Announcements for March 27-April 3, 2022

March 27, 2022-Fourth Sunday in Lent
We encourage you to wear your name tags.  The service will also be live streamed.

Update on Mask Wearing at BCMC
Due to the updated  Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations and the very low level of COVID transmission in Harvey County, the Reopening Church Task Force recommends mask wearing at BCMC be optional based on personal preference, until further notice.

We will continue to watch the number of COVID cases in our community and remain vigilant of our collective health needs. We ask that you be ready to mask again at BCMC, if COVID rates and CDC guidelines so indicate. Meanwhile, individuals should make decisions about masking based on their preference and level of risk.  Masks will continue to be available at church entrances for those who feel more comfortable wearing a mask in indoor settings.

Thank you for continuing to care for one another. 

To livestream the worship service:
On Sunday morning, around 9:20, go to BCMC’s webpage at and click the green button labeled LIVE STREAM on the right side of the screen, which will take you to the worship service. If you get a message in the black box that the video is unavailable, click the gray box belows that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.   Anytime after the service concludes, you can watch a recording of the service at your convenience by clicking the same green LIVE STREAM button.  Again, you will probably have to go to the gray box that says “View Live Stream on YouTube”.  That will transfer you to the BCMC YouTube Channel.  You will have to click on the tab “Videos” to see all of the BCMC videos. Click the red button to see the bulletin/order of service.
March 27, 2022
Prelude—Adagio in A Minor—(J.S. Bach)—Karen Schlabaugh, organ

Lighting the Christ Candle—Lois Preheim

Welcome and Prayer

Leader: Together we seek the way of God,
People: rejoicing that we are new creations in Christ.
Leader: From a human point of view, we demand what is ours,
People: but through Jesus we learn that all share in God’s inheritance.
Leader: Let us join God’s feast,
People: where all celebrate together.
ALL: Let us live out God’s way of inclusion.
Lenten Prayer of Confession

Leader: Holy One, we seek you while you may be found.
People: We call upon you while you are near.
Leader: Have mercy on us, O God, for our thoughts are not your thoughts, and our ways are not your ways.
People: Forgive us for thinking we deserve special treatment. Lead us to radical inclusion.
Leader: As we walk with Christ on this Lenten journey, let us see your way more clearly.
ALL: and follow your way more faithfully.

*Hymn—Far, Far Away/I Will Arise—VT 300

Children’s Conversation—Megan Kohlman

Scripture Reading—Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32—Lincoln and Brad Kohlman

Sermon—. . . with open arms—Todd Schlosser

*Hymn—Together—VT 389

Prayers of God’s people—Lois Preheim

 *Hymn—We Are People of God’s Peace—VT 797

*Benediction—Todd Schlosser

Postlude—Herzlich tut mich verlangen (Johann Gottfried Walther)—Karen Schlabaugh

VT = Voices Together

Audio visual—Ken Lamp
Pastors—Renee Reimer, Nathan Koontz, and Todd Schlosser

This week at BCMC
The church nursery is staffed during worship and Sunday School
Children and youth Sunday School classes! 10:30-11:30 am
Preschoolers – Room B4; Middlers (3rd-8th graders) – Room 26; High School – Room 24; Koinonia (college students welcome!) – Room B8
Adult Classes:  The Agape House; The Agape Class will meet in Room B8; Bible Study (Rm 14); Catacombs (Rm B5); Fellowship (B7); Fine Arts (Rm 22); Issues and Christianity (Rm 23); Open Circle (Room 21); Seekers (Rm 28); Sojourners (Chapel); Mosaic (Rm 20)
Monday,  March 28, 2022
9 am          Women’s Fellowship Leadership Meeting in Fellowship Hall
10 am        Library Committee in Room 14
Tuesday,  March 29, 2022
9-11 am    Community Playschool
4 pm          Lent Prayers by Zoom
Wednesday, March 30, 2022—Red Cross Blood Drive in Fellowship Hall
7 pm          Youth Group in Gathering Place
7 pm          Wednesday Night Club for 3rd to 8th Graders
7:30 pm    Chancel Choir in the Sanctuary
Thursday, March 31, 2022
4 pm          Witness Commission in Room 14
4 pm          Lent Prayers by Zoom
6:15 pm    Chancel Bells in Room B7
Saturday, April 2, 2022
11 am         Memorial for Mary Ann Gertsen in the Sanctuary
Sunday, April 3—5th Sunday of Lent
9:30 am  Worship Service (in person and live streamed)
10:30 am Faith Formation

