7 PM. We hope to hear from you soon!

Newton Et Cetera Shop invites you to attend the Loss of Turtle Island Event at Bethel College’s Memorial Hall on Sunday, October 23, 4:00-5:30 PM. Please join us to learn more about the historic relationship between European settlers and the Indigenous nations, the original inhabitants, of the land we now call the United States of America. Blankets represent the land and participants represent distinct Indigenous nations who experience colonization, genocide, broken treaties, forced removal, assimilation and termination — all in the spirit of the Doctrine of Discovery. This event is in-person only, and is also sponsored by Mennonite Central Committee, Bethel College, and Bethel College Mennonite Church.

Shop to support MCC’s work with welcome and migration on Saturday, November 12, 10-5:30 PM! Proceeds at Newton Et Cetera Shop support Mennonite Central Committee and our local partners year-round. On Nov. 12 we’re doing something different: Every single dime and dollar you spend at the shop will go to MCC, not just the proceeds! We’ll also have someone from MCC here to talk more about the work they’re doing, and how shopping, donating and volunteering at MCC Thrift Shops helps to support this work. Mark your calendars now for some holiday shopping to support MCC and to learn more about their work with people on the move!

Life Enrichment:  Place and time: Krehbiel Auditorium, 9:30 am.  September 1
9:30 am    “The Contested Plains: The German Family Story,”  by Ken Spurgeon
10:15 am   Coffee Break
10:35 am  “A weather career predicting the unpredictable, and occasionally dangerous,”  by Steve Schurr
11:30 am   “The Highs and Lows of Grandparents Raising Grandkids,” by Cindy Miles

Camp Mennoscah Announcements

Camp Mennoscah Annual Meeting and Dedication of the Renovated Campfire Amphitheater on September 18!
  Come for an evening of song, popcorn, and generic pop, as well as updates and information on the year at Camp Mennoscah.  Time is yet to be determined.  (It’s like a mini-Camp Sing!)

Fall Scrapbook and Crafts Retreat on Oct. 28-30!   Crafters and scrapbookers are all invited to come for a weekend of creativity and friends.  Lodging will be in the Retreat Center and cropping/crafting will be in the Main Camp dining hall.  Space heaters will be available for both areas since the repairs for the furnaces will not be completed.

Bethel College Announcements

Sat., Sept. 3 – Kauffman Museum first-Saturday bird walk, 7 am start time in the museum parking lot at the corner of Main and 27th streets in North Newton. Experienced birders lead a walk of 1-1.5 hours in Chisholm Park and on Sand Creek Trail.

Sun., Sept. 11 – KIPCOR Film Series begins, with “Generation 9/11,” 2 pm, Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center. Filmmaker Katherin Hervey tells the stories of an entire generation shaped by the events of 9/11 and the aftermath. Audience discussion follows the film screening.

Now in the Regier Gallery in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel College – “One and a Half Acres: Images from America’s Decommissioned Missile Silos,” photographs by Nate Hofer, through Thurs., Sept. 22 (closing reception Sept. 22). Gallery hours are Mon.-Fri., 9 am-5 pm, Sun. 2-4 pm.

Western District Conference Announcements
Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!

Western District Conference September Final Thursday Book Discussion – “Jesus ministered to the poor, Jesus was poor. If both are true of our Savior, both can be true of us too.” Explore this idea in Kevin Wiebe’s book “Faithful in Small Things: How to Serve the Needy When You’re One of Them.” Copies available at the WDC Resource Library. Join the Zoom discussion on Thursday, September 29, 2022 at 7pm. Register by emailing the library at

Are you sad that summer is coming to an end? Come out and have a great night of fun and entertainment at the Community Fun Night! Saturday, September 3 at 5:30pm at Hoffnungsau Mennonite Church, 43 13th Ave, Inman, KS.

  • Cornhole Tournament
  • $20 entry fee * Registration 5:30pm-6:00pm * Cash Prizes
  • Kids Activities 5:30pm – 7:30pm
  • Inflatables * Face Painting * 9 Square
  • Car Show
  • Live Music with Tom Gaeddert 7:30pm – 8:30pm
  • Food for Sale
  • Epp Soul Food * Patrick Klassen
  • Movie on the Lawn at Dark

Everyone welcome! Bring your family and friends as we celebrate the end of summer!! Find Hoffnungsau Mennonite Church on Facebook for more details

Bluestem U, a lifelong learning program for people aged 55 and older, is enrolling for the first semester beginning in September which will feature three courses hosted by Hesston College and Schowalter Villa.  “Prairie Landscaping 101” taught by Brad Guhr, “Happy Habits from Positive Psychology” taught by Kevin Wilder, and “Buggies, Bonnets and Boundaries: A Study of Amish Faith, Life and Culture” taught by John Sharp. Each course is $50. For more information and registration, go to or call 316-836-4846. Bluestem U is a partnership between Bluestem Communities, Bethel College and Hesston College.

Kauffman Museum at Bethel College is seeking a graphic designer who has experience with digital and print design, as well as social media, web and IT. Interest or experience in museum exhibition design and fabrication preferred. This is a full-time, benefits-eligible position. To see the complete job description and to apply, go to the For more information, contact Andi Andres at Kauffman Museum: or 316-283-1612. 

Western District Women in Mission (WDWM) Retreat Committee announces the annual Women and Girls Retreat at Camp Mennoscah on Sept. 10 & 11.   ALL women are invited to attend!  The theme is:  Women’s Voices.  Girls in Grade 5 and up are also invited to come, although there will not be any separate programming for them.  The Retreat Brochure and Registration Form are available on the church bulletin board.  Deadline for registration is August 31.  Contact Darlene Powers, for questions or more information.  Come have a fun and relaxing weekend!

Kidron Bethel Village, North Newton, is seeking an individual to serve as its full-time chaplain. The primary responsibilities of this position include:
· Provide spiritual support for residents, their families, and staff members. 
· Provide ongoing opportunities and leadership for residents’ spiritual growth
· Support resident, families and staff during times of transition or special need
· Provide services for the bereaved
· Act as a staff liaison and resident advocate
· Contribute to the planning and decision-making process at Kidron Bethel Village and Bluestem Communities, Inc.
· Serve as liaison and resource person in the wider church and local community
Qualifications and Experience:  Hold a Bible or Seminary degree; Have a minimum of one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education;  Hold ministerial credentials in good standing within a recognized denominational body; Prefer three (3) years of pastoral leadership experience
Interested persons should contact Linda Peters, Executive Director of Kidron Bethel Village at:

Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp Announcements
LABOR DAY WORK & PLAY RETREAT – Only 6 out of 24 spaces are available if you, your family or a group of friends want to enjoy the holiday weekend at Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp. The weekend is offered as a day of work and play (Sat. or Sun.) with a Monday morning sendoff after breakfast. This year (September 2-5, 2022), we’ll be serving (foodservice & HK) two guest groups over the weekend along with additional work projects in preparing our facilities/grounds for the coming winter.

FALL FAMILY FUN RETREAT – A new weekend offering at Rocky Mountain was inspired with the desire to offer time for kids to play and parents to connect! Fall Family Fun with young children (activities orientated for 2-8 year olds) offers the perfect opportunity for your family to enjoy quality time, together, in the mountains. This is the age group that are too young to attend summer camps at RMMC, but ready to be introduced to the RMMC experience. The weekend is inviting all young families that have connections with the Mennonite Community but might not be active church members. The weekend is coming Sept. 30 – Oct. 2, 2022 so visit the camp web page ( for additional information and to register online.

MDS FIRE, HAZARD & DISASTER MITIGATION – On October 4-8, 2022, Mennonite Disaster Service and Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp will continue their critical partnership in the work to forest thinning, chipping slash and moving/removing logs. A desire for 10 or more volunteers are needed each day to accomplish the tasks at hand. Volunteers for foodservice are also encouraged and welcomed to help in support of the week’s efforts. Please visit the volunteer page at and select “Signup for Maintenance” or “Signup for Foodservice” to register for the week or for the days you are able to come. For additional information, please feel free to contact Paul Unruh (, 316-772-6308) or Marc Yoder (, 719-942-3276).

For Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond click here
For Mennonite Mission Network News from around the world click here

Mennonite Disaster Service Volunteer Updates

There are several ways to volunteer with MDS through the end of the year, both for recent disasters like this summer’s flooding in Hindman, KY, as well as locations where communities have been in recovery for years, as in the 2018 flooding in McAllen, TX. You can be a part of bringing hope to these communities by volunteering for a week or more! See opportunities below or call 800-241-8111 for more information and to sign up!
Weekly Volunteer Opportunities

Hindman, KY – 2022 Flooding Early Response
Sept 4-10; up to 4 people
Sep 11-17; up to 4 people
Sep 18-24; up to 10 people

Jennings, LA – 2020 Hurricanes
Sep 11-17; up to 9 people
Sep 18-24; up to 10 people
Sep 25-Oct 1; up to 12 people
Oct 2-8; up to 12 people
Oct 9-15; up to 12 people
Oct 16-22; up to 12 people
Oct 23-29; up to 10 people
Oct 30-Nov 5; up to 12 people
Nov 6-12; up to 12 people
Nov 20-26; up to 12 people
Nov 27-Dec 3; up to 12 people
Dec 11-17; up to 12 people

McAllen, TX – 2018 Storms
Oct 23-29; up to 12 people
Oct 30-Nov 5; up to 12 people
Nov 6-12; up to 12 people
Nov 13-19; up to 12 people
Nov 20-26; up to 12 people
Nov 27-Dec 3; up to 12 people
Dec 4-10; up to 12 people
Dec 11-17; up to 12 people

Monte Lake, BC – 2021 Fire
Sept 11-17; up to 3 people
Sept 24-Oct 1; up to 5 people
Oct 2-8; up to 10 people
Oct 9-15; up to 10 people
Oct 16-22; up to 10 people
Oct 23-29; up to 10 people

Paradise, CA – 2018 Camp Fire
Oct 2-8; up to 12 people
Oct 9-15; up to 4 people
Oct 16-22; up to 10 people
Oct 23-29; up to 12 people
Oct 30-Nov 5; up to 7 people
Nov 20-26; up to 12 people
Nov 27-Dec 3; up to 12 people

For more information or to serve, please contact:
Canadian projects: Clara Flores at 866-261-1274 or email

U.S. projects: Deanna Frey at 800-241-8111 or email dfrey@mds.orgView Weekly Volunteer Opportunities
Leadership Volunteer Opportunities

Hindman, KY – 2022 Flooding Early Response
Assistant Cook, Sep 3-24

Jennings, LA – 2020 Hurricanes
Two Crew Leaders, Aug 27-Oct 1
Head Cook, Sep 3-24
Crew Leader, Oct 1-15
Project Director, Oct 26-Nov 26
Project Director, Nov 23-Dec 17

Paradise, CA – 2018 Camp Fire
Head Cook, Sep 28-Oct 29
Assistant Cook, Sep 28-Oct 29
Crew Leader, Sep 28-Dec 17
Construction Supervisor, Nov 23-Dec 17

Crisfield, MD – 2021 Flooding
Project Director, Aug 27-Sep 30

Monte Lake, BC – 2021 White Rock Fire
Crew Leader, Aug 28-Sep 3
Crew Leader, Sep 3-Oct 1
Assistant Cook, Sep 18-Oct 1
Head Cook, Sep 17-Oct 1
Head Cook, Oct 1-29
Assistant Cook, Oct 1-29
Two Crew Leaders, Oct 1-29
Project Director, Oct 13-29
Office Manager, Oct 13-29

McAllen, TX – 2018 Storms
Crew Leader, Oct 12-22
Two Crew Leaders, Nov 12-19
Crew Leader, Nov 12-Dec 17

For more information or to serve, please contact: Canadian residents: Kelsey Friesen at 866-261-1274 or email

U.S. residents: Josh Carson at 800-241-8111 or email

Mennonite Church USA Announcements
Mennonite Church USA sent three representatives to the Mennonite World Conference General Council and global Assembly last month. Read about the event here:

Menno Snapshots
Mennonite World Conference (MWC) Assemblies bring Anabaptists from around the world together to worship in one place, crossing the boundaries of culture, language and geography. César García, general secretary of MWC, reflects on how this plays into the recent Assembly’s theme, “Following Jesus Together Across Barriers” in his blog by the same name. Read it here:

Menno Snapshots
The words we use when worshiping together help form the way we think about God and others. Darrin W. Snyder Belousek of Salem Mennonite Church in Elida, Ohio, shares six criteria for how he thinks we should choose our worship words, in his blog “O Lord, open our lips: Some thoughts about words for worship.” Read it here:

Are you interested in writing a blog for Mennonite Church USA (MC USA)? Menno Snapshots are blogs from diverse voices across MC USA. They include stories about peacemaking, experiencing God’s presence and ways that people are living out their faith. Read the guidelines and submit a blog for consideration here:

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for Joseph and Rachel Givens and their sons, Elijah, 8, and Micaiah, 4, as they adapt to life in Calais, France. Pray for them as the boys prepare to begin school and as Joseph and Rachel immerse themselves in language study before settling into ministry at the Maria Skobtsova House, which offers temporary shelter to migrants from Africa and the Middle East.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:    Let us join in prayer so that as we proclaim the good news of salvation as Jesus followers, we can also connect with our communities by inviting our neighbors to join the table, being empathetic, and seeing each other as equals. – Sandra Montes-Martinez, Associate Conference Minister

Announcements for August 21 – 28, 2022

Announcement about the Faith Formation Sunday School Parent Orientation Meeting Change of Date

The Sunday school parent orientation meeting  has been postponed until August 28 (10:30 to 11:30 in the sanctuary) due to the unexpected unavailability of the presenters.  We are sorry for any inconvenience.  The meeting will still be recorded for any parents who are unable to attend in person.   All documents requiring signatures will be emailed to those who are unable to attend.  We encourage attendance for those who are interested in hearing about the new way Sunday school will function this year!

August 21, 2022

Prelude—Machs mit mir, Gott, nach deiner Güt (Johann Gotfried Walther) and Liebster Jesu, wir sind hier (Walther)—Karen Schlabaugh, organ

Christ Candle Lighting

Welcome and Prayer—Dave Linscheid

*Hymn—Healer of Our Every Ill—VT 644

Kin-dom Reports—Riley King, Raylene Hinz-Penner

Children’s Conversation—Esther Koontz

Scripture Reading—Luke 13:10-17

Sermon—Standing with the Woman—Nathan Koontz

*Hymn—There Is a Line of WomenVT 546

Prayers of God’s People

*Hymn—For the Healing of the Nations—VT 705

*BenedictionNathan Koontz

Postlude—Toccata in F Major (Buxtehude)—Karen Schlabaugh, organ

* You are invited to stand
VT = Voices Together
Audio visual—Ben Lichti
Pastors—Nathan Koontz, Todd Schlosser

This Week at BCMC: August 21—28, 2022

Sunday, August 21—Live stream (YouTube) link for this Sunday is:

10:30 am  #Church Too Discussion in Fellowship Hall

10:30 am    Faith Formation—Everyone is welcome! 
Adult Classes (If meeting):  Agape Class (Rm B8) Bible Study (Rm 14); Catacombs (Rm B5); Fellowship (B7); Fine Arts (Rm 22); Issues and Christianity (Rm 23);  Mosaic (Rm 20); Open Circle (Room 21); Seekers (Rm 28);
Sojourners (Chapel)
Monday, August 22
3 pm       Springs Forth meeting in Room 14
Wednesday, August 24
7:30 pm  Chancel Choir Rehearsal in the Sanctuary Chancel area
Thursday, August 25
2 pm       Hospitality Commission meeting in Room 14
7 pm       Deacon Commission meeting in Room 14
Sunday, August 28

9:30 am  Worship Service with sermon by Sara Dick
We welcome BCMC member and Et Cetera Shop General Manager, Sara Dick, who will bring us the sermon on Sunday, August 28.  The title of her sermon will be, “Push/Pull/Welcome!” 

