The BCMC 2021 Directory (used to be called the BCMC Yearbook) will be printed in September. If you have address or contact (phone, email, cell phone) changes, please call or email the church office.
BCMC becomes a classroom
Bethel College Mennonite Church will be assisting Bethel College by providing class room space in the BCMC Sanctuary on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for the fall semester. On these days there will be classes from 8 am to 10 am and 2 pm to 4 pm. You should avoid coming in the south (glass) doors of the church on those days because you will find yourself at the back of a classroom. If you wish to come to the church on those days, please use the front double doors, or the door closest to the office on the northwest corner. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, you can enter through the south doors.
This week at BCMC
Monday, August 23
8 am to 10 am Bethel College Classes in the Sanctuary
2 pm to 4 pm Bethel College Classes in the Sanctuary
Tuesday, August 24
7 pm Abuse Prevention and Response Committee Meeting
7 pm Decoration Committee Meeting
Wednesday, August 25
8 am to 10 am Bethel College Classes in the Sanctuary
2 pm to 4 pm Bethel College Classes in the Sanctuary
Thursday, August 26
2 pm Hospitality Commission Meeting–Fellowship Hall
Friday, August 27
8 am to 10 am Bethel College Classes in the Sanctuary
2 pm to 4 pm Bethel College Classes in the Sanctuary
Sunday, August 29
9:30 am Worship Service in the Sanctuary
10:30 am Safe Sanctuary Training
11:30 am Sunday School Teacher Orientation
Staff Absence
Pastor Renee Reimer will be on vacation from August 23-28.
Upcoming memorial service: Rosalind Andreas: Saturday, Aug 21, 1:30 pm, BCMC Sanctuary
You are welcome to attend this service in-person. It will also be recorded and live streamed. For live streaming of the service, click here.
The Faith Formation program year will start up again after Labor Day. This means that Sunday School for all children and youth (Preschool Sunday School, Middler Sunday School, and Sr High Sunday School) will begin on Sunday, September 12th, Wednesday Night Club for 3rd-8th graders will begin on Wednesday, September 8th, and Sr High Youth Group for 9th-12th graders will begin on Wednesday, September 8th.
We extend our sympathy to Dale and Margo Schrag, upon the death of Dale’s brother, Dwayne. Dwane died yesterday (Aug 18) in Wichita, following a long illness, and is survived by his wife, Sandy.
In light of the current high level of community COVID-19 transmission in Harvey County (per the CDC) and what we are learning about the Delta variant (it can be spread by those vaccinated), the Reopening Task Group has revised safety guidelines for life at BCMC. You can find them here.
Parking at BCMC
Bethel College students will be encouraged to leave parking spaces open around the church on Sundays for BCMC parking. In addition, on Sunday mornings parking is available for BCMCers in 1) the Fine Arts Center parking lot, and 2) the grassy parking lot just south of the paved Warkentin Courts lot. If you can easily walk this distance, we encourage you to use those spaces in consideration of those with mobility issues.
New Hope Shelter
BCMC and Faith Church will be providing volunteers and meals at New Hope Shelter beginning Wednesday, Aug. 25 through Tuesday, Aug. 31. Please consider this opportunity to serve. There will be a volunteer training for new volunteers on Thursday, Aug. 19 from 7-8:30 PM. If you would like to attend, please contact Valetta Seymour by Tuesday, Aug. 17. or 620-217-7536.
Community Playschool Inc. is seeking volunteer teachers and classroom helpers. If you feel that you might have an interest and are willing to commit to a few hours, or two mornings a week, these are current needs:
2 classroom helpers on Tuesday/Thursday
1 Center helper (snack and greeting kids) on Wednesday and Friday
Several substitutes
If you feel that you might have an interest and are willing to commit to a few hours, two mornings a week, or would like more information, please contact Kasey Newell, Director at Community Playschool, 316-283-3667.
Library News from BCMC
The Library Theme for the next couple of months is Creation Care/Nature. We have many wonderful books to browse through/read. Please come check out our display behind the desk and on the cart in front of the desk. The children’s section’s books are displayed on the book trays on the south side of the room, while the Junior Section have their books displayed around their shelving area. We didn’t pull all of the books on this subject (there are many!), so feel free to look this subject up on our library website. You may just find one that you would like to read.
Bethel College Announcements
1. Save the date: Mark McCormick, director of strategic communications for the ACLU of Kansas, will give the next KIPCOR Peace Lecture, Thursday, Sept. 30, on the Bethel campus as part of Bethel’s Fall Festival. Details to come!
2. Saturday, Sept. 4 – Kauffman Museum’s monthly bird walk will be a special event in cooperation with the Kansas Humanities Council: a book and poetry walk with Megan Kaminski and Molly Zahn from the University of Kansas. Start time: 9:30 a.m. at the museum’s front door. For more information, call 316-283-1612 or e-mail
3. Sunday, Sept. 12 – KIPCOR Film Series resumes live, with The Prison Within, 2 p.m., Krehbiel Auditorium in Luyken Fine Arts Center at Bethel College. Individuals incarcerated in San Quentin Prison and charged with murder take a journey of redemption through participation in a restorative justice program. Talk-back to follow. Bethel’s COVID-19 protocols require physical distancing and mask-wearing indoors regardless of vaccination status.
Western District Conference invites you to visit our website at to read the latest news, stories and announcements and share them with your congregation!
See especially:
- Helping Children Through Books –
- Youth Sponsor Appreciation and Resourcing Event on Aug 22 –
- Prayer requests for August –
- Western District Women in Mission annual Women’s Retreat, Sept 11-12 at Camp Mennoscah –
- Immigration Task Force recommends MCC Basic Immigration Law Training, Sept 13-17 –
- Bethel College Worship and Arts Symposium coming up Nov 5-8 –
Mennonite Central Committee Announcements
1. Support Mennonite Central Committee, get to know the new hymnal and enjoy refreshments in a family-friendly hymn sing fundraiser September 11 at “Voices (and Pints) Together” on the New Creation Fellowship Church lawn in Newton. Locally produced beers, wines and nonalcoholic beverages will be available to sample during a 6:06 p.m. fellowship hour of bluegrass music featuring The Flannelbacks preceding the 7 p.m. outdoor hymn sing. More information is on Facebook here. Song requests can be submitted (with a donation) until September 6th by using this google form link.
2. Join MCC in prayer and support for those suffering in our world. MCC has prepositioned relief materials in Haiti for immediate use. Earlier this month an additional shipment of supplies was sent to Haiti and is expected to arrive in September. MCC continues to respond to needs around the world in Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Congo and other crisis areas. We greatly appreciate your monetary donations to keep current projects going and to help with extra expenses due to recent disasters; and we could use your help in replenishing our supplies of relief kits and hygiene kits. Questions can be directed to 316.283.2720 or
Prayer for Afghanistan
God of safe passage,
open the way.
God of hospitality,
prepare rooms to receive.
God of protection,
envelop those in danger.
God of peace,
remove the seed and tools of violence.
God of tears,
hold us in your embrace.
Oh, Afghanistan! May peace flow down like cooling rain.
Written by Kirstin De Mello, Program and Communications Coordinator for MCC U.S. Washington Office.
3. MCC Treats & Beats, August 26 from 4 p.m.-6 p.m. at MCC in North Newton! Join us for this relaxed come-and-go event featuring ice cream treats from Salted Creamery and beats from the talented Kevin Gaeddert! Drop in, grab some ice cream and enjoy a little music as our thank you for your support of the work of MCC!
Click here for the Mennonite Central CommitteeWashington DC E Memo
Camp Mennoscah Announcements
1. The next Work Day is August 28 with projects galore! We may work on some of the finishing touches to the campfire amphitheater or any number of other projects, depending on the turnout. We’ll meet at the maintenance shed at 8:30am. Please bring a sack lunch and water bottle. Contact us at 620-297-3290 to let us know you’re coming!
2. September 26 is a Camp Mennoscah Combo! It’s the Hymn Sing-Dessert Auction and Annual Meeting all in one! There are still details to be determined, but plan on some hymn singing (masked & distanced), bidding on delectable desserts, and information about Camp Mennoscah’s year. We’ll keep the details coming your way!
There are volunteer opportunities for you! Camp Mennoscah has year-round work to support the maintenance and upkeep of the campus and facilities. We can accommodate every group size, skill set and length of project you would like to tackle. Check out these ways to Get Involved! Email or call 620-297-3290 to volunteer.
3. Camp Mennoscah is seeking a full-time Director of Development, Marketing & Communications to lead our ongoing operational and advancement needs. This position reports directly to the Board of Directors while taking directive from the Executive Director when related to operational considerations. As a member of a small, very hands-on staff, the role is expected to be highly collaborative. This professional must embrace the mission of Camp Mennoscah, have an established background in coordinating nonprofit donation strategies, possess strong written, interpersonal, leadership and relationship building skills, and work as an independent contributor with good organization and follow-through. Most of the work will commence off campus, however some in-person time at camp is required. This role involves organizing broad-based fundraising initiatives, advocating for Camp Mennoscah through speaking engagements, promotional materials, and social media, as well as recruiting volunteers, and building relationships with board members, donors and staff. Our ideal candidate will have a bachelor’s degree, a minimum of five years of fund development experience, or equivalent experience in church relations, and a passion for Camp Mennoscah. They should also be familiar with office related applications, and other technology used for communication and social media. Experience with CampBrain and the associated donor database is a plus. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled and early submission is encouraged. Please send application materials (resume, cover letter, references and salary requirements) to
Hoffnungsau Fun Night
Are you sad that summer is coming to an end? Come out and have a great night of fun and entertainment at the Community Fun Night! Saturday, September 4, starting at 5:30pm at Hoffnungsau Mennonite Church, 43 13th Avenue, Inman. There will be Cornhole Tournament ($20 entry fee, cash prizes, registration 5:30-600); Kids’ activities (inflatables, face painting, water games); Car Show; Food Vendors (Epp Soul Food and Patrick Klassen); Drive-in Movie on the lawn at dark. Everyone’s welcome! Bring your family and friends as we celebrate the end of summer!! Find Hoffnungsau Mennonite Church on Facebook for more details.
Click here for the Mennonite Disaster Service On the Level
Click here for Mennonite Mission NetworkNews and Beyond
Click here for the New Hope Shelternewsletter
Work on the addition to the columbarium progresses. More pictures taken by Monica Lichti. The wall grows. The contractor is Dana Orpin. An interesting fact about Dana is that his father Charles Orpin and grandfather Clarence laid the original stones for the current BCMC building.