March 20, 2022 Offering at BCMC
General Fund $5,092; Adult Choir $40; Living Stones $75

Address and Phone Number Changes for your BCMC Directories

  • Chuck and Pat Friesen:  2581 Big Timber Rd., Lincoln, NE 68520
  • Ben and Susan Harder:  4805 E. Hanover Ct., Sioux Falls, SD 57110
  • LaWanda Wiens new cellphone number:  316-461-0843
  • Justina Neufeld has discontinued her landline, her cellphone number:  620-931-8460

Lent Prayers 
Pastoral staff at BCMC will be facilitating prayers during lent on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 4 pm.  This is a time to take a break from the day and let evening come.  We will pray together via Zoom for about 15-20 minutes using the daily prayer book from the Corrymeela Community, northern Ireland’s longest running peace and reconciliation organization: Daily Prayer with the Corrymeela Community by Padraig O Tuama.The next prayer times will be March 22 and 24.
Below is the link for our lent prayers via zoom using Daily Prayer with the Corrymeela Community as our guide. 
 This same link should work for each prayer time.  
Bethel College Mennonite Church is inviting you to a lent prayer Zoom meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 857 5141 4152
Passcode: 834612

Rainbow Signs at BCMC
Since the church has historically been a harmful place for LGBTQ+ people, we find it necessary to explicitly show welcome and affirmation for LGBTQ+ people who may enter our church doors. Therefore a small rainbow sign has been placed near each entryway at our church.  If you have questions or comments about how our church can become more welcoming, please contact any member of the Inclusion Task Group: Megan Kohlman, Karen Ediger, John Kliewer, Karen Penner, or Nathan Koontz.

Easter Lillies
You are invited to share an Easter lily for the sanctuary on Easter Sunday, Apr. 17. The Worship Decoration Committee will purchase lilies.  To contribute, email your information to the church office about the donor of the lily and who is to be either honored or remembered. Place payment of $11.00 per lily in the offering plate or bring to the church office by Apr.3.  Make checks payble to BCMC designated “Flower Fund.”   There will be a table at the back of the sanctuary this Sunday to sign up for a lily.  Contributors may pick up lilies to take home after the Easter worship service. 

Future Event to Place on your Calendars
The Memorial Service for Mary Ann Unruh Gertsen will be Saturday, April 2, 11 am, in the BCMC sanctuary.  Mary Ann died October 25, 2021.

Collecting Supplies for our BCMC College Students!
Faith Formation Commission is collecting non-perishable goodies for our BCMC college students. We currently have 10 youth attending colleges in Virginia, Kansas, Minnesota, and Missouri. We would love to share our love and support with them in their final months of the year and are asking for donations of snacks, fast food gift cards, microwavable food (i.e. ramon, mac n cheese, popcorn, etc,), chewing gum, chapstick, hand sanitizer and masks, or cash. We invite people to bring 10 items for each of our students and place them in their Fed Ex boxes that will be located on a table in The Gathering Place foyer on Sunday March 20th and March 27th. We will mail the boxes on March 28th. 

There will be a Mentor and Mentee event on Sunday, April 24th from 4-6pm at the North Newton pickleball court. Faith Formation will lead some Bible minute to win it games, there will be yard games and snacks available, and hopefully some fun pickleball games for all to enjoy. Reach out to your mentor or mentee and come and spend some quality time together! 

The Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale Needs You!
In order for the Mennonite Central Committee Kansas Relief Sale to be a success it needs a lot of volunteers!  A Volunteer Video has been made (with our very own Jim Robb!) to help get the word out.  Click on this link to view the video.
To volunteer for the sale you can go to the Kansas Relief Sale website.  For the website press here

CALLING ALL BAKERS:  There will be  sign-up sheets at the back of the sanctuary each Sunday through April 3 for persons willing to take the time and energy to help alleviate physical suffering around the world by baking pies, Zwieback, etc., for the Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale.  Don’t pass up this chance to exercise your culinary skills in the service of Christ and his kin-dom.

MY COINS COUNT:  In addition to the collection jars in the Sunday School rooms, you will note that jars have been placed in the back of the sanctuary by the offering plates.  We don’t want to deny those of you who aren’t attending a Sunday School class the opportunity to lighten both the weight of your pockets and your feelings of guilt for not contributing regularly to the Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale.