10:30 am  Faith Formation

The Abuse Prevention and Response Committee will  continue in the month of August to read the book, #Church Too.  Sunday, August 21, will be spent sharing reactions to the book, in Fellowship Hall.  On August 28 guiding questions will be used to help us discuss how we as a congregation can use the information from the book to help us create a healthy culture around sexuality at BCMC that supports survivors, our children/youth and ourselves.   – Jill Robb, APRC chair

New Task Group:
The Church Board has approved the formation of a task group to lead the church in finding ways for our congregation to move beyond land acknowledgement to tangible actions seeking justice for the harms which Indigenous peoples have suffered and continue to suffer today.  We will discuss joining the Repair Network of Mennonite congregations for education, solidarity and reparative action alongside Indigenous peoples.  The first action of the BCMC task group will be to help support MCC’s “Loss of Turtle Island” experience for members of our congregation.  If you would like to join the task group, contact Nathan Koontz or Ada Schmidt-Tieszen.  Raylene Hinz-Penner will convene the task group.  

BCMC Youth Group (high schoolers) will begin the year with games and snacks in the fellowship hall on Wednesday, August 31st from 7:30-8:30! 

Address changes for your BCMC Directories:
· Esther Thieszen is in Kidron Bethel healthcare: 3054 Ivy Ct., Room 27W, North Newton, KS 67117
· Nancy Hilty will be moving to Kidron Bethel Assisted Living: 3056 Ivy Court, Apt. 22, North Newton, KS 67117

If you are willing to help in the nursery during worship this fall please email Margaret Toews at   One Sunday or several, all help is welcome!

The Chancel Choir is beginning a new year. Rehearsals will be on Wednesday, at 7:30 pm and will begin on August 24th. Riley King will be directing. Anyone, from HS Freshmen to seasoned singers are welcome.
When Harvey County is in red status indicating high risk for COVID, BCMC requires that we wear masks when in the presence of others in the church building. The church staff monitors this on a weekly basis and adjusts masking and other policies accordingly.”

The Chancel Hand Bell Choir will begin ringing with a rehearsal on Thursday, September 8. We meet at 6:30 pm in room B7.   We welcome anyone who has musical note reading ability to ring. No prior ringing experience is necessary. A smile and a willingness to learn is required.

The Church Pictorial Directories Have Arrived! If you had your picture taken or submitted a picture for the directory, you can pick up your copy of the pictorial directory in the Gathering Place before or after church Sunday morning during the month of August. Thank you for your participation and patience during the completion of this project. -The Hospitality Commission

Life Enrichment returns to Bethel College with the start of the fall 2022 semester – but  It will be on a different day. Life Enrichment resumes Thursday, Aug. 25, and will be on Thursdays thereafter. Place and time: Krehbiel Auditorium, 9:30 am.  This Thursday, August 25
9:30 am “The Thresher Way” by Jon C. Gering, president, and Megan Kershner, dean of vocational experiences, Bethel College
10:30 am   Coffee Break
10:50 am  “Learning from the Kansas People” with Larry Hatteberg

Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission (AIMM), a partner of Mennonite Mission Network, will share ministry updates, Sunday,  August 21, 6:30 pm at First Mennonite Church, 429 E. 1st Street, Newton.  Co-executive Coordinator John Fumana and his wife Lucie from Democratic Republic of Congo are the presenters.  For info contact or 574-535-0077.

Subscription to Anabaptist World
It is time to renew our group subscription to Anabaptist World, a monthly magazine featuring voices from across the Anabaptist-Mennonite world.   If you sign up with the congregation’s plan, you receive this publication at the discounted rate of $39.   If interested in joining the group plan, please contact Monica Lichti in the church office by August 29.   New subscribers can also receive a one-year subscription for the discounted rate of $39.  
Email the church office at:
Bring in or mail your $39.00 payment to the office or place it in the offering plate on Sunday.  Be sure to mark your checks with “Anabaptist World” in the memo line.
If you are currently receiving Anabaptist World through the BCMC group subscription plan it will expire November 25, 2022.  Anabaptist World would like us to renew the subscription now so that you will receive the magazine without interruption.

Kauffman Museum at Bethel College is seeking a graphic designer who has experience with digital and print design, as well as social media, web and IT. Interest or experience in museum exhibition design and fabrication preferred. This is a full-time, benefits-eligible position. To see the complete job description and to apply, go to the For more information, contact Andi Andres at Kauffman Museum: or 316-283-1612. 

Camp Mennoscah Announcements

Women and Girls Retreat on September 10-11 at Camp Mennoscah!  All women are invited!  The theme is Women’s Voices. Girls in Grade 5 and up are also invited to come, although there will not be any separate programming for them.Click here for the Retreat Brochure and Registration Form. Deadline for registration is August 31. Contact Darlene Powers, for questions or more information.  Come have a fun and relaxing weekend! 

Other events and happenings: 

  • Camp Mennoscah Annual Meeting and Dedication of the Renovated Campfire Amphitheater on September 18!  Join us for an evening of song, popcorn, and generic pop, as well as updates and information on the year at Camp Mennoscah.  Time is yet to be determined.  (It’s like a mini-Camp Sing!)
  • Fall Scrapbook and Crafts Retreat on Oct. 28-30!   Crafters and scrapbookers are all invited to come for a weekend of creativity and friends.  Lodging will be in the Retreat Center and cropping/crafting will be in the Main Camp dining hall.  Space heaters will be available for both areas since the repairs for the furnaces will not be completed.  Register here!
  • Pardon the Mess!  Camp Mennoscah is cleaning out and organizing maintenance sheds and other buildings.  Items in the front “yard” will slowly find new homes.  Thank you for your understanding!
  • Camp staff work hours vary depending on scheduled events for the week. The office assistant also works part-time from home. (Whenever a group is at camp, a staff person will be on duty.)  Thank you for understanding!  We will be in touch as soon as possible.

Newton Et Cetera Shop Announcements

Newton Et Cetera Shop
 invites you to become a volunteer! Help us to share God’s love with all creation by volunteering in clothing, clerking, recycling, linens, housewares or one of our other departments. If you’d like to join us, please stop by, call us at 316.283.9461, or attend one of our upcoming volunteer orientations to tell us what interests you: Thursday 9/15/22 5-6 PM or Thursday 10/20/22 6-7 PM. We hope to hear from you soon!

Newton Et Cetera Shop invites you to attend the Loss of Turtle Island Event at Bethel College’s Memorial Hall on Sunday, October 23, 4:00-5:30 PM. Please join us to learn more about the historic relationship between European settlers and the Indigenous nations, the original inhabitants, of the land we now call the United States of America. Blankets represent the land and participants represent distinct Indigenous nations who experience colonization, genocide, broken treaties, forced removal, assimilation and termination — all in the spirit of the Doctrine of Discovery. This event is in-person only, and is also sponsored by Mennonite Central Committee, Bethel College, and Bethel College Mennonite Church.

Shop to support MCC’s work with welcome and migration on Saturday, November 12, 10-5:30 PM! Proceeds at Newton Et Cetera Shop support Mennonite Central Committee and our local partners year-round. On Nov. 12 we’re doing something different: Every single dime and dollar you spend at the shop will go to MCC, not just the proceeds! We’ll also have someone from MCC here to talk more about the work they’re doing, and how shopping, donating and volunteering at MCC Thrift Shops helps to support this work. Mark your calendars now for some holiday shopping to support MCC and to learn more about their work with people on the move!

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!

For Mennonite Disaster Service On the Level click here

Mennonite Disaster Service Volunteer Updates
In early August, torrential rains fell in Eastern Kentucky, washing out homes and roads forcing people to seek shelter on rooftops. MDS is seeking early response volunteers to serve in Hindman, KY starting August 21. Learn more and sign up to volunteer by calling 800-241-8111 or emailing!
Weekly Volunteer Opportunities

Hindman, KY – 2022 Flooding Early Response
Aug 21-27; up to 10 people
Aug 28-Sept 3; up to 10 people
Sept 4-10; up to 10 people
Sep 11-17; up to 10 people
Sep 18-24; up to 10 people
Sep 25-Oct 1; up to 10 people 

Jennings, LA – 2020 Hurricanes
Aug 21-27; up to 12 people
Aug 28-Sep 3; up to 12 people
Sep 11-17; up to 9 people
Sep 18-24; up to 10 people
Sep 25-Oct 1; up to 12 people
Oct 2-8; up to 12 people
Oct 9-15; up to 12 people
Oct 16-22; up to 12 people
Oct 23-29; up to 10 people
Oct 30-Nov 5; up to 12 people
Nov 6-12; up to 12 people
Nov 20-26; up to 12 people
Nov 27-Dec 3; up to 12 people
Dec 11-17; up to 12 people

Monte Lake, BC – 2021 Fire
Aug 28-Sept 3; up to 5 people
Sept 4-10; up to 4 people
Sept 11-17; up to 9 people
Sept 18-24; up to 10 people
Sept 24-Oct 1; up to 6 people

Paradise, CA – 2018 Camp Fire
Oct 2-8; up to 12 people
Oct 9-15; up to 4 people
Oct 16-22; up to 12 people
Oct 23-29; up to 12 people
Oct 30-Nov 5; up to 9 people
Nov 20-26; up to 12 people
Nov 27-Dec 3; up to 12 people

McAllen, TX – 2018 Storms
Oct 16-22; up to 12 people
Oct 23-29; up to 12 people
Oct 30-Nov 5; up to 12 people
Nov 6-12; up to 12 people
Nov 13-19; up to 12 people
Nov 20-26; up to 12 people
Nov 27-Dec 3; up to 12 people
Dec 4-10; up to 12 people
Dec 11-17; up to 12 people

For more information or to serve, please contact:
Canadian projects: Clara Flores at 866-261-1274 or email

U.S. projects: Deanna Frey at 800-241-8111 or email dfrey@mds.orgView Weekly Volunteer Opportunities
Leadership Volunteer Opportunities

Hindman, KY – 2022 Flooding Early Response
Investigator (signing up jobs), Aug 27-Sep 3
Investigator (signing up jobs), Sep 3-24
Assistant Cook, Sep 3-24

Jennings, LA – 2020 Hurricanes
Three Crew Leaders, Aug 13-27
Two Crew Leaders, Aug 27-Sep 24
Head Cook, Aug 27-Sep 24
Project Director, Oct 26-Nov 26
Project Director, Nov 23-Dec 17

Paradise, CA – 2018 Camp Fire
Construction Supervisor, Nov 23-Dec 17

Crisfield, MD – 2021 Flooding
Project Director, Aug 14-27
Project Director, Aug 27-Sep 30

Monte Lake, BC – 2021 White Rock Fire
Crew Leader, Aug 14-27
Crew Leader, Aug 14-Sep 3
Head Cook, Sep 11-Oct 1
Assistant Cook, Sep 4-Oct 1
Two Crew Leaders, Sep 4-Oct 1
Project Director, Oct 12-29
Office Manager, Oct 15-29
Head Cook, Oct 1-29
Assistant Cook, Oct 1-29
Two Crew Leaders, Oct 1-29

For more information or to serve, please contact: Canadian residents: Kelsey Friesen at 866-261-1274 or email

U.S. residents: Josh Carson at 800-241-8111 or email

For Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond click here

Kidron Bethel Village, a Bluestem community located in North Newton, KS, is seeking an individual to serve as its full-time chaplain. 
The primary responsibilities of this position include:
Provide spiritual support for residents, their families, and staff members. 
Provide ongoing opportunities and leadership for residents’ spiritual growth
Support resident, families and staff during times of transition or special need
Provide services for the bereaved
Act as a staff liaison and resident advocate
Contribute to the planning and decision-making process at Kidron Bethel Village and Bluestem Communities, Inc.
Serve as liaison and resource person in the wider church and local community

Qualifications and Experience:
Hold a Bible or Seminary degree
Have a minimum of one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education
Hold ministerial credentials in good standing within a recognized denominational body
Prefer three (3) years of pastoral leadership experience

Interested persons should contact Linda Peters, Executive Director of Kidron Bethel Village at:

For Mennonite Women USA – A Women’s Leadership Conference September 29-October 2 click here

Mennonite Church USA Announcements

Mennonite Church USA Executive Director Glen Guyton was one of many faith leaders to sign a statement calling for President Biden to re-enter the Iran nuclear deal. Read the statement here:

Menno Snapshots
Earlier this year, Linda Gehman Peachey and Sue Park-Hur of Mennonite Church USA’s Women in Leadership project led nine women in a training on the “Laboring Toward Wholeness” anti-patriarchy curriculum. The women discussed why women and their welfare are often overlooked. Read their reflections in, “What about the women?”

Menno Snapshots
What is peace and where is it found? Chidi Ihezuoh, associate pastor with Los Angeles Faith Chapeladdresses this question in his blog, “The peace of God is not of this world.”

Do you want to stay up to date on Mennonite Church USA happenings, blogs, news and webinars? Sign up for PeaceMail and get weekly updates on what is happening in the church! 

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   Mennonite Mission Network began a new Enviados (Sent) cohort on Friday. Pray for participants in this Spanish-language, 12-module course for church planters. Pray, also, for the facilitator, Mauricio Chenlo, Mission Network’s training and resourcing specialist for church planting.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for God’s strength and joy to be with all those who are serving in WDC leadership roles, as they begin a new year of service following the recent WDC Annual Assembly.

Announcements for August 14 – 21, 2022

This Sunday – August 14, 2022 – Worship Service will begin at 10 am

Due to the Bethel College new student orientation schedule, Bethel College Mennonite Church will be having worship service at 10 am this coming Sunday.  We are sorry for the late notice.  If you know of others who might not have email, please let them know of this change.

Based on CDC Guidelines Harvey County is in red status indicating high risk for COVID.  To care for each other we require that we wear masks at BCMC while in the presence of others in the church building and in worship.  While the county is in red status we will not have coffee fellowship time.  This is reviewed weekly and will be adjusted accordingly; check your emails from BCMC.

