FEBRUARY 23, 2025
Our faith in a God of love leads us, by the power of the Spirit,
to follow Jesus in doing justice, loving mercy,
and walking humbly with God.
To livestream the worship service:
On Sunday morning, around 9:20 a.m. go to BCMC’s webpage at and click the green button labeled LIVE STREAM on the right side of the screen, which will take you to the worship service. If you get a message in the black box that the video is unavailable, click the gray box below that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”. Anytime after the service concludes, you can watch a recording of the service at your convenience by clicking the same green LIVE STREAM button. Again, you will probably have to go to the gray box that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”. That will transfer you to the BCMC YouTube Channel. You will have to click on the tab “Videos” to see all of the BCMC videos. Click the red button to see the bulletin/order of service.
OR – click on this link for this Sunday:
February 23, 2025
Reflections on Snow Camp
Christ Candle Lighting
Centering Music—Master Tallis’s Testament (Herbert Howells)— Will Wiebe-Friesen
Welcome & Prayer (VT 853)—Margaret Toews
*Hymn—All People That on Earth Do Dwell—VT 5
Children’s Conversation—Youth
Worship Music— Cantique de Jean Racine (Faure)— Chancel Choir; Joel Garber, director; Will Wiebe-Friesen, accompanist
Kin-dom Report— Pastor Nathan Koontz’s Sabbatical Plans— Megan Kohlman
*Hymn—God, Be the Love—VT 43
Scripture Reading—Genesis 45:3-11, 15 I Corinthians 13:12—Youth
Sermon—Who Am I?—Joanna Harader
*Hymn—Solemn Stillness, Weary Streets—VT 276
Prayers of God’s People
*Hymn—Be Thou My Vision—VT 549—(People with February birthdays come forward for a blessing, please bring a hymnal)
*Birthday Blessing and Benediction
Postlude—Voluntary on The Third Tune [VT 326] (arr. Lasky)—Will Wiebe-Friesen
* You are invited to stand
VT—Voices Together
Keyboard—Will Wiebe-Friesen
Audio visual—Ben Lichti
The Week at BCMC: February 23—March 2, 2025
Sunday, February 23, 2025
9:30 a.m. Worship — 10:30 a.m. Faith Formation
YouTube Link for the worship service this Sunday:
Tuesday February 25, 2025
4 p.m. Worship Commission meeting
6 p.m. Mid-Kansas Investment Club dinner in Fellowship Hall
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
7:30 p.m. Chancel Choir rehearsal in the sanctuary
Thursday, February 27, 2025
5:15 p.m. Hospitality Commission meeting in Fellowship Hall
6:30 p.m. Chancel Bell rehearsal in Room B7
7 p.m. Bethel College Women’s Association meets in Fellowship Hall
7 p.m. Deacon Commission meeting in Room 14
Friday, February 28, 2025
2:30 p.m. Memorial Service for Helen Pauls’— Kidron Bethel Village, Kidron Hall
Sunday, March 2, 2025
9:30 a.m. Worship with sermon by Nathan Koontz; Music by Chancel Bells
10:30 a.m. Faith Formation
BCMC Nursery volunteers (either one or two) are needed for every Sunday in March. Check this link for openings or contact Margaret Toews or Barb Voran. Thank you to all who have been helping in the nursery so far this year!
Some of our many Anabaptist History books are currently being highlighted in our church library to coincide with the 500 Year Anabaptist Celebration. We have quite a collection in back of our library desk (including two new editions of the Anabaptist Community Bible), but these are by no means all of them. Several more are available, many in the 289.7 section. Please come in and peruse at your leisure.
Upcoming Memorial Services:
· We offer sympathy to the family of Edie Krehbiel. Edie died Jan. 23 at Paramount Community, Newton. Edie’s memorial service will be March 7, 11 a.m. at BCMC.
· We offer sympathy to the family of Merrill Raber. Merrill died Feb. 16 at Kidron Bethel Village. Merrill’s memorial service will be May 3, 11 a.m. at BCMC.
