Save the date for the Sr High Sunday School class play – Thursday, May 20th at 7pm. This year’s play is based on the story of Elijah. Come out for an evening of theater…more information coming soon!
Thank you for your prayers, concern, and other forms of encouragement as I went through my operation and as I am now in the recovery phase. Paul M. Harms
Website Access
One way to learn more about ongoing work of the board, commissions, and committees is to read minutes. To increase communication and information-sharing during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, the board has decided to grant password-protected access to online meeting minutes to interested church members and active participants. If you are an interested church member/ active participant and want to read minutes, please contact Monica at the church office for further instruction. Thanks to the church member who made this suggestion!
Looking for 3 people to be delegates at the Mennonite Church USA Delegate Session
The MC USA delegate session will be held virtually on Saturday, July 10, from 1-3:30pm EDT. BCMC is looking for 3 more people to represent our congregation at this delegate session. Please consider helping our congregation’s voice be heard! If you are willing to serve as a delegate, please contact Pastor Dawn (dawn@bethelcollegemennonitechurch.org).
Congregational Meeting Link
Here is the link for the congregational meeting from Sunday, May 2.
Keith and Donna Woolery celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary
Keith and Donna are celebrating their 50th anniversary of getting married at Bethel College Mennonite Church on May 16. Their children, Danielle and Jesse, are requesting a card shower. They are asking for cards to be sent to Keith and Donna’s Texas address: Keith & Donna Woolery, 3205 Masthead Drive, Denton, Texas 76210
Click here for the invitation.
Bethel College Announcements
TODAY (Sun., May 9), 2 p.m. – Concert by Bethel College’s small a cappella ensembles Open Road (men) and Woven (women), on the steps of the Administration Building on campus. Bring your own chairs/blankets. Face coverings must be worn and physical distancing practiced on the Bethel campus.
Last week to view the Senior Art Show, “Requiem aeternam,” paintings by Adam Kroeker, in the Regier Gallery in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel College (through May 14). Reception: Fri., May 14, 7-9 p.m. near the gallery. Gallery hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri. Face coverings must be worn and physical distancing practiced on the Bethel campus.
Sunday, May 16 – Bethel College will celebrate its 128th commencement (4 p.m.) with a Baccalaureate worship service in the morning (10 a.m.), both in Thresher Stadium, with Memorial Hall as a rain back-up. Because of COVID-19 protocols, admission is by ticket only, with graduates receiving a certain number each. Please keep the Class of 2021 and their families in your prayers. Members of Open Road and Woven:Open Road is Jesse Balzer, Hurley, S.D., Phillip Balzer, Hurley, S.D., Peyton Fast, Moundridge, Nathan Garber, Newton, Trae Gehring, Pretty Prairie, Jerod Kaufman, Moundridge, Adam Kroeker, Augusta, Eli Regier, Newton, Nathaniel Schmucker, Moundridge, Zach Shima, Topeka, and Bryce Wilson, Sterling.Woven is Annie Carlson, Hurley, S.D., Charlie Gibson, Ashland, Aubry Grame, Kalispell, Mont., Addie Regier Kauffman, Newton, Halle Krehbiel, Hesston, Rachel Miller, Freeman, S.D., Bethany Powls, Garnett, Juliana Schrag, Goessel, and Allie Weaver, Hesston.
Western District Conference announcement
The WDC Resource Library is now open to the public – Library capacity will be limited to one household in the library at a time. The self-checkout station & library catalog computer will remain off during this phase of reopening. Please see library staff or WDC staff for assistance in looking up items (or browse the catalog on your smartphone). Please plan to make your visit to the library quick and not linger (couches/chairs will be turned around for the time being). Please stop at the WDC front lobby to check whether there is anyone in the library. Questions? Contact the library at crlib@mennowdc.org As in the rest of the WDC offices, masks are required while you are in the library. The library continues to offer service to any individual or congregation in WDC via the United States Postal Service–check out the online catalog here.