Bethel College students are returning.  Some have returned on Friday (August 5) and the rest are returning by the 15th.  Please welcome students if you see them on campus or at the church.
Bethel College Relations Team

BCMC Welcome for New Bethel College Students

On Sunday August 14th BCMC will welcome the new students at Bethel College to our church.  It is a large incoming class, numbering over 150 students from many different places.  The gathering will start with our normal worship service to be followed by some refreshments (outdoors as able).  While this is a wonderful opportunity for us to show hospitality, we are also aware of the possible COVID implications.  While everyone will be required to wear masks, please be aware of the opportunity to view the service on line if you so choose.  We also invite all who feel comfortable to join the students for refreshments following the service (whether you view on line or in person) to meet and greet and to offer a warm welcome to Bethel and BCMC

This Week at BCMC: August 14—21, 2022
Sunday, August 14—Live stream (YouTube) link for this Sunday is:

New students at Bethel College will join BCMC worship today—afterwards you are invited to join the students on the BCMC lawn for refreshments
10:30 am    Faith Formation—Everyone is welcome! 
Adult Classes (If meeting):  Agape Class (Rm B8) Bible Study (Rm 14); Catacombs (Rm B5); Fellowship (B7); Fine Arts (Rm 22); Issues and Christianity (Rm 23);
Mosaic (Rm 20); Open Circle (Room 21); Seekers (Rm 28);
Sojourners (Chapel)
Today from 4 to 6 pm   Mentor/Mentee Event in Fellowship Hall
Tuesday, August 16—Pastor Todd Schlosser will be away from the office today.
Sunday, August 21
9:30 am    Worship Service with sermon by Nathan Koontz
10:30 am  Faith Formation—Sunday school parent orientation meeting  in the sanctuary—will also be live-streamed 

We welcome BCMC member and Et Cetera Shop General Manager, Sara Dick, who will bring us the sermon on Sunday, August 28.  The title of her sermon will be, “Push/Pull/Welcome!” 

Mentor-Mentee Event for your calendar:  Event will be Sun., Aug. 14, 4 to 6 pm in the BCMC Fellowship Hall.

Faith Formation will be hosting a Sunday school parent orientation meeting on August 21st from 10:30-11:30 am.  This meeting will be recorded and all documents requiring signatures will be emailed to those who are unable to attend.  We encourage attendance for those who are interested in hearing about the new way Sunday school will function this year!

If you are willing to help in the nursery during worship this fall please email Margaret Toews at   One Sunday or several, all help is welcome!

Thank you very much for a successful month financially. July receipts were $9000 more than expenses. Yay!  However, we are not out of the woods yet with our receipts for the year lagging expenses for the year by $34,000 but we are moving in the right direction. The finance committee sincerely thanks you for your effort and encourages you to keep up the good work.
– Finance Committee

BCMC Aug. 7 Offering:  
General Fund $6,857; Living Stones $340; Women’s Fellowship $50; Mission Quilters $132.

The Chancel Choir is beginning a new year. Rehearsals will be on Wednesday, at 7:30 pm and will begin on August 24th. Riley King will be directing. Anyone, from HS Freshmen to seasoned singers are welcome.
When Harvey County is in red status indicating high risk for COVID, BCMC requires that we wear masks when in the presence of others in the church building. The church staff monitors this on a weekly basis and adjusts masking and other policies accordingly.”

The Church Pictorial Directories Have Arrived! If you had your picture taken or submitted a picture for the directory, you can pick up your copy of the pictorial directory in the Gathering Place before or after church Sunday morning during the month of August. Thank you for your participation and patience during the completion of this project. -The Hospitality Commission

BCMC will be providing volunteers and meals at New Hope Shelter from Aug. 10 to 16. 
 Please remember these faithful volunteers in your prayers.  We still need more people willing to serve as evening volunteers at New Hope.  We do not have enough volunteers to fill all of our commitments there next week.  Please consider helping with this important ministry.  If you have questions, contact Valetta Seymour at, 620-217-7536. 
There will be a New Hope volunteer training on Aug. 25 at 7 pm at New Hope.  Please let Valetta know if you would like to take the training. 

Subscription to Anabaptist World
It is time to renew our group subscription to Anabaptist World, a monthly magazine featuring voices from across the Anabaptist-Mennonite world.   If you sign up with the congregation’s plan, you receive this publication at the discounted rate of $39.   If interested in joining the group plan, please contact Monica Lichti in the church office by August 29.   New subscribers can also receive a one-year subscription for the discounted rate of $39.  

Email the church office at:

Bring in or mail your $39.00 payment to the office or place it in the offering plate on Sunday.  Be sure to mark your checks with “Anabaptist World” in the memo line.

If you are currently receiving Anabaptist World through the BCMC group subscription plan it will expire November 25, 2022.  Anabaptist World would like us to renew the subscription now so that you will receive the magazine without interruption.

Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission (AIMM), a partner of Mennonite Mission Network, will host a gathering to share ministry updates on Sunday, August 21, at 6:30 p.m. at First Mennonite Church, 429 E. 1st Street, Newton, KS.  Co-executive Coordinator John Fumana and his wife Lucie from Democratic Republic of Congo are planning to be present.  For more information contact or 574-535-0077.

The Abuse Prevention and Response Committee will  continue in the month of August to read the book, #Church Too.  Sunday August 21 will be spent sharing reactions to the book.  On August 28 guiding questions will be used to help us discuss how we as a congregation can use the information from the book to help us create a healthy culture around sexuality at BCMC that supports survivors, our children/youth and ourselves. The book can be purchased through Amazon, requested through Faith and Life bookstore, or a local independent bookstore.  If demand is high we will figure out a way to have copies available in the church office for purchase.  – Jill Robb, APRC chair

The current BCMC Library theme is “Committee Book Recommendations”. Our current members, picked a few of our favorites from our wonderful collection and they are now shelved in back of the library desk. Come in, check one (or two or three) out and see if you agree with us. Carol Flickinger, Rose Haury, Barb Koontz, Sondra Koontz, Kathryn Simmons, Margaret Goering.

The Library Committee has processed almost 20 new books, 10 of them purchased and donated by The Abuse Prevention and Response Committee. The APRC books can be found on the Pastor’s Corner shelf which is now located on the west wall with the other recent purchases. Another new purchase is “The Land Is Not Empty” by Sarah Augustine which was recommended by the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery group. Please stop by and see what we have to offer and continue to browse and donate from our puzzle collection.—The  Library Committee

Work & Play Day on August 20!  Camp Mennoscah has projects to complete and plenty to do after a busy, fun summer.  You are invited to be part of this camping ministry through fellowship and service!  Projects for all ages and weather are available.  Let us know you’re coming so we can be prepared for you!  Bring your lunch and a water bottle.  The day will start at 8:30 at the maintenance shed.  Contact Olivia at 620-297-3290 or to sign up.  

Life Enrichment returns to Bethel College with the start of the fall 2022 semester – but  It will be on a different day. Life Enrichment resumes Thursday, Aug. 25, and will be on Thursdays thereafter. Place and time remain the same: Krehbiel Auditorium, 9:30 am. See for more information.

Kauffman Museum at Bethel College is seeking a graphic designer who has experience with digital and print design, as well as social media, web and IT. Interest or experience in museum exhibition design and fabrication preferred. This is a full-time, benefits-eligible position. To see the complete job description and to apply, go to the For more information, contact Andi Andres at Kauffman Museum: or 316-283-1612. 

Bluestem U, a lifelong learning program for individuals age 55 and better, is enrolling now for its first semester that will begin in September. The fall 2022 semester will feature three courses hosted by Hesston College and Schowalter Villa – “Prairie Landscaping 101” taught by Brad Guhr, “Happy Habits from Positive Psychology” taught by Kevin Wilder, and “Buggies, Bonnets and Boundaries: A Study of Amish Faith, Life and Culture” taught by John Sharp. Each course is $50. For more information and registration, go to or call 316-836-4846. Bluestem U is a partnership between Bluestem Communities, Bethel College and Hesston College.

Fall Book Study on Healing Haunted Histories – Sept. 8-Dec. 1, 2022 – Elaine Enns, co-author of Healing Haunted Histories: A Settler Discipleship of Decolonization, will be leading an online, intensive book study this fall for the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Coalition
. Two-hour sessions will be every other Thursday, 6-8 pm Central Time, on Sept 8 and 22, Oct 6 and 20, Nov 3 and 17, and Dec 1. This book encourages personal and collective work toward decolonization. It asks those of us who are settlers, immigrants and displaced peoples to do our own pre-work of integrating our ancestral stories, so we can see more clearly and show up in solidarity with Indigenous peoples.   See the Western District Conference website for more information.

Kauffman Museum at Bethel College is seeking a graphic designer who has experience with digital and print design, as well as social media, web and IT. Interest or experience in museum exhibition design and fabrication preferred. This is a full-time, benefits-eligible position. To see the complete job description and to apply, go to the For more information, contact Andi Andres at Kauffman Museum: or 316-283-1612. 

Western District Women in Mission (WDWM) Retreat Committee announces the annual Women and Girls Retreat at Camp Mennoscah on Sept. 10 & 11.   ALL women are invited to attend!  The theme is:  Women’s Voices.  Girls in Grade 5 and up are also invited to come, although there will not be any separate programming for them.  See below for the Retreat Brochure and Registration Form. Deadline for registration is August 31.  Contact Darlene Powers, for questions or more information.  Come have a fun and relaxing weekend!

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!

For Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond press here

Mennonite Church USA Announcements
Anabaptist Disabilities Network, a ministry partner of Mennonite Church USA (MC USA), has created a study guide to help congregations understand and implement ideas from the recently passed “Mennonite Church USA Accessibility Resolution.” It includes study materials, reflection questions and information for instructional use intended for use over four weeks. Learn more here:

Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) is now offering a wide variety of MennoCon21 resources, including the evening sermons, seminars and Bible studies, for free on the MC USA website and YouTube channel. Learn more here:

Menno Snapshots
Talking about money in church can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be! In his blog, “Mini money messages,” Beryl Jantzi of Everence encourages church leaders to talk about money in simple, bite-sized pieces. Read more here:

Learn, Pray, Join: Welcoming EveryBODY
In our churches, do we think about those with disabilities as full and useful members of our communities, or are their gifts and needs an afterthought? Katie Mansfield of Eastern Mennonite University’s Center for Justice and Peacebuilding explores how our churches might put more of an emphasis on inclusion and “consider disability as a first thought” in her blog, “How do we recognize wholeness?” Read it here:

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   Join Naomi Leary, Mennonite Mission Network’s regional co-administrator for North America, as she praises God for renewed vigor in service programs across eight locations in the United States. After two years of decreased participation, due to the pandemic, the number of participants has doubled since last year. Pray for the 16 Mennonite Voluntary Service participants and the 19 Service Adventure participants — 12 youth and seven unit leaders.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  As a new school begins, pray for wisdom for Sunday school coordinators, teachers, youth sponsors and mentors who guide faith formation for children, youth and adults in WDC congregations.

Announcements for August 7 – 14, 2022

This Week at BCMC: August 7—14, 2022

Sunday, August 7—Live stream (YouTube) link for this Sunday is:

10:30 am    Faith Formation—Visitors welcome! 
Adult Classes (If meeting):  Agape Class (Rm B8) Bible Study (Rm 14); Catacombs (Rm B5); Fellowship (B7); Fine Arts (Rm 22); Issues and Christianity (Rm 23);
Mosaic (Rm 20); Open Circle (Room 21); Seekers (Rm 28);
Sojourners (Chapel)
Tuesday, August 9
12 pm          Mid-Kansas Investment Club meeting in Fellowship Hall
Sunday, August 14—New students at Bethel College will join BCMC worship today—afterwards you are invited to join the students on the BCMC lawn for refreshments
9:30 am      Worship with sermon by Nathan Koontz
10:30 am    Faith Formation—Visitors welcome! 
4 pm            Mentor-Mentee Event in Fellowship Hall

Bethel College students are returning.  Some have returned on Friday (August 5) and the rest are returning by the 15th.  Please welcome students if you see them on campus or at the church.
Bethel College Relations Team

BCMC Welcome for New Bethel College Students

On Sunday August 14th BCMC will welcome the new students at Bethel College to our church.  It is a large incoming class, numbering over 150 students from many different places.  The gathering will start with our normal worship service to be followed by some refreshments (outdoors as able).  While this is a wonderful opportunity for us to show hospitality, we are also aware of the possible COVID implications.  While everyone will be required to wear masks, please be aware of the opportunity to view the service on line if you so choose.  We also invite all who feel comfortable to join the students for refreshments following the service (whether you view on line or in person) to meet and greet and to offer a warm welcome to Bethel and BCMC

Mentor-Mentee Event for your calendar:  Event will be Sun., Aug. 14, 4 to 6 pm in the BCMC Fellowship Hall.

BCMC July 31 Offering:  General Fund $5,575; Living Stones $155.

We offer sympathy to the family of Marty Warkentine.  Marty died July 28.  Memorial services will be announced later by the family.

We offer sympathy to Joe and Lil Peters on the death of Joe’s father, Carl Peters, at the age of 97.  Carl died Monday, August 1, in Henderson, NE.  The memorial service will be August 13, 10:30 am at Bethesda Mennonite Church in Henderson.

Change of address for your BCMC directories:
Leland and Dilores Rempel Suderman, 3056 Ivy Court, #20, North Newton, KS 67117.  
Lee’s email:
Di’s email:
Lee’s cell phone:  316-680-9031
Di’s cell phone:  316-680-9030

The Abuse Prevention and Response Committee will  continue in the month of August to read the book, #Church Too.  Sunday August 21 will be spent sharing reactions to the book.  On August 28 guiding questions will be used to help us discuss how we as a congregation can use the information from the book to help us create a healthy culture around sexuality at BCMC that supports survivors, our children/youth and ourselves. The book can be purchased through Amazon, requested through Faith and Life bookstore, or a local independent bookstore.  If demand is high we will figure out a way to have copies available in the church office for purchase.  – Jill Robb, APRC chair

The current BCMC Library theme is “Committee Book Recommendations”. Our current members, picked a few of our favorites from our wonderful collection and they are now shelved in back of the library desk. Come in, check one (or two or three) out and see if you agree with us. Carol Flickinger, Rose Haury, Barb Koontz, Sondra Koontz, Kathryn Simmons, Margaret Goering.

The Library Committee has processed almost 20 new books, 10 of them purchased and donated by The Abuse Prevention and Response Committee. The APRC books can be found on the Pastor’s Corner shelf which is now located on the west wall with the other recent purchases. Another new purchase is “The Land Is Not Empty” by Sarah Augustine which was recommended by the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery group. Please stop by and see what we have to offer and continue to browse and donate from our puzzle collection.—The  Library Committee

Update from the Church Board:
BCMC is in a time of transition, an “in-between” time of waiting and working in the boundary between what was and what will be.  These times are rich with possibility for new understanding of our past and current status and for re-envisioning and planning our future.  The following are updates on Church Board work during these transitional times:

Credence and Company Consultants:
BCMC has contracted with Credence to help us assess congregational strengths and challenges and review our current leadership structures as we consider the future with new pastors.  A congregational survey has been completed.  The consultants are currently in the process of interviewing 35 individual members of the congregation, gathering additional information from outside sources, and analyzing survey results.  A preliminary report for congregational feedback will be shared with the congregation on a Sunday morning sometime in September or October.  The final report will be completed before Advent.  The reference group of David Linscheid, Lois Preheim, Megan Kohlman, Ada Schmidt-Tieszen, and Todd Schlosser has been offering feedback to the consultants.  Thank you for taking on this important work!

