View the worship service for March 10, 2024

March 10, 2024
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Christ Among Us, the Way of Mercy

Christ Candle Lighting

Centering Music—Karen Unruh

Call to Worship—William Eash

One: Give thanks to God, for God is good!

Many: God’s love endures forever.

One: Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story.

Many: God’s love endures forever.

One: We may make careless choices and lose our way.

Many: God’s love endures forever.

One: We call out to God when we are in trouble.

Many: God’s love endures forever.

One: God rescues us from our anxieties and fears.

Many: God’s love endures forever.

One: God’s word sets us free to walk in newness of life.

Many: God’s love endures forever.

One: God gathers us in, from the east and the west, from the north and the south. All: For God’s unfailing love, we give thanks to the Creator of all that is good. (based on Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22)

*Hymn—How Many Times We Start Again—VT 553

Children’s Conversation—Barb Koontz

Anthem— Rebecca Schloneger; Karen Unruh, accompanist

*Hymn—There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy—VT 156

Scripture Reading—John 3:14-21; Ephesians 2:8-10—Keith Harder

Sermon—Nathan Koontz

*Hymn—I Sought the Lord—VT 161

Prayers of God’s People

Prayer of Confession

One: Merciful God, we forget that you are the light of the world.

Many: Forgive us for our short memories.

One: Remind us that you are rich in mercy

Many: when we wander away from you.

One: Loving God, convict us of your immense love

Many: that shines brightly on us.

All: Merciful God, light of the world, we come seeking new life in you.

*Hymn—The Lord Your God Is with You—VT 173


Postlude—Karen Unruh

* You are invited to stand

VT—Voices Together

Keyboard- Karen Unruh

Audio visual—Francis Toews

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