· We offer sympathy to the family of Calvin Flickinger. Calvin died Feb. 18 at Kidron Bethel Village. Calvin’s memorial service will be March 15, 11 a.m. at BCMC.
This Lent, Bethel College Mennonite will use Pastor Joanna’s book Prone to Wander: A Lenten Journey with Women in the Wilderness. If you would like to order a personal copy through the church, please email the church office ( no later than today, Feb. 23. Copies cost $15 and will be available for pick up on Sunday, March 2.
In anticipation of the season of Lent, we at MennoMedia are excited to extend a warm invitation to participate in a one-hour conversation with Joanna Harader, author of Prone to Wander: A Lenten Journey with Women in the Wilderness, a new Lenten devotional from Herald Press.
As we enter the wilderness season of the church year, this Lenten devotional explores the stories of thirty biblical women—from Eve to Mary Magdalene—who had their own such experiences. For some, the women inhabited a literal wilderness. For others, their wilderness was metaphorical. All were drawn closer to God, who does not leave us to wander alone.
Join us March 1, 2025 9:00am Central Time as we prepare to enter the Lenten season with a time of prayer, reflection, and conversation centered on Joanna Harader’s new book. Whether you plan to use this book with your congregation, as an individual, or not at all, this will be a time to gain courage and inspiration from biblical women as we head into the wilderness of Lent. Please RSVP to A zoom llink will be sent out before the event.
BCMC Offering for Feb. 16: Gen. Fund $4,637; Kitchen Fund $22; Solar Fund $1,000.
Sunday, February 23, is “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner”, a way for BCMC folks to get acquainted with other BCMC folks that they might not know very well. Today guests will find, in their mailboxes, their destination for dinner!
The Indigenous Task Force is hosting Trent Voth during the Sunday School hour (following worship) on Sun., March 2, in the sanctuary, to share his presentation on “The Long Road to Tuktoyaktuk.” This is an introduction to the Indigenous Residential Schools (IRS) systems of Canada, seen through the use of the Anglican Church of Canada’s archival documents. The presentation seeks to add nuance to, complicate, but also humanize some of the history and experiences of the Canadian IR School system.
Sunday, Feb. 23, 3 p.m., at First Mennonite Church, 429 E. 1st, Newton, Iglesia Menonita Casa Betania is inviting brothers and sisters from area Mennonite churches to participate in a special service of worship and prayer related to immigration concerns, together with Aposento Alto, the Hispanic Mennonite Church in Wichita. There will be a potluck after the service to celebrate February birthdays. All are invited to bring a dish to share and stay for the meal.
Organist Christopher Shaw will present an organ recital/hymn festival to remember Shirley Sprunger King. Shirley taught at Bethel College for twenty years and was organist at Bethel College Mennonite Church. Christopher Shaw will be joined by Lorraine Miller (flute) and Don Kehrberg (oboe), both former members of the Deknatel Consort with King. In addition to organ pieces and hymns, there will be remembrances of Shirley. The event will take place on Sat., April 5, 7 p.m. at Bethel College Mennonite Church, 2600 College Ave, North Newton.
Announcements from Pastor Joanna Harader
As our state and national political climate becomes increasingly threatening to trans and queer people, you are invited to “the gayest Anabaptist gathering of the year”! Join LGBTQIA+ people and their allies/accomplices for Fabulous, Fierce, and Sacred–a weekend of worship, fellowship, learning, and community: May 2-4 in Philadelphia, PA. Please share this invitation with those you think would be interested. Contact Pastor Joanna to learn more and to coordinate travel to the event.
Kansas Interfaith Action (KIFA) provides valuable information about and opportunities for advocacy around some key issues in our state including economic justice, lgbtqia rights, and environmental protection. KIFA’s next monthly online forum will be Thurs., Feb. 27, at 7 p.m. and will focus on protecting public education. You can learn more by going to the KIFA website and click on the tab “Calendar”.