Assistant Treasurer Transitions:
Over the last months there have been several transitions in the volunteer role of assistant treasurer, an important position appointed by the Board.  It is with deep gratitude that we recognize and thank Nancy Hilty and Lois Goertzen for their competence, dedication, and long service in this role.  The Church Board was pleased to approve Mary Ann Boschman and Bonnie Epp as our new assistant treasurers and recognize and thank Richard Friesen for his ongoing work as a volunteer assistant treasurer who manages software that tracks congregational giving, produces quarterly contribution reports, helps analyze giving patterns, and trains new assistant treasurers.  Thanks to all these invaluable volunteers!

Faith Formation would like for everyone to fill out a short survey regarding interest in attending an intergenerational Sunday School class this coming school year with our children and youth.  We are looking for adults who are interested in joining the class for one month out of the year.  Please take a look at the survey and see if any of the areas of opportunity to help will interest you.

New Task Group:
The Church Board has approved the formation of a task group to lead the church in finding ways for our congregation to move beyond land acknowledgement to tangible actions seeking justice for the harms which Indigenous peoples have suffered and continue to suffer today.  We will discuss joining the Repair Network of Mennonite congregations for education, solidarity and reparative action alongside Indigenous peoples.  The first action of the BCMC task group will be to help support MCC’s “Loss of Turtle Island” experience for members of our congregation.  If you would like to join the task group, contact Nathan Koontz or Ada Schmidt-Tieszen.  Raylene Hinz-Penner will convene the task group.  

BCMC will be providing volunteers and meals at New Hope Shelter from Aug. 10 to 16. 
 Please remember these faithful volunteers in your prayers.  We still need more people willing to serve as evening volunteers at New Hope.  We do not have enough volunteers to fill all of our commitments there next week.  Please consider helping with this important ministry.  If you have questions, contact Valetta Seymour at, 620-217-7536. 
There will be a New Hope volunteer training on Aug. 25 at 7 pm at New Hope.  Please let Valetta know if you would like to take the training. 

Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission (AIMM), a partner of Mennonite Mission Network, will host a gathering to share ministry updates on Sunday, August 21, at 6:30 p.m. at First Mennonite Church, 429 E. 1st Street, Newton, KS.  Co-executive Coordinator John Fumana and his wife Lucie from Democratic Republic of Congo are planning to be present.  For more information contact or 574-535-0077.

Life Enrichment returns to Bethel College with the start of the fall 2022 semester – but  It will be on a different day. Life Enrichment resumes Thursday, Aug. 25, and will be on Thursdays thereafter. Place and time remain the same: Krehbiel Auditorium, 9:30 am. See for more information.

Bluestem U, a lifelong learning program for individuals age 55 and better, is enrolling now for its first semester that will begin in September. The fall 2022 semester will feature three courses hosted by Hesston College and Schowalter Villa – “Prairie Landscaping 101” taught by Brad Guhr, “Happy Habits from Positive Psychology” taught by Kevin Wilder, and “Buggies, Bonnets and Boundaries: A Study of Amish Faith, Life and Culture” taught by John Sharp. Each course is $50. For more information and registration, go to or call 316-836-4846. Bluestem U is a partnership between Bluestem Communities, Bethel College and Hesston College.

Fall Book Study on Healing Haunted Histories – Sept. 8-Dec. 1, 2022 – Elaine Enns, co-author of Healing Haunted Histories: A Settler Discipleship of Decolonization, will be leading an online, intensive book study this fall for the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Coalition. Two-hour sessions will be every other Thursday, 6-8 pm Central Time, on Sept 8 and 22, Oct 6 and 20, Nov 3 and 17, and Dec 1. This book encourages personal and collective work toward decolonization. It asks those of us who are settlers, immigrants and displaced peoples to do our own pre-work of integrating our ancestral stories, so we can see more clearly and show up in solidarity with Indigenous peoples.   See the Western District Conference website for more information.

Everence will hold its Medicare workshop at its office in North Newton Tues., Aug 9 at 6:30 pm.  Topics include, when and where to sign up for Medicare, what Medicare covers, plus an explanation of Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D.
The in-person workshop will be held at the Everence office: 3179 N. Main St. Suite 1B, North Newton. Those interested in attending should contact the Everence office at 316-283-3800, 877-467-7294 or

Western District Conference Announcements
Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements.

Thank You!! – A BIG thank you to all who attended (in-person or virtually), supported and contributed to our 2022 WDC Annual Assembly this past weekend at Camp Copass in Denton, TX. It could not have happened without all those who volunteered their time and shared their experiences with us throughout the weekend. We hope everyone enjoyed the weekend and had safe travels home. If you are still interested in donating to help cover assembly costs, you can do so here.

Be sure to check out the highlights of last month’s Mennonite World Conference 2022 Assembly in Indonesia on this highlight video: Other recap videos are also available at this link.

Camp Mennoscah Announcements

  • Work & Play Day on August 20!  Camp Mennoscah has projects to complete and plenty to do after a busy, fun summer.  You are invited to be part of this camping ministry through fellowship and service!  Projects for all ages and weather are available.  Let us know you’re coming so we can be prepared for you!  Bring your lunch and a water bottle.  The day will start at 8:30 at the maintenance shed.  End your day with a leisurely kayak ride or stroll to the sandbar.  Contact Olivia at 620-297-3290 or to sign up.  Want to volunteer either before or after August 20?  Call us!  
  • Eke out those last bits of summer!  Come visit Camp Mennoscah while the days are long and when the evenings are cool.  Kayaks and canoes are available until the beginning of October.  Trails and other fun activities are available year-round.  Contact us at 620-297-3290 to reserve a time to be at camp in the midst of God’s creation!
  • Many thanks to the many volunteers of the 2022 summer–nurses, program directors, input leaders, counselors, kitchen staff, maintenance volunteers, and all the other delightful people who spent time at Camp Mennoscah!  It has been a brilliant time with approx. 370 campers immersed in worship, friends, and caring relationships over 8 amazing camp weeks.  Thank you for being part of these great experiences!
  • Pardon the Mess!  Camp Mennoscah is cleaning out and organizing maintenance sheds and other buildings.  Items in the front “yard” will slowly find new homes.  Thank you for your understanding!
  • Groups are invited to set their own precautions based on the comfort level of their group.  Please note the RV electrical hookups are not available due to safety concerns.  
  • Camp staff work hours vary depending on scheduled events for the week. The office assistant also works part-time from home. (Whenever a group is at camp, a staff person will be on duty.)  Thank you for understanding!  We will be in touch as soon as possible.

For Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond press here

Mennonite Church USA Announcements

Is your church engaged in work that combats poverty, dismantles racism, addresses immigration reform or reimagines policing? If so, Mennonite Church USA would like to invite you to apply for a Justice Fund grant to support this work! Read more about who qualifies and how to apply here:

Delegate Assembly
The Delegate Assembly is over, and decisions have been made. What has changed? What does it mean for my conference, my congregation and me? Mennonite Church USA Executive Board and staff members answer these questions and more in the “Special Session of the Delegate Assembly: What Now?” webinar. Watch the recording here:

Menno Snapshots
Clayton Gladish, pastor of Silverwood Mennonite Church, writes about how the passage of “A Resolution for Repentance and Transformation” can be an opportunity for us to widen the circle. Read his blog here:

Menno Snapshots
Nature has a way of refreshing the soul, and Cheryl Mast has noticed this firsthand with students who have participated in the outdoor education program at Amigo Centre, a Mennonite Camp in Michigan. Read her blog, “The power of nature,” to learn more about how Mast has experienced students coming out of their shells while unplugging at camp.

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   Deb Byler, serving with Mennonite Mission Network, was invited to Guatemala five years ago to train women for leadership positions in the Kekchi Mennonite Church. Praise God for the women who are currently providing leadership. Pray for them, and pray that God will give Deb the wisdom and energy to do what is essential before concluding her assignment next month.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for Camp Mennoscah as it concludes summer youth camps, and give thanks for WDC campers, leaders, volunteers and supporters who have participated in camp this summer.

Announcements for July 31-August 7, 2022

This Week at BCMC:  July 31—August 7, 2022
Sunday, July 31—Live stream (YouTube) link for this Sunday is:

10:15 am    Fellowship Time with coffee and water served in the
Gathering Place
10:30 am    Faith Formation—Visitors welcome! 
Adult Classes (If meeting):  Agape Class (Rm B8) Bible Study (Rm 14); Catacombs (Rm B5); Fellowship (B7); Fine Arts (Rm 22); Issues and Christianity (Rm 23);
Mosaic (Rm 20); Open Circle (Room 21); Seekers (Rm 28);
Sojourners (Chapel)
Monday, August 1
Pastor Todd Schlosser will not be in the church office today.
7 pm           Facilities Committee meeting in Fellowship Hall
Tuesday, August 2
6-9 pm        Event in Fellowship Hall
Thursday, August 4
7 pm            Church Board Meeting in Room 14
Sunday, August 7
9:30 am      Worship with sermon by Todd Schlosser
10:15 am    Fellowship Time with coffee and water served in the
Gathering Place
10:30 am    Faith Formation—Visitors welcome! 

BCMC July 24 Offering:  General Fund  $2,572; Library Reserve Fund $10; Living Stones $5; Women’s Fellowship $50.
BCMC Budget Update:  For June 2022, income was $35,070 and expenses were $39,637.  For the year-to-date, income is $211,450 and expenses are $254,017.  – The Finance Committee

New address for your directories:  Weldon and Florence Schloneger have moved to Kidron Bethel Village.  New address is 3004 Ivy Drive, North Newton, KS, 67117.  Their cell phones and email addresses remain the same.

The Abuse Prevention and Response Committee will take the months of July and part of August to read the book, #Church Too.  On Sunday August 21 will be spent sharing reactions to the book, and on August 28 guiding questions will be used to help us discuss how we as a congregation can use the information from the book to help us create a healthy culture around sexuality at BCMC that supports survivors, our children/youth and ourselves. The book can be purchased through Amazon, requested through Faith and Life bookstore, or your favorite local independent bookstore of your choice.  If demand is high we will pivot and figure out a way to have copies available in the church office for purchase.  – Jill Robb, APRC chair

Update from the Church Board:
BCMC is in a time of transition, an “in-between” time of waiting and working in the boundary between what was and what will be.  These times are rich with possibility for new understanding of our past and current status and for re-envisioning and planning our future.  The following are updates on Church Board work during these transitional times:

Credence and Company Consultants:
BCMC has contracted with Credence to help us assess congregational strengths and challenges and review our current leadership structures as we consider the future with new pastors.  A congregational survey has been completed.  The consultants are currently in the process of interviewing 35 individual members of the congregation, gathering additional information from outside sources, and analyzing survey results.  A preliminary report for congregational feedback will be shared with the congregation on a Sunday morning sometime in September or October.  The final report will be completed before Advent.  The reference group of David Linscheid, Lois Preheim, Megan Kohlman, Ada Schmidt-Tieszen, and Todd Schlosser has been offering feedback to the consultants.  Thank you

Assistant Treasurer Transitions:
Over the last months there have been several transitions in the volunteer role of assistant treasurer, an important position appointed by the Board.  It is with deep gratitude that we recognize and thank Nancy Hilty and Lois Goertzen for their competence, dedication, and long service in this role.  The Church Board was pleased to approve Mary Ann Boschman and Bonnie Epp as our new assistant treasurers and recognize and thank Richard Friesen for his ongoing work as a volunteer assistant treasurer who manages software that tracks congregational giving, produces quarterly contribution reports, helps analyze giving patterns, and trains new assistant treasurers.  Thanks to all these invaluable volunteers!

Reopening Task Group—Release and Thanks!  The church board voted to release the Reopening Task Group from their duties.  We owe a huge thank you to the group for steering our congregation through the last several years with consistency and wisdom!  We recognize that Covid is not gone, but at this time Covid management will become decentralized with commissions and committees managing Covid precautions and decisions for events and activities in their charge.  Individuals are expected to take whatever precautions each deems appropriate.  The church will continue to livestream services for those who choose to view services from home.  Masks will be available for in-person worship and events. 

New Task Group:
The Church Board has approved the formation of a task group to lead the church in finding ways for our congregation to move beyond land acknowledgement to tangible actions seeking justice for the harms which Indigenous peoples have suffered and continue to suffer today.  We will discuss joining the Repair Network of Mennonite congregations for education, solidarity and reparative action alongside Indigenous peoples.  The first action of the BCMC task group will be to help support MCC’s “Loss of Turtle Island” experience for members of our congregation.  If you would like to join the task group, contact Nathan Koontz or Ada Schmidt-Tieszen.  Raylene Hinz-Penner will convene the task group.  

BCMC Welcome for New Bethel College Students
On Sunday August 14th BCMC will welcome the new students at Bethel College to our church.  It is a large incoming class, numbering over 150 students from many different places.  The gathering will start with our normal worship service to be followed by some refreshments (outdoors as able).  While this is a wonderful opportunity for us to show hospitality, we are also aware of the possible COVID implications.  While everyone will be required to wear masks, please be aware of the opportunity to view the service on line if you so choose.  We also invite all who feel comfortable to join the students for refreshments following the service (whether you view on line or in person) to meet and greet and to offer a warm welcome to Bethel and BCMC

Welcome to Riley King who will begin this fall as our Chancel Choir Director! Singers from high school age on up are invited to join the choir when rehearsals begin this fall.

Faith Formation Staff Positions and Survey

Two quarter time staff positions are open to help ease the load of Faith Formation in the wake of Pastor Renee’s departure.  The Youth Coordinator is primarily responsible for the high school youth group.  The Faith Formation Coordinator is responsible for coordinating children and youth Sunday School and Wednesday evening programming for children up to high school age.  These positions will go through the end of the school year.  These positions could be combined into one half time position for the right candidate.  If you or someone you know might be interested, please contact Kathy Stucky at  The full job descriptions are attached at the bottom of this email. 

For Faith Formation Coordinator Description click here

For Youth Coordinator Description click here

Faith Formation would like for everyone to fill out a short survey regarding interest in attending an intergenerational Sunday School class this coming school year with our children and youth
.  We are looking for adults who are interested in joining the class for one month out of the year.  Please take a look at the survey and see if any of the areas of opportunity to help will interest you.

The current BCMC Library theme is “Committee Book Recommendations”. Our current members, picked a few of our favorites from our wonderful collection and they are now shelved in back of the library desk. Come in, check one (or two or three) out and see if you agree with us. Carol Flickinger, Rose Haury, Barb Koontz, Sondra Koontz, Kathryn Simmons, Margaret Goering.

The Library Committee has processed almost 20 new books, 10 of them purchased and donated by The Abuse Prevention and Response Committee. The APRC books can be found on the Pastor’s Corner shelf which is now located on the west wall with the other recent purchases. Another new purchase is “The Land Is Not Empty” by Sarah Augustine which was recommended by the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery group. Please stop by and see what we have to offer and continue to browse and donate from our puzzle collection.—The
Library Committee

The 2022 issue of Mennonite Life, Bethel College’s annual online journal, is now live at, with articles and reviews by Daniel Shank Cruz, Chris Dick, June Mears Driedger, Susan Kennel Harrison, Raylene Hinz-Penner, Gordon Houser, Reinhild K. Janzen, Gayle Gerber Koontz, Steve Nolt, Rachel Pannabecker, Karen Reimer, Ben Woodward-Breckbill and Melanie Zuercher. 