Bohne berrogie bake day for the MCC sale will be on April 2 at Moundridge High.  Volunteers are needed to fill the berrogie.  Shifts are at 6:45 and 9:00.  Please wear a head covering.  If you would like to volunteer, please contact Marla Gillmore at 620-921-0428 or at  Let’s make this happen for MCC. 


Sun., March 27 – Last chance to see the Bethel College spring musical, Bright Star, 2 p.m.
, Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center. Tickets at the door, subject to availability.
Now in the Regier Gallery in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel College, Susan and David Harmon, “Painterly Aesthetics: An Expressive Duet,” through April 7. Gallery hours: 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Mon.-Fri.

Sat., April 2 – Kauffman Museum first-Saturday bird walk, 7 a.m. start time in the museum parking lot at the corner of Main and 27th streets in North Newton. Experienced birders lead a walk of 1-1.5 hours in Chisholm Park and on Sand Creek Trail (terrain is mostly wood-chip path and sometimes uneven/sloping).

Sun., April 3 – Sunday-Afternoon-at-the-Museum program, John M. Janzen, “Drums or Organ: Contesting Musical Styles in African Christianity,” 3 p.m.Kauffman Museum auditorium. This program is associated with the current special exhibit marking 125 years of Kauffman Museum, and Janzen will be talking about items included in the exhibit.

Sun., April 3 – Senior recital by Bethel College student Emma Beachy, piano, 4 p.m., Administration Building chapel.

Tues., April 5 – Bethel College jazz featuring guest artist Aaron Linscheid, trumpet, 7 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center.

Sun., April 10 – Bethel College Women’s Chorus concert, 4 p.m., Administration Building chapel (may be different from some previously printed calendars)
Save the date: Mon., April 11, performance of Karen Robu’s doctoral project, Suffering Church, an original play, at Bethel College.

Sunflower Performing Arts presents: Kevin Vaughn, organ, and Stephen Lancaster, baritone – March 27, 3 p.m., Hesston Mennonite Church

In collaboration with the Andover Organ Series, enjoy a splendid musical performance that will include Five Mystical Songs by Ralph Vaughan Williams joined by Bel Canto Singers. Info at

Western District Conference invites you to visit our website to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!


Spring 2022 Issue of Intersections:  MCC Theory and Practice Quarterly

This issue of Intersections: MCC Theory and Practice Quarterly is available now on-line here and here. Compiled by Annalee Giesbrecht, the issue is centered on the theme, “Advocating for People on the Move.” MCC staff and partner representatives from Cambodia, Canada, Colombia, El Salvador, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Jordan, Mexico, and the United States reflect on different ways that MCC supports vulnerable communities in exercising their “right to stay” and their “right to go.”As always, we welcome any feedback you have about this or other issues of Intersections! We have a new email address where your thoughts, affirmations, critiques, and counsel can be sent: Thanks for being a loyal reader of Intersections!   Warm regards,  Alain Epp Weaver

Mennonite Central Committee in North Newton will be hosting a two-part Beginner’s Quilt Piecing Class on Friday, May 6th and May 13th, from 1-4 pm taught by Ann Yoder Smith and Charlotte Wenger. This class is for anyone 18+ years old who has an interest in learning and/or improving basic cutting and piecing skills. Must have a sewing machine to bring and know how to thread and wind bobbins. The class will cover rotary cutting, ironing techniques, squaring up fabric, seam matching, layout choices, and more! Pre-registration is required with a limit of 8 students. Cost is $20 per person. If interested, please contact Ann Yoder Smith at, or call 919-604-3282.

Join the MCC Thrifty 50 Challenge! 50 years ago the first MCC thrift shop opened and now there are 85 shops that provide millions of dollars each year for MCC’s work at home and around the world.To celebrate, we’re inviting you to sign up for the Thrifty 50 Challenge to get one practical challenge sent to your inbox and have a chance to win a $25 MCC Thrift gift card every week. Visit to find a shop near you and learn more about MCC Thrift!