Camp Mennoscah announcements
1. Nurses needed for summer youth camps! Camp Mennoscah needs nurses for June 17-19 (First Camp), June 20-26 (Junior I) and July 25-30 (Senior High). Nurses receive a stipend or a discount up to full camp fees for their camper (camper does not have to attend the same camp week). Contact us at 620-297-3290 or olivia.bartel@campmennoscah.org for more information.
2. Help set up camp! Volunteers are needed to help set up the HUGE tents used for this summer’s youth camps at Camp Mennoscah. Setup will happen May 28 and 29. Sign up by May 15 by contacting 620-297-3290 or olivia.bartel@campmennoscah.org.
3. Congratulations! Deborah, Camp Mennoscah’s dedicated and generous office assistant of over 7 years, is retiring! She has reduced her hours and has graciously agreed to stay on for a time while the next assistant is found. Camp Mennoscah is seeking someone to share in office/support operations and guest services in a position with potential growth. Contact olivia.bartel@campmennoscah.org for information.
4. Camp Mennoscah is seeking to fill a part-time custodian/housekeeper position. Hours average 10 per week and are flexible, dependent upon the camp schedule. For more information, contact Camp Mennoscah at 620-297-3290 or olivia.bartel@campmennoscah.org
5. Camp Mennoscah has a new tee shirt design and new colors to choose from! The design and colors can be found at www.campmennoscah.org When tee shirts are ordered, the number of each size and color we get is rarely close to what is actually purchased. Often there are a lot left over of certain colors and sizes and none of the ones everybody wants. Help us get the best color in your size! You can show interest or order a tee shirt here! Pre-ordering will be available until May 15.
If you or your camper ordered a tee shirt during camper registration (including Bring a Friends), please complete the survey so we are sure to get the tee shirt you want. (You will not be able to change colors or sizes after ordering.) Camp tees are so much fun to wear!
Mennonite church announcements
1. Glen Guyton has been reappointed for a second three-year term as executive director of Mennonite Church USA. Read about his goals and accomplishments here: https://www.mennoniteusa.org/glen-second-term
2. Mennonite Church USA profiled Amy Yoder McGloughlin – mom, pastor and peacemaker with Christian Peacemaking Teams – as part of its Learn, Pray, Join: Cost of War initiative. Read about Yoder McGloughlin’s journey in “From Palestine to Pennsylvania, peacemaking is not passive.” https://www.mennoniteusa.org/palestine-to-pa
3. Carlos Romero shared about his experience as the first Latino executive director of Mennonite Education Agency and about his anti-racism work in the education system in a recent interview. Read more. https://www.mennoniteusa.org/table-menno-education En español: https://www.mennoniteusa.org/por-ampliar-la-mesa
4. Voices Together was made with children in mind, too! Read Ingrid and Anneli Loepp Thiessen’s blog, “Introducing Voices Together to Children: Ten ideas,” for examples of how to integrate Voices Together into children’s programming. https://www.mennoniteusa.org/vt-children-ten-ideas
5. Mennonite Mission Network, Elkhart, IN is seeking to fill two senior level positions.
Senior Executive of Ventures
Help create, foster, and deliver collaborative programs and services to our constituents and partners.
Senior Executive of Operations
Oversee administrative and operational functions of the organization.
Detailed position descriptions are here. Letters of interest and resumes should be emailed to StaffRecruitment@MennoniteMIssion.net.
The Rocky Mountain May newsletter is here!
Have a look at the latest/greatest happenings here at RMMC. For this and previous newsletters, please visit the camp website and click on the “News” tab under “About Us”.
Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request: On this Mother’s Day, Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for all the world’s families. May they find the resources to provide for their children, so they will have the joy of seeing their children blossom physically, mentally, socially and spiritually into their full God-created potential.
Western District Conference Prayer Request: Pray for God’s guidance for WDC congregations, pastors and leaders as they determine priorities and focus vision in the midst of the ongoing challenges and changes of the pandemic.