Life Enrichment returns to Bethel College with the start of the fall 2022 semester – but  It will be on a different day. Life Enrichment resumes Thursday, Aug. 25, and will be on Thursdays thereafter. Place and time remain the same: Krehbiel Auditorium, 9:30 am. See for more information.

Western District Conference Announcements
Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!

Fall Book Study on Healing Haunted Histories  Sept. 8-Dec. 1, 2022

Elaine Enns, co-author of Healing Haunted Histories: A Settler Discipleship of Decolonization, will be leading an online, intensive book study this fall for the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Coalition. Two-hour sessions will be every other Thursday, 6-8 pm Central Time, on Sept 8 and 22, Oct 6 and 20, Nov 3 and 17, and Dec 1. This book encourages personal and collective work toward decolonization. It asks those of us who are settlers, immigrants and displaced peoples to do our own pre-work of integrating our ancestral stories, so we can see more clearly and show up in solidarity with Indigenous peoples. There is a suggested donation of  $150-$250 for the online book study. Scholarships are available. Register here by August 1.    

Note to Western District Conference members: You are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity and register for the Healing Haunted Histories book study! If you do so, please inform the WDC office at or 316-283-6300. This will allow us to facilitate networking between WDC participants, and plan for further engagement with Elaine Enns within the WDC context, as follow-up to the book study.  If you seek some financial support to help meet expenses for the book study, please inform WDC. Requests for assistance will be considered by the WDC Resource Commission at their next meeting in September. 

Sat., Aug. 6 – Kauffman Museum first-Saturday bird walk, 7 a.m. start time in the museum parking lot at the corner of Main and 27th streets in North Newton. Experienced birders lead a walk of 1-1.5 hours in Chisholm Park and on Sand Creek Trail (terrain is mostly wood-chip path and sometimes uneven/sloping).

Bluestem U, a lifelong learning program for individuals age 55 and better, is enrolling now for its first semester that will begin in September. The fall 2022 semester will feature three courses hosted by Hesston College and Schowalter Villa – “Prairie Landscaping 101” taught by Brad Guhr, “Happy Habits from Positive Psychology” taught by Kevin Wilder, and “Buggies, Bonnets and Boundaries: A Study of Amish Faith, Life and Culture” taught by John Sharp. Each course is $50. For more information and registration, go to or call 316-836-4846. Bluestem U is a partnership between Bluestem Communities, Bethel College and Hesston College.

Camp Mennoscah Announcements

Many thanks to the many volunteers of the 2022 summer–program directors, input leaders, counselors, kitchen staff, maintenance volunteers, and all the other delightful people who spent time at Camp Mennoscah! 
 It has been a brilliant time with approx. 370 campers immersed in worship, friends, and caring relationships over 8 amazing camp weeks.  Thank you for being part of these great experiences!

Camp Sing on Saturday, August 6, at 2:30pm at Hope Mennonite Church in Wichita!  Camp Mennoscah will be celebrating a wonderful summer through song!  Everyone is invited to come and sing camp songs (both “traditional” ones from across the years and newer Praise & Worship ones).  The final details are yet to be determined, but there will be soda pop–generic or otherwise!  Put it on your calendar and come be part of the fun!

Other events and happenings: 

  • Work & Play Day on August 20!  Camp Mennoscah has projects to complete and plenty to do after a busy, fun summer.  You are invited to be part of this camping ministry through fellowship and service!  Projects for all ages and weather are available.  Let us know you’re coming so we can be prepared for you!  Bring your lunch and a water bottle.  The day will start at 8:30 at the maintenance shed.  End your day with a leisurely kayak ride or stroll to the sandbar.  Contact Olivia at 620-297-3290 or to sign up.  Want to volunteer either before or after August 20?  Give us a call!  
  • Pardon the Mess!  Camp Mennoscah is cleaning out and organizing maintenance sheds and other buildings.  Items in the front “yard” will slowly find new homes.  Thank you for your understanding!
  • Groups are invited to set their own precautions based on the comfort level of their group.  Please note the RV electrical hookups are not available due to safety concerns.
  • Camp staff work hours vary depending on scheduled events for the week. The office assistant also works part-time from home. (Whenever a group is at camp, a staff person will be on duty.)  Thank you for understanding!  We will be in touch as soon as possible.

Everence® February webinar: Social Security and retirement income
Everence® will hold an informative Social Security and retirement income webinar on Tuesday, Feb. 15, starting at 6:30 p.m. Specifics will include Social Security strategies, including when to begin taking benefits, risks that can impact your retirement savings plus strategies to help your income last throughout retirement. There will also be plenty of time for questions.
Information will be presented by staff from the Everence offices in Central Kansas.
To register contact Everence at 316-283-3800, 877-467-7294 or

Advisory services offered through Concourse Financial Group Advisors, a division of Concourse Financial Group Securities, a Registered Investment Advisor. Securities offered through Concourse Financial Group Securities, a registered broker-dealer and member of FINRA and SIPC. Investments and other products are not NCUA or otherwise federally insured, may involve loss of principal, and have no credit union guarantee.
Products and services offered through Everence Trust Company and other Everence entities are independent of and are not guaranteed or endorsed by Concourse Financial Group Securities, or its affiliates.

For Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond press here

For Mennonite Mission Network News from Around the World press here

For Anabaptist Disabilities Network press here

Mennonite Church USA Announcements
This week, please pray for Allegheny Mennonite Conference congregations as they gather for their annual Celebration of Congregations and Conference on August 5-7.

Learn, Pray, Join: Welcoming EveryBODY
We do ourselves a disservice when we don’t celebrate everyone’s gifts. Jeanne Davies of Anabaptist Disabilities Network reflects on how those on the margins, those with disabilities, provide beautiful insights and gifts that we can all benefit from. Read more in her Menno Snapshots blog, “For the common good.”

Menno Snapshots
When Cindy Angela moved from Java, Indonesia, to Pennsylvania, she was pleasantly surprised that she was able to experience pieces of her Indonesian culture in her new city. When she was baptized into Christ, she was even more excited that, through her diverse church, she was able to incorporate her Indonesian identity into her Christian walk. Read her Menno Snapshots blog, “Pieces from back home,” to learn more. 

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for Freddy Barrón and Margrit Kipfer Barrón, as they mentor leaders and support church plants in the Bolivia Mennonite Church. Pray for Freddy as he pastors a congregation and Margrit as she coordinates Christian education for the denomination.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Join the Church Planting Commission in praying for WDC congregations to discover new opportunities for bringing healing and hope in their ministry contexts, according to the vision Jesus proclaimed of God’s kingdom. Likewise, that God would strengthen or create new connections between older congregations and newer congregations and church plants, so that we may learn from one another. – Pastor Caleb Yoder

Announcements for July 24-31, 2022

Based on CDC Guidelines Harvey County is in red status indicating high risk for COVID.  To care for each other we require that we wear masks at BCMC while in the presence of others in the church building and in worship.  While the county is in red status we will not have coffee fellowship time.  This is reviewed weekly and will be adjusted accordingly; check your emails from BCMC.

The  Memorial Service for Jim Gaeddert is Saturday, July 23, 3 pm, at BCMC —you are invited to attend in person or by live-stream.  You can go to the BCMC website for the live stream or click on this link:

This Week at BCMC:  July 24—31, 2022
Sunday, July 24—Live stream (YouTube) link for this Sunday is:

10:30 am    Faith Formation—Visitors welcome! 
Adult Classes (If meeting):  Agape Class (Rm B8) Bible Study (Rm 14); Catacombs (Rm B5); Fellowship (B7); Fine Arts (Rm 22); Issues and Christianity (Rm 23);
Mosaic (Rm 20); Open Circle (Room 21); Seekers (Rm 28);
Sojourners (Chapel)
Monday, July 25
10 am         Library Committee meeting in the library
Sunday, July 31
9:30 am      Worship with sermon by Nathan Koontz
10:15 am    Fellowship Time with coffee and water served in the
Gathering Place
10:30 am    Faith Formation—Visitors welcome! 

BCMC July 17 Offering:  General Fund $9,212; Plant Fund $120; Living Stones $1,088.33; Kitchen Fund (Coffee) $14.
BCMC Budget Update:  For June 2022, income was $35,070 and expenses were $39,637.  For the year-to-date, income is $211,450 and expenses are $254,017.  – The Finance Committee

Adam, Jill, Al, Nadine, Jake, and Gabby would like to invite the BCMC congregation to the Robb house (193 20th Ave., Moundridge – two miles west of the blinking light, then turn south) on Sunday, July 24 at 6 PM for a wiener roast and social time! We’ll provide the hotdogs and fixins, along with chips and beverages, and hope that you can join us in fellowship. If you come, and would like to bring a side or dessert, please feel free to – but nothing is required! We will also have a few chairs, but would ask that if you have your own, that you bring those. And, if you’ll be able to join us, please let us know (email Adam and Jill at or catch us in church) by Thursday, July 21 so that we can plan accordingly to make sure there are enough supplies! We look forward to hopefully seeing you for some fellowship in the Moundridge countryside!  The weather will be hot on Sunday, so both indoor and outdoor seating spaces will be available for guests!

The Abuse Prevention and Response Committee will take the months of July and part of August to read the book, #Church Too.  On Sunday August 21 will be spent sharing reactions to the book, and on August 28 guiding questions will be used to help us discuss how we as a congregation can use the information from the book to help us create a healthy culture around sexuality at BCMC that supports survivors, our children/youth and ourselves. The book can be purchased through Amazon, requested through Faith and Life bookstore, or your favorite local independent bookstore of your choice.  If demand is high we will pivot and figure out a way to have copies available in the church office for purchase.  – Jill Robb, APRC chair

Update from the Church Board:
BCMC is in a time of transition, an “in-between” time of waiting and working in the boundary between what was and what will be.  These times are rich with possibility for new understanding of our past and current status and for re-envisioning and planning our future.  The following are updates on Church Board work during these transitional times:

Credence and Company Consultants:
BCMC has contracted with Credence to help us assess congregational strengths and challenges and review our current leadership structures as we consider the future with new pastors.  A congregational survey has been completed.  The consultants are currently in the process of interviewing 35 individual members of the congregation, gathering additional information from outside sources, and analyzing survey results.  A preliminary report for congregational feedback will be shared with the congregation on a Sunday morning sometime in September or October.  The final report will be completed before Advent.  The reference group of David Linscheid, Lois Preheim, Megan Kohlman, Ada Schmidt-Tieszen, and Todd Schlosser has been offering feedback to the consultants.  Thank you for taking on this important work!

The letter from the BCMC Church Board expressing affirmation and encouragement to denominational leadership at Mennonite Church USA regarding the recent approval of the Resolution for Repentance and Transformation at the Special Delegate Assembly at the end of May will be underneath the balcony at the back of the church on Sunday, July 24.  Denomination leadership is hearing from various perspectives in the wake of this resolution.  We want them to know that we are filled with hope and gratitude for our denomination moving forward toward healing and repair, and toward equity and justice, despite the hard work ahead.  
If you are interested in signing this letter come to the back of the sanctuary on Sunday.  Thanks from the Inclusion Task Group,
Megan Kohlman, Karen Ediger, Karen Penner, John Kliewer, & Nathan Koontz

New Task Group:
The Church Board has approved the formation of a task group to lead the church in finding ways for our congregation to move beyond land acknowledgement to tangible actions seeking justice for the harms which Indigenous peoples have suffered and continue to suffer today.  We will discuss joining the Repair Network of Mennonite congregations for education, solidarity and reparative action alongside Indigenous peoples.  The first action of the BCMC task group will be to help support MCC’s “Loss of Turtle Island” experience for members of our congregation.  If you would like to join the task group, contact Nathan Koontz or Ada Schmidt-Tieszen.  Raylene Hinz-Penner will convene the task group.  

Bethel College Connections:
We continue our outreach to Bethel College, our sister institution.  The Church Board  has chosen to again invite new students to attend our service on  August 14 as part of their orientation.  We will welcome 100 or more students from many parts of the country and world.  Masks will be required for all on that day.  Look for announcements about a possible coffee reception for students after the service.  Fall Fest Sunday will again be held in our church building on October 9

Welcome to Riley King who will begin this fall as our Chancel Choir Director! Singers from high school age on up are invited to join the choir when rehearsals begin this fall.

Faith Formation Staff Positions and Survey

Two quarter time staff positions are open to help ease the load of Faith Formation in the wake of Pastor Renee’s departure.  The Youth Coordinator is primarily responsible for the high school youth group.  The Faith Formation Coordinator is responsible for coordinating children and youth Sunday School and Wednesday evening programming for children up to high school age.  These positions will go through the end of the school year.  These positions could be combined into one half time position for the right candidate.  If you or someone you know might be interested, please contact Kathy Stucky at  The full job descriptions are attached at the bottom of this email. 

For Faith Formation Coordinator Description click here

For Youth Coordinator Description click here

Faith Formation would like for everyone to fill out a short survey regarding interest in attending an intergenerational Sunday School class this coming school year with our children and youth
.  We are looking for adults who are interested in joining the class for one month out of the year.  Please take a look at the survey and see if any of the areas of opportunity to help will interest you.

Assistant Treasurer Transitions:
Over the last months there have been several transitions in the volunteer role of assistant treasurer, an important position appointed by the Board.  It is with deep gratitude that we recognize and thank Nancy Hilty and Lois Goertzen for their competence, dedication, and long service in this role.  The Church Board was pleased to approve Mary Ann Boschman and Bonnie Epp as our new assistant treasurers and recognize and thank Richard Friesen for his ongoing work as a volunteer assistant treasurer who manages software that tracks congregational giving, produces quarterly contribution reports, helps analyze giving patterns, and trains new assistant treasurers.  Thanks to all these invaluable volunteers!

Reopening Task Group—Release and Thanks!  The church board voted to release the Reopening Task Group from their duties.  We owe a huge thank you to the group for steering our congregation through the last several years with consistency and wisdom!  We recognize that Covid is not gone, but at this time Covid management will become decentralized with commissions and committees managing Covid precautions and decisions for events and activities in their charge.  Individuals are expected to take whatever precautions each deems appropriate.  The church will continue to livestream services for those who choose to view services from home.  Masks will be available for in-person worship and events. 

The Library theme for June and July is Caldecott and John Newbery Award Winners. We have many of these award winning books that would be of interest to both adults and children. We are also continuing to accept and sell puzzles. Not only are they on the cart, but also below the new book section on the west wall. Just leave a suggested donation of $5 in the envelope and enjoy. We have a long list of books that we would like to add to our collection and this is a great way to support our efforts.
The Library Committee has processed almost 20 new books, 10 of them purchased and donated by The Abuse Prevention and Response Committee. The APRC books can be found on the Pastor’s Corner shelf which is now located on the west wall with the other recent purchases. Another new purchase is “The Land Is Not Empty” by Sarah Augustine which was recommended by the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery group. Please stop by and see what we have to offer and continue to browse and donate from our puzzle collection.—The
Library Committee

The 2022 issue of Mennonite Life, Bethel College’s annual online journal, is now live at, with articles and reviews by Daniel Shank Cruz, Chris Dick, June Mears Driedger, Susan Kennel Harrison, Raylene Hinz-Penner, Gordon Houser, Reinhild K. Janzen, Gayle Gerber Koontz, Steve Nolt, Rachel Pannabecker, Karen Reimer, Ben Woodward-Breckbill and Melanie Zuercher. 