For Mennonite Mission Network News from Around the World press hereFor Mennonite Mission Network News and Beyond press hereFor Mennonite World Conference Info press here
For Mennonite Church USA Special Session of the Delegate Assembly press here (this is a webinar)

From Mennonite Disaster Service
As winter projects soon come to a close, continue the good work of getting disaster survivors back home by serving at an MDS spring and summer project! For any questions or further information, call 800-241-8111 or email
Weekly Volunteer OpportunitiesOkanogan, WA – 2020 Fires
Apr 10-16; up to 6 people
Apr 17-23; up to 5 people
Apr 24-30; up to 5 people

Paradise, CA – 2018 Camp Fire
Apr 3-9; up to 3 people *construction experience required
Apr 10-16; up to 6 people
Apr 17-23; up to 6 people
May 1-7; up to 9 people
May 8-14; up to 12 people
May 22-28; up to 12 people
May 29-Jun 4; up to 9 people
Jun 5-11; up to 12 people

Jennings, LA – 2020 Hurricanes
May 8-14; up to 14 people

For more information or to serve call 800-241-8111 or email dfrey@mds.orgView Weekly Volunteer Opportunities
Leadership Volunteer Opportunities

Okanogan, WA – 2020 Fires
Head Cook, Apr 23-30

Paradise, CA – 2018 Camp Fire
Crew Leader, Apr 2-30
Two Crew Leaders, Apr 30-May 21
Three Crew Leaders, May 21-June 4
Head Cook, May 21-Jun 4
Assistant Cook, May 21-Jul 2
Construction Supervisor, May 25-Jun 25
Crew Leader, May 21-25
Two Crew Leaders, Jun 4-Jul 2
Three Crew Leaders, Jul 2-30

McAllen, Texas – 2018 Flooding
Head Cook, May 7-21

Jennings, LA – 2020 Hurricanes
Crew Leader, May 28-Jun 25
Crew Leader, Jun 25-Jul 30
Assistant Cook, Jun 25-Jul 30

For more information or to serve, please contact: Canadian residents: Kelsey Friesen at 866-261-1274 or email

U.S. residents: Josh Carson at 800-241-8111 or email
View Leadership Volunteer Opportunities

The Women in Leadership ministry of Mennonite Church USA hosts “Holding It(,) Together,” a popular podcast that is created by women for women. Listen on your favorite podcast platform or here:

Are you looking for a way to provide a faithful testimony to the world regarding Jesus’ way of nonviolence and peace? This tax season, learn more about Mennonite Church USA’s Church Peace Tax Fund here:

Menno Snapshots
Eleanor Kreider, keynote speaker at this year’s Pastors & Leaders | Deep Faith 2022 conference, shares about the rapid growth of the early church and the importance and benefits of engaging with first century Christians through their written documents, in her blog, “Patient Ferment.” Read more here:

Menno Snapshots
Michael Crosby, one of the authors of the proposed Repentance and Transformation Resolution, notes that the body of Christ is hurting due the church’s harmful actions toward LGBTQIA people. In his blog, “Prophetic challenge is pastoral care,” he encourages us not to look away too quicky. Read more:

Menno Snapshots
In her blog, “Well-being blessings from the routine and the familiar,” Ingrid Friesen Moser, wellness coordinator for The Corinthian Plan, asks, “In this continued time of collective struggle, what are the routines that you find yourself doing that sustain you?” The Corinthian Plan is the health plan for Mennonite Church USA pastors and church workers. Read more here: Mission Network Prayer Request:  Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for Monika Neufeld, a nurse who is serving as an intern with CASAS (a program of Seminario Anabautista Latinoamericano, SEMILLA) in Guatemala. Pray for her as she works with other medical staff at a rural clinic to respond to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Please pray for Summit Street Church, our church replant in Beatrice, NE, as we continue to navigate what it means for us to follow Jesus’ call to become something new. In particular, please pray for our new members/baptism class that will be starting soon. -Pastor Tim Amor

Mennonite Mission Network Prayer Request:  Mennonite Mission Network requests prayer for Monika Neufeld, a nurse who is serving as an intern with CASAS (a program of Seminario Anabautista Latinoamericano, SEMILLA) in Guatemala. Pray for her as she works with other medical staff at a rural clinic to respond to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Western District Conference Prayer Request:  Please pray for Summit Street Church, our church replant in Beatrice, NE, as we continue to navigate what it means for us to follow Jesus’ call to become something new. In particular, please pray for our new members/baptism class that will be starting soon. -Pastor Tim Amor