In response to recently proposed legislation, Kansas Interfaith Action is pulling together a working group to focus on immigrant justice. If you are interested in being part of this group, contact Pastor Joanna or be in touch with KIFA directly through their website—
Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements.
Western District Conference Israel Palestine Task Force Update: Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. CT. Esther Koontz will lead a Zoom discussion of the book, Apeirogon by Colum McCann. Special guest, Tareq Abuhamila, will begin the meeting with an update of life on the ground in Gaza based on reports from his family in Gaza.
Participants will have a chance to ask Tareq questions, give their responses to the book, and name their own stories of peace to add to the book’s 1001 powerful vignettes.
Life Enrichment, in the Bethel College Krehbiel Auditorium, is a series designed especially for adults age 60 and over. Programs for February 26:
9:30 a.m. “Working Outside the Classroom with My Students, Ford’s Theater Oratory and Smithsonian Community’s Project,” Monty L. Graber, M.Ed., USD 373 social studies teacher, Newton
10:50 a.m. “Pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago,” Rose Nissley, Haven, and Leroy Hershberger, Hutchinson
For Mennonite Disaster Service “On the Level” press here
In celebration of Mennonite Disaster Service’s 75th anniversary, we are inviting church sewing circles and individuals who enjoy sewing, knitting, crocheting, or weaving to join us by creating wall hangings or prayer shawls for our Housewarmer Project during the month of February! The Housewarmer Project provides quilted wall hangings and prayer shawls to disaster survivors whose homes have been rebuilt or restored by Mennonite Disaster Service. The wall hangings and prayer shawls are presented to the homeowner at the dedication of the home. These handmade gifts are a lasting symbol of compassion and of coming home. Housewarmer Project information, guidelines, and mailing instructions for completed wall hangings and prayer shawls can be found at
Hundreds of volunteers continue preparations for the Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale (KMRS) on April 11 & 12, at the Kansas State Fairgrounds in Hutchinson.
· BCMC Sunday School classes continue to collect contributions to underwrite KMRS costs (Thank you! and please finalize any plans for that contribution by March 12).
· Hold onto your loose change so you can contribute to the My Coins Count drive, launching in March.
· Would you enjoy making people happy with verenike, ham gravy, pie and ice cream, bohne beroggi? Online volunteer signup sheets are already available at
· See the posterboard in the Gathering Place for KMRS information and extra forms, or go to the KMRS website at or contact a BCMC liaison (Brad and Diane Born, William and Esther Kreider Eash, and Steve and Elaine Schurr).
Dorthy Stucky Halley, LMSW, will be the speaker at the 2025 Swiss Mennonite Cultural and Historical Association (SMCHA) annual meeting Sun., March 9, 2:30 p.m., at the Bethel College Mennonite Church. Dorthy is co-founder and co-director of the Family Peace Initiative. She was the executive director of a domestic violence shelter from 1986 to 1996; has worked with those who cause harm and has served as an expert witness in domestic violence cases; taught social work at Pittsburg State University for a decade before becoming the state’s Victim Rights Coordinator and directing the Victim Services Division of the Kansas Attorney General’s Office. Her development of a motivation typology for those who batter has opened the door to a more nuanced understanding for domestic violence professionals.
Bethel College Announcements
· Sat., March 1: Kauffman Museum bird walk, 8 a.m. starting in the museum parking lot at the corner of Main and 27th streets. Experienced birders lead a walk of 1-1.5 hours in Chisholm Park and on Sand Creek Trail.
· Now in the Regier Art Gallery in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel College, “Untethered,” ceramics by David Long, through March 14. Gallery hours are Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sun. 2-4 p.m.
· Tues., Feb. 25: Bethel College Orchestra, directed by Kris Hilding, 7 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center
· Thurs., March 6: Bethel College Wind Ensemble, directed by Chris Miertschin, 7 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center
· Sun., March 9: Bethel College Choir Tour Send-off Concert, directed by Dr. Henry S. Waters, 4 p.m., Memorial Hall. The theme “Sing You Home” includes performances by the Chamber Singers, Woven and Open Road.