Life Enrichment returns to Bethel College with the start of the fall 2022 semester – but  It will be on a different day. Life Enrichment resumes Thursday, Aug. 25, and will be on Thursdays thereafter. Place and time remain the same: Krehbiel Auditorium, 9:30 am. See for more information.

Western District Conference Announcements
Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!

Colorado peaches are back! Place your order for fresh Colorado peaches, $27 for 10 lb. box and $38 for 18 lb. box by calling Mennonite Central Committee at 316-283-2720 or emailing Peaches must be ordered and paid for by July 25. The peaches are offered as a fundraiser for the Colorado MCC Relief Sale, please make payment by check to Beth-El Mennonite Church with “peaches” in the memo line. Generous volunteers Jerry and Leann Toews will bring the peaches from Colorado to MCC in North Newton for you to pick-up around August 22.

WDC Final Thursday Book Discussion July 28: When a near-fatal illness led his doctors to prescribe narcotics, Timothy McMahan King ended up as millions of others have: addicted. Join us in reading and discussing King’s book Addiction Nation which “nudges us toward healing from the ravages of addiction and draws us toward a spirituality studied enough to sate our deepest longings.” Discussion: July 28, @ 7:00pm via Zoom. Register: email the library at

Fall Book Study on Healing Haunted Histories  Sept. 8-Dec. 1, 2022

Elaine Enns, co-author of Healing Haunted Histories: A Settler Discipleship of Decolonization, will be leading an online, intensive book study this fall for the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery Coalition. Two-hour sessions will be every other Thursday, 6-8 pm Central Time, on Sept 8 and 22, Oct 6 and 20, Nov 3 and 17, and Dec 1. This book encourages personal and collective work toward decolonization. It asks those of us who are settlers, immigrants and displaced peoples to do our own pre-work of integrating our ancestral stories, so we can see more clearly and show up in solidarity with Indigenous peoples. There is a suggested donation of  $150-$250 for the online book study. Scholarships are available. Register here by August 1.    

Note to Western District Conference members: You are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity and register for the Healing Haunted Histories book study! If you do so, please inform the WDC office at or 316-283-6300. This will allow us to facilitate networking between WDC participants, and plan for further engagement with Elaine Enns within the WDC context, as follow-up to the book study.  If you seek some financial support to help meet expenses for the book study, please inform WDC. Requests for assistance will be considered by the WDC Resource Commission at their next meeting in September. 

Bluestem U, a lifelong learning program for individuals age 55 and better, is enrolling now for its first semester that will begin in September. The fall 2022 semester will feature three courses hosted by Hesston College and Schowalter Villa – “Prairie Landscaping 101” taught by Brad Guhr, “Happy Habits from Positive Psychology” taught by Kevin Wilder, and “Buggies, Bonnets and Boundaries: A Study of Amish Faith, Life and Culture” taught by John Sharp. Each course is $50. For more information and registration, go to or call 316-836-4846. Bluestem U is a partnership between Bluestem Communities, Bethel College and Hesston College.

Camp Mennoscah Announcements

Camp Sing on Saturday, August 6, at 2:30pm at Hope Mennonite Church in Wichita!  Camp Mennoscah will be celebrating a wonderful summer through song!  Everyone is invited to come and sing camp songs (both “traditional” ones from across the years and newer Praise & Worship ones).  The final details are yet to be determined, but there will be soda pop–generic or otherwise!  Put it on your calendar and come be part of the fun!

Other events and happenings: 

  • Work & Play Day on August 20!  Camp Mennoscah has projects to complete and plenty to do after a busy, fun summer.  You are invited to be part of this camping ministry through fellowship and service!  Projects for all ages and weather are available.  Let us know you’re coming so we can be prepared for you!  Bring your lunch and a water bottle.  The day will start at 8:30 at the maintenance shed.  End your day with a leisurely kayak ride or stroll to the sandbar.  Contact Olivia at 620-297-3290 or to sign up.  Want to volunteer either before or after August 20?  Give us a call!  
  • Pardon the Mess!  Camp Mennoscah is cleaning out and organizing maintenance sheds and other buildings.  Items in the front “yard” will slowly find new homes.  Thank you for your understanding!
  • Groups are invited to set their own precautions based on the comfort level of their group.  Please note the RV electrical hookups are not available due to safety concerns.
  • Camp staff work hours vary depending on scheduled events for the week. The office assistant also works part-time from home. (Whenever a group is at camp, a staff person will be on duty.)  Thank you for understanding!  We will be in touch as soon as possible.

For Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond click here

For Mennonite Mission Network webinar click here

This webinar series is with Minister Al Motley Jr., aka rapper Iz-Real, July 27-29 – a 3 day event from 12 to 1 pm ET.  He will share about his spiritual journey, offer inspiration, and talk about how to get involved, explore leadership development, and engage in Mission Network service opportunities.

 For Mennonite Disaster Service On the Level click

Mennonite Mission Network Announcements
This week, please pray for Western District Conference congregations as they gather for their annual delegate assembly on July 29-31.

Learn, Pray, Join: Welcoming EveryBODY
What if we celebrated our wounded bodies — scars, wrinkles, prosthetics and all? Erica Lea-Simka questions if we would look at Jesus, and ourselves, differently if we celebrated his wounds, abilities and disabilities. Her blog is part of Mennonite Church USA’s “Learn, Pray, Join: Welcoming EveryBODY” initiative. Read it here:

Menno Snapshots
The effects of the Doctrine of Discovery (DoD) are far-reaching. Because of the DoD, Indigenous people’s lands have been stolen, polluted and destroyed for centuries. In her blog, “The land is not empty,” author Sarah Augustine calls on all of us in Mennonite Church USA to join her in fighting against the DoD. Read more here:

Delegate Assembly
John L. Rush has a passion for justice and has spent most of his life working in prison ministry. Read why the “For Justice in the Criminal Legal System” resolution, which has been adopted for denominational study, is so important to him in his blog, “One response to the MC USA ‘For Justice’ Resolution.”

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   Alisha and Josh Garber, serving with Mennonite Mission Network, are currently based in Phoenix, Arizona, where they are engaged in North American ministry. Pray for a time of spiritual and physical renewal, as the Garbers visit family, friends and supporting congregations. Pray for them, also, as they discern what God is calling them to next. 

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Pray for the WDC Annual Assembly next weekend at Camp Copass near Denton, TX, that in this gathering God will encourage and strengthen WDC congregations through the assembly theme, “United in Purpose, Together in Love.”

Announcements for July 17-24, 2022

This Week at BCMC:  July 17—24, 2022
Sunday, July 17—Live stream (YouTube) link for this Sunday is:

10:15 am    Fellowship Time with coffee and water served in the
Gathering Place
10:30 am    Faith Formation—Visitors welcome! 
Adult Classes (If meeting):  Agape Class (Rm B8) Bible Study (Rm 14); Catacombs (Rm B5); Fellowship (B7); Fine Arts (Rm 22); Issues and Christianity (Rm 23); Mosaic (Rm 20); Open Circle (Room 21); Seekers (Rm 28);
Sojourners (Chapel)
Monday, July 18—Pastor Nathan Koontz will be on vacation through
July 24

Saturday, July 23
3 pm            Memorial Service for Jim Gaeddert —you are invited to attend in person or by live-stream
Sunday, July 24
9:30 am      Worship with sermon by Todd Schlosser
10:15 am    Fellowship Time with coffee and water served in the
Gathering Place
10:30 am    Faith Formation—Visitors welcome! 

BCMC July 10 Offering:  General Fund $5,262.94; Library Reserve Fund $20; Living Stones $655; Kitchen Fund $13; Women’s Fellowship $50; Screen Project $50; Orletta Wiebe Memorial $405.

The letter from the BCMC Church Board expressing affirmation and encouragement to denominational leadership at Mennonite Church USA regarding the recent approval of the Resolution for Repentance and Transformation at the Special Delegate Assembly at the end of May will be underneath the balcony at the back of the church on Sunday, July 17.  Denomination leadership is hearing from various perspectives in the wake of this resolution.  We want them to know that we are filled with hope and gratitude for our denomination moving forward toward healing and repair, and toward equity and justice, despite the hard work ahead.  
If you are interested in signing this letter come to the back of the sanctuary on Sunday.  Thanks from the Inclusion Task Group,
Megan Kohlman, Karen Ediger, Karen Penner, John Kliewer, & Nathan Koontz

Faith Formation Staff Positions

Two quarter time staff positions are open to help ease the load of Faith Formation in the wake of Pastor Renee’s departure.  The Youth Coordinator is primarily responsible for the high school youth group.  The Faith Formation Coordinator is responsible for coordinating children and youth Sunday School and Wednesday evening programming for children up to high school age.  These positions will go through the end of the school year.  These positions could be combined into one half time position for the right candidate.  If you or someone you know might be interested, please contact Kathy Stucky at  The full job descriptions are attached at the bottom of this email. 

For Faith Formation Coordinator Description click here

For Youth Coordinator Description click here


Adam, Jill, Al, Nadine, Jake, and Gabby would like to invite the BCMC congregation to the Robb house (193 20th Ave., Moundridge – two miles west of the blinking light, then turn south) on Sunday, July 24 at 6 PM for a wiener roast and social time! We’ll provide the hotdogs and fixins, along with chips and beverages, and hope that you can join us in fellowship. If you come, and would like to bring a side or dessert, please feel free to – but nothing is required! We will also have a few chairs, but would ask that if you have your own, that you bring those. And, if you’ll be able to join us, please let us know (email Adam and Jill at or catch us in church) by Thursday, July 21 so that we can plan accordingly to make sure there are enough supplies! We look forward to hopefully seeing you for some fellowship in the Moundridge countryside!


There are printed copies of the newsletter in the Gathering Place.

If there is an article you would like to suggest (or write) for the BCMC “Kaleidoscope” please contact the BCMC office.  

Faith Formation would like for everyone to fill out a short survey regarding interest in attending an intergenerational Sunday School class this coming school year with our children and youth.  We are looking for adults who are interested in joining the class for one month out of the year.  Please take a look at the survey and see if any of the areas of opportunity to help will interest you.

Below is a letter that the BCMC Church Board has signed expressing affirmation and encouragement to denominational leadership at Mennonite Church USA regarding the recent approval of the Resolution for Repentance and Transformation at the Special Delegate Assembly at the end of May.  Denomination leadership is hearing from various perspectives in the wake of this resolution.  We want them to know that we are filled with hope and gratitude for our denomination moving forward toward healing and repair, and toward equity and justice, despite the hard work ahead.  

If you are interested in signing this letter, a hard copy will be available to sign on Sunday morning, July 17 in the back of the sanctuary.  If you are unable to attend and sign in-person on July 17, reply to this email expressing your interest to sign and we will include your name on the letter. 

Thanks from the Inclusion Task Group,

Megan Kohlman, Karen Ediger, Karen Penner, John Kliewer, & Nathan Koontz

Greetings from Bethel College Mennonite Church in North Newton, KS.

As a congregation, we would like to express our support for you, the leadership of Mennonite Church USA. As leaders in the denomination, you are the first to hear people’s frustration, anger, and sorrow. As human beings, we are typically quick to share our disappointment but slow to share our support.

BCMC would like to share with you our joy. We celebrate the passage of the Resolution for Repentance and Transformation and the work that will be done by MCUSA moving forward. As a congregation, we are actively seeking ways to be more inclusive, welcoming, and active in supporting the LGBTQ+ community. We are excited to join in that work with the greater Mennonite church.

We acknowledge that there is challenging work to be done, particularly in the call of the Resolution for Repentance and Transformation. We will pray for you and walk with you as you discern and take the next steps in that work. Our hope is that as we move into our future as a denomination, we seek to truly follow Jesus in extending love and welcome without boundaries.

Please know that there are many individuals and congregations in the Mennonite Church that are celebrating every step we take toward inclusion. We are thankful for your willingness to facilitate difficult conversations and to allow delegates to take difficult votes.

Thank you for saying yes to the call of serving MCUSA and for choosing to love this church, even in the hard times. 

In Christ,
Church Board of Bethel College Mennonite Church

The Abuse Prevention and Response Committee will take the months of July and part of August to read the book, #Church Too.  On Sunday August 21 will be spent sharing reactions to the book, and on August 28 guiding questions will be used to help us discuss how we as a congregation can use the information from the book to help us create a healthy culture around sexuality at BCMC that supports survivors, our children/youth and ourselves. The book can be purchased through Amazon, requested through Faith and Life bookstore, or your favorite local independent bookstore of your choice.  If demand is high we will pivot and figure out a way to have copies available in the church office for purchase.  – Jill Robb, APRC chair

Kidron Bethel Village is looking for a volunteer to go on walks with a Kidron Bethel Village resident (wheelchair) during the late afternoon or evenings once or twice a week.   If you are able to help, contact Shelley Lujano at 316-836-4821 or

New Hope Shelter be hosting a Volunteer Training Session on Thursday, July 21 at 7 pm.  New Hope’s volunteer shift hours are 5 pm to 11 pm daily.  Anyone who signs up to be a volunteer must be trained by a staff member beforehand. Even if you have volunteered before COVID, you may want to come back in for a refresher course.
If anyone who is interested in signing up for volunteer training, please contact Valetta Seymour no later than Tuesday, July 19., 620-217-7536. 

Western District Conference Assembly, July 29-31
Looking for a dream vacation this summer while serving the church?  Camp Copass near Denton, Texas, might be just the ticket for you.  It’s the site for the annual WDC Assembly.  You’ll find registration information at   If attending the assembly in person, the cost for housing and meals is $168 (there is no registration fee).  Transportation is available via vans from North Newton for $25 per person.  There is also a virtual option for attending the assembly, although that does involve a $50 registration fee.  The Gifts Discernment Committee will provide at least $150 for any delegates attending in person; $50 dollars for those participating virtually.  BCMC qualifies for 16 delegates.  Registration deadline is July 15.  Contact the church office or a member of the Gifts Discernment Committee if you plan to attend.
GDC members:  Dale Schrag, Jerry Buller, Elaine Prouty, Jeanette Stucky

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!

WDC Final Thursday Book Discussion July 28: When a near-fatal illness led his doctors to prescribe narcotics, Timothy McMahan King ended up as millions of others have: addicted. Join us in reading and discussing King’s book Addiction Nation which “nudges us toward healing from the ravages of addiction and draws us toward a spirituality studied enough to sate our deepest longings.” Discussion: July 28, @ 7:00pm via Zoom. Register: email the library at

Colorado peaches are back! Place your order for fresh Colorado peaches, just $27 for 10 lb. box and $38 for 18 lb. box by calling Mennonite Central Committee at 316-283-2720 or emailing Peaches must be ordered and paid for by July 25. The peaches are offered as a fundraiser for the Colorado MCC Relief Sale, please make payment by check to Beth-El Mennonite Church with “peaches” in the memo line. Generous volunteers Jerry and Leann Toews will bring the peaches from Colorado to MCC in North Newton for you to pick-up around August 22.

For Mennonite World Conference press here
For Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond press here

Mennonite Central Committee Announcement
July 26 MCC webinar: Creative housing solutions for refugees and asylum seekers 
– When refugees and asylum seekers arrive in the United States, the first thing they need is a safe place to call home. Unfortunately, the ongoing affordable housing crisis has greatly impacted families’ ability to lay down roots. Join MCC on Tuesday, July 26 at 1:00 p.m. CDT/12:00 p.m. MDT to learn about different ways the faith community has partnered with refugees, asylum seekers and organizations that serve them to offer creative housing solutions. Learn more and register at

Mennonite Church USA Announcements

Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) is seeking applicants for its Justice Fund grants. The Justice Fund supports MC USA congregations that are working to combat poverty, dismantle racism, address immigration reform or reimagine policing. For more information:

Gun violence continues to plague our country. Read how Mike Martin has taken steps to combat gun violence through RAWtools, Inc., a ministry partner of Mennonite Church USA, in his blog, “Guns to garden tools.”

Menno Snapshots
Steve Chun reflects on how Kkaenip, or perilla, a plant used in traditional Korean cuisine, helps him and other Korean Americans maintain a sense of identity, despite living away from their ancestral land. Read his Menno Snapshots blog, “Flavors of resilience,” here:

Menno Snapshots
Lynda Hollinger-Janzen of Mennonite Mission Network rides her bicycle to work every day. It provides her with an opportunity for exercise, allows her to reduce her impact on the environment and it creates space for her to spend time with God. Read more about the benefits of biking in her Menno Snapshots blog, “I bike for world peace, personal shalom — and because I love biking.”

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   Mennonite Mission Network’s Youth Venture program is leading a nine-day immigration and borderlands learning tour in Tucson, Arizona. Pray for the 15 participants as they come face-to-face with injustice and racism in many forms.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Give thanks for the gifts shared by elected leaders in WDC as they conclude another year of service on the WDC Executive Board, Commissions and Gifts Discernment Committee at the end of July.

Announcements for July 10–17, 2022

July 10, 2022

To livestream the worship service:
On Sunday morning, around 9:20, go to BCMC’s webpage at and click the green button labeled LIVE STREAM on the right side of the screen, which will take you to the worship service. If you get a message in the black box that the video is unavailable, click the gray box belows that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.   Anytime after the service concludes, you can watch a recording of the service at your convenience by clicking the same green LIVE STREAM button.  Again, you will probably have to go to the gray box that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.  That will transfer you to the BCMC YouTube Channel.  You will have to click on the tab “Videos” to see all of the BCMC videos. Click the red button to see the bulletin/order of service. 
OR – click on this link for this Sunday’s worship service:

July 10, 2022

Prelude—Holy, Holy, Holy (Burkhardt) and When In Our Music God Is Glorified Hobby)—
Karen Unruh

Christ Candle Lighting—Jill Robb

Welcome and Prayer—Jill Robb

*Hymn—Come We That Love—VT #31

Children’s Conversation—Adam Robb

Scripture Reading—Luke 10:25-37—Dianne Epp

Sermon—Go and do likewise—Todd Schlosser

*Hymn How can we be silent—VT 790

Prayers of God’s People—Jill Robb

*Hymn Lead me forth—VT 837

BenedictionTodd Schlosser

Postlude—O God, Our Help in Ages Past (Ashdown)—Karen Unruh

* You are invited to stand
VT = Voices Together

Audio visual—Francis Toews
Pastors—Nathan Koontz, Todd Schlosser

YouTube link to the service:

This Week at BCMC:  July 10—17, 2022
Sunday, July 10
10:15 am    Fellowship Time with coffee and water served in the
Gathering Place
10:30 am    Faith Formation—Visitors welcome! 
Adult Classes (If meeting):  Agape Class (Rm B8) Bible Study (Rm 14); Catacombs (Rm B5); Fellowship (B7); Fine Arts (Rm 22); Issues and Christianity (Rm 23); Mosaic (Rm 20); Open Circle (Room 21); Seekers (Rm 28);
Sojourners (Chapel)
Monday, July 11—Pastor Todd Schlosser will be on vacation through
July 17.
Monica Lichti will be away from the office Monday.  The office will be closed, Monday, July 11, and will reopen Tuesday.

Tuesday, July 12
12:00 noon      Mid-Kansas Investment Club meeting in Fellowship Hall
Thursday, July 14
4 pm                 Witness Commission meeting in Fellowship Hall
4 pm Staff Congregation Relations meeting in Room 14
7 pm Finance Committee meeting                       
Sunday, July 17
9:30 am   Worship with sermon by Eric Massanari
10:15 am    Fellowship Time with coffee and water served in the
Gathering Place
10:30 am    Faith Formation—Visitors welcome! 

The Abuse Prevention and Response Committee will take the months of July and part of August to read the book, #Church Too.  On Sunday August 21 will be spent sharing reactions to the book, and on August 28 guiding questions will be used to help us discuss how we as a congregation can use the information from the book to help us create a healthy culture around sexuality at BCMC that supports survivors, our children/youth and ourselves. The book can be purchased through Amazon, requested through Faith and Life bookstore, or your favorite local independent bookstore of your choice.  If demand is high we will pivot and figure out a way to have copies available in the church office for purchase.  – Jill Robb, APRC chair

The Library theme for June and July is Caldecott and John Newbery Award Winners. We have many of these award winning books that would be of interest to both adults and children. Come check them out.  We are also continuing to accept and sell puzzles. Not only are they on the cart, but also below the new book section on the west wall. Just leave a suggested donation of $5 in the envelope and enjoy. We have a long list of books that we would like to add to our collection and this is a great way to support our efforts.

The Library Committee has processed almost 20 new books, 10 of them purchased and donated by The Abuse Prevention and Response Committee. The APRC books can be found on the Pastor’s Corner shelf which is now located on the west wall with the other recent purchases. Another new purchase is “The Land Is Not Empty” by Sarah Augustine which was recommended by the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery group. Please stop by and see what we have to offer and continue to browse and donate from our puzzle collection. The Library Committee

BCMC July 3 Offering:  General Fund $10,447; Library Reserve Fund $10; Living Stones $2,190; Kitchen Fund (Coffee) $12

Western District Conference Assembly, July 29-31
Looking for a dream vacation this summer while serving the church? Camp Copass near Denton, Texas, might be just the ticket for you. It’s the site for the annual WDC Assembly. You’ll find registration information at If attending the assembly in person, the cost for housing and meals is $168 (there is no registration fee). Transportation is available via vans from North Newton for $25 per person. There is also a virtual option for attending the assembly, although that does involve a $50 registration fee. The Gifts Discernment Committee will
provide at least $150 for any delegates attending in person; $50 dollars for those participating virtually. BCMC qualifies for 16 delegates. Registration deadline is July 15. Contact the church office or a member of the Gifts Discernment Committee if you plan to attend.
 GDC members:  Dale Schrag, Jerry Buller, Elaine Prouty, Jeanette Stucky

Faith Formation Commission recognizes that attending summer camps is not cheap, but that it is an extremely valuable part of faith formation for our young people. We have some scholarship funding available to assist families with covering the cost of registering for the 2022 camping season. We also hope to have funds available after the camping season to provide some amount of reimbursement to all families with campers. Please contact Mary Ellen Hodge or Pastor Todd Schlosser if you’d like assistance with camp registration this summer. These funds are only available to campers who camp at Mennonite camps. We encourage you to get registered early for an awesome summer of camping experiences!  If anyone at BCMC would like to support our young people attending camp you can feel free to donate to our Mennonite Camping Scholarship Fund by writing a check made out to BCMC (with Mennonite Camp Scholarship in the memo line) and drop it off on Sunday morning or in the church office. 

Faith Formation would like for everyone to fill out a short survey regarding interest in attending an intergenerational Sunday School class this coming school year with our children and youth.  We are looking for adults who are interested in joining the class for one month out of the year.  Please take a look at the survey and see if any of the areas of opportunity to help will interest you.

Update from the Church Board:

BCMC is in a time of transition, an “in-between” time of waiting and working in the boundary between what was and what will be.  These times are rich with possibility for new understanding of our past and current status and for re-envisioning and planning our future.  The following are updates on Church Board work during these transitional times:

Screen Project:
It is with gratitude and excitement that we announce that we achieved the requested $12,200 commitment by the congregation to move ahead  with the new screen for the front of the sanctuary.  The church will also make a tithing donation to the International Rescue Committee as a part of this project.  Thanks to the screen study task group for all their fine work over the last two years!  And thanks to so many in our congregation who made an early donation to the project!  Additional donations will be needed in the coming months to complete the project.

Expanded Pastoral Time for Nathan Koontz:
The Church Board has approved a proposal to expand Nathan’s time from ½ time to ¾ time beginning June 13.  The MOU is through November 27; Nathan and the Church Board will review the arrangement together in October or November to determine continuation.  His additional work will focus on preaching (one additional Sunday each month) and performing the role of worship coordinator.  Worship coordination includes making arrangements for worship leaders, scripture readers, and children’s storytellers; liaison work with musicians; work with guest pastors; and other planning and tasks as appropriate.  Thank you, Nathan!

New Hope Shelter be hosting a Volunteer Training Session on Thursday, July 21 at 7 pm.
New Hope’s volunteer shift hours are 5 pm to 11 pm daily.
Anyone who signs up to be a volunteer must be trained by a staff member beforehand. Even if you have volunteered before COVID, you may want to come back in for a refresher course.
If anyone who is interested in signing up for volunteer training, please contact Valetta Seymour no later than Tuesday, July 19., 620-217-7536. 

Bethel College Announcements

Life Enrichment returns to Bethel College with the start of the fall 2022 semester
 – but  It will be on a different day. Life Enrichment resumes Thursday, Aug. 25, and will be on Thursdays thereafter. Place and time remain the same: Krehbiel Auditorium, 9:30 a.m. See for more information, and look for a brochure coming soon.

The 2022 issue of Mennonite Life, Bethel College’s annual online journal, is now live at, with articles and reviews by Daniel Shank Cruz, Chris Dick, June Mears Driedger, Susan Kennel Harrison, Raylene Hinz-Penner, Gordon Houser, Reinhild K. Janzen, Gayle Gerber Koontz, Steve Nolt, Rachel Pannabecker, Karen Reimer, Ben Woodward-Breckbill and Melanie Zuercher.

Western District Conference Announcements

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!

Easy way to give!  Do you want an easy way to donate to help cover WDC Annual Assembly expenses?  Simply text 316-320-0787, then click the “Fund” dropdown menu and choose “Assembly Contributions.”  We are grateful for any gifts toward this important annual gathering.  Thank you for your support!

WDC Annual Assembly non-delegate fun: Not going to be a delegate, but plan to join us at Camp Copass, Denton, TX? There will be lots to do! We will have creative quiet recreational options, as well as active ones such as basketball, fishing, swimming, horse shoes, gaga ball, human foosball, and more. In addition to recreation, there will be service projects—tying MCC comforters, and collecting and bagging hygiene items for MCC, as well as for the immigration ministry of San Antonio Mennonite Church. There will be workshops to enjoy, as well. Join us! Register here

Summer Story Hour–God Rocks! – All children ages 3-8 in the central Kansas area are invited to God Rocks! Summer Story Hour at the WDC Conference Resource Library 2517 N. Main in North Newton. Fun Stories and Activities with Leader, Marjie Warkentine and Resource Library Director, Jennie Wintermote. Mondays at 10:00am on July 11, 18, 25 & August 1 & 8. Register for Story Hour here.

Mennonite Central Committee Announcements

Colorado peaches are back! 
Place your order for fresh Colorado peaches, just $27 for 10 lb. box and $38 for 18 lb. box by calling Mennonite Central Committee at 316-283-2720 or emailing Peaches must be ordered and paid for by July 25. The peaches are offered as a fundraiser for the Colorado MCC Relief Sale, please make payment by check to Beth-El Mennonite Church with “peaches” in the memo line. Generous volunteers Jerry and Leann Toews will bring the peaches from Colorado to MCC in North Newton for you to pick-up around August 22.

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Central States welcomes 3 new people to their staff.  Brocia Mueller, volunteer coordinator in the MCC Workroom in North Newton; Wesley Wilder, human resources coordinator and Mahlet Mamo, young adult program coordinator. 

MCC School Kit season is right around the corner! MCC is working to fulfil requests for school kits from partner organizations in Jordan, Ukraine, Malawi, Syria, Iraq, and Haiti.
Things to keep in mind when making school kits this year:
-Sewn school kit bags may be requested from the MCC Material
Resources Center.
-MCC North Newton has a large supply of pink erasers, so you can skip erasers and they’ll be added when the kit is checked at MCC.
-The pencil sharpeners need to be metal, not plastic.
-You can find the directions for school kits at, or contact Kate at or 316.283.2720 with any questions.

Excuse our mess! The work of making necessary repairs and reconfiguring spaces at the MCC building in North Newton continues to move forward. Donors and volunteers continue to graciously adapt to the mess. We ask for your prayers and patience during this construction process so the important work of MCC can continue without undue interruption.

Conflict is a normal part of life, but learning how to work through it is key. MCC has a resource to help you work through divisive issues, a new adult Sunday school curriculum, Peaceful Practices: A guide to healthy communication in conflict. It invites churchgoers to follow Jesus’ call to peacemaking through dialogue with each other. To follow up on the Peaceful Practices curriculum, MCC has two conversation guides, to help congregations dialogue on sensitive topics. #BlackLivesMatter: Can we have a conversation? and Critical Race Theory: How should race education be taught in schools? are available for download here.

For Mennonite Central Committee In Touch press here

Bluestem Communities will host its annual Innovations in Living with Dementia community forum through an online webinar at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 20. The evening’s presentation is “The Most Common Dementia Under 60,” which addresses frontotemporal degeneration. Registration and participation are free. One CEU approved by the State of Kansas is available for $15 for those who desire it. Pre-registration is required at

For Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond press here
For Mennonite World Conference Assembly Day One press here
For Mennonite World Conference Assembly Indonesia Streaming press here
For Mennonite World Conference Assembly Day Two press here

 Mennonite Church USA Announcements

Delegate Assembly

Now that the Special Session of the Delegate Assembly is over, and the resolutions have passed, you may have questions about what it all means. Join Mennonite Church USA Executive Board and staff members for the “Special Session of the Delegate Assembly: What now?” webinar, July 18 at 7 p.m. ET/4 p.m. PT, to explore these questions. Register here:

This week, please pray for Virginia Mennonite Conference congregations as they gather for their summer delegate assembly on July 14-16.

Menno Snapshots
Father’s Day has passed, but the advice that Steve Thomas of Mennonite Men shares in his blog, “Fathers” continues to encourage fathers to build loving relationships with their children. Read his advice here:

Menno Snapshots
At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, Gwen Gustafson-Zook walked into a yarn shop and came to the realization that knitting would be the key to getting her through this difficult season. See how she uses knitting as a spiritual practice in her Menno Snapshots blog, “Stitch by stitch: Knitting as a spiritual practice.”

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:   Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for the Indonesian Mennonite churches that are hosting Mennonite World Conference Assembly. Pray that the bonds of God’s love and shalom, which participants are sharing at this global gathering, will be extended around the world, as people return to their home communities. Pray, also, for safety in travel and protection from COVID-19.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:   Pray for children attending WDC’s summer story hour at the Conference Resource Library, that this would be a nurturing time of learning and fun together.

Announcements for July 3–10, 2022

To livestream the worship service:
On Sunday morning, around 9:20, go to BCMC’s webpage at and click the green button labeled LIVE STREAM on the right side of the screen, which will take you to the worship service. If you get a message in the black box that the video is unavailable, click the gray box belows that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.   Anytime after the service concludes, you can watch a recording of the service at your convenience by clicking the same green LIVE STREAM button.  Again, you will probably have to go to the gray box that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.  That will transfer you to the BCMC YouTube Channel.  You will have to click on the tab “Videos” to see all of the BCMC videos. Click the red button to see the bulletin/order of service. 
OR – click on this link for this Sunday’s worship service:

July 3, 2022
Prelude— The Spacious Firmament (arr. DeCou)
On Jordan’s Stormy Banks(arr. Bish)—Will Wiebe-Friesen, organ

Christ Candle Lighting

Land Acknowledgement—Raylene Hinz-Penner

Welcome and Prayer 

*Hymn—Here in This Place –VT 10

Children’s Conversation—Tim Hodge

Worship Music—John Mark Koontz, piano; Josh Bergman, trumpet

Scripture Reading—1 Kings 21:1-19—Heather and Justin Zerger

Sermon—Naboth and Queen Lili’uokalaniNathan Koontz

*Hymn—Could It Be That God is Singing—VT 42

Kin-dom Report—Jill Robb

Prayers of God’s People

*Hymn—Lead On, O Cloud of Presence—VT 194

BenedictionNathan Koontz

Postlude—Prelude and Fugue in C (J.S. Bach)—Will Wiebe-Friesen

* You are invited to stand
VT = Voices Together
Audio visual—Francis Toews
Pastors—Nathan Koontz, Todd Schlosser

Land Acknowledgement compiled by Florence Schloneger from words by Mark Charles and VT #878

As we do on the first Sunday of each month,  
  we acknowledge that we worship  
  on the land of the Kanza, Osage, and Wichita.   
We thank them for their care and respect for this land      
  and acknowledge the injustice of their forced removal. 
We ask the Spirit to heal our histories 
  and find new paths of right relationships with them 
  and all of creation.   

This Week at BCMC:  July 3—10, 2022
Sunday, July 3
9:30 am      Worship in the Sanctuary
10:15 am    Fellowship Time with coffee and water served in the
Gathering Place
10:30 am    Faith Formation—Visitors welcome! 
Adult Classes (If meeting):  Agape Class (Rm B8) Bible Study (Rm 14); Catacombs (Rm B5); Fellowship (B7); Fine Arts (Rm 22); Issues and Christianity (Rm 23); Mosaic (Rm 20); Open Circle (Room 21); Seekers (Rm 28);
Sojourners (Chapel)
Monday, July 4—The church will be locked and the office closed for the Independence Day Holiday
Thursday, July 7
7 pm       Church Board Meeting in Room 14
Sunday, July 10
9:30 am   Worship with sermon by Todd Schlosser
10:15 am    Fellowship Time with coffee and water served in the
Gathering Place
10:30 am    Faith Formation—Visitors welcome! 

Western District Conference Assembly, July 29-31
Looking for a dream vacation this summer while serving the church? Camp Copass near Denton, Texas, might be just the ticket for you. It’s the site for the annual WDC Assembly. You’ll find registration information at If attending the assembly in person, the cost for housing and meals is $168 (there is no registration fee). Transportation is available via vans from North Newton for $25 per person. There is also a virtual option for attending the assembly, although that does involve a $50 registration fee. The Gifts Discernment Committee will
provide at least $150 for any delegates attending in person; $50 dollars for those participating virtually. BCMC qualifies for 16 delegates. Registration deadline is July 15. Contact the church office or a member of the Gifts Discernment Committee if you plan to attend.
 GDC members:  Dale Schrag, Jerry Buller, Elaine Prouty, Jeanette Stucky

Faith Formation would like for everyone to fill out a short survey regarding interest in attending an intergenerational Sunday School class this coming school year with our children and youth.  We are looking for adults who are interested in joining the class for one month out of the year.  Please take a look at the survey and see if any of the areas of opportunity to help will interest you.

BCMC June 26 Offering:  General Fund $9,497; Plant Fund $150; Library Reserve Fund $35; Living Stones $655; Mennonite Camp Scholarship $100; Kitchen Fund $20.21; Women’s Fellowship $50; Screen Project $2,000. 

Change to make to your BCMC Church Directory:
Jerry and Carol Buller have discontinued their phone land line. 
Jerry’s cell phone number:  316-283-0941 (this is also his shop number)
Carol’s cell phone number:  316-772-8404
Jerry’s email:

The Library theme for June and July is Caldecott and John Newbery Award Winners. We have many of these award winning books that would be of interest to both adults and children. Come check them out.  We are also continuing to accept and sell puzzles. Not only are they on the cart, but also below the new book section on the west wall. Just leave a suggested donation of $5 in the envelope and enjoy. We have a long list of books that we would like to add to our collection and this is a great way to support our efforts.

The Library Committee has processed almost 20 new books, 10 of them purchased and donated by The Abuse Prevention and Response Committee. The APRC books can be found on the Pastor’s Corner shelf which is now located on the west wall with the other recent purchases. Another new purchase is “The Land Is Not Empty” by Sarah Augustine which was recommended by the Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery group. Please stop by and see what we have to offer and continue to browse and donate from our puzzle collection. The Library Committee

New Hope Shelter be hosting a Volunteer Training Session on Thursday, July 21st at 7pm.

Their volunteer shift hours are as follows: 5pm to 11pm daily.

Anyone who signs up to be a volunteer must be trained by a Staff member beforehand. Even if they have volunteered before COVID, they may want to come back in for a refresher course.
If anyone who is interested in signing up for volunteer training, please contact Valetta Seymour no later than Tuesday, July 19., 620-217-7536. 

Western District Conference Announcements

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!

Western District Conference Annual Assembly is for all ages! Remember that this year, there is Assembly fun and faith formation for adults, youth (ages 12-18), children (ages 6-11) , and childcare for those 5 and under. Generous scholarships for youth available! Register your whole family or youth group at Registration closes July 15.

WDC Annual Assembly Workshops – Mennonite World Conference Snapshot, Everence financial resources, Healthy Boundaries: What Is Your Pastor Learning?, church planting and revitalization, immigrant ministries of San Antonio Mennonite Church, and more! Both virtual and on-site workshops available! Register at for WDC Annual Assembly! Registration closes July 15.

Easy way to give!  Do you want an easy way to donate to help cover WDC Annual Assembly expenses?  Simply text 316-320-0787, then click the “Fund” dropdown menu and choose “Assembly Contributions.”  We are grateful for any gifts toward this important annual gathering.  Thank you for your support!

The 2022 issue of Mennonite Life, Bethel College’s annual online journal, is now live at, with articles and reviews by Daniel Shank Cruz, Chris Dick, June Mears Driedger, Susan Kennel Harrison, Raylene Hinz-Penner, Gordon Houser, Reinhild K. Janzen, Gayle Gerber Koontz, Steve Nolt, Rachel Pannabecker, Karen Reimer, Ben Woodward-Breckbill and Melanie Zuercher.

Kansas Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution Updates
2515 College Avenue, North Newton, KS  67117  (316) 284-5217

The following updates are some of the events and initiatives at KIPCOR that have happened so far this year:

Leadership & staffing


In January, we said goodbye to Dan Wassink, our former Director of the Community Mediation Center, who recently took a position as the Dispute Resolution Services Manager in the Virginia Supreme Court’s Department of Judicial Services.

We also said goodbye to Doug Lengel, KIPCOR’s office manager in May. After seven years in his role, he decided to retire. In so many ways, Doug was the glue that held our office together. Doug was usually the first friendly face one might encounter when entering the front office at KIPCOR.


We welcome Gretchen Schrag, as KIPCOR’s new office manager, who starts in late June. Gretchen is a former para educator for Goessel High School, who worked in that capacity for nearly a decade. She is a Bethel alum, and in the fall, she will have three children enrolled at Bethel at the same time! In her personal time, Gretchen enjoys reading a good book, cooking and gardening. We are so excited to have her at KIPCOR!

Community Mediation Center

KIPCOR Senior Associate, Kirsten Zerger continues to serve in the capacity of Interim Community Mediation Center Manager. Many of our community partners have remarked how seamless  the transition has been since Dan’s departure.

We continue to offer Divorce Impact classes virtually with great success. Enrollment is steady and parents seem to appreciate taking classes via Zoom.We also continue to do all of our mediations virtually, to the satisfaction of our clients. After mastering mediations virtually, our staff has been instrumental in training other mediators from around the state and beyond in this practice.

Our KIPCOR film series continues to draw folks back to campus for in-person engagement. The past three films have brought an average of 150 people for each viewing (masked and socially distanced). We are grateful for those who have come out to join us!

Education and Training 

It was a very busy year for KIPCOR Staff! Here is a list of the trainings we have done over the past few months and ones we will do in the coming months:

Organizational teaching/training/consulting:

  • Provided a restorative circle process for a Seattle-based nonprofit’s board and staff
  • Contracted with Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center (KLETC) and provided a Conflict Management course for law enforcement officers in February, and offered an RJ course for school resource officers in June
  • Offered an Implicit Bias/ Microaggressions workshop for Harvey County Health Department in April
  • Offered a Conflict Management course for Kansas Department for Children and Families (offered 4 times between March and June)
  • Currently providing support for Prairie View with strategic planning around diversity, equity and inclusion-related implementation work

Other training offered 

  • Core Mediation training in February
  • Domestic Mediation in March
  • Victim Offender Dialogue training in May

KIPCOR’s Restorative Schools Initiative work:

  • Continued support of Lawrence Public Schools and restorative justice implementation
  • Continued support of Kansas City Kansas Public Schools – training scheduled for all KCKPS high school staff before the start of the 2022-23 school year other upcoming RP trainings in April-May

Guest Speakers and Special Events

Last fall, Bethel College officially became a Truth Reconciliation, Healing and Transformation (TRHT) Campus Center. During the 2020-2021 school year, with the support of President Jon Gering, KIPCOR and Bethel College partnered to apply and was accepted to attend the 2021 Virtual Institute on Truth, Racial Healing, and Transformation (TRHT) by the American Association of Colleges & Universities (AAC&U). In June, KIPCOR Executive Director, Sheryl Wilson and Director of Education and Training, Eva Lapp, joined three other Bethel colleagues – Academic Dean, Bob Milliman, Professor Christine Crouse-Dick, and Associate Professor Peter Goerzen – in attending the institute, exploring the possibility of becoming an official TRHT Campus Center, and creating an Action Plan to guide the college toward this goal and future implementation of TRHT on campus. In October, Bethel College was informed by AAC&U of its acceptance as the first official TRHT Campus Center in the state of Kansas. In June, the team attended its second TRHT Institute and the team is looking forward to continuing offering more racial healing circles to students, staff and faculty.

In January, KIPCOR and Bethel College Student Life co-sponsored Bethel College’s annual MLK Day Lecture given by international restorative justice facilitator, Jasmyn Elise Story. A recording of the event is on the Bethel College YouTube page. This event was very lively with approximately 200 in attendance. Jasmyn stayed well beyond the end of the event to answer questions and have conversations with attendees.

We look forward to this fall’s KIPCOR Peace Lecture Series where we will host Dr. Fania Davis, a leading international voice on the intersections of racial and restorative justice. We are thrilled that she will lead off this historic 50th season of the peace lecture series. Please check our website frequently for more information related to this very special event!

We continue to be grateful for the many ways that you have given so generously over the past year. Today is the last day that you can give to make an impact at KIPCOR this fiscal year. If you would like to donate electronically, please click here. If you would like to pay by check, but are unable to bring it to KIPCOR today, please contact KIPCOR Executive Director, Sheryl Wilson at or (316) 284-5881, and she will make arrangements to retrieve it.

For Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond click here
For Mennonite World Conference Assembly News click here

Anabaptist Disabilities Webinar link

Webinar Available to Watch Now: “Dementia and Congregational Care”ADN is grateful to offer the recording of “Dementia and Congregational Care,” a webinar held virtually on Thursday, June 16. The webinar was led by Heddie Sumner, RN, BSN, and co-hosted by Church of the Brethren Discipleship Ministries and Anabaptist Disabilities Network.Dementia affects individuals, their family members and the congregation. Many times, we want to offer support but we do not know where to start. We often back off because we don’t want to do the wrong thing. This webinar will help you understand basics of dementia and learn how to reach out. We will offer communication tips and practical ways to stay connected. We can maintain relationships by offering reassurance, encouragement and acceptance. When we include our members with dementia and their families, the whole congregation benefits.  Watch and view more resources at the link:
Share your story!If you have an experience related to this topic or another related to disability inclusion in churches, we’d love to hear your story.

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Visit Opening Doors blog 

Mennonite Church USA Announcements

Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) conducted a denomination-wide survey to examine what it means to be a member of MC USA and how this has changed in the past 16 years. The preliminary results can be found here, with the full study being released later this month:

Join all Mennonite Church USA congregations in praying for “Indonesia 2022,” the global assembly of Mennonite World Conference being held in Indonesia July 5-10. This is a hybrid (online and in person) event. For more information, visit

Delegate Assembly
Delegates at Mennonite Church USA’s (MC USA) Special Session of the Delegate Assembly voted on three resolutions and adopted another for denominational study. The three resolutions passed, helping remove barriers for LGBTQ folks and those with disabilities. Read the official MC USA news release here:

Menno Snapshots
The Mennonite Church USA Executive Board issued a statement condemning the violence in Uvalde, Texas, and elsewhere. Read it here:
The Executive Board also shared a call to prayer and action against gun violence, here:

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Mennonite Mission Network’s week-long Youth Venture civil rights learning tour begins today. Pray for the 23 participants as they focus on the realities of racial injustice in the United States, both in the past and the present.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:   Pray for WDC members and others participating on-site or virtually in Mennonite World Conference Assembly in Indonesia this week, and for God’s blessing on this time of worship, fellowship, and witness of the global Anabaptist community.

Pride Month at BCMC
During June Pride month celebrating LGBTQIA persons, BCMC had pride flags flying all around our church campus.  In addition, these flags were in celebration of the recent resolutions passed at the MCUSA Special Delegate Assembly that open up access to the LGBTQIA persons in MCUSA and acknowledge previous harm that has been done to them by the church.   Members from our congregation attended a Unity March and potluck on June 25 in Wichita sponsored by Wichita Pride.