Joanna Harader Pastor 316-283-3667

Rev. Joanna Harader can’t believe how lucky she is to have a job that involves prayer, worship, writing, and hanging out with cool people! She believes that the Holy Spirit works through the church to transform our individual lives and to empower us, together, to work with God toward greater love, peace, and justice in the world. What an honor to be part of this holy calling.

Before coming to Bethel College Mennonite Church in August of 2024, Joanna served as pastor of Peace Mennonite Church in Lawrence, Kansas, for 18 years. She grew up in the American Baptist tradition, the child of two pastors. Joanna was drawn to the Mennonite faith while in graduate school when she and her husband became members of Peace Mennonite. It was her experience at this congregation, along with teaching Bible and theology classes at Ottawa University (Ottawa, KS), that solidified her commitment to Anabaptism and led her to pastoral ministry.

In addition to serving as a pastor, Joanna is also a published writer. You can find her writings in various places including: Voices Together, Leader Magazine, Shine Sunday School curriculum, Christian Century, and on her blog, Spacious Faith. She has also published two devotionals with Herald Press: Expecting Emmanuel (Advent) and Prone to Wander (Lent–forthcoming).

Joanna and her husband, Ryan, have three young adult children and one granddaughter. In addition to the creative work of pastoring and writing, Joanna also enjoys paper crafting, playing board games, reading, and eating chocolate.