· Sun., March 9, and Mon., March 10: The Hartzler Bible Lecture Series at Bethel College presents Doug Miller, professor emeritus of biblical and religious studies at Tabor College, “The Book of Isaiah”; 7 p.m. Sunday, Ad Building chapel, 11 a.m. Monday, Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center
Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) announcements
· The 17th annual Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) Comforter Blitz is March 3, 4 and 5 at the Journey Facilities Building behind Charis Community Church, 3605 E. Long View Rd, Haven, near Yoder. Mon. 9-5, Tues. 9-9 (note that these hours are extended) and Wed. 9-4. No sewing skills required. Lunch is available by donation each day, or bring your own sack lunch. Snacks are welcome to share. Event is hosted by Kansas Friends of MCC. Info at or email, 316-283-2720.
· The Great Winter Warm-up: Spread warmth around the world this winter by helping MCC reach a goal of 7000 comforters by the end of March. You can sponsor, donate comforters, or attend a comforter event to tie in community with others. If you host an event in your home, church or community please let know about it (we’ve got some small gifts for those who host events!). Check for instructions, coloring pages for kids and more!
· The MCC Central States board will hold it’s annual meeting Sat., March 1 from 2-3:30 p.m. at MCC Central States in North Newton. The meeting will feature guest speaker Ken Rodgers. Ken will share about his journey in learning about the Doctrine of Discovery and how he and his family has worked to come to terms with it. Mitch Stutzman from Menno Media will have Anabaptist Bibles available. All are welcome to attend. Please email if you would like the Zoom link to join virtually. All are welcome to attend.
· Please pray for MCC staff and the communities in Kentucky and West Virginia that are experiencing catastrophic flooding. Torrential rain Feb. 15-16 filled creeks and rivers, causing significant flooding. MCC staff report that most residents lost power and water. Appalachia Build staff are working with partner churches at sites in Kimball, WV, and Elkhorn City, KY, that are serving as temporary shelters. Support MCC’s efforts in the region: Learn more about MCC Appalachia Build:
Volunteers needed at New Hope Shelter: More than 25 volunteers from BCMC currently serve at New Hope Shelter during designated weeks, in coordination with supporting congregations throughout Harvey, Marion, and McPherson counties. Some help provide evening meals and others stay through the evening (5-10 p.m.) to support a paid staff person. As volunteers come and go, we can always use more help to cover this commitment. If you can volunteer or would like more information, please email Cynthia Linscheid at
Commemorating 500 Years of Anabaptism & Swiss Alps Tour. May 21-31, 2025. Space remains! Preview tour at Contact Weldon Martens at / 402-202-9276 for itinerary, registration and full details.
For Mennonite Mission Network “News and Beyond” press here
For a Mennonite Mission Network “Survey” press here
For Mennonite Mission Network “Youth Venture” press here
Mennonite Church USA Announcements
The Climate Justice Ministry of MC USA has just published “Installing Electric Vehicle Charging Stations: A Guide for Congregations” to help congregations of all sizes determine whether they should pursue installing electric vehicle charging stations. Learn more here: View the PDF here: View the PowerPoint slide here: Menno Snapshots Beryl Jantzi, Everence’s director of stewardship education, shares why it is important for churches and other organizations to say thank you to their donors. Read more here: |
Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request: Terrorists continue to attack peaceful populations in Burkina Faso, as the citizens work in their fields and worship in churches, placing the country at the top of the Global Terrorism Index. Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for an end to the violence and for healing for the thousands of people who have been traumatized by seeing loved ones murdered. Pray, also, for the witness of the Evangelical Mennonite Church of Burkina Faso in this time of crisis.
Western District Conference Prayer Request: Pray for Church Planting Commission members as they endeavor to foster meaningful relationships between sister churches.
-WDC Church Planting Commission
Bethel College Mennonite Church is an open and affirming congregation
centered in the life and teachings of Jesus. Embracing the divine within each person, we warmly welcome any and all into fellowship without regard to race, ethnic background, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability,
economic status, marital